Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. VOL XL FAIaMYILLK, VA.. FRIDAY. SE1TEMBER 13,1901. NO. ,->o. FARMVILLE FAIR FOR NEW CENTURY, OCTOBER 23, 24, 25,1901. CITY DIRECTORY. , ? v (iiiiiinin, 'ii. SV. |\ t,ilhntn ttnleo VVh"< '? ' ri.,,,,, A. K. Cralle anil I ' "viicc'v ss . r. tollu.m. \. I- (ia, 11,-ii ml K. i Mm i K vs. K Has Idaon snd i.. Morrlaand W. in, K. I,. KrHlnlierl Kritinlierl uml SS'. inl'ert. A. K. frillle o ? Da Idaon, ss i ' "? \. K. frulle uml .1. oar. I I.. Kiiuiilicrt atc! J K. V i '.. VI,,tn-,,,,il sv. c. . head. SS', I'aulctl, .lr, ?? llciiierl Klee. I K. U. Miller. in.l I. K. I.iu,m. . nun! h. T. Wicker. ?eel,! t .. M . Kl.l.eson. Ill r J. s. Hurl. P r R M. BIDGOOD, - DENTIST. .um ', OVER C. B. CHAPPELL. |AMES LYONS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Law A Illili- nnd Kvsiik'iKV, Buckingham Courthouse, Va. \ i . wuii Seal r..r Buckingham tenaty. |ie|.o-iiinns iiml Acknowledgment* lukin, uni t lillee! inns inn,lc in Uncivil,n liain. A|.|iiii,ial!(i\, t il I ll 111 mt ll ml li 11 iee ll VV FLOURNOY, Al i"KMV- VT LAW. Will printie.- In UM Csarta Of I'rince Kil? lian! inn! adjoining count hw. over the poaiofllee, Karmv! U' C FRANKLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, rvvii'i.i.N CITY, v a. appomattox, Prince Mward and liuiiioiic cou nt lea. Hupreme Coori of Virginia and U. H. Cooria. A. 0 WATKINS. R. H. WATKINS. WATKINS tf WATKINS, AHORNEYSATLAW, K A KM V II.I.K, V V. ourta of Prlnet Edward, Cum I, liucklnaham, Nottoway anti Ame ? un nt Kichmond. ?thou paul lo eases In hank raptcy. U P. VANDERSLICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will I'liictice ill Ullll Slate ami : (ililli-. ..ii BalMlBff, Milln St.. 1 \ CM V II.I.K, \ \ **' S. WING, ATl'l IK Nh V Al' LAW, Creen Bay, Prince Edward Cornily, Va. vvm practice ls Prince Kdward and ud? umung cnn C H BLISS, m - BEAL AUCTIONEER, KA KM V II.I.K. VA. -mess in II,is ami ii.tjoluniK (.iii'iies. iiiarjrv moderate. ^THITE A CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, I',,-ci i |,l mn- t iti'i-rully C. il it ix.iin, lei I. 1- V KM V II.I.K. VA. Sterling Silver! : ->-. a . . . DIAMONDS. ^> Miena Floe Repairio-4 JIMMY. MAIL ORDERS Hu. ( lareful Attention. W. T. BLANTON, .lewder and !)|>tirian. j , \ uiiincd and properly titted. Randolph-Macon C liege, Ashland, Va. ii? Kev. W. 6. STARR, I). I).. Presiiidit. Meal s, minn *s ill begin SEPTEMBER 19, 1901. I'"i ' rn,I s|K'tiiil int'ciimi li'ii apply lu RICHARD IRBY, JV 1- .III. HAVK \<u R PRINTING AT I UK I! KHALI) J( PH I KA RM VI LL K. DONS Ut OH DAD N' I. Dot* 1 ul lt. D . ? ? ?,,?_ i in l.i.- tight i rt, bobber Imur. ita*.. low, . i > ti ff 1 (he liiie a-|>ullin' Alsv Alt. ? , ,?._ kr. 1, Nothln' bul h in' V? off I. r a ir a in' I'll !?!( k up our ? % tas, 'Thou! a l| Lin' fi r us. S.,\ i; In U. irolt MMM&& ^ ^^^ftmtmSimtmm'tlkiltn' :, A KENITE'S WIFE ~| _ Ry S. B. Rial!. * i oi.-lt, lau.l.j A?tl,..,-.s.,,?i, MAYldiu K"s gai] came Blipping (I.usn tin- creek in the hour te ?lass n. There nn nit- nf ?-rowing lin-ht in tin- caa! ssith Jupi? ter shining white above. Ile luul heen Ut tile county tOWB to try ttl raise money on Iiis last nil nf land, of which thc wavea were inak Ing an island before blotting it mit altogether. When (states wire tu |?. had tor flic Baaing, tin- Ural Maverick could gu 2(i miles on his osvn domain. Ile built the church ot st. Deny'a, U A M. that is still standing, and ".'ave the glebe lands; he abhorred a Pnritan, upheld the authority-of the kin.' and the hird proprietary, his name svith a eros-, and left to his articled servant, Haines, such unman? ly employment ns reading and svrit lng. .Master nnd man lived in 1640, before the men frmn Nanseiimnd made trouble in camp and state. After 1776, a Maverick of thc fourth peneration was n loyalist Impover? ished by n patriotic Haines, who through cleverness af statecraft hail conic ' ition, and wlio hail married the daughter of a colonial dignitary, In mai Haines had csa r a taste fur alliance svith his betters; several bi brides had aided their rising fortunes with thc influence uf a name. The matrimonial ventures of a Maverick were brought about by the attraction of thc moment, v milk? maid, or a girl from a wayside inn made a channing bride, providing sin? bad thc beamy and brillian youth Haines' statesmanship of th' ent day had narrowed tu county poli? tics and a controlling hand over lucra? tive Office BJ while Maverick earned a scant living from the water and fruin ? had left. Something inure by inheritance still remained t" him Scontempt for booka, two tank? ards svith well-worn thumb pit i Buperatitioua reverence fur thc hoe* pi tal itv of his poor house, ami an un? impaired hatred of a Rail Ile kept a careless hand on the till? er, ami wen! user tlie news he had heard in tossn: Haines, who ssas Count] r, hud defaulted. His political opponents were in power, cseu thc Judges on the bench Were t him; he ssas a fugitive, ssith the certainty nf a vigorous justice be fore bini. He might haw got 'mt uf thc country if he hail nut risked his fret dum fur the sake of a sick child, whom he dearly loved. Maverick recalled the tax gather* .?r's jutty perseentiona over his own Insignificant tithe. He summed np an account of generations, and lei at the result. As his keel dragged thc sm al. hlfl svife ran down through the half lifrTit to Die edge of the water. She ssas ?miall and very yoong, and she ran un tiptoe, beating flu- air svith lui hands as if buoying lur movements Eagerness shone in lur eyes and in the trembling ot her compressed lips lie had married after the eu-tum ol his people, and fal her he worshiped youth and beauty in the COBCn She pushed him assay anti turned fruin his kiss to ask: "Hid thc maa let you have thf moues '.'" '?No She skipped fruin BOC fool tu the other: "I've got il. I can tb. better's sun tying hume." '"What'."' ?l's.- gut the money. Hurry np." Maverick made the bunt fast, and rumaged in the locker fur his pur , "What difference docs it make about the chi boat? Hurry, hurry." He awkwardly untied a ps and held a red ribbon ami some mint sticks above her head. "W'hat'll ymi give fur them?" "Here." she saitl. impatiently, and lifted her f lom. "Hui't you se,- ibe sun'll lie up in less than an houri* Come up tu the house. There's the in,.ney fur the mortgage un the room flour." ll f..lloivc.l her up the path. She I tu him fo ss.alk gol Hy and hf ted her Hghl niutimis. Thc inner dour ssas ajar, and as he peered int - the dusky place he saw. first, familiar i s? i t h him for 50 scars, a picture, an oaken ind thc two nhl tankards, svhich the tfirl beside him had kept br polished to sshile ussay her time. Aft erwaH in the lane of light, he saw a boss! and a plate wit), some crumbs of bread upon it. The Bhadow the herirlh Wm* the fugitive treasurer. . 'hes were torn and his sh,res were broken. His narrow face, with the growtk uf a week's bearii, was hidden nu his arm, and his clerkly banda lay on- on the floor where be bad stretched them in th,- expectation uf sleep. ||c slept securely; their did nut disturb him. "Do you kimss- who he "Nancy Garry rowed over last eight on' ful,] mp abou! a man that had been ??' money; he'd been tracked down this way an' the shei-ur s\ lerin' him." "When did he come?" "VI,,mt lt, When I come up from thc bandin' SCela' Nancy (larry off he aidin' in thc porch, an' he asked "!?? if I'd let him lay down there. I knesv him. I told him he cult] lay down un the floor of the room, an' I fetched him bread an'milk -goodmilk in' I saitl you WOUldn'1 be hume till r eal day. Itu didn't kriusv tl, ymir house, an' he Baked me if I was ymir daughter.*1 sin- pointed tn the key in thc luck. "The shutters was ? d un the outside. Fruin Nancy Garry said, I reckun ihe shei'tT'll bc down thc road about sun? up ur a little after. I'll signal him fruin our side and- there's thc nmrt He'l! give $300 fur him." Uer eyes danced; tin- boomi uf her dress ruse and fell svith her quick breathing, Maverick looked through tin- door at the treasurer. "ir's Baines, ain't it ?" whispered the girl. She shook his sleeve impatiently. "I though! youM be glad.*1 He kept hold uf her ham] anti tlresv lier mit un the porch. He had treated her like a child, and she had flattered him ssith an indulgent dyininatinn that is shown to thc vny young and the .'1(1. "Ain't vmi glad?" she persisted. "If {fancy Garry'd caught him you'd be glad." "Maybe; but not tu trap him in mir own house, if be's a hundred titue- a Haines." "After all his letters an' threats; an' all you tell mc about his people an' ymir people sshen they ssas worth something*" "Neser mind," bc said, sharply. "Listen; ssh,ii I gel dossil to the turu, M VVKIU'-K MADK TUM IK ..VT FAST. y,,u wake him up, gtva him some bread and tell him what ymi kimvs about the sher'fT tell him iiii sun know. Il,, ymi heat'.* Thc far side uf the creek'll s. iv,- liim beat. That's nut minc; it never waa. And tell him"- his aimer ?it'd him?"by thc pusver that made mc, I'll hunt him like a hound as BOOB BS his foot's on another mini's land!" Julie watched him cuter the misty woods before she opened the cupboard and cut a piece of bread fruin the loaf; she looked at it critically and cut a smaller slice, sshieh she carried tu the inner room. An hour after she met Maverick cum? in "? np from the highway. His ha* was off, ami the level sim shone mi his ssorn face and un his gray hair. Julie thought he Inuked old. "Did ymi sec the sher'ff?" "Yea." "Well, it ssas a heap u' ninney, an* sm- mighl as ssdi had it as anybody. it waan'l my fault." She -lipped lur head under his arm and began to rifle his pockets uf the red ribbons and the mint sticks; she for.oU Hail Maverick, lou. forgo! Haines, nnd thought univ uf Julie; there had coane the fear that, though they -sent lia nd in hand, ncscrthdess he went mit ol his paradise. CONVERTED THE OLD BELL. Priest's Kajiliiimlloii Iii a Presiby leilnii of lt ll.-ennie Truly liitiaerraled. Fur mans J ? ar s ballier Bo] ? one uf th. most prominent aid popular Catholic clergymen in vTaahington, win rc he had a greal reputation as ,i Bit, Many of bia mos! intimate frieada ?.ure Protestants snd members of the Protestant clergy, A fen monti fore his death he tit.!, il a missionary chapel (liisvn by the BSVJ ;.irri and bough! at a junk shopaii old bell sshieh had been discarded by mic ,,f the Pres? byterian churches. He sent the bell to a fmimiry la Georgetown sad had sev? ers! indies uf metal pared off the rim. Ilaviiii* thus got rid of a crack the harsh . rdsnt timi s of ll . sh,,rt aini ssh i I. Ml ? tintf a m parson not loag after. Kathi i- bode called his attention to the change and the latter could rn ]N belli ' hi- same bell. "VV la? in the world did ynu rio ssith that bell'.'" inquired thc Presbyteries pastor, "tu cause stu li a chancre in thc toacT" "We d it and blessed it until s. the Presbyterian devil mit uf it." re? turn ri Father B '? then it Bounded all right." I .-..(.-.I Hotter. 11 ctor Hid ymi titkt that rhubarb I ordt ri Little fred Yes, sir; 1 took it in pie form.?Judge. JUST A HINT OR TWO. Salt sprinkled mi any Bul thal is burninc- on the StOVe ssill .stop the smoke anti smell. The Outside of B nickel chafing dish should never be Immersed In ? simply arlpa it off aad give s final pol? ish svith a piece of chamois. A crust of dry bread added to the water in which frCCBa are boiled is lad fo absorb any .strone; Ila. odor that may be objectionable. Add a little turpentine tu th ? ssat.T With which the (lour is scrubbed, lt tvOI take astay the close -indi snd make the ru,mi delightfully freah. If alcohol is us.-ri u> Hean gilded picture frames ami nothing I ter fur thc piirpus,- it slunihl be ap? plied very lightly ssith a camel's-hair brush. Th.- beaten svhite nf eg also a good deaiis'mir agent fur the pllt, anti needs the brush application svith the same light I Beeenl Investigation! made by Pruf. Atwatcr shotved that thc bread for a family of six persons when boiif-ht costs 33 cents n day iiml svhen made at hume ll cents, Including fuel. Ths family ssas that nf a svnrk iiii.rm.iii earning PJO B dav, and thc chief article of food ssas bread. A SHOWMAN'S PHILOSOPHY. [Ai ? knows, tlc ur. ll man wrote a I,mik. of whit !, Ol I WSl sa ry proud, hut Un- part ol ss hld, tia ? I w,,- what lc call, "phil,,snphy," print.,! n, ,|;. ippendtx. lt ? ? "i'll ri merni,' ring II, t ? Un tn-1 Amusement to children is like rain to flowers. A happy chilli is likely to make an honest man. If you ss mild he as happy as a child please mic. Childish wonder is the first step in human wisdom. Childish laughter is the echo of Heavenly manie, The author of hannie s mirtb public benefactor. # Innocent amusement transforms into rainbows. Tu best please a child is the high? est triumph of philosophy. I would rather be called the chil? dren's friend than the worlds king. He that Blakes useful knowledge must attractive to the yoong is the kilter of sages. Tn stimulate svlmlesume curiosity In the mind nf a child is tn plant p-ulricn MESS ROOM GOSSIP. The percentage of illiterate- ,aiiion:_' griny conscripts in Italy Ll Thc '.io biggest men in the guard? average I feel "'_, inchi height. Ninety-five per cent, of Bri ti ah s,,l riicrs can read mid write, per cent, in 1 *n0. Th, arms sllowi about 13,000poonda of f,,t?l a year fur IS men, but in the arctic regions people eat at least a (pander as nindi in,,re. It eosta three ri,-liars a month inure tn feed a man in Greenland 'han in New York. All European amalea have certain extras weekly in the way nf food. Siipar is j-iven in England and France, two gallona nf beer iii Russia, one half ya,ll,,,, wine in italy, three pounds nf tish in Spain aid liie OUBCCS of butter iii Belgiaaa. Lieut. Hobson. In the cmir-e nf a speech delivered in Bonton the other IVS it a- hi- opinion that the faults nf sailors as men ssere largely due tn the fact that they lien- fur the must jKirt so much without homei and away from the influence of women. EX-GOVERNORS OF STATES. of tim surviving goveraora uf Vir? ginia, Uell. PitahUgh bee is the I,cst known. Of thc surviving goveraora nf Massachneetta, the mosl prominent In public life is Secretary Long, three times consecutively elected governor of the Bay state, anti BOW BCCretary nf the navy. lt is a somewhat eurloUS fact that. excepting Presidenl McKinley and Senator luraker, win>sc official resi? dences are in Washington, a majority nf thc surviving funner governoi Ohin are BOW residents nf New Vnrk Blty. There are six aurviring governors ?>f New York: Cornell, elect.ii in 1879* Cleveland, elected in 1889; Hill. first d.?end in i**.-,; Morton, elected n 1004; Black, elected in lava, and elected iii I-''*. Three of he six. after having be.-n governor, ittaiiutl hoaora in th.- field nf aa* lionel publics: Cleveland as presi !ent; 11:11 as senator, and Re? is vice president. HEADGEAR FOR WOMEN. aeon nf thc Mexican bats. Sprays nf pink hawthorn charm lorn sonic of the modish e\.nu? des of millinery. - , Thc country girl will timi she la ug catered fur must lavishly, and all he lea,lill)' milliners are shun inc- tle ij'htf'il strasss in burnt and sar irnu ri shades, fur boating and es, dandy trimmed with colored foulard ^ tm! silks ur several shades of tad il,lum. A simple anti pretty hat is trim: sith black anti svhite ribbun nf the t meal nf fine cheeks, basilic- tl,. set of gray. It lacarried around the t iat in folds, having the familiar triple , euee effect, imf BBCCting at ihe back, j mt carried user the rim, tied OBCS un- , lerneath, the ends fringed ami 1. Bg elnse tu the hair. Tlie shap. oiling sailor, aud there are grilles at , he bide. j ASSAILED Bl HIPPOS. Lionel Dede's Thriling Adventure in the Heart of Afika. Time anil Stiiln lt a,.,.,,,,.,| th,it Ills Munt Weill,I Ile Ilr.ikei. Into ls. I ml ll nu Us lalla VV ound? ell Slonater. Many people in thc United - know sshat it ls to tai-,- a mob nf half-erased men, but fin people have h;iti the experience nf atanding mob oi hippopotami. Lionel Dede, who Journeyed through the heart nf Africa fruin (upc Colt . for iii.- t his way dossn the upper Nile, opptM few yardfl by great, bulking hippo? potami, ssho had fiery disposition tn Wreck the frail boat, but ? clumsiness, together svith the anceasing vigilance nf thc sxplorers, al,me prevented the catastrophe. All the long stay frmn Wadda! to Affuriu thc young explorer and his mei, battled svith their greal lumber? ing fo Mr. Dede, In describing this pa rt of rperiences, says: "We h.t.: of Incessant dancer from thc hippos anti olghts of uninterrupted fnun the mosquitoes. Frmn thc mo? ment We started in the murnini.' un? til wc stopped in thc afternoon I had tu stand ankle-deep in the water at the bottom nf the built, lille ill hand, while my trusted sergeant major, Waua Omari, kept watch un the lith? er side. Fifteen minutes never ? without our coming ??? i's nf hippos, ami tli-se became a regular terror. The moment they saw mir boat they miltie a dash fur it. At first, Bering my men nfrald, I leughed at them, telling them that the hippos were much mure frightened than they, but I soon became more con? cerned than the men ur the hippos. The hippos sure sn dose that I slant? ed to take n photograph nf them. Sud? denly a laicc bull got his bead denn out of the water, opened his mouth and made atrsight fur us. I did imt feel like taking a snapshot, nut aeixed my eight-bore. The beast disci, ami three seconds later was only four //':' -I- \ rn ' m \ Vat? .--,'"-1 r=^* *, ? fl.i'Sr; Kuli i n.MI-iiHT. from the boat. I scarce knew what tn rio. If I fired and shot him, thc rafe at which he ssas going WOUld bring him right under flic boat, and just uric dying atruggle would semi us fl % i11if in tm: air. 1 covered him, ami ss luther thu movement frightened him or whether h* thought better of lt, he titled, and his head just rubbed the side of the bunt. "I had nut recovered from my stir when, crack! went a shot be? hind me. 'ihe men rusvt-ri for dear lift- info a Bhallow place, anil, turning around, I saw a huge hippo strugglig In the water within ten yards . My man hail shot him ssithin lise of the bunt as he was making fur it. Luckily there ssas a large gtretch of .shallow wafer duse to us, and sve got info it. Behind ? Infuriated monster, ssho had only heen wounded, waa rearing, plunging, ami trying to get at US. We turned the boat aruuiiri and then wit;. a wonderful sight. The hippo could not swim tu us, but gut in shallnsv arid tried to get at ns. Harily Wounded, he fell on his 1 nut nf the water, tried to get on the Sand bank, fell liack, rolling over, and ultimately forced his svay toward Rai,lt! went mv elght-horc nt BO and. incredible as if may .seem, the bullet struck on his back and gi iff, cutting a deep farrow in his skin. ind shut hit him. ami he rolled iver, but recovered his footing, and lead into him, and, a I minute's terrible atrufrglea, In- rolled lruund and died, svith one-half of hia ?anding nut nf the ssafer. "We had settled one beast, but nil irmmd ua the riser svith -t to, and lhere might ha To get ihead we had tn go among them. The t leaal four miles broad, with la running .merged leland ron might have gut un une of these . but ymi WOUld neser have .1 flu- mainland. Tn shunt at mother hip***o meanl only to in. mr danger, ns if we merely wounded lim it ssoiild infuriate th, f wc killed him it svould not drive iway. I threefore decided all HIV men fire Volleys into the ? ,1 we fired fhn Uer which, to our great ri ? ' the whole herd dived, and sve could ire them 200 yal higher np earn. Fur five days or no this sort of thing w. nt on. Wt 'mind the stream absolutely ohsfnict h the herds. Twice we shot lome of them cl and once se svere followed fur 20 minutes by i huge bull, who, luckily, kept some 10 yards behind us." -zm^ m AtWfMNM. ANCHORING A FENCE. A Pinn that lina Heen liuiiul Very I aefnl \\ lure lt VV na to Ile t urrU-il .ionia, a stream. Where a fence must be carried a Btream ur oui Into tha of a riser or poad, the plan shown in the cross sectloa glvea herewith will be found useful. Two placed 5v-c -'ll J .. -sr , .. WM///, IKiSV TU ANCHUH A lilMK side by side, and cross pieces of tim? ber ar.- spiked to them. Tu I piecea fence pcs'- are spiked, and boards nailed to tin d. The lugs are kept in any poaitlon desired by anchoring them svith adrea attached to boxes ol stones sunk to the bottom of tlie ra. Such a fence BBBttOt be up set. N. Y. Tribune. GAIN BY GOOD ROADS. Hoss lit.-lr I oiiMtructlon Won I.I Vii.I to Hu- 1'iiriiii-r'a Mnt.-rliil and Social Welfare V statistician has estimated that il only the worst placea in the roads ol Minnesota could be repaired farm ot'id be able to haul one-third inure at a load and to haul it in one third less time, says a writer in the Youth's Companion. Where it now rhree dollars to market thr. fourths of a ton, lt would then BOBt bul two dollars a ton, a Baviug of half the expense. Again, lt ls estimated that If T- \ had food roads .?2.7nu,Ouo svould lu saved every year in th. t ran-port a tinn nf her cotton a sum tba*. comically used, svould build timm aanda of miles of permanent high way. Hut it is not only when the farmer markets his crop that he by bad maris ur gains by gund niles. A Nesv Jersey economist has expressed the opinion that whenever good rna,ls have BOOB built In that state land s-alucs have risen fully N p.r . .nt. It is Unaly enough, fur this Improvement has lieen mafia nth ers arc pretty sure to follow, trie cars come in. Free mai! delis cry is secured. Itlch people estab? lish country homes. Eventually tho Isolated farm ls linked to the world by ninny commercial and social tics. Thc value nf all this to the farm? er and his family cannot be measured by ninney alone. Hut anyone BBB es? timate how much If WOUld be Worth to himself tn live in close touch with human Interests, rather than to dwell in comparative SSchlslon on the off side of a mut! hub-. A Wide Tire Kip.rl.nrr. in Mlnneeota they had a lasv which provided that persons against whom rnnd taxes wen should be given n rebate fur each wide-tired vehicle owned by the taxpayer. <M course, the object of the law was plain enough it was to provide fur the maintenance nf good roads. 'I lc honest tillers of the soil, it WM ar WOUld all provide thetUI with carts and wagons ssiih wide tires, rim! the road cutting iv,ml,I I,. re,bleed to a minimum. The farm? ers bought the vehici.-a, lill right,and obtained the rebate. Then the] Stored them away In their barns un? til next tax time. Mas ll while the old narrow tired wagons WOtO In daily usc, and the roads were belBg "mas? sa, red" In the old familiar way. This state of affairs kept up for Ava Jf and the road fund was mulcted ,,| thousands of dollnrs that might oth? erwise have been BSCd fur construe* Hon. Now the law has been sppi Tea ( .iltur.- In I ..ulalu i,., l'l culture tuny finally tl into .mc of th.- mur.- Important In? dustries of Louisiana, slthov this time the outcome of now belag made ls lei prnbleinatieal. Al the I.nuisinnn ex? periment station Dr, W C Stubbs la conducting bb elaborate experiment and up to this time the results havi been thoroughly aatislactory. He hm an area of comfortable si/e. with i",Mi tea plant... liny have grown un til they now range fruin six inchel to une foot in height. Thur an healthy, vigorous-looking | if any Injurious Influences ar svork nu traces of them can be found ai|t.nali I ii L miss ii I ii Kuriipf. Squashes ar* practically aa un? known luxury in '.rent Uritnin. Uki the BS not grown ind their Importation never ha gerioosly attempted. The di 'neut of agriculture intends to i g number of trial ghi] ,'s crop of Boston, Marr' Hubbard squashes, aa it I the vegetable will be a favorit. rotary Wilson I. eventually a food export trade built up both in England and on the tlnent for each of these American prod nota. linir Vi-rcl bfjajt 3 , I... II. doi' ^ InI.ike X'? '-' -.-.I ....l,.|.i mi miine- from si chlnl tr,,,,. ? ' * her lc. completely cured ,,,??. .Hack I'.loli rigorous Kubblsu with ll N " lu ?nn .K.tiii j,, om Maj, Btceao Quinta I Ml druggiata refund tlie ni -I.-.ure. I-i VS .. lure i* .rn each I . If all hails were dead wbal s babel ,.f sound tiuu would be sm h Mop* tile I sagk tai Sl'.l ka ?|1 ||?( (l|,|, Laxative Bromo-Quioloe rablet icui.l iii oh, da* No l . |?H, riiec ii .eui. Kn i, ? : round unalla,,,, I .,. istllsl liel|i III. .au. a- I (Jld ?liol.lle.l. Vd. M>|,| ll..- H : nilli ii Uml nigl :. > iii en lired ami mv arm all. Ol nilli lilllie : I In order to write well you iiiu*t aol "lils think bul incas.,,, y.nii th lo lit the composite mind. <?%? Laxative Iirumo-yiiiniiii: tin- reine.!;. tl,.' cure ? col.I In WOO (Ins I.ove turi ia t0 ,| linns to vinegar when pul under certain pro cessea Kiel Headaehe Cared . imii i What a lal. ,| |, ||s. Ii thsl mirror ol rouri thoa ? an ii in d sall,.ss comp look, umth patcher, and biol chi i on thc skin, ifs liver trouble; bul l>r RI Life Fills t, iv,,. purify Hie bliiiid, give ? complexion. 0 ii Whin . H. .1 i n li,, i. are a number nf las*/ pei*w-o* who get out nf thinking by pnsii I mia llbHill I ia,III,les. |,i,|| I H.,|. .Illili liie. Cancer, ulcer, old gores, armfuls bump* and li-lligs on tbe skin, i iii pie-, boils, eruptions, aclu - and , rheumatism, catarrh, itcblne. -Iviu humors, ealing *oi. -, nml all bi,mri of -kin tr,,ulilc*, b e.vciiii, posl ti veli '-un il By laking one tn ail iioitie* otibe linc - u i; u Botanic Blood Balm 11 .i.-unaie -I" ''mils s li ld ?'? |; R B , \s Inch beal* . Mai- vi,ki- Un- blood pure md rich, i' treat men! free by writing Bim ri ll tim i .... Atlanta, i la. Medical adv li i ts, write I V ii t boy SSilh B kile. Ile like- |,, -, , In I lp ill Ila ry woman In the country ought to know a' Mother's Friend ?a .w I rr bow they It hag ri ' birth of its terrors fur many a .' wife. It I : l figure and sav suffering. It ia an sarternal lini :ri?-8 vs tth lt therefore, absolutely no do? th* system as drud's tak'. n I ally are apt to do. It i. ! intc the a . means 'ekposs and all . A druggist sf Macon, Ga , " I have Sold B . . M th, r s Friend anti ??.-luce the , claim*'! for lt." A prominent ? Lam th my 1 wns. jr, ? ? Li waa ?ira." Oas) U*ssd ???! "i" 'IruaT I mt BR4INIIIU kioiialoft to. A1LASI*. '?* sr nu lot .sr hr. UlwSrsta* Vasa "BET' 'RR Bl Br IS Bi hs