Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR FOR THK PABT, HELP POR THE PRESENT, HOPE POR THE PUTURE. ^- _ FARMVILLE. VA.. FRIDAY, JUL? ll 190? NO. 41, sri i t UlMtCTORY. \ ?? i* I i ? " ? I ? ? U I ? * :; v ? ri in,,) M - ....I VV. P. ? I". II.C. Kio* ? I" , IU li lt liol* -.m - \\ M J GILLS, M. D , ixot-rriciAM KSV Ami in. u ('llKM 1ST. ? orricc over first national banu lol p, m. J S M .LVWAINE. I Ur St?i?S in Rt?? ^'M LANCASTER. \ : \ \l' LAW, I jr R M 6IOGOOD, *~ DENTIST. ^ C. K CHAPPELL. ?^ C FRANKLIN ATTOKXEY-AT-LAW, rwiri.i.N CITY, \ \. . ourt of A. D WAI* ' R H WATKIMS ll'. I Th'/.\s A WATKINS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I \i;M\ ii.I l . V \. ? I. iiini ? I Aiiu ?Iiiiion.l. C P. VANDERSLICE, L?? ATTORNEY AT LAW. .. ll un st.. I ;M\'II.I.K, I \ i ? S. WING, "i.M *i AT LAW, Green Bay, Prince Edward Cornily, Va. -?.tte .'uni Federal. W, Ki Fi: c. c.H BLISS, UENEaRAL AUCTIONEER, l ililli II LB, v i. * W HITE 4. CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. tm I RUE, [Kiln NOTICE! ? R. FRANCIONE'S Far li.en Vi. . P tor ..fl Ml Kemmli \i .. Norma 7 li. I lien ? ? li ' i aud doun -H.*. 0 ? ntl-. ? nt-. ? nt 11 .tn uti.I i uta. .-.. *_''. eenl-. ??: K. Broad St., ? City Hall, Richmond, Va. Only Huxtali h.ul .r.-.l DI MTHI Hw l. YOI ti PRINTING DON! \ i iii B HER M-l> JOB <?!? PICE, PARMVILLE. Dys Di gc This pr di-jestan fond. Il fails to ' the food stomach! thousand cured aft unequal! rea with First dos< Cures Prop?n*1 o Ibe |1. bu Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis? courages and lessens ambition, beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid? neys are out o( order or diseased. Kidney trouble has _become so prevalent that it is not uncommon tor a child to be born ' } L*.V\ "VR'-?tJ a,fl'cted with weak kid ? moy*, lithe child urin? ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if. when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of he difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of hese important organs. This unpleasant rouble is due to a diseased condition of the udneys and bladder and not lo a habit as nost people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis rable with kidney and bladder trouble, i nd both need the same great remedy. I and the immediate effect of iwamp-koot is soon realized, lt is sold y druggists, in fifty ent and one dollar. :es. You may have a| imple bottle by mall ee. also pamphlet tell- , g all about it. including many of the ousands of testlmon:..! letter* received om sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer ?.'harmon. N. Y , be sure and ention this paper. ' ??.*?,. Koot Call and Look u\ er our -tuck of iRRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SURREYS. .?il-ii Inn ?* ,*i large -tuck nf irness, Saddles, Linen Dusters, y Nets and Horse Goods of all kinds. M, Walker k Sons. ___ mville Graded AND High School. faculty: | l.l, ll SMI I ll. ll I.. I 1 hi. i,ri|.-i.', Principal mid eonduc llKll Sdi,m.I. Kannik smith*..v, gradual* PAOt* ? .Viii Illili S.-li.M.I. it it uk i;k it, gradual i Behool. i i.eik Mukki*, -.'rmi .mt. Wat* Kamala I -vim..!. rn-tel- an- proud of the record Of Mil* In tbe past, and desire t>. develop ll - continued in all ira ?.. -si.m or i' months. lie High School di t lo prepare mir t...\ - and Kiri- for and ri.iv.r-.ity, or for Ufa, anil Hu? ll.temi Mint it aball I ? a credit lo the and *? mal ,| . V|?..,-. . I III. III <??.., - Va lt la a part ot ?tam, tin* Mitton r> > $22.50 For the Session of 9 MoDihs. I lt Hil.] I.Ililli 111> U'llHl Hill I ' III to our c..n.t..nulty. nt to promote n* eatablwhment, the i.'iinii to ti..- iliKii Behool -i i ? rom ni- m-.i-i iowa M., -v the teacher. Kielli lt ll ?.SMITH. ta ,1. VI K-l-.l*. H. lt. i i'.\. S. IV. I'll I l-l I. ?hool rrii-l..** Karmvii;.- [Matriel. fodol ipepsia Cure ;sts what you eat. eparatlon contains all of the ts and digesta all kinds of : gives instant relief and never cure. It allows you to eat all you want* The most sensitive i can take lt. By its use many ls of dyspeptics have been ereverythioR else failed. Il ed for the stomach. Child weak stomachs thrive on it. e relieves. A diet unnecessary. all stomach troubles lint. ? leny lunn " bar i.i. ll lier. nml pu thc vii ll is uh then le watch'' custom Ifhen I ' Watch.'. "ililli" I h.* won! *..r the friend* Thai A .Inn in hi- I hair in t li nlybvE. C. DiWrrrArn <h|ea*0 , tue contain*""* time*U>e?c. alia, Andernou Drug <inii|iaii>. I printing HE WAS TOO COOL. I rn.ii m.-r tel.,I ||U.- . In aa I iiirrioiM'.. lilli lin* limul..-.! ?tl b| Ml. I ri. ...I*. "I had flattered myself f..r ? lime thal I would be a en..I han.I in ih.- face of da ? drum* hut t.. a Chicago Journal reporter, "ai.l mi,.n a tn. alarm ht I iii.I ii ? ? : ? ,1 ..ut ..f Im'.I h- quietly a- wm lera-.*, (fol intu my v* i11.....t nu.!...? haute, and out iii., th.- hall with i "ii lenpl f..r iii' gueata who wen fall ? ? i* each other a- .1 fainting away, My grip %\..- open, and I 9til? ed to tn | thi nfl an.l lock if, i out to thi- neared | ii T&' REPLACED EVERYTHIKO. .1 dropped mv g ie ground. "1 h.* ? mplj ? Coj..* h.,..l.. and I "a* four np. The hall wai dark u th mil..', and I could hear men t-lnmt g nml women (creaming, bul I edge vim my word thal I a . dow. "I was a bit chilly, perbapa, I nm! myself feel from i* ground, Imt I gut down without rt lu-r damage than burning and ? ?? <kin ..ff my palm*. 'I reached tern Anna to f.***l my** f a hero, but the feeling didn't ? ?men l the beal of the : aa I i-n.l ihe hotel tbe i .li 'Ah, von hen*? I didn'l iee yon ne don t by the hall n ?Von di.r.' Why, man, tin* fin* waa r back over t! i stairway within tell feet nf that dow! why didn't yon t.k.- a ile Meek iii vihich to conic down i !i. ?ri HOLES IN THE SNOW. ni- ll..... leaner* I ?<? I li.-... In I'lnce I liol.* lu the Wall for Stormer ol l.luunr. r (Me ) c in ei poi dei f . i that * I freak of the ? li vt bro - thc world by Maine 1 j.j tl. ir law wa* w I Portland recently, where the pt peddler* ol whiaky began na i -.drifts ns 11 their go ie peddler! fear to cany th>*ir ks upon their persona, a^ deteo '7. ^kk.n rr(< m. ' ' \ ll ? n gre in ? tool "l nth am one of h Tt i* if. v rid i laic Who Tn rik tv hit * parii if fi the uni! of Wi Th in al of tl liv, ,1 w Hi: PULLED ONI oul.) make them liable to a tine or i in |.|i-..n no'I I, a* .1 the ho tir-t evolved the ?nowbank ?a made a lucky flit. The ped good, deep ilrift. locati .1 near, ? chea a lot ? i' Into ow. Into the hole* he puta i-ky. in half-pint bott li . .\ BJ a bloch or tun ami v k. . ; J > on the uk liar and the other out for n nt-'omer la landed he i. ? nt*, hai Ing paid which reeled, ll ith matti a e ,d whiiper, t * wbank I tn "pull on.'." !!?? li eloaely I, nml should he attempt to non* than one of the l> * ,1 find him-. If in big fronl.le, j peddli ? tod many * " around 1 tee tar I'..... | IC. ? " mploy lore any man w] he middle. ls IliMi... In .l?-rii?*?l-"m. I activity, It already hu* eight oflice*. ih. : "Drift! for a d ? ev. r\ a U th Tl moral f ne.111 o and ini tn reflet 1 * | A HUMBLE LIFE. Man i* imtpei i>> ni. Pallktalaaaa llnlh. r I lu... I..t ll..- .*|.i. .. ,,.,-..,.-.? ?f Hi* I'...ill..n x. e My bit of i It pr..du, - thal bad bi d upon lt with * if any than mi fi i. nd and I. Ile ca be cen dignity of I I and '.'.. d wi pen ;hr ii-.rld's ideal. ri-m. I * three* - of lha threads in the Ji nure look, d a *? ? the perfection of the atholl 1*1 i> ? ia a* ? roly a lhal wk ? was a* important I lo k. d nt. Th* ci,' .ti.. d thri aorth by i**' * ex. te admiratloi ? I ? ? ? n ta hum ? tnbol of hun I na of may be said that they ), IthoUl I, * ? givea na a fi at inj' irk has a blai f lighl nd be? nn - ! ' inr Work, i i ougfa we be bones! baervatlon, ? ?ivn I ( are tl *' it or and * ?er. V. ... > in the * 'whal 1 ii i' h a trie ,'n thf judirni. t t of the Ia a man of no ac .. beea nan he is of re a< the earth ? .\re rici ?re or uar. loi for happfnei a? 11 ?? ? t with what He has s*t ilk to do, ! wa ii rrj ' < at u* as ur pass by? Is lt ,-ip lse or 1* !t fair hf ?? <? I am so Hm,.," ir, "in the ^r. I sm quite in ile." Thal may be true, and yet may hui'! n ( el ? ? though humble work ,i? well ti the mid*t ,.f tir> nt opportunities. i do, but how you do ?Ti"rh decide* j ' if deairing a high place, ai il to do ij 'l ii "rk. the 'p of it Ood'l work, and ? ? a Uti ' - ' h the spirit of Chrial ai rnent ?'.'.'. i'm*!',, [natl ' ng your condltioa with that of rs. rn | ao dial ir aoul, think it enough I approval of <;??*! an ' to labor cheerily, making i.i t you | - ? . fortune of Dil - ? life amid the aurround which Hod ordained. Il ? ft boee i. ho ? ? ld sun 1 him. Whal this wot y Hp drew from the dppi t * id the Father woi I p.ace which paaei -!i uti'.'' by tl - no' by ih. i ern, but u hat your con ? ?ung en-mich nnd k for happi; ? * - ul is a the *fndgoM ' ll e*..u 1 pure and * * I I thrill spell did e jual re-nit poUl been lim that i to av. your Cm timi I CH PEI 0O-" Def Mac, P in n 1, : tn be 1 bllt tn ! . I. * ? ri m.-i ? lathy. * drift to il :i the in b< . N o drift. * I i y Y *>* to the Heart. id ear iteaaia .Le ihuri. cut it uttk*.? ug. I lie I li rm. I I e.Ill III IIP. h a ? bal uss ? Mi l I. li of 11.1.1, ur. news lien I. p.I ' ?, little touch of humor tl * !ir col % reportt r unt of a bu hop which com* ? r, the ? * \ <tn, .tim* - ? tl ti? i ni mn i\n mi mi ii im..i tl I in iir t ral v.-1 I., nu... ...*.* \ ' s.e ll ...... I.' II. I ? bout I.i.i III In.ii.1.1 rd to wm ? * ? \< t- l ni m. .liiiii li. ?? troublesome inner th in In .?ep from ail ling lolht rn a b ?ll after exerciae, < 'rn* Min Immcdial i, crmip. lunn troubles. i. I. ? r - < ? i ? I Wood's Seeds. tate Potatoes. ? d Pota* nnaprouted and in rigorous, ready iW foll.Ilii.ill ll bell planted enables to stand the driest or hottest i of slimmer weather, making aplen daring the fall, read . * rioter cornea on a th.* pasl tim' -. anons, from these oe- planted in June and .Inly, have ? stock in cold storage i- In t i* advisable (?? place ordt lid being disappointed in-.???unu ? ?end potatoes aban t.> plant. ?ular ait ? 1 full itifornia n request /, WOOD I SONS, Seedsmen. MCHMOND, - Mk(iiM\ ICHESTCHS ENGLISH HNYROYAL PILLS I *.!!.. I . -.1 I lt * FM.I ISM *{. .1 ? a allie, |( .- fu.,- ,||* ?Kr r,|... ?... ll* I I . un.I m..cit..a. i I'nr.i. ular* I. .ti Hrll.f fur I*.ll. . lilli.*.. PA. Vr.ll,,, l.t. [>?.>?-? I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen Who cherish Quality. Mi hi JOS. M OMIM. I I bil -|T, ma ll ll lli \ Will trou ?A .?. i if p. in . baa III Iii Sin nml Ile? 0. G Dru: gpac W -aiui .'iii.I : U: in pr WI will I i ni b Wo Ililli. H lin womat il) ber palms. VeH. Append stop fe Ile nen* -I -lem, I other ac! of Qm To Hu? tu a pa - Tu I ure .1 I ..ld in Min* Hay. Take Laxative BfomoQulnlnaTablets All druggists refund lb* money if ll fail-to eur.- E.W. Grove's signature l- mi euell bi - i- a pretty live town, bso'l UT" remarked tin- Eastern tourist "1 oe i.ei it ia," replied tlie native. 'We've got the biggeel water) In Arlsooy, an' lt'- -lill a |fDWlB'." Fm kum*. "lon are laking When you take Drove'* I tatt leaa ('lull Tonic beean** tba formula .-plainly printed on everj bottle allowing thal it i- -imply Iron iunl Quinine In i lena form. No cure, No f'av. Menota, ?' I be -i.e...?tul in.-tii tan'I satisfied with poshing himself t.. tb.* boot," -ai- tba M.tnayiiiik I'liiln-nplier, "uti? le-- he i- poshing - 'inc "ne alee ool ot In- nay." Neckwear iu toe neweal shani I ? noni.' i I - Mop* Hie! eOgl iiml Work*.iff tile fold. Lai nive Bromo-Qulnlne (ablets cure i enid in ni,,- i|.,i. .Not lure, .***. All girls like I. l-c toll! tb. M' Private Meek - something rich li OM Kentucky Vln-key - -iiiooih , I each. Drop In al Hugh < I ml try ii before tbe suppl j ls exhaust* i mull lune io burry. Hie Iles! PriMiiplinii for i.i billa ainl Paver la ? botth i-iKi i-- rmi i Tonio, li la limplj ? ui uiul quinine in a tasti leas i >rm " cure, No pay. Price 60 mots We are still selling the Ikmoua J.f isoii l,at iii all Plowing A Clark. Map l hal t eogt i im- the -t m. earth. Larc* bottli - Ino A Cn niel Wit.-tuii Urti* Event lawjrei eau only wear MM ? nit'. I .1 l.l ippe ( Mgfe ed lie Horehound ? )'?? -i earth fi lump u Bronchi tu ant] hu throal anil lum i u iii-iiiii l>roi full la fair ni love, win ie do lite - ? DOM III'.' Il li. N, i ie iiml |t,me Liniment ? .nh for ri ? m.- iiml nil pain*, i - ..-*. I argo it*, al n, niel Win-ton limn fn. loll i-n i bectriklng.' i?. tell bm Dame. ' Belie ?? Hock." lines it Pat |o Hm 1 heap. cheap remedy for coughs and colds iii you nani mmethlng lhal ire 'h.* nore teven ind -ulis of throal am! long th \\ bal -in*' \ rn dot uar and mort* ohma' welbie; if aol p nibil ior you. t .. ii the c l.n nedy thal been introduced in nil civil; willi sneers- in f>e\ ere ll, troubles, "Boechee'i German ip." Il nol oliy heal- and siimu . . the gani dis , but aP ys Inflamnal eioi ition | night's rest, ? m. - ih.* patient. Try on bottle, im mended ninny year- by all drag* in tin* ii..rid. Hr. <? . \ . i. * i il Alni lg .ti.d -ununer -ml-. I...ok at mir ilea before buying. i* i. nun*; a* Clark. ? ??? "all tin* ir..'' f,.r going ?-.. I)..vue imIi please von in pri.*e til Paj ? I in L*: ty, boll) .f print, at I? ?uv on,- i at Pleating rh's B itonl c. nod Item are randa rry mer ii d ?.*'..r'-bill lia- given l min nervous prostration. Elgkl Hat- <?n Hi- Bad red ult!, r.llllH, ir Nene ? ul un mi ha.k and ea eharm. I* ? IV* niel ? .iel ti. >. -.. Snrtli View, la. ?tillie- tel! tn re ..f it i's character from tin* wrinkle** .i fl Jil the lilies in her A A liii ii Mlli-tinll All-Mere.I. - ".lilt hus tie ? Tour i _raiidiiiolher*' thing else for .-??-- i ? iree, s: i 1 ''ard of ? Prostration or .iiiure, ete. Tbey teed An , lean "'it ile ! fond, the a. ? ' imulate on* and organic action of the ?Alien lull and hail with headache mel ?> r, In liquid - - 14 :,, ot Karm surrounding couutiy. Ju-t ir nf Znlgler Hr..*. lin. - usively bj Pleating >v < lark. LLC Prei Fa Cory Dry 0 Al WA FARIV ( Uxai tb* remo H WK DOl WOOD'S TUBULAR STEEL MOWERS a~ =? ARE THE BEST .Machine* for t'littinKKra** ever put mt the American market. Light Draft, Floating Frame, Durable. On Hie Market 50 Years -?.?ml br catalogue, or call ami -?*?? t hem at Paulett, Son & Co.'s. When in Need ( m ;i good, bracing DRINK, . . . Call roi "?:ZJF Ud Henry Whiskey', Aluin - tin* MUD'S. /lild, Mellow and Pure. Sn1.1 Ly HUGH O'GARA, FAKMviiaiaK, Va. dmiral Schley .\ Pure, unadulterated Rye Whiskey. The P.. -t for medicinal jmr jiit-t**-. 1 bave imt the largest stock, Imt claim the BaESTof the wall knoH n brenda, . . wm Pub m*-\ hai no Bupenor. .Innond Club .?=a. lins few equala. ii linn'! that my shi*k i- the lt EST kept lu Karun die siu.e Un- day- of Kicliariln.ui Hr.**. Ki l.l. MKASlKKS i-'iiaraiitee.l. C. H. BLISS. MLLE. 8. L. AIOERSOI. U 't, I Pres't. Ste, ( Inn, rmville Commercial Co., loeorpontad imission Merchants \M' tm M.Kits i\ ?.-.I*, (Jroeer :riellllliral Illi|.lellli-lil*, Hardware, (inn*, Shell*, Smith Betti I'l'.n-, 10O1UI BUGGIES. FERTIL 1ZERS. ftc. IVILLE - - VIRGINIA. Ipposite tt A. If, Demit. &? jC at ure ii on every hM li th* f**nnin? (ive Bromo-Quinine T?bi*u dy th?? i-orN a tots la tm* A.J Xiii K I'KINJI.Ni. ?IE AT THK HKKAI.D IB OFFICE FA KM VI LLB