Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE EIERAL1 ASi SDKrfTNEWriPAPi PUB! 18HBD KVKKV Kkiuw ll, am! Piopriel Kati i py,one year. " " six Illolltlis. ? three iiiniitiis. .*!.< I I aa sin, Kart.iv KUI DAY, SEPTEMBER 6, I itu. HU MIMI MIU\. ;, ba- been in session now ? S Constitution still much of im ? ? ? ? nol i>? !,, crow restless, -.?eek oratory lias bud ray, ami in '? ? i foi recognition . ,,f Ex-Uovernoi Cameron the first water, while ,?:l, ,,f the fad that ti,,- da ta !'? Virginia i* nol ye: ? linnie a simrt bul , which he emphasised ti,,, i gnixed no obliga? tion to convention pledges but Would do his duly to tbe people of Virginia d gave bun guidance and strength. Hr, atered public life hue in life, and ssh., -teni* determined tu m. List timi' by talking himself if nol his auditors to death, j.ted to interrupt bim, and waa promptly but firmly ral mi. 'ihe Hou? nd accostomed to fool ionic, and would ii"t tolei* t there. Tbe gentleman from Pu? laski ss ill leam winn lui// BBWS are in ? n nd to go too near, one Bummer, from Washington ., began early in the aoaaloo to lit of clown, and as long as hi ssas only funny, bis fellow members laughed at hun, but ot late he ht v-, aid ail deeenl peo* ,bo happened to be present either turned their back* on him or left the Juill. I to be a white man, and in disparaging his own mos waa guilty of Hie outrage of the duty bird that in?ft)uls his own nest. (Jenora! Wheeler ssill be indignant to read that thi* creature quoted him as raying that negroes could be relied on to storm heights in 1" ss didi Anglo Saxon courage hued All honor to young bul gallant .Mr. Campbell, of .me county, who ably defended his people agaiusl the ravages of this iiii*iit-t.f-a-iutiiiiu'r ofa respectable and responsible body of Virginians, And thc thanks of all Virginia are due Messrs Moore and-, svho, though Republicans fruin principle, are Og to be traitors to their own kith and kin. The lie-lit thing foi this man Sum ni.r-to du is to goon! uml bille. How beean live in that atmosphere i* mys telS lo ll*. We -lill Insist that too much time his |?cii wasted on that preamble. In fad sve cul,I do wit Inuit a pre? amble altogether. So fur a* Un- oom. mutee can decide it, county courts are done for, but tho Convention ha* yet tu be heard from. The Committee WM well nigh equally divided mi Hie sull? ied The qnestion of suffrage la -till in doubt, it i- righi weil assured that tte offices of Secretary of Common? wealth ami Register of Hand Office will lie consolidated. Reports of Hie different committees wBI no doubt noss i.. .I that ssill necessitate Bam We - ineielv hope the Summer, of emu. I- ?,- dead a- the summer of 1901. LABOI BAY. Monday was observed as laboi Un- world over. No doiil,t bm ur national birth-day will eon. linne t.copy Dial place ii) the bernis of our ? oiur.s nu n aiiiuiu- ,,ur national tjusl aa true, as wa believe, will labor day occupy next place, lin old cry was: "Cotton is King," and then non n.t.- -,, proclaimed, and tlien many wniilii ruiosvii (lie goddess ,,| ye olden day, (cres, but in fact ami in truth, in thc past ami in ult. ( ia* lieen king, and ss ill remain so I,, Hie end When the gates of Eden closed mi our Ural parents the door of labor oom ed ivnle Inf,re them ami from then until now mali ha- been earning his ? ? a! of hi- bmw, iniiiand (,, wash mine from (ind. and i-all othei foinuiaiitls nf an i ii fi n itely wise laing]- ,,f itself Infinitely In things -piiit'ai weare taught to Work out mir osvn salvation, am! in things temporal the lasl bul greau-t of the Apostles, -nd: "lhat the man win. didn't work neither shall ha eat" The laborer-, be il known, are not all in miiic, or before furnace, or on the faun. All laborers do not stand at helm of ship Ol in charge of engine of East flying train All labonngmendo not lab a si iib their bands, and tired bodies are not the only tired things of I lie mau out in the world is nut ihe only sioikei iii tie- family. Iii our sphere of ssmk, then, let us ?lo ssl, , iiml to du suth mir might, and ss Inn lal?,r day let ii- unite with our fellow laborer* in healthful ami helpful rent. Drones of -... lety should have i in laboi das. nu Itu ls I dm I -?in iii, lng ago a,,|| pre* Pour hundred American teachers, men ami women, -ailed lecently fur a, ??ind at ihe lii-t landing, Honolula, ??<? of the number ss,-re aaar. I be gul-, slim failed to go ed mic grand opportunity. c late has tee,' this that friei gini if lu lum ss ay i -yin latin to th befell thee He such coin! ny in when battli -lulls baa b reataji of all Virgil ami ij (?neon eratic its al!; delive I'eter Appen Of the sise to eratic \ willing bo? i-n Martin -aonie fi The tl i**lied ii lion we startlim ?'iii- ss i ni the taught I He! th itoua by Bngliahi girl grac ll.e R in*i-ts nj in the eil |sT-.iiial Irids." "Kphm ) nothing i him dmit WHIIII RS! MM! I! HUM Bul yesterday tbe June rosea .ban ci -, today sve gather the golden B I in -leen of the leaf i- mell"ss hil* iii thc ??-.?rc and yellow," apples reddi in the autumn sunshine, |?t**ra bai I,easily upon thc drooping brandu harden- fur the grist, tl young hird- move mi sit'"' Her wings, the -un leaves its ls ... hour, and the .veiling -hadov cme the sooner. Hosing motbera an little children of thc larger cities i longer crowd the shady subs rn nm rush for health to grateful -hail in public park-. Tbe pleaBUI arc no longer crundell with sn (beating sutlering humanity beggiti tn a breath of fresh air, and the "-mal l?,y" of the country linds that Watti mg in the creek BOT bathing In tin pond are not all of life. lj nieii crowd the mar!- ot tiadi again refreshed by -tay at moontah ? ol oil Ul,' -ea-nle Tbe L'.'d'les nf Fashion (lings mice inure ness colors, and ness -lyle-, and ness BhapOS, full in public viess, and BCbOOl Children svith nesv bonks, and aharpeoed pen? cil-, and unwritten scrap bunk-, and quickened energies hurry to school. Tho frying sine chicken assumea the proportion! of the rooster, ami the turkey, all unconscious of ita fate in :., put mi Thaiigskiving airs. There la more of night and less nf day, moreof shadow and less of sunshine, nime nf time gone and le? of time to continue. September, the seventh month of Hie U.inaii .scar, the ninth of mir-, i- ss uh US. The frost will soon follow, and then Bick children of Ness York's tene? ment rows, who have stiM'eted from the heat ssill shiver in the cold. "The harsi-l 1- past, the Slimmer i- ended," and-. som 8i huimiov J.esulved, That no person horn with? in the empire of China or on the conti* Bent of Aflica, and no descendant of any person burn on the continent of Africa or Within the empire of China -hall have Hie right to vote in this State. Resolved. That the General illy of Virginia shall have power to en? force the foregoing section hy appro priate legislation. 'I'lie Fifteenth Amendment provides thal the right to vote shall not be de* lied or abridged "mi account of ice. ?olor or previous condition ofservl uiie." The proposed restriction Iseeaentially l| liical, and in DO sense racial, or tbe continent of Africa alone em .1 itbiii its limits representatives f substantially all race- the Anglo. ?ax,iii, the Teutonic OD Hu' smith and ? est; the French, Spanish, Buhu and .rab of the north, and Ito Boudna, a ell a* the Abys-ianiaiis, Hie Kaffirs nd the Congo iiegi'.i-. lt thu- ap lies to all persons, irrespective of race, in wi t Iii ti certain geographical nita,and their deaoendanta. Neither i- Hu- restriction based mi ?lor, for it applies (-(pially to all colors, of course, it has nothing to do with ,revimi* conditions nf MfVitode,'* for embraces bulli bond and free. afr. Edmund lYndieton is tba au or of the above, and it strike- DJ th force Hil.HUB BOWN WITH trOLD." \ Pacific steamer anani down in d-ocean recently carrying with it a ge majority of those on board, ll (?ported that many sank '-weighted vu with gold." Ins i- nut |ieculiar to the sea. Thou ds and tens of thousands are daily I hourly going down mi shore gra-p for gold. Thc struggle i- intense, oiling, soul-destroying and DO les frmii bitter experience makes un -sion on the agonized aspirants. leik BuHon ha* Ircen boas tl Og of that Tom .Martin, "his friend,'' "a majority of the State commit " by the neck, we presume, and in fonriectimi sve are forced to -ay Clerk Button's "friend" is not a id of the Democratic voters of Vlr ii. l'licy have ".-et mi" lum, and ? doesn't know it (hey will ma*li Ant! mie of the DMBl effectual I of doing this ls to get rid of his patblsera in ofllce. Thc new logia eshuuid be elected svith reference is in part, ll ssmiltl bs well |<, i this weeding mit process with lerk liimself.' Farmville Herald, t us .?idinniiish the Herald that articles as the foregoing are not ii.-ive to the much needed hann,, the Democratic party at a time i thc enemy is forming In- linc ,,f ? and hoping to pu,lit by disSBD in the Democratic ranks. There cen no time since the days ??' istmenl when it ssas dson in y than it is imss that "Menin, rat stripes," tn u-e Hie words of the nan Pilot, "should get togetbei nit di-eouragiiig mu- another, ami lairing the enemy. The Demo party has reached thal crisis m in- wheo it may ss ell a-k to be red frmn some ,,f Bj friends. burg Index-Appeal. let Ul admonish the Index I that such sweating on the part friend* of Tum Martin is oflen a large majority of the Deuio rotets of Virginia, who are not to submit lunger to Martin 1. "If this means irea-mi" to and hi*, ??make thc nu,si of it." lends mean bsa, lancing masters ,,f Houdini, have ipOCtUa bearing mi corona ck, in which they make the 'announcement (hat American I! not lu- allowed to take pan "liles- they are tir-i is Kngli-h masters. 8 American girls be OotMnto Stay lag away. Thc idea of an nan teaching an American e '.t Illt'Venieiit i, ridiculous. ichmond Tfmet relats and im it, "that |?ersmial property I- nindi in sight as property in the rural dla. um is joined to his idols," and ? ina,ii* hu u- to th., but "let Sc l.'l: In! Im do lill du esq "Ht 'lill fi il? ea n sse or I par -win wh. the nats coin a nu inti, up t Ni li? fo, and, gest |M|s-i iled. all. Ihe t penat dolli,I and v lump stalks Has a coal pay tl -tock i Aga ss intel Cristina comps -lindi svith ii hay tn DOW ss svith p ? ?ut a h Hie I lt IS to 11 USC! s big pru the liiL'l either i abuse,,, otency i paul gut The "I and the ps the ii 'lie dee! gu back t ?ths-: ss in their aug return to then, I B KinderIm mer agaii vv, ,,. gi ,i ? the repori the expenditure oftbeeontlngeul furn Wc were aol afraid of it, bul auppre sion would hast- bet ii lin t"i J Hani| inn ali be i- aftei la fun. lt is particularly gralifj Ing lo ua ? tins -,.,ti,ui of Virginia t" kuoa lha Uovernoi McKinney - admlnistratln stands mu as conspicuoua f"i Wit economy and business princlplea ll never ordered tl.xpenditureof a ci n that sin- imt In Hie illtelest of all tin people of tbe commonwealth. Tin- Richmond Tum baa n oderei good service ni OoHoctiOg and givtuf to the public the VleWS of lui-lii I >*?! - Ol the Norfolk Convention on aubmlssion of the sst irk of the Constitutional < ',,n vention to the voter* of tin Mr. KS. Paulet!, whose good judg? ment tbe people of thia section lill re? spect, -as-: "I think proclaiming tim Constitution ss iii give more iel lon." Hon Chauncey Depew wenl "bust? ed in Wall Streel recently, and waa fbi ced to -tcp ovei to the office of .!. P. in to negotiate the loan of s nick? el svith Windi to pay Iii-ssay un bum. Nothing i- said ot the beer. Maj be friend Morgan "se! 'em up." The Boera base do conception of sshat a whipping means. They light as though they were winning ail the victories. Their courage ami endur? ance ougbl to make biase men tbe world i,vcr unite in demanding their freedom. TwoofPaul Kruger's sons bave been killed in battle, mic daughter died aa a r.-iilt of the privation! of the war, and now his wire ls dead, while tbe vener? able Presldeutof tbe Transvaal Repub? lic is an exile from hi- e.mulls . While the King of England la paid 15,000 a limy Senator clark'- copper mines yield bin 140,000, Von can't dosvn the American boys, and there ia DO use trying. The servant girl combine lu Chicago, ls said to be growing, When their de* inand for aborter hours ba* been com? piled with may be tiny suii render more efficient service while oo duty. Mr. Joseph Bryan, ol Ihe Richmond Tim's, deserves tbe tbsnka of all Vir? ginia fbi his presentation of iiei claims md bia masterly deft ncc nf bei history .(?cue an exposition audience, "For year- sse hive whitewashed mr elections; it la now time f u a* lo sash ss bite our electorate." B sri ter of the Richmond A?< Tbe "Unspeakable Turk" la nol on peaking terms just now wilh Prance, ml sviii nut be until be settles tbal . (> U. ot lang -lauding. Blair ssill die ol old age before he sta i" bs Lieotenan! lovernor "i Vii _ lie Successful Fumier Make-and Saves His iiitt ami radder. ii dm- ll, r,dd: " l.eav SS lias I lui r lime lo full a nu i ik. arias -ii im- i Un- iiiHeicncc I- i hardei fail-, An,I rails rreijilentl.s . ?speaking of falls reminds nie that ptember i- herc and even DOW the ive-are turning brown, but there la s of green hay si Indi can be cut ami used for ss inter use, old Virginia n'l Deed a new (institution half as K'll RH she need- -mn,- l|p-to-il.itc ming. Whenever you find a ('ailer? ue farmer who -ave- hay, fodder, s, corn, wheal and tobacco in teaman I aalla it ss hen the mai k,t i- read*, it, ymi ssill lind a man ss Im tit,n'l B a kitty sshat sort of a constitution have, ,,r Whether sse have ans at all un!, at lea-t -n fara- the financial I of the bll-ilie? i- coi,, cl ned. But mi you lind that other -ort of fannel i -pend- half hi- Hine loafing and other half trying to buy hay, corn, . incal, and everything from the mission men bant-.then you'll lind iii ssh,, i-ready lo blot the eonati ni mu boda, iuii-iv v Jest rip ber he back '. and -tai I fresh. '.''.' IW, thc moral nf this i-, let'- all nf farmers -aic mme fund Bluffs xl for beast a- ss ell a- fm niau a- in amateur farmer, I ssill sug that the biggest saving of forage bb- i- by basing your enrn -hied The Whole -talk, shuck, tup- and The feed i- equal lo timothy has . cum>niv in room is worth thc ex ?, and the value of the manure i ed, bc-au-e tin- feed i- lindy cut rheo spread mi the land d"' like manum made is here si Ide are ftd (,, -tuck, i year I bad my corn shredded at of $12, sold f|2 Worth of feed |n ie expense, am) had plenty funny ill winier. in, brother farmer, ld* bow some Oats tin- iiii,nth, ami a fess ll clover -ced. Thc flOBl I* little ted to the Ix nell! denied, and uss or other it aaWOM to g,, danita ic to see farniei- hauling bailed in loWD than ans thu hen the fields are just covered icnty nf Dative hay, ss hy nol SV tolls .' obacci ,i,,p is a linc one and Ire dev.nilly Wished tba! thc in is -tc their way deal tu poy c- Un- si inter, fur tu mosl of ii i or losv price for the weed apella ilenty of si inter cid I i | ail to contemplate a ?!? ii iiI around arith another un un, account. rig meeline:-" at thc churches candidate- fir office still OCCU* mid- nf mir fi,Iks, anti a Inn mn i* user, and the pi a. their BUUg 'itv limnc-, ai,,), i'll the "summei gu la" -picul du- ss lug-, -o t,, sj,,.;^, and their abiding places, iv, mir folk- ssill be?well, ic-oiiie: but there'll be -um i DOXl sear, and lin,re lug H V Th fur PA 'd+t nun, i ii .\..lo il.alc lay Thi ia I.. I st, aili Fa Thn Bo Semi 'Ude we don't care ^ Po do all the Clothing bii-ine-s this Fall, bul sve svant lo gd a got ni share of it. We firmly believe that a concern that '- customers exceptionally good valut s in every iii-tance is bound to go abend, and deaervea to. Thia idea prevails tbrougboul the entire business. Kvery dollar'a worth of gooda we sell musl be nearer satisfaction, even our dress ano Business Suits and Overcoats.'** *s> $10.00 ? J. li. WALL, PARMVILLE, VA. nicoline;-, alni more caiiilnlates, ami mille hu rn mt i girls. .\,,u for a little grumbling imt it may not do any good, for we've gram* bled beloit- aid it sia-n'l sioilli a Cent, but it i- too bini Unit lise hundred folk- should -it mi thc bank- .d' the Hu Halo ab mt three 'lay- in the week and casi tbeh wistful eye- to? wards the mecca of Southside Virginia, ami feat lo d'.-- the torrent, and then tum reluctantly around and go to Prospect. Mi. Editor, Prospei ; I dry tosvn. Did you know it '.'i Well, mv sentence ia getting mighty long, bul sshat I started tosay ssa-, a thou* -aiui feel ol flooring and a fess- scant* lings, ss.,nd remedy all thia. I'm shmt ot oath bul I'll donate a few hun ilti'ii pounds of sumac to gel Buffalo Bridge fixed If enough othera ssill chip In to complete tbe job. Wonder if the u-e men ol Parmville wouldn 't help.' Beware ol < In en Fruit Now in Ibe heated term |.pie should pay atten? tion to tildi diet, avoiding unripe fruit sad sUle vegetables which Invariably tiring on cramps, cholera morbus, or ii.uiin, i. Children arc particularly ?ubi, d to complaints "f flu- kind, and m mot bel can fed-afc Without having I bottle nf I'llN'Kll I.IIC. Ill- B nie sud speedy cure. Avoid subsu? mes Hu re i- bul one Pain-Killer, 'crrv Davis'. Hi icc iKc. and 50c. I N nu "i i if.: rn nu: cik I i i 11 i i ii I: I ni Hie ia.m.iv nt Hacking iain.,.'. IfSJl: toina i ?? Plaintiff; lav lil Ju I '? li minni I s i ii v s. I .I lin- ii i il tn,in lliilni I (.lilian, Ul ld Joli I ld .ucl viant ol eiin-i'l.t - lilted on He -.inl ilav ul Mai lam. lu a mi rn Luci in Huck I nellan! < 'mini |. i I l' i ,1 Hool fl lie ( (Ililli V imii iii i k - ui!ice iii lind, iiiL-lialii cunnii. V ml iiii alli,la v il linville' I.ecu neel. led thal Hie defendant. Inn ld Johns -.??liiil ni tin le IV Ullin tirteell I i Une | al aili In |. ol. anil ,li> - tO | i iii thin milt, s ml ii i- flirt hi ,,l.',ei,|0 ll. ,. ol lie |llllii|-||ei| lllc e a week vi Week- ll, lite I a I III I i I lc ' ? ? il I lu? ll,I iliKir ol the i 'tint linn .'iinil m. in si ti un ur tin umlti. . I' A. I ,,|.lll -. ti, rk. .V.n. I an -cpl. '? ll. ?+++-t+++++++++++++++++++-r /e haw just received Car-load of . . Portland Cement, e <>nly kind suitable High Grade Work. ULETT, SON & CO. -+++++4-++++++++++ f -f-f-f-f-f -1-+f + + f-r-f-r-i++++4.4 ?+++++. Announcement. ? -. -nii ? oiini.v Democratic Un.II, ll lu.-ll I Wh, I I. lt. vim:111\ MIsMlll llu\ MUK I. ?o? Iinil Hie linn nf '.. I. M. s ? I lion, Hid mutual < un ? Mol i o nmler ll,, linn miine <>r . i o I I, MORRIfl, I VI. V I.VVIII.K. WANTED. '.,. lu I v lui i: sen, >, n . ti i l i \ ni lon inproved, i ??'mI litiililliiL ss I. VS'. Wi'St \. K K Halt,tn.ile. SI.!. I-. . rmville Herald AM- IHK ice-a-week New fork World, th mic year fur fi.60. I* ll, IHK H KHAKI), <2IZZ rt M 3 NATI M I M g LYTH M h Chet h bk h Ba n ?, I AN! i M M I < :xx-xz2 Do Clothes Make (lie Man... . If they do BOt tiley surely help to -hms' thc character and dienoff* timi nf the wearer. From New York, The Ka-bimi Setting Metro|>olis fur the American jieople, sse have just received &s complete and iiuhhy a line nf samples Bj ever ssere shosvn in Farmville. Every suit hough! frmn us is guaranteed to be a (terfecl tit,and tn give entire satisfaction tn the purclia-. r. We res|M-.|fii!ly siihcit an oppor? tunity tu win ymir good approval and add another name to mir grossing list of patrons. Yours sincerely, .ty. P. Richardson, Main and Third Streets. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified ai Adaalalstratorof the innes c. iute, ail persons bavins anns againal Um lats J.C. luxe, niel ail in,lei,te,i tn :,iin Hre rcqueated to .m.- (nr vi ali for set t lcm en I. Aililn --, VS'. SS'. IM,r, V - lio 1111 -1 rtiI?i r. Sue. BJ*, ISM Us. Bargains IN Jmbrellas Fresh Stock just from the Factory. AT ICHARDSON & CRALLE. IAY. Wi' deliver. Ice Cream ny quantity, and gQAT 'il i" please. . . Try us and yon will become a weil pleased customer. . . 1RIDLIN BROS., KAKMVIKKK, VA. tTH IXXZXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXJ ONAL WALL COATING y*l 'ur \\',ills .-ind Ceilin. I IC i-Id Water Paint. ipesi .ind most dani* ? I'.nut fur St.'ililcs, ms, Factories, Out "JERSON DRUG CO. ird, rxxxxxxxX'Xxxxxix-X'XXv For 1 For 1 For 1 For I For 1 ii,. ,; ., . iniule. All I'. Ann.mal SIC Farm Ki Lvverj Person, Vining ur obi. >liuulii kci p .1 \ce01111i, HewererS Bj so Boll ,,,,lVi -? ESTABLISHED 1867.-*?? *. Planters Bank of Farmville, Farmville, ?a, t.i|?ilal..xi:!,l_*.-|.<>n. Mnpliis .uni I lelit iilcil 1'iiillt-, ? x". J.iiiHi.INI. own lt. s. I'm ta- 1 1, I',. . nie ni: SS*. 1. V iv ll IV. P. VBNASLa,i|.,, dir i M. sv 11 Km. I.M.Carra, lt.M.I aros s. SS . i'v, bl I I, ll. V. KT11KIOV ll K l; il K<?sV ''' '"'?' ' :"""' l:-'"k ;"M| ??- mil oner ' H rOS in Hie maller lill l'I.SN |s MU, ititi SS ll.I, HI I I' S ? u ru HA VI WONKY \"l "I III USS Is|, ?u .,, * is 1. Hank nindi Will fc, Ci 11 ?iii?in-t tor (in- |e **'?! "? ""ii Hanking "- 1, uml ? in mi. 1 i..a , \,iv (arlin, urn iiul, ian,lent banklog. Il. sA//// /.. glad in linn your Account. Just received in Carload lots Corn, Oats, Hay, ? * Barb Wire, Lime and Cement. Call and get Our Prices. . , I C. M. WALKER A SONS. : ' The Secret of Success. The Beere! "f Booeesa i* not *,. much in kn,using Imsv tu make money aa ibe ability lo take care >.f it. If you are Interested la saving ymir ninnes- in? vestigate the plan m" thc Saving- Depai Uncut of The First National Bank, UK FARMVILLE, VA. .N I! I" SS His, CN. lie-dent. vv p. Gilliam, Et ll. I.VNN. ll. H. LYNN, Vice President. WK I tl OKS: lu:, ri.iku Winston, T. J. I>s\ is, Dit J. If, ll ssh 1 1 s. 1. 1 ssi. .I.sii I.'. Mini in, V H. Uss 11,-os, e mutual life insurance # ',,:;;:::;:, company of new york RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. Under tbe Policlea of tin* (!nrapany ymi can proyid ? I oiir-i'ir An Iliimeillalc I 1)1 Sn Kmlosi mini Inre.irlv ia 1 ion,el,!. A I'.aon,i, n,r Old ionr Wile A .li Unite an,om,I St v OUI death, V fl Mil lOO Ute. our umUm Vim,ev lo -farl ia a I: lion. our ll:iiia,'|iiei'sa I ai om, ;,,, I,if, ni v ,,,,. 1. our attaalaii aa Viiiiiinii) 1 ? our own or I'artnsr'a death. lialinclr M by tb* M UTI ll, ? .| li oin I lie fae! I lia! os "T .a |ian! n> Cul, i inn luis 1,1 . tlie total |mi> .neilla ceil lil tile ||| ll ll. I.I. ' mUtt ic Paid-up insurance; Hx tended Inaurano Kreeot . a-li sm :. -ails. , . . Funds Exceed $325,000,000. . . . r-^-, W. P. VENABLE, ville, Va. District Agent. .raid and New York World only $1.60.