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ARMVII HONOR FORTHE PACT, HELP TOR THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR THK FUTI NO. VI. vo| xu FARMVILLE. VA. FRIDAY, DECEMBERS 1901 CITY DIRECTORY. ,! s I VII V \. r Up St*!!**, in Rt?? 1 )*. R M BIDGOOD, nsT. ? JAMES LYONS. VI KAW, ncc, irthousc, Va. I j W. FLOURNOY, w ' C. FRANKLIN - ? R. H. WAT! WATKINS, IT UW, - s; P. VANDERSLICE, ATTI WV. i WING, VI LAW. ' County, Va. ( j H BLISS, IONEER, v \. H. 0. CHUTE, ~~"~ PURE HUI t.< AND CHEMICALS. . . Ulled. ? s-11 i.i , Va. White a co., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries 1 \: Farmville Graded AND High School faculty: Tht1 High School Only $22.50 For the Sessioi of 9 Months. KU il\i:i> M. SMITH Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kid. con the mind, dis couraf l.eauty, vigor ; soon :. thc kid Kidney trouble beet ? U : ll the an age wi ? i be able to I with i upon it. the cause ol I these important organs. This unpli lue to a lion di the and bladder and not to a habit as ! suppose. Won as men are made mis- j .. 'er trouble, ? ineciy. The mild r.nd the immedi..te effect of Swamp Rm.! i. lt is sold ? ? ??.any of the ' .- Dr. Kilmer . . Y., bc sure and SADDLES, Horse Blankets, Plush Robes and Leggings. Pistols, Pocket Knives and Razors. Sash, Doors and Blinds.- - Paints, Oils and Glass. C. M. Walker & Sons i, I. mm. b. i. mora, umorr Sec, I Tn Farmville Commercial Co., Commission Merchant IN I-r\ Shelli-, b v.i mi r RTIL FARMVILLE - - VIRGINI Opposite N A. W. Dim mt. '' r '.' ? C., has I In I . ' I t ? ' P R i in th. I medium liitni son why -mr Am - Here in Pro* ? : nf that town. il baa - frmn ? lien! Ili'ti'n \\ oi k. lilli! pi ? an uncommon 11 ? bave I thej liasi S r dloIlM tia | i'i what the Ci ihat. thou: i?? may nt when i ' t linn. M uni.-ii ll.lint: r of a paper In K s. Ile Ilollla ' .1, iiii! il we 1 . I'loS . ? ' 1 of it. ? ' di hf fan | ju?t ai haial work anti longer boura but work in the frc!. with . . i tl tin folio. one tn h;. Inn;: ? hohl it fd me, though I can'l **, ll. If I am ir ??111 no ssan: ? i knoss th \ lil lur tl . and !? ssha ' d iii the i ? i CS. I .ta centuries. h.air stood :;d. I uni iiinli-il li i lour l.i.Min. ii \\ .st. i ,i I'i ,. ., ?a Until . I ? ? ? n. ,1. "Up to five i end," ami I told I : ? liim in change Iii* minti: "I ssas in the mon Maho with a friend and wt fresh i one daj i gun ami - nf Hld rt | olll.' a lil ! 1 suddenly upon four feel f full \/ ll T * d ' \ ; mil i IN END. mountain ep. : halt a minute I though! dead, bul ? Ihem 's.n ">i i? ms hearl iu my mouth, every one of tin-in .-1?rsi11-_r up with a growl. And they faced around al roe, look? ing h. ?? air ssiih whiskers drawn back, sha \shitf line of th.-ir teeth, their ? mon-. i rooted I I couldn't most-, from \ queer, num gan in ms nd crepl np my Iuds, ami I i terally felt m* I simd tlu re iit'o it the - dr opp. 'I The ? M y | .is later tl d - back me. "\\ ? '\ f I-f on! . I didn't to Inuit any ima 1 made for the ear Thal was the ' lr stood on end and my scalp ? touch od." RAT PLAYED ON PIANO. I ml in ii il Mai I'liiil*. ll lt.alt-til ss Uh n \l .ll-ll.-s <l..|i.'.l 'I ii*.ti* f..r lu ? Iriiiiiiailiil Maali Ind., is perhaps the tii--1 mau I that b i n ear for n ? he wa lin- ii. ? Bl mai' . fam? ily has liitii kl jit ass . of the piai throughout RA Q THE Pl Al mil*: ? ith. til ih fa mi J lack ? tl well founded lint nee. \! u ?? ? alni I. ? when he ? ll,ISSI ? ?? re. Mi? ll .1 I'i: I ? ' 0 FACTS FOR ELF: i bus pd from 57 famines, Ireland Und plfi.-e entries in! ..ntl lit'Ut ll third and foin : h. Holland anti export ni.'! th ni buiiis London import - u tn her ..ssh i children, three d IO lift band, the Ureek pries! ol Deligrad, in ... bs Mme. Ara iii the I'. -1 her Lloyd. '1 in lng tc I, of s\ hifh upoke Flemish ? a nibs. Il Ail Intel to be .ins. iii tb ss lin ssill len! monuments, lie Parthenon. A. ral of Moscow, for* ig the Inhabitanta ta knives ssiih the exception of those whose so. : are t run- not exi-eedinj . ..ntit-.' im| lu Denmark Ihe pn i ia in ? children from miner moiitlis. The little rustics are cared for ami ei by the parents of t he i ow u chi Idren, rn ho a re ? d uml made happy by the au ( open! ALL SORTS?* A writer in the Lance! thinks it ? a one urine articulates life - Some ol' tilt" lal and feU -j.i,-. mas live mi to nearly Issn d before a!' sining t heir fullt A certain ilepzibah Merton, in Puri? tan i d the 1 lozen apple pies every ?day, which were to lasl hei family I brough the week. She | oi I .?? 1 i ii o one ol? for each day in Ihe week. Tlie i ranged ss;.- said to be in apple-pie order. ii A fi ice is a | -t for ent. All public buildings, st ons and dwell ? h ci - re fess wooden build* . d. The masons in Smit h Afri. . Thes are ? I iii their trade and d I ssork neatly. Cement is ly used in lin- construction ol A recent judgment of the British court ils in the case of the nsf tin- bark temple? ton haa decided thal nine knots ia nol moderate speed in a fug within a.a niuo uf I he admiral! . Iiiiitm- in lim ocean liners. There ?>? aa oo quest ion about the ? lug slowed d.issn, bu! the COUrl held that the -peed ssa- ex* ? e. PERTAINING TO BRITONS. ii iimi bedridden - in English workho i ami one half million | ming-batha s early. there are ti lju orchards in England, yet Britain buyi I In Oxfordshire, langland, ii. prevails t hal Ihe arrival ol mau band in a illlsge portendi rain. and canal na Of lin-reliant! . and of <.<r '! I i- only races ss ho heigh ihan thal of Raf the i '- '. ni'siatis. Iroquoi lmilan- ami Kaffirs. The Initial Kingdom has :,r, paten ? n them all the; contain less thau one-seventh <>f i In patents thal has.' been Issued. Ai i lu- bi ginning of June ll year abo,.- oi grinders has Italy for London. I rn li their native land in October, and lis ssdl for the nexl debt namill*, whei a sta rt on i heir pilfl ri ma gi SUMMER SASHES. lin to be worn. di i i ii. - Kunnin st ri pt \s it lt lr ia. ? ? ii ss il 1 d the entls of some ar trimmed ssiih lace and insertion. All ihe '!? ; cate colors si? seen i ind the ribbon has tl tish called pastel last difference being thal bol me ei.bu-. - icu in a light ros.-I ie ai tl and tung iu long ends, reachin to the -kiri hem. CONCERNING THE TEETH. aria only fist" per cent, of tr , ind teeth. A io rnian physician, Dr. Brubache ! ll_S sp, ai' unsound teeth. if rye bread considered by German ? ? ssas - nf ami pr ibu teeth. t> ll rln \ rn. "Whal is j om i sine? i ked the *ity director] enu "i ot ton," saswered iiie mau of t he "Any chi ? "Kif s tn." "I suppose we shall hare to Iel it the enumerator, pu down the .. .,t ir looki padding the census." U.-r.-lj nu tl|.l i nii-l "\o." -aa! lin nilli), "I lie about my boxiness. lt doesn't pas." "lin! boss BDOUl J OUr ad" 'o ? man '.'" Ai ibis in- became tim"'. ! "Ile desert nea the bal frau - ni portuniiies aa he plied. "If he has a failing, it liinism nothing m Post. Th* i nay'i i i.iim.i. t _ .11 * i m.i oin: i in qi \in i i Hetty .link called lasl evening, uml I think In- had been drinking. Betty Ves, I sass him afterward ami he said you look.".I binn: i inclnnati Enquirer. ??.-ii 11 ni mt. I i ?? I ll." s.ll*. ul III.- lt,!!..,.' ll,-. Tommy (studying hia lesson) I , ? . Ol-.- I lit- Ml ! ' uml iiitn sshat sea does it emptyV I',t I don't knoss, my sun. Ti.nuns Vmi don't kimss, tit . to-morrow th." teacher nhl lick me mi account of your ignorance. Harlem Life. ? \n towart i.u-tir*.. "Winn I started ou! in I ? I hasc a dollar lo my nan,. i man ssim Ix,a-!-. "That's nothil iif sa? tirical friend, "sshen I started oin | lidn'l even has., ail of my nam. h reral weeka before I ass chris ' I "(harley," said 1 he alTeei ion .! lid s mi tell me ihiisi chipi eo-t a dollar apiece .'" ??\\ell, h. !.?'*? a whole box ful - thai 1 bought at the I... ia ni nt it fm \ >.-\s? turill".. Mi-. House II 'im in"! neem to mo that our nen Mrs. Il is a cook, I Von: but she has lived in Heads hall the families in lossn and hi lion is Transcript. I.i Kill. Iiof or I o > ahal the mal \ -pep-ia. All you has ? laugh heaniiy befoi ? Mrs. Binka?In myself, and sva-h the dishes. V. V Weekly. i ba uni. ti-iif. Mrs. Throop poker hu ass fulls wicked, 4 Oh, but sst only for a $50 Tiffany Brooklyn E in- i aste Has < ba asea' Benham You thal I was the apple of mho Benham Well, sshat ?.f it? Mrs. Benham Nothing; >-ve. | sou don't set-in to . fruit aa you once t uss n Topici \n I'... li.- Pita.r H.T. lb- Dar . lint if ymi i. . in ss hf ii j lin |>|M l mn hi >m t ion. "Whal a -ns ino of lime and Olid I.,"." ! ? iver of Events lind i man COUld 'ai ? mv ot and his tir-i smoke al ihi llinmer* nf 'In I ri m..ii \ i : Mun.?l smrllliiu , thei ai i i.ii*o.l.-rnli*. "I thought, Mi I'd iii , hoss you ss.o, | again immi "You are verj kind and ll v' .:,. " Ph ladelphia SOLID EARTH ROADS. I mler Ins <>r?l.l?* (ondit ion* 'Ihey \r.- lin- M.,.l rii-uMiinl .it l)rl\ Iiik amt II.-11 for ho..*. Prof. ( hai les H. Pe x- m ultural co \n earth i ss,th a barge per ci nt. nf earth, which may .mi. riny. hardpan, loam, or a mixture of -ona- ..i ? \ s.-ry common i'i ,- one surfaced with I ? vshere the road is built, li's tie script inn, | ..trie -. does in ? ? ? ss rong im,! i a.- true di - tiun lies in ihe predominan earth over rock or tb ii ihe surfai '. dn, it ssill lie seen thal thc gravel road is hater* medial.- between the fat lb ami the macadam ami that there is no abso? lute lim' separating the earth frmn the gi arel or thf gravel fri m the macadam. The latter statement will appear esident if sse coiisiili r 1,., T ! ? no difference whether the for a macadam road ha been prepared bj a i r or broken by the processes of na nntl deposited in gravel bal t he glacial epoch. The earth road, uni"- fis. conditions of !? ! repair, ls the smootl , - mo-! [il..i-ant :? .. .Irisiiiv. of ans -i for i it ural soil is favorable. cheap ?i ami an Ideal SUI -.Hi? ll lily sun- to h for perhaps tu.. as sveii as daring the fi I, Iii short, its perfection I ently impossible and ll dependi a . t, though timi tn mil | fo '.isttr able condition during n limited -? a snn. It thu*, ap durability, o |U up "it nf the mud in tba spring; that this ssi.I render the surface too dis fur i f.trf and d the sum* nier. and that Hie more expl and mure perfect ike surface eon* strucii-d upun this foundation more expensive ami more dill tin- matter nf repair. In thf sprinkl mu greater durabil? ity .inti comfort to tbe macadam stir face, and lin" bias-. . \\? ti-*- for COU* siri'fiitin ami maintenance can often i 'i 1 hf country I favorable conditlona .ir.- usually ab? sent. Smue have atti Dip ted tu timi in road the safe middle coarse between 'hf earth ami the i . do not, however, ap? pear to base wholly "-ina.led. Smoot fiat dom from .lol loss coal ami cheapness of m.iin tenance seem to be ihus fnr mote - incompatible with durability s throughout An- vt ar. SYPHON FROM WELL. ?n-,*>? I i.i*. of W.irl. lil III." I.arni lion*..- Watara 'lhere la \i-rj' inn.- streaartn le Spars. Mo-i farm houses eonM has.- a from tho well to th*' kitchen sink. Saving nu emu.a- amount of Work. If the well I* mi I ! 'ban the In.,i-i-. lb." ssater SS PHON PROM vs i;i.i. Tu is, [N HEW. ssill syphon into ' In- cellar.'n -? io effort to pump il .p tb.- fiss remaining feat. ll i- a -Int tn** te fans after year frmn the wejl io tha .s In-ii thf water ?ill run importunt to save labor in houses, oi k l ii the indoors. V V. Tribune. WHEN THE I ING. si,upi.- holli lt. in ilea I "nil \ ra ii.ii.fui h., -iiwimiu nn.l It.-li.s. I'hIii. As al lie .-111 \i.'it a or -oft SOap ssoilli! -oin! , ' iou. Iii ., foi? ls sssi-lbn - mad." of linsj ollll. lia . ngly [citable, cold applied conatantlj to the wounds will A well kno*. n gentleman t ? ? mair . hf i.rn ,n. .iud ? bf |1 of heroic remed ? a !.? . table t. i pi uduc* ? l.itt;. SH '.r about in il . ire located. I' keep la nomi theae ai 3 ol Otc i ? ug. .V V