Newspaper Page Text
r;ARMVlLLE HERALD FRIDAY J' ''? PEER OF L1THIAS. -ll s Farmville Lithia tater Mioiijci in I ilhi.i .. I. M. Vol) DRINK IT? Farinville- Lithia Springs Ca Mt'i's tin (aaa:! ami Bork* oil the I obi. I.?valise Ki. iiii. i-t j ii iii iiii-Titi ib -i ! in one day, No I'uic, in, Pa) Priced) (f'it It. I mc ii I in One Ray, Take Laxative Kn nm Quinine Tub Nil druggists refund tbe lunney if itt*. - sigua ture if nu Bstch i Haw Arr 1 ..ur K ol", ?. i Itt li a* frc* aj.i - ur M. V. "Toa ara charged,''said the Ma irate, "willi bavinn no visible tu pan Pis ' - limed the nnamier. "I bave a wife and six illili! Hon'* Ihia. ? Wt oller One Hundred Dollar* Kc ward for any ease ol < atarrh thal eau* uut be enreil by Hall's Catarrh < 'ure. J.J liii.sii A Co Props , Toledo, <>. NNe the Undersigned, luise knoss n K. j Cheney for the lani 15 years, and be? llini perfectly bouorable in all ni* amt financially ? sriy out any obligations made Lv their Brm. s\, Wholesale Druggists, Toleu'-, Kiw sn A Marvin, Whole? sale Druggists, . Hall's Catarrh Cure ls taken Inter nally, atti in* directly upon the blood ami mu,?mia surfaces ol the system. Price, 75C. !>er buttle, gold by all I est i uk miali' free Family Pills are the best. t'nfurl Hie rt ia ac. the - '1'Ot lur . TliOUglt lt ina. I. i mean. ll< linburn. nn n the quantity of fo.,,1 taken is too Urge or the quality too rich, heartburn i* likely to follow, .if the tk, Ucl bs paViou eely of emily digested ft Ma be !""<! thoroughly. Lei sis b neals and when weight in tlc itomach after eating, indi* much, il Chamberlain acli and Liver Tablets and the be may be avoided. I ;,.s Andi raon Drug < .,.. Short* vivacious girl." rJktbba??'Why, when IM ber she has scarcely -uni :i ssiu 1 :ill evening" Hlubl.s i| fueas you've iee:i Iiei under un las arni,lc cireum itauces. Voa Might to size ber up al a box parly in tlie theatre.'' The Rest Kerned* lot Momjeli ami Russel Troubles. "I have been in the ilniL' buail twenty y,ar- mill bave sold moat ali of the pi of any note. Among the entire list I have never found Buythirig to equal Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera aini Diarrhoea Remetiy for all ?toma, ? ssel trout W NN ikflfh ld, of Columbus, Ga "This remedy cured tss< morbu*. in ms family and I base recom iiieiided and sold hundreds of bo! it tn my (ii-,!,,mer- to their culb faction. It affords a quick and sure cnn' Ina pleasant form. No family should hf without it I kit |i it in ms b all tin.. a I>niL! I I Buy and Try a Box Tonight. While you think of it, go Kuy and try a tux of ( thartic, ideal laxative tonight You'll never regret it. Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. u ibe iiiin, ellon; a Sillll A ss,, lt Dazzles flu World. ?i medicine hai quarter of the excitement -?? I by Dr K lumption, I in- of amount, Hemoi in bit!*, thou*ands of whom it bas restored to perfect health ? roup, K iv ?' k tlc n the world. It is roi , (,. u ., I'bey t,.|| ih that Mr. Swanson is |rj I*"*! nf health and bear it. He ought to do mini) fnr Democra . j baa duin much fur him. N I'. Mil limul ire. COUld Ic! ,! : hist mich. milation, Im if not - K. .1 N N.iiuiihi. Fai in b.r Sat.. NNe ?;. ? v,.,y lani, within two in leii-Sidiif. d improve? ment,*, wbieb sse eui s,|| .,| reasonable fl<'ires anti ,,? ,.:i... terma, Apply to Farmville hann Agency. Hi'1 I Ira! M.. tin ? ,.i Uni.aril's Vs Near. meeting ,,f the ness mund db il t" ,.i,bi Monday aflei noon bi-i al hall |'i-t - o'clock. 'I'ln ? , li K Wall, NV I* ni- ill, S\ |>. I.illutlli. I I'. I mai. K K. Mom il NV, I- \ m .- ibo b ?arin*' ol tb.- lengthy r- -, Kl) ns, tkc, foi ii . . David* Ul, c it .1 | | in un of the ?ll red the SUg ii that lb*- town sh,,uid employ miaul each yt audit ? emt .\|s,, ||,;u Hie towu furnish the Sergeant ss nb stui, cud i,?,ks tu order tbal iiny iiml all accouuta may al any timi' beveri lied. The Sergeants report waa approved and ordered "t record. The 1 lea-.i - | oi*1 ss:i- n follosss ni aggregate: - 2,111) ft ?2i,7lM I. DlMll! ? I lil ll 1002 mini - 18-15 The I ubmitted that lie bad in hand mils .tm 51, ss nb an outstand? ing obligation nat sum nf 00. Mr. Davidson gave mit the statement thal ibe inc.,me tin- yeai waa nearly 4>l.',!hhi mole tlinii las! year, lu part due t,, the special losy nf 20cents to pay tor the macadam road, bul the sorrowful part, Mi. Davidson thought, ssas thc disbursement of nearly M.OOO in ex* - ex|,-minuit--. Mr. Kiaiiihert Immediately moved thal the apecial lax of last year amount? ing tu L'n cents be removed. This motion waa seconded by Mr. Wall and supported ant! voted for by Messrs, Farrar, Anderson aud Killumi. Mr. Davidson n> chairman of tbe finance committee ex preened himself a* unwilliug to borrow ninney another year aa the council had been forced to do, to n nt ex pensen, la-t year, am! when the council voled to remove the 20couts Mi Davidson aaked the siis'-i i.. aci? i-t io- resignation as iliad of the finance committee. Tbe Mayor took the request undei oonsid* e ration. All ibe |ii.-st-iit officers sseie re-elected unanimously witta their respective sal? aries i' i lu- li-t of officers may i, iu the city directory on the hist page of the Herald. Mr. (Jillian! prese ted the matter of protecting mir tni - against ti and axe ss Inch of late have been mutil? ating and damaging them aloin* mir H.- urged that measures be adopted to prevent thc lineman of thc telephone company cutting tim limbs nil, and the council agreed, referring the matter to ibe stn el committi Mi. Mill. ven ibe privi? lege of the flooi ami briefly bul feelingly ami most effectively addressed the body mi behalf of the Daughters of tbe Confederacy, 'lin- request made by Mi. Miller ssas timi the Council should imiatc a burial i"t in the toss n's ceme? tery tor the resting place of an old ex Don federate who lately died and ssas buried in a pott. I kl the poor house. NN ben Mr. Miller ssas through addressing the Council there waa not the slightest hesitancy in granting the request made. afr. Kl Will I'.lsses Hs. lion William Jennings Bryan was ,ii Hie west-bound train nf the Norfolk nu! Western whlcb arrived at our de ,ot ai K'S" 1'. M., mi Tuesday, Quite i number of mir Citizens took him by he band ss bile till' train made its ns. ia! stop. He -jdixl mi tbe platform of ,n ss l/ere he cordially saluted lis fellow citizens ss ho honored bim ritb their presence, a* thc trainmov ?il oil' bc remained standing mi the ilatform ami waved goodbyes aa long is be ssas in sight of Hie admiring rossd. There ssa* m. speech-making uni im huzzahing, only a qulel recog of Hie prent nee "f a distinguish al fellow countryman in mir midst, lt eas not generally known that i, ni the train, rn tbe reception would msc been mole cm,hal ami impressive, I nor l's Icr rn'"iiipained bim. dr. Bryan la oh a lecturing tour, and * looking Hu- picture of good health. N* private citizen bc is easily Bret. Ls I lim avoid the temptation to be candi lute nexl time. ?;in- Nun rican Rx position, Kull'ahi. \. N.. \ ia Nm bdk \ NVesleiii Railway. \ i iiml tin- rates to thi* Greal Ex? sositlon have been promulgated eugers purchasing tickets via the Kor? ol k iV- Western railway and Columbus, ibio, base thc choice of three routes rom Columbus to Buffalo. Tickets -ii days, fifteen das-, .ml until October Slat Passengers cl.linc tickets, \i i rail line between mt! and Buffalo have (he privi ,.c,. ol bne in either dire, - inn. i cted fifteen days .-ind mill October SI, are al-- -obi sui thc minah Valley route, s ia Hagen ,,ssn ami Harrisburg to Buffalo, II ; matter fully deacrip these lout.- nnd giving i,,in all punts will be mailed Upon inplication ? nv B, Bbvh i, (ieiieral K I .gent. . toke, Va. Vi < ..-I. My entire-stock ol Bummer Millinery Km much stocs ?i ol scar. Mis. Hunt. \\ ,i ut ed ii-. Kal'le board ll-.50 a UOUth, Ml- NN . K la k. a.s BRIEFS AND PERS0NAL8, ll -lill- .sus ss ill, rt NV Iii D Wt , Hot! Please don'! mentl .n lt. Virginia baan'! ans Roanoke "t< nm ii ? - Fourth of .Inly I* somi thing new in Farm* ille. I be bum of tbe threshing machiui ssill noss be heard In ibe land. v\ ? have a sanitarium and now it i ni mtier to base a notatorium, I ? cream lor tsso. Bul then ??ii tickets in addition in Farmville, 1 he > tung |.pie enjoyed ? hayride to Uanipiit'ii-Sitiney Monday evening. Birds look subdued bul they do have ?? to ling a little tiiily "of morn? ings." A nesv |,,t ,,f paper for commercial u-e received. Wt- ssoiild be glad to quote pl Mi-* Emma Grier, of R uni,,kc, who iii~ been visiting friends here, I turned home. Mr. A. Reid Venable, "f Richmond, ls visiting bi- old bmiic ami friends iii iiiui about K;irm vi I le. Rev. Mr. Southall, weare informed, ssill occupy the pulpit of tb,- Bplscopal church next Sunday. if dividends ss iii only circulate freely among tin- people summer ss ni be shorn nf mans of n- discomfits. Mi-..J. s. Hm! left yesterday morn ing tu vi-it her daughter, Mi- B D, Kips,?omi,, in Cumberland county. Mn. 1'. NV. McKinney ami her daughter, Mis. Frankie, left for tlie BIueridge Springs, on la-t Tuesday. Mis- Iicssi,- Cbernault, a recent grad? uate of the Normal Sci.I, is attend Bummer Institute at Staunton. Mi? Kulin- McKinney sseni to Marion, on laal Saturday, where -be ssill teach during the month of July. The (luard ssill decide definitely next Tuesday uigbl ssiietiu-r oi not they wiii gn bi<>it-aii View in encampment. Mr. Paul M. .Jones ssa- in town OU Wednesday and reported ? heavy wind storm al iiml aboul Sheppards on Tu< -- das afternoon. I he Virginia Biscuit < So ba- made an assignment, bul the Virginia cooks ale -! ill mi duly itt the old stands, uml making the very beal biscuit known to tin cullinary ait. We are advised tlmt more than one of mir Normal graduates bave applied lil ssmk a* teacher in far ol! Philip? pines. They have she courage and Hie capacity to meet the nesv linties in the ness lield. We extend a cordial invitation to all sufferers li.un ibe effects of beat t,? come to Farmville. Ii they will drink mir lithia they can work In the sun? shine here and ind sutler. <?;n doon ile ss nb- open. Tin- beat of thc pa-i week ba- been repressive, and, in mir lurga- cities, destructive of human life. Tbe beal ssay to keep cool i- to keep at svmk, keep ymir temper and keep assay from King Alcohol's domains. Kr. Winston has (be only roof-gar len in town, and weare told by those iv ho have breathed the air frmn that inviable elevation that it is purer and nore invigorating than tlie article we in,llaK oct herc belosv. We are promised tbe star Course intertalnments again this year. We tn told thal the entertainments will re of even a higher order of excellence la-t season's, and mir hope ls tbe reoplc of Faiiiiville will encourage be earnesl (Hort- of Secretary Howard n securing the course. Thia weather ba* been warm ss nb us, tilt liiu-t have been positively plea-ant ?oinparcd ssith the kind they are bas Ug elsewhere in mir country. Kseis tody has been at their svmk, in -1111 ihlne and In shade, and only idle folks nave been beard to complain. Busy leonie are happy though bot NVe publish ssith pleasure and beart< ly endorse the communication of 'Reader,''found elsewhere in this la? ue of the I! N-> one appreei ,ic- more fully, oi i- more ready to ex a.? n, than d' es the Hsrald tbe ms icc* which have been rendered by fudge Watkins to the people nf this oiiniiunit.v. They have Inmortal him. oo, as be well feels, and are ready to ain. The ll ii: si.I, i- in receipt of a letter rom an appreciative reader, wno is einporaiiiy away from lloma, and wno n-tead of having bi- papei f tss aided roo limiic, subscribe- for another copy, saving mie for limne folk*. And he ?miis bia letter in tin* ({ratifying -tanner. Keir Herald: "I feel lost sere without you." Strange thal any Neighborly man or woman can Ilve .,niau tably ssithmit thc hom.- paper. Mi. c. R Moiton, a venerable and ti d citizen of mir town, ba* boen ii (ailing health for smut- time, and Beastly be had been suffering greatly ii tine of bis feet. On last Monday ll ras decided by the physicians to am* utate the foot, ssith thc hope at least, fgiving temporary relief. Th, mic and the patient ba* rested btlcr ince, tbOUgfa at this writing he i ,.-,ikei, ami the doctors give no hope f final recovery. Mi. John Amlei- m reports that hi* rop of corn is infested by a worm, dif ?reut from tbe old fashioned corn rorm, vvhich i* literally destroying very sdalk int" ss Inch it a I | hi- corn sseic shown US tst NN.dncsday. The little ss.,rm i triped around its body, ami lu . e-cmbhinccto the worm usually found ii corn. When oinv iii the-talk, the ilade begins to withec ami dies, in rosv ot 57 -talks, Mr. Anderson found ; dying from the wons. Has anyone Ise <>f our farmer friend- discovered lu- destroy*! in bi* corn'.' Our Pair I gala. In rn,bi io -i, 'ill be sse base ebal til fnnu ile ami I Ht li lo ll,, . id -llb and Lynchburg lt i thal originally i extern .n-..I. At know ss bj Ks ? mudd bas a i.ll our ssc k a- -lie III ll ? t isiiosvn thal sv bad selected il long i mule her announce incut. H.- ll d oin righi and hope imss hui i eiglitsir ssib appreciate il by turning oul lu full tn mir feaat Of good lilllie;-. Oui chants are responding liberally to tbe ,! premiums ami that feature of ibe Fair promiw - to be more attractive than ever before, lb" pub? lic m.ii i (age of some couple, yel to be ii-uii, ,|, will ia ma.' caul. '1 be of III vitaiion for everybody ss ill be then I he p 1111:11111 li-t ia being prinh frmn the number of Inquirii evidently nut peo| le are ii of the exhi? bition-. 1 inn t forge! the chai . dates the |6tb, 17th and 18th ol Octobei tn -nd, -Kb ;nul u'.th of the same month. By that time our fannel friends ssill it and cured tobacco, ami fin? ished ss lu-n seeding. Witta those dum - done they ssill be entitled t,, ? week of rest, and mir hope is that they ssill enjoy to n- full every moment ol Fair week. And they svill remember that tbe - imt an institution of the loss n only bul of the town and country com* billed. Without country contributions tbiie in sci ssa- and never ss ill be a Fair worthy of n Farmville bas been selected as tbe place for holding tbe Fair for tb - ni tbal it 1- ih" bes! innI mosl cn venienl place only that uid nothing -Ibr . ba'- fol ?*_' hat- fur ri; ri bm- foi ??? N Im ot Sail,,1- al I Mc. each. Nisei 1 Potato Fleer. Tbe American Floui Manufacturing Co., nf Vineland, N. J., bas jus! bein incl pointed With itu ailtholiz' 'I t:il of 11,000,000, for the making of flour from sss.-et potatoes. The Vineland mill ss hub -tai ted Up a fess di. 1- -.-ml to be tbe Hrs! of its kimi in the country. Tba ll mr is bright golden yellow, and bas tste thal is very pleasant. Tbe farmers of South Jersey are jubilant over tbe organiza? tion of the company, sv bich pi t mill- throughout the potato growing belt I llioll Sen ices. I Inion -??! i ices for tbe remainder ol tbe summer were inaugurated lasl Sunday evening at the Presbj ii church ss beic i;ev. Mi minter, of tbe Methodist cliiircii)r*reacba<I Ihe sermon, iteronoiny, chapter xxxii, xrimf- ll and II', iii which thc writaf*TTii|iliical . I Hu- care and tender teaching ol tbe motin : : her young, and then proceeded to impress upon bi- 1. 1's wise and watchful care over his people. Tbe evening ssa- oppressively warm, uni lite congregation no! -?> lal usual on such occasions. No-announce neut ssas made for tbe next meet. ( Ililli"!- of >i lleilllli . Effective Monday morning, the 8th list., the Farmville A Powhatan ibanges its schedule, lt promises tbe 110-t convenient accommodations it ms given the public for years. li rives ag.1 nain from Farmville to liebmond each Week day, and sse relieve this ss ni be appreciated by oui icople. The ness schedule also makes good ion nee Hon for Baltimore via the York tiver Kine. Tuesday, Wein,.-div. [thursday and Friday tbe train will here al BsM a m., arriving al liebmond al 3:12 p. m. <>n Baturdayi ind Mondays tbe train leave- h. o'clock ii. m., arriving al Richmond it8:40a m. Returning Ibe tram ar? ise- at Farmville al 6x16 p. m., except saturdays when it arrives al 10:13 p. m. Reduced round trip tickets are on . 1 d to return tbe fol owing Monday. Through ticket* sold ? beckedthmugh. Non-! oininissioiii ,1 iii; The Farmville < luard haveannounced he following non-comniiasioued otli i-i - V. D. Venable; Snd int, H A Hail - cant. 1. Smith; Kb Sergeant, nv. i. tut, H. 1 Si lt; 6th ml 1; M , H. Il Hunt; l-t Kori, ira!, j. Walker, 2nd <'"rp ral, D. T, 1 rd < -i 1 ral, Henry dray; Ufa orel, s. K Blanton; 5th Corpoi 1 >. Gilliam; 6th I nan. Death ?i Dr. Wilsen. Dr. John Willis Wilson died al lu* lome in Chat bani. Kill-s Ivania county, n las! - morning the 29th, in be TKb sen of li - Dr. Wilson ssa- tin-only brother of In. nv. 1; Bei keley, of this , f Mi- n ' '?! in?-ii. of Lynchburg, raa highly respected in bis counts as imbi 1 and phys ?iiiui: I,br iu the ian church, and behind bim tb beri? nga ol oe. auder ui Ks .. ,,f'pi nm Ks. 1- Pain Killer -1 instantly stopped Du moment bul gel a I Itllle-, there |s bul 'ain killer, Perry Dai 0.1 *?? .I.nlve \s.i ii. Watkins. a ith Hi ??e - Illl his is mir ? ? "iniii'inii s can lender them. . a nrni ss,- have in tin* com? munity, and the effort to retire I -neb ... ina s mal lo-* ti tbe community am! to tin- commonwi . Hy add that 1 refer to Judge Asa Dickinson Watkins, Siine ibe fathers are no longer with ii-, lu- i- ss nb.un controversy tb. log citizen of Hi? lo do ssiihotit i. IK- ha- led ibe fight successfully I Republicanism and the victory belongs as much to lu- -kii 1 ami cour* leader a- did Hie victory of ip ni the Stouewall bravery of the immortal Jackson. Other bailie- are lo I.,- fought, for "eternal vigilance is the price of lib? erty," and it other victories are tobe won we mus! bave tue wisdom to com? mand ;i-ss ed a-thc warrier-splrit to obey. Judge Watkins i- too much of tbe mau nm to have opinion-of bis own, bul he is at tbe same time so loyal to his fellow citizens that be could Dot knowingly misrepresent them. I bave heard some idle talk ?? to the "passing" of such a man, but I nave beard of no > mention of tbe man to take bis | I doubt if beean be found in our midst. ,-l do not happen lo knoss bim. A- neighbor he i- i i I a- I public mau without au equal in tin* community in the upiuinn of an hum? ble Ki sin.n. I rawley.* I rm (stead. i Studio-: Kl. Vs, .July I. 1901, [? Editor IL mid.- im Wednesday, , June _'oib. Miss Jennie M Arm ii Mi Lewis Craw ley. , The youthful bride is the daughter ol ( Mr. and Mn. J. N Anatistead, of Cum* r berland r*nutity^iidyfliej*ji?om a pi is* pennis yotiUff rb in ii i ??! rou nt *, I [? ?< ii med lt tbe hmne luide by the Kv. John Davis sMIsted hy Dr. Richard Smith. .11111*% many floral ofl< threw perfume around the altar. Tbe uide ssa- lovely iii ii il duty creation ( i satin. Tue , iridal pail were attended by mans of heir friend-, tbl ractive in their pure white | irgaudies. The attendants entered in lina ing "i,; Mi. Madi-oii ssith Mi ? . s les; Mr. M. K. Steger ss nh .Mr. Da*, ul Ll .sith v ton; Mr. J. nv. , 'rule with Mi? i kins; Mr. Madison ssith Miss Pettice inti: Dr. T. I' A milstead with llarjorii I Mr. Sam Miller with r{ na McNutt; Mr. William John- . on, .Jr., ssith Miss .lanie West; Mr. 0| .inn < i . Miss Martha Miller, j, ling the bride and groom came ,| ittle Miss Blanche, sister of ibe bruie. Tbe ceremony was very impressive; ,| inmediately after ss inch tbe bridal par- .? y and immediate family of tbe newly I couple, drove to the future ionic of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Crawley, ption had been prepared ( y the Bister of the groom, Miss Kate | 'rass ley. I,, Among the guests present al the ? ? and reception were: Mrs. iargaret Crawley; Miss Hanna Craw* n ?y and Mr. Wilber Crawley, of Cum* ,? erlaiul; \li-. .Nannie Miller; of Kaini ille; Mr Tom Crawley, of iv -, ir. and Mn. Donald McRae, of Cum* ,j, erland; Mr. and Mn. C. E Morton, of ge ind Mrs John < luerrant, ol hristiansburg; Mr. K ey, ^ ird; Mr. and Mn. ll \. Midi- th its wera |,| umerous and useful. V.(Ullin launer*. . tell me ' hy women fan while nun do nol? I 'etched them in church mi Sun?: i , !bc "ilea inning for "dear life" and tbe ind svitb n gt lood flowing through theil bodies, ith one exception, lanie-- slid cooler. , , , , , til An immense amount of labor would l mi fair friends if tl ?iluce the tallness and tightness of icir collat-, and dispense with tbe use ll KR. Nc- Wi Mian pt | .'?' ' ? I let it in mit- of tbe churches of your to ni bi ? ition sing lis ven . ap : ', the air Icu mdertug il lin- ac taking for "j".s a." ,,h ! un miild rn :l ?'" i (iiib! f .i. ev i uild heall tink i is P For (1(, ' 'v i rid, "' ni- pr .ml-, burn, ibstitutes, then Pain* [db-r. K.iiy Da P and I lllollL'll M.Ult I ,Hills. ii '? < '..houk ssa- the home ,,t the laic Hon. ('has M WllO (lilli!:. bb- lift Justice oi Prince Fdward, Justice, t" tn- lacbnicallj -nil occupied by mern : hi- family and Mr 1 ba- Mor I - in, l- ss. i kn,-; ll,.- I , .ni well. During a : 'he cool ss.-ii.-r of ll spline;, Ih. ;|,t o|,| |: 'li Ihe two mot ber? an d seeing tin- growing of flourishing Here I -a.s inc Arel laid by corn and a line 'lop it s. ibe high land, in common witb iiy o/ mir fanner- Mr. Morton ls disappointed in thc ss The mill.Mik at mic time ssa- full of promise hilt tia bead- ale Hot lilied ssith Ihe grain - -I for. An enemy of -mile kind bas been doing thc mischief, Mr. Monroe John- i. mus nally sseil ail q.t. ; ind yet In 'nil clop- of other things, Hi? ss beat Hu- sea-,ni is |?.Uer than the ; I the clover and timothy superb. For the benefit of slater b l am gratified !?> report Mr*. John* - at chicken raisimr this -. She counted bing tune ami now that they are frying size she counts 'H. ami in, counting before batching ss a- indulged m. lins ought t ourage especially young bom Ami this it will be remembered, i* rmi I .?lucken J . Mr. NVill Kailey, next door neighbor ?I Mr .John-, suffered decided loss mi ow grounds from blgb watei bul iplaml crops are -imply superb, Mr. P. M Jones is |)()t a tobacco trower inn takes pardonable pride In - growing and fruit-. Mr. i :. Buckingham's in lomltable ami indefatigable worker, ia* two farms [-j band tin- seasoi hat means energy Intensified His irons aie "up-to-date," thoroughly forked and growing at double qu l never km-ss the farm ra ai your ossn formerly known ia tb,- 11 arm, noss worked by Mr. John Adams ii good condition. All ol mps are excellent am! iud fair to re* urn mosl satisfactory yield. It ss., leie I -asv a line lield of 11. i< 1 - ailing before ;i fifteen-year-old tn ml -caice a blade escaping it- keen ml cutting edge, <?f course that riower bas been cared t'"i ami bas 'ta"i svell bOUSed ss hell iml on duty. Mr. ("lev Hamlet's dover i- "out of Ight," ibtt i- ibe i* n > 111111 beneath ll i* ut of sight. I cannot conceive of ll eing any better. Nnd yel this it imt be only good crop. I could mention i companions ssith beads jus! aa .nd touching elbows a- di - lu re ss iii be a,- Immense cut of,-? notiiti season-. As I passed isl Bight of the li 11 is ul Han.'k the other das, I nv him bending earnestly ami lu* ?ntly at ssork He beckoned nie to nu ju-i i . -,-e the larges! crop of thc righl-of-the moon-Juue-cropof worms e evel -asv. And indeed 'bl* Hallie - and ssoini- in il ami formidable array, I- it not ? lo gel I |,| ol' lin- peal III -onie beroi more expeditious ssas- than by ami picking? NVill not Parts green i Hie ssurk'.' I- lliiit- objection to n ? . ii i- alarming to think of ki li nm ie ravaging army In tbe old style. Th 'ino bug i* no longer to in- dreaded, ,d sshat has been dm i ru lin- lum Igbl to be done for the ss olin. Mr McDonald, in charge ot Welling ii, bas cm a bette! Crop of ss heat ibm tbougbl could be grown oil tl OM ll ss ill come short ot cally iring proiin I called .a' tbe, H| uckingham, recently iiml s\ lead to lind tbal they had corn for le, aa 'ben form i- highland ni la-t -ii in ii i ipreci dentis y. NN'et or dry -onie lanie t the i - ld. My old comrade, H. a Ai i nh the b y- to back bun i- forging to e front ss iib crop-bmrier* waving di ni mid-air. I a nine ben ssaviiiK halium and bu. brighten and bia at high fm the fray. Pi nt no braver or timi * ildiei to thc ?nt. I traveled through a tine i ind recently belonging to the tate "i nie late Mi r. lt li atifying td knoss thal the timber ml baa not ?! ol mn ? I ii i- gratifying to kimss al il do.s grow back rapidly. Wheal - ? been sseii nigh Ken from the field and il i- vs,?ll lhat ?wing tbe blade from -un t" n are almosl if no i obso e. md corn in I Igbborfa ii tin ison. Mr * i- tbe -! I b, am told, he *' plant* ir and of layiiiL'-by to... lt ssill ls-a With mir farmer- when they in, tba! ? "rn well worked id well manured v* iii beal 15 of the ?I more retching of ll p plow aili. 'I . I lt ia looking beth . Ibis partii ular .1, life. s nh one foi ly wno mould aKs . *? corn. . ' rid of tl um. Ail -u - ought to be ly and profitably, and lie pro. iely of farm Let Prii m. Hum iiyliao. i ile towen, ?? - .iel iu the K .ih i is nn , have much I" Lo pi,,,,.; , \ ,.,,,,, .,,,,) much mi OUI was lo tb. front, that n would neem n "*?n ' | than '?>' bun i ? of ii. Ami yt "ill ii though -om.-I*.. ? I nnd. "May We hs. ami ; - . nts. Ihe oiii lal Verbatim aVaerl of the Virginia ?.institutional < .niven* lion can be found only in the H mond Dispatch, ibe thiukiug people of tin- Cum mon wt ? ,,| |? Ol Ihe 'It-Ill., lal. lin- I),spat.di punl- the | ssithoui charge to ihe - i t,,r Convei lion. lay. - rlptiuu I nibs, cash in adva mb-, ??ash tn nd\ . i (im- month, lb maand 'bular- ia the prize thai lia* tempted J. A. Ryan, a small saloon kcc|>er in Norfolk county, to undertake the long journey to Boston I i .u dollar. Ryan rend the celebrated ISM dollar, on which a Large value baa long i by numismatists, IK- says be : - . OOO for thc coin. Ibe dans niau doesn't believe in cry ; -pill milk so long as the pump i* bandy. a. young i ? s ami Integrity baa s ii. lil for Individu* -_al < ii"i' Bucli ? 11. ??>> r I lill I I lea I'.r s <oi tm si, ?. : in Ibis country, writes Edward Bok ol Tbe Times an,1 the Voung Man." in the Home Journal. . neither harder n- i "ii evel rer ye! c.un,- to the i.. i a man be capable, base enter be Willing to ssork. and , . I like il mali, nnd lie isl,ere he VS ill. ll depend* upon himself. Ko timi -. .sondi ipi tal can u ssh,, baa a ile termination to honorably succeed iml who is ss Hiing t" wort capacitj i. The real trouble ls thal the ??? \ -uno nan won't work, lb bai gotten thi noli,,11 iu lu- head thal 'ines by luck; that men mule bj opportunities which eithei ?onie to them or are thrust upon lu-ni. for lues oi I dong and bud him a- si.-sv of C'll lili,ms and seeing ssith a clear minti trade wi.!. ? I unities in . ieSS hat the rich an he poor j,,- the coll of mind and life which young lossn, iiml ssill ki ejt tin in doss ll. re all rig nan ssl,,, linds fault ssith them ss bc s not. From wealthy American hi BquSWS ssifh Sin.i.ini ? rould utter had (irtlilli* to the Boston Herald. ti unfounded rumor thal * dossed Indian brtdi ssay I enough to attract th* of impecunioi ,,tie aen front the large nulli sd from broad al the Indian ber. aa In v ne-ton iiitpiirin: rorthlness ol the statement thal oui ?nsi-niu.i ni luis place,I .?..uni) llitluill iris in the matrimonial market, and towry and ?- land to e:oh squat*. ?ion lo the f, ?i t ii i ir I re lformetl thal the 1 bm .11,H ? I .il the ??.?ii prop try, bul I Leen ? ute IB iiupiiry Into this field. ;?-,-!. tl ti) Mlpin's Dyspepsia Remedy. 'hals All, Except it Cures Dyspepsia.