Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR Itu; Mil PACT, UKI,I' lol; THE I'Ki.lM, HOPE lol: lill: Fl I VOL XII. PARMVHXE, VA- FRIDAY, MAI 9, 1902. NO. 32. CITY DIRECTORY. ??I,in,in ? I i \ i ? I \ i \ U I I. I .." ? .11,1 .1. 'I Mini I I, M GILLS. M. D . : \.\ tnt SHOT. ? NATIONAL BANK , |, m. 1 s M.ILWAINE. \ I'-!. WV, O' i U ?* Stairs in Rr?? ,.-* LANCASTER .1 I. WV, ? j jr R M 8IDG00D, ** I > KN Tl ST. CHAPPELL. w. ? C FRANKLIN [EY-AT-LAW, v \. ? ? R H WATKINS A7.\'>tV* WATKINS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, s; P. VANDERSLICE, v !' LAW. / S. WING, ii;\l \ Al KAW, n Bay, Priace Edward Cornily, Va. (' H BLISS, S'ERAL M-CriOl a \\HITE A CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, \ H. C. CKUTE, - A.NU dil VLB. . . . ? Ulled. Parkville, Va. Farmville Graded AND High School. faculty: i. M. A., ?" The High School i Only $22.50 For the Session of 9 Months. h Hu UH ll Mill M. Mlllll. I*"' V I ILMI K, III. urtni ? I'f-irlct. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once evei-y three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil? ter out ihe wa?e or ?sin the blood. If they are sick or out cf order, they UH to do their work. rr^W'jiT 1 Pains, aches and rheu 1 w*Je^ matism come from ex mVi ST cess of uric acid in the ?? ? blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick cr unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as thoup'h they had heart trouble, because the hear is over-working In pumping thick, kidney. poisoned blood through veins and arlene-,. It used to be considered that onl ,* troubles were to be traced to the kidneys. modern science proves that nearly mtlonal diseases have their begin? ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild an i 'he extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy ls soon realized, lt stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the mest distressing cases and ls sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-. cent and one-dollar nz-1 es. You may have a lottie by mail no?, of n.. fiee. also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer St Co., Binghamton, N. Y. NOTICE! IO Kl.Inn.m,I, .timi I , R. FRANCENE'S PLACE. SI -i ri \i i - s,nilli. !:? ;li? Kim.i'? ll ',.,.iini iiipI .'. ? Half abell, |kt dozen, m rout-. li.*,, ?" tenta. Holt-try, 9) cento lU al,il 25 ii-111 - H im .'lint 1 ?:.?:?, :'? centa. Porterhouse tUosk Everything in Meeon, 905, 907 E. Broad St., Half LL. ?k frmn Un-City Hall, Richmond, Va. Richmond Club ? has few equals. ta? Beni In mind that my ttoeh i? tin* HK.-1 kr; t ,n Farmville -im*.* tin* 'Uv* nf l(ii*liaril-"ii - FI I.I. MF.ASI'KF.S fftwrsnteed. C. H. BLISS. Miniral Scliley, A Pure, unadulterated Rye Whiskey. The Best for medicinal pur i Rises. I hat e nol the largest stock, bul claim the BEST of tin' well kintw ii brands, 'raiiiuoi Club?=^ bas n?' superior. E. C. Wiltse Sells nothing but what's guaranteed t<? be exactly as repre? sented. '<>u Can Rely _??a???? .?? mi wlitit yon buy w hen it's ILVER, CUT GLASS, WATCHES, or JEWELRY nf ll'"' ^^*m That's worth everything. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. iii - *. in i.f i;l I IX) VIH ' li nile |.. part mani. TERSr SCiENCF. LAW. MEDICfME. EIGIIfEIIIIC , til s-|,i<-ini.. p li Barrlocer, riminium, y Hammer BeeMenee. St- liavt- for -alt- an eleffsnl ImliU' irr ? country with lOOncree >>f im| tl. cheep. An lunn- ran from Rich ? ml, ntul an iil.'iil rt'trtat fur a tiri*?l ?nan. I \km\ ii.i.k Fa km Aukm v. I^V i ? i ,i ii w ? y PRIVATE MONSON At By LYNN ROBY MLLKINS. ^^^Am^.m^^m.^?m^mm Il V, \ Harm ' id iiiin corn i Iunl from . irt*ra to which In* waa temporal * , .1 : tint hia work promiai .1. lu- waited fur tl.i. ,\ mt., h.- de? scriptions nil tin* ,.f his ready pea anil prompt vocabulary,bot ii.* .-nun furn il tlmt dy Mn: other f' .uni hf was 1, fi tu receive pleasant mt from t: 1, Imt tome whal ancient, with an occasional re jni: .1. i* that tin* paper lu* represent? ed wai nol a monthly publication. Bo In* learned t" gather ami arrange tin- preliminai dash in thc details while thf cannons were ? their pointi ? in the "f war. Even "itli tht ? that expt hail brough! him hi.- lol was far fi*.un bappj H.- du! nut mind hard work ?that waa a part nf thi bul after hf had ran through ? tlu* hotteal m.'! prettit -1 .-i..imishea l.f had . . ,i won? derful deeds nf valor and hail taken 1 made country lo graph staUon rn.:. ? in ac ;n rh di-.-ci 'ip <*ho.i|i and telegraph tolls are not." * * bul an * tween the gn I ry 1 ? found : o mention lt, r knew esque than ma: y of tht ' aw. Then, of hil work. When a soldier nt he i back, but it is never pleasant to have the other fellow do all the ah rner wai ? .... much aa any of 'lu* loldlera nml a al mon thnn some nf them, 1 it ullin.nt : otnpli : Hut hf had become used tn it all ' 1 the battle of tlie morrow > ?Ud tn. Hf knew the nf thf i* i.i* I"- 1 lieved he had the plana nf the light, 1 mid he *?* to gel the fifi.! nf op* 1 erationa IO clear in his mind tl, ? ' te in ita 11 geograpl j particulars. Ile had permission to , i rove u ll Un thi lils way to the line. ? ? iiinie and your I ' ?ame a pity that inch hopi ised as food for gunpovi "My i.ii-i f i volunteer*," he nld, ' rani yon to do mr t tot j :'bd to do ai J thing I i .iii," rt - ? i er, "Your pa|n i to our town and ? ," he Wenl nn. "What I p -k may ?* i m a littlt ? I I mow thai yon cm <I" it without much t I "Will, whal is it?" 1. "In your dispatch aboul I !:?!?. 1 want yon to reporl i lan H. Monaoa, prli ite li.m] rho i Hamer tool he young man, but thi re \\n>- I l his countenance I ? reined ti ' "How would J ll pul '.'" 1 '* j, shed. ' ?*i i' * rath. Shall I ' j "iir ... . the flag 'rom .. nstile banda; or picking up a bill mnb; or throwing youri , . la f ymir captain to in a ppr os cl r .'hal! il the line of duty 9 oath?" ? * put '' ' ? ? ist a Iii > "I suppose," fver taken lime I whj iper ke< ir why i It isn't 1 assure yon. Thej ara nol paj li ii ir Mir;' * ? eaay chairs and think they rule in *^ e country with al r a w' ' ore than all tl andcorre- hf ondents in both armies you would "* ideratand things better. It's hard Bi I * "Why won'l J I n on'l Hamer, with empl The mined v^l>at t.. do. Then he lo I: "Well, never mind, fur ive to du it, an . "I hope n. . tu're ti". )ming to i mir fi.uni ry Bl ? if ymir sweetheart doesn't." ami stammering something which Burner dW nut un? tidier turned ami walked rapidly away. The battle waa fought Ti nut the conflict Hmmr was Inri*. uni everywhere gettii nml names ami details, There wa* no time in that awful slaughter t.. Human I'm- were ns cheap i mowed ? I"?? n a-, mei elle ly. *-.> I happened thal it waa nol until several days later when the pa] * ing the bed the moving army Unit Hamer oh erved bis own re? port: "Monson, William II. Privett pauy < . Enlisted frmn Bprin * shut through shoulder while raving i*.Ulipa ii*. In tbe next i ac wa frmn B] eon was mi.* of the i>* I yon nf Bprin * i nd lhal hi wins universally deplored. "Well, that beats me," said Har ner, "I wonder if my mentor] ?mt.ami had moved many miles bul the com puny wi b ll aiui he Immedl. m-ht out the captain and asked bim aboul Private Mon "Poor fellow!" waa the reply. "Ile they buried him with the ni* Hamer did i urn to bis paper. I ? tn who tad h. copy mn! i rhom be had nn accumulated an> ipath> ? * thal which Sherman had ! prove, wa on, was still in charge and be did mt feel like coming d ni'li-r orden. Bo be fried ither thiiiL'S. but ai tin- year iv and the other thlngi did nol make lim rich he succumb* d to I able ami entert il journa in wai given n roving commit ion to viail nnd write np thc ; lhere the conquesti of Indn iir ? n.ikirc the wealth that mi : tl of war. in the course of time his duties ook him to Spring li ihich bad become n city, with it l w aler power ul I ? '? ?'. with n at mnnufaetoi ifs nn evi rj Ie saw it all, bc iaw upon . nf a larire m,ll: "W ill linn ll. " 'I lu. min.. v familiar, and yel he eon 'I i "t lace it. It *?? mii'l all th.* boUMl in thf rowded j But thf nfxt mon Ing it fan, !1? ll. And then the story, c.!. M dd it nt his own fireside after Har er Lad been prent nted t.. hi- wife ai ?i wim li.I'l refused t" report im dead. "Hut I di.1 report you dead ?ted Ilarmr. ?\, , but it w.i- ail a ii hey thought I was, bul I i . :t wai almost i ? .rind me tbe day ? ? battle 'ii ?* 111V had thrOU n nu- ia. r." Anti after tl tl.xp.ri . 1 ,1 tn kll.'W mr. -.,m.-1!? inu, Kew in Meeba.... ? [ won ? ry pn tl ' ? I ? ' ?eat di nm 1 I i i i fore of oiling tht m. Think it over.? ?ook'.vn Timci. ..n ii. ' Ju CW dei tn h. Pi ll ? 1 I..11- If Ni 1 rad other Dell il : iht in 1 bad * i . mi mv , Ind "Ain : - u itch il.. -kin di \ i. ld lo it ii Ding The mini julep i ri p i-m.e tl i frants When la ben i I torpid liver uml tiny sre di righi l int id lo In .' in fur I think 9 ben are find a i bl tn Ii t others red Iiiin/,. Quincy, Sure, tafe pl I in : be cowed. Nu Lem ni I ni . I, Clml i.han it. I mid five bottles ol it j i t. ibresbei i th let, and ming ? '' -i- n by tin* above Ihe threshers i with th. ii wnrk without losii ol thii !:? n j "in borne. I'm Mic by Tbe W Inston ? , ? gelling stuck up. \\ beeping * ongk. ? ni rn li" In- ic with tli- din i'u i' ni any equi Di i - fi .in ii. She iv lump -ullin,i I, nm b Dlbi old, and on lng ii Ing ih.iii i , f their plump* dui iii mucb I" it. I ? . . i little . i'iMM.T I Ul.I.. i- tm I ' 1 be ni ? bottles m. seal : mn ni im- lufanl ll s, ?m i.itit liliiiiiii.ili-iii t uiul Min* linn* I.. n \i .nv ol Seti i liv I li I'lin . uni i ii I til ii - ? I " \\ ... wanta !?? make .'l at ?m* t to do il with ra t paint iinii'i Mm i n neg. iiiil.'Ii .?! i old. w '* nil knots 9 bat s -minn : ,. ml, st kimi i.i ii e. <?1 rt ti ii "h.m. - on" Ihr tugh the I ' 'in* Mimili* Cough ? 'ure Minuit ? ,h medicine I il. "I never found ? \\ nh tin* Heel I iii-t in literation, man finds it bardei th i . make both ends rn w.ui'i i..Hun viiiiii* tiler Paying lui it. lu i rcn ni article I pr,min, nt phy -, " li is i;i\t I., ii aphyiician I ii .mi preset ie oi .lu*t thc -n. il ne re? it, lift, niiim U . th' ilriiu' treatment." ben ii- ii-' il foi ? -*. mild and it linahlf' sm i bi Cbambt rlain'i Mimi? li i I.i- ibould be employed, ii. Ipalion ? bowi l- in i i' il u sliby condition. I itlBttUI D l-i r?i Repoi ii i "W ii ii i i do mi your pu| - i 'I Re ? iti-i "Well, t" make ? long -t"r> I \ editor." i.i ki* a Prawning .Man. - icfa ii holli of lin' ireh, well known atloraej ol Nocona, \, "I look quantitii - ol pepsin nn l ? a dmW lilli;.' III.Ul - I it Kod I :? * in : well." K mull N.i, M . [ the mot I irily in. an it tin* : i. lal I.." Rale l m ui-iuii- \ i.i Her* Ml A Western Ky. i a 1 I ? - | a live A I i . ? . . 14 ! ed Ur* ? a -l ? (blas, -1 I Uni., August lo IV. B. P. 0 y, I lab, August 12 to I I. write for lol Vk B Bevl I, Mi P i-- Act.. J. r ll nu.ike, Va. I c G 1 E Tn( lin ii ( nhl in nm* l?i> Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it ire l-i W. Grove*! signutun h box. SK ? * imi kiiun wini imi an* Unking When you lake Grove's Taetelesa Chill Tonic because HM ("niuili* I- plainly printed on ever,) bottle showing thal it i- tim| Ij lron sud Quinine li m. No cure, N.. i'?v. Meenie in Um in weet shun * nnd -, at I ? ming .'. ? .uk'-. Mop- lin I inich iiml Murk-nil lin- ( uiii. a I'nlil in uhf day. Bia < i.lf. Nfl Pay. tenta. it't.ii.i' Private Mtefc thing mil in om Kentucky Whiskey smooth as velvet; sweet na a |. i.-I. Drop in nt Hiil'Ii <' ai ii irj it ti ton iin* supply la exbauat nd uiul you'll ban to burry. Thc llf-l I'n-i liptinii fur Malariii i Hillls iunl i-'fver i- a bottle of Onovg'a i \-i ii i ? < 'im i. Tonic, lt li limply ? I quinine In a taetelem form No cure, No i m. Pi i.*i* GO oenti Wi- are still miling tia- Ramona J >r fti-'iii bal in ail rt j Fleming A Clark. Mop thal OoOgl -li.I- von. I.r li Hi mp win cure it. a.- aural* ra uni | 1.. -t on .ni iii i si ?-?? i,.itu, - 2 ? ??' ni w im. t C" uiii w h.-i.>n Urai ' " l.n I.lippi' Cough ?un.I with hr. I Hi rup or iiiin I,.'. ind WU.ifli.. in . in ii. im com "ii- ' .u.-iiiiii' i"ii Hr.. throal snd linn; (rou ? ? ? ct .1- ni wini.- I Ve .ml Winston lu li tie Ni i ti* ami Hum Liniment ?i-i nu earth I , ,.ui.,i f.,r both ? BIS, lil a. 'lu tin* ladies nml children ol Farm. i surrounding country, Jual * /.? Igler Bra. Ona shoat, told exclusively by Fleming A < Inrk. \ Hodel liirin. If y ni mihi n model brm we bun in* i.. -mt you. lt i- located rn tbe nuntj "f Cumberland, Wi- will take in ibou ing it t" ymi. I- ti-, un Farm Aol ki r. I IgM Dtyi On III- Ka.k I w iiii two I. ? f DI ile ' ? Lin a wm cure Mm I M i Klehmo , i,..\.. I? rn un I ll| i..iir Ni rn ? ul ,ui mi bach un?! Mini il m. h..r eight dari I Iunl nm i.un.? ii n-1 I nm n.,? .,ut lu I i ' '..i.i r.s. S,,rii, \ :, ?,,, V,. We nu* Inking orders dully foi men'i ill ami winter -nit-. I.mik at mir unpin before buying. I* terning A < 'lurk. .i:- un* "all I lit- go" fur going lill!-. [)0J I.. U ill |. ju? ill Style. Why pay IS f"r tahoe wbtnt8.M ill Inly un. i . . ming < lark'a. li etonlan ai 'I Blon tn ir brandi IF YOU?=3 WANTA (ICE BUGGY OR HARNESS, CALL ON . M. Walker & Sons. )oYou iver Fall?"" C > ?n di, foi fai \kv Lille E){ Shoes si? th cu i- un h..n rei THE KIMBALL ? BAKlR SHOE Ft I ur 1 Cl MAGRUDER, PEUSS & CO'S. 1 llliill OBAOI hu ? a ll. pairing a ssessi ff. c FALLWELL, Mala nt. ka km vu.i i, \ a. >po?lte Crldlln Bros. I" ? FI Wall Pipet in gnuteet variety, both - uni -tv i.-.. if print, tat Doyne'a. Pet II,., im.ilfrn IweUing with nil improve monte; water, bath r.min, ,v- I'.i--.??-!,ni giveJ May lit. ? by Dr. K.unify. Apply to ii. I, Ki oi. DeWitt's ? Salvo For Piles, Burnt, Sores. m..,;:-^.u .......^i ,:,..? ^i. .....r^* ,-..f.^* ,tii.mite) 3,000 POUNDS OF Virginia Cured MEAT AT PAULETT, SON & CO. l..*?,-:.^.,..,-:...^.;w:-^.a:-^i^-.-.--^ai^,l.Jiill Watch! ALWAYS BE ON TIME. [fyonr watch don't nm just i-lit, bring it around. Will ?let it a thorough deaning and guarantee it to wmk FULL TIMET very day after that. W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Optician, .\r.\t door tn Planter*! Bank. <armville Manufacturing Company. ?ALL KINDS building Materials -IX WOOD. G. M. ROBESON, Farmville. Va Kodol dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ill prepnnttloo contains all of tim .???-tauts and digesta all kinds of id. lt (jives Instant relief and never 19 to cure, lt allows you to eat all e food you want. Thc most sensitive iBUCtat can take it. Hy Its use many ptlce have been red after everythiDj? elis* failed. It equalled for the stomach. Child 1 with weak stomachs thrive on it. rat dose relieves. Adictuonecesaary. jres all stomach troubles ps.redo.nlT by E. Ci. IirWitt A cn, ' hlrsfo lie fl. buttle euDUilis2H the JOc UM, Drag I'lnpany. 14VB \t>EH i'KlNTINd DOBl AT THK HKKAI.D JOB OF i K, KAHMVILLK.