Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVIIJLE HERALD. HONOR HU; THE PAST, HELP FOR THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. VOL XIV. FAI.MYILL.;. VA.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 15, 1904. BO.U - CITY DIRECTORY. Vmlerson '? I'lavlilsm v K, Crail. v rall* anl ' ls Hill Morris ead w ?V I v and W ' v. ? unban ami t ami Ni I'. H.C. Klee. ' S Marl COUNTY DIRECTORY. M - - t o ?v RH. WITHINS. WATK1XStf WATKINS, ATrORNtYSAT LAW, :. finn ? /? S WING. 1 i. ATTORNEY AT KAW, foy, Prince Edward County, Va. eeTC' te and Federal. ( ' H BLISS, \K MTCriONEBR, White a c DRUGS, He li -"les and Druggists1 Sundries. om poa oded. K, VA j. s. Mcilwaine ??(NI Y Vt t.VVV, - - IKH1NIA. , nee in? viiNKit Krii.i'iN.i, unit i w. C FRANKLIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I'M VA. ' i on rt of Exact iminations. . . We put intelligence into examining ymir We are careful that you shall have just what your eves require. We tit tinm perfect] that they will Ix* eoni ble. Lenses Ground Properly, Rims that Suit Your Face, Glasses 1/iat Fit hut* Heeds. VV. T. BUNION, J^clcr and Optician. NOTICE! !'"l'l fall to HIM K. FRANCENE'S ?PLACE.<^^" ' B in the ii plan I ? it-. Kr> Half-' ? ?nts. Hai - 905, 907 E. Broad St., the City Hall, Kiclitiiond. Va. TOOTH BRUSHES. ixixxxzzzzxxxxrxxxxx > tran teed. The M. C. Oil ll. l.tin-iriHl. Dewitt's BS Salve For Pilos. Burns, Boroo. VUE KEV OF SUCCESS Dr. Ta tm age Points Out Hope For tho Despairing. Goat Will Surrlr Ile With (ha I liri.t |ata Workers?lt 1* .\racr 'loo I.ale to Iles lu tu karte tile Lord. [Copyright. li-A bs Louis Kt CHICAGO. / ? '-In his the preacher points out the kev | cessful life and the secret xv hereby oven seeming reverses may be trans? formed Into triumphs. Tbs text ls Joshua 1, 5, "As I xvus wit!. 60 I will be with tl ? liua ol' the greutest novels ever writ? ten, ao considered by many of our best critics, ls Victor Hugo's mast. "IiSS Miserables." Amht all the art Kal? lery of that treasured book li wonderful description is tbs painting by which the denunciator of son the Kittie" pkrtui downfall of "Nii|niic"n (bs ?? the battle field of Waterloo. When lins . : "f liternture loppl ths French colossus, the eui th trem? bles and the dead centuries cm; out of Hit-lr musty tombs mid l""k on lu perpetual wonderment In that marvelous recital J hear the booming of the artillery's guns and the crack of the Infantry's muskets nnd the groans of the dying lind the cheers of the Chsrgh ti 1 ry. mid the tramp of the British lines forming themselves into the nab rea ka? ble squares against which t Guard flung itself in vain. In lt you can see the (lushed cheeks nnd fa conquering host and the pale, wan, haggard fa* flying im-h. Yet after all tn reading tho thrilling story I am impressed not so much hy xv hat happened ns dil not han? oi many hours the eegls of vic? tory seemed undecided upon which standard to alight. She fluttered this way and that, ns though swsltll one's expected advent to help her to Napoleon himself waa Walting, anxiously walting, for the same belper. Every little while be would take his held glass and scan the surrounding hills and valleys. Every little while he would turn to his staff officers and say: "Ho you see him? Have yon any news from Grouchy 1 We must have re-enforcements or we sn in tlie meantime over the hills march? ed Marshal Blucbsf with ins German re-enforcements. That was the de? cisive event. Victory hesitated no loager. She flew to the standard of Wellington aud perched there. The Napoleonic atnr set in gloom to rise no more tn this world. It was the tack of re-enforcements at a critical moment which destroyed the French anny, it ls tbs lack of divine re -enforcements which may destruy us In the battle of life. The text tells us of another | who also needed rs-enforcemenl Joshua was committed the task of con* . a country held by warlike peo? ple. To him at. the supreme n (times the assurance of the Lord of Hosts, "I will he with thee." Now, my tbe same kind of divine re-en? forcement which camp to Joshua when ! he took command of the Is:.. forces may also bs given tn us. When God gave to him bis commission he said. "Joshua. If you will be true to me and light under my standard I will be srlth thee, as I was with thy pred Thnt divine succor which Und . Joshua he gave to our Christinn fa? thers; thnt divine help he will give to us If we will trust him and believe on him and live for bim. Therefore I would Inspire every Christian to prayerfully go forth and do s' wants him to do. I would Inspire all Christians to live and work with a brave heart, because the result future conflicts are as sure as God's promises are sure. God will tie with the Christian workers of this present generation. Ws fight under his glorious bnnner. I-avid had probed lt by experience whee bo wrote, "Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that lt may be displayed because of the truth." 1'nder that banner the church of Cod hus WOO victories In all ni*es. Solomon saw it on Its march and pronounced it "terri? ble ns an nrmy with banners." He MW lt later, triumphant over all evil, enter? ing Ilka a bride Into the home of a bridegroom and lier lord leading her Into ths banquet ball and placing over lier the banner of love. Now, a banner ls not merely a piece jf a rag or a flaring blt of fluttering bunting or a dress parade enduzzta ment. The banner of God ls a flag or a standard. It ls the symbol of a.. mthority. Whoever therefore strikes it God's bsnnsrs strikes at the divine icnrt. When, some years ago, an j [ -.merican citizen was arrested by the spanish authorities In Cuba nnd sen encod to die. the American consul at lrst protested In vain. But on the day at for tbe execution tbe Cuban au li'iritles dared not shoot because that oiisul wrapped an American flat; about be condemned man, saying: "He Is in American citizen. Now shoot him brough the folds of that flai* if you larel" Today. In symbol, God wraps bout every Christian worker his ban? ter. It ts the symbol of protection. It s the symbol of omnipotence. It ls the ymbol of tbe atonement. It ls the yinbol ot divine forgiveness. It is tbe fl ymbol of a glorious and never ending v Ifs. | We all can soe the beautiful sytnbola ) n tho American flag. Is there none ? or us In tbe gospel banner? We say t, hero never was a national flag so j, s>etlc as ours! When George Wash- H] tigton and Hobert Morris and Colonel ? loss, ths committee eppolnted by tbe A i*-omi Continental congress, visited ,',, tetsy Ross In her Philadelphia home, C hey accomplished a great work. That j ag symbolized thirteen different gov- j af rnments tn ope, and still that one gov- ttl rnmont kept Its thirteen distinct In- et ivlduallties. The thirteen bars and R. ie thirteen stars rep ? thlr- se ?en colonies which afterward became ttl ie thirteen states. Then, after Vcr- ag lent nnd Kentucky, the first Bf tba new th tstee. were added to the Union, the ??< ktrtsea bars and thirteen stars were fir hanged Into fifteen bars and fifteen ca ars, but now. by Inw, there are sUll be ie original thirteen bars, but every jiu ate bas a alar. Thus today tba Amer* ' ati I wan nag n states I ? ? - ... - lie iviil never allow - Immortality, from it" King w in '??, iv ; ; -? until ii ? the qi:. ' ' - : ' ? I, WHS rulers 1 on, no i grasp the sc pter, '?' Ot fell lil 1 I Inter dropped nnd. r let, powerfully may be snot, hut ? government ' ? must live on i:i tl. to continue ii In our Christian ! In the fourth eba) christ compan going forth to ' I, which will yield sixty, | reprodo ? in the human I tiena When did his work ? Moody ? only ni day, 11 - who on his I ' gathend i In ainu: communion s of the Bible. B Mr. Moody s by tbe death Bl aaa City, the i bed. What f Mr. "Ah. im." oner Well, my friend been n'.i chu tell J when lu ful as Mr. Moody when d Institute nnd U ' instltutlo - doing better work than st the When Chm' hts work dip? Oh, ' ltan tal- I of tl.e I college. 1! k of Charles H. 8] cause it wa* Intrlns the Holy Spirit. Ha is through Spurgeon*! will raise us op n5 we only live for him. Ht* will i our lives Uk* xi .,i k ti i ? I men and women with who enine Into contiit t in I te will make us nn essential link In a chain of Christian tnflui ihnll reach through all et. i God will bl Christian workers even through the [loath of lils servants. Ii... & spiritual pruning I certain brain hes si (ho human n il reilly to oj a pruning book in a tem* ? ;iorni sew n a splrittisl * 1 To tbs splrltiiii! wi ?>f tbs strong < 'ways i misfortune, but I llBStratS this truth In a sonic yeiirs ago there lived In own :i BOble, true mnn, v. 'ather of s Isrge family. 8 ii lenly ho ' lied. The friends vi bo came into tbe isreft I sith the widow bc jer husband but bi I o lune no v - j of support lor ol'! He vhs a hothouse p Other. Mentally nni -d to be entirely unfit! me the ?oponaibllltiee of tb. I bard y had the father d1. ame ot ? ? clinging vine he atlffen. i Into a stal rart oak. Ho went to work to supply .read for that family nf little ones. Is became the stuff Doon which bis ? f lits illock of a pt tfiing tones to a i ? eath to spli'itunll.i sloped ciiiiiiteii. i : eponstbll He .,, iys to us oin* mid al ir you. ob, ] an upon y.? I : Irltuiil life! 1 la poa my dil Inc ai rn, nd in Um id care for tb Tbe sen - more 'ten found to be the echo of ? an to come f lade or a dithyramb. Mossrfa Ml pquleui," i ob- ' SS lils masterpiece. A '. 'ul It-trend SM ;o a German knight wanted to ci e towers of his castle Into a groat dian barp- When the strings were st strung from the towers no sound me therefrom. No note was struck, cause the alender fingers of the splr i ef tbe summer winds were not [ rons snougb to bend tbt strings, al tnougn idis t>. rtghuy tooca them. Hut when wintei tv - bunched sItb - u iii. the strong touch of mu* ii to run the inied by the tornadi - -1. tl tow '-i, ; ? lind send forth the BS ? Ilnioil i'm! tbs bai p our spir iiuiil bes rta when ws seem to bs tbs inl helpless. ?? i Ihristlsn workers "f tl.. tion because Chris! has emphatically and 't ? d that by tba weak t "iii God shall confound tbe i bal means no child of I Dirag to lead siim, : s arni is 1 Isl i God dumb i" utter a : ter, If thal ll)! only Isdongs to ii inn; disi Iple of Ji u well ns the young, oh, bow often tn religious beard this ex. na Up to .'? .. bul the trimble ls 1 Sm t"tt Old. 1 have wast,-,| the best ? I ?' lo start [Bin. Some |.plc may think v ? lu your de. i lin Hot. liven BOW thel'c may be ll fOf iou. oh, man. oh, .. If you will start in . work Just at the pn -cut time, I do loll ttl slart tO selie iesiis Christ; n,,t tim ? ii (bough for iou the hour hand "f tbe (leek of time may be pointing to the twelfth boor and tbe band t" five minutes "f 12 How old *?? ben be began forth tbe children of Israel Into u ? a young mani \o. H's hair must have been white. il must have been wrinkled Miena. I onderfnl ehl cut l.iiu In stone There . the It'tiiiiin capital to and back knotted in - wiih benni teased of a tem ? iib features swarthy ? mob and vv Uh lists Hut with all ' bad to - ii old mnn He bad ul ' ii eui forth to liberate tbe 'i slav iv iii was .Iiishuit vi hen the mantle of Ihe dead Meses fell noon his rs? lie natl already passed his I live. He '. ready pressing on inward his nine? tieth milestone. So God hus for you and me, if we only tho . of Christian ? inlier nf my chun ?. . ? -.. blam - i ? h has been curaed by many tl sin. Snine time nco a poor attended ti, "f the church of which I She to join, bat tl ? of the .vere very much in doubt about letting her In. She had been foi ' lute character, lier face imed with her past . and two filthily -sion talked With her and at hist decided to place her on probation for sis montha At I amain wnnt ed to join the church, nnd of course we I her. A short time nfter that ad left our church. A couple of years ago thut woman called upon me. At first I did not know brr. Not only hud the grace but tbe marks ll entirely left her countenance. Though she had not what ii ? might call a J i certainly had n .lit inspired face. Hi ? banged it ?. a Christian life of r.iteil usefulness, db. my brother and -ister. rm matter how old yon may be ind how many wasted years are be ,iid. shall not ? ? '."ii and lift I roil Up ns he CbSUged thnt women's il not tho div inc power guard 1 roar remaining days ns Moses1 and ted 1 I ? ? | royal miler has n royal in German) one?of tbe most ile of orders was (bal - ty King Wili bs Ir.ui Croea.'' w ?<? d thal today tbs ti .ul of an earthly '"telltale, might place over your heart the slum of the Iron .'toss'' May lt Bl in his name you hate work d nial will continue to work divine rondera. Saved by ginee, may you Bl? innie to spiritually bless tbe iies of inur fellow men. V ni Ideation*. ' many ?eddlng presents? Margaret?Oh. yes; but shs bas bo lea she will receive as many as she I' xpects.?Kansas City Journal. ?> (I Urarra nt Pupil In ri I > Mae?How ls it lhat Mr Frost ls so j" rjrdially likt il b Tomme?Oh, he has such a good mem* ry that he knows exactly what to for t-t, and * I lill,tu mi Vcr.lim li.I,I. > did he insist upon pos bls hands In his pockets? Viktlm?Because, as I found out later, ll e had nothing else to pul In them.? h T. Times. I Does Hunter play golf for pleat Ul ; sys with the . cu Miss Notmarritd."? Brooklyn Life. for the infirmed bachelor. He ls not pnpuplar ; ths I ns, and they said lings about him at the national con? fution of school-teachers In B st month. President Hall, of Clark llversity, in the course of an address i the schoolma'ams, said that If a man aches lo without being married, "I I need that he should be classed Uh tin not fight for their ?untry in time of war, or who will not iy their taxes.'' Now we may ex ?t the bachelors to ask President Hall he meant to Imply that married Ufa like going to war or paying taxes. I? xii N,i te jin.l Bone liniment -tra I na a, I'm ulled for both ?ita, at all the ?.'.." fur gouiR Hoyne can plea**? you in price d style. FACT AND FANCY. Rt am ? I The French domain in AIM. ; inn exhibit wini t tn the Japanese intern tlun I ?Alien multi] tber o the figures 1, tigures in the same order, begin Ling at a dirt The PabUs de C the St Louis fair will show tbe dress cost times, house furni il tain extent ti I of varlou: ; ry of man. A US and th. Mind s I the depart ?t adoration si the world's fair lia How the alni to lead and write will be pra shown for the benefit i I If th. nd arti ies five years loni it public domain of five hundred | D.illlon acres suitable fi will 1" ita conl? on public lands argea restricted ?ad residence provisions vent monopoly by grazing, railroad nnd oil.' A British expedlUon I '..ty for the purpose ?i mining whether anew grain : i Uranie Tbs pian is tn slip grain from tin :ion of irs on Hudson bay, and skipped by Water during the brief sumnn r which navlgatt TUNEFUL AND MELODIOUS. Lui r of "A | ' i.ty-thlrd birthday in Boo* Productions of "Grlseldls" and "Thais." by at Ta DU," lbs new ("ionlai: Milan. The widow of Franz von Bopps has given to the Vienna museum the auto? graphic smres of her bo ettas. a number of onpul Including an overture, and a I which ls 3on years obi. i In "Dor ll I little impression nt a recent perform* ance at Covent garden Bhe ls said to have an exceedingly light voice, which she uses cloverly enough, bu! In no way remarkn The celebrated French pianist. Fran? cis liante, when In I I to pay BO was at his place near by at Morgues In course of their conversation Massenet's plano concerto, lately published, which hap i bo lying on a table, was men ? :'>ment, irul they moved toward tho two grand pianos for mutual satisfaction. Their perform? ance of this latent masterpiece "f Mas? senet's ls sab! n marvelous, nnd emotional tn Its effect to the last I SUPERSTITIOUS MOTHERS. babi's right ham! IB some parts of England to se? cure lt future weaith. In the Isle of Man lr ls sahl that If any? one walk round, or step over, s baby, lt Will be dwarfed or wi hire Infant ls placed In the arms nf a tn: hiing r to se ' luck. babies wm ho lucky if they handle I heir spoons with their loft hands and prosperity in later lifo ls st many tumbles In the first | f Eng ?? Infant mu I Ualrs before lt goes down. If lt bl .rn In an attic tb< tomes tho difficulty by mounting a chair - A LITTLE OF ALL SORTS. in knitting needles, uh 'hem up and down wit The Bomber of women students at the - aimer lt was : In honor of Beter I the ln entor of the watch, a monument ls to e erected at Nuremberg. Refreshment kiosks are being opened t small stations on ths French railways ??re are no buffets. Permitting the use of a school butld lg for theatrical performances as a - Is held, In Sugar vs. Monroe -1. to be a bra ilth and properly enjoin uilding has been constructed with the of bonds based upon a tax Med to be Imposed to erect a building I purposes. RECREATIVE INTERESTS. arning to trip the ght fantastic. Mn I .'?und aud ls teaching lin. round. Kanl.akee (111.) hospital for the In? ti baseball team. We h arti from ie amateur column that tbe players are ist crazy to arrange games. Slr Thomas Lipton says Americans . sportsmen. They have certain made good lu that branch of sport In lilch Sir Thomas ls most deeply Inter? ned. Sir Thomas Lipton bas so many nice lings to say about the speed of Rell ice, says the Chicago Record Harald, tat we suspect he has given orders to. .-gin work on a design for Shamrock IV. -I it -1 (hie Minute. ?j which tickles .Using tbe COOgh, and nt tin? line ti:. draws it the inflammation and Minn Cough Cnn- strengtbei - I pneumonia and is a h al never failing curs In all curable mil Croup. young id old. Drug Herald and N. V. World A FAIRY TALE. in vi i v vxiimi nu nrrra t In gloomy reflec ?in was pulled down ovet I sated upon hil i . dropped limp and his golden insulate from lu "lil do it!" ka exclaimed, bitterly, ? i ti he beheaded if I dont!" rowe bink deter? minedly, twisted up his mustaches . and glared around ?!? "lil Strike, that's what lil do," he'?.d, buniinig his . ? inly ne tbs onyx arra of his throne. "If sven bodrarrlsr sad ditch .borer U my happy realm Ight to strike for what he wains, -iii I. I won't .-land it. anJ I ?sill strike." At tl. .! words the queen shuddered, the little princess nearly onvulsion, and her governess rigid with disapproval. As thu king observed the consterna? tion ins awful threat produced be re 10 explain why ho felt the way he did. " he said, apologetically, I nally can't go on this way any .ntliing but spend, spend. without a minute's let up, tnd my beloved subjects won't stop , their taxes. They will pay em, noth? ing will induce 'em to stop. You'd think lt was the only pleasure thiy i dont see what fun there ls In taxes myself, but they seem to think lt's the only bliss there ls in . bey won't even swear some of i in off, or dodge 'em, or try to avoid ? in in any way, but go right on year after year cheerfully paying 'em up lu full, without any rebate even. Conse? quently It keeps me lying awake planning and calculating, and ligaiiiig how to spend all the money. I ve got an army now ly times bigger Dian I have any use for, my navy is o 'le/rinous lt chokes up all the har? bors so nobody else can use 'em, I've built new palaces till they're planted so thick you can't breathe on account of 'em If you stop rmi of doors; but I BO sooner g"t the treasury empty and think I'm going to have a little peace aod comfort at last, and maybe a few than a new lot of taxes comes pouring tn and swamps roe again. I can't, and won't, and shan't stand it any longer, and I will strike to pay taxes to be happy, let 'em got somebody else for a king, I'm through; or else turn thia into a republic, and have to spend tbe money themselves, and serve 'em right" The queen gasped, the little princess I, and the governess was al? most too shocked to speak?but that was too much to hops for. "Sire," she demanded, fixing her eye more firmly on her nose and ey? ing bim .severely, "why do not you promulgatean edict remitting all taxes, and forbidding anyone to pay under penalty of being bung, instead of mak? ing a?er?hem?of yourself?" nise I can't, blast the luck!" re? torted the king, Impatiently. "I tried ti., but the I?rd High Sprag wouldn't let me. He says that taxation ls the ion of all governments, Just as all governments are founded on taxa? tion; therefore they are so Interde? pendent and correlated that If you de? stroy either you put an end to the oth? er, and the result must be anarchy pure and simple There," he added under that'll squelch her It did me." lint the governess only smiled a su iiille, fixed her eye glasses more firmly on her nose, and began, dtdac . "Doubtless, sire?" "oh, excuse roe, but I can spare only a moment." Interrupted a thin, high, , voice, and all Immediately be? came conscious that an unmistakable fairy was addressing the king. i am your fairy godmother Wbad terdew, otherwise known as the Mother of Invention," continued the voice, "and come only to those In tbe direst 'y. Your majesty finds your money a burden? Then send your wife .nd family Immediately to that seaside I by your friends ta spss! they ever knew to spend the summer." "Thanks, thanks, thanks!" cried the king, all his gayety returning. "Whatil you have to?er?that ls, how can I re? in?" Bat ths fairly had gone. Still, the vas smiling Joyously, the little princess giggled rapturously, and only the governess sniffed superciliously.? N Y. Times. DEAD MAN IN FOUR COFFINS. Japans** Take Extraordinary Pre? caution. In Shipping llotl^ lo I hi* Country. Extraordinary precautions were ex \ the Japanese health authort ti? removal to New York city of ihe body of Boorga H. Ferguson, an \merican engineer, who died tn Kobe. Mt hough Mr. Ferguson weighed only MO pounds tn life, when the body the weight of remains and ?a approxlni-. ??minds. \ heavy truck and a squad of mon with i derrick were required to remove the '--im an express car to an nuder aklng establishment. After being em? by a local surgeon at K< indy was placed In a zinc lined casket, vhich was then placed Inside an oak cof !n, which was Itself Inserted tn a one nch Norwegian pine box Unod with zinc. Several carrels of charcoal were used o envelope this, and about lt was placed , two and a quarter-Inch Norwegian ,ine casket, which was packed with four larrels of sawdust. Eight heavy Iron .ands wore placed around tho ra A Very Close tall. ik to my engine, slthougl .tint ac - rack it with pain.' writes C. W. Bellamy, a of Bur! a ithout ?ul all run down. I got a bottle d after taking it, f.-lt a-well ns I ever did in my life." - -kly. run down people always aili new life, strength and vigor from heir use Try them. Battsfaction iiiirnnteed hy White it ('"., dr tents. Herald and N*. Y. World, $1.60. Titillations. Mr. Jobs H. dillon). Mites of Hi Garland,Tessa,A?. Ims written letter of congratulations to lb. fsetursrsof ChaiiiliiTlain's Cough Re ii.'dy ns follows: "MXleen VI vviieii our lirst child was a baby hs wu subject to croupy spells sod we ooah be very uneasy shout bim. w using Chamberlain's Cough Hemed' in 1887, and Anding it such a letisha i't'iiiedy for colds sud croup, we hun never been w ithout it in Hie house sine, that time. Ws have live children am lune given lt tn nil of them with gins. One good feature of tl I al ii is not disagreeable to takt nilli our bibles really like it. Anothei t is not thi? rroul giving an tiver coo grata late you upon the sm ymir remedy." Pot sale by I | slim Drug Co Wbsa s wosesa bes twins her luis - If bs littd tami tlie whole peribroaencs. Inn nd a Iii re for Indigestion. Chsmberlslua Hteaioah and Liv r Tablets for indigestion and lind that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I lisle used many different remedies. 1 am nearly fifty one years of age ami raftered Bgroot deal from indi I can eat almost anything 1 wii nt lo now ? li ko. W. BmoBV. Kock .Mills, au For shIi- by The w Drug i When a woman is married to a man tba neverSSSSai to realize what a load -it III Ills Inp. light Bays On lils Hack 1 willi tun application*, nf Dixie - tl Oona Liniment, it vain cnn-wm. - .V Minor Urns Co., I.I. I.ullin.1, \ 'i r* I ii la, i li. en ti ? t ri ic your Nerve umi Kline Liniment tin my back and Hud lt mis like ii cl,arm. Kor eiajlit day* 1 had k and could not move .. application.. I sm now out uni to Very truly yen rs. K. C. I".lil KN, North Vicar, Va. St,lil tiy NT hlSS A OB. Sad Winalot, limn Co Mop Ilia! (.nigh before ii slops vim. Hr. iinv id's roughByres will cure lt, ns will teailfy. lt la Hie '..-1 on earth, l-arsc liottlt-n ? cents at t Wi.talon lirus lo. la Grippe Cough . !. i ii'iijli syrup cf loire a debarry, in-si for rt.iia-li ? ctiitls, cramp, roii-ump u .it Bronchitis and all t li nial ant! Inns I roil ellis St Win? di I Win-ton pru** lo. It takes practice for a girl to go up -tans tn a way to make a man keen on abet ts going to happen, without it evei bappenlno, I he I'res.riplinn fur Malaria ('hills and lever is a bottle of Grow*.' tasteless I hill leela, lt is simply [ron and Quinine in a tasteless form No Ours, No Pay. Brice. 60c. A OMS is so naturally unselfish he will give a woman haif the bsd covers if-be will -niiii-c to get up and turu on tlie s V Bi rtiiiciil li uiry. D v.ii know that for a little more than it costs lu take your family to ISM ?. you cnn haye a Graplio phi'iie, Which ISCqUel lOOdoUSU theat? rical pei loiiiniiici-s rolled into one, for with it you can reproduce all the song.-, -pt anti m itel roi selections tildi i. u wieb to heart Yon jato eoaabioe tlooofsn orebestia, theatre, eooosri md im emi of novel mid delightful en? tertainments. Nothing is truer than the assert ion that tko farrs pbopboes en? id tain- t-v erv Im sly every w here. I BOSS w ho me not familiar with this wonder t'ul Instrument bsvs much to learn ttiat will Mild lo their pleasure. 1 be i "lumbla Blioiingrapb Co., lin 1- . If tlliiiioie St , Baltimore. quarters for grspoopbonea and talking machine supplies of every kind, win -end von catalogues 00 application. tn never tell frmn the hsik of honor OU a woman's face whether -he ha-just rsa ivett a telegram winch she mo-not opened or Iii'light she saw moues in tbs closet. In (ure a told tu One Day. luke Laxative Bromo tinmine Tab letS. rill druggists refund the money f it fails lo cure. li. \V .. tm v's sigria m seek box. lie of heart failure and -.un ive with head failure. Vx hell bilious try a OOM "f Chatn jerlain's stomach Hiid Liver Tsblets md reeliss for once how quickly a -- up-lit dnte medicine will cor? ee! tbs disorder Pot sale hy The ix iii-ion Drug Co. Nilling jars a man like l-eing BOBO* live bj oootieet, Mr. Win. *-( rune,of California, Md., iillereil for years from rheumatism and iimliig.i Ile was finally advised to ry Chamberlain's Bain Balm, which he lid and it effected a complete cure. ? bj I bs Winston Drug ' It i -lit alway- lin- U-t BOtfBSi that I A Prisoner in Her Own House. Mrs. W. ll- U)im 1001 Agin xansas City, Mo., has for several years teen troubled with severe hoarseness nd at times a bani cough, which BBS Sys, "Would keep nie in doors for days was prescribed for by physicians with lultS. A friend gave ie psri of a i tuamberlsios lough Remedy with instructions to How tlie directioussnd I wish that after the lirst day 1 could . d change for the lui ter, nd at this time after u-mg it for two ying I it I am sn! This -al.- hy I ' W w a man generally IsSOl bis arve just w hoe hs needs ll i Terrible plagues* those Itching ?ring diseases of the -km. Pet an ?ment cures. I In cribr to start the political machine n m i-t drop dollars in th lops tue lough and Works off Hu-1 "ld. Laxative Bromo quinine Tablet. ld in one day. No our? ay. Bri Kvery time a man calls Ins wife an ngel -he thiel . drinking. Domestic Troubles. .rial t<i find a family ? illy, but these can be le* y having Dr. King's New Life Bills round. Much trouble they -ave by heir great work on Stomach and Lifer b not only relieve you, ** ut cure. Bs, St White A Co's A Tesl Pocket Doctor. Never in the way, no trouble to carry. 'ake, pleasant and never failing in results are DeWitt'i Little Karly A vial of these little pills in the rest-pocket is a certain guarantee headache, billiouaneaa, torpid bier and all of the ills resulting from constipation. They tonic and strength? en the liver. Sold by The Vt Drug Co. A good many things are bad enough, but tbe wurst never really happens. (ured After Suffering 10 Years. B. K. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle A, ii suffered for ten years with dyspepsia. He spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and with doctors without receiving any permanent benoit. He says, "One night while feeling exceptionally bad I .ni- ulKiiit to throw down the ceiling poper when I saw an item in the paper regarding tlie merits of Kodol Dyepep siu ( ure. I concluded to try it and wlnle I had no faith in it I felt better "Ker the dose. After using two bottles I OB stronger sad better than I have been in years, and I rec,.inn,end Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acijiiaintances ?offering from stomach trouble." Sold hy lite Win? ston Drug Co. No artist should attempt to select a living model unless lie ui.der-tutid Ilgures I'wo million Americans suffer the torturing pangs of dyspepsia. No i.d to Burdock Blood Bitters cu: - I any drug store. Heaven isn't exclusive enough for some society |?eople. Impossible to foresee an accident. Not impossible to be prepared for lt. Dr. Thomas' Klectrie dil. Monarch over pain. Home men practice economy all their lives, bul never learn it. (heap I..u,d. We can-ell live hundred acre- of good Buckingham laud well wooded and watered, convenient to railroad and good Beigbborbood, bul without build? ings, for 12.00 per acre. Kakmvii.i.k Fakm AtiKMV. Arbitration w.uild ba more successful if men were leas arbitrary. >ar.?d From terrible Death. The family of Mrs M. I.. Bobbitt, of Bargerton, Tenn , saw her dying and were powerless to save her. Iii.- most skillful physicians and every remedy Used, failed, xx Gi J.- Consumption was -Inw ly bm surely Inking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. king's New Ms* COVery for Consumption turned despair int" joy. The lirst bottle biought Im? mediate relief and its continued use completely cured her. lt's the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed Bot ?md timi. Trial Bottle* Free at White and Co's. Drug Store. A- the twig is bent the smaii Is.v is inclined to make himself scaice. "Little Colds" neglected?thousands - sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's Norway tine Syrup cures little colds?cures big colds too, down to the very verge of consumption. <> vusioually a man's religion and all his other pro|*>rty is in his wife's name. your blood acleaning." BkOU* iearsout all the impurities that make you ill. Ask your druggist. A girl doe-n't consider a man extra? vagant if lie speuds all be make- ? ? lui. What's In a Nam.: Everything is in the name when it I V> neb HsSOt Salv, K C. De Wit! kCo., of Chicago, discovered -omi- years ago how to make a salve rom Witch Hazel that is a specific for liles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles, seseme, cuts, burns, 'rinses and all skin diseases De Vt m's -alie luis unequal. This hasgiv> o numerous worthless eonntorf. Vsk fur DeWitt's the genuine rj Ile* Win-tun Drug Co. If women bad a vote the confirmed laclielor candidate would lie left ut tbe stet. You know What You Are Taking .Vben you take Gnne's Tasteless (hill Ionic ssseees the formula i- plainly dinted oa every bottle abowlhg that is simply Iron andtj ilniue in a taste ? f.rin No Cure, No Bay. inc. Wall Baper in greatest variety, ii prices ami styles of print, at Doy ne'-. If a'nian would use the experience af ili-r- he would never acquire any of .is own. w.iuierfui lerra Is displayed by many a man enduring >ains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, truises, Burns, Scalds, Sore f. tiff joints. Bat there'- nonoed for it. lockton* Arnica Salve will kill the ain amt cure the trouble. It's the best earth for Biles, lo., sss, at VI,ite ,v Co, Druggist. Herald and ff. Y. w'orld, tl.tJO. Coughing " I was given up to die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I improved at once, snd am now in perfect health."? Chis E. Hart? man, Gibbstown, N. Y. It's too risky, playing with your cough. The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Begin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. U^mTu. CBaSBtt] '' h* hst* tak* lt, thrn dost Uk* lt, s: knows. Constipation deltvs recovery. Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills, gentle, purely vegetable. j. carn co . t,ow*!].Ma?t. NOTICE. . notify ?U prraon. 'hat I will not ..rany debt* coutraotei by ,,,.?",.". t.tLtmmtm Dew ii, iw I