Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOB FOB TIIK PAST, UKI.I' lui' THE PRESENT, HOPE POB THB FTJTUBB. VOL XIV. FAKMYIU.K. VA.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1903. SO. 14. CITY DIRECTORY. ?i ll l ? M 1 COUNTY DIRECTORY. M Wal ? 0 WITHINS. R H aiTKINS. WATKINS*} WATKINS, -AHORKEYSAT LAW, I. t'uin ? .IX . r SWING, li. [ORNEY AT LAW, Green Bay, Prince Edward Conni j, Va. BFCocRTs:?State and Federal. I1 H BLISS, NKKAI. AUCriONEBB, md H.lJolnlliK ^rHITE A CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, .nded. |)R R M. BIDGOOD, ?^DENTIST. > I li Nl'I' .1. s. mcilwaine, wv, FaRMVII.I.K, - - ? VjKfllNIA. -Offlee in ? k Hui.dino, w, C FRANKLIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' uurt of Exact iminations. . . ZZZZZZZZZZXZZZXZZZXX WV put intelligence your We arc careful that ymt shall havi what your eye*, require. ? them perfirt! that they will bc com ble. Lenses Ground Properly. Hims Ihat Suit Your Face. Glasses lhat Fit Your Needs. I. T. BLANTON. kinks and Optician. NOTICE! I, don't fall to st* R. FRANC-ONE'S .?I ni. i o|). Hall, fl, Va. ? LIBRARIES FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. tad r/?i,{r, i, nf thi PtbU S . /-.'.'..,,,-,, raad i want it Klux! library of inter? esting books for ymir school yon lune an excel tau | opportunity |o <?1 lt lin llerulil will - aud all tim i> needed I,, wm ti,,. prlBBa matte vt,irk fir the next few ? ? i tin- following . Ht Bara? ra I ly, bimJ linn write at onoa for blankB uni w in .t pi lae: Fur lu new anuual lubecrtptlooe tlc Hi mill will give a f;n library. .ri pt loni tia* : Xl library. . - ..- irlptious Hie ::: llbrarj uaw auuual BubacrlpUnnB Ibe Hera ti vv ill i.ivi- a j_'u litiraiy. F .1 .'ti uaw anuna -uli-erI pitons the Heralil will ti vv a *l-~> library. Fur 15 new annual subscriptions the ! l? mill will ki vc a$H library. Km lu new an. ual nubse'ripti,,n* the : will ?|ve ai? library. - .cw annuli BUbacnptloTia the i will givea f"> lilnai v. ?.- win be furnished d,,- to any -eh.mi wishing tu wlo a prlae. A blank will t,e needed tot eacb subscriber, and inaBB hlunk- mual be Oiled aud signed ny the teai-her nf the Behool. v scrlptloii win be counted uoleas banded tbees blanks. Drop a pir-tal to tba Herald BtaUan liow many blanks vim think you eau n-e ?lt may c anana ami work to* getlier if they w ish It i- of COOMB tielter fur each tel.I tu BBB what it ian do alone; hm in Munn- .-..,-.- a may help both a large school anti a weak UM tu ? uinl.nie. Fur example, 08M migbtfatlaaa than eifbt mbacrlben At Un- Herald doea nut offer a prise fur . . tin-. Bomber, a Behool getting umber might eombioe with a larger Kbool amt thoa Beean Boaae nf tba booka, lo lie divided an tba taro might decide. If a BObBcribet lu the lleraiil wishes tu help yo . i lihrary, ask tum tu -eml Hie Herald ? ui' tnt. frieoda Huh Behool winning a petal must the following cooditiooa: lt must have a suitable bunki-ase in vv hii-h tu place the booka; and the BBBB mu-i liave either a d.Mir ur a suitable covcr Itvgof cloth to protect the imuks Irom dUBt and exposure. Any school eau tret al>oukca*e made and given Ly - nie public spirited citizen of the nelglibor huutl. N ile carefully: This oller closes Kebruary I-t, 1904. ion will lie taken fur the library afier that data. Ali Bubecrlp ?panted with the i-a-h, aud lie fur subscribers tint allandy un our subscription book-. Adilres- nil i-..liiiiiunicatioiis to the Fakmv ii.i.k Hkkai.d, Kuruiville, Va. Superintendent's Endorsement. NN'iiK.siiam, Va., t)et I'D, 'in r Herald:?! heartily endurse your plan for furnishishing libraries tn the public schuuls, and will take great pleasure In selecting suitable iMM.ks fur Hu-seh.mis winning the prizes. You iii- to nu- a very hU-ral out', and I trust it may lie thc mentis of giving to our children a large number if readable b Of all mir aaada 1 eonaldar this our A library in each schoolroom would awaken the minds of the chil? dren, make them better students, give them an added interest in the school, make them more regular in attendance and open to them a world of good thin,:* of which very few of them gel even a glimpse And the parents would also derive great pleasure flora ~.k* when they were taken home by the Children. Very tully yours, J. D. Kdtil.KSTn.N, Jk. i i-i m anon. Below will lie found tbe names rat a few ..t ttie Usiks tliat the Herald will give to tho-t Winning ? prize iu the Herald subscription contest. Are not Forth striving for'.' f^'inl for blanks and gai Um neighbors tosuh BCribc fur the Herald and help the school library. The way to win a prize ls io get to work aud try. Steady ellort will lill your school bookcase arith gund booka: L misa M. Alcott's worka, Little Wo* men, Kittle Meu, etc , live volume-; Kittie Kuril Fatinileruy, Sarah Crewe* rim Kittie C ni federates, Kifeuf Robert Kee, Kite of Stonewall Jackson, Stories it Kuti Ula. King of the Ooldea Blvtr, il Virginia History, Seven Kit? ty of the Thirteen Oom i> uf the English, Butty nf the . Story ut me On ; >r Hie Kittie Ones, Robinson lusoe fur Buys and ('iris, Swiss Fami 'noa; Wida, Wida NVnrld. ?"tories of indian Children, stories of Indian Chieft-tns, Hiawatha, Pioneers ?I thc Revolution, Pioneer History sjuries, Btortas of Pioneer Kife, Story Boona, Story of I'lysses, Tales >f Troy, Story of the Hible, Dlcken's hn-iin , - ken-Child's Hi ory nf England, Montgomery's Ameri ati llistury Stnries, Kgglesbm's Stories Americans for Kittie Ameri raMS of a Grandfather, law thorne'* NVunder Hook, Haw ? I Tales, Aesnp's ?ables, lilack Beauty, Stunt's nf [oven* loii and Inventors, NV hat Katy Did, ,; es, Bed-TtC ? mini's i inn- Anderson's stories, - King Phillip's NN'ar, Kife nf ?un, Franklin's Autobiogra iv of Timm** Jeffeiaon, Fifty anions Smries Retold, John fsuI nu- Old Dominion, - i'.iHik of Ooldea Deeds, Friends ii Feathers anti Fur, Neightsirs with i Hoofs, snort Stories nf Our nv Neighbors, Ways of NV nod Polk, 'arpenters Uengraphieal Headers, The Vnrld and ii- Paopl*, LcBsjfellOW'B ?im tn-, Hie Land of Song, Alice in Vonderland, Pilgrim's Pn f Hie 1 reelup and Meaduw, The Hun ral Boy, Tom Brown's s-IumiI lav*, tba Boom Booka, Btories nf !?? ?ct Kife, Footprints of Travel, Om vorld Header, First Hook of ('c.ilogy ?r Chiitlren, icu Boya, Btoriaa from luglisb ' -"ry of AmericaB eek Heroes, snub's l:iit- from Shakespeare, Ktug r-Hrtliu-, Piiitarcli's Lives, lather ('.mse, Child Kife in J .pan, Tue one Prince, -anil (,f ie Mohicans, the Voting Maroona**, ? Colonial Children, stone* nf eSolo, Marquette and LaSalle, Story Patrick Henry, A Year with Hie iv nf Audubon,Story of Co* iinliiis, Aunt Marnia's Corner Cup ?ard, Ariiluan Nights fol Voting Kead i, Stories of Industry, Stories nf the three volumes). Health Chats nil Young Keade.*, Johnson's Qood ealth or the Cbildren, Hell's Our seth ant! How to lake Care ur Them, - nih, Story of I'ocahon is, Longfellow's Kvangeline, Bl ? .ry of 1) .I.tic, Dumps ami i'm; uuth s Companion Stories. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. Herald and I Y. world, Il.flO. CS! the ctn ser tx'. tha pro onl fan by ? tri the M -I' for Tl pr A Ca ll lani Hesseot. Secretary?All hope Ir lost. Thc for* srnor will cot sJKn your friend's par? don. There are 1. al ead of it. Citizen?But he Is Finning Hm ni rapid? ly, and he appears to be li, good humor. 'ary?Alas, his good humor won't last beyond the teal 1 know the make of foiintaii. ta using? n. Y. Weekly. Preparing lor a Trip. "Havs hlng for the auto? mobile?" asked the strai the store. "Yes. yes." replied the clerk. "NVell, give me futir yards of court plaster, six gallons of aniba. a bondie of cotton hatting, and half adi les of 'First Aid to the Injured.' "?You kers Statesman. iii Perhaps fut ed lt. Hut lt's gospel anv-vny, Tbs peraon who a.: S In everj tiing > .u say NN'anls to g. i - coln. Or make of you I :,er thinks you're foolish? ur ls himself a fool. ?Cincinnati Knuulrer. awk waihi rou ali. rou ic*. Miss Rose Peterson, Secre tary Parkdale Tennis Club, Chi :ago, from experience advises all , oung girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to ise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege able Compound. How many beautiful young girls de* relop into worn, listless and hopeless "omen, simply because sufilcieir ion has not been paid to their physical levelopment. No woman is . rom physical weakness and p. iain, and young girls just building into womanhood should be carefully guided >hylically as well as morally. Another roman, HisH Hannah E. Merriton, Col litigSVVOOtl, Marja, Ma] * : "I thought I would write and tell -ou that, by following your kind tid? ies, I feel Ilks a new person, .lwars thin and delicate, and a hat I could hardly do anything Men* truation was Irregular. " I tried a bottle of your VfgitntiJo 'onipound. and began t ight away. I continued it* use, and m now well and strong, and men* truate regularly. I cannot say enough, or what your medicine did for me." $5000 forftlt If orlg!nal of about lett' fnuiftlffll, cannot ot produced. Lydia K. l'lnk ham's Yi'jrrtalilo 'oiiipoiiinl will cure any woman n the land who surfers from vomli troubles. Inflammation of he ovaries, and kidm-v t roubles. CHICHESTER'*! ENULISH ?ENNYBQYAL PILLS .f. i n.h. . HM ll* SI I lt S IM.1ISII -!? ?! ..lil ntr no other, lief"..' ilnni.. ? ? ????? -????-1 i ? Hon. and I ni il.,1 nm I. Parlli alara. i ? -' ? .Ul..: 1 Kelli! tm I.ieli - return nail. lll.lMMi rlllCHKBTKA OHBMIOA1 100 nadlsoa Sqasre, I'll 11.4.. PA. Bull., ibu aaa**. Jour ?itomach No sppetlto, loss of strength, nervous. is, headache, constipation, bad breath, .oral debility, sour risings, and catarrh of i stomach sre all due to Indigestion. Kodol ?es Indigestion. This new discovery repro its the natural Juices of digestion ss they st In s healthy stomach, combined with greatest known tonic and reconstructive petties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not y cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this lous remedy cures all stomach troubles cleansing, purifying, sweetening and mgthenlng the mucous membranes lining stomach. r. S. S. B?n. of Ri-erm-ood. W. Vs., ssys rsi troubled with sour stomach for fwanty rears. lol cured ma snd ws srs dow ustr.f B is ssll baby." Kodol Digests What Yob tat Uss only. $1.00 Six* boldlnaJH Hmas tba trU' Sba, which salis for 50 cants. eera** ar a. o. oswitt a oo., omkjaoo Till-: WINSTON DBUOCO. OOTH BRUSHES. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > They MC piar.iiiUrd. Thc cc 28 ??-.?nts. ll. (. (KliK, Druggist. WIRE FENCE TELEPHONES. They Vre ll.,un.I i,, |'|?, an lm|n.r. lani I'nrf In Dir Sim-In I Deiil i.iniu-ut el the weel. . nun effoi f thc fanner.-' it i.s thought tl.iit tl ? meal trill sd apoi bone. 'Ja 8)ad* ? np pre? pared that, ll wiil in.. ? hat lie is to open the letti ? ? fm ? bon ' the eff. . field thal I efft-et of building n ? and it would lie a matti sl.nit time until ererj Dp lo farmer in hil r rphonc ? of Hie exlrii hm- of t lie lelepht ? of Hie (-minti v w In mai have 1 . phone Prof, N ? the fn nt went part of the way mer further says that the barb win work | the tri 1 lio wi ? :',' work i ifii "ire. if rare were taken to pn i li the ground. In mont experiment in run i. wi re ? part in the ??? PORTABLE FARM FENCE. I lie lorn, Here lle.rrllieil liimrr. All tlrtllniir, l'iir|m,r, mut Inn Be Unlit I Iniipl, . The illustration soffit the fm in of portable fi have on our faun ^ac-vzutiihs; ??? HIT PORTABLE FENCE. feel long, and thc lap re^ts In crutch of the X Mipport and a notch in the . lOW. If furl her support < wrap around the lap and the X. At the ends drive ' ?ls ami ? or di* ? fanner. lllr-ttnl Femes Must fin. Illegal the] n be pm ished. 'M.c genera] ! ' lea at la per* imptory order providing for tl ? Bg dOWa of Hie ft ivbo have illegally strung their wires ?! c pflbUl di I for Hie ihrowiag of such li to thc labile. np agalret this proposal of thc gor* rnment to remove illegal ? idministration, and in - tockmea have deft rnmeat Any fm i' if thc law a ore the federal courts, lt ls stated hat the I.ivt will bl by the ? ?Waste nf I.and by Washing. The agricultural repot I age 18S, sa] Bi '11.' same i hlch form the soil neting nd carrying them away. ry rainstorm, transport:, oes on, as the brooks and tiver Her long-continued rain?, by ll iw, muddy color of their watet ley arc carrying a va-t quantity of B. The run? ing streams bear along Hie trans matter and gradnaly deposit as the current dla y. ">Vlien the lin a flat . track and over which iis an flow in flood the suspended after, consi-tir.p princ-1; id mud. is deposit ' Ituteg ir ullin ium or new land. ?.irina Heans t niter (ill,... g string beana as a market irden crop m ? letta. After taking off ree crops of lettuce, the I ambers, with yellow wax tah crop betwt r. They were through re the cucumbers had eoven res. anti give promise of bi I catch crop in greenle ought June, t earlier rn the si ld be irth a little niora. They du not In* any way with the cucumbers the latter with them. Von Know NVhiit Nun Are Taking Inn Viiii take". Tasteless (hill nit- becaaee tha formula la plainly ii every bottle showing that i- -imply l mn .-md QuinineIb I - fi Tin.' No Cure, No l':ii axative ffromo ires a Cold in One Day, o Ouinine ?**? ""?*-y*****a***af* , Gnp m 2 Day* on every ?TTrkf\*0* km. 25c ne Minute Cough Cure ? or Coughs, Colds and Croup. pa t t ti to < foi oat ! BCl da ?! da 1 slr SUI ern sol nu fee for to Hr MUNICIPAL MATTERS Som UBf fearful: le will only |8 univ lng In. la Phil el. iphia rho hav sold li iuiiionei to a|i semtiiy makes- it a mlsdmeaaor to sel t traa nader i l.iiovvii New Torli phy? sician rapaay i-t Which will B| ; r 1, and whlcl will report the medica] 1 the world. The city of .St. I'aiil will : dates fa ? ra March 4. 1164, the bill t ('or? man; OB April ll the city government was pot In ojieratlon and on April l! David Ulrav Illangi.; Reilly, a New York police officer, v.ho has dlstii. hiniselt inure Hum once In his chosen n, baa laid down a new rule ot ? for his men. Mc nays tl can have a big outim planned proi | own pockets sad pay the ? he says they must Bot ? saloon-keepers, merchants and others, who Blight expect returns thal auld ii.ii Bl The B that light ami Hie i called off. THE WORLD OF WOMEN. i Gibson, of Indianapolis, who was rei emly gradai nology, has just entered into partnership with her fattier and is the first woman an hi ted in i: .-ir Archibald Hw I ' lhere with a . British wi: I doing sir Archibald's view. Although In her sevi oty-flfl Kev. Dr. I'h- I It. Haaaford is of slight figure, in ;it within. She hugs old a hen this old WOBH ra one of her oumeron ager am! more dashing n I rise and pay hon. I Months Weimar has carried on a quiet but de? termined struggle against the trammels Of coin ' I.Ike wives In less BM 'allon, she wishes to he mistress In her own household, but hir--!. have been accustomed to rule doings of the NN'eimar court ' ! this attitude ami I rfu! in : In the bops of inducing ply aith iheir vIpws. Serious dlsa suited Nnd in order b bass has goat land. TALES OF ROYALTY. The emperor of Germany bal liion among his male s >y appearing In i I a ?"rom-h briar ; King Edward's first visit to Ireland eas mn t a small boy. le and his brother, Prince Alfn ompan. at part of the klng lom. According to he Abyssinian ruler, ls aging rapidly, .eing In very bad health. As it ls In his ands to nominate a SBCCSSBOr, Kuro iean chancelleries arc nun-h Inti il the future of Ah] Batata, lt pved to be certain that Menelek's eath will result In trouble. This will oabuess prompt European In ? on and the i iania from thc map. " long ved. A few ? r of the uke of Cambridge. Hie grand d f Meekleaburg-StreliU, reached her ighty-first year. Now lhere are 17 ?topenarian members of the reigning imllies of Europe Tbs ie list ls tht ?rlan princess who was N In March. marian sovereign. Now there are j mr. MUNICIPAL MATTERS. The warm Bights have brought out ie hatless air ora*. The g:- iiiufat turing towns BB, Harerhill ar, I ass., and the great hat-pro .-I an.I Danbury, i id Orange, M. J. There was much exeltoment In To? other day because smoke was ring from the dome of the pitoL 1'eople rushed about Idly and finally ons man where the trouble ( found that the smoke was a great iud of black gnats whieh ara ng aruiini] tho dome. TRAFFIC TOPICS. In thc tee has id in wean freight to foreign ships i.OOO. .rth in value of the manufac i goes it Uri tain. Jut exports to China and Hong-Kong ? the I ? about $27, i.OOO. against J siberian railway trains undei - the distance from Moa* i .rt Arthur. UM miles, in 13 y-8, the rare. Including sleeper, being 14. The globe trotter can have a spe 1 train of three cars for |1.03 a mlle. kudu! Ihspepsia I uri' iich nut] dig itrength. K ?s, pun' '-ns and sw W, Atkin i,of NV. ' tuber Of bOttlt ' 1'*1'* mi re and fa in mend it ' my fri.;. -"ton be 'an His TRYING ORDEAL fur Aunl , Judith Lawler at i urning, as her husband, the ab lan, tuned I on th< d ot breakfi i finality in Mrs. Lawler"! ? ii attention. li fully. Aunt Judith will thin! queer of us if we do not. Tl), ri telling when she will come west again and I Braal her tc d Impres ago and of BB?of you?back tbs air!* there, my old 1 frlemi :.!ii'i help thinking lt I, odd. Oeorge, that yon I i ot our weii.iing and came rushing In at the last minute In your golf salt lt was a little unusual, you must admit," she added, li >em yourself," she continued. In a determined tone, "ir I could only I would do Just as I say and not make matters worse." "My dear Marlon, I will do anything ?.n't- I always do what you ask me to?" he asked. In a grieved voice listen. We must give quite an affair- a reception. In fart both afternoon and evening. In order to take In every body?all ourfrlendsand all your patrons and admirers We must do It In perrect rnrm. We cannot con xpense, Gere Lawler apr George. I do so want you to be wide awake and do everything Just right." "There'll be no carving, will there, my he asked, meekly. "Carving! Of course not. But you always do something absurd and make me vow I never will entertain again. I don't want you to saunter off with Mr Itrown fora smoke when you are needed In the parlors or io talk arias with Prof. Chilpin when Hie ladies need Ices or play your own symphonies when the soloists are to be acrnmpar.fed. What would Aunt .Judith think? I want you to stand wfth me near the door and wel? come all our guests and bs there to bbl them good-hv. Now. that ls easy. Will you do it?" Lawler was fully awake to the situa? tion. "My dear." he said. "Invite all the guests you wish. I promise to give them Melded attention." The Lawler reception was a brilliant Not a Hiing went wrong from start to finish. Lawler stood In the agony of full dress, high collar and sum? mer heat and told people with an air or sincerity that, he was "delighted to soe them." that hp rejoiced to know that they "had enjoyed themselves" and, smiling, bowed them In and out. He grew faint and wan and weak and wilted, bot he was on duty every minute. "Your husband Is simply charming," Aunt Judith whispered. "I suppose you entertain a great deal?you ought to, with him to help yon." Mrs Lawler smiled a little uncertain? ly, for the day was not yet over. But at midnight as the door closed on the last ?nd Lawleer, limp and haggard, fell into a chair, his wife's eyes glowed with tender pride. "You did beautifully, ." she told him. Lawler said nothing, but he wonderer] why he hadn't felt the need of a vacation bt fore. He decided to go to the coun? try at once. All during the few houri of sleep left to him hs was ihaklng hands and say? ing over and over again that Inans ll| The next morning after a late break? fast Mrs. I-awler announced to her hus? band that she and Aunt Judith would go town-town with him. as they had some J shopping to do. They boarded a train and found seats In the midst of a party of picnickers Mrs Lawler and Aunt Judith were still discussing the triumphs nf the day before. Manlike, he couldn't see why they didn't drop lt, now that It f was safely over. He lapsed Into a seml -onsclous state and soon a melody he had been working on for months took doa of him. lt kept running hrough his head to the accompaniment vr the creaking train till he could posl tr lt executed on the plano. If he were only at the studio at that mo- N ?nent he knew he could express the thing [ His flngcrs began, to play across his on a keyboard. He hummed Mis head moved tn perfect time, ii tis feet tapping the ll il ?"Oeorge!" Ms wifes voice hroke iharply upon him. He awoke from his Ireams and with a dazed look sprang o his feet. Then his eyes lighted up. ie smiled, bent low, extended his hand o the first party of picnickers who had ?? Isen and were pushing past him toward he door. "I am delighted to have seen you? .',! rn so glad you enjoyed yourself; good light," he said, with all the exa. I .fan atitomaton. At first everybody stared. Mm. Law with mortification, seized his nat tails and drew him Into the seaf. iiint Judith raised her lorgnette and yed him In amazement. The picnickers outright.?Chicago Daily News. Ink ls Antiseptic. The Swiss government having not mg ago i-nd an official warning iralnst the dangers lurking In the Ink ;ed In schools. Hr. Heymann, of the yglenlc Institute of Preslau, care illy Investigated H,e matter, diem? al analysis convinced him that the ik used In schools could do no harm small quantities got Into the stora h, while as regards blood poisoning actually serves as an antlse; \ I urlnns Crime. A mayor In Norwich. In the reign of harles I., sent a man to prison for say ig that the prince of Wales waa born Ithout a shirt. liny Mnaael la I'unrrlol. A magnet baa been made weighing ily three and a half grains which uld lift LMO grains, or 145 tlmss lu va weight. N di-: inies very eipen ;f is the price wrong ? ? Hr. King - N ? Pills r 1 >3 -; lache, - They are at NN'hite | - uni IJniie Liniment ['..-< arts are "all the go" for going bles. Doy ne can please you in price d style. lill KU.' OF M. 11 hi's Nshliurliaiii. (iiit.irin. Testifies tu th <.I ('iialities sf Caaaberi langi Reasedy. ? . ont , Apr;'. think it is only ric you vi h . Iain's Cunnii I'*-" The day before K ii ed wit ll H Col I think i eil by the cough i y I re ceived un ord of yum- . cured :. - three duse- of the I know thal ra| eura u tation, being thankl such a (lod-sent rei yours K A. i - To Cliiiinlii rlain M sion Hi? llie Min.- Mar Mate. HolVII ill Ti I dry gouds linn of which Mr. J, M .. Mr. Huller on his trips Last to bu] friend abo wai e ito hun in the eur, 'll Karly Risers upon rel Iri will be nil early in the in t gund" Fm- ile' "ilurk i head ?u'lie unil th,il )rug (lo. ,i Days nu in- Back Illili euri il ? Hil tim ? i cl.arm. I ? ?.' sui.I bj White a Cu. and vv . Mop lli.ltli.ll.-ll before lt step- yon. |>r - White A i oipc Coaga* A m:iii migl ns patronise a di af and dumb b . Tablets an- i Btomacb trou I ?? liv Tin NN'ii -:. u Drug < I... many men ail doa n ehalis and et - ara I oking fur oppoi tu lin llesl I'rcst ripliitii fur "I.,: i'hills ami I ? ? i iilslt less I hill liinic. lt isl nine in B ' ri. No Bun, No Pay. I i ba laval id , ''eriiiany in . (lital toe I N I'. I i i ii i - li I luipi!,). Do you know thal fur a littk lian it costs to take youl ; in .nee, you cnn Int'. ? . ' .linne, whicb ls ff. i l. ul pi 11. 'lilli sith it j iiiiiI mu-., i ?mi a Isb ion of an or uni BO cud ul novel di eriitiiiiiieiii-. Nolb i than I lion ibni th ? ertalm ever' body i very a ben . willi Hu- v ul Instrument have much to li .ru timi sill mid In He Tbe < 'ol uni I iph < '<>., I lo -.. Baltimore lim hini' supplies of every kii In funning Ins opinion ? :iinn eojoj- He bappj ige of never bavlOg llvi d I ral un a Bold ls Oas Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinii it fails n each box. Mayflower b atch fur the Columbian army. Her eu baa ? bangs i a-bll tl nee Inn When you -.? Afb r ' i? n. orlan scratched a n 1 -, lind it w BS Ketiiliitinii I iii iii, I ; | ember iver fal d all i ?tivele - '?, iind thal i- retie rfeel - ? inter tourist RailI u.t N ski I.itu- li.iil ? nd An Line rangementa tn pul Into i : ? uf equipment -Mug if tbs moat uni I uni Pullman Hi - ated, arith i uh lind round-trip Li pnnen i nth, Kates from othei i southern Pi I : . anil, Fla., $57 30; Palm B : -l.M. li - l^ard, District Passenger A ; Kuliiuond Va. I.null fm ( lintlreii. -- i lough, ;I does - ? ? ? Inflamma* -? lungs to eon* - ' .-. of Delia, Ti i.. Btw. - - old by 11 iee um b .. children .- foi Hie :iu lind it. li..inind Hollars a lag .??rion, ii itch H.i/i-l ? ? f the heal V\ ii. I, llii/el with bleeding, rheum ami NVin -lun Dn . -inuke ":. in for ill. len burning, - or - in i : ... in-, b ?t-rli, ? I Balm < B. B B I Ii i all - -? .ii iind rt - pim* . i; r.. ii da* ? blood, - irating swelll nfter all -. il. ':? ? ? ? - I gredients. I di* ood p lia sad rich lng and all sharp . ti ited for ir bott li', home prepaid by . Atlanta. ? ii ad? ie;-. A ? of ul happy oughtn't to \ I right! :. ...1 dow n lb, . n hundred ? ... ry le.dy Id have : - Lrul i ? - .iitliing lg stun thing liiat i ni - when lier new gOWB :t -l inn ail Re iiiiiek. . . ... i ai ? rdk i tu .in d. ? led ai? ds nf 1} will. Il Hr ? .-.ll tu , non. ? , holli i print,at Ii I..ind. hundred >< i laud well v, el lind Bronchitis rry Pec? toral in - a crcat msny yesrs. the wor: J. f All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in thc throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, hard colds, consumption. Tkmrius.- tic. tte. tl N. You should promptly co: constipation or Biliousness with Ayer's Pills, small, laxative doses. ? ll, Kim. NOTICE. ,. :