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THE FARMYILLE HERALD. UKI.P FOI - i. HOW: KOH l-l E Fl I i KK. VOL VII. FARMVILLE, VA., FRIDAY. L/EBR1 \U\ 7,190*5. X() ,?, DIRCCTORY. ? ?y*fi Las ? j s Mcilwaine, J )3 R M 8IDG00D, DENTIS IL. JAMES LYONS. I W. FLOURNOY, U' C. FRANKLIN a. 0 w VINS, -ItTOMETS] - i s?l P. VANDERSLICE, I I <. S. WING, .'.V, ecn Bay, I I County, Va. (' H BLISS, Vi D White *> co., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, H. U. CHUTE, ??* i Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. 1 of the /?' ls of :n*i never ;o eat all : BOV I. Ia ? nlld . it. ..ry. Cures all stomach troubles ? i /: HAVl m. ll I* Over Work Weakens \ our Kidneys* i fTabealtb* Hooeys Make Import Blood. ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? :.'.: mild Swamp-Root. ? sample I : I & Co., E Farmville Commercial Co., Com .mission Merchants ii-- is IZEKS. 4c. i _ FARMVILLE - - VIRGINIA. ?OE* Ear.'y Risers The famous little pills. CATMABrnc BBBBBBSa jenuine stamped C. C. C. Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealer who trie* to sell "something just ss good." W T. DOYNE INOERTAKER ?sud i1ch!*i iii FURNITURE ? ? lmnc in th*- i ? ? FARMVILLE, PHONES: STORE 80; RESIDENCE 22. wall, Robertson A Co. i ,i . ii.ii:, Va. M ? i III I ill yli mint- . ,1 c. nil i IONS. foi ? BCOCK BUGGIES, . ? ? :> Ti ti? ll..' bai thc In otb i , ti tari \Y the ried and IN PAH/I ? ? ? ? ' ? ? walt, ? ' ? N ' Angele s Rude Awakening ** sim ? tfani?pi i???aiiw. ? Ey KATHRYN JARBOE. Tl K otber wus b IO I to the dull lesrlcfl di ? I the bai i - to bi'Bin - of the i ii^'f. (Jae 1 and icul Imo Ai ? d account" fshen she bad placidly I -jifif; Hie o'her bad : I ? ' nrt or les* r" ? ? Blt! I hnd never . appeals. ? of the r Ile -was ss fi I speak lo ll ' ? ' ? asll modal I -n Jim's?tl ? e mnp of th* farm, ar A ?" m from his 1 :, ll.c walli to tn' ? a pen fr,,m her?for th* soi . What wai lt tl ll ? ; nke to her. . | ? ' ' id *'rfn:i a WI ipr thought of saving hrr s sr* her from t: rht of 1 ? The next trirn Bbl I brilliant sew Iel K.N vi - .... (VERB FEW Wolli I,., ;.., tl,, ti . lal l tl,, .ii, I ul, of, fr>. fae 'i tl Iel tin? ier tli.i ll t it he compared tho livid en it was. too, that he I, ld her that 1,cf ore, ss I ? ? lng arms ol li" clou I remembered that I ? . Ik- lind tho'.ir-ht of her up then ll rful home! Ile ' - than run mad riot? I ? ' ? ' - ? irv. J' inL-h h. ? I Th" attn ? I v Into Ihe c Fl ' ? I back in i ? ? '. The farra Its* ' < that pave p'.T-e In ew r w,m-laden or? ds, BMBied an oaflsin the -marled rusted Li,'.aides on ll ?? nw n Ind, lc r. Uh. If tl be r, used cr it lisa lt in ?K J I I - ? I lo .I'm ? ? ' le her ? StopCd, : e, and, he was tins ? h'm: il<-rr * ? tra I, v ? ? I i to the trj lcm tht ' lil for ? 'n the ? ? ' f li ' Mr.] , ti e r k "Oh. V ld s f I mi ce lo dajr. (in,- | r bride. Thorns l? a fi; ? i I ! I sm sure that ? ed." Ie r< dr s-> , whits amine ,d tlc I. ' ? burden ol ?e sll ?I, and she tai room. , fi t help for hf r ? ? n ? *nt* of \*.*n|,.>i,? lu Ituakla. loral 8' critics rc. If that wi in an att-mpttd a-'a'sination st the tbe man recorded as last having hit posscssioa ii held rei] Y Hun !!? a th.,i "\\ "i'd f,,r t J*?* ?Lfc N WAR WAS BREWING. ,,l ?. "I I >.rl I .m.,<>i,. J,..i Bl ,.lu * ,, .1 ii,.il., ? .arlj In I ? Bar mj (IM ? ? r And J a t w u 1, bul it ai IS clli ? i.who 1 ,,f tbe ?? OUIIff ( ? : nearly all. in iii - I, atc! these n nfti p in tl ? came ,! them as ind he, about ant of ? ? : k in ' c'llfll ??? bootine, tl ? KS." ? r : ? . ? ! took ll! : ,1 .1 lull I tgh t it a a I ? A . V. 'lu i. ..!!,'? 1 boasts ' CH PE - r all o\.-r the ? t I. ile Mi. I r. .1.1 c. - l 1 man. ? be rent of u.^ .j Sto , ?. Tease an* Protease. Tearber?Th* sentencs, "My father," is in the pa*'- I Mary, wliat tense would y, ing in if you wi*!: "M. BOO*] Little Mary- Oh, tl,.it ?? tense.?Tit-Hits. Biases nf I'ma-reai. "Do you attach any arc* that men sre developed from monkeis?" ? "I think that some si' Csyenue. "The others appear to have remained itationary." - . Star. Uh, She Did lt afr* Oreeae for tbs land's sake, . tftldf. \lrs. Or*J I iii ' uas at? tached to (hr ton Transcript. <|nllr hat -Miss Hallos in the - hai got a new piano. ' I suppose you can ber tn a kitten univ. "Hon "Why, I suppose she's playing all thc time."?Yonkers Statesman. Safe to Sar. .Mr. Wiggles?Don't you tbll itkyns is a very pretty girl? Mr. Waffles (after * 'cough to look around and locate Mn. VVsgglei iltting acron the room) ? >he'i a peach!?Somerville Journal. Mr,inion or IJrrtl 11 mle. BS is so sentimental; he keeps lia wife's chair wresthei! with smilax ind roses." "When did sh? die?" "she isn't dead; she Bli isgo Record. I he Mest Step. "H.rr's a scientist who claims thar ?ruins is merely a nervous d "doini! KOW, can't he <: onie way to make it BOBt*fifmsfn? tuck. Prospects. lier Father?What are your sets? Her Suitor?I've a rich onclc who is Byraeaaa Herald. * I' ? ni marry me'.'" ? ila la so sudden! lint for pood ess* sake. \* hat madiyou so >?',,? about 1:0 Record. The finis Un. Row did you like thc new mk Harold lent you the other day? 'Mitti Oh. it was so dry I Ju ' roofh it. -Judge. I'S e tn Ihe Mala f hame. He \o. you are not the | t's so long .i? I'm e one you'll marri. | lei. Don't Accept a Substitute! When you I k for Coot irets be the genuine | univ Cathartic! I >*m't nidiilent substitutes, mutations ur aatcrfeitsl Gcnaioc tabtcti starap 1 <'. C. Never sold in bulk. I druggists, ioc. Dewitt's ? Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores, ALL WOMEN Vine of Cat.lui is flic Baa** health and h.ippi BJ youl lt to old Bf*, It J intO wnili:.Illino.]. i sostalas her doriaf to* f pregnancy, ohildbirth .nml totlierhood, making laboi ml preventing ll..oiling :i! lt gently leads her | -cns p.-r!.,,l bo* n Bl lie chang* of life. VINE CARDUI . 1,'nc,ri hara, falling of thc limb, .md menstrual irregularity lona. It is valuable itt wry trying- period of a woman'I reinforces Ihe I on thc fen!' I organs ami i-i the Oneal tonic ,r srotnen known. A>k your fur a 11.00 bettie of in* "f Card ol. Batesvllla, Ala.. Julv ll, lt**, 1 sm ming- Wine of t'srdui and The.I -,l ? Hlack-Draiiaht Bnfl I feel liks a lf,-rrnt wnmsn airesriv. Several !s ?s here tra. fi the medicine, in lin ir meisll the ti,;,i,. I hav e, three giris ,1 ther ara using it with me. Mrs. KATK llKnWI-KH. ? To l'ii I ?fm pij ilia bi ii I. V .1 t.' Bfrat t Bal ten curt. Iel * aaa w a ic Pi Agn sb*| niau Moll of tc J ICHESTER'S ENGLISH NNYROYAL PILLS Bli l.aHle. ..Lim. Ksi.i.i?.n m. -. ... .hrr. Krfaw lani,rna. ,aS.II ,.H.n.l Imitation. I. I'.rnrul.r.. Ila l-rlle* for I ?.llr. urn niall. la.*MrO Tm. i ,'HlCHHSTIS CHEMICAL CO lidiwa SMjiaare. pull.* P* M..C.. 111. ????' ni lil,bl.Iii.' I.ll,in,, Bl w . ill. ? ,i, I.axing an I tt.-i.i sell. I .rn ol ng lin \ . r> ' .,n*-l-clioll-*li lilli,-! :iiiv?.,,ii:in uni) ala tlic l"W itfeps lae Conga ami Woikioti ta* Ossa, Laxativt B N ? Tay. Bola. I ? Carl in "all tbe go" f..r Kolo| -ii i it 11 ll ..ur itu pit - bf !??.!? buying, 1 lark. Why pay |6 t.,r a abos. wi,,-, '111 bUJ at Fleming .11 HI ll 1.1 ni brands, bulli i price* aud il I.. (uti .i ( old in oin Day, sk* Lai . .ciel-. II druafista refund tbe m ne) it it ll- tu cine. E. w . *.i" k ' | ire** -,.v U III, J,I IS, III,II st lon an I . i ital, Mo. k bi-ki i in al Hugh in it try ll - bauat. l,e "pcCtlV ? ' ty pe, * in, b Men- , I ba** born rem,, iou know \>hat fa* .in fakfof Chill i .univ ii I eil , | mik timi it iui| ly ll "I, noil [QlllnlDI ? form. Not ii 'be uufi ? 'I- of ilie ni .\i .etui with rgn cn (? rests capable of sup. lUg lllllliel.-*? <|ll lutitic* of val ?lu- m,,um nu nogoa, il' "f thc sani il foimailoii . roba. nell iii i TOBACCO SPIT and 5 Al O K B YourLlfeawayl MQN 5T can be cnn i hfr and vi MO-TO-BAO, j. tie ma makes weak mei riiiidi in tm dies .:,o BOO,OOO All dc,,.; (KUY CO., Chicago or New York. *J7 \ Mil.ill I .lilli lol Sile. ? il farm nf l'i I wei 11 Og," ami ' HUI,,oll.'lllll, ? noe third Interest efl III 'I |'1\ Ile V. i lnuci- Bl :" Ih' Hie ill* rai of th link" in Hie *? nf lill' i .in- f,un,I. lc euotfods, il lc ti,, ll lllell AllO ill lill pl ike, but snow Hie ex cl us! ? III,-tl. a I:,.- Dewe* <&&? native [JromoUniniiic ? mr,* i, roM In one day liviHe ilanufactuiiiTfj Company. AU, KIM' lilding .Materials IN WOOD. }. M. ROBESON, Proprietor, Farmville. Va