Newspaper Page Text
PARMVILLE lill; VLD. KK1I>\V. IMTOBKH ll, IH01. PAULETT & PAULETT, Insurance. \ Big towri P..uni. The fiiiiimis band nf the Culhane, A Weston Minstrels ia a big fea? ture In itself, aud tbe concerts niven at Donn In front of ('mic's Drug Btore, . 7:1". al night in fronl of tbe , House at' it to lovers nf good music. All tbe selections aro , .1 ii|i ti.-tliitc. The instruments oaed dy this company hn thc fines! pier rn I lu il value being '.vcr They arc in silver anti gold, keys, gold banded, and ra i this company. They aro a nh everything else in the organization "l'he Beat only." At the Opera House, tonight, October 11 tli. i Drug 81 ire. Tiie Lynchburg lair. mg the numerous ?peela] attrac tums which have been engaged fur the Lynchburg Fair, none will be hailed with mme genuine delight than thc famous Phinuey's U ul ted states Band, that ? U of u hieli the late martyred President -.roi : "It la truly il Band." To thc votaries of artistic and per qi Lilly, Hu.- will Indeed be a rare a rarloiu other attractions during artfully selected Hoi t ma le to achieve suc? re? ii i,:.-ii will record this j eai i -t ;mil thc beal evei in Lynchburg. lanni illc l.ia-hil ami High Vinni!. Roll of honor fur thc* wuk euding Hi.'.1 ? dwin, Farrar, (iii I un. Harrison, Hooper, Overton, Pau? let!, Winie, Winston, Kate Bldgood, Mary Davidson, Lillian Thompson. (iradi - I. ? I m. ia, Hugh ud, Kt bel Ligou, Marjorie Thomp? son, Locket! Walton, Mary Bice. . Ben lines Hoo| i i I tilweli, Louise Gray. , i lillians, \tiiii, ' ',, lmiiinic Ligon. ? muk Womaek. Emmett Webster, Marlon Weat Myrtia Skinner, Everett Wilker? son, Nannie Garnett, Howard Ligon, M irvin Smith, Lawrie Thompson, Tay I -I Wc-t, Driving Uni Ihe Enemy. These are tbe days of colds, sharp and audden, atlackiug throat and lungs, and leading tn cousequencea one dues nit like to think about. Avoid further expoeure and fight tbe enemy of health ami cmiifi.rt with Perry Davis'Pain tbe family stani-by fur sixty lt conquers a cold In a daj , m gel tbe right article. is bul mie Painkiller, Perry n.i!> Sabbath. Whatacontraal in Parmville Hine tween Sunday morning and M unlay morning. What un "ins the i stun-, the undisturbed qulel .' I* ii a nine form, or custom and well established habit? il int mean something inure than simple rest? Die-any other creature thin man I he (hiv ? Why inin al'..' Isn't it because In- lili? an imiii uiul soul? and that th I something inure than di, . id meat ? houses t" dwell in and horses tu drivi Write I hiv Down in the hunk uf memory: '/'/"i , -i iininc "t a confidence thai in Ind tu worse unless it i iv. Opium-laden \ len's I.nim .in,*- the worst uf colda. li ?in' brood ? that the tunic gel plenty nf air. Why nut I idles' it tent lon. H I.. | ,-t received Kail styles of nnd nm,le (,,-i.idcr Suit-, Thone mi>Iiii .inc will please dr.'p a mit 1 will rall. Mrs ll V. Hi i i., (?'iiihiviIle, Va . nv: I 'has. H. Stc\, ' I'u t: *, ut Farm liding couutry. Jhsl Igler Bros. lim .ely I.v Fleming A Clink. iking orders daily fur men'* Look at mn I- lemini: & Clark. Sale! heap* ? - fur sale lo Vi E Uiebardson, farmville. QQN 5T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Lifeawayl ' , llf UO-TO-BAC, k.1'8 wuk 1 SOO,OOO ""ia- All ilruKKi<u. Cur. *??'.: ? ><u Mi KUMlibY CO, lliivauo or New York. 437 BRIEFS AND PERSONALS, ?ether. ? ? ? i mj mother I inlet kurll lu i . ,,,\ , i tai tin . .iinii \tiii pearl* ni.nut her satin nhoolders strang, 'ii mir limn,'li Im.K ni li.ll ni,,. . ll,nu uni Old hopes III lier li,uni; ,l,~. Ku.Hill Areaoondini the ilnwl madrigal* ihi "I, wini iunl watched Ihe ?tolen march ot .nnil.I not nee the dayi ii,. . Movi 'i ui tnI-, t her, mute m Ith Hut, .ii,, the i linn,t thal In m Waa nol the one I love upon ni) hair; i the un,i, eep witta * thc walinu-. Nothing better after-dim erdish od Sm,dm -. The ice wagon bas gone Into winter rs, anti thc coal wagon rattles o'er mir pavements. New stepping stout - aci -- Randolph tu the Methodist church are luxuries. i is being i im' wiuti i oats. l>mr, tue grass seed. Hogs oughl tobe fattened while the weather ls mild. 11 ia haul to do w hen ld bec lines luteuse. Mi. Bead Boykin I. fl Tuesday foi Clarksville, Teuu., where be will be ? 'I in tbe tobacco busiui Mies Mar) Hooper, a b i baa beeu visiting lu Hint Iii ld, Boauoke and Lyuchburg, bas returned to Farmville. Don't waste your sweet potatoes be? cause they are abundant now. In thc spring iiiin- they will be bigh aud bard It is id.*.ni iinir I., be arranging fur Xmas wood. Wet chips contribute m.ilium tu the cheer "f the family circle Mr. Buck ia al work on that Appo? mattox bottom, and Mr. Overton on Sycamore bottom, and when both bot toma are well bottomed we will all levi better. Wc invite attention lo the atatemi ni nf the Planters Hunk, tin- figures ol which speak volumes fur this nhl, reli ind conservatively conducted iu? stitution. Whal an ideal October day we en? joyed mi last Bundey. Well-fed, well clothed, well-habited and well-doing folks Hill'! all have nccii happy. Now tha ii ii fixing Hie Appomattox bottom in approved Uuinberlaud will look well tu the em baukmi nt mi tin- Nortb -ide There is nu time lu I.e I ,st i itln 1. We wouder if tbe boys at Parmville .i.v -nun- i 'i rn! baree, < toing to them of trusty mornings i- full of fun, especially wbeii the "catch" i- a good uni-. o.n hit froal foi the season made ita linc mi tin ni..nun's' "| u . I i.i- following morning it was mora pronounced - ir aa we mo adv Ised n.. dam tut* wu- linne Prince Edward will no doubt dn her duty in thc present canvass, inn it will tmi he mit uf order t" bold i meetings embracing at leasl every pre? cinct in thc county. Last Saturday waa a glorious day, and we presume mir merchants made up fm- the rainy predecessor. Our L-muitry friends were with us in goodly numbers and mir hupe i- that they en? joyed thc 'I , Chairman Ellyson ha- nol a- j sinned any campaign orator to Prince Edward. We enjoy good speaking, but it tinir are nut enough of thal kind lo go round, we will do our duty regard The < lem Tonsorial Parlor, opposite ? ire of Messrs. c. M. Walker A <mis, will lie opened today. We call me attention ol the public lo the ad* i ci i i-rmelli nf it in another column of the Hi i;.u.i>. Rev. Mr. Thompson, ol the Baptist ?hurch, preached at Hampden-Sidney last Sunday evening, Our correspon? dent from that polnl speaks "I bia -el? limo as able nnd Impressive. That's lu- unlit. The meeting, which began al the Methodist church on laal Sunday, la -nil in progress and promises to be ? - to church and community. Hov. lc. H. Bennett, "f, ?nine tu the assistant e of Mr. Huntei ni Monday, end im- been preaching ?ince to tbe delight and edification of large and increasing audie: h.mid have ai leasl mie rousing rally at caril pieciucl in Hie county between this and ell Ctlon. Nut that the Democrats need votes to win. bul ihai the majority should be made so impressive as to deter all future efforts it antagonixing thc law-abiding, prop? erty-owning and God-fearing pe | inty. w, -un an unusually happy house? wife the other day. She had sold rJT worth of fryiug-size chickens during ,- ni, :ind had a yard full for the winter market, besldi Mg" gang of lui keys. Sin ? D kl hume ali summer, and i result, happy. Bbe will at? tend the Parmville Fair, win smiie premiums aud spend her own m.nicy. Wheal seeding is far advanced with ?nie farmers have finished and the wheal iagrowingAfflueiy. Clover -ced i- being lil med ri^lit on tbe heels of thc wheat, and mir hope is thal each will yield an hun? dred fold, om- of the inu-t sn. l-l, linn ked it ? flit ly that fl iii wheal fm- this section was tbi.nert thing, though Um booka say to t ? An ounce of piarinc is worth more pound of tin Ju- M. Book r, ni phew* nf mir tnw ii-ni.ui. ( ul I; \. Booker, died yes terday morning al bli home lu Lj nc! - burg, alter a Imitf ilh" Mr. .1. M, Venable, wtm baa beeu in New york attending thegreaf yacht returned home Wednesday morn? ing. The Southside Examiner i Parmville hi- now tnu weekliee, laaued at tim nt times in tlc- week, They aw absolutely Independenl of each other. By subscribing In mic ymi will not tret .1 then i- in both. To all pur Irn* lli ami the Examiner constitute a bi-weekly. Why not take i..1ur: Mr J. S. Mcilwaine lias rented Hu* laW offices niel thc st.ire runUl- i.f Messrs. Duvall, Bobertson A Co., for? merly occupied hy thc late Culuncl .1. I'. Fitzgerald, ami will begin thc prac? tice of hi- profession bera. His friends and thuse uf hi- honored Eather, and their name i- legion, extend him a eat* dial Welcome, ami lie-peak fur hun abundant success. Non Im tin* lair. Richmond1! < iarnival ha- had it- dav, Farmville wa-well repreeenl d there, Lynchburg's Fail next, Farmville will he there tun, iiml wc expert everybody tu return the compliment We hope for hritflit sunshine, hut if that i- denied us, wc will make it bright fur ymi wbo honor us with ymir presence, within doon. Wc arc nut expecting clouds or storm. Come any? how. Tbe town sill ba elaborately <i ted andee will the building be. Nu effort ls being spared tu secure attract? ive entertainments for dky ini'l night \\ batever givea Innocent pleasure In Iii,111111.1111 and Lynchburg, we expect tn have with us. 'I'la' tune approaches ii hen the gates will in- opened. May lie .vnu haven't jual dona your duty in connection with the work nf prepare. timi. If imt, wake Up and gD earnestly tu wnrk. Farmville will he mi trial during Fair week, ami linne nf us ran afford tu ri-k ii Verdict :iLrain-t lin- drlcmlaiit. Let us preaerve the good name nf thc tnwu and nf the section. Strangers will lie with us fur the first time, and we all know what Oral na? ma mnin. Well Known l/ltlsea Dead. After a abort and painful Illness Mr. J. Herbert Rice, a well-known dibeen, ilit'l at an carly limn Munday morning in in- forty-ninth year nf ime. For years Mr, Hue-rind tbe county treasurer, tbe county oommlsalooer of tbe revenue ami tin- town aergeent aa theil a-.-i.-iant, ami waa by thrni re? garded a- in,,-t accurate ami efficient For several yean in- was tbe oommla aloner uf revenue fur Un* town uf Kurm? ville. ll;- remains were buried frmn the residence of bis sister, Mra J.H. White bead, Tuesday morning, conducted hy ll. I In,mp-,m. Public School Hull nf lloimr. We resume the publication uf the tumor ruli nf the public high school witb very great pleasure, and wc pre? fer a long one tu a shurt une, as thc Former says significantly, Farniville [mys and girls are doing theil beat lt is a mistake to imagine thal tin* priie* ii inner-;it school are nut the pri/.e ivinncr.- mi the larger life-Held. A good hain! url! formed is eaaily kept ip. and i! i- hard wmk tu -hake off a ?ad mic. !)?> ymir beat now, young friends, while thc golden opportuni ? yours, am! then thc world will have ymir beal until life's work i.s lune. I in- Bnralkg of Kmn . Carpenter's "<^un Vadia," wbicb ipened Mus season at thc American I'hcatie in Chicago, wa- pronounced iy the critics tn he thc beal dianiali/a iiiiiufthc famuli- luivel whirli lin? nell u-cil. In view uf thc approval ehich "i^uu Vadia," gained laal year t i- imt tm. much tu predict an un Buccem fur it ihi- season, rbe company has been augmented by ?eit'ial new artists, and a complete ?ij'iipincnt nf new scenery hi- been tdded. ? Burning ?>( Borne" is Hie moat itupendous scenic i d' cl ever produced, .vlule Un* -nur in uliirli I,vein i- na? med frmn Hie hull i- made thrillingly eallstic i.y thc Introduction <>f thc -ut* Ire ari nil scene, thoa inc the girl bound ipmi Ihe animal's horns. Thi- i- 'hr inly oom pauy on tbe road which pto* ?tnt- tin- incldenl ami it ha- created a 'linne. "Quo Vadis" will lie -ccu herc Fri? lay night, November 16,al the Opera Mouse. Stied Stock of .Milliner*. Mn. Hunt i- Showing her Pattern ? I., !? i 'in .\ larger ami ii ,re -iin stock mi- never brought tu ? mu', nie a vlsi I tn inr place will ?uiiviiice you. To Exchange. I .1 mt to exchange cw.- fur a fresh uilch cow, ur mic ni.,,ut t,. calve. A} ply a' Hie H l K.M.I' Office I.iii I.ut-. There will ba room enough mi the Kair race (lack fur amateur- a- well as Lei tin- boys in Um ?mintry gel nady fur some fun. Crowning the lady luvc is nf il rich prise, but-930 in addition is m. In ?ousiderable -um uf money. Tbey call it 2nd pri/r ami yi make it lir.-t lu lie Kith in the li-t ami yet gel kid gloves i-' i' -"inc moment Dou'l think uf mic day al the Fair, hut take them all m. Remember thal Mr. Moolaga* will address ih" people at thc opening boor nt Hie Fail l" a. m., _',id October. id. ira* Private Steel ? i i Kentucky - :i [?acb. Drop in a' Hugh <> I itml try it belora Hie -upply is exhaust e I mid you'll have lu hnny. Ihuilkgtoa Heights D I> .Mil IMili'N ll I ILH I -, Vi , , Ort 8, 1901 I Miaa Della <'*n b r, a ii" bas bi i n ?ls Itlng relatives in < lharlotie i returned h.mic. Mi? M i. 11 i . - Sh,'Mer i-i isl ti og : in Miuli-unville thia week. Mr. Theo. < ariel and a life, are visit? ing their daugbter in Clarkton thi Werk. i: icy Hamilton, Jr., baa n lui ned home to Ularktou, where he will at? tend school. Mr. c. n. Almond, rn ir this place, had ii large lunn burned laal week full of tobacco. Mi? Lixxie i lakes bas bi en quite ill fer several weeks with typhoid fever. We arc glad tu kimw she i- inipnn lug. Mi-. Mary Mickle, who bas beeu visiting her mother, bas returned borne. Miss Pearl Cobb is tbe guesl ol Ml Nunnie Broad ner. Tamplin Paragraphs. I'iMi'i.iN, Va.,Oct 8, 1901. Mr-. Nannie Trcdway ami daugh? ter, of Richmond, wbo bave been on ? ii-it lo Mrs. H. F. Hunt, returned lume hi-i Beturday. Dr. Harry Bagby, of Richmond, sun >f the lamented Dr. Ccu. Bagby, of Parmville, will issie! Rev, J. il Couch u a meeting al Spring Creek church, mnmeuclngl letober -7, Mr. J. T. Jennings, of Lynchburg, A'a-s in lunn laal wick. We arc al .iiiy- glad tu -ec him. Mr. W. R. Childless, of Ibis plan*, ia- taken cbklge uf Mr. Sm i th's iii il I at Wael Appomattox. Mr. J. H. i'll.*.*, sherill of Charlotte, tailed on us lust Saturday. Curd- arc out fm the nun iii vii-. Bernie Watkins Marshall and Mr. ',. M. Hutcbeson, of Bmithville, Va., ill the l-'.tll. Miaa Flora Marable, of Madlsonvillc, I'a., left on tin- "rh fur Richmond, vherc abe will make her future borne. Mr. W. K < lilllam'a friends are con tratulatlng him it i- a 12 lb. boy, Mr. A. c. Fears, of Charlotte county, uni Mi? Daisy Bryant of thii ; inr inuiind mi the -iih at i p. m., al ?'.ii ni Baptist church, by Rev. J. li 'mi, h. Tbey tefl on thc evening train ur Hui,nnmd. They have th,* vi-hc- nf their many fruin!-. Mi ? Irownic Fox played tbe wedding llarrli. Miss Eula Jenninga, daugbter of Mr, f. li Jennings, and Mr. w. s. Pugh, of iladlaonville, will be married on bc I6tb. Public schools will commence in Ap 1'iinattiix on the 1 Itb, Mra Noi i viii teach the village school, higgle lank I u ink-. Ai i bom, Va., Oct 7, 1901. 'l'he Un. a. s. Venable will preach t Appomattox church nezl Bundey, il iiiin o'clock. Mi? I'aitic Pepe returned nome 'ue-iiay after an extended vlsi I t" Vasbington, I), c. Mies Ruby Hanson, of Cumberland, unk charge of the Sandy Ford school Irtnlier 1st Mr. K. H. (Jills, of Hurtsville, spent lunday With friends of this phire. Miss Annie Singleton, whn eloped tith Mr. Charles Dowdy to Pelham, n'. c., laal Tuesday, returned Thurs ay, and they are now kl Dome to theil neild-. M las Ada Sunn, of Ilixburg, la spend HU' tbe week mill her amil. Mi- .1 A Irightwell. Mi-- l'lummie Coleman left las! It.inlay lo attend tbe State Normal. Mr. Fred Wilkerson, of Prospect, pent Bundey with friends here. Lust Munday Mr. Henry Allen wil? lie guest of Mr J. A. Hi milt well. Mr. T. w. Roberta, of Dink.*- Branch, ,a- in Acteon laal Manday and bat snted mie iii .Mr ll. M. Bliss1 fenns, Mr. Baxter Oralle, of Bedlbrd City, felted iii- uiiric .Mr. s. W, Ferrar, Sun? ny Mr John Qrubb waa in Farmville ist Monday buying his fail .-turk lie ne CaHlngs. CUWB, Va., Oct B, 1901. Charles Fowlkes, a negro, tbougbl to ave been banting hi- way on ? Weel mind train fruin Petersburg, waa iii iii I dru, I on the track aboul one and half lillie- ea-t Of tills place. Hr ?Hy mangle I, having ona leg mi une arni cutoff and bia nu-h d in. The only explanation offered is hat be wa- either asleep ur drunk end ?ll nil the tram. rh,- w. c. T. r in id a iiii-t delight Hi social at tin- home of Mi hank.-, mi I ',\ ennm. Mesdames Peaker, Waterhouse and 'nMini:- reported u good time al the mn tutu,n, lately held in Norfolk, ml greatly enthused the membi i - lui; encouraging reports concerning lie members In attei d thc ? made In ihe g.1 work. I be ,'iiiiiiiHce mi entertainment di - redit fur the program rendered, via: l gong, "'Hie Kum Sui,mn Must Q ina at Melin'," bj milne Toolaby. Reading?Miss LixxM Hine-, ??Tm 'mee of Example." Reading Mra. Parki 31 With? in Wine, I'. Snog MR '?? i Rl nlum Mn. J. li. Hines, "Crush d by Mighty Worda," (negro dla Hr uliim?Mri- B.Ouy, "CnfiTiiiri.t d Wil * Instrumental Music Mba I lilli-. I be boah ? then served cream ami ?ak., ufier which a motion wa- made ..aij.tirn, including a vote of thanks .. Mn. Shanks tot tba mosl delightful ? l- Ml M- ll lipt. -rl.ll ll III li ' I . -u;iie fee of ila ir a ii i- thal tiny Hie l 'ulillMil ttl Hu* I*.linn lue foi which ac are getting In Him. .Mr H.'I ii,nuns Hi nea, ol Florida, la i latives bera rim., k nakllags. K, Va., Oct. 7th, 1901, born and dogi are lienitf through thi- section. Mr. W. C . k. the Huted fox and deer hllll ter is equipped and ready for tba Mk* son. Misa Byrd McGuire leaves today fur Bicbmoud, to attend tba Carnival. many ol our fanner arc pre? paring .-uiiiple-nf fuiin products fur the COU tesl al thc Farmville Fair. We hupe ii , uded priaaa. Arcanum Articles. AKCANI M, I'll I KIMIHAM Cn , I OCt Mil, l!Mll | lin* wboola have opened attain for their live mouthe1 aeaaton ami neigh ,| acboola and leechen are a.s follows: Misa Hattie Steger, principal at White Mall. Mi? Livia Steger teach Mill- -rhuul. Mi?es Ada Car? ter aiui Annetta Allen, res|>ectively, principal ami assistant of tbe EnonvUfe i -rhuul. Mi-s Annie McCraw, at, Andersonville. Miss Grace Rican baa lin l.n. Hui school. Miss Hinfurd, uf Edward, will preside at the Midway school Nu. 1, ami Mrs. W. K. i ai Nu. 2, near Smyrna Church, Of course they win ali suspend ami at? tend Farmvllle's han. Grinding Sorghum, ami making gowing wheat and shucking corn is thc programme now, What's tbe matter with aorghom as a paying crop? 100 gallons of molasses wortli 30 cents per gallon, and IM bushels -nd ui_'i tent- per bushel, frmn an ordinary acre "f land. Armstrong and Moon bad better he bustling. The Republicans are brag iwerful ,,f w hat "tbey au* going tn tin." v \i Store Preabyterian church itali invitation tu Kev. H. Hen derlite t" become its pastor, joining with Buckingbam CH. ami Appo s I'i. Ed t',,. i church Mrs. Oglesby, of Alabama, ls mi a vial I to ber aged parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Sum nu Allen, nf Knoll ville. H. rn ll. llaiiii>iieii-siiiiici HeraMlkga. li AMI'l'K.N-SlliNKV, VA., I Ort. .1, |901. f The ringing "f the Chapel Ml fur Wi tim?i i> i vening prayer meeting n* llliliil- me nf the fur! (h it alnOe tile TO moval "f the seminary the rervla fur men mily. Why is this? Dr. Eggleston, who hu- heen mntitied tu hi- borne fm -nine tim", hu- heen mit recently, making gome protestiooal Mi. Mcilwaine has ret inned tn mir itinl-t, ami the plea-,mt DOWS to u- thut he w ill open hi- law uiiirr in Farmville, Misa Minnie Lacy, wim has heen quita -irk, i- Improving, .Mi--Juri;-mi arrived bera las! week, ami will remain during the winter. Mr. Richard Reynolda, from Newport -pm! Sunday with his nc,ther. Thc students are hard at wnrk with books, imt football is receiving full aban of attention, of course, we ex? pert Hampden-Sidney tn win against all r I, Mi- ex-Governor McKinney and Miss Frankie wire tin' gueataof Mra, Holladay la-t week. Hiv. S. H. Thompson, uf Farniville, preached in College Chapel Sunday evening. i ha sermon wu- un Impreaalveone in which In-dealt ''lithe fully of sin, the ty nf punishment end the -ml fart thal it invulvr- milers M well ti? the sinner himself. The elu-c-t atten? tion was given thc -jieaker, and i iii - ,| niii-t have followed iiiui. ititi* Depot Rosene. Kn k Dkfor, Oct. B. Mi (ilu--,.k, peetorof Beulah church, i- iiriim assisted in a meeting by Hiv. F. F. Bullard, of Lynchburg. barns nol far from Hire, wen dc strayed hy lin- on Saturday feet Boom mic baa -aid that the-e make the lliir ty-fifth 1'iin "I tobacco Hill have I.lim? ed liii- year that i- - lld mi thc Farm ville market Mr. Hen Walton and -i-ter, Mi ? Hilly, huve returned frmn the Pan American liny Kive -inh glowing arr,,unt- "f their trip that it iiiuk all ii i-h WO Could have heen ii ith them M -- Kate Crawley,of Adrianee, baa n turned tu lier -rhuul at Rice, All mr made mora cheerful by seeing i'm bright ami happy larc mi mir sturts again. Mr. Herbert Bradshaw, wim baa been quite -irk, i- much Improved. Miaa Linda Walton im- rein met I frmn a vi-it tn re, i .!? !? r-ville. Mi-. B.T. Farley, uf Roanoke, i- via [Hug finntl-ami relative*- around Hire. Mr-. Bettie Hunt has returned tn lier home m;ir Mourn Leigh,kfter a visit tn a\ l. 't'Ull a - .- ililli Hy Walton were thc gueataof Mr. ami Mr-. F T BoudurantlaatSun? day. Meeki Leigh Maringa. Ml. I.HU,ll, i'll Kl.Cu., Ort. B, Mr a. H. Willingbem,of South Bon? ni -' i ...-permi- lobkcconfet -pent ia-t week in tin- neigbborb thc interest of hi- watchm. Mr. J..lin A.Clark left ye-tcrday for Richmond, where he will spend tbe wick attending the Carnival. :i,.|!aiiil and Ml - iturday ami Sunday willi Mr-. H. H. Wilson. Mi- HA. Hunt returned home Sun? day from an-it of several weeka iu Hi.-.- neighborhood. Mba Lottie Weaver lefl I li irm- nf bel county. Mr. J. T. Clink i- in H Uth I buying lu- fail stock ol i.da Many of ua ai pleasure in attending tba Fair, Talk* I'KAVI--, I'U. EU C" . v \ . ' Ort \ |901. J Misses Mary Hughes and Mattie Bon durant, of Rice, wera tbe gu ?t? Nainiie Anderaon laal ;bt. Mi? Addie Fu-iri baa n. ni quite sick fur several d I Mi-, s. A. Boudurant ia in He inn md under medical treatment. Smne nf mir people, win. a iv attend? ing the Richmond Carnival,are: Mn. Bettie Bena, Mi? Virgie Gates, aud .Mr?i-. John clark ami Emmett Jen kins. Fanners in thi- aection uiv busy pre? paring fur ami sowing wheat J dgingftom the quantity of wild mape- and penimmona Hu- mil he a -i inc winter. Tba I'aiiiiri- hair In, d ctl the wnrning, and are anvluga ni.*. lot of hay. 1 am glad le rep,,it that none of mir penple have kuy tobacco fros! bitten. sheppards Mi'ils. Sheppards, Va., Oct 8, 1901. Mrs. Willie Carnet I baa charge ol Hu- nubile sciiiHii at this I'liire thia sea? lion, nod then i- a g?md attendance. .Mi? (dare Rican baa a flue school al her Bather's home thia year. Mr. P, M. June-, with lu- daughter, Mis- Florance, went to tbe Carnival Mr. E. D. june- represents lue Nee store at tbeakOM interesting junction, Mr. Gfeorge Carter has cured seven tine bonan of excellent tobacco, Mr. Wiley Morrie, at Buckingham Springs, ha- hail a -ti, re?lui year on Hie farm. Hume guests --till remain al the springs, and a hunting party i> booked fm the near future. Curdsv ille (niitnliiitimi. Cl ki'svii.i.k, Va , Oct 9, 1901. ii is expected thal Mr. Perm i family, of Cuidsville, will rent the Baldwin property for another year, Mr. Stlneon is the teacher of mn school for this aaaalou, vi ? Hattie Johna baa tbe achoo! near Mr. Win. Caiinaway's again. Sba la immensely popular with petrona, tru teea and nbotara Mr-.-is. (iarmtt A Elllotl have having-mne linc sport fox hunting Fliey caught two Munday and one lu,'-,lay. Rev, Mr. Hyie- i- announced to be gui a "li,ilinr.-- meeting" at thc Curd? ville church Hus evening, Mr. Cook Garnett mya ba a iii be ki the Farmville Fair. (aught (Hillie Fl) During thc Week. Editor Herald:--*One of the lending fannel- I have met with impn?eil nie witii the fart that ni order t" secure u good yield of wheat in thi- section, tin -ced inu-t lie pu! in the ground before tbe 10thofOctobor. I hue -emi one man ulm seriously declared thal be would rather go fox hunting than at? tend ihe Fan American Exptaltioo, the Richmond Carnival, OT even the Farmville Fair. "Iii gUmtibiU nfl mtluiidiim eat" I hada glorious hird tupper, bul "mum i- the word*" I listened to a musical 'po?um rda-' hui at adiataoca thi- time, I enjoyed -nine delightful IllU-ir Ulah* ntl a mouth harp. I heard an old colored woman -a> that it oouaumed more than thc mada by all uf thnn combined, io tal i rare nf thc sick and tu I,ung tbe deed nf the colored folks who go North in narah ol large pay fur dning wnrk. I ipenl the night with a bachelor end actually slept witbbim, A young man told me that he-aved, w huh mean- In* nude, ISO hy not going to tba Rich mond Carnival. He will invesl il in the Farmville Fair, ami have a return on the outlay. I knew a doctor to drive 'IS miles lu a quarter peal 9 o'clock a. m., ami make an insurance examination. On nooth? ar day I knew hun tu drive IA miles, make fmir examination- and muli Imnie in tune fur dinner. Smile people kunu how* tu get then. I think l lune aeen tba premium Faii-hahy, ami I am imt BO Min thal I didn't see the Fair-gruuni in thc road I -mi a little girl lute a green '-numm, and nut make an ugly face. I - . little girl tlie-.-ed in a timk cloak mi B very warm day, hut the doak WM B nm and a pretty une I have known older giri- to tin likewise Mora than oue Harmer told me thal nala paid Wetter than a I,intern- are getting tu play conspic? uous part- in firm life. I doubt thc propriety, ur the economy, bowe beginning work before day light. "Frmn-nu tu-'.in,'' will do, fur man at lea-t. Tba BeaOOO ha-- heen a little lou wet fur sweet potatoea. Even Cent I Aim,- bM eaten hi- la-t llaleiii fur the -ea-.m. I klWW of another farmer wim la Sowing gra? seed "ii bia liiluirro land rather than wi I wa- in the -ulmili- of FeliXVilfe, a oooepruaperoua town in lower Cum lierland. Nothing remain- of lt felt a memory. "Babylon has fallen, -,, ha- Ftlixvillc. Next to the moe! successful eblcken grower I met With during tba . i,ai helm, l mel with another old bachelor, no, not an old bachelor, bul ? confirmed one, who I ? i w bo hail baan accuatotpod to i ?rry tba mell 11 i day fur hu rent- a day. Uncle - un-iimiid hlii-h tu accept such nr ? r such pay. It i- -implv D ;iml Mr Booaavalt ought to kimw it. <>.\ i HI Go. Why pay i"> fur a shoe whet will I.ny une ju-t it- good at Fleming A Clark'-. H .-tmiian ami Binn ai mir brande. Hkkai.d and Wurld?ui\ $1 mi ai: io IR, if. t. hu.univ ?ci:; i. m. lil! OKI Dill Tint's economy, Ymi buy 1 Bl pi |n I I, n. ? tbem togeth '''? L i ban .l.iitl io it; ii..u-r nm,, ginning to undi rstand y i,> buy a Hun '"i" lin- ml ' A Som a, Uiii .id- amt combination bookh 4* fours LONGMAN a MARI IN Pa INI Cn, Min " ta beal in mimi ('ridun's phmic i- -i \ty-iiiiic ? i>"\ rn- can please you lu p Icm ami style. Diyiir ki ens un up tit-ihte hue of Furniture. He i leases In * rices, Ac. ? les "f Fall and W intel < Clothe ,.|* tnt Inspection. I beti :i" (>? UUIlflll. ll Hi .!.!. A Co areal iu the newi -i ahapea and Ciel k's. Eilncat* Your llnttri, WOh l'H*tr?r*it?. i tic, euro e.* raver. 10c, C5c. It (-'. 0. C, fail, drufgistsrsfaad tunney. We uir -lill -??'. hmoua J.-f f.'i-mi li ii :, Fleming A Clark. Ui.i'dHi oi ?'the condition of rm . S K "i i IKM I Ullin ille. in the in tn.ui.iiil li .,( 11,1 rr Jim. I.mi. made tn Hu* Auditor ol r Account* of tbe Ci nil in nu Mi nilli ni \ lil - ?: ? ? - ..uni-. * ? i i\. .1 i illili* -li" Bauk Hanking Houm , ni,rr rt . furniture ami lix tun - i 'iirr.-iit expel - Fliper nilli m.*. I. .mim I.KU.I'i i.i. I.I Villi ll .. f I surplun fun.I I a ll ll . - M uti nt I'rln. . I .l?;ii.l.--: I. W. ".. v ? a (ll) -lllUlllll.l "VI' ll tl'- ll ll"' ;., I h. I'. -I III tnI li ... \ i \ \,.i i*. i ?.1-1,1,-r. ton im Ulla a p. Vest .N..nii.i fill.Ile. II. K I a .VI . \V I I I. M. ,,1.1. i FI. C. CRUTE, I'i RE DR1 OH AND CHEMICALS. . . . Hu icripttons accurately n I iiM\ in i . Va. The Gem ""*" Tonsorial Parlor, . . Opposlti C. M Walk* i -i -"ii-, s III opsa Friday, Oct ber llth. *;":? I:,-- .-iii! I |. I'n- I 'nir in 1 ?ullin.t-.l .1 iiiii- Int In- i'ut,in* Hath ? ? Flu' Big Boom Culhane, Chace & Weston's Minstrels. i md un,I Molo ' tn In -lui. . . . Everything the Finest. , i K lng, WM. H. CHACE. JA MKS II. BAISLEY, I uk i; v nih K i HO. ??< larmen," The Wonder. -WINK and FINK," Cou boy Acrnbata, Milli r Broth I , ,.*l-. ? ii i: tAW i i ! BINGERA lurk, Bru lette, Murphy aod IVeut, I ba I mperial Four, rilEONE BIG bHOW. Al uiii; \ HOI SE ona nighl only, Friday, October ll. , ii 11. - i,t.i i. KTUML run i i s Dyspepsia Remedy, Thats All, Except it Cures Dyspepsia. JOB PRIM INO AT HERALD < >EEU rt