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THE FARMVILLE HERALD i Honor FOR THE PAST, HELP FOR THE PRESENT, HOPE KOR THE FUTURE. VOL. XII. FARMVILLE. VA.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i.HXH. V). r>. CITY DIRECTORY. ll li intuit. ..ii. l's I'ommllH m. W. I", uiniam ? ,,_nee H ? *?* :ii;- ?'? ?? riii-mr mid Brambert. n ? Mulei...... A. h. irulle ar. .1 p. Gilliam. A. K Cralleand I KrHinlHl( K. I m. : ? -. ss . k. hus ktaoa and r., I 1 Morris uml W. A p. l.UltHiii. K. I.. Brambert ?-. \ K I IHllf. .. ii t ss all, K. la. Kramliert and W. ;.. Kramliert, A.ICCralle g r \l..1? r-soll. ,,, . SS K. Dtisltt-iiti, W. K. indJ K Murun. ??Jo, bert, A. K. Cralle amt J, H-^*vr,rrHr's. k. Cralle, K. U amasser! ead ? Morriss** sv.p. 1 ? . -k K. J. Wliiteli.-Hil. - W. I'aulett. Jr. ? Keveline 1'. H. C. Ric*. li. Miller. - mni .1. K.;.m. , pim.i ti.T. Wicker rhUI Kira Hsparlmeni <-. M.Robsaoa, I citiittils-ii.n.r I.s. Uart. I s. Mcilwaine, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, KAKM VI U.K. Va. Omct Up Statue in Rr?? pt S Al.I., Kl'llKKl tOS S lo*. fwui practice laCooria ofPriaos Kdward, .?timberland. Cliarlolte and ait'onilm, t 01111 lle*. tt I, || aUemtkm paid tm eottretimms, |-R R M BIDGOOD, - DENTIST.*^* ornci "vkk c. R. CHAPPELL JAMES LYONS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Law Office and Residence, Buckingham Courthouse, Va. Nolan Piil.lle suth Seal for Buckingham eouiity. Depositions and Acknowledgment* taken, ami Collections iimtU' In Bocking* barn. Appomattox, i'uni' erland and Critic* Eduard ena ll VV. TLOURNOY, \ I 1"KNKV-AT LAW. Will practice lu Hie Coulls Of Prince l-iil ?ard and adjoining count les. iittiee over Hie postolBeo, Karniville, Va. dy. W. r C FRANKLIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PAMPI.1N CITY, VA. Practices in Appomattox, Pr I nee Bdward and Charlotte coontie* Buprosas court of Virginia and I'. K. Cooria. I 0 WATKINS. R H. WATKINS. WATKINSf WATKINS, -ATT0RREYS1.TUW. K \ KM V II.I.K, VA. Practice in Court* of Prince K.lsvard, Cam* lierliin.l, littekiiujtiaiii. Notlosvay anti Aini lia. and United suite- tour! at Richmond, lal attention pud to ease- in Soak* rupu-y. s; P. VANDERSLICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice ii. Imtlt slat, anti Kederal Ki.liiirdson Itutldlug. Main st.. KAKM VI U.K. VA. (; S. WING. " ' a ATTORNEY AT KAW, Green Bay, Prince Edward County. Va. Will practice tn Prince Kdward anti ad? joining cou ii Ilea. (' H BLISS, l.KNKKAL Al ITIONKKU, KA KM VI I.LK. VA. t't ilila and adjoining Counties. I hardes modi rate. H. C. (JRUTE, PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. . . . PrseCflptlODS accurately tilled. Kakmvii.i I , \' V ^\rHITE A CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, Inscriptions Carefully Compounded. KAK.MVll.KK. VA. NOTICE! When you ku to Kichmond, don't fall lo W R. FRANCENE'S PLACE.. It ls one nf Um riM-l PI.ACKH In tile walk. Beeiaoraat ob th? rniopsaii pian. and Liquor*. Importsd ami domestic 0*Sk ra mu iii. year round, a specialty. Half-didl, i^-r tl.i/.eu, ju eeots Pry, Meeala Half* fry, Jil .nil-.. i'l CeOtS alni Joeelita Ham ami Emgt, i eeota. Porterhouse Steak, r> cent*. BverjrthlDg in seai-Hiii. 905, 907 E. Broad St. Ralf bloch the City Hall, _ Rtehaeood, Va. JOBPRlNTUlu AT REASONABLE PRICES AT HKRAKI) OPTICS AROFT AMUSEMENTS. Dr. Talmage Lays Down Some Guiding Principles. Bow lo ll.,-ld.- Whether tny Rrt-rr atlou la lt Ik I, I or U rnii.-Spnri rn Mean*. Not an Ind ?\\ nra Ing lo > uinii; Men. [Copyright, tail, by Louis Klop ch N Y ] Waahlngtoi May i?. This discourse uf Hr. Talmage is in accord svith all Innocent hilarities, while it reprehends amuscmcnti tioit belittle 01 deprave; text ll, Sainu.-] ll. 14: "Let the yoting unit univ arise ami pla*- before uv" There are two armies encamped tn Hie pool of Gibeon. Die time heavily on their hantls. One army proposes a frame of ssvord fencing. Nothing could !>e more helpful anti innocent. The other anny accepts the challenge. Twelve men 12 men, the sport open-. I'.ut some? thing went adversely. Perhaps .me of the swordsmen put an unlucky clip or in some was bad his ire aroused mu! that which opened in Sport fulness ended in violence, cai i tabing his contestant by the hair and with the sword thrusting him in the sitle, so that that Which opened in Innocent fun ended in the nu, of all the .'4 sportsmen. Was there es. r a better illustration of svhat was true then is true now that which is innocent may be mads destructive? What of a worldly nature is more Important and Strengthening iinil in? nocent than amusement, snd yel what has counted mure victims? I have no sympathy with a straitjacket religion. This is a very bright sim .! to me. and I pro]ose to il" all I ran to make it bright for others. I never Could keep step to a dead mardi. A book years ugo issued -ass thal a Christian man lias ii right to some amusements. For instance, if he comes home at night weary from his work and feeling the need or recrea? tion, puts on his slippers anti goes into his garret anti walks lively around the Hour several times there can be no harm in it. I believe the church of God made a prent mistake in trying- to suppress the sportful if youth and drive out from men their love of amusement. If Ood ever Implanted anything in us, he Im? planted this tlesire. Hut Instead ol providing for this demand of our na? ture the church of Hod has for the main part Ignored it. As In a riot the mayor plants a battery at the end of the street and has it tired off. so that everything is cut down that happens to Matu! in the range, the pood a Well as the bad, so there are men in the church who plant their batteries of condemnation and fire away Indis? criminately. Everything is con? demned. Put Paul the apostle rom mends those who u-e the world with? out sbuaing it, nnd in the natural world 'iod has dune everythll please and amuse ii... Tn poetic fig? ures we sometimes speak of natural objects as beinp in pain, bul it is a mere fancy. Poets jay the clouds weep, but thej' never yel shed a far. and that the winds siph. but they never did have any trouble, and thal the storm howls, but it neser lost its temper. The world is a rose and the universe a garland. And I am plad to know that in all our cities there are plenty of places where we may find elevated moral en? tertainment. Hut all honest men and pond women will agree with me in the statement that one of the WOTSl things hi these cities is corrupt amusement. Multitudes have piinc down lintier the blasting influence never to rise. If we may judge of what is is going on in many plat amusement by the pictures on board fences ant! in many of the show win? dows there is not a mu?h lower depth of profligacy to reach. At Naples, Italy, they keep such pictures locked up frnm Indiscriminate inspec? tion. Those pictures were exhumed from Pompeii and nre not fit mr pub? lic pa/e. If the effrontery of bad places of amusement in banging out improper advertisements of sshat the] are doing night by nipht prows I in the same proportion, in .Mi villis -onie of our modern cities will beat Pompeii. I project certain principles by which you may judge in regard to an j amuse? ment or recreation, lindinp out for yourself whether it is righi ur wrong. I remark in the first place, thal can j'.idpe of the moral character of any amusement by its healthful result or by its baleful reaction. There are people who seem made up of hard facts. They are a combination of multiplication tables and statis ymi show them an exquisite picture they will bogia to diseUSS ihe pig? ments Involved In the coloring. If sou Show them B beautiful rose tbl submit it to a botanical analysis, which is utily the post-mortem examination of ;i tloiicr. They luise no rebound in their nature. They neser do any? thing more than smile. There are no greal titles of feeling surging np from the depths of their soul in billot! billow of reverberating laughter. They seem as if na! ure had built them ntracl and made u bungling joli out of it. Hut. blessed i>?- God, there hie people in tbs world who baw bright faces sud whose life is a song, un anthem, a paean >'f victors. Erei their troubles are Ike l he s rn - 'ha! Craw] up the aide of *. <cr ol the top of which the sunlight siis ami the soft airs of .summer bold perpetual carni-al. They are the people smi like lo have come to your house; thej un? people I like to have come toms house. If sou but touch the hem of their gar? ments you are healed. Kow, it is these exhilaraal an pathetic and warm-hearted people thal are most tempted tn pernicious kiuuaeuiv-uia. ia "jjo^ortiuu us a ship fl il grants s strong helmsman, in proportion as a boras ls gaj \\ mints i driver, and these p.-..jiie of exuberant nature will do well it. look al the reaction of all their amuse? ments. If HU ainu.-eliieiil semis you home at night nervous, ho ! that you cannot .sleep, ami ri-e up in the morning not because you are slept out, but because your duty you from ymir elna luise been where you OUghl not to have , ben. There are amusements thai send a man next day to his work with his eyes bloodshot, yawning, stupid, : nauseated, and they are wrong kinds of amusement, They are entertain? ments thal give a man di-gu-! ss ith the drudgery of life, with tools beeauas tins gre imt swords, ssiih working apron- because they arc aol ruin-, with cattle because they are nnt in? furiated bulls of the arena. If any amusement send-* you borne longing fnr a life of romance and thrilling ad? venture, lore that takes poison and shoots itself, moonlight advent ure* anti hair-breadth escapes, yon mas de? pend upon it that you are the sacri tietl victim of unsanctified pleasure. Our recreations are intended to build us up, and if they pull us down aa to mir nmral ur as to our physical Strength you may come to the con? clusion that they are obnoxious. Still further, these amusements sre wrong which lead you into expendi? tures beyond your means. Money spent (a recreation is not thrown assay, lt is all folly for US to come flinn a place of amusement feeling that we have wasted our money ami time. Van may by it have made an Investment worth more than the transaction that yielded you hun? dreds of thousands of dollars. Put how many properties hase heen rid? dled by costly amusement-. The first time I eser saw the city? it ssa- the city of Philadelphia I ssas a mere lad. I stopped at a lintel, and I remember la the eventide one of these mea plied me with his Infernal int. Ile saw I was green. Ile Wanted tn -how me the sights nf the Inls n. He painted the path nf sin until it looked like emerald, bul I ssas afraid nf him. I shoved back from the bas* sili.-k I made up my mind he sva- a basilisk. 1 remember hosv he silo eled his chair round in front of me, anil, svith a concentered and diabolical ef? fort, attempted to destroy ms soul, but there sven- good angels in the sir that night. It was nn good resolution un mv part, but it was the all en eomps e nf g good 'iml that delivered me. Beware, beware, o young tuan! "There is g ssay that seenuth right unto a man, but the end thereof is death." The lalde has been robbed to pay the club. The champagne has cheat? ed the children's wardrobe. The ca? rousing party has burned up the boy's primer. The tablecloth nf the cnrner saloon ls in debt tn the ssife's failed dress. F.xcursiona thai in n flay make a tour around a whole month's wages, ladies, whose lifetime business it i- to go "shopping."large bets on horses, have their cmintcr s nnedueated children, hank* ruptcies that shock the money mar? ket and appall the church snd that send drunkenness staggering across the richly figured carpel of the man? sion and dashing into the mirror aral drowning out the carol of music svith the whooping of bloated son-* rome home to break their old mother's heart. I Baw a beautiful home where the bell rung violently late at night. The son had been off in sinful indul? gences. His comrades were bringing him home. They carried him to the door. They rang the bell at one o'clock in the morning. Father ami mother came down. They were wait? ing fnr the wandering son, and then the comrades as soon as the door was opened threw the prodigal heat! long into the doorway, crying: ? I h. re he is as drunk as a fool! Ha. h;i!" When men go into amusements that they cannot afford, they first borrow what they cannot carn, and then they steal what they cannot borrow. First they po into embarrass men! and then into lying and then into theft, and when a man gt far ai that he does imt stop shnrt nf the penitentiary. There is nnt a pris? on in the land where there are not victims of unsanctitied amusements. iiant. is there a disarrange? ment in your gCCOOntSf Is tliire a ,? iii your money drawer'.' Did not tin cash account conic mit righi j hi? I ssill tell ymi. There is u voting man in ymir store vs andi ring off into bad amusements. Thc salars vou give bim maj meet lawful expend itiins. but imt the sinful indulgences in which he has entered, aid he takes l.v theft that which you do imt gise him in lawful salary. I go further and aay thnse are un? christian amusements which become the chief bu-ine.-s nf a man's life. Life eames! thing. Whether sve are born in a palace nt -hovel, whether we are affluent cr pinched, we have to ssurk. If you do nnt ssveat svith toil, ymi will -weat with disease. Vmi have a soul that is to >e tranalgured amid the pomp "f a judgment day, anti after thc sea has sung its last chant and ths mountain shall have come down la an avalanche of ruck ynu ssill li vi? and think and act, high on a throne Mhere seraphs gtng or deep tn a duu geon where demo s howL in a world mIuic there is so much to do for ? lies anti so much lo do for others Ood pity that man ssim has oothing tn dn. 1 to further and say that all Ihosi smnaeeaents are wrong which bad Into luid company. If you go tu any place ssh.!.- you hase ti associate with the intemperate, wilh the uni'ltan, with the abandoned, however well they aaa] be dressed, in the name of (Jot! quit it. They ssill despoil your Balure, Phej ssill undermine ymir moral charact. i They will drop sou ss hen you are de? stroyed, Thc-) will nut gil* cue acut to suppl.i ? rom .diilili-? ii ss hi i are di gd li m ill sst i p not ol ? at s mir billia I. I bad u friend in I I rare fl illa Ile WaS nile el I ll' ti I - i to SS . 1 - come nie Iii ms in u limn.-, loll snnal appearance he ? itv. franki.. or of nat in I made tnt love him like a brother. Put evil people gathering around him. Tiny came np from ihe saloons, frmn the gambling lull-. Thej him v. ith a thousand arts. Thej upnn his social nu: ure, and he mu stand the charm. Thej dn on thc rocks, like a ship, full a shivering nn thc breakers. 1 used io gdmonlah him. I ssmild sui: "Now, 1 wish you would qui! thosi had habits and become a Christian." "Oh," he WOUld reply, "I Would like to. but I hus,, gone so fut- I don't think ll any way liack." lu his moments nf ri - pentanee he ssmili! go home uml take his little girl nf lied! years and em? brace her cults ulsively and cover h> r with adornments snd strew around bi r pictures ami toys and everything thal could make hi ?? happs, and then, as though hounded hy an evil spirit, he would gn mu to the in tl a m ing cup. uml th* house of shume, like a fool in the ? ction of the slocks. I wai summoned lo his deathbed. I hastened. I entered tbe room. I found him, in my surprise, Is ing in full curs - dm dress on I he lop of Ihe couch. I put out my band. Ile graspi d cit .div and said: "Sit down, Mr. Tal mage, right there." I tal down. He said: "Las! Bight I suss ms mother, ssho h:i sat just ss h. rc sou sii now. I' wss no m. I sva- s\ Ide ass uki'. I lu no delusion in Ihe matter. 1 -ass lur just us plainly u- I see you. W wish you would luke these strli me. There an st ringa spun all around ms boils. I wish you Would take i lu m nfl' me.*1 I-uss ii was delirium. "Oh." replied Ibe wife, "my dear, lhere i nothing, i here ii nothing l IL .Mut on and said: "Just wh< re sou sit. Mr. Talmage, my mother sat. She said lo me: 'Henry. I do wish sou would do better.' I gol out of bed. put my arma around herandaaid: 'Moth? er, I si an! lo tlo Itel ter. Won't vi nt help me IO do better. Won't s oil ht lp Itu." No mistake about it. no delusion. I saw h.r the cap ami apron and Ihe .'?le-, ju-t u- the used to look 2(1 year- ugo. Hut I do ssi-h ynu Would take these strings away. Thej anno,, me sn! I can hardly talk. Wi i luke them assay'.'" I knelt (iou tl and prayed, conscious of Ihe fad lhat he did not realise ss hui I wai saying. I gol up. I sud : "(iood-lis. I In vv ill be bel ter -non." lb sa i.i: bs, goiid-b\." That night his smil neut up lo the (inti who gave it, Arrangementa were made for thc obsequies. Borne "Don't bring him in the church; he i loo dissolute." "Oh." I said, "bring him. lie wai a good friend of mine ss hilt- he wus alive, and I shall stand liv liim mni lhat he is dead. Bring him to the church." As I sut in the pulpit und saw his body enming np through the elsie I felt as if I could weep tears of blood. I told the people thal dui! "This mun had his virtues, ami a ginni many of them. Ile had his faull-, und a good many of them. Bul if illili isa man in this audience who ii withoul sin. let him cast the Brsl stone al this cof? fin lid." On nne side thc pulpit -at that little child, rosy, sweet fa. beautiful as anj child thal sal al ymir table this morning, I warrant yon. She looked np wistfully, not knowing thc full sorrows of an orphan child. Oh. her countenance haunts me to? day, like soinc twee! face looking up? on us through a horrid dream. <>n the other side of the pulpit sure the mi n wlm hud destroyed him. There thej sat, lund visaged, some of then from exhausting disease, some of them flushed until ii of Iniquity flamed through Ihe ? and crackled thc lips. Tins were the men w ho hail bmind him hand snd foot. They hud kindled thc tires. Thej had poured the wormwood and gall into that orphan's cup Did Hus weep? No. Did Ihey i igh repentinglj Did they say: "What a pity lhat such a brave man should be slain?"; not one bloatl d hand ssu- lifti arlpa sway a tear from a bloated chet k. Ihey sut and looked at the coffin like vultures gaxing al thc cat lamb whose hesrl tiny hail ripped out. I cried in their . ais ai piaInlj could: "There gre s God and i men! day." Did Ihey tremble? Oh, no, no. They wen! back frnm Ihi house of imii. and thal night, though their victim lay In Oakwood pi meti rj. I was inhl thal tins blasphemed,and they drank, and they gamb I thei' ss us not io ? ?. un r in gi] the bonsei of iniquity. Th! man wai I Samson in physical strength, bul Delilah sheared bin the Philistine* of ?? v iI companionship dug hi- ey .- mit a lld th re ss him inti i tin prison of evil habits. Bul in the hour of his ti. nth he rose np and look hold of thc two pillared cur-.- ..f (....i againsl drunki nness and uni ? .md threw hiin-elf forward until down upon him und his companions there came tin thundt catastrophe. Agu in. iiny amusement that you a distaste fur dome-tie ! b;itl. How luaus bright t>. cl.s have been broken np by - amusements! 'I be fathei the mother sven! off. the chili' off. Then I o-daj thi ? me of blasted households. Oh, if ymi lune wandered away. I would like to charm you back bj the - of thal one word, "home." li imt kiiosi that smi have bul Iliorc tillie tn give to 'i" l?o vmi lier, that m.Ul ebiMren are -nun lo gn mit into the world, and all the influence fnr ? mUSl han- BOW? Death will bi ? mi youl conjugal reis! d alas if ymi lune ta stand ? uuc who perished from ymir nef ,_,4-^0 SPata THAT HATEFUL SCAR. | ..I lt t Hiiir I pun a Lillie Uri's l I..el. kihi thr lt*-r..r?.a I n.ii lt \\ riiutbl. "(? father, don't; please, don't, o' Shs king himsell loose Lom hi- ii.nighter the Intoxicated fathei raised lu- arm and brought liossn bia clenched ti-i with terrible : p.ii his child's upi or ned, tear stained face, knocking her senst mi ihe ground, and causing ihe in large ipiantfcv lo ooze frmn her mouth re, now,* he remarked.edd ?ing bia daughter, "thal will teach you hi." und without further .not ice he hurried nut of th.- lu ni se. ba ni-ttl I he him. anti hied him lu ihe inure-! public house lo obtain more ol the poi-mi that had a lie inly in flu med anti impassioned him. a ntl w li ich a lune via- resp, maible fm' thc cowa rd I j ami contemptible gel he hail ju-t commit? ted. l.iilf an hour Mabel Williams laj in a ss. ;tk ami faintingcondltiol im i-i u n ci ui sit.a, when ber mother ar? rived, and. tn lier grce! ainu/eiiienl ami grief, found her 12-year-old daughter ly ing on ihe floor in ga camel au d condition. "My child. mjf child. whai is ihe mat? ter? Whose hand bath done thia?" The poor mother shrieked in anguish. 'Jinn -In- bathed and washed her daughter'i face, applied rest ora ti vee ami ".inly placed her mi Ihe mu-- ol si run iiml rags that did duty as s bed. In u little while Mabel returned to consciousness, and related i<> her mother thr -tors of her father's ter? rible sin. Mrs. Williams listened with KNOCKED HER sknski.lss OM THK FLOOR i.-h heartburn lo thi itorj of her ? i nd! i. a ml -ccret ly pray rd for -' i aug! h uml grace lo dn the right. John Williams wa- a drunkard "lo }iuil fallen from a g.1 position, ami lion In- home ssa- u one-roomed cellar dwelling, ninnis! barren of furniture. ai emitr;i-i iii the well-fur? nished silla to sshi.h 14 year- ago he hail taken his bride. The exodus fnun o slum life ssas occasioned bj ii ri uk. Por drink, one after another ar ' furn il ure found its was tn the bop, and drink alone ssas re sponsible fnr the degradation and squalor in which sve now timi him. lt hutl nnt always been sn. Thc Irs! ms. years of their wedded life had been v.ry happy and comfortsble. The birth of their only child. Mabel, mus a source of great joy lo her parent-, and time Bil was peace ami i'<ml. nt m.-tit. with never a though! or sign nf the Wi leno ians t hal Intuited iii thc distance. Tbe story of Williams' downfall which timis its counterpart daily in thc lin- Of muns people?is sunn told. John williams was ? master black? smith in a village ju-t outside a north? ern city. Re s\it- w.-ll known iii tht district, and his business was s good one. ii iwai highly respected by hbo rs, vs as a sober ami religious iiiini. and even held office In the little in chapel. Some ci ch! v. a rs b. - ? Itorj commences, a political c'tili had been founded in the village. and Wi ia ma being Jin ardent politi? cian, wu- appointed it- s. cr. tarj. The committee determined npon tbi of intoxicating liquors, and William* auk U illl the nu mb. r-. The habit grew upon him, and be fort i' he -> .in. d powerless. He pg I frmn an occasional lo an In* ? liker, anti hi- dowafs quick .'iiul sun-. Fir-i. he wa- removed frmn office at the little chapel, and soon a f'< r a nesv -cert tars in his Stead w.t- appointed for thc club. He got behindhand with his rent, ami con unber nf debts in the to* ii. lu up. Then he l ? M.mehi -ter. ami amid new surroundings snd companj resolved ? ml promised to reform. Hut he hst! reckoned ssithmit hi- ht.-I. 'l'he devil ? i nt grip nf liim. and I ? fused lo sign the tem i il ene up I In- drink tforts H( reform were ?\ be sssa loo idle I., m. I Wife had lo gO nut IC bread for her? od .len him. <bi the itorj he returned Peting tn find his wife, and hud not returned and Mabel had ii epa red there a ii the hon-, ht commenced 1.1 n air! both Mabel and lu r I sinking tn pacify him ihe little her father. | hod of his hand anti look r in hil Ibee, she said, with ir, We . : ? r has nut abel! better not have ipoken. Instesd ol pecifying hai 'uih.-r. it luiil called forili in b ind furs .am li ti him tn r terrible crime with which -ninitii ncc-. Mrs. Williams w u- eia stlj n ;ii her bush tack upon their Innocent child. lt wai ihe rir-t time he had struck hi- i ? his drunken caret r. H. r .up was in? deed a very hitter one. Sow ll ? tended to Ibe wants of hi I one, .-he dropped upon ber km ? prayed i srnestlj thst Hod a make : her faithful ami help her to bear ps* 1 liently th.- sorrow snd ahsmi her husband, bj his -ins. ssa- bi anon her. Tbi prayer Issuing from that bruk went straight to ihe Mercj - lins a li. inti He vs ||.i-iier- pi eal thc petition of His handmaid. Then abe rosa from her knei s, tidied Ihi room, ami look frmn her bi ski of bread which she had brought ssith lur ami pre pa ri d tea. Jusl a- Ih ready, thc door opened and h< ? band staggered lato the room. Mts. Williams poured some ?? her husband and hamil ai ll to him. Sin did mit even refer tn what had hap pe n eil. and a- he did not allude in ii. nm one word smi- said on the subject. In? ti ced, the mea! wai partaken In all ihe child ls iia?_r :t-!i ep iiii the bi d Hams atc but lil gone, and well il iiii?_? lit. for li? llee n drinking sari lousily i ' when thc meal ssa- uni In Bgsin went OUt. For once he bad no! . wife for nuuiey to get drink, ai I as hi had nniie nf bli own, instead of re turning to the public lmu-e he walked about the lt ree tl. By nine o'clock !n returned home practical!.* lober. .Ins! :t- he entered 'he door, Mrs. William* wa- bathing Mabel's face, snd Ihi knowledge of what he had .lone ssiih lightning-like rapidity pierced hi- sm; like a two-edged sword. Thi light that ed him a us .mc that ss ill live In hil mind io long si hi- memorj re-tain* lu-r acet. Tl BM eli -!? ii. .! iii tin i s i - nf his wife, and Mabel flu-he tl upon hi tv ii bink of such tenderness and pit j thal he fairly quailed before ber. gazed upon the child, her f. ? pale, minus icversl fronl teeth, lui nose swollen beyond all propoi and ssiih a terrible scar upon lui cheek ss hich cun mst r b. completely unmanned him. Palling down before lur he burs! into anti fur a long t Ibm sn! ss it h hi- I his banda, sobbing like a child wife, seising Ihe opportunity, . ? ' placed Mabel upon his knee and quietly w ii hiiiass fiann i ht mom. Twining lur itiin- sround his mil, and ki--inp the teur- fruin his fa Cl Mabel said: "Don'l cry, father, don'! cry. li wasn't jrou thst did lt,but the tiii-ly drink. You won'I drink snj more, father, will tim'.'" John WI Hams pressed his child lo hil bosom, and ssiih terrible anguish of mil ned: "God help me.find belp mi, I though! it WOUld collie In !l)i-." He then placid her gently upon Ibe beti nnd commenced pacing to snd fr" in the ronm. A great struggle s ing mi in hi- mind. Angela and alike watched thal struggle, which lasted -cv. ral min ti ic-. At length cami the decision. Stoopingsnd ki-** child. .1.>liii Willismi fell upon hi knees snd prayed for di lisa rsi ? begged, he pleaded, ht promised; tai while still praying hi- wife returned A sudden bmind of jos Hill ii I ? snd. instantly kneeling beside herhna build, -lu mingled her praj en rn ith bit Hiilf nu hour passed, ami still thej prayed, and then came Ihe victory There was j,,y in the presence of tin ? r one sinner i hat had re jiented. John Williams rose frmn hi* a changed man. Snd in tbal hum? ble cellar dwelling that evening was born a sew creature. Thi founda? tion nf a useful career wai laid, and from that time tn th. present Jobi Williams has "gone about doing :? To-day he i- u arv bu-y nnd happs man. Prosperity hai rewarded many Min- nf herd work to regain his former position, ntid sow he has s splendid home. Hi- wife and ? ter are very happy,and Koree of nun point their conversion lo hil ri nnd ninnis appeal. The (CST U| daughter's face ii ci er sn ber fsther to work for the reels ms lion of drink victims, nnd Thal H Scar" lui- formed ihe theme of msnj an el or pu nt ap pi a ss hi eh hil- ri in many llgning I lu- tempi Fred llodgi r, In N vncste. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A Louisville judge say* he hat never seen g young criminal whom were not stnilie.l yellow. I In? ls corroborates. Chicago rribuiie. Cocaine sniffing i- on tba int in th.- -oiith am- The drug is sniffed up the nose and the results produced are somewhat the -ame u- those obtained by sun au opium pipe. Hoax "Look il! ! lie bea linn bushley is iii. Well, ssell nico are born fools!" .in.iv Sud -nine achieve fonli-li ot hei - have a foolish th rat them. bushley collie- alua hiail-." Philadelphia Record. In a public milli.'-- the Ol bl the archbishop ot ' anterh marked thal only three y< ut "odd" man who did I ilulge in intoxicating liquors, bul thal public opinion In England ssa- -.. bili changing thal it seemed ihat before long tbe "odd" pian be he who dui thu- indulge. ??taro tm Dtetlllvr, Fis.- months ego Ihe Bible Temper* une ass i.-i.ttinii offered I to any chemist who would beft competent commit lei ounce of alcohol from any <| iuii! itv nf grain, grape- ur ot Ino- rej ? nice in il- ? pro *.ieed by nature. So far no response as been received to the offer. rigorous ? : ].. i ii und - I iii.i ? Up Ih.' iel ll o! \ Mni I I If J in sn luis e :.l ill Ibe emili's ' ss . ss ill lake pleasure ni sboa issn it to you I Ililli ii i i lu g AOI m s . on-all tin lu-) Farms in Prince Edward. We lia ve I farra* iu Pi ire. Edward ot I wei I ing li . .?-. -lui.a . ai am? ii iii! iii d | der, a ? ; rub low I mi- lii.e - . ii i I, _', .;, in d I .(? lt I lt tl pay llieltl I si. Sis li | r. I'' SK Si AOI Xl S . ( liles Hi.Mill Poison. ' . i Of Hie sn.I i , gue 1 j tiles : ll K. ll H m I bise y,,|, tdtes in li , i I il). Ilolls, se|l,|. tull....11 ludelie.., rilUUial i iii. ,b ii-.m- . .ii:,ia li, fulling li.ui, festering i i; l I ure iiml i ii li, :i il uti pi si is ailie, h. H. H. teated tl.ii is years ami run** illy tlie ? Druggist!! d I im: treal men l free bj ii * 'oin pan j. Atlanta, ;.eil free bj es I 11- nu blood pm-' ll. Write Imlay I u :eis id- iiml trial treatment. \ Small I ai in I ?.r vile. ?I lo ililli w e have t n - di it small farra : s. liing, tl nilli i urn, iu i* if I 'urals i wdidi wt ,? ? Om third I. j ind tl years, inti rewl i lei) pay. in : ns I ie I'Hill AgetH'j . i .inn in I tii>iIx nam!. k very d irm ol a.nun ut.'i SCrCH, Willi I . -' ami -ui < i im outbuildings, iu nu ? ? uni s i t t aa) terms, I i e buildings ara worth Ihe iiioiu y. li uds, ullin.tluiii i pi>ly* Pm rn ? ille I- ti ra Kgt ms Parml ille Houses | ,.| Vile. We bave ' houses, une bi ni . Ihe idhi i frame, in ni oi |. ;,i iuviIIi mable Ix I'M \ ii i I F susi Aoi WI s Hal .'.lill III He.ll I \\ t can -di sa e ind on .?' linly Ul i-i. tine - nun th iii I Prim* lal'-. :.i reasonable figures. < ht d dis- liing w nb mor li.i.-. corn I land, . ? ml illl'l tllllllll . I" iuds, \ ppl lo lbs I- n ., ney A Mammal I We luisa : i borae in the country wiih 100acres ol luipi ved land, cheap. Au liour's rim from Web iiioitd, ai it -in ideal n treal foi a tired Pammi ti i.v. I nev. Desirable Home Near I ai sm ille We I I. Ul"-. 'I thia -piing ss ilhiii walking ?? 1 .nus ile Apply in Iiuiiis.m i um Agency sn k Headache ( an i ? i ruin imii. I ..r woman's ute.... is J: fa as we owe otu r er y t h i a g ; be made as easy as pos her at the tine of 1 his is just what MOTHER'S Friend xv:*. 1 do. Ii will make * comtng ? 1 that without tak ? c eye . of the a pend*. mj-. atr, -ith it. It stre: . . of the d: ?a ney. The ' a plumb babe In aise it highly." Get Mother'-. Iricnd at the Druq More, SI per wtAtm% The Bradfield Reculator Co.. ATLANTA, GA. Write for our f- Bl Ibook,