Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR TOR THE PAHT, HELP FOR THE HU-KM HOPE POH THE FUTURE, VOL Ml. FARMVILLE, VA.. FRIDAY, JUIA 25 1902. NO. 43. CITY DIRECTORY. s ? i i u. li D . I'll IAN ' .1. w N AT IONAL BANK VUAINE. l-l. A VV, n Rt.s vt LANCASTER. S , \l I. WV, ? ..I, ,.r |)R R M 8IDGOOD, - DKNTIST. ^ ( i i ii M'i'i ii. ?.I- C FRANKLIN iKXEY AT-LAW, ? ..url t,f R H CATKINS - j U'.ITKIA'S, 5 AT LAW, ! \Iiie ^ P. VANDERSLICE, wv. T i- ii ?mi. III,. 0: <>. S WING, \ I LAW. ??Isard CojDly, Va. ' (' H BLISS, ' ; OX El ? ? UTHITE &. CO.. DRUGS, nd Druggists' Sundries, i. .i. i i, M. WALSH, \M di GRANITE WORK, rilli KO, VA. ?nes. Tablets, 4c. . I'' I CATS W. PAUIETT, Farmvillr, lins I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Grntlrmca ?vho cherish V Quality. Sold l,t MIN. >l \\Ml\l. I Di D This dlgei food fails thef stum tboui cure! unet rcn \ First Cur tit: ii Tte I P <?7/A live I'romo'Quininc ..... . i..1,1 In ?>??*? day i PRINTINU niKHERALD "'M. i PARMVU.LK ii i., S...lill. Ilrtlf Fry, HHlf Slea Him Port, Kv rr lill IFS TH Bi i ir. m> .'Ile reit i..ii ? Call and Look >>\er our Rtock ,>l CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SURREYS. \V< also lui,' a lar/jjt* -t.i.'k of Harness, Saddles, Linen Dusters, ?ly Nets and Horse Goods of all kinds. !. M. Walker & Sons. armville Graded AND High School. faculty: lu ii tin. M. svi i m. M. \ , | :u%. . ri,!' ? Inrlpal anti i'dihIu,' of High Behool. ?*iii nu ith son, psdaate Bute mal Sri,,mi. , t. minimi!. . rn,ul Behool. IS Minims, 1,-rttiliiH!. S ? proud ?f the record >,r thia .M.i in th. past, aud dsslr. lo *d, ? I mora, lt utoontlnaed Id all grad ? I months. Thi' High School - mul mri- fm ? .r for life, ?? < lu, le.I radii IO Un- di.strut hu,I h greHt spense to iluis*. il,hi hmiiI !l,,r,, As it is h |mrt Of public N.iiiHii system, the tun ? ily $22.50 For (he Session of 9 Months. ' :M op ? tm ? III '?< ,t help ., our,in,linty. ?trios, lo il nih Behool ?Ns. I - ll ?? teH'llir. lill ll MID M. SMITH. I.. J. VKKBJCK, lt. M.l OX, s. W. I'M! RI I. School Trustee.. Karmvllle Mslrlit. Bl | V I les t ni. I . -?I I Codol ^spepsia Cure igests what you eat. preparation contains all of the i ~ itants and digests all kinds of oG , It Rites instant relief and never | ... to curt1. It allows you to eat all nod you want. The m..sf sensitive achaean take lt. By its use rnany ??and9 of dyspeptics have beea I aftrreverythintf else failed. Is nailed f'.r the alomacb. Child vitb weak Stomacha thrive on it. dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. es all stomach troubles rrj only hv I 0 DBW***! .?.?,',>, <!i|.-s(fO il. buttle contains::!., ti mt btiii rjlAr. size. Al .1,1- ni llrutf Oom] , NOTICE! .. ki, I,n,mi,I, don't fHii io s... '. FRANCENE'S ^s^PLACK. ,?. of ti,. riNBBl i' i, BB in Um KfsiHiirant on Hie BuropaalS |.l?,i sn,I Liquors, Imported hi,.I loini-in nu iii. .Hy. --.hell. J-er duBBD, Lil eri.l-. ill eellt fry, 20 erni-. , i'. ernt- ami _'n rents, rtn.l Kl': ?rh.nme Slink, 2S OOO ta. pitting in -eu-oii. 905, 907 E. Broad St.. jf block from tbs City Hall, Ki. hui,,l..1, \ rt E SAM SlBJtCT^*-> .tst *a*aaon, I,ni uni tbs same il- inn TURNIP BEE!) KUKSH Hinl boos-bl tile Krowera, Wt Invite i j .itriniatfe. H. I. CHI IV, llriiu-ci-t. I'l leini.. i F Tb Henri oi Thousand* Have Kinney Trouble and Don't Know it. ll . To Find Out. Fill a hollie or common glass with your water and let it stan,: i hours; a . ?- . -nent or set I'iT, ' ' ' . *res an ? I it stains n lt is evidence f - ? I pain in lbs kidneys si der arc lo Do. There .-dge so often expresse: ^wamp ? wish In curing rheumatrrrml parn In the back, k: r ' to hold water and sci, it, or bad effei?? - ?er, and overcomes that unpleasant ? : to go often get up man/ times during tr- ,:,d the extra? ordinary 5araSBf*>Root ls soon ? derful cures of ressing cases. ? You may have a sample bottle cf this wonderful dr ' "'_ md a bi ibsolu'tr ? iddress Dr. Kr. lo., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men generous offer in this paper. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS 'J, ' >*ni|vI(ont. abe >.,. ..II,, ,. ic,-r,i.?. Ban-re*-**.. -,*..-, i Kl..M. Illili In,ll:.l,on-. I. I-:,.. Tr.ll ...iii .1- lt, ii. i I.., i Miles. ...,., ? -lull. I,,.1,111, I KM, -l:,.li.?? S.,??r. . I'll 11. 4., VA. Mm,lu. Ul. p.p.*. .IRIilNh roi.llliAilNMIIIII. ll iii. tCKBBURU, V \. A SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. OpS, 1.11,..,,;,I. I Itrill Ililli III, ' ' lilt lu n ? mn m. I oil,, r I ? I. lils. ' lo ' M. M, HM I'K, Ih.H . I.l Pre. ' IHGlNlA MILITAHY INSI ll Le.ington, Va. Mill Vt Bl BC .'l,,,l mul Bp| Ineludii ? ll ll MU I 10K1AI -? Hool. I .linn nil. fa. i ri.rnur lin; I .un.'. mul Al ns .,i I'. . - .I ,, ? ll lr, Hie I Its, IAVKN-SIINE1 COI.I.I.ii!. Tl. 1271b session aili i ptember 10th, 1902. : . .' , rt* , ld ress Rn ii 'ku Mi Ii ? um . iv -t , Hampdi u UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. 111-1ni ni.- *ji i: I., VIRUI SI ii- ii Ihe \ I SCItlCF, LAW, MEOiCIIIE. El halrman, lla'lll.ks' l:\OIIMIIHV\ ?? ? ll bj t. 'ii ! ?u . tl, I" \\ i tr , Hi ii. ? tim lum In t proi < nil! ivll, thin enIII muk il man nm] n inil uniform examItiHllon for a i VhiltMB. SM Msmf, I M., on Tl K-' I - I '.ll,, iiml I. I \ . A I ?.' - I ' : lie Public School Building l M.. in itsi'.n. u ,,i KT :n KUI KAY, i' ti ilnatloni iblic While School Building ??? l HUM i- i ,. .ROI V ? armville Herald AM' I UK rice-a-week New York World, Both one ysai foi II.M niel - l.i THI H KHAKI), Tl, i 111 iii* the a says Tbs Wilt II serve ?rsa l this t nml li into 1 tie on ,,tl,er i i lt ll tuts: u COAL IN NAVAL WARFARE. Ti,r iini -?,,,,!, |, ? ore-al Karlee In Hi. vu,,,-,. ,,i ,,,ir ll mi -lll|, r > i rot. i> ' I ? ? ? I '?' ? ' Sp! nt ir. ' ' I " ' BEST OF RUSSIAN SINGERS. iinii.? vt betes Volvos Irs ' apokle .-r -I,nd, ri ni; an llnllnnr) ? :-. It is iii ul of : ' I a re hosen from the best nil the I aper. Winn ? fie.. ' ' ' * at 1 BSS in th.' ,; ie a ften ,1111- of till' -. nt ever*- mao in thi ? !. The ru ?? l: . -i ? .tte, and their hair is -. I ? ? r ap . ninl put up th? in papen . ' )WHE BECAME PROMINENT. ,- I ?. n, Ililli, I,l?li?< linn te.pur. .1 !i> ii I mi i ion. I rn i . Il nu Mini. i ? t min in ." ? lunn, aklng t :.ft the . :n. What ,.ine prominent in :; the travi i n un. .1 itilh him that ' I'S lie.'.,I. i-, l.y doing nothing, 1 ' ears, h:i i the I ? nt tin? ily f.iir, .som. at Crops, :' their -, and - ..m.- bj i f, I kn. it B r >? [ir.illl : e good l ,- I fir. il \ mi ont of my i ' iii then lie took the I hy the ear, led him I kit ked him Into the pel I ii , QUEER WEDDING FEAST, iiii.i, tho Qeteata Ile "<?? i .....I ll,,,..iiul, a l.r.-e.l- t 1,11,1 i til late H. IS from time ? ? I mi ii, in Mn"! ind. B. Pei ur vi or ft of Wi S Z Woman's 1. feast; - eetened paatc bm il no di.-h c,nilli l,e four. \ fter their by* lon, ninl Into ' ? ? himself arith the i , which thej id of .1 'ri thi ' ' ' e was ; to an* Itch him on r until rnn.11,,1, lr?r In I mul..,,. | a'.t will duri: | ?oronstion yea es tLsn tty of Us yreitctu^rt. TE \ Al ?rh 1. M I'll! Ai marri* BEGINNINGS IN NEW YORK. r I h. : J New "i i . ' . N ? ,k.n in of wh ? Watch ? ? -. w> rf 11 ' SHOP TALK. . a in porce ? ? from the i il the ' ? r, pink and ? ;. Illili > ? upon i I e.,11 ' ir in ? ' I ' i ? ? ? ? in undi lor color i- ; CHNICALITIES OF THE LAW. p.rmi. j ? ? ? | I :. \ ? f..r ll ? ? ? I i ? ld, In. 1 n rn ? hm i ii i hi 'I of j. a tm, fl rn ber "I I - \ if vi i-i N.'*i i ODDS AND ENDS. ^ ' the property ired. I I ?rs in '? il. I ? I There si ll ia < IC girls under 21 per lyu gel f ? i pr, 1 ??\ up." "P , golf ill "We tWO BU "\ ,' does n Journs "- . ..ina III. Spite, jra judgs a mai,'- Inti ur lol - lil iel,I. ? an- \ mi ? ? . - -ii lil? li,, lin. II. tald he was playing for Ma if he bsd ?? uitj to the harass I ? s bal be meant; I of ama I .-lippi ri pt. t -. talkie ?.irl. Mr. . thal S poor J of S . ?Ty tl ; rs, and offered heraell " , ? i ' 'i Keen Passe ts at!?. ' "Now 111?" '?Hi . I ?h. n ? ' VI hut ll- Mould \red. "M.. friend,*1 exclaimed tba eloquent i, "uere tl ? stan tc urn ni . in the .1 a-k hims, If what he really most, what would bs 11 ? pli suggested to his mi in IV* '?ii.-r neck I" pr. eo nhill in th lin- I on.niall,,n I'rl.r. I r, -I nts. : ! What . .1 in ,1 lng imitation con - hap ler if she lakes - I mull) I'rl.le "Mr. Curtin ? | from 1 .id the ? . mrox keep il frmn -'? .?ian In tbe etty.*" III. ' .-ion I ,,. , rlsln. I. scornfully, "thf a of J our being ii fl sid of a poor ole Why, 1 of my nd." ? 'ri ed r.ur ughs, dubiously, "imt what I nm if is thal ks might take s no n to eal ..ut of tri i' s.-t. I n r<-1, *..,ml, lc Man. - (her, ile is so unreasonable," i "I make i' ii point to Iel i hrne his own May oner in ten ies. snd ."till ba NIIM-. '.|?|.r..,nl. iii rn Kitti'.- bearing an sunt* in Virgin is who ita- los a In, li.iil both chewed and .I..-.I tobacco r and who iii believed ibe Lord had f, .m.. liwara Petite. irnkey (i a know >u'll make s I rainer- ' I him? ' \ Uliman Mirror. rh* villain lr. your fl lld the J,. . ' Hut 'Us a ; ? li. KU III. bia srll lim Inn B ir Ifp ill. il I Irte linn Byr lab i\|h sod ... i I'm gpa w -pu I, Pulu ii n.J W in pi ' i Bs i elaina h. .i Folding ? i of Evei Mairim.,ny In I lilinun. ' ' n Top II.. i ,,,i ' nile of itil he was marri. I ' ,'-k. \ n, limn.,n. - n liar who found out."?Chicago 1. Yes ?..rill. ImiL'. ? Appen Heart stop reg ii 18 f.elir;.' ,:l,cr h sf Gr, form, t limn: B i-n't ii Hie tin Toll ville ar Him I fe I ure a I nhl in One l?iii. Take Laxative Hroiim I'minne lal.Iel-. All drtsggists refund il.e money if il fallatocors KW. Provo's skgaslaiB ls OB t'Sell IhiX. 'Si OBBtS ll --pitalu are jraWBsBf f>>r victim-, iou huon What Vim ure Takiinr WI,eli loll lake I Jr,,Ve'- Ta-ti'li'-s I lull Ti un.' bSCaOSS thf formula I- plainly printed mi every l-iille *liow iuk that it i- -nnpli linn and tjuntulu* iii a la.-te. less form. No cars, flo I'm. ><> irntM. Ni. km ur in UN nevie-t shajs- and eolors, at KleiiiiiiK A Clark's. Laxaiiie Hr..m.. QuioltM Tablets cure a cold Id one day. Ifo Care, N'.? Pay. flits. O'liars*. 1'ritille Mock i- - cnetblag ricb in md Kentucky Whiskey- -in,n.ih ?? raivat; sa*! i I, u lr Ump in at lliiirh <>'< lars's and try it lt lore Hie -uppll I- exhaust? ed ami fou'll have lo hurry. .No. Maude, detr we have nelcr hean! Hint eal mir date- w.mld leliK'tlien a man's naya Iii, Ki-I I'leo, riplioii for Malaria 'hill- and Fever ls a ls,Hie of QBOTI'. I am suma (uni. TnMi . Iii- si m ply rofl and .pniiiiie lu a la-tele? form So ours, No pay. Pries BO osots W, are-lill sailing Hie famous J.f ? r-mi bal ni all bI_> len. Heming A Clark. Boil coal d't-iit e ?astltots tbs only mokonuiseues, Thors la lbs .heap Iga*. f,,r Instaaes' mi?|i riiat couirh .fore lt stops jrou. Dr. 1 -*,ni|i iii eur,- ,i, ?.- numbers ? ni testify, it ls Um -ot on .-arlli. I-trur bOttlSS ? I't-nt* ut : ll 'in.(on Urn. .-tern Parent-"Young man, du ymi mik you eau Mpport my daughter oe 0 a week.''' Nervy Suitor?"I'm iUlof to try it If that's its bast you md... La BHflfS 1 oiiltIi red ? nu Dr. i'm ni. Oeasa si mp or pure ? .ml and Wll'H l?r,i. It,-?t ? :., il, lor eon if I,'? ci i lil-, <-i,i in p. i'oii-ii in ii ni Bronchitis and Hil tliri.Hl ninl lum: lion -. Larg*bottl.*?cent*al White a , ... 1 ll in-lon l>run Co. Arcbwaya the coqeaiis'a HsfportSI "Tin* iiniiiati jroa BSBl me .Lint talk." BditOf "(ireat livens ! yVosehS dead V Bille Nei te ami Hone Liniment ? t ,,,, mrili for rh.-.imatIhiii. strHlni I nii palo*. I ,...|iiHlie,l for i.uiii mend beast. Large bottle i. cents, at Min.lon 1 >r.itf I 'ii. llUggJns-- "Do von think women BS I" plell.-e their llllslialld- '.'" Hug M "Not "I, ymir life. If tho*/ tinI y wouldn't run up -ii, Ii infernally bille." Poss ii i'll) i" Bbq < heap. i cheap iBMsdy for ooafha sad soUa -il. Init toil BrssH -omi lhlli:,' Hist I r, hen.'and ..ure thc more severe ind rr.ultu of throat and lun? Whst shall y iu dol <iu lo a mer and BMWB icirular climate': IBS, if ii n |. tanbie for you, then ith. i , i-,- take th,- oni v remedy Ibm bees Introduced ls all dviHsMoeea* -'.i.'I, .ne,?,>- in severs lanai and Ifoabios, ''Bosehsa's Qonase ip." It imt only keats au.) blinni - to destroy lbs ferra dTIs* . hut all .yt irillamnialinn, eBSSBSSBBf Mioratiea, (dives ? good sight's rest. . area tbs palieat, Tri oas bsSUs. 'Him, inled mani years hy .11 dfsTSt* ? in 'I..' rrorid. ^ u cari L',1 I>r. (i iie,-rr- reliable remedli ir Co., Fsriiivilie, \ , isl A i man tc. e ure takiiiir order- daily for BMB's mun I -un-. L,H,k at mir pies before bayles*. Hemnn; A Clark. . a "all tba K"" f'T k'oniK BB l'"t ne .rill you iupil.e style. all PBpSI in e-reate-t variety, Ih.IIi n ss BM -li les of print, at layne's. I,.\ | i;. j', f,.r a shoe u hm, t 10 buy one jost a.- k.mhI at uk'.''. Boot..niau and lin,ii are ? rail,ls - the -harp mai, wli" often -trek 'sin?t a -har|sT. fi trill bays ou His itu, k ired ?llh two application, of DtSlS and lion.- Lim.ninl. it win earojroo. .r i m. , <,, Ki, t,mon.I. Virginia, i ba,,- i? ,.? using lour ,s, rn iine I.inlin,ml on mt beeb sad lin.l it Se a charm. For unlit ilny. 1 lia.1 .url .-ni,1.1 nol inoi.- mi I I um DOW out am! lo ... V,-r> truly your-, I ? ? .-.,. ks, North View, Va. hy Whit.' BOO, ami Win-ion Unitei o. UBI will bS |H,|,ular Ul sstOffBW. konrever, la aol a fashion note. I'lieoljoll lll-mrnl. . -lill liss the larg t of Bay medicine is the civili/.ed Your mothers, and e-fandmotbefS1 ?liing else for ese. Doctors carce, and they seldom heard of .Nervous I'rostrstion er etc. I hey used Au Imier tn clean "Ut the -i -t> in Sad fermentation of undigested food, le the s, Hon of the liver, stimulate from sud firiranic action of thc , sud Hint is all they took when dull and bad with headache au.I v in ed a f. a lea ? a sr, in liijuid ., iou ts'istied there lt no Hie matter with loll. Voil Di ., .; Omeo ? lallsbis rs . I'nii,' Co, Ktruiville, '. Special Almanac. y fellow tell? Iii* lieet Kiri lie nrtliy >,f her, and 1*1 leif- it at ie. ie lillie* ant! children ot Farm id -nm lidding .'..iintry. Ju-t ?air of rSelgter Brea Hos - i lu-iyelv l.y Fleming Al'lark.