Newspaper Page Text
FAHMVIL1 I'. HRH W H Al'll. J I. .1 K\i ? .1 ... tootha mm three ? Kumw, .1 \ni vin (.(Kill HOADS. -mt Montague liad .rn tin- Importaol tutij ct, in in- inna gund :ni b ??ni. cngiii.'1'ii in agrlcullui i , i- I, .(lt tn.-, h cans.-, "ne ii moment, 1 venl offer, is Ibe foi.tlitioii ol '">' public i-oatU. In iinuiv .dour C ll Ul,, to lill." Ill ?oa ' - , blockade. I ba meed. Wi ,1 md comm- ! ""' ii population. Wa bavi (In- pa-t lin upon tba public mada, but thia stun bu- been ol un May mu tbe failure I ; "' '" the tuc' ii I" hot suiti . and winn a contribution tbey m i man's.-..mi,ut ami wealth 1 Weebould al least ..(art a ( ty \i bleb li ni i 000 iMoii al vain.-, ami when Hie ki, sn.-b baoeflta la ouoa , not fear for tin- it-tili-. W urds luate to ex | rem i i Ibe Impurtanceof th and I -mr il iin-, ami l do thal of in iliisin.kl cnn,-u:.ui, fol thc pulp lovitlog public ooneldera lon, foi 1 entertain tb, I a ntiog mi ? lure." Alni lin I'. pp! ill ni commenting upon the ntove, - ?? I be moat imp : -. in oui judgrut ul ia ti, atkin of Un- vien- be i x\ resued In hi if acceptance al S cern lug tin- c >uoty road' ol i ll) doing sn bc fill: ii i.m, and i- ihe ne - iiii .-Hi. in! ? tins tba keynote of bl- W A ill lill -O, anti tbat thc p...j'i.' ni give atrengtb lo his rigbl arm lu Um greet w..rk lhal meant mi mucb i" tm tuturi- proeperity "t the rttate." li I- bard I ni Ibis sui j, ,-t, ui,,I Ilia! || i A ooria already ol |2,100,OUO; aod thoa Dgurea do na lom. Our hope i- ibal "I Vii Kinia will no langet play lb Child nil tln bllt thal tiny ii ill like n Mil. MU I'll ll III. il .iiH-fully writtei ufa group nf you i wmue whom tin : -I a- 1.11. -i 'i mti ve ty pee rn the latei devefopmeu of American charactei are all culii di clevt i they are all Intensely alert; bul arnon tbem then ka mil oue in.poi marriagi ami evi iv m Outlook. Ami from lin won by ol rcpt ml in ti ,i, ami. mi., tem ii inn: nut nf Hie life nf Hu- in in .>r woiini wini, in a inn. il ? ami ol ot derim foi the freedi.t blllty, n-j'-ci- tb.- .-? inui-.ii ,, nii-s Um claims ol the comm m i miine-, and ch weet t bard, bai unfruitful freedom Instead of sui.mi sion to tin- deep, rich, aod inn i trainlog of obedieooe tu thc ?reat lan of life ex pu - ,t bumi relation. Uodei normal cnoditfo linn and Hoincu OUghl to -tani) I nether in bornes; ami thoo niinlit to tn- placet ni 11 Ivacy, of mot ul lliteiest, ot lb. .t ininti ship, of habitual self-denial, of the te Mon-, ami ol tb. li .pe-. When tba homt la not, tin lutiful prow tbs | blighted nnil deal My ed; itu y ara ii Ne in Un- uni tin- tbeltet ol .1 un.-i lol ty . u,.l wit oul fault of thain. I ..t inch oe ba tenderael pity. Tbe Immortal ami of "Home, Sm .-t il.,m. I.?', aid yal bon In- would lune t tO i.t le I.i iin in Indeed and In truth t "dean the blight ulnl Ida-lin.. |...-c<l Win. III llolll ll, nf iblin-tlclll." stn poi it hi i two. We nore mia taken i Hon. Hal Hood b. id lom uti only lins two, and that's. We agree witb thc fleti r?bui Daniel ibould reolgn from tin ..t lite Coiiventioii, ami sn Mr. Hood Uiul li' ' tn i I .n in il m. m.., i nf c Vi-ntioli al one and Hu same (ii Them i- im need nf crowding Imnnn folka. ll ts said that no Hum of n m. mir can allin.I io accept a pb,.-, il III tull ? h..ubi ?iin the lom,il would ? DISAlTOnTI H. ? that mucb .ny n il i ide. The li acm.iiii I forth .is aa ? tte il i (.. end I rd only kn d ?i a a ll l ll ill ,||lll,l ?I'l'll ' hope bu Hy, one I - . ? holli- in: -<i 1,-t tl- ix sallstled with willing abroad, the Uti mi .ii de . il.i m on ali \ t lax be simply ..1 lu lie . i mun 1 a | ? '? I ii-t ii lit ul ut Karn ld iy ?? lated tin in y..n ion ii. lt ia on buud rei ; .III. Ill,I md ilia ? 1,1.1 nil loll i by Hi ville. I hal lu i ,111111111 i it ver . nil.-ren as Ibe 0OIIIIHI--I..I. .ml lllfl employeea, and tbe 11 i ano 'i, mi-nil ? ..f tbe lown. I berefore, be ll - dved I tin- board, Pbal li.I--i lo tbe mil ii mers, nod i tl ill s.lV lill of ii- han- i ? : i lie > baigi contained In thlt communication, ui ia gentlemen nv and squarely a llb lue fara a a lllO t )} era, a ill p n- mu.-li f..r Un ii I il mother, and warehouse In Hie .-inn ni Vit\ and all ul ue, bun ti mei ch mi-, and 11.--ii i in pin . ii ii i'll oin ,ii? n -luiinluii - li a W, I' (in i i ni P .-i I. I. Mobi Iv M. I'n - KV. (j , .\ A . ile, J I ballia ,V .1 di -Ul,, l a l \ l Sheppard, ' ti. Booker. ' l' , tl, I' M. tioe*, K\ ? hu. . .1 \V, Wi Ulam. I. I i i, I. ll Di ll ! ' Il h I'olih, ll il ti '? I. Weal, kt. lt. K\\ H l ' ? - KV. ll 11 mind fm ii .. bini.. pile on lae of Um Edward. ? 1. lie I un ! ? I Sn < tu < uiul.- I l.t.t I. I- not ni ? Palls. it ibm 1; li a bl . i i; i iii. II. B. Il bul ni nen I , ? Buy and Try a Box Tonight. ? bulk. All . ..ti the I elli pty ill. ? ? what il i I ptp-is. Ednrat* Your ItowrU With Ona arel.. I : - 'b m iiui, in mai , centre ' gie b . do liol know un. -tove c ui'.-l ii .i be mad a tUh ' D .i intel '.rn- In ? Allen - iin -- in the tin - luke I ? . Hill <8W4r tl, I. tl d \ a !? ?I rtnrtm. ? Laxative BrooKHQuiiiine ... ,...ii I-, . A Card. FARMVILLE - i." in ibe month ol EXACT DATE L. H. KOREN. Farmville Herald ihi. tirice-a-week New York World. Hoi > i,il mill THI ? AT HERALD Of ( E. C. Wiltse bul Vt Im il it-fl lo You Cnn Rely ; yoil 'illy 511. ? CUT GLASS, WATCHES, or JEWELRY !i! No. 507. <xrrxrzxtxriz:> This is Our New Axe. , it|.l.' "Ii un ml." We i.v."'- un Call and Sec Them. PAULETT, SON & CO SADDLES, - Horse Blankets, Plush Robes and Leggings. Pistols, Pocket Knives and Razors. Sash, Doors and Blinds. - > Paints, Oils and Glass. C. li. Walter?Sm A CARD I8AY THAI HUGH O'GAR 18 1 0 : '? ? in.r.i'.i; i, R. A. STUAR'I WHISK ET . VA Davis & Atkins. Mi \ ^t*m?At\ CAND* CATHARTIC . *\\^KA^W*mw% Genuine itjr Never ?old In 1 I of thc driller who triti to sell "??mctKim jmt ?* jo<id." I 1 .(.in. ibb', i ih. at i.i>- l-.itni Agtne "An 9!d-Line South Lin Company."' H i il,. Um. South - Atlantic Life Insurance Co., "A Southern Company For the Southern People." STUART A, HOWARD, I la. \ \. be strong. They R. <a H. Shoe f shape. We fit them carefully, stand for hard v. shape and | RICHARDSON S GRILLE. 'IS IT A 5. A PRESENT ? Exiuti > 11 -? i li HOLIDAY GOODS W, T. BLANTON'S, NVxl tloor tt> Planters Bunk i, \i;\; . KU KAU HuA Hawk I mi i - P. M. ? i -. I . " t. Il " ? , M ? Mil ? : a ?? I A.M. I eave Ki. I i \i I lu.-li.i ? Santa & "Claus HEADQUARTERS i..... Wk i ..ti ii.-.-, fnnr ?.?in uni. are at Cridlin Bros. Wei! - Dressed, f i ' : ;. tin? ki:, .-uni ".-'? put upon thc piper. They s;i\ th..' sn ' IR'. ?11\ .'tppfii- .'?' pri ?/] _H // I \ in wronb. people who tmy.mig! (1I- ... (i-.ilil Ik' your - Uk ' ' ' a a nkly. kinds, ? which ' '''?' Wc. peering :. :. ? HERALD JOBOFFICE, FARMVILLE.VA. GOOD TASTE DRESS SECURES A CORDIAL :OGNITION FOR THOSE WHO ^W IT. -**^ V un ti ll Low iiiutli injury a shabby appt i liim. Always !'><>k well drew I -'- busini We're prepared in tl.- - with in*-11 i-f taste, .'ind for i IU nf PIN K J Clothing and Overcoats I ) iwtoniwlj'mgl} low Rgni I value in our clothing is too isibli to escape notice. Wi-tit to :. nicety. Don't fail to nee.NEW STYLES ol' OVERCOATS (Kin- Gea -it ami broad shoulder* Ai! ibe NEW STYLES in Men's Snits, Thc Knftign, Military fin. Beautiful Assortment . of B Clothing. fail m:'! take a look. Glad tn J. B. WALL, PARMVILLE, VA. W T. DOYNE ? ? - UNDERTAKER in FURNITURE !> v I - ?t.iliitt ' l.l-.. VA. phones: STORE 80: RESIOESCE 22. NOTICE! UIII I.. ur. ll. 1902, ? |^^\IV|S"T" TOI5ACCOSIMT LJIJIN ?^ .SMOKE *^ TT ' 3-im. \ourl.lfe?w?yl . MO IOBAC, that nrnk-t rn SOO,OOO Hi i i.n i \i mi; uer \i.i> Jon Ol PICE, KAKMVIl.lK WELL! ALL IS WELL THAT ENDS WELL, a I IK vi '? -l " v. KU . ? .: a-lil I lie l?fon THE KIMBALL & BAKER SHOE IAGRUDER, FEUSS & CO'S ? wc FALLWELL Duvall, Robertson & Co. t , i Ha . V v CoianUMiioti Merchants and 1.1.Al.I IW in llnriiin,,'. i ultlery, i ,, :, .illimd Im fi' mini-- tte. ... ,,.. In. "I tuil ..,,,, Wayne. j K BUOOIKS kim wu. 11U..1SAM ,.f.'.t.:.;-...-l'?f"t*l"'?