Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR Uti; nil. iw.-i, Hil,I' nu; THE I'l.l-l..M. HOPE KO II lill: ll ll UK V(>l- X,L FARMVILLE. VA.. FRIDAY, MAY 23. 1902. NO. 34. CITY DIRECTORY. i ? X I 9 I ?* ' D , tl -III IAN ? HST NATIONAL BANK S M ILWAINE. Stai* s Ri tn ii M LANCASTER. SK\ VT I.AW, - hR R M BIDGOOD, - hKXTIST ^ t i; t iiAi'rii.i. U C FRANKLIN \T-I..\W. H H WATKINS IX*if W./TK1XS, ? IS AT LAW, ? s P. VANDERSLICE, \ I WV. S WINO, * Aird CojiUj', Va. (.. ti i > A'l LAW, BLISS, ai mos i i "-. - U'HITE A CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, ? led. | ' H. C. UKUTE, ~"~ i A<. ... ' I* iiiMVii.i i. Va ? UHIVERSITl OF VIRGINIA. I ii ti | | | ? NOTICE! RANCIONE'S I'L.M i' a i a ... | - -t Kl ? hil-. (>? n.i I 1 St., ? m tbe City Hall, ,3" -? \ h. | . TWtNTY YEARS AQO. * wife. -HI - ? t lui- .Ilium.?,I t h.-ir ? l?hl awaj ? l , a .ka. | lilli. ? | | ? tl 111 HIV ..Mil > in N v v AAAAiiAAAAAAAA.|f|<it||tt| 3 TWO BAD MEN t : IND A FIDDLE, t S An A yened Shooting In a Col- ? m orado Mining lamp. * t ?TYTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTT f(T HE Occidentally averted 1 I dies ur.- n..t oft-rn chronicled, ii tem ..f that kind that ire ?i.nh t. ratio mining man lo a <-:i|*>it?>1 commit !? f r.i group the other aftt Di orreapondent ..f the N. V. Sun. "(tn.- nii.'lit. when t ripple Creel) waa new ;ni.l raw, I'.iiT Randall and Alee [?robb, who were partners in h claim that hui panning out big, drifted Into Bi ni. Murphy's canvas honkatonk nmi HilT nml Al.i- Inui been off the reservation for four days. Both were pretty bad nun. "Well, "ti this night BIA im,I Alec, being I precarious-like on their pins, nml neither of 'ena having h.-ul any sleep for f..ur days and ?*? ere i.?i-h uIth each >>th*>r, and the boya noticed that they were moppy In tha way they talked other. Consequently tbe boya kept a -..rt o' toco* on the en trancea tn thi- tent, sn's tn he at.If t.i ? proper getaways at thi ful moment, in cnaa there waa any? thing doing between Alee arni I'.itT. "Afti r they'd both wetted down nil hands three ..r four times Bill nml Alee were naturally quite some m- >r? to th.- Lu.! thnn before they'd cine In, and they continued tn have fancy h other fur some Finally HitT ? (.ij,rht of a dusty "lil ii..lin I. i . ahelf behind the har. The (illili.- nml case Iunl been loft with M irphy by h rover who wanted the pri ? back t.. 1 '??tu.t. "'Sunk,' sn iii ltiff tn Murphy, who nat taking thi- watch hims.-If behind thi- liar, 'lemme have a peep at that musu* h.ix. Maybe I'll play you a rhum-. I tis..1 tn lie a heap nn thu Buillf when I eras yoong nnd porty.' "'Well, I never knowed that.' pot in Alec, kind n' leering nml Ugly. 'I knowed thal ymi ?:is n whole Int ii .ll...ii i\..rk, bot Bot with Un- i...iv. If I enn't piny n feater ?linne ,.n that thing thnn \"ii inn I'll hand yoi over my half "f oor li"li" in Iht LT..Ililli.' "Biff, in tin* net "f taking the fltMIe .ut of the box, looked np nt \ ee 'rom ender his stin^jry eyebrosra * 'You're on, you Juniper,' he paid, quiet like, considering Alie's meering arny. 'You're nn Vt keepe, md \"it got to stny frith thnt crack .r trit what's cumin' to a Welcher.' ".Mee grinned satirically and eon Idently, and Wff began lo tone np it. We thooghl he'd only ir-fluahing when he'd said (mt bs could play on tha thing. ut we ?? by tlie woy he toned it up h;tt lie knew something about lt "He pol -"'i '? roein oa the bow, sal own t-"'H t" lie more Steady, stink he fiddle nuder his ehin nnil 1" h Washer woman.' lt idn't snund sn bad at that. "Meantime we kept the "ff eye ..n lee. We li^'iired tliMt Alee WM OUt n n limb. Now, eonaldering the n-ilt nf liiff's performance, we w.-re -plenty surprised tn nutt- thnt Alee idn't appear t" he even a little hit ? thal ihti he'd poshed "We couldn't see thnt it looked v tn suppose that Alec could and up a feater tune than Hit! hail (tented, nnd flint's why we v\ mished t" observe that there ?? ?n whatever "f caving un .Mei's irt. "?Now, yu cattish,' s.ild Hiff to le.-, handing nur the fiddle and the ?i make g.i thal chew n' mrs alinnt fast chimes. I'll leave it i thc litim-h. if yini've got me cp ? nd, the whole claim's your*. If ie hain't got the, I'm , mark a dead lins nm that hole In the foothill mid in're goln' to stay outside of lt.' "Alee took ttl.- violin itml bOW with ? in still un li- lao Hi id the Instrument and bow A-rwu gb to cut himself "IT a large icu from a ping. After carefully owiag tlie chew in the left limul mer "f his countenance, he picked , the fiddle nnd bow again, tried the rings like a man who knee ' nnd then began on '* Dream.' "Well, lt didn't tnke any of ns half id nu'!' t. thnt Al.-c timi the ? M-eknndlss uni that ha had Bill ?< ,it. .Me.* wat right there with Wilt Hreiiin.' and th-to nie not kl ? r Addle tunes than that - ' seal Int while he played, but ' ike any breaks in his Angering or wing, ami he tore off that tunei '>> iter'n a runaway slag train going hi down a mruntiilii sidt Well, whea we Sk i ? stood, al I-,!' lO ward ti . "We hadn't been a fl ed t.. he mada um pl rt - ? exactly *.. t he fronl and handing dui n nm ,|- .peetira i Hill mid \ Kaw T ll ii t I tiff's ileK ll.-le blazing ntl'i ? -i I,and \i.*is sort o' twid? dling i I -t ? ? "Alt. ll,, iiml I ow after hi quizzically ? hiid n chagrined, .-iii look .-n I.i- map that ought tote a j,li nnd Inn four da n,I he ki ., ? i h. Mining himself up . ? hard nt his partner, 'lemme tell you somethin'. *, , .? m -' ".Now, it i? ? nstant, when the hands 'if both men were traveling toward their Lr|ins. 'hut I Squat, heOVJ s.t ii in dark ind with a flat topped derby pushed back ' i tending in tin- en ? ? ? * ? I h* *. away tn,.] seen him in Denver the w.-ek before. "We nf thc bunch were ju-t ill.."lt I timely hike when Biff and Al.c were on tlie point >.f inak Ing their gun play, when the little man, who appeared to lu- quite aware of w hat whs . Hy np t< they Si ifront \ oilier, and slmosl mi the pinpoint "fi .- tin in and from mie t" the " 'I h. "Bill and Alec both turned nnd gazed with open mouths nt th. *. ith the bald lien.I. Neither of them snid B ii..rd, l>tit - .I at hlin. " 'Oh ld the squat man, picking up the men! from th'' bar and scrutinizing it. Ih.'ii h.- picked up t'"' '*" * sui Alec ."ntinued * I him. " 'Yell, I May for you,' -in*! th'- lit? tle mun. mid lie *: np uniter hid chin like ns if it was a pet kitten, and lu* gave a flourish "ith and then lu- broun ht lt dow n fur a strings nt .in.* .uni then Hill ? .us u,-nt back int.. th. : and they * every!bing ? pt tin* sounds that were '"ili? lli*,' mit nf thal catgut and, - tin* making "f war mt Wits out fur tin* l ne uli gathered around * man. "lil.l miy nf i..ii ever l ear i ' Remenyi, th.- Hungarian i p!,*ii V |k cause that's eh.. tbi I II. ne ni i. Ile lind run doe n fruin Denver t.. i i ; what a nen \ mei can n was like, and pr..nliiur around, nnd scraping of ''l'he Dei H's Dream,' he had Just dropped hoiikiitonk on an impulse, ng on. "Well, I;, n ? H.- Jost aureed that thing under Deck lik.- n boy cud.Iles a ' ; lg with a hr..kel. been playii -i two minutes before every man in tl. looked as if ', hud a -nen ki nf sort ?f f. hadn't timi. aVith his life. ililli Alec sidled over t.. the i;ir i.nd leaned their La.-ks agalnat J time that s.jiiilt limn pulled out a remolo that wat particularly meaty md reproachful and full o' DManing, bey'd exchange kind "' entranced miles wit li each "thor and ? I heir hen,Is sadly at each "ther. "I don't kn iw what it was that . ? i u.-it foreign mini played. I never t illl know. Hut I know that uhat he . ii.ii.-,i ii,...le ii:.- feel lii<. r Beting thi homo, and whea reached my shark I tnt down nnd ' note 'em letters until dayll| , "When after ten minutes of stn I 'nd np willi a l,,t nf . nv th-iallga 'way doun "ii the (, String j, del iike a brook gurgling i 0 its. If in the ni*.-!11. nnd when he ?] ?i.k the violin from under his ith a sort of dreamy smile "ti his ? udgy face, there wea nu amonnt "f ? nighing frmn thuse fellows standing ,. round such ns I never beard o f a hotel f,.r 'lungers.' And none f the Lunch seemed t,. Munt to look t ca. li other ex? pt, Hut' inui llec. looked n* each "Hut silently lld sheepishly for alu.llt tim Tinn? ies after Remenyi pu' dows tin* rio n and mopped hi- forehead with a lg white silk handkerchief. Then itT walked up to tl tuns.., eared his throat, inn! s.iiil in , int wm pn '' " 'I'oiliier, I don't kn..iv ulm you I ate, iii ir you stampedes mn. nor anything aboul yu 'ceptlng hat I just keerd. Pm l kimw who inn lind uhat I'u got. -Ml I . ? ilf a Imle in the rock, oi'h some pay II In - I'M, nnd that's ymirn. An I, ? \t tn thnt imle in tin- ground, shack Hied up with the ritT-t that 1'ie he'ii trittiu' to ither fr yes rs. Wi .uiii. tn... and here's the kej tn the dim-k. Toke lt. Touch a omi e whole fit..nt and lunn it down if I ? tn bUt li's \.ililli. i I.' "Tlc Bmaied Rei with his little heady brown ea twinkling wonderingly, hut he? re lie had time t" say anything tn ply, Alee stepped forward, fi m. cleared his tl f had nc. nnd " *\\ hick it mc to tin* front and make good fr .at my podner, n.ii, jost got t through tollin' you all. You win ont the claim and everythln' on it Stn und Miff don't f.-el ' I no riifht ombrey timi can .h. thu,-- ?.., .-, Addle ii bein' the case, m.- mid I'.ilT, wm ju-t .-ashes in, nnd glad to .I,, it, snd i that's all.' *? lin i meei ', every ii ord nf it, i.,n. i;,t Remenyi tn,,i, OVer the peculiar actions snd uni,ls ,,f thi* tun roiitrh-limking mun. He didn't understand the Inniruaffo ? ll, ami bs didn't know uhat lng t.. f..rct on h of enthusiasm and booserino s inned out big, as a tribute to hit gi "With -i n nm.-re.I word nr two he tunk ta bis shot i !?-, - ? tent, while Bill and ? ixed after him diaappu Still Hillier tlie da/e if thal morie they both beck? oned all bends t.. the front, Mew the outtit twice ar,.und, and then, linkitiff arm*, they hiked * bored up and went to a il men if l: ii,??nii. nf Hungaria, hadn't flopped into that rs t be moment h.- did." \ Pr. li ? ll... ni t ...I..ii,. A pr.-tty . t,.iii dating from the ..? of t he late Q leen \ > ' ? ?lined tO t: ? family. \ - prtle which formed a part of the bride's ua. direfully cultured, and In due time planted out. \\ hen the ; I rm al uss mai i led spi: for ber bridal wreath fr.un this myr following ber iniple, had one ..f the ? .red f..r till it 1 ? slsed tree, which served for her dsughter-in-law's wreath at thi ilinff of the present emperor of tier many. Ths custom was obaei th.* imrrinije of tht mid all other ..f Queen Vi, tm . ! grandchildien. There ls ;.l ready, ll of this charming . the making nf ' lui I I le I ree-. I Ith. ? ins at ' family relate t.. tff- bouquet and the g cak.-. Et ? mar ? i m ..f re had the honor ;.f presenting the i (er con fectionei Anding the other, neither pai m.iit. I'i*.un Ihe : l i.e Princess and Ihe Telep]. Telephones can I" Tons Instruments at times. One t ? ?- public dinner .it which he e..,s to speak. During the meal he told an equerry to send f..r a book, lo which be wi sh eil to refer fur a fact, ' [rom Marlborough l yaw the nt - amI ihe hotel manager rang the royal ree [dence up on the telephone \ft.-r he ted made himself . ivas a pittite of many minutes He ' n airain, until al ..siiiff all patience he litlerally shout- ,, d: "Are you * I., you mean by keeping hit ' in you And the took or not'.'" To illations caine the quiet ai 'We SK veil Sorrj tn keep you our I" st to And he book, which shall hu Beni "ii nt . ince. Please tell my father ti a nae hv in so i'm til ular." lt u 1 li pea it will B io the laat time, that t! ? r rated a princeas through the elephone. Mainly Aboul I ."iiil'.n. Military tlrth..ur..|.l. . A British soldier, who li st this tomcat serving in s.mth Afi ently sent a letter te ths e si cnteinlng a word that baffled the naginatlon of every tlerW and "iii. ini I. whom the possie uss sub he nu- id Was Spelled yfe." It was repeoted several times, ned, Indeed, t" be the main ? ?f hu communication. \i ?agth it occurred t" one of the irks to <*? i ll pinter, a ; imp.ned hy ??..ol accomplishments. "(nil ymi tell us the meal ' - ? d the hril nnt clerk. ul think I enid." r< plied the with mild contempt. ell- vi ife. nf COOrae Whs- I spi ll. sir'.'" London Kiln.-. Uiini. n m ? "I in i iks a 9 oman. "Yes,' man. ? Iii rea him, and n "j).. \mi l.oe me for ta} ?'lt ak woman asks. ",\n, for ymir money," saj Ihi it by uor,I of mouth, bot ?tinns, which speak even louder thnn ord*. She does not believe him, and mar? ts him. N. Y. Sun. Mull., r 1 I..I.-millie. Hewitt I - nd me fifty. will J J,.11,11 1 will nhill I ?in New Vork. "Winn atc you going li ?Mutt before I lend you tba! .I l-.r Hums. roorisl (sfter his ? ? Thunder and htniii. * ? r, qolckl d' r want ?No; lil - Tuck. I nuttier \ ler, nf ll ligfft- It's hard lo Le poor. Mggs Ntl ilj \ gri t pie find it easy eu..ugh.? ? ' icago DMy .Nuus. Bri BREAKING WINIER ROADS. i .,i. i ...|.i. nulli Satiable f,.r i. .r> Randa, i .linn. -11. . i - I. .,,1 Sidewalk*, - I' ult lilli ' . ? k fur I BIMI'I.i: KOAH lil - ; : for the - - - a E 0, i MUST HAVE GOOD ROADS. I li,,r I -I,.I.I,-I.m. ,,l I..nllal lo III. Vin.Ml. al Illl, ni I . . . II. lu .11 ll..ul. . - ? a ; a ? ? [ll . Il .il cari ii r J i ? ' ibo a!*? of iii*i * * lay 1 PEI DIM. CONTROLLER. .?.??? iii ni Device t..r Keeplai Ross lilli ,,l Hie I numil M lille I'nllr laa iii tin- si,,,, * ? a ?*? 1:. V ll".; i le of : id pol . ul forward with. n be ' p the * ? * - ll Imal thnt . - 20,000 hoses. H.ill-, lull- If Ni -'Iii tl ll. Burns, ruts nn.l other woaadi often : md !.. ' [Beness. i lin* ia? in r.l I' ,|TV. tl a i un*. 'I bsd a ronotng sore on toy lc Hm - - -iii llsrlly, Ysi a A few ' -kill di yield lo it at once. n I'mg I h. - als without bel og ? i. Waals Others tu kunu * I hm.* used I>. Win'.- Little Early ii nii.i torpid liver sud liny an . ,m glad to in - in f..r I think u lieu tn* lind a ling *.n* OOgbt tn kt others know it," writes Alfred lidos, Quincy, Mlle, Ai, ii rsoo Di ?! ' I h. j ? un theil nun praise neill iodulgs in du Nu Lass ni i .m.. 1 bart suki < bsml i . L'boi OS, .111.1 .ii.,-i i>r out ..I cuffes ul, i Illili! ll. 1 -old live I. 11 iiiii-lu 11 ths iin\ si? . ;i Ho- nK>raiag ? li. K i'm.i rs, I',, Uk. .I. *.i.., be -ftii bj ''": shove tbs iii :i with theil work without ._. i lum . ^ i.U simm.I .. ol Un- le m. iii in ymir bi Ihe U lotion I ll a A limn -1 ii.-i iii. ? i.d- lip oil lill* ? - 'lill 111. 'Il ot III- lilli, N I.piii*.' ( niirli. A ii.lilian \i Im 1. i mi: with nn- in- . . -A in prevent eoj -,, , - Iiniii H. Mit soys; Dor three children took whoop -un.a,, i, linly boy : uiini^ .m.- in. in I namul min | Cough . ia ,,t lin ir plump , better bsallh Illili! I I 1,1, .III il ll i?, ? rt i mr oldest lillie gti i won i. -yi up i . 1 Ul i ll '.lil, , I'l.Nkhl llAI.I., Ats i ie h.niv i> lol i nc w ii.-t. ii Dru 11,.- iiiau u iiii it pun mom i.. ... ii ipi lo I '.I liar. -. nh. i,m.iii-iii i nnil .niel* isar* I.. ii ll ..i- ..I Millerin*:. * I bari been afflicted with ii.,iii-in im i . - ii - .J.'-h .?ii..;..,.. "I wai ,-i.niiiy nilli red. 1 .1 ol alni ul ? ? ., .lilli I .nu ii.ippi in -ai ii bas uni lines tetero . I IlC \\ .lislul, 1?IU^ \\ c ,.. ;.. love mir neigh buniol .nml ui can get out of tbem, lliin'l M.irl IffOBg. Don'i itarl the tommi i with ? Iii I We :il! kunu u 1, ,i ., ??-nunn, i cold 'ls li - the hardes! elad nit .ii::ii iin* I . Ill II.HV. : i Un* M.i,ute t ,.|, di t m.. ? ii i i ? Iii Min- . ui ns, iill throat ile. Acts ni otu .*. Children .ike lt, ' Una Minute i ,ii, j- ih,. lu -t . ougb medicine 1 ? i, Om vt lon, N.ll '-I h. vi i found snything else timi *'ll. '1 -?? -lt.'iv illld ipliekll kl . \\ hi ii s girl falls in love it ls general \ uiih a 111:111 after lui ..un heart. >\uii'i liillnu Adi ice Uh i Paying lui lt. lu a ref. nt article i promlnt ni phy I bte for he phi licisn lo i.i ' lil- p-illetil- 1 .ul .ii.i ;i or diet i. the imalleal i rient; be bas bot om ra wit left, namely, lbs drag tisaleisou" A inn i. -1 for chronic iODstipeiioo, ilu- most mild sml i li,iliiln rliiin' u h & Liver 1 bi ploy ed, ?i followed by i oostipelios - tiley leave Ilir lionels ju | ll Mt I i . I condition. ; J 'll '. ... S M iuds, '!? ii we should hardly iy Hutt ii iiioM uni mail ila - ??! watti ?ii tin- bl i i.ike ,i Hummus M.m. tlk-tl dyspepsia took tuck s hold "f Bte Isrsh, well known sttorney of n ex, "1 ol pep-in and - bal nothing ht l| ? i- a drownln ti I e straw ] ul Kodol. I felt illl in . 'Hld BOd Well " Kodol i< Hie univ ? ui which exscily n | |oicei ami cooss -i- any ? in ii ii \ Mimili. I* IL .1. We bave foi mt borne In ie country with 100acree of Improved \n hour's nm fmiii Klcb ? I an ideal retreat for a tired niau. nil Farm Aoi ai \ 6 url rm C ."I l Hm S'e Um tr tdd r:, 1 Bargain lu Real l -Lite. \\. . ni -.?'. . . - of land ..ii nuIv II;- er, tin*.- inih?iiilh of Ko <*, ? I county, at reasonable garee. Good dwelling with fmir , ,in-, tl I g .'"1 liiiriis. ll a ,ii-e. a. 100 acres "f cleared land, ?i u.i and timber. ; w grounds. Apply to the ? i .mu \ UK KA I I Killi WwVidOmlV $1.60. Ti. fa by OM tut ? ts frm lng tn fr I rr.-: In I Hie a I nhl iii (Inc Dat. Take Laxative Broato QoialoaTaMeta. All ilriiL'tri-t* refund the ninney if it fail-to cure, iv W, QfOTt'salgastura la "li euell Ii"X. 0 ' faa kn.iit !> Vim an-Ta ki mr When ymi take (ir.i\i - fpOtt lott Chill Toole because the formula i- plainly printed oo every botUeahowlog that it la simply li'ii ami Quinine iii a taste li? I um. No cure, No i'av. 60 Ni' kw car in the newest ifeam ? ami OolofS, ul Klt-iiniiK A Clark's Mnp- Un 1 tillirll ililli Murk-tiff the 1 i.Iii. I. ixatlve BromoQuloloeTablets'cure a cid in mu-day No (ur.-, No Kay Pries 25.'eilis. O'l.ara' Private Mink la something rich in (Mil Kentucky Whiskey- smooth ai velvet; -weet a. ii i. ,, h Drop in ut Hugh i ?i lara's ami try it belora tin- -nppu i- exhaust ed iiml foo'll linve lo hurry. Hu* ld -I Pleat riptimi fur Malaria I hill- aiui Kever i- a l-ittle otUkuvk's i a-i ki k? (un i. Tonio, ii i- limply iron and quinine ni a tasteless form No cine, No pav. Trice -Vtt Wi ile -lill Kll I Og till- fitllloll.- Jef 'i i-nii hut iii all styles. t-leming A Clark. Mop I ull-ll i. fol. ll llOP* lon. I'l I -l ll |. nil cure it. a- numbi i- lt 1. Hie n-l l.l. .Ililli. IjtrKe belliss w, ..lill, ill . I M I nt toa Pi.. li (.lippi* I niiirli ?tired ii nh itr. Davids Oaoafc Nfrrep ?>( mia . H..rein.nail nu.I SV n.ji li. i iii .urlli tor rough't colds, ennui., eon.ump i.'ii lir.iiiilnli-Mini all Hi ron I ii i>.I I ii uk iron I,.--. Largs bottle SeeoU al Wm:, a i .. ni \V In-liiii lunn I ... I)Ml Nil le ililli linne Liniment .-I.'.nh r..r rli.iiiimtl.tii. -* "I a.I pain-. I H. ->| ID* ll.-.! fur lidlll nun .-uni I,, ii-i. I l.l ce l.ollle || .-.lil., ni V lui. ,v to. niel Win-Ion limn tu. To tba ladlesaad children ut Karin ille i.u'l surrounding country. Just ii u pur ,,f Belgler Broe. tim- shoes. ?ld exdosiyelv by Pleasing <V Clark. \ Mullel Farm. If you want a nioilel farm we have .it voa. ii i- located la tin* minty of ifo io harland. Wa will take ill showing lt to ymi. Ka kjii ii.i.K Ka KM Aiik.m \. I i-hl On IIN ll.i.k n.i. .r..1 null tm. applleaUoBs ..r Usia : Bone I.imiii.nt. lt Mill cure you. i ui. ii- S .Minor t .1 , Kn timmi.I. \ n. 1,11.m. ni -I lune iiml 11-1 m; roarNorvs ml Hone Liniment ..a mi back and Bad 11 I-Ilk.'u el.arm. Kor tit li t .lui- I Iunl ?en on mi 1,ink mid . ..uni not iunl ippllcaUooi i nm non om aad io V. ri truly lour-. K. r notu hm. Nurtl. V|h?. \ . , il Win-inn limul ,1. \\i ara taking orders daily for mens .nm-' iiml -mumer -mt-. Look at mir implee befoie buying. 1 leming A clark. (e. I'iiil-are "all Hie no" for KnitiR Doyneeao pleaaeyou In p iee ul -tylc. Why pay U tot a -Ins* when j; hi III boy oue jual ss good at naming Clark's. Bostonian uml limn are 11 brands Wail Kuper in greatest variety, lsd ii priii-nii'l -ti li-of print, at lioyne'.-. I'm* lieut. The dsrelling dh nil improvement!, water, hath? orn, .v.*. r ?--? ision given Maj iil uv iKCiipicii by l?r. Rear*' Applj i'i D. I l*i m. m. bri Lem Rats Exearassaa Via Bar* folk a Westen K). federation Womans t'lul.s, I,.*. A11 II , May I t" 1 Travelers I'rn iIim- A?01 iali.ui, I'ortlaliil, (Ile, me i to 7. Mystic Shrine, San Kran -.,., (al , June in to ll (Jolted <ir 1 Wnikmeii, Portland, Ora., lana I" TD, International H s. Association. ?nver, i'"i, .lune !98. Knights os rt blas, Sun hrutici-'-o, lal , Aoglial to li iv P. O. K.iks, salt Loka ly, I t.-tli, Aiiiru-t IS t" 14. Writ.- for Information as to rates and ,tes of sale of tickets Vi 1: nevin. M. K Bragg, UeiiT. Pam, Agt. T. f. A., Koanoke, Va. Vomen as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. ^^ become so prev ?^N/ V that lt is not uncorr JtfcaJU.^/ (or a child to be Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dls urages snd lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid? neys are out of order or diseased. ? Kidney trouble has :valent ncommon born afflicted with weak kid? dys. If the child urin? ates too often, if the ne scalds the flesh or If, when the child .ches an age when lt should be able to itrol the passage, it ls yet afflicted with i-wetting. depend upon lt. the cause of I difficulty ls kidney trouble, and the first p should be towards the treatment of se important organs. This unpleasant uble is due to a diseased condition of the neys and bladder and not to a habit as - II mea ss well ss men are made mls ,bie with kidney and bladder trouble, 1 both need the same great remedy. e mild ar.d the immediate effect of ramp-Root in mea realized, lt ls sold druggists, in i.iy it and one dellar. ss. You may have a| Ills by mail pamphlet tatt- how ot i.mhh?i all about it, including many of the usands of testimonial letters received ?n sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer ^0.. binghamton. N. Y., be sure and ntion this paper. DeWitt's ? Salve For Piles, Bu "ns, Borea.