Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. VOIa. XI. PA RMI ILLK VA.. FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1801. NO. ia FARMVILLE FAIR FOR NEW CENTURY, OCTOBER 23, 24, 25.1901 CITY JIRECTO' Y. i . ? ?ui ami ind W. 1 \ s SS !.. lill. i - il ami I SS . I ?. ' :. il. I M llolii -.m. .. Prince Edward County Directory. univ foil rt. 'I. M Kurt. K. K. Hupiiy, s \. Ila-,, -. ,. ss . ? . SS ll. r J. li I' itR R M BIDGOOD, - DENTIST > Mihi ! "S i i: il Ml UTI Kl, [AMES LYONS. \l KiKNI N VKK.WN, ? Iffiee .'iml Residence, Buckingham Courthouse, Va. ? ,,.,,!.? iu Huck linc ? ii lox, i iiinl. i'rince ll. W FLOURNOY, \ l'I' IR.N I , VT I.wv mill.. , Kurili! i ? \\ C FRANKLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CAMPLIN CITY, VA. I \|,|.oti,al: ? nil of * 0 WATKINS. R H. WA! WATKINSf WATKINS, -ATTORNEYS AT LAW,? t- \lt.M\ II.I.K. VA. I wa rd, rum I,nits atc: mond. -. - in liank C P. VAIMDERSLICE, i^. ATTORNEY Al LAW. sivil.i.K. n S WING, ' ' a Al luKNKN Al KANS'. Green Bay, Prince Edward CotiDly, Va. Will ; ( ' H BLISS, D I /.'. si KM. Al Cl ln.NI?'l,|;. i x i: m \ ii : y \ \. la .. fount.. \\HITE A CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, i- \KMV1I.| i:. VA. MAY 28, 1901. FARMERS ATTENTION! On account of the late season, you may be back? ward with your crops. Buy a ISK CULTIVATOR VIS hun Oil. Li Bii? Ilia K.,,,1 and save and labor. For sale by J. F. WALTON. time F*? 11 AV lu On Jellies ? thin coanny or PARAFFINE WAX ss sst;.. ? STANDARD OIL CO. Sour Stomach ?r I was. Iii.l.o..1 i.. i> > i \s< \ ? I I s I I ? ? - Jlsl Isl.kill i CANDY CATHARTIC I **\^^.^Ur v*si n/artov aftftCO>? TRADE MARIS RfOISTIRIO ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Ht,.lin. K.?..<!. li....... mir..'.. Mtaslrs-al, ka Tari. Ill un Tn rap nu*iu-OMO , 11 in Rosendale Cement A \ 11 Anchor Brand Lime. NVe luise leiiiitly tcei-is eil a .?.?ii- load of catii of tlicae -sell kimss n braiiila nf Cement and Lime. K nil lui iel of |||j^ ,-i-iijt-ut i L'Ual'llilooil to contain 300 Pounds. which make- it the CHEAPEST I 'eUll-lll o|| tic Paulctt, Son k Co. uvall, Robertson & Co. < ,,i uti .Mani .uni ii.. I- sum vu ii:, \' s. uiiiiii-s*.i(iii Meivliants .-uni DKALK1W IN 1 rdnurr. Catii cry. Agricultural Im)>!< menlo,.(>. iggie*, Surrey*, limul Cart* timi limul ll agon*. 'I'lltri fur Klilll I Kl K.I.'A 'I ' BABCOCK BUGCilKS, ir on ll si rs TllOI 1.11 1 HPKINOS thc e;t-.e*! 1 alii known. ri lliiike- of 1 ?ai.-ilili-ln-' 00K! LOOK! .1. lol ol ' . KtMieilijJ, l\ Shel*. Well Tl 11 rou it I $8.00 A THOUSA D. win - Kahui:*, Keantliiiir, Ki. --? ,1 , Ci Mino, - sfouldiinr, ., Klllul* illili il lilL'e -lock tlf - un11 Lumber. lillie Manufacturing Co., .ii Hie Kou ml ry, Farmville, Va. la \(>l ti KKIN i ,'Ni. -\i IT THU HERALD KU, OPFICB, KA UM Vi bl, gri en Th ph bri Kai fal poi bili am cul? bin ero of : Mu? run ? loo kim ent Iiiui. tr.ii tbe "I lu in ll Til,! the iiiui. cont* terri ? niel ?NV with the 1 Jlllll "I 1 tstrsn. I A WILL AND A WAY. i I Bj WRIGHT A. PATTERSON. j . li ? iu which I ? ? li my ? ? ss ill be , . iu." "la thal more. I | ' you, it ssill not : I until ? Good ? the eli '-altin ?I . liv,,,. for tl, noss ii ti. the weall In ince l,os lo.otl. H.- i, selio.,1 arith tb . rn,iii the girl had n s, lien '. "(ililli: s which li' bul i b rm i ? the pron only would -lo' n Edward Chain schools at 18. The Bra! woi k th uni found ss iiiice, bul the lal ? uni he failed to advai ion H ilace mi the atafl of a dnilj i He knew one or two y, md the life liny lcd appealed I unoy. Kut lt ss tbal i "|i loiiunity to realize hia ambition. Ile i ? lies. From ;i ? loinl it ssas n,,t much of a ut sslion the eighl dollar.-, thu! lie aimil the i lil the see,, iiii, iiml t yt ? ililli, e felt thal I uiteil hia speaking to Ai ler. Kut Margie's father knew mo ?wapaper b in did the suitor for Ihe Ile luul ,il ? ppoint biinkrupl ncr, and h ? man mg. and then, too, he had i ? r bis dam r married to a lieggnrly in porter xs lu, could | Ive hi i ni ither me nor fortune. A nut that 'li mioualy dismissed. All mt tb ? I from one end of the ?al city to 1 it rapidly .-is terpriai ucl I raveled rr Muni the new t Mn led to open ii- doora. People ired out of tbe I a! Ince,I aboul the bank l hey were di ??? ? ried thi fer them; ? inter* in life seemed noss to be loci ? ? until Mn , people standing in th Mossed mr Mir- osmI. Thi i - openi (I and :i b t. Ile - have k. He ? aid nothing a ? he ? way through the i I pond humanity, I the employment to isferred iii all d. id one liiin. ,'t suppoae sse a ? ie late afternoon papers ssas thc unlit 1b:it tbe biiliki nothing for publication. ? city tl, ,- ii,limbo' danie i by the failure of theil . ,1 in of the beal men on .tafF of the morn i niall an He I i've got >s ion the li to whom hi lent ri milly?" ' suburb svith him. ha' ame hui od Hi? ssed him on an important N s "I thi m ri tioi h a s ??\ ? ??( have for i "I "NV ? at the ' Ililli." "I th ? : on the v I ? "I'll ? bim, t lu- -c - lind to vcr. ll in- kness his uss n. II. ? * hnlnn 'milli man, .'iml . front door 1,1-11. voice : (bimi ss ba! I,. I ell in ? I Mu I l.i 11 ker. ; tlo ii." rep ' 1 lid not i . i rou nd Iiii lent, I, I rom the I nek tn. lie banker ' ind bu He ? / i ? ? . r the m rk to ? ' N'ou an I 'NN'liati ??? ' ; (lu But I think ' ; me i - n t ily dn ? . T \ ? fi banker. 1 ? i if Mi Tl ? ' ? ? ? 'l ' . ? tli? !,' Bi NEW CHU Practice! by ' Their P !a?s,,ii? lr,.itt I' elie.- on lin nips?\>.I VII Marti eil S| ,? ? \ ,-,. | ss i i li ibe lr rn i ? I I 1 ? I J ? ' tb il ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? ' ? ? ? rmlnf I'lossinu s.lll. i.l.tinl. "f llb ? of lib ; llOl-s, , . iiml tittil thai ? prop Mr. Cahill . ? ? of I of ai ? n nu till ?s,ii that Moy have - nu. li simp of J. NV - If liol handed tc U od oi ? in thi ' in sslio Inn I i fae! ? once. H, . . . - .und. on ac poa Mn i n ,,f teachen mell Mn nndon I "I tKink it Mu ? ne to perform thi _ ? ? ? - Isefnrr I "ssild i in th< <l timi ? to bil ? ? ? (n < mu plc lill I,ol Hal .uti All; NN the* brid J ? I br by X In fal ield' won di drung ?- i The bi One ul tl. lbs) Panai in Prince lillian!. "i.eof ibe baal farms in Prince Edward of atv ul ttl ? 'in*. *table, i orchard, aban* i me ssaler. siell fenced, ?*") li low i i,ti- i'd,,. |4(noo, irtll ? ash, I'.iianc- I, i, .;, niid 4 n deferred pay men ta, I SKSIS ii I |- M.\| A,,, a., V. Nt an- I1.iiii|i,Icii-m,lins im- (teat. We bast a gooa\ farm ot aoaua Iff*1 ' Hampden Sullies, ? - ? heap, (food dwell* irn* -? ti.a-, a,-. N-.l Nt \. i,,is:;.:,iio NV.- can s,.|| ,,,?. nf ,|?. ?,,,,( desirable farms m ii.univ, of more Hmo 900 ' Helli billi,Kl|C.a, A,- bc Farm vi i i i i- ibm n..i \, s n stofaaja. tb uc.-i de-irnble fauns in i i a il I. < 'll, , I'sksisii.i.k FARM A,,i n, \.. I inc I.'csi,lenee l.ut. Kor sale cheap, a line rcafhtaoca lot -lilli,iiiil for Knee dwelling boii-e*. In ll,,!,! of Hie resilience of Mr. J. 1). Walkin* on I'u ,? ~tu-et Apply to U j? Vknaiu.k. fi i ia ss nb ali expaaaarta wm i > un:.' aarolaaf i* a atm* ?n i ui- thing. Kiri. Ile.|,I,I, he linell alli I't. Has ul '? laver lids. Ill. ll.isl,c?>, I||,||. -.i and l/lver li,ml,lc. IMS Ul .Ui.l .illclenl. I ,,r I "il I'lllK I o. lt ssoiild lu- a rood thing if people though! I,- * ol' tbdi am c?ier- ai d iioie of iheir progeny. <B9t? ij - u\ ,,t th,- itaalaa'Jvc Bromo?Qtiininc Tablets tl > .urea, is ??>l?l In on. daly "I- Beaalo Braiubulgara N'or i ic I u'lil."' K.:.. ?[ -b ii d as -be waa au aboorinaJ ?irtiool.glii. nu usn,nu, s s si... ...i, asaiiaa - hunting trip, i io,uni .la. ,ni a, iii, luis inn iiii iii i ... ,,i im,, soaritore 'I la lp Un Olll. Il- 1 .11,1 ? j,I. i, S Ol, -o|,l lue ,1 ? SerV? anil Knee Uni ? a n. . ls. i ul lain.' s Igor. '. ..,,.1 I ssa- n.osl " III ID Hie l.. Mal I he I h. ll In a I I - n, eu ? - liv stell, i .ru Ol - it. tim; Ul? I ht i' .? i >i,,.i ? lu sn- .\. i ve I \..i- a- ~ j??, < 111 y \ ? is truly, ll - -niall I.ollie l.i elita un lima Co. . iiiat tin- loiiKter i ug extinct -.a ?? Ibcse mg ssoiil- in st i do la-' scry loaf." aroa* KihMag ^- 1.1 ii, niau I ssa ? .1 lo" I-. .Slllaclea i,|. . ... Kliouldm- a,. ie sad lion, I.null" ,i i I Mom, ul Kunu li. I- or sui ll.tu,I laiioi* to lal a ug ol' ibe |'i-i Jam " Vt-; cseu ice bolderaarc noss marbi na malta " Ifs Masts, I li,lillies. Tl jill Ililli Ul,ut liie. lancer, ulcer, "ld aorea, icrofula li 'lie -kill, (lilli -, boils, rn ll pt iona, aclu- ami |,;nns, un,aii-in. catarrh, Itching akin amt all blood off ll li,ill I |io|-'Ui, ci /ema, ? ! is lakmir om- to all ii, - oi tu,, famous B. B, B. | Botanic . d Balm I ?c,|i-i .lied, ol,-lucile -.-p. eiilly ynld tn IK B. H., which I.. Thoroughly laatad i - Mik.- lill- blood pun mb. Druggists, |l, Illili Heal ,i in ?? Ly ss iii inn Blood Kulin <'o., , ads lee flee fl.UH i.iij-i-, ss rite I day . ? mi in ('bieiia.'o I understand l don't Ihroa old *boe* after a Wi I ',-i landy not. Blip. ?!u ni -lioilld blt ber!" RY IT Women suffer* lng from female troubles and weakness, and from irregular or painful men? ses, ou^ht not Ito lose hop.- if (doctors cannot Ihelp them. Phy? sicians ar busy with other rom diseases that 'p* I they do not un Vf derstand fully the peculiar ail ?^ nnnts and the .Mtiisrn of w-' ,'tian. What .tiffwrer ought to do is to give - trial ADFIELO'S Female Regulator thc true ( ir, provided -oubk-s. It il a physician of the tndiog, w - -l his 4 the dis ;. culiaf to (mr moth . itan It is made .',. he ding, strengthening ,, whn.h have . Idndly Nature to larity la lh? menses. Leu .; if Hie W-smb, N'erv .nd Back.t nell and to Brad* a Female Regulator, every I mm stint to give it a -. fi Lottie will do a ,-rful amount of good. Sold by a*.a - li awrsttal *r? hark rr *U idalia!, ?adflcld ?eguistar Ca,, Atlanta, Ga.