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K VU.M \ i I I K m R vi.* j Kv ii ? " three n v FBI Ult will iii HU MAJORITV. NN, 1 ,.d is Bot ad ? The propel man and tin are here and should mi venturi - nu Hi. freely ? Irict, but If you m. In the ? should | man a du wit 11 bops that tue liquor fron i wouldn't auks "drunk alas : we hal lt vv .11 I e a- full . Man -omenmes think tl bul ii) ; ba ooah i The Herald advice, Iel* all Chi drinkers stop drink i club ani lt inti,. minn of the . ii tmr tm other mi'. . ?ti which tn begin, < NVe fail tu know why it is ti I dina can do without an Ins when lin sidered so valuable in ol ?U|K>rt ..ll the - uid be t irown ah mi it. An h ? p-tent lld earn Iii _ ?BAL 1.-1 Nil N?oi IATI05. That wa- h:i Hinch wa* recently held by t. ty nf Bicbmood. ii ni bow let us hu|ie fur practical re s dis. Mere organization atti ? ? laturlcal ; 8 and weli - far a bilt they don'I B i- nf prune imp.- m thi are gnu.,- hat the bod is Hie i.e-t method. f tins papei ? cuiltits nf what I. . certain of oar farms, \u ibao Hie general subject of farming ? ii fain - iithslde V ririuia land- bought ! r |10 BB acta, cnn lie made tu pro* ? - much eon, hay ai;.) ? ? as the lands nf 1 ' an acre. Add t nt thal .iply mure abundant ami \ ilth reciirtl absolutely uniq Montague, in addressing this ^ of real BBtate men. all . mil li this we Aim D. remor had taken the nt tu make ible hy timk 1 tin- ,| hull do. though ? roads hut 111 - -i. . and mir bo] ? < . will -.ion dawn. H. . Prince Edward among them, wi? ne in much audition, bul thc half I ? ?nile in tin- |.1 work mid . ?"'ii as a i ,i hut hope il this m., nings fur ali \ ? ? - nation companies didn't ' hilt If Hie C\|Ni-it|uI! is held it will ? ? things f,,r the transportation nf lill '"' Pint. "Ul SS -, and they ? I Hamel n, i oil Hie Ps III anti lated ?firring watch development! .'. hful. ? ! 11 il Il? lili Wi -III Bil f .1 un a t inn-mi- NI.VIN. .ii nf il urned t \ ? liCII.I III.-Illili ? il will ii ibe iiciu .- abi l lcd vi Ul .ii, bl! vi ? all Hu e little pply for and sn repesting I it hy giving ?iii- I > i thees ? ' ? NOI M. MIN. ?ting arti e lill Mi ttl nil ' i.6 of ; the young : There -cen in the y then ? . i moving trains. ni har lailoi w ii. has ? illy for rea the two I bey ure "in :. . iii-iii ibould nothing D Nud mi what V I ..ii -.nunn. ? - collie fiolli '.' thal but for the > Christ. i anybody bs Andif we it lin- Christ are I ii Ililli fully? i If he liv. ind if he ?! -? things I III ..v ; . ? i f vv e Infinite lld die. ii in the Bible, Hint linn might i - d ih :i-li. NVhat j men '.' V. .ill men, hut lbs ilch tells of tba Saviour, adda, (l if the rig -v In Ie ll shaM tbe linne whu -eek lind, who a-k I Hie door of linn) t, >p 'ti unto t ln-iii. I' li.-n it is j mid Hie lent man a :umu- r] .i hilt- Hie spend [, bonsai men are dishonored, ^ hat Hie temperate man guards bia t. le.iith while the drunkard reck n lenin- min k, . v ..f the Bl in that it pro- el ? the strong, de- I i i and children against " NVe know that glad Chi why nut ?? Hrs) ('be? ilul, theil, let us remember thal be i oe next time tu i.teullsly. iy come during tins Christ* las tune, and if so i .dy tu 'mn .' Il s ,, men his coming - iiini,'. bul Jf nut then 'i will ask Maintains lo hide you from bil ?yer. Christ i ?-. ? d the Bl will. ins Y< 'I' nml NI i; Let ti. i tba Christinas .r life and dike possession of ami then will the Christmas ?y and thrill with iemy. i'u Vile eil hilt Ullin Hie ?. i hath thi words ni ife. things un the ll mr He i- nut nilly i* leadli dy, bul il of the country. ike iii an? ni, cing it- e.indi.late fol Hie prssl* lill EXPIRING I H.l-l Nil RE. . ii ??! -i ive ? reit, li has dons : mies ? nile and a failure .. with permission to violate red an nt un Hu And, ii, it- nm- -iii et omission, fail "J J put iii operation Hi item, n> us Hint the umis-mn . uniting for Keir protection if i 1 iitl J ** i them in their ts ? larmer- c.. . :,e Bay atilt- intere-t and nu haag H, it would embie (bein tu h.ld fi r thi ne; B BULBS CHINESE SACRED LILY, HYACINTHS, TULIPS, FREESIA, CROCUS. CHAS. BUG(i & Si A MEKRY CHRISTMAS .-un! A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL is the \n ish td thc XORTHVVESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY .-md its I" E. R. BOOKER, FARMYILL1 -. Al it la while Ib? is lt I* wrong, and th d bave i it. Bul I' dm- to man either, I may youi IO! du I have If lbs ; | high? er sod i wen ol er and the S'e.-i i: . .Hi envy. But fur tin fanni iintry, WOUld lie is, and .iel til? ler the i Ibis country S tVONDERFUL WORK. jots Like it Bein*; Done Right Here in Farmville. Farmville i ? ne by "The Li tl ? Nt lil ? t ll .nil.ter- ; and w hy tint ? Ho manj iaim- . sade with littli Og Hie M ? -III HIL' ary to accept il any longer. All suf Iney ill cm lind lenty ul dy thal will cure them. Surely the il wurk nf Ii,ian'- Kiiln. Hht here ul home i- | i - I L El m- niiiii in J. ll ('iii!'.- dry gund- -inr , residence on lam -nett, says : " ("here i- ic. doubt i my mind but Ihat Donn's Kidney remedj ??? iiiini-iiileil for bl i other nil.ey liol,1,1. - .i;.,I gt I ;, i \ ,t ||. C. late in idorsiUg the claims made I .1 I helli commended them lo ? ' my fi i- un dv that ? ia! I- ri pri -iii!. ?! .!? d which mended upon." . ?ter Milburn ('?> , Hui! i le agent- fur thc Ci, the Hill. A. V. RUSSELL can rent Your House Your Rents. Commissions' reasonable. SEE HIM. NuTICEl ? ? Y..I VM NR1 Liver Pills lat's what you need; some ng to cure your bilious ss. You need Aver\s Pills. ant your moustache cr ' :auiiful brown c; rich blacl uckingiiam'sDye! , IS ?<dn.g? I'ir-R P M, | zsrs- ua - ? ,--jr jyrji ?..? N HJ Health is Dur Best Hus; i ION. J.J..-. J. .. J-.-. .v.:. .'--. WE HAVE JUSTRHCHIVED OUR FALL LINE OF Ladii Made Ski: Furnish* thin nd in an UP-TO-DATE I? ry ? Store. Vdu rs to ] FLEMING & CLARK, Main St., , Va. Price 1 Cent! THE SUN - ut ?, and New-hoy m i District ol Columbia. Virginia, fell ffafWa, and South Carolina e in Pennsylvania and Delaware and throughout the Cu The Sun at i Cent - the cheapest li iper lo Ibe lui! I The Reader (iets For Oft Cent: v s xiiii COMPABY, Ililli:. J. I'. I?A H I.HOl:N THE SIGN PAINTER * NVINDSOR HOTEL C SlSNS ON Guss. WOOD SND Merill L?TtsT New Yeas Styles IS'SCTION ON NO CHANGES -MSDI - Dewitt's E3 Salve For Pi'Iob. Burns. Borea. Ito ca JOH ALL NEV\ AND IT TO DA I I. sfock I uk' THE HOLIDAYS. \n inspect ion and .'i know I Nvill be a Vin ll. ll. HUNT. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY -s Backache All dishes of Klilnevs,/Vw j -rv -ri, 7^* i rani. I 'I 111 ? ii r arlie.Hc.-irtDlse.isit Gravel. Dropsy, Female Troubles. Don't become discouraged. There ls s cure lor you. I i yours. A1H Pres. ST.VITUS'OANCE Just Received! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr Car Load Wire " Oats l' Flour Millfeed Nails I. .. ALL SOLD LOW. We don't fear competition. Just enquire I ? C. M. Walker k Sods. ITie Farmville Commercial Co., Commission Merchants General Merchandize, NV, . -KKK nf Heavy Groceries, Dry Goods and Hardware. paial Prices Made on Goods Bought in Large Quantities. THE FARMVILLE COMMERCIAL CO., FARMVILLE VA MATTINGS!! rugs: rugs:: RUGS!" ? Call and sn- tlic- NEW and Beautiful Patterns. We delight to show you. ichardsoo k Craik'. ( i CHAS. M. WALSH, MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, VA. M V - aments, Headstones, Tablets, 4c. n and Wire Fencings PT. s. w. paulctt, ran PKINT1NO AT HKKAJD OKKirji I V( HAN I IE LINE OF Cooking t Heating STOVES AT DUVALL, SON & CO. A WARRANTED tooth brush 25 CENTS II- NOT SATISFACTORY RETURN TO US. Anderson DruM Co. A Great CbauMe.., '0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr* Ia tbe Styles of Vehicles is Made .ry Year. of tlit- comb ? dall*/ pronouooed. Wa bavt nil the ,ew Desirable Styles. NN'e ilnn't think any li .ii auppljr iimrc luxurioos,aaa*f rldiog, rBtlal wilie'. NN I . nun Three Car Loads -' had v-i>t experiei mir knowli ' Oui . I Iffbt in linc f|;r reliable anil ilnriililc vehieli-. J. F, Walton k Co. \ I ways [he Best. Mutter, eggs, Ubickeoi and I e.lilli i.c ot ?"HE BEST. NVe kce|. nilly THE Bl when ynii wish aoytblog in tin? line ofaata ml to SERVE YOU md al aabla. ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. ttl dr ph. enquire. Gilliam Bros. Christmas Gifts For Men. You will liiul in our stock numb ecially uitable aa Christmas gifts >r men and Sueh as inc Carvin Eland* ernie Plash Lap Robes, Guns nd Rifles, Gan Cases, Pock* t Ki.. and And for tlic ladies, Nickel Plated, 'arrantcd Shears and d Tallie Knives and orita. Let us bare a sha mr trade. D ii pi site N! I'HK MEKA LD J'IK OmOl FARMVILLE H I f TO \oi i bave property to rent, ? i bare ko real propt If you have propertj to insane, We say il S $ $ $ $ to you to call on us. I'ULLTr S HALLETT, li.stiunce That Insares. 9. JOS. E GARLAND E SCOTT MARTIN Garland & Martin, REPRESENTING Leading Fire Insurance Companies. WE GUARANTEE Carefully written policies, prompt attention and the lowest possible rates. Office in County Clerk's Office Building, FarmriDe. Ya. a?*\g-BUlWV$ XMAS OFFEMNi SALE-**** ?i lo nene ll ! . KiIiIkn] lissa ii. - ..m.- Coium , ni.-. k-h TIIESIi ARI. A FEW OF THE MANY. "? $25,450.00 WORTH OF CLOTHING Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Etc. HTOCK OF THE LATE J. lt. WALL. Having purchased tba abova stock and Beading room fur NEW QOODfl log Hundreds of Dollars of valuable nn-r. isl loisbiogl*" low pi JOBS IN EVERY LINE. This is a I b of all old or alight.** ahop-arorn pooda Irosi the omeBse stock of tba late J. lt NVali. Voor patrooaga solicited. N. B. DAVIDSON, illi-, Va . MOT to J. B, NVALL 'Ol NEEDN'T DIE TO WIN OUT. iiit.ii jrofl paid fur and your rela I enotsgb, ont ara have a bbbm modera proposition. Better Than Money in the Bank. [t's our Dew accumulalloB POLICY. Tba coal ia rsoaBlnaJ, Tbs i.??in iit- are pbenomioai JOS. E. GARLAND, Regiden, Agent, X i n\ Fork Ldi [hbi i uri i Ca .?* ? * *:-:?-;?..' WE REPRESENT ('(iiiip.'tniis that igsue FIDELITY, CONTRACT, OFFICIAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS, ? ?? AND FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICIES. . . W. P. Venable & Co. .? ? - * ? .-?*???........ei.?l,|.i>ri.>?..'?i'i<l CC., COWAN, FURNITURE AND INDERTAklNG. FURNITURE A> GOOD AS THE Bl PRICKS AS I.oW AS THE L0WE8T. UNDERTAKING. . | pcompl ai"! 'Sreful _ AS AGENTS FOR THE hm Mutual Life Insurance Company We wish you a merry Xmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Paulett & Paulett, "Insurance That Ingar ^^^^ e7aTa^ndWo7ld$r60u /