Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD. HOXOH Kui; Till. PACT, HEI J* I -I HOPE KOR THB Hil UK. \(?la. Ml KAl.'MVII.I.i;. VA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER l\ 1903. CITY DIR.-CIORY. N ? K H *AUIN*. WATKINS, IRHEYS AT LAW, ? , . S Wi'* I ?. 1 \ I N \ I I. \ \\ . mt**, Va. H BLISS, ( . y^ HITE A CO., DRUGS, medicines and Druggists' Sundries, (VI 3IDGOOD, - DEXTIS'I - , ll UTI I.l. I S. MM.WAIN). - ? ' ? w. C FRANKLIN ri.wv. Exact iminations. . , ::::xziz::x:xir:*::: [nit in ? our ulai shall have just rcs m.i|iiira. a tlii in i? they will lie i Ground Properly. lhat Suit Your Face. . lhat fit Your Needs. V.. I. BUNION, Jeweler and NOTICE! R. FRANC10NE\S >VhAVK.<^s^m ? i . ,,i?, .a-. 107 K. Broad st.. . a Illili. Iii., \'h. A CHAS. M. WALSH, -WEAM MARBLK and GRANITE WORK! i i;sr.ri'i.. VA. M \~ llonmnents, Headstones, Tablets, & Al - I Wi tv Pi s w Paulett, F*rm.,iir. i. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Oloests what you eat. y--1 THE AUTUMN AND OTU im ld i m vcr bl ii iRS AMI I ' ? ? ? ' .in-rn i.n hu d> > ML'.I ll,ll I ' .ml now tu array ? lal for the : tl] gowns, ?a. ur in ii. painful comblna i friend, lila tal em ill frmn lu,a illlll'll. should .lilli its 1 with the ind Hu- nii.ilish bl velvet q will be ', of whli li ? ? I ir BARGAIN NEC MODISH AC HHS IS THE TIME Tn Cl ONI S, rn.I . . : ? lally Fur styli-* do not and if i a. .'..miiii;. one maj thal lt will be sufficiently in fashion for *ome ? Ami all through Ihe ? ot the Buff). in I gowns for hon ? ns Without .iproprl- I man*- I onea of, lill and Cl. ? a li the ' ? liing at gn \mi such pretty, pn ">' things ? ?? two of tl caught uar fat of white cn ? and .1 little (lowered challl I would proprlste model f??r pon C and top of the should be ol lace, and the vi I my color pre employed on the rcs ?, white > ? ss in ",0 "" ? warmer I Of lin- nor* ? : 11 appa? ll health on both.*' If ii doesn't, in Burdock Blood Bit* 1 bftsi Hui* Ob in* JRtn I nilli !?.. I Ol I'lMK I ? len; I I. ia. I ll sol ? 1 inn ni.aa M PlllKl ." GIRL-GOLF ERWISE I I fl. INDI ll "RS. la il H ,0 ,,r tin n I tun I - - to time hold il" alni, thi ir 1. "*Q JLIGES SOME 'CESSORIES IT BARGAINS, AND fa a ?D Ton. Jd ? dull rli int. and furtl ? velvet ribbon, the if' tai ?. i fafhioi s.ulallie trinnniiigo I ? a,a Un- -BUB* a-seius. ktmt ? *? hi. I. i 111; .ll lill 1 i .h vii i i.iiur or . ap*. W hal . ? ? and , i] .'.ul ,tl,|, ai.,I ll In I'n, !?? ireil ,,t mal lo b<V i ai Un u i r linen lawn, tarni.-. I v Mum '? l'iw the .irilin.M> slur!-' ' her article i I - tibia In the worl.t it j i.i lin . j much rugUI ovt-i j_Ei.i.rNa,tv lii-tn ** tufter I sting i mr.I. .indue W. I Holland, of lin ? ?> is well nnd fra rear* ng,. I * ly* fruin indigestion. In-tiar, far sn hoar ar so *.r*il i kodol I 'y *-!??' p~i n far, entirely. Sow mi nnd digestion perl l.t I h The ..lily dill.-a ate between v*. Iii1 ? I 1,1a, k ian- is that Dtts i psop alway- ttl I ttie bUii. OBI DRINKING AND THINKING. '..Intel ll, |,l> i? Ike I linn ii,i In? .i.. i. , i.l ii Writer \\ I... I *? \ I i.|ii..r. ' ' ' bin. al ' , ' ... ' ? .lr! nk ? - his drink ta ' ? ' ' ter lt ? ' ' ALCOHOL AND THE SOLDIER. I.munn lilli, ir lin,I ii n 11 a M|. ,i In I -.? al I l,|ii.,r in Illi? li ni) . ?u the D , I I ' ? is the best man. H* i Mini ally ai iind in Im hai . 1 ? I ? ' ' ITEMS. Th" " I ? ' buri;, a .1. Tl in one of which a knife was um i I'na: ir* a mildly slcohi . niall liuuors arc- taxable maier the Du law. lu tin- Patrons ol Hu- Training Scoot In i.nler thal all ebtldren supplied with unit.-rial promptly, lt- is ii this lo tti?- ?. -1.1 I children tn for wort wit nut il, . pupils, W ll' ' heretoforeattendi ? ! IbeTrainii . ,,!? r,,|n lions to net .'ll. will have an opp 1 (i ni ty to stand w nilen i-xaininatl. a -i in mt- m Inti lan-li- llu-y w au the nth ol Beptembei ai ,,',liH-k. The Training acbool, togetl with the Klndergnrien, wall I*-.1 Moudav, S?-t,temi er lltli, at * A CAREFUL MAN. "What in Ihe woi ? Mis. 'I he i homi Dd va an i . ., di, me ' ld UHlli : in j,i, - in- aa hu . m.- always o to them con around mar , ? I., ll 111 - ahnig I ,??? how . inc. ll .il aa a)* Children tu boal riding : air drowned iugb to put lib i hlldren lam and Informed them that nu ? liding without put ? ! til in, and so i..w lin- bo I ont that ?i .ind umbrellas anothi ? sit be? hind '; and Imbi the n two uf th, in The uars ? ' I i imo Hie wa hurrah'" shunted Mr. imping up and down "Ah, pul Hf.- preservers on. Oe tost ti Mr. Thompklna wan throwing off his and Uh*did*0**MMt*d: "I will rescue be dived madly into the river. ? out of ?iiaitad abm ?, th* ha,k driv \ii- Thompklns arabbed the ter a violent ? I they dug mud nut of ?ad then pxi-avated a . li h,> that 1 ? talk. "I dived Int,, Ihe nani " "Whj ilngws ? time," ihe wa? nly al.t a I don't ? , ed mimi rescuing them." Mr. Thompklns looked utterlycrwhed ami crawled dows to th* river and : the mud "iff his face and then re? tired to ' where he sat il thal he ui,e. ? nly there waa a sharp report, and a small n'rl *| ? lng Vlo Mr Thompklns with a bound an array of shlniiiK knives, ll, threw-a Thompklns and il ter on ' what To l>o : Wounds " , ommanded Mr. Thompklna "H Ij cool. We will take Hie bull*! nula ont Now, I I hain't wounded," sahl the small plrl. ? otlngofl tn' he w,ill Mr Thompklns looked as though he i hlhl had done bim na! Injury. H ln and sullied while b" waited for the day to ld or for a heavy rain . i l killed mi .1 He i i ? him fur rarrylnft a lot nf usa.. tneaselj Dil " Mr. Thompklna, silting ur milling. "I was afraid yon wonndn'l think much of my prudesci rhoaop reparei iround looklni fur accident* to happen, why. malani Mrs Bright says stu ?d tnltiiaKineallsorti Inga, and Mrs Jone*wsat in fact. be In Brest demand. Th n all think you are a ? ? pink ribbon in jon- I ? Ith the Kia i I fur a mascot last year. The; I it are a n. masc.) than the Roat " Mr. Thompklns climb.-,1 up on theses the driver. as quit going to picni-s t'blcag Tribune. immunity m implaint wi - id by II. I j ti-1 ppeisinsdsl Ziegler Bros., lo oe sold at mau ufa ming Vim can't always tell ly a Wont* : that lb* hasn't i<ut inipaene The iron will of the av.-iaia man BOthlBg but pil- ii lop* the I nu-li ami Willi.* nfl'I he told. laxative Hr..m.i Quinine Tablets ure ii ,-'ilil iii uni' day. Nu BBIW, No ,.i>. Pries, 26 cent*. Have just nt ted up a neat lining pertinent In th* rear nf raj ll Dished al all hours at -. A. mn ii i I bel r, .iin-i- a specialty. Hive ii* i J Ash si V km lin kau I'll" ll *t Prescript,mi fur Ratal I* ? allele** ( hill I unii. li is -inply Iron ml < 'ur form \? llirs*, Nu I 'ay I'i-i -.- (st S3 ll I- iain-,- nally want* I , .1 ii I, pula) mi, -lu- can du s. hy in.i ? i li Iver lcd. .lu-i in the nick ul lillie ..ur little write* lim .\ \\ , J . i Ihin. " I'lii-iiiiiuiiia hud ' i terri? lle i-,iiiyh -et ii, I"-*iii, - |i,..-tii!-? li-eitl ?il him, Im1 lie grew worse everj day. .1 length We lind Hr Kihi,''* \ ii i loiiaii np. nm. ia,il mir dari - saved. I li - d, and J) tinghi to know, il'* the inly sure cure fur Coughs, i '..ld- and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by White tc Cn I iruggiats Price ?">" eenl 11.(1*. Trial bullies free. A young in u, seldom realizes tu ? leal Iii* in--! girl is mail in- gi ea broke ti iiuike bel * i-li. - niiin- true, Muli- Hints. I a*l iii?Iniiiee* ,,f striker* are imt nearly as grave a* an liidividual disorder ..f the system, liverwort, I..** ..f sleep, nervous tension will be followed bj il la pee, unless I reliable l ? is immediately employed. There's nothing so etiicient to cure disorders ul the I.her or Kidneys a* Klectric i wonderful tonie, and nen ins and tbs great! medicine for ran tims n systems, li i!i*p,-is Nervousness, Bheumatism and Neuralgia and expel* Malaria if action guaranteed by White A Co , Druggists. If mir i ciglilairs li nits as iHin-t-lvea wlial a plesaaiil "hi world Iiii- would lie lu live in, **| i . ial tow Kale I'm-iir-isin*. lu lilas* Ile City, v .1.. tin thc P*Bsl*r Vert River stestte, hs on Humid trip. l lu I 'Inn-day ami Friday of ??;*< li week, until rJepteouber ll* tb. the Mouth* t in Hallway will -ell special nm ml trip ticki-ts to Atlantic City, N, J., ami re? turn at ,--. DO. I iii se tickets limited re? luming bi reach Kn lan,,a,I uol Intel nita Weiliit-.Iav following date of aale. In ml.ian,n tn these low rule tickets il hern Rallwav will tell Hum* trial Tickets lin Inn-,ml lo At? lantic City, ai ri i inp, good re? turning Ulltil Oe tot* ll-' lill -ale.lally until Hep tem Itel ;*otb. Via "fork River line to Baltimore, and Pennsylvania ll l; .i I! a ii mute Baltimore to At? lantic Cit*, I , I "- kulin-) I ii rs Will cure Bright's Wat Will les. Will sraie Ktone in Bladder. Will cure Kidney and Bladder Dis* I Ile. "MSI* Ni i r* and Billie I.ininti nt nu Mi fur ri,.-.iinua*i,,. I I,, <|U.,II, .1 f,,r Imll. burne boll i . . ii. niel IV IDS tOD llrilK Co. I>.iini^ nothing fm others i- the un ,'oi ig of nae's -ell. By taking a thorough cou Ulieumscide you rid your lyste.f the poisons thal cause rheumatism, A permanent cure i* tlie result. It is tbe standard rheumatic remedy, laxative ami tonic At llrugj ', < ails are "nil Hie go" fur gotog Di,\ ne pisa** yon In p lo uni style Mop that Peagfj ,,. f.I -au- -,,,,. hr. Lin Kl- I a "mil.-la. rut ?ia cur* a, ,i* numbers a ai las! ix -1 on earth uara* taollla* a seal* al i winaton Prm ' ... fa* kunu "A hut You tn liiklnif U hen yuu lak,- ('mic'* Ta-ti-li-s (hill rosie because the formula is plainly printed on every buttle sbowlog tbal li --imply I nm and Quinine In a taste in No tine, Nu I'ay . Wall l'a|*er in greateel variety, bull ii i a.,.- -I nd ?ivh- ,,f print, at lioyne'* s me linn are Ixirn Brest, -min tc ti te vi and others msnagi ,, K'ruw -maller meta day A I'liru'illile I'lea-iilc. Ifyouevertook DeWitl for biliousness or eons! you know what a purgative pleasure it ?ann.a* little pill- rle*i liver nail i id the system ol nil luh without producing unpleasant "iT.-.-i* They du rna gripe, sicken or but gi re tone and strength to the tis \V ll Sn bel ler pill can be u-.-iI Hain Mt I ' Winston Di When a rn h nam murrien a youni wife ami rxf-tet* her !?? keep In- man ory l reen lal) i oil b* i- Ibe * niau I bomen lb. I'li.i-uic ni I.ililli'. ITeriug fr..n dyspepaia or ot her stomach trouble* wi Und thal Kodol Dyspepsi m hut JOH eal nml I sueel. I'hi- reim d T failiii ,, nml I iy -[.. j.-in all aad all .r membranes ul the itomach Restive tra.-t. When rofl take Kodi Dyspi | everything | .nd every bit ol the nair ineiit that yum- f,?>d contain - ?imilated ami appropriatedb) the bi... iind I Drug Co. A lu ii- teeth are alBMBl a.- -cane are tbe ps**"*** win. worry tl ?a becaosst they sis shy of wi ,1' Ul A I'lii-ii ian llcalcil. I?r Uso. Ewing,* practicing pb* - ? Irove, Ky , fur oi thirty uni I pe Hence with Foley'* Kidney Coi rears I had been greatly bother .ind bladder trouble ? enlarged ""Toatrats k's'"!- I n everything known to the profe**! without relief, until I eomme After taki three bottle* I was entirely reliev ired. I presi-riiie it now daily my practice and heartily reoomme inn* fur -neb tr, - ribed it In haiuln ie* with 'H-rb Bold rute. Farmville, Maj, Sept. 2S Grandest Greatest Purest, Fairest Annis.!- pris? on . hall Iii Tliiia- Liing*, Two Stage*, I ol < iriginal Fiann- -. One Hundred IMicnomiual Act**, 2f) Clowns. 2(1 Hurricane Races, IO.Oihi Seats, On M erie of Fifty Dens. Dru ? I lenin ul Elephant**. NOT CHE AS NE" ""?-%-* ?.. . IT STANDS na *ORt> SHtAS'l EAT ' * IT STANDS IB Splendid in Organization. Mamilu mt in"presentation. THE WORLD'S BEST CIRCUS TALENT. America's Greatest Performei Europe's Greatest Performer! A <????' un j il: --11 i u ?_? tin Mo -? 11-a tn il i.-il Kelli - >.; \ Ii ll Attempt* il. lil iii THE FAMOUS HERAS FAMILY -SEVEN. PtrI?tion Pursonifird in A*rl..listic Darinj*. A ('ontiniiutin I >'*; ' ;-\ ? Mi_rln \ ('ongiiMM ul '? Votalil M Whom are Seen This I*1 Kirst '<Jk zW&? ' ?*. t **-*?? M?; *T\rS LABGFXT LIVING HIPPOPOTAMUS IN CAPTIVITY. Many Trained Animals In .Vu and \ * ;iI"l Patience of Man, hicli|d I I Bulls, fl Baboons, Mon ki -ll- fl Wallace's Circus Day Program 10 a. m. The Grand Street Parade. combination of Glorio Street Carnival, I* 11 play, II"i Pair, (il 1 & 7 p. ni. Doors Opened Tent. 1.15 & 7.15 p. m. Prof. Bronson's Concert Band ni Renou neil * erl '.a I!.. ci ? ?? ? 2 & 8 p. m.??All-fi'-i multitudinous, overwhelming, iinle* .,..-?. ^ Aerial, Trained Animal, Hippodro* matic Feats,