Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR KOR THK PAHT, HELP KOR THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE voL XL _ FARMVILLE, VA.. FRIDAY, JI NE 28. 1901. NO. 99. CITY DIRECTORY. ? . a,,,I md W. i ? - and ss', i?. SOU. PttSCE Edward County Directory. vs li i T H DI ? j sr R M 3IDGOOD, - DENTIST. ^ CHAPPELL JAMES LYONS, ATTORNK> \l KAW, Law Office and Resilience, Buckingham Courthouse, Va. Jj W. FLOURNOY, \ I ("HM A ? VI i.vss. Will ) aird s: \l' C FRANKLIN, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I'AMI'I IN (!l\. VA. ' - I. 1 0 BSIaWS, R. H. sVAIKINS I WATKINS tf WATKINS, -AHORNEYSAT LAW,- I I \K.MS ii.i.i:. \ \. *? i uni- , I, Null,>ssa . Instils s; P. VANDERSLICE, ATI (?K N KV AT LAW. Stall alu! i ? I ? KA HMS II.I.I ,s SWING. ATTORNE", \l KAW, Creen Bay, Prince Edward County, Va. .ni au,I ntl (\ H BLISS, [YERAL Al CTIONEER, kai; vi vi i.i.k. \ \. fount a White a co., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, Jj oro pounded. I VRMV1LLK, s \. ^-"xxzzxzzzxzzzxzzzzzzzxz > I, H. C. (/kl Ti:. Druggist, m N ( ' H ''"re linn:, and ( liciiiical*. " M ** JJ Prestnj.tiuQs Accurately Filled, m laiaus ill,-. Na. <x**xzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >i M ^"?.xzzzzzzzzzzxzxzzzzzxz > * V* M H ss M 8 NATIONAL WALL COATING Walls .-ind Ceilinifs. h M ii ls H ii ^"''1 Water i'.iiiit. m t mic m ca pest .uni most tlura- M fi l>k- Paint for Stat iles, H ?Ju,- M H ?, ti.liss, (ln: M hi Houses. H I Al . li H ?? ll " li ?' H l< <:Jzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^ Itu A ll ll < ava, i Gem HA STOPS PAIN ? i 1 Whal is life ssorth to a woman I ing like Nannie D.. - there are wo,iion in to-day who are hciriin ll menstrual pains in Silence, li yin are ( one ol these wo wan! to say hut this f same WINE?r CARDUI will bring you permanent relief. Cin- Y Sole Yourself with the knowledge ihal I 1.000.000 women have been com cured by Wine o! Cardui. These worn- h en suffered from leucorrhoca. in. headache, backache, and bearinq down pains. Wine of ( will stop all these ach^s lor you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle ol Wine of Cardui to-day and take it in the privacy of your homo. j i I I BEST FDR THE BOWEL CANDY CATHARTIC m sa^f *?/.-. i riMn i tv ^^ EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY ? ? EEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Rosendale Cement A X i i Author Brand Lime. Wc base recently n eal Iliad of each of th. se ssell kmissn brands nf Cement and Lime. Kadi barrel of lin* chichi is uanna iitaiii ]oo Pounds, ss Indi make- it the CHEAPEST ( Vniclil <>li the ma; . Paulet!, Son & Co. ti vail, Robertson k Co. ( .un; r Main ai V s UMVi iii;, V s. miinissioii .Mcicli.'iiits ;iik1 DEALERS IN niluan. Cut tier g, Agricultural Imidement*, .1 <. iggie*, Surrey*, Road Cart* amt timid ll mimi s. ^(?iiN for STUD; DTHE CELEBRATED BABCOCK IU <.(.U.S. IK on ll sits Tn.ii i SciiiM !lie ca-H-t | ,,|,r kl),'SSH. ai makes nf established>"> *<ZTm\ CANDY CATHARTIC . *** linc stamped C. C C. Noser sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer sarto tries to sell "iomcthinn just as good." \ K MUK 1'KKN NNU \i lil i: HERALD JOH OFFICE, KAKMVIK LR I III, ss be I 1 .' I ls Ihi CHURCH AND PRESS. A Warm : p Should Exist i Them. Dr. I nlsns 1 hal thr Spoken W ?"?! n. I , .,.| \\ ora a|.j,| (.,. si,|, p., s.j.1.?,.,,,, 11U1, Hie l'I ,11 I i n l; I' In ll those . who SStllil I tn 'inn ilicom ;. ? r op* M-ii while ? S.llll . I f lins than ll nu of the (ruth tn to tnk< ? j,di .itu! upon, but the ind the f re illoss limits 1.. Ihe opporl a, thc fact that ri 11 111 ? that ;, ? y in 1 ? ilillll base liie real iruth stated. I)t dication t oral "f ;, charitable | .'<? in ?ii! if it have prevl If I hail di I ? iscll Why, then. i iii isl ia nits cen! opportiini ct of Moss shall ?ure the secular pl ? iiinl You ll |,ro or f thc of ' ? here ? of print* ? ? ss ita ? , ? . him that prin! ! into the the ,sil. hut afterward he bethn than overcome thc evil pared the type at) th But I s- in ? .1 mood of (intel, ith uplifted hammer, wanting to mini ? who have better mood, in Kicli he ^iss? the art of | ,,f the ss a,rhl's lamination. : air help in I ' i/n limir The silliest thing ?ck, ss I ? t liinyss ? 1 for ? ?ni blowaoverandthen go in i ? ill the n tb,ssh. and if von ? ? ? ? ? ? i ch pri ? ? la bj palpi! dh au bo pr his rb; lb fat pn i.b ?: ? ? rh, bul ,1 . ?? . Sew , mk ? il, and people from >?? ? to lin,I tin- mngniiudeol hoods ' that ? ' rkish lion, or a - SOU I - B ? ? ssill, sour - ??fTort lo secular pre .-, !.,'.' forcemeni ,,f r, lan,m. let us make it the avenue of religious information. Mv inls iee. often !_'ise|i to fl propo r a ness paper, is: "Kou'i! Don't! Rmploy the pa already started." II., eial h.ile ever .lu ? in this American continent is the hole in a I people thr,,ss 11,, ir money when they start a newspaper, li ia almn I good aini a^ rpiiek B ssay of getting rid of money as buying stock in a poid mine. Sol more printing ? ? ? of those already established. All their cylln b am power, all their all their ispc-. all their ed? itorial chairs and reportorial ri ? ailuhle if you would en them in behalf of civilization and lilly. I, if s on ssa,nhl secure Ku? lla!' | mightier reenfi mut of religion and the pulpit end ss idei best Chri to the representatives of oiiiiiii lism. Give them eas] chairs ind plenty of room when they come o report tx For the inri they arc gentlemen of educa i"n ami reflnemi nf ? h families to support by heir literals craft, many of them scary ssilh the push of a bul s ? 1 (lucina' adi one ?,f them Ihe avenue of ormation to thousands of heir impress lon of the sen l< e the impression adopted by multi* They are eonnecting lina - a sermon, or a song, and this great p mp up and doss ri thi as by day and year by scar with In ir sorrows uncomforted and their ins unpardoned. Oh, the hun. f thousands of people In our i ho never attend churchi ? much preached y ministers of religion as by re I'iit ;af| journalists il ' i' all the huii red thousand sermons preached to? ny there ssill not he three preached , journalists and probably imt one. f all the prayers offered fur el., f ineii innumerable the pra ?red fur the most potential ill he -o and rare thal they ill he thought a preacher's idio | lhere are many journalists in ir church memberships, but this orld ssill never be brought t,> G it il some revival nf religion er thc land and lakes into the n of inn! .ill editor). rep s, compost! len nnd iii ? one might ask, "would l; ui make Sunday newapaper enforcemt rn'.'" I have learned kc th they are. I ss,mid ,,? to 'ru the lunch scoffed at old iritaii Sabbaths come back ihe modern Sui ill (urn out any better nun and h mien than were your grandfathl ul grandmothers under the sbioned Sunday. I nothing in ? unlay newspap. e killin:' editors, reporters, ,-. rs lunn, miali and child is entitle.: ,urs "f nothing to do, If the n.sss pers pul mi another sel of hands. - not relieve the editorial ,1 reportorial room of it iponsibilities. Our literals men ? fast enough ss ith,mt killing t! th Bundar svork. ? th i- lip u: ? ? ?. All the newapaper printing pn nf ! | rn in a day. The first book tri niel ssas the Bible, by Fa lass. Bchoeffer, in 11 it consecration of type to Ung for the all nations. 'I her of thc American printb clergyman, Rei iver, rind that ssas a prophecy "f . relic-b the I ? "I min- '' ry in this country were to n ' ? tS pcs. sst' shall see the ?htier reenforcement of ie-ion anti the pulpit by D - religious utterances more im. i I spirited, anil th.-n lin- ' >as ssill reproduce them. Ob tl jr ts church rnalisl ag thal has ke| I thinking. "Ai SS li hat do you. mean?" 1 u-k.d. lit Ilia ... ss i I I aid to |. ' rt the ? nk utterance on right* ? acher ' I lie ? !,, indicate ssl,,. : ' ? S ' ? \ ? ? ? s,,rk . 1 ? ? ? thc front I r t ss mir fl s ,,ur bi -i * ? for ss li id oem I ? i ' air ur ? ? ' ? ' I ; ssith sonie ind ? ith hui I h e i ' ' ? ' if a 'ps\ reel ? ' ? ? my fa ? ? I lr.I "prill*- ( I, III lill llin. ; ll ; ; ai l's ol BIJ head . I its. VALUE OF TURNPIKES. Impr..s.-,l i ,M,,lin,., , ??M,r, I,,,,,,,, lin. ll. lp, ,| ||,,. , ,,n,,? fi., as t ?r? nf ll,,. J,,,,,!!,. of of turnpikes, which ; : Dir hrou ' much Improved for j i. :i ' filial to I] ,|, ;l, within a ? Mem; op ill ] ? for them 1 in Into the Without too much strain on much wear nnd tear OB thi il the I Imprt : . y has,, the p] the small IO inarki- brm at ' in has.- much than they could before the tun were ? ind mult ipi been within the ' In the - s .,f the ?? thc entire crop of t! OH ss . railroad J thal time amounting to almost notli Ifered thc emly on of the qui th,ir cotton tn this .1. al* thongh there wert no turnpiki ? ' ?atlon life ck. w:tli the growth nf fbi Mi tu? pi,!-, quite - tool i'ion nf thp pr. ' ting cotton, nnd the a nair. The prices nf . high and ? tbr trana* illy stnrill ' ssith the value received for ?? farmers, planters, thr- merchants, rill Jumped rit the conclusion flint the thal tl,,. wagon lt ren? ell loo much expenditure In the ssas- nf time ni ' of Ihi mir! only a small portion came in this wa v. Bul thc reduction in fne nrfeo nf ' ri and tho fact lhat transportation rluced in proportion ti mino nf the staple n own* t, ss it li in a ?' the city. . for s russ- solution of the difficulty svith which they sse- face. ?' proved the solution for which they ale it possible for larger loads to be hauled, for less ssear and (ear on thc ' ,iu on the teams and for quicker time, and the farmers felt ! the ralln Turi ? dually In? ri of Mem* lisiiiL' alni .mount this city turnpike lately ex? ! to Colicrville. Tenn., ?otton In that tossn and bel ind there to bring al mos I their i i mark, t ,,n wagona, sidle before tlint time the hulk of - p found ii* ssas to market on -mts. ! ind tl but re made it or thc ! on their rilli" hs ut of them in ? n in on tb' ? ray, but then soul re Ihe farmers ?he turnpil o not mind a s,r they find it ni ind the r. ase both itter arc being gi itory, the in over the tump ' ted by r mas mal ? - ill bc i" the ? Mi ru ph is I n|ir..timi.I. Ili.lrs i ' ? I ? out ll -I (iiie nt (he Ilea) lanna in PrtflBf lils, mal. Ht bas. ? ,l ih,. |?-,| farm* in Prince Edward ol aboul aWaere* I dwelling hoi,-e. iii,a. stab ??. si fi:, ni orchard, abun? dant an,I pine wster, well amesd,66 - f lilli IllSS | DdS. I'la C rl.lKNI, oiie-foiiriti ,.-h. balance I, l\ ?>, and 4 :, deb ir. tl pasilicli!* K sksis li i | K IBM A,.1 N' s Kum Scar ILiinpili-ii-Miliic, lor Sale. Wi base a gland farm nf .olin- 161 - ghi of Hsmpden-Hid which we can sell cheap, Uood dwell ins, barns, stable l's k si vi 1.1 i. ,\,.i \, \ If y,,ii feet are tender ny a pair nf /.cider Kl"* -'fl aid BBB*/ sscarliiu' ng A i '.aik. Am i't*. Im ISs-tOO We ian --ell one of Ihe lli"-l des u Hie county, ,,f m.tbaa baa , M .'lieut buildings, Ac , an ? sksisii.i.k m Aol MCI l ll.lilMIII. One of ile ni"-i rJaaliabls faun* m I'rince Ed ward. < Ibaafi I- sksis n.i.K Kakm s. I itu Ih'aideiii e last, I-,.i sale ebsap, a hue rsatdencs l,,i SUflldeUl t"l lillee dwelling hoil-e III tl. .Ill ol' Ult Icm.lille,- ,,f Mr. Jil. Watkins on Tine street Appl.S I" VV. P, V r NAIil.K. Ill going on the Stags a ss., nan's pn -euee accounts for a gras! ile.I; al-o I ti pa* I I ?terri I .mud Im- lured ssith l.i ii si. Slii h s i los-, sj Hu fj li Ile -c it ol' the disease. (? ii.ittl, K n blood or constitutional di-. ami ill Older (o cai,- j| saul mil*l lake interns! retsedlea Halli l**stsrrh (Hie i- taken Internallj aad acted n il the blood and Ililli -oils surf. ices. Ililli s i 'atarrh ( ure is nut i quack medicine, lt ss is prescribed by oae of tba beal phys) ihi* ta,nuns for Tsars, and regular prescription. It ls composed of ii;.. nits kn,,ss h. combined ssith tba .I purifiers, acting directly as be mucous surface. The pi if, ct rasa a ,.| tsvo LBgTI dieu!* ll ssh tl pf - ich wonderful results In curial latarrb Bend for testltnonlsls, tree. I'.iledo. (?. We, Hah'- I'.iiuiiy Pills iic.lhe lu -I I be mail ssh,, ha- Ibe yicilesl ,-ouli? lla,ce Iii llllil?clf ba* Ibe leas! In other ,C"pll'. sit k ll,.ubi, he I ii red la UBI "I - laser I onstlpallon, Bllloosnesss, Indi ind all Minn.'..ii uml laser Tm,il.I. - .?lent. Kor ID i'r'.iif ('". H a\ '.- ll JJIll In UliH y/e " .1 BJ "H le ."' HOB! -"Ault ?ji/a." <?W& _ ^/rtnri^r*' rv BBS Bf tlc gBBBaBS Laxative Bromo-Quinine ststaaai le- reitieilj taal cure, is rolil In on* rtsjjr Iv. .? ssa-Ibe Iii-! ss on,an lo colliplain aa! -lu- didn't have anything b, BSB1 Ult ll vt.'S ii, S \ SI ...1 I si ar nm., luis lill! ia, ,i bunting inp, I iou,.a c.-. ll mail.a to raia, in, arin, tutsliuc au lack of tin .a,..,i lam, I wt ni inn, i. ni a-keil ll SOU I Hill,I I,el), in, ..III. ;, - I iii iii want n, i" disappointed. S oa ,,,. ., Si rvt un<l Hone l.liil. -.-. .1 lo ? ls, rn 1,1.)nae s ik.'I I ll, il Ilia! iiikIiI. i.ikI I mk- ? ? I, sr lien tr.iiiin: Bp H" xl mot nu -j., lo lit..1 th. i !.. unlitIi-ti, en . .1 m., nrni ps rlc.ils I ; hase lani nu rel,ll I. ol ? nee. I I..iii Un .,I.,,Se I., ll friel'.l all ll. ri UK 11,' iii. mit. ami I,,, tried .sour "ll ld boin I.nilli,.i, ' <llls Sm. ' I I MOMPSOS lb.. -. small I,.,nie I.. ? The girl ss h., tUbes for BranpUflBSBla lOUld bail her hook witta (hillery. *? laMraai bsibMbb; III. Pilli BOM bunin, ii! ss re Kheiiniatlsm, HUH loll ts Mu. . thc Huck, Htiould i rs .'.lal Hone l.ininn ni i i ai .,! ka,,vs ii. i a luau.'Co. Ks en thc mich ss ho,I sc bbb] fe<-| tbal ns base lil'ldl lo live fur. nea -. iii ,,r I ,il a nh after all (Kc Inila. it ii i; Botanic Bl.i Balm i mas If liniments doc* ? -. patent BisdleiBss have lied .and son Still base ache- in botsSB. im- "i bs k, swell inga, loss control un,-' ie-, tainted breath, ringing In i-. mattery or slimy dla c,-rilli,ii* ,,f then,,-e,,r throat, thin ; od, then take II. ll ll. which Will by mah lug blood b Irv P.. I! 15 Druggists, . Tua! trsstBisBl tnt by writing ood Kalin ( "iiip.iiiy, Ailaii' . m .mai- of CUISB bs B ti , sndon'l give up in asapair but try nod Balm. Medical advice free from peri-. Wilie today for advice ami ?i- trial tn at men I Lots of | ? | I io ike im ir .all- os.-r t telephone. Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL U "tiler. jenners hara li bet soft E pn pared. K H A Harness A creative. R -;;? barseaa, N "-* E acres b kept hom breaking. Oil Mir Harton ' ?alaadard Oil ( <.asi>a.a*.