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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. il'iMti; Inf: lill. PAHT, mir I -i. HOPE FOB THK FUTURE. vol.. Ml. FARMVILLE. VA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 10,190:1 No. ir,. DIRECTORY. t ? 1 I S MclLWAI - 5 in Rc?? j )? R NI 01DGOOD, *** DENTIST. "" JAMES LYO '.ncc, am Courthoua I W FLOJRNOY, Mil 9 w. C. FRANKLIN KAW. t 0 V. R M. WATKM u: i rr / rrr/Xw LAI, ? ? in b?nk s; P. VANDERSLICE, kW. n S. WING, Al IK WV, Green Bay, Prince Edward County, h. ( H BLISS, \K AI Cl : ? H. C. CHUTE, -* DRUGS \M> (VILLI, Va \yHITE A. CO., DRUGS. Medicines and Druggists' Sundries. V Iii'.: Farmville Graded AND High Sch faculty: ? The High School Only $22.50 For the Ses of 9 Months. itu ii vim n. sm ni. ?'triTll!.? Flavoring Extracts. : lighl vim. og mik ni- Insipid thrill Every tl nur FULL AND RICH. inge, Aim -ii-i. I'lni- Apple Md Uti QUANTITY. Anderson Drug Co. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys, Unhealthy Kidneys Make Imrure Blood. ? through Inutes. 3"~i m Thc kidneys ate your f5rC|fa^|. VthllTl ' tley '"" ." :.' , ? '.:e ?'a ?- cr he blood, are sick or out ?. they fail to do gf'"e -j -.irk. <wi I I Fains, achesardrheu ? .. come from ex J^i ? ~Jr? J cf uric acid in ,h? ? <0 i. due to neglected - Kidney trouble quick or unsteady Mts, and makes one feel as though because the heart ls thick, kidney h veins and arteries. lt used to be considered that only urinary ! were to be traced to the kidneys - proves that nearly I a!! const;: I tva their begin- j An make no mistake , ? kidneys. The mild j I Dr. Kilmer's j ? at kidney remedy is | s the highest for Its 1 *.g cases | I a sample I ?? ?t swamt.Koo*. i how to find oul if you have bladder trouble. ;ng Dr. Kilmer it. Co.. E LOOK! LOOK! large Supply cf "a i'll 1IIJ-, Sci il! .imK, I : g, Wtiitli Uuulding, k nf .??il Lumber. PtriTillfl MannfactariDg Co. Iry, Farniville. Va. L E, CRALLE. B, L MDEHSai. I L NORRIS, K, Pres't. Sec, 4 lieu Farmville Commercial Co,, Commission Merchants wi. ? - i piemen te, Hardware, (inn-, Sheila, l I'l.ii-, WAGONS. BUGGIES, FERTIL IZERS, Ac. rARMVILLE - - VIRGINIA. A Ml'IKlt. Flic Gem i . Jem Shaving Parlor ; Ot Dalli)I tint 'iii 'tiri' li. .ii.i.i.? Hem v ..I I .ti tm ilir. int borne, 90 . iprlng * Kilmuir . ti. I aruiiille Karia AK?Viey i I i tb< it 20 yei ': . . . . ( m i rmi ? ? ? till'III M. I I lit" I . Iii phe:B, Ol lair lon, tl,- . n" In . and southern Europe* Twentj jrclri llii.ii otic truth ol the I. ? , .. ->\. re Illiterate, i a tourcc ol dei : ? tin v are Ulitent rant ol An.. . nut be ? i : three-fourthf ere In Chicago. The same tendenc) tu colonize lo tl ind other el pare tablet showing how m i diffen nt kinda nf I :.. If .similar telbit prepared for the body politic, be found that the earlier type of iroml pr.ints required a compel ,: those of the ... i difficulty, if at ell. ? lnad tif tli - migrants adds to the pu lean ni ult-s by the ? .. .. . E cn i. dur Hones mut a 1.1 e hopi Cull..- Al.r.,?.l. u ,t seniee witb i pities and iu Cl are Letter for mil * orient has dil and cattle in tale country. Thii forty years ago Al end bora men were tending - tees to Kngland and eoe rope to horses nml ca breeding purposes. Nt.irli erery live stf>ck district in the middle Wi methods and purchi we have in t; ese commission maile to select horses an-; fi ri nt sei-.i-.iis of try for Japan, lt is Chicago Inter Ocean, th.i! sion comes first to the United States and will visit the eonntrli States in not more than become, through the atti uti..n of its horse and cattle breeders, through its variety of climate and soil, thr great extent of territor*. the growing of the finest hor cattle, a center of Interest to the live stock men of other t'n doubtedly the demand for om I and mules growing out of thc B was of great advai i fann era and stock growers, and pt I of the J.i) to look into our methods of growing and to pureheec ti pit ? kan animals ls the beginning of a .'I -Stimulate our ranchmen and fanners to continue In ? Sorta thal bare ittle In the n Dr. I). K Pi lld, who I rea $.;,ooo,ooo to email c : )00, says most of his fortune hei bl >?: ? ', reports a Cl tange. W hal an investment th ?I the philanthrop ?'. "lt is far better than BM I feel as if I am dr I with I i-otiltl tell ii itv rich old fellow ll.. tlnre is in this giving. Then few I have stirred np. I would there re. lam glad I -. uiul helped at ir this up. Why, now i: .?liable to g'ne u 1 have gin ? thee $3,000,000, ami others to give $9,n nne a chuckle from thc bs he added: "And perl d not want t : pf \ iii.-rle.-ir. br IMC turi ? I they , pt at en visits his maided to pay them ,i rt [?MtiiplliiH-nt by tak ii inin d and killing a nice pinn tiler with which to ri. The Cincinnati llmee-Star prlntt a story of how tn nu n who were stan ? If it had lit ii r Ld11 iMCa hil ' PRINTl'.R GIRL'S BRAVERY. t laved ii i ? ii ? ?? ''im ? fae mr IK, 1 . ' .1 i M. Ito..ll , a ' of a rn 'I he of thf famout : auy lime for bal enteide, - ? . - n and j'' ma .initl ihe mine ti As tl ii i i'm tires r and, rui ly at bon ra 00 the UH J nnnli lil for the fabli I La ( anil tt lr prog n poa from ;' .lue came thi of I ti'' don n. Tin ti fast as ' w ,'.t k t! ? ? 'J lie i prog reit. Bul who wt i : ran. liter .-I one of the , whelm ii .in girl Inui foU| lit fr m | thant] in love with her. and th ? .im Int own living setting type in l i office, t! beauty and I ery and devotion t When the mine R Mr. On nf I.a ' lie married thc lillie soldier girl. The ? ; t. Greene ret arm d to Turn || to the pri flee in which the I ? fire devil, di I stood and rushed to greet tin ir for un r r:i-p of th. it inky hands showed that mini naire had aol . ? r. DOG COMMITS SUICIDE. Kenrril I'n li me nt ? ml lli-l ilieriUrl j .lu ni ii.-.I nm ul un lip.-.. I hlr.l ?Itiirj Wln.l.... In oi .1 chastising ".Ini-k." a small foi .intuit fl Tl! Till; 'iiii'' story ii 1. il . .i of t lu- I and p.. 'lu- Maxwell ? . low to the ground. truck mt l> and hil I lead when mi the - The anim.*.! WM tn inti At titties lt ft *,n top of tin- table. iis,,] the dog. Jack ran thr rooms in a vain search f ? f an .pin wind..iv. Mr lowalde it. "Jack" looked ebon! ind then leaped fr low. FACTS a:. ' (111 ll I 1, t.. I.' 1 south. If a lead "ii'- ii iii -li? ff M p of the same thick] - : This iii Coloi for thi year '.'.' gnni in irlj si,i ..f tlu? lu ordinary app ? ? end 1.700 eur loads. All thia waeti which nji if Hu ..f thi In thin hate un ? ? the ju :i: Buprei i Vol'., county, - ? . tinlclpal rot . ...Ill' l e.Minti ? IN THE SUPERLATIVE DEGREE. The i In the ii orld is of I ' Dished The .- fut liowlii, 8 hulls filliei.ll which : I roum! million i u :i ? .!. filled with tu li il The furn that it tool. * than a Si ria. The people of tht h in the than the Inhabitanti of any other i-oni-tri in t he u orld, sm - tin - t;o Trii RI long lien mark I ' Australia 1.'',. - n nt Itritein, IXTTT, Germany 1.00, Norway "'". Swifter ? ,11 0.7S, Heit Portugal IN ARMY AND NAVY CIRCLES. Tbe metBlWI navies of the world would in. -Im !? lb I p?, (Tl nml over me I lest tOBecript on record, Emile .Minot, of i'une], in the canton of Mon) ft , t nine and half Inchee In his storking feel ami weight i~ pounds, He Au A -uli, declined a challenge on account nf religious tcruplet two yee - not only degraded from his rn uk. but has been ord.-nil to serve jut his time it' a private in the rank*. 'I he l ? ? year tor tbe porch new field I ? ind ll ?iiiti thousand Mannlicl ?ht. In a European medical eontem lorar.v, the Vrnteli. Dr. D. I. Vi.-riiij ,v. discnttiag initial staget of hearl tttention lo thal under ? if military life t .luring In- third OT ' if i". iiiin in whom heart lesions ?inil. Imn. 1 re nnl nine were private*, ?ith ii,ir,. ,,. ? .- behind them. \RCTIC EXPEDITIONS OF 1901. 1 > far, unknown. ,\ Rut ' Mr. 1 rom the Lena river. ^aii.en nd the duke of tl. A Aurcrm.lul K i pr ri ?r ?!. "Ii , iou Hunk ll ? ni the ,t hal he read-, "(iii. rd the frii ed. "I have pert..ruled the experim. ? ? kero I sene around the hmt-e when it was ! fllll Of lll',s.| ; advertently dropp ? lo believe a great ninny lon Bl i from Mm, rn " \ ii if.-." te id the young n I fl fruin h.ii,. The .. ? ed ind then lindi ll "lint what kind of a gift?" he laked. "UV -ret the sunlight and tl tie rain fros .. . - led the joting "And lUo the thunderstorm," .-nilled the old gentleman. ( t * Oneal ii.-n.-r Mrs. Catteraoa 1 thought I would end tell you that your llnrolfi en fighting with int I and settle the maller if I could. Well, for mi pit rt. BO time to enter into ani die in about children's quain : hope I am above such th "I'm delighted to hear I'll send Harold our on a atretcher iu tu hour or so." Harper1! Ua/ur. In. ilenl HluuJrr. Mind?Has Mr. Goodketcfa come to i: you yet'.' M ibe! N >. He liked m. weeks ago If he might call. too. M iud -What did lou suv in i .Mnbel?I told him munmin would be ta see him. I?Well, that's where i Inned your gnni. ( h Ice go 'Iii linne. Thr 'I ?<> mirth I rntnrr Prodigal. , turned, mid in his old manlier tecoeted his father: "Well, gov'nor, I've come hack. .\re - kill the f.-iited calf'.'" But the old gentleman was t for him and "Xo, mi |.j I think I'll let you : : nhl ike uah, *,?. pianist wanted his h,. advance," said the man "And. of course, you didn't lune it to girt him?" said his fi - " Mint's right." "What did he do?" "(ih, he did the batty aet -aid he u < nt Ii! ii * t plni." Yonkr: *r. <iiui..|.. -ur.h.. She?I see there*! a woman in Ohi eaga who is offering $l,nno lo lind an man. -he'., different front .. ?_'...,.l nmiiy women that I know. They'd tig to iriie all they lour to find any old kind of a man. ( hirago d' Herald. A I'urorltf *,,,,, M >? Dnanap (diaguetedlj i Ith jug I lune hooked into and pulled up. Mr. Bertwkietle (enaldi :;..od. That shmis ibis amit be a pretty good place to Bib. Brooklyn _ Kn l'r.i|ii..lllon. Harold You shonhln't wait for something to turn up. old ckapi yon ?hould pitch right in anti lum it up yourself. Rupert Tint it'-i my rich tinele's .1 i-l,ii|i. that I'm wailing for. ?.1 uilge. A>!. tell un faithful olii I Who po*ed sn long sp true. Ii but a myth. Ons rsn't I | And yet be faithful, tea ?Philadelphia Press. w OMI > *m? ni RETS. II. You know they tay a woman can't ke. | I bat's a iii..-I. \ women can ni can - all but Ino kinds; aren't worth are tOO gOOd tO keep. I'nil. A lira ut) Hint Horti it I do to make the frei-kles now on mi fine "Why. Hortense, Ihil' some more fl mini. \.,? \flrr Ihr lloa.r Irate , that youl high that he uni here. I forbid him ihe I liter But, papa, he doesn't lt's me lhal be's l...llm.?.il "I heard th - I ' i man winni t ... t. Tamer l; ll hiv lind luck. i .,ul other people's |.I lu, ript. Mops lint m.-li iiml Wnrl.> ol! Hi. t ..lil. a i-oiii ni. te day. No ? i ? I , tba g.." tot going amt -: . DoytM ime ut Furniture, ile pi. , ire taking arden deilj bi fill end winter -un-. I.k hi mir samples Inf. ii e hu. Klein ing A t'lark. w bj i ty 15 for a tbna ul.. will boy one jue! a* gn,*l ut Fleming A ('lurk - I; -* ! , ni,.I ar* .tir bran I flgorOM Kiibbiii elth Mi i.ii;'ii,,;it ? sides i* i lill, III' l. ll, lil. ? ',,M lim* to. Wlii-n a WOO i-iii a piece ,,f Inr mi tut In- dgha for Hm gfMi lb il h liii-lei-iiiiiiliin.' Iii leal I'n si rijilinii fur Malaria ('bill- and hen i i- a bottle I f (Ikuvk'S I l-l i li- i un i fomt Iii- -imply ino amt quinine in a taetek No cine. No j pp, i'm i- ... ,i,ts To the ladlee aod ebildren ot Karin? ville anti lormoodilig .-. iinli.v. Ju-l liv a pun ..t '/.,-itii, i iii,- Una aimee s,,iii i-xi-iu?i\?-i\ b> Fleming A Clark. We areetlll telling tba inn.m.- j. r l. ison bal in all dil Klctning .V Clark. v mle pat! lltT foot il,,u n, ibti - Wairg?" I ilnln'i l.iiou -lu waa from Chicago ' lot kunu Tot sre lukin? w ben ym take (In ? - Chill Poole because tbe formula ls plainly printed on every iniitle abowiug tbat it i- -imply lr..ii and (Jimmie nt a ia.-te Iras bu uta N eula. KirllM. si V*. Ill ,11- - ..ii a bunting trip, I (otnul : i in uiuatlsm, I u, i ' ? I ii i nu could i,.it n.iiit n. t,.- dlMppcinti -I. 1 iiii -? hollie of inui- " ? t- i inor ..n-i.t u iii. ii i il we. h.i-i Up Lu? lu \t inorunie, to tin,I Hie .ii ? l mi arm perfect I) well. I Hill Kin.i ? 'll ii ol I lol.I tl i li'K Hie MIMIC 111, ,1 Ililli "1)1 xii uiul Bona Mali \ . i. Ht iVlllMOIl ill a. ti are u.uni a Pry a pilli Till l HI Wa P Hll'l. lilli- l , ,-lHl* lli Kail and W intel -ii - i.' lo p. I . .-nt. .iis.-ouiii. Non i-m.-iinn-to order. Wall I'apct in go . | , Im .iii - .11.1 -l\ le- ??!' | 1 ll youl onb-1 bu a soil , count. Kui t - ll Ci ullin'-. diing aboul Hie ' hii-lnia- . IgN " J "Whal i- ii? ' ll I l nib fl up nilli ; I.. ( nn a (old in (hie Hui. luke I.iixatue I'.lulim (Quinine Tablet!. Ail druggists refund tba money if it Calle to cure, I-'. W, Grove'e ilgnalore - ,,n i I,-it Ihix. i"i eeata sii-k Hi.ulai In- ( tired l*-rn oui. -lilly ii Itli I'l- I'-i "' - 1 '?? -. Indi . ,1 nil Mom-., . i and > Illeli .ni., bj w luston 1'niK t ii.,- l'ii-,.,1. Mink i ennetblng rick In (Md Keotuoky l\'bi-ki i a- vein-i. l? ipeach. Imp in ai Hugh O'Uara1* uni irv it belora tbe supply lt exhaust ,, aod you'll bave lo burry. Tailor-made -un-ai \v P. Richard* no's al lu i<i uni 'li-i-unit. WOMAN'S RELIEF health] weet i baa lit tie pain or discomfort . il period. Nu iviim in Wine of will quickly nlii . puns and the dragging head, back sui fa BehM I .m-eil by falling of .'*, iin,I ii regular - WINE" CARDUI 1 nen! robt t to I uiuii who suffered curl month. Jt n ? ilthy. It is tba pro, by Na i- 'i-f from ? I, ? nu I hai? ? lt ii la : liat you h?vo a .onderfulLir.l Mas. M. A. Yocvr. i' - a