Newspaper Page Text
fatal we h.. I Ht all. ll and tl ? ? ? . ; : . : . The man a can't fa submit ian 1. il)'. Mani umbrella> trusted money a bl King Edward kaa may be drunk to a toast. In Sir Thomas L!r>' i would be proper. The reporter who tells how the light? ning struck '?suddenly" ia working in JlobcrJy, Mo. Deadly Grasp of Grip Pros? trated Me. Dr. Miles' Nervine Built Up My Shattered Nerves and Gave Me an Appetite. Of the millions of j - from n< mttst; ' V t ?-1.r:' r !' -.' ? ? - : - ? ?? ? that gri| and restore the nerve -1 "I w for the benefit I rlresi- I eral we- ? to hen- ? i ly my Me first I- fave me find n Miles. ' no other, lt i tun. All di tie IV NI AJuieM Ur.Mi.ei N&WMk&Wcsteni mm-. Sch'-diiis in Effect ' LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY. \.-JT. H S.SB*, m. a. m. -.iijp, m. ra and wi m. TIPKaTTQ sold to I lUrVB. I O ALL points OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS, NtssRASKA, COLORADO, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, -a. TEXAS, -sa, r il WEST, I0RTH WEST, SOUTH-WEST ?"IBST CLASS, SECONO CLASS ANO EMIGRANT TICKETS. ?? THE BEST IrWTE TO THE NORTH kriD EAST. r JLLSMN VESTIBULED COACHES AiQ SLEEPING CSS ni Tin tiki TcaiTS MM ana TM ?ORFQlMWiM NRAILROAD CMKAPCBT. BIS'. Mir LIN! -Trite fa* Bato. I ,s>, OaatHptlT, I mssleta, tassy M.'iwii ASrut, or ta -.tVaaWla, shin huu. m r. aanaa ? % Fsa*. Act ?i. P.? 4-t Tr*- r?u Asl iiiiilvi. miauu. nun: ,t i-boe., Tim Tbe growth of oar slim btirinesj is abundant proof that OURISHOES^ uni depend- ? able. WV sell sin h.s. that .'irv better and dir (Toni others. It yt look :, me. ? liuiii-pri ,k no tun well FIT YOU. W. P. RICHARDSON. Over Work Weaker.! your Kidneys ithy Kidneys M.ikc Impure Blood e | Air ? s ? ? I fenelia PER LINE I < Mil? li non doirt believe tli CALL ON US .?uni we nv il PROVE IT. Farmville Mfg Co., G. I. ROBESON, Prop., Farmville, Va Free ! ABSOL Free! Hundreds of Dollars in Valuable Prizes?==Free for All. WK ALL PLTLK.MIXKD lo double last season's binnies-.. VVepropose to sellwood clothing c X -NvTyoa will naturally ask, how can you do this and ^ivo so immy valuable prizes? Simply this if you will help us doublo our husin th same renj same taxes, and almost same expense all through, we can afTord to di vide with you. We think this is a liberal, common sense proposition. \VV don't believe in excitement something lor nothing ; we talk common sen ie to sensible peoplo. Our plan (to be brief) is this : From now until April 1st, 1904, wo will Rive a numbered Coupon with each $1.00 purchase al our store; the duplicate of tho number will be placed in a box. I.><l,.-<| securely and on April Ut a committee ol reliable farmers, om* fr h county, will come to Lynchburg at our ex >do thodrawmx. We don't t? di >vo in hal.' way doing things; our offer is a giant, never before eau any firm. Something tor each member of the family and lor ALL Tl li-] KA.Ml Ll Ls. You will have a chance at one or all ol the following valuable prizes, purchased from the most reliable linns in this city. FIRST PRIZE. $100 Buggy and Hair;. i manufactured by tho Hughes lluggy Co. SECOND PRIZE. A $40 Gold Watch, from II. Silver thorn Co. THIRD PRIZE. A $40 Buck Range, from Ainslie & Martin. FOURTH PRIZE. A $25 Ladies' Tailor -Mad? Suit, from J. R. Millner Co. FIFTH PRIZE. A handsome Roll Top Dssk, from tho Lynchburg Furniture Co. SIXTH PRIZE. A $25 Talking Machine, from the Lynchburg l'lano Co. SEVENTH PRIZE. A $51 oneh-irse Farm Wagoo, from the Taylor Wagon Works. EIGHTH PRIZE. A full course at the 1' ness College, $50. NINTH PRIZE. One fine $20 Suit I & Co., Baltimore. TENTH PRIZE. A $IC '? testa. ELEVENTH Pi* A $10 La.!:? TWELFT ? $10 worth ol Bold by Lr I THIRTEENTH PRIZE. $1."> worth of Laundry Work, by An? tiseptic Laundry. FOURTEENTH PRIZE. Five i-aiions of bast I the Smith A Wood Co.. $7.CO. FIFTEENTH PRIZE. One pair gold-rlmmeii or Spectacles, an ryes, by \>r. BJ, A. Williams, 110. SIXTEENTH PRIZE. Flvo pounds of I I Camliiy, by NV. 11 Think of If, over J prizes, anil yo all by limpl) and ?a\ O-aVv from J. R. Millner Co, whoso repu? tation ls above reproach. Tho Roller Top Desk la from the iBTg Furniture Co. They are the In their line. You ahould see : lu their warerooms. Tho Columbia Talking Machine ba Lynchburg Plano Co. Jehu . ent lils masterly nf thoas bi ? better tko Tay ?. lt is a guarantee What young man - malo tho value of a business Mon at the PiedmoBt Tho smooth as Enow tor tho follow who wins this prize. Smith & Wood Co's big fat Oysters make our mouths water?Its bard to walt for the drawing. Five gallons, $7.50, or anything they carry. Its a comfort to have your i amlned and fitted with Gold Framed Spectacles or Glasses by such an ex? pert as Dr. E. A. Bj W. O. Tea an I . drawing for. ll ? keeps and seels hoi and all kinds of good tall Say, ! I] days at I il. Its nothing ? : wins th^rn. It ll. Shepherd, Jr. knows gars ire full 'ort. If you win one or both barrels of .r from T. A. Jenola of the I aili sat no flour you got of the Ol Toni] find the handsome $15 pair liros. Co wll! ?Hs of any tv n a TkS are "great nt first sa, meet ? fountain, corner Tenth ? sets. The $10 Panama Hat, from Goodman I reliable hat irers, ls a flt TWENTYFIRST PRIZE. A. It n Tin dollars' worth of choir* p-raak from Jno. S. Shaner Cit. kt.. V BAT TWENTY-SECOND PRIZE. Ten and a half dollara?300 "Cmm i," manufactured by R. H. 8ase> lr, wholesale and retail cigar TWENTYTHIRD PRIZE. Five dollars?one barrel of the ca*. "Monitor" Patent Flour, from T. A. Jennings Co. TWENTY-FOURTH PRIZE. Five dollars?one barrel on the cel? ebrated "Monitor" Patena Flour, from T. A Jennings A Co. TWENTYFIFTH PRIZE. Fifteen-dollar pair fine Plcturas, from Moose Bros. Ca TWENTY-SIXTH PRIZE. A genuine $10 Panama Hat. ' TWENTY-SEVENTH PRIZE. mbershlp of the T. md best Initt i;k for young men, y, Gymnasium. Library, Sociala, En . James. Open every day l m. till 10 p. m. * H PRIZE. TH PR!^1. TH PRIZE. I . . VIETH PRIZE. ? ? Shoo, $0, TWENTY-EIGHTH PRIZE. 120 Suit. TWENTY-NINTH PRIZE. pair Pants. THIRTIETH PRIZE. Fine three dollar Blue Ribbon Hat - ? kV ! BURG'S Boys'Outfitter [RGiNIA. Machines Rented, Repaired and Exchanged TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES-ALL KINDS, UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITER. The latest product ol typewriter manufacture. VISIBLE fro ate to signatue. NO carriage-lift. UNIVERSAL key-boai IMPROVED paper-feed. Specially designed for MANIFOLDIN ml MIMEOGRAPHING?over 2.000 in ase by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. Ask tor illustrated catalogue. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 1212 K. Malo St., KK'HMONIi, Y N 'eal Repn sool .1. L ll nih. Farmville Harald, Pannvllli ESTABLISH! Planters Bank of Farmville farmville, va. CAPITAL, $43,425.00. SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $61,000.00. ? narai Bankton Business and i* prepared to oller ty facility CODBiatOBl with (undent Banking. Vour Account Solicited. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. T. J. 1 eli-nt. NV. Ii. Vi \ mu i , <'ashier. NV. J'. Vk.n \in | it r. DIRECTORS: I NI. NV M.KKK J. M. CB! li. J H. a E h. k. Beaaow Sorman's Piney River Corn That1 All, But]That's Ki.nff. Thc Greatest Kidney Cure on Earth ONLY $2.00 PER GALLON. Rye Whiskies $1.7.") to $5.00 per gallon. I don't tjkarfBB, aod toe aiao tt?t aslte bU e~ooda prepaid lakes ? quality. ttW Vutl nit- a trial onltr. JAMES GORMAN, i Ninth Street Lynchburg, Va. 'he fit armers jffeeca, Wuk ? Brandy, Pins Wise, Fins Cigars JOHN J. MALLAN, .ti Mut li Mn-et, I makai a. Vs. BKANDI1 ? ' eraldand World $1.60 H. ff. DAVIDSON, ff. H. . A. G. CLAPHAM, Pres id r,iit. vice-President. Cashier. First National Bant, FARMVILLE, VA. CAPITAL, $50,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Safe Deposit Hums for rent. Aa ilicited. Interest paid in saving on nil parts of thc world. STEPTOE'S CHOICE THE WHISKEY WITHOUT A RIVAL. Bai '? , ely pura i Whiskey, unequaled i i dicioai ami drinking purpo ii full quarts packed In Indicate conti $4.00 PER CASE. Rye malt, the al leeti-il iv t . 8. Naval aod Arm* i-, $3.00 PER GAL. Mi tilled ('urn NN blakey, 3 years old $2.25 PER GAL. 'ECIAL dur Honey Moon Ky. 1! mn old, $2.00 PER GAL. ii. Sent for full i i ii pries i' inti. W. T. STEPTOE k CO., The Champion Liquor Dealers, 1201 MAIN ST., i.YM'iir.ri'i'. va. Think of This! Albemarle Pure Rye Whiskey 10 Years Old. Absolutely Pure, Smooth and Mild. Packed in plain case bearing no marks to indicate contents. Pennsylvania rind .Moun? tain Rye only $2.00 per gallon. Virginia made Apple Brand; $2,00. Full Quarts ex? press prepaid by me, Only $3.00. Corn Whit Oand Hon. ge for packing. Snit! for Price List. I I A 7 A UI*^ LEADING LIQUOR DEALER, I*. lvA?VrsI\UJ, LYNCHBURG Good Whiskey at Reasonable Prices. -1-> FOUR FULL QUARTS of BIGBIES PURE RYE WHISKEY EIGHT YEARS OLD, FOR Si.-'. Aili pay th STRICTLY PURE BIGBIE BROS. & CO., I.N N Then hing Too Conj For Your Hom ^fw Add to its Beaut' ' and Comfort by Bu ing a few Odd ? Pieces of Furnitur W. T. DOYNE, ml dealer in Furniture, Wall Paper, Wintlow Shad etc. Opposite Post Office. JNO. D NrVATKINS. C. M BAS PLANTERS WAREHOUSE s. w. pauli-: rr ? |JNO. R.MARTIN DIRECTORS ll. l-l W.W.I. ? W. I' WI.I J I b. D. li ?I I.\s i v. rmi.i irs FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA. LEAF TOBACCO SOLD AND STORED frans Mialla bbb" Large Sheas. ("oasTortbale LesgiBg Bsssas. NV. I mm i i i Mi < li I TM IS fi .1 /-' ISS, Give Us a Trial and be Convinced i i'm. b 'i \ . ? wlii-ki W. T. CARTER. -? . IN NTHI I VA. (Columbia Q raphophonls fifUM) l'RI/1 PARIS, Ol Kl 81 SI I Columbid Disc Graphophones Columbid Cylinder Grophop' N $l>, $20, $30 100 COLUMBIA DI5C (IRAPHOPHONH The Graphophone reproduces all kinds of music Not necessary to learn to play any instrument Columbia Records Tit an> make of '.liking; machine ?*r? sir, luany Si i .- si',. M5< . 50 cents each; $5 per i Ten Inch $1 each; $10 CN I Reduced to 25c These .nre the best wax ? tr made . Super-hardi-neJ Boa't pi lor sale by Sealers e>rr>vthere and by Hie Columbia Phonograph Company, PfOVIIBS AND lUDtK'*. IS 111 'MMViWllli We h?.s oar o?a stores ks e**r I I ?4 I ur opt 110 E. Ballimore 5! BALTirlOBT, MD. T. .M. M. I'.W.i l'J I. Te., lier. i* N KM VU.I I .?. POW HAT Ai, I'.AII.HuAU tr, Ort '.'i, nw. Between Karmville and RlrbmonS via : ? 1 uiiyex. Min. A M. \. M. Ia. Ar. I-. M. riirmwili ful Hawk i .-> .-.i i umbi riuiiii }M ..Mlle - M ll ii |>os .. Win H:,t Rock 1 I taa I'... nm P.M. I'M. Iii ts r> I. mel Kiel. ? vi | t elaj. \. \i Arr. ll I.' Wltlterpeek .'IT ??.ru 1 *) I ???! ?? UM P.M. I'. M. Mee I'. .M. I Arr A M Il 17 le, I . ' ' ? .fer l.v. :?.., ?? 1 i ?? Ki. Inn il. ?? | ii, P. M. \ M ? A M. r, M. K. IA I i OTT, K. r. WU SEABOAh Aik Line Kai ian av ll WI st. I- ii,re: i -la's Of W ll KM Ll tv KH-rH I Al'ltll. 12, 1MB. Mais Simm iaa*?0 Nii.i. i i i ? iiiiin. sunn - Milli I DA O.T. AManU ? NV. I. NI NV. illy Tlekel i TAILORING. iltHt I am , I ('I sIlHW , . (EN'S sins. -^ V itir i stitcbof vNi?rk iliui?-.-?t Bli rlade Nit Home, lit ami material i"iiaraii'"<l. Mv | i btBB BUOBKB tba I tad material. A trial i* uh it I mint. A. LEVY, THIRD - Early Riser* DeWIU'a Jmbb The famous little pills.