Newspaper Page Text
O'Gara's Private Stock A iritik thal "" '"lit ."lal.-li"!:' The Kcal Old Kentucky Article. Keep it on Hand for Family I KOK SALK BY HUlill i I'GA RA, CO\ IN(iT(>.\, VA. pixs pzrmcro Jfjpccca. Kim Whisk11. Fink H s.H.SKI JOHN J. MALLAN, ni Sloth mu. I, l j w bbnrtr, I'a. ? \h -???- k ul \\ HISKKY, WIN IOU V<*< O i ii, \K- KU*., i-ca-inpleie. Karn Nin my line, si ill Iiml the - -',-.? n K > m. of ms whiskey and wines < ?hat will -in' -I-.- I hast facility, and would is- g i l dward ? ounty fire u. ESTABLISH!:!) IN 18-70. DO YOU USE WHISKEY? - sam .-hamid gel tb i- the cheap.-!. W - - ? w. t. steptoe: &co., ni ; iminiiN i :.;i (i.:;i>i ti i ns, IJii_M.ii:i!M.. Lynchburg, Vi. Think of This! Albemarle Pare Rye Whiskey 10 Years Old. AbsolutelyJ.Pure. Smooth "and Mild. Packed iii plain case bearing no marks to indicate contents. IVnnsyh .'ini.i nmi Ma.iin t.iin Rye univ $2.00 per gallon. Virginia made Apple K.i. i in ls $2,00. Full Qaiiarts ex? press prepaid by mo, Only $3.00. - ' "JO .'Hall r gallon, packing List. L. LAZARUS, IR DEALER, sk li P.I-kV.. VA, FILL YOUR JUG at -Wm. J. RAHILV-* I .n Jiu s\i \ Muli I ST., ?Belle ol Nelson ... .\ pun*, wholesome, straight ? \\ In-key, "a year- old. Kahily's Celebrated Wblti -in -'th anal mallow. Houtbampton Apple Brandy, J year- old I'ahfornia i'n Sherri Old WW (ul.niel i Maryland pure rya Maryland Peach Brandy . - nhl ri ii i.'-m m.. \ \. I N ' ' . I IMI Kui. I! . ? links , I I,', e sui, "i i r*ji 11" K< ii ld Kntire given ur youl : ? ../ for our ' oniplt A RARE BARGAIN FOUR FULL QUARTS "Old Nectar' Whiskey $3 25 PREPAID TO YOUR STATION. (Mal Ul mal ami faun ls uses I in-i- il.-.; .? . i Hie io four fbll quarto to tbe case, without i uotblog i" try ii es we px i (?ur "Old Bourbon " W ? . le a food, nielli.w, .straight whiskey of Hm I fur the lunney. Kindly enclose your check, i - shipped -Hine alas rn elven, mled f I pt m the ! .Ili? lli, ukci lil nilli ' A Hermann Schmidt. i Kim) Richmond, Va. Gorman's Piney River Corn That1 All. Bul That's Kt.uff. lin1 Greatest Kidney Chit on Earth ONLY $2.00 PER GALLON. Rye Whiskies -' - . m. I dnn I pay e\pn - ,:l(| Ih. in ii , ,| i:i|,,.. ii out ol Ibo quality. IW Ni ml im a mill r. JAMES GORMAN, \ I ? tl! Bp II . I". J of r 111' I I Bil lilla V Nt i III ? I I Lynchburg, Va. WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! Leaksville Woolen Mills, Leaksville, \. C. PH f..r the well ki ll,,. |.irL,, ..I theil WOOL ru "'WI AU i . ||ien] ll Wai. ll ,i | m ., FRKK <>F CHARUK AM> ALI. I AID. - - - - ItiiKirv I ALL. SON & CO., ('"??iin ural Mail, ? ? 1 \KM\ lill \ \ lienll ad th worn the tH with * hy im: tn i led lex. ALL FOR WOMtN. Ill Boll ie .1 ll. Ill ll. I ll -ia nilli.IM ut lr mai sslii-n walking on th* pavi m. nt wii move oul of hil wej for a ladj Thi ..ut Invariably, howevei mu,I,li ,,i .' .el mus WI,, u Lord Randolph ( Inn. lull ria ii, il Hu- diamond Heida ol u inle looking ni .1 h li.minmi-, he remarked: " M fur the suni:y of woman " \ l id*/ \slu> heard the remark, added, ".itu the depravity of man." \ ann- I, li le, of San Fm a . latani to Hr . of the I in*..i -itv ul \ it noa un,- nf tl,,. m<?l null d hiing ol children. .. h ,,f st mil to Which Hr. I.sle rn iiiiiili altentlon. The honoi which baa thus fallen :?? brr lol ls beal ever conferred f( untie phi I h.- ssiil,-ss i.f Km. -t I". Walton, s .ail.- of the of Ihe Xi n "fork I entral lu.I dis . 1902, brough! -nil . . in j.: 11 a _\ fur \\ lien the caw ?.a ut 1li> plaliillft ; .ind obtained prrmia amend i he complaint bj mak Ur, Wal * Julia ninnie, of Boston, har Hon of knowing that hei ? matter ol court record She luul been awarded a verdict a,t againat tbe Old Colon) h.i,hms company on account ad in? ned. Thia verdict was sci ? I, appeal, thc supremi holding thal the Jury in t1 had been "carried off theil through their admiration foi the plaintiff le ssill carts 1 higher. : l women st udy medicine? Tn ? ? tl.Ill i Ill-lit \ lilllie . l-l uf. Stellwag sun (ai lon, re< replied: "Certainly, if the) ss.uil Iii. Hut ss hilc it i- sscll Ihat a ,.ii,i study all bronchi - "I ? . - . . . ly a few in ss hieh they .ire likely - these mt dil aat - ..f women niel of Mic '.se-. One a.f ms pupila in a California In siltation, Another ls doing mnch ?food li traveling fr. sd ui'illi-t." FINANCIAL FACTS. \ ;-t compai | I 07 |" I a . | ' nieip.-il de] ? hun!,. I li bl univ shippil ?" thr tell tO ll,' : the -.m.. ? I , ha vi - |.. r a lilt . \shilt- thi'S ? 1 \. I pool. I he courts luise brid thal a hank i. ? k un ii ? ? ?? : the in-ti' . ? ' ' I more. The - - il p.r ? ? ar, hut eight in 'I he ll - ?er bal k : I ? k of Ger* uiiis." rema .in Stuti-t. i- i" keep aa iiiiuli cai-fi in bi Iii. ult ii - in - ' ' ? t likely to .receive gold Iron gold come, :i- la poa lae through the ll ' ' tin- r stock bsnks, si !, ? '?nhl ri|>orl "f pus ing it i usual into tin !.'? IN CHURCH CIRCLES. - ?! - oldest bishop mmunion in the p li'-lmp I. Tiki., head church in America, w ? k t" Russia. lu i I' siiperintei dent of tbe Baltimore ly MU sd Cl li r. Hm s. ii man of Ni w irk. hllS jll-t I el. Illulia] Ihe fa Rev. I hm li - V. Hartfell hren I fac ? - k.-r. I'll.- Il"; There arc to hr Hirer , Uroly IN AMERICAN CITIES. ? is cise? ? its n population of V .i STorli ? tj I 0 nen sumptlt N i h.- last t?" elghl of I ive ia ? i from i In ti Ililli in.-: s V..rk it costs t he min ie ps radi h.- posts ?c. ssill .Inns a ' ? i? ? i > .tr .un,:in tm? iit Hannibal, ' . ?i.i la I, hied._ ? lu I.nhill.I Ila.lilli, mii-hmein i? th.- foundation ol th lire?strength. Kodol I ivs i-i (ur.* i- the "tia- great med ic fm - the stomach snd digestive n- tu digest, assimilate and irani? an foods int.. the blond thst fiedi n,i> tj. l\-a'!"l l as- Hie fa.,,i dallon fer h Saturn di*-- the pest, li. nion, Dyspepsia, nmi nil disorders ? ? stomach and digestive '""I bj the u.r k -I ? ii lung Co Hi ung fnr some one she Int rs ll > "I lill n gis-e its of it Catarrh of the IWemei h. em the stomach is overloaded Into it that ' t. it deenya nmi Inane* u- membrane, exposing the .-, nnd causes I ? linn. This is called Catarrh of tonwen. Kau- year- 1 suffered 'atarrh of the Moiniieh caused I locton snd m. : io benefit me until I need K od : ?|>-ii? ('ure I. I:. Rhea, Coppell, Hold hy Thr Win-toii Drag tai is hi) Cafe vipor liquit hot . The great rfl n t Wily cures every form al rheum. ? * cures of Cont d Poison, Scrofula, Catarrh, tj nnd nil di-ci ? ",e hlood. 5 Eadotraad bj ph r|c e\er> n re aller tl a DOES NOT INJURE THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. ft ton, N tS. *) V li,'lill, a, L. . I! MUS Hill r asa it. j" 3 ...-na J nf y.'tir " Kill i ?< ? a. SAM D '. Bobbitt Cbemk .. - - Baltbaara, nd. \ 9<*^<m<t<v<*^<*'^<?<*t*ior>is rr t.-r>t>r?crr>t>r>< There's Nothing foo Good For Your Honk'. Add to its Beauty lind Comfort by Buy ing a few Odd es of Furniture. W. T. DOYNE, I ' l li It -1 : Opposite Pn.t Otiin \\'iiii|"\', ? SltadeH Farmville Building & Trust Co. MON, ) LOAN m ini:i;? i?h:s. N i- W uni, M M ll. I "? V i 1 h i -? AI lo 1. S| I ,;? ? / ? rn I M || lilli. ... x ll Will.. 9'dfa :ix > il rate of in ,-i, I I.i a'A I Billi ' I""1 ' '"", ll. .ll ed .;.; Ir.a-.. , Vu ?0 ? WE REPRESENT FIDELITY rRACT, OFFICIAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICIES. . W. P. VEN; Bl & CO. ? HAMBRO HAMBRO HAMBRO HAMBRO HAMBRO HAMBRO A gallon of Whiskey from us means four FULL quart bottles. A RARE OFFER Maryland Rye Whiskey HAMBRO pa/mvr; ? ? SENIOR. $3.15 YOUR VA. PROMf: JUNIOR Cl /[" .,' . ut istyinc Whiskey. PREPAID. - HAMBRO DISTILLING (Sb DISTRIBUTING CO., 411-413 E. PRATT ST., BALTIMORE, MD. Goods retune - rr expense and money refunded. HAMBRO HAMBRO HAMBRO HAMBRO HAMBRO HAMBRO * AND IT STAYS CURED. Cafelerian is pleasant to the I , is no secret nostrum, ?hly recommended by physicians, and docs absolutely cure headache. lerian leaves no unpleasant effect. It braces the nervous system, in ates the mind, relieves r .! cures insomnia. Asa i and as an effervescent salt. \t drug stores an J soda fountains. Trial ties 1<> ccnt>. ii. iiiu rep BM uni tim Hu? nt, niul fee the in ;i nun ons; Hie.I '?( nun nun. \ in ii fmli ihs aees s s ness. fener the sta cures sents exist I the gr proapei only c famou by cl strenj ths ste ar. J * I srss Kseai < kr bab: K Bottlai erald and New York World only $1.60. j (ju i Al OPEN HEARTED PEOPLE. travelers la Sbetlaad (rr ilisayi SS. ll In-Kti-il by iii. H...pli? able >alJsrs. In ll.. . . \ isel ii'iue to i? .t bj the Ira ead i bleed ferneoted battenallk whey i' ? pt akers tin- pi ?ai nilli katine, ni Iii*. ? usually oir i ead open hearted as tin- people ara, the ? lightest breech ol patronage ur ann pate 'I't-ui ii.t" ii { rc.-ene tluit i. BOt v brokeo. Tliey will ennfer any BOOSbCI nf fa tort; to seeept thea ls aiwav** a little ililli,-nil. sa.s. the In li ..te in u most patriarchal man llirt-e ur fmir geiu-ration ii ?? i onager nee are uanoi* li sailors or li.heriiifii; tiie elder ina-ii uml I lie iiiiinen manage the t*raifl. Aa eakaowa, the) "dell" the ground ssith siiadet. Iiefure lowing ttle erope nf a.ats ami berle/. Tin- Imi ead grain ure eui sometlmea ssith a Scythe finite iifla-n svlli a . K.e- un limi.'.s that ins..lie Lani labor eseu nu a eroft nf from tssu tu four seres. Tia. is protected fruin the triad bs con deDsaed herring nets aiul ls carried to tlie stack in rope i reola P< ? nt in ihe spring sm! dried all auni iner a.ut un the moors and carried luuiie in kr*.hies (baskets) nf straw air dink ailing across the l-l. I'he ssiiiiu-n bring Lome moat of lha' ml are eommoalj to be met ssilh beal limier tuiieis ,-eieral feel high, l.ut a.ftan singing ead alwayi knitting. COUNTING COINS QUICKLY. Tilt- lng. iiluu, liiirallua ul a I'rras ary Kiper! b'ai-llltales lha llandilo* Htn-ri-uf. Ai. a.iil treasury employe hus la? ren (ed uii iofsadua colo counting nun hine. It consists nf a round metal li.i|?|>er into which coins are poured. 1 inin tl.n the coins ere fed inin au attachment, ur head, aa ii is i.ilieil, sshieh is kept t.staatlj ie miling by a crank operated by hand Kai h revolution carrise six "i more ii'ins thruiigh a registering derice ulii.ii keepe track uf the exact nam lur. 'lhere u a dlfferent-slaed head fnr each cola and th.- change from nickels to pennies or fruin 'linus tu quarters ur eolaa of larger deaomlns inn can be made instantly. Jt is estimated that ssith one "f these machines a strung boy ian eccuratelj perform the wurk nf tin- nr >ix brka.. mu.- ii Waehlngtoe report. A lerica has also been planned which will count the coins In Ino ur Jim I by tlie use of u paper carton hes may ba dune op in paekagca ? aili fa.r handling ur shlpmei t I.v anning them consecutively through in- rarlooa heads a Int nf cotna may e separated and counted at the semi iine. The machine is rxpected tn evolutionist coin rountlng methods. GERMANS AT THE CIRCUS. Iralaiar llrrt-lpta by Tli.-lr Hull, ut lindy la Ta Ll nu lp Ibe Seals. One of the bets stories of the I'.ar ? iiii European trip gresv out of the eriiian e\|?-rieni'e. Opinion differ.s ? to whether the joke is at Hie ex eii'-e uf the Gatrmans or of the eil? is itself, On crossing the German ?lintier, the management discovered star; ling .shortage in the daily re ijits. The circus as netta! ssas play* is," Hu- 10,000 aid.I ?ats siere tilled tssiec daily, ami indreds ssere being turned away, ?t Un- shortage waa, something like d ll M I s the \\ ??milli's linnie iinpaniiiii. Expert accountants ? ii' mer the books in sain. re brough! fruin parla lilli! ilise.uer Imlliing. Filially, lifter mil invest iga tion, lt ssas found - v I jermain OCCUpicd ia at anal a fourth, or that three men air SSnlnen inin. i*teli lilied four r- . The i -han lin ?re ssas n mbetaatial dirtietilty nih iiiulil not be overcome. CROCODILE'S DENTIST. relra ul I'lui rr Tksl Hiaaili Par a.lira fruin the Heplile'a Mouin I ,a molested, I nish sse hail a crocodile ploser e. lt ssniilil amuse the eliildren," il John Loser, a keeper at Hie /.tr). lording t<> tba Philadelphia Record. What kind of a bird is a crocodile vcr'.'" BOOM mie asked. It's the crocodile's dentist," Lover lied. "It keeps thc crocaidilt-'s nth In gund condition." The crocodile," he went on. "ls eh annoyed by a pe rael Its iaaeet t enters his mouth and breeds re, in crannies thal he aaa*! g> t The ploser feeds on this insect, will go into a crocodile's mouth rleeely after it. 'I'he crocodile ns tn recognise Inatinctlvely thu! bird i- his friend. He I. ts it hop nd mit of his mouth without inn ati'Ui. 'Hju- children would be li a sigh'. Hi? ll: to gel ? crocodile planer hy all BB." roeodile plover. Humph!' re ked a bystander in a pointed s 1,11 - our l ss. (Hr ir j Ni. Imrrln. farr. I ll. II. I la .1, I a. t|,,,l f ths sim.: is ihe Amer!* - :? Both thai ssili call it np in the n.iiii! , 1 lat' llnrlti'v grOOp of ( a : i" thia i. that IB fact- ia a i-uuipuaile, our tomach No appetite, loss of strength, nerroo* headache, constipation, bad bresth, al debility, sour risings, sod catarrh of -mach a-e aJI due tolndlpestlon. Kodol Indigestion. This new discovery repro ihe natural Juices of digestion as they In s healthy stomach, combined with eales! known tonic ar.d reconstructive ties. Kodol .Dyspepsia Cure does not ure Indigestion snd dyspepsia, but this a remedy cures sll stomach troubles earning, purifying, sweetening snd ther.lng the mucous membranes lining rm sch. i. $. Baili, at Rsrsfissroad. "W. Vs.. asrsr iRsiWsd with sou.- stomach for twenty rea's aired Bia snd sr* ar* ncr*, tutus B la mit r." odol Digesu What Yoa lat xl*. $1.00 Sm boMlaf 2H Hmas the Wal sba. which sails for SO casu, *4 by a. a owwirr a oo.. oatoaoo THE WINSTON DRUttOO. ?I KIN I INO P RKAHONABLE MUOB D?VI AT HERALD OFFICE , -J ,ong H ai " About a i . hair w coming out si i| I , S hollie it Al i ' . ll ni '. stoppcJ thc fallini nmi hair ?;??" i Hy, iiiu.l now is 4 5 ii Boydsion, Ate i. There's snottier hungc than ol the Btomacl Hair hunger,for instinct Hungry hsir needs fax needs hair \ igor Aytr't This is why ul say thu Ayer's Hair vigor alway restores color, and make the hair grow lon^ am heavy. mia tates 'ii drsfiWs. If ft I ? ol youl a . .1. i ss I i;' FARMVILLE GRADED and HIGH SCHOOL . . . Session ol' ?) Months in ail tirade: In tin- UK.Il SI lliuil stualieal are Penmanship. History. Literati LanKuaue. MalhemalLs. Sctatt, Human Body and Laws of ll.,i Writing and Speaking. Lim- in lite HU.Il -i KIMI n of iiinc monlhs KU HUD I. HIITH, I. !., I'h. H. I'i im ip l.. I. \ KKMKK, n M. a "\. S. SA . I- \ I til I " SEED i:yi: CLOVEN TIMOTHY UltASSSEED WTNTEH SKI'D OATS Carrell's Proliii< Seed Wheat. Low Prices mi i - ijii.-ility t ? itlsiiltTi tl. Farmville Commercial Co m . IA KM VI i.i i \ \ * * AN INTELLIGENT HORSE i.i. nm i"s-^ ini? ii sn ? - k. Hors. TYLISH HARNESS. Hu- rlollim :. I llll'li ' i. SS. l..i\. I... ii tull Baggies and Carriages In. SIN^. Spring Stock . F. Walton & Co., ia i:\iv i ii r v \ Ulai In UKI HA IK . SIN^. IF, milk I mi room lu 1ARPER Htmtm A -Safe .Siiiini'.iiit. A Uuinl ledtata*. Im. - Jos, Mann B* Early Risers lia famoue little pille. r] N RY. ur.. Iii. lill. .,i. $cM-?ule in Fffuct Mi ; LEAVE EARMVil LE DAllY. . ? a . i.i TICKETS 60L0 TO OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN^ MISSOURI, KANSA3, NE1RASK4 COLORADO ARKANSAS, C aLirORNlA, ?as-TtXas ^ flt IBTJMTH WEST, SOOTWBI neer class ircoNo euee ANO EMIGRANT HCKETe -THF R' IO THE_ NORTH rWCD EAST. HILLMAN VtSI ?. m? ?) iii tmit rasa ? ? u mi rsi NORFOLK^- NRAIIROAI ?Mi*->csr, ai ii ' nu Linc ' ema tata . rxascri.,1,, rSrspfctrla. USS . in rn a .I,,.. ?uu. a ta*nt ?sa ???. Aft Ml F... A-I Tra. tut ap tllUll.ll -1 mist, ?Ililli ? i si i;. i h.. ia, , |,* si:ms 1:11 .ii Boan luau la. I SI. I. 1 ll I ill - I.s. - I ll S SI I.I Si. > . i ? I in i; ii. ? \ S| I ll III -.lilli I gi ll I SOUTHERN RAILWAY RIVI l rn i; . h.s. :' IIMONtl, s \. ,:li .-mi? ll in li ? ' Hasans ?? i ? ids sad ... Nea a,lui lat S|. iii).lin. I ? nm lu I ? , ? l.ND. ' YORK-KIVEK LINE wJtmw, ..m. ns-, i nt' ii a on u, . la nilli . al MOND, , a esl ' SKAHOAltJ) An; Lim I.' ii ss v. - "I'S! ne Minute Cough Cure ror Goughs, Colds and Croup. Herald sn,.i .\ 1 ... . .1 |