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THE FARMVIIJLtE HERALD. HONOR POR THE l'A-T, mil' FOB MIK PKKrtENT, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. V,U, xiv. FARMVILLE, VA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1904. NO. 21. ITY DIRECTORY. I It-rson. - N. B. Da \ K Crallr \ i ' .alli-and s N rls nnd Morn* a.ol W. ..ailani ? ? ii ami , i ilia a i ramtasfl and i and X. a lr. I-. ll. I'. Kier. ? vt ll, I Url. COUNTY DIRECTORY. M Crute. rir.-nit ll 1 Carter. \ 1' Wal . '.iv ill.- lMstrii'l. airmail); la-h LU _ ?. D fi RM SVATKISJS. WATKINS*; WATKINS, -AHORHEYSATLAW, I.VIIMVII.I I K.lward, I'ni.i -ny ninl An.t' ' itt Ki.-liiiii.inl. lu hank /< S WING, tf. ATTORNf ? AT LAW. Green Bay, Prince Edward Count;, fa. "NF"CorKTs:?State anil Federal. U'HITE cV CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, 1 ItRMVll : - .1 s MclLWAINl otNr a. VI LAW. K.A KM VI I.l.K, - - - '"IKIIIMV. -Ofllcs over w. I' Rich *-|'.kk, . i ami Tliini Bt*. w. C FRANKLIN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, l'aMI'UN CITY, VA. Pl . .mri of Exact Examinations. . . zzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxx We put intelligence examining your We are careful yon shall have just what your eyes require. We tit them perfectly so that they will lie com? fort al ile. lenses Ground Proper/)/. Pims lhat Suit Your Face, Glasses lhat Fit Your Needs. I. T. BLANTON, Jmkr and Optician. TOOTH BRUSHES. rx-xxixx'zxf xixxxzzzrz > They are guaranteed. The price 25 11 11.1. I IM M. Ilrniririst. NOTHING IS MORE ACCEPTABLE For Christmas than a box ol <e^X*^ We have just received our a 11] ilv and we can furnish it in one-half, one, two, and live pound boxi CHAPPELL, ti .ncr and T< i* Your Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Aver's Pills. "A'ant y.iur rnouMache ir beard a beautiful BrSB-fl or rich Mack ? Usc Buckingham's Dye IC- Ns.Su, N H riir.ti vrii-rsuni-niii"t; n Issn. Lt. I Hurt'. Supt Minmi Cycle ,V . Middletown, <> sutT.-r.'il f.,r yt'iirs willi dylpepsia. He spent hundrsd* of dollars for medicine and wiih tiiH'turs without receiving sn* permanent bl'll.'tit. "Hi' My*, "Hill' night while feeling exceptionally Inn! 1 BBB Bbout ti) throw doWB th* oven ing paper when I mw sn Item in the paper regarding the m.Tits of Kodol re. I concluded to try it aod while I had so faith in it I fell better after tbs Mcond dose. After oaing two bottle* 1 nm stronger and bettor than 1 bsve been it 1 recommend K.>.l..1 I'v - to my frii'iuls nail acqiiaintan feting frmn stomach trouble.*' Bold bj ? aston Drug I ive a joli lot of men's, women hu,l I'laiilrt'ii's -I,.,,. ti be * lld leas ,,f value. Fleming aV Clark. Woman's logic rm bsa) a erawflsh 101 yunis in * hundred-yard dash. What tn-lina.' laia'i Btomaeh snd Livi leu \ new remedy for stomach troubles, billiousness, nml constipation, sod a good one, Price 20 oenti sule by The *?"? inston Drug Ca Our lins ,.f apr!og sample* foi suits nave just been noued. Tiny are pretty and cheap Fleming A I l.a ('rippe ("SBft eiired with Hr. Iiavlilsl oiikI, * . ilort-iioumi and nv on earth ( ol**, cramp, oonaump lion Hromlniis mut ul tlir..,,' an* VV ln*lon 1 >rnaf I o ll vie \t-i ve anti llom- Liniment ? nil. RM rn ni'nut ism, ?pr-ajns nml aa | for bulli ? Whit* B CO. and Winston t>| Wlasa people ar* in lovs witl Other they don't f.M.l any body ? ?XC*pt themselves. Better l lam Usld. "I was troubled forieveralyi . chronic indigestion nnd nervous debil* ity," v*rite., i- .1 iireen, ,,f I,ai N. il. "Na remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me inure good thnn till the nedi ever a-.-.1. Th( ? kept my wife in excellent health for year*. - ectric Bitt. ?adid f >r female troubles th*-} ure a grand tunic mid invigorstor for weak, run down women. No other medicine cnn take tts place In our fami? ly.*1 Try them OnlyOUc guarnnteed hy White a ? A woman that has briens enough to if pretty lins brains eaoogfa l* a man every other way. Just One Minute. Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute, h.,-nu*!- it kills the microbe which tickle*the nun-..a* mern* brane, causing the cough, mal nt the sntne time fleurs the phlegm, draws nut the Inflammation bi - tbeaffeCtad (Hirts One Ml na te Cough Cur* itrangtheni and wards .-it pneumonia and is a hannie** snd never failing cure in all Curable I - Colds and i'r,,,ip one Minu? te Cough ('ure is pleasant to take, harmless nial good alike fur young und old. Sold by'I he Win-ton la .. For bi- purposes the devil wall pick n foolish woman ahead of a WtCBid ons every time. ( liamheilnin's Minimi li and Lin r Lil. lets. I in ijliulli-il fur I Mr. A. it. Kan*, n prominent drug? gist ..f Baxter spring-. K ''Chamberlain's Btomaeh nnd Liver Tablet* ure. In my Judgment, the most superior preparation ot anything in nae today for constipation. They un? sure in action and with no tendency to ? or gripe by The I When a man begin* to get jealous of a woman it i* asit-n Hitit this is what sb* bu- planned to have bini BO Resri] rarfeiti his Lits. A runnaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of.I. lt < truer, Franklin lirove, III. For four defied nil doctor* and all re? in.-.lies Bal Ka.-kl.-n's Arnica Bal?* lind DO trouble to care him. Equally good fm Burns, Bruise*,Skin Erupt! ns nnd Liles. 3bt nt White,vc Cs, Drug Store. Mop Miall inn.ii gb Mr ru | alli cure lt. as iiiinil,. n 111* tl" ?.irll. lal.-. a too .? Ob ana w in?to., Iiroa Co. li...lari*, are "all the g.." for going Imt.les 1 loy ne full please you inpact sn..! stvle A man can shep Umolu aa coiof rlabli' as bl* wit.-ina tar ililli one of bi- potltlCSl -. n ni* to l >.si-l,in'ki t lliietnr. .. . m. noni, ? ty.t-i-y to inKf, pa a-tut and iievei tai hu? ia re-uil- are li-vVitt * l.nn. - A vial ol tlc-se III tis pins in Hu- vt s'-i in ki-t I* ? guaranis* against headache, t.iiii .u rpi.l liver and all of Ile suiting fioin moat i pat iou, 11 ? toil -ireiiutheu tlie liver **ild hy I tu- \\ in-t ni Drug ' U Wbsn a woin in pl ai* i luncbi Mein | I iv,, iv eek* ai li a vac tr .uni I a. i inintii - .i iio tb- Hi lo eal. Ijslsi inns I in iiiiiatiin. i. line wa* pule uml sallow mid Ibe other fresh and rosy. Whence tbe dif? ference '.' sh.- ilushing with health uses I?r ki g's New l.if, maintain it By gently arousing | organs they compel good 3 . and bead uo constipation Try them ()ai> ito ? ants al A hits o: Co . Druggists What a wi maa 1* ashamed ol d pend* OB vs bo the man ls linly one remedy in the world thnt will at once stop itchiness ,, ihe skin in any part of Hie lusty ; Doan'i -neut At any di .. Ju*t rtceived by ll,vue, children' carnages, go-caits and Morrl*'chalis We have ala rsmnanti rut tann from 1J to 80 yard-, vs. wi lg A Hark. Cloaks to lie sold at cost St Fleming A Clark*. A verv few left over. It takes an awful lol of money Bot to care whether people thu k you bave nnv ,,r not. "Stop your groaning " Kheiitnacide will cure you, and make you feel ten yaam younger. Oat lt al your drug? gist's. THE FLAME DIVINE Spiritual Firotl ? of Rev. Dr. Tal mage's Sormon. A" Riot \\ ni. ii Dealt With a I'm. il, ni Bella-lna I ..r ll.;. , | . \\...alll|l | tn kinda 1 i I Willi Ii pen].le. | xi-"-, "Q 'J lo- I- . i coiner of stupid i monplai ? - onrush, lenniu: ? ? ? outdlsmond I those Intense lia a turo th, "To qa I consuming I child bj from off thc i In that nil bel of tho . within tl not th* i to th'' ? vino flamou. Now . ,,;: ? tl ? How do ninny 1 open thi of our tv with penltenl I : most, i v of pub hip. By i upon tl clairoln.. Just .is Iii Kilt 1 : a bulldli tO (owl I .1 for true casting a slur upon | ? hri*-t. It ; : for n live coal to ki a live eonl oa hurd work for loving Christian to : coal'' Bl close contact with ? Haas it is prayers that testimonies that I springs from our 1 ? are suved. "i ? , :' ? brought ? to tho pereooality ? I If public w spiritual lifo, why a Moses 8ln,nld 1-a ld B soon ns tho b* I found a watery gm ve in of tho ' ? his earthly ti. go lip to .' ; into the I Christ , ?embie iu oni ii wu it a ; nu,! thc upon tho ? church i *i\'p CBS tiers of ' fun tit tl,, lr plain B Mather. I tho Instigator of thi ? England : ? spiritusl thnt for spiritual ti to die. V that tTUth ia tl ? they turu.-.! I '? ? public a-, thrive,! thc nea of tho * ? follow : Public tlnl for the sptritn: iiiiin. S -. a him wis nt, old * long ? told his ? ' from n j from na 1 sskiil ! I also." -v.a ?;. ? * :,?? aaid the old man, "I s ? Olire. I in ! ? ?uni out by that lt is mfi r win a In ' ? bor to tis , np io n wharf tl it out In i around In th* ? yoting i bound up in I I and In the w ? . In gs." It la t-*t*a-**sK_r*, for tm* spiritual llfg I ? III public. Dil. v i tO piny iii ; ? tl ' ?nts us io be alone ? ? ? w iib the Heavenly I allier w h nd again v a. pray, ll tn 1..' alon, ? ion.' with our a . and tender hours ' willi mn' i beyond. Afar the . Mic family w pre all in lu >i we -it up tow ..: ? telling her w hat we wanted to .1,, una for us to do it. So God, ti ? H na at tines t,, , .?iloin. lb tell him nil our pl invert, inver feel that thc your knee* talking w ith I , u i prayer. ^ bf,- of eminent Christian a I nilled there by u flnnty nnd gladly, rum: I r in public i Itual development? Oh, ? j portant far the spiritual I During the Revolutions rj camp dnring the darkness of tin takes before the comma: : iv hy he had |< lier replied, "I nu? ll into the il.i nd be alone with t a.,I ,n thundered ti ? hours you shall I spy. "iou never needrd a, ? tl ped on I is] sn, li a simple, ? id ha,- thal from the rommnndi rd to the ginini alni - telling tlie || be could ti,,i -a wi ll in pt ? a' our pilbil,? ' - by the dur public Christian nsefulm , inli-ui upon ,,f our pru; orot. Christian brother, never allow ? a mnsty, Ni ? n will break ll,, communication with th.- he quarters for prayer, (n 0 illery may your lip to utter the divine plea.I ? mil sometimes only- be ? ar and anavi tile ar. Haine binning Within tl;,' ? nnd bolted doors of mperstltlon nnd bola ,1 bj ? calm, deep bin Ly un '.-ni law no ? > slit upon thi Bj a divine law i; ? inont li: ? spiritual thrones without eal ni i tine in : " I eke and read: 'lake and rt the divine command given to thi in of the pa consumption winn you wen lour veins. Supposing thai v, of that fatal d _- in th,- i.:a,l, ii ol' her pale. sunken - baby, phi,-..! Then while .i [ti r. In tia* : :.,- fold,,! thal li ? ? a. ymir faa .ir this to my baby DOJ on the I,niles fruin the ? I want to give bira mid t.t! him what I waul lan, id and J Unit letter. What would \ ymi would ki-- li ' ? ? it wiih her ilyin it Willi love'." 'I n-ver,?inly open the mid carefully read tbal hu.- by line. If you were loll would follow out tile d? mil letter wotd bj New convert in th.- gospel life and Christian of older I to us. If we ar.- tl ? r's true -, we will tal.e ile- letter lind it. We will tran that Liter into our oa Wi- will in "Hut." *,,?,,.' new ' the knowledge of tho Holy Scriptures ls 1 to a truly developed * tl r then I nm ttoi a tra, ? loved tl . Soil that ??? on him should not perish, bi i i n,,w tea - can. You arc now a Cbr want to be. If ymi nee. pl and a llevs n nioch a ii i little I ? that profound tm ? Bight, he Wbd soul who 1 and trusts him wo Into hi* il If you live yon should grow tad th n saved ; ? nnd ns a soul winner, and this arn to tho study of his I you are now a christian only bird Ju-* bird. You are n spiritual flt must eat spiritual food. That sp food ls to bs found in the Word of Got". ll IU0gS is to I ? ly the ' * < up his ? mid wlm is aboul ti nd .011 ? I Haine ai the i all lhat he ?I then : -ide. 1! ind en - ie true lr little *> ? pleach." the :. We ? ; ? chief il I to him. ? ? ir lifo, ? ad. ma u iiidimj. m ? are married ' my op ?nt. He ralf<J at I That v ... ir." Vi ll.M'? in a Ymir.' 1 Many a maa w bo doesn i tal bailed out. TRAGEDY IN KUiSIA. Mehi lo l....r ami I lt. Dr. br lian lt.i.alan I.I.I. li, an -- t m^rlean lltif I." . \. li? lian, who pro* I. The . Katerina Y.. Katerina was as beautiful as hot Bg man iranaferred his affections tn h*f wo fill madly in "TS love ail ? r, forg* tful Sonia The | ,-ussed the i and arrived at the conclusion that there waa but one way a to a situation so intolerable. Tl ai duel." An " I fought un<b-r o tWO principals draw lots, and the lo to Buln: hy the -.iris, il ihnfOed, and Sonia \ ? r, drew the winning itsd, and Thpre was a report and Sonia X fell ? r-struck at the result of this ?lins Y. st aiil of her rival and fired a second ball at herself.** Her trembling flntters. however, spoil aim, and the ball Jul Inflicting a Flight wound. JEWELS IN A NEST. Sew liriiii.aa irk Haute* Mavk-M a lils . Mai Hm <? llii|>|.a I'lll'l'a. While hunting in the Big Hoa :aly Al? li, m;. . , amp. and, finding that lt - ? ? I Bi ? : aloin for i, ? found Tune of the tl needed, and middle - the ct - -hat a taiitlaitih bad made hil nest In he struck the feathers of 'it until his hatchet hit a hard, i ? a flrif. poid chain, c - i to his rora? ri ls hunting knife, fir tsln a tiny photograph of a chi: f which I. I>" T lain ia ? the outer part of tia 1 Iral ??all.f loa.i ons gold is thc bible. See Genesis ii, IL Winn lou HST* ii Lidil. ?.v hen yon ? - -. This - and it in a natural and j by The Winston Drug Co. HINDOO CHILD WIVES. Il.i-lr Esl.tear*, frau 4 ra?H? la l.raar, la Oar of tn.yraa.abl. Horror anti D.arailal lon. A Hindoo grandmother, with a red Irawn class sround her, told her I iii.ago * who had gathered in a lillie room in Han.ltll hall to hearit. It was a story that might have been told In Nero's court while Christians, burning I lu their Jackets of ? : lens?-it might have 1 - ..use the flames ? I setting uinerjee. This ; r was as black ? ?s were the youth willi thc fire of a hope burned out. 'hers who heard her story were haired, man> Twenty-one years ago Sukhiva Van Is now27 years old. The man who took as his bride a girl of six was over 30, wss prosperous, and belonged to India's hi 1 wife. The woman told her story Ii. ? and then she was prompt mrs, a Los an who brought her to this country to arouse sympathy In i In the movement to abi child wife practice In India. - the story tha! Sukhiva Vannsr vaa six years old when her par : aunced that a husband h ? . 1 until the day preceding the day sot for the marriage. Then she was ts lils bouse and ho ask many qa - suited him, so they " KHIVA va.nm:hji irrlod and went to live at the r. The young wife became the slave of her mother-in-law, as ls i In In? dia, and did the menial wurk al house. When she was ll years and ll ? old a daught. ? r. Th. mother-in-law Hew Into i I of the first child was aia ?girls are a ? India. Two years passed ur was born. This Mme thc I in-law was In She ordered the husband to turn the wife out of thc I albands have to obey their mother* In India. ->m home at the age of 14. the child wife was led blindfolded Into the jungles to satisfy the hunger of Kor two days and as many nights she roamed through Tb* In? ri i.l in si. di her mind. While in thi* tlon she was rescued from the f agents of a concern which traffic In out? cast wive*, fly these agents 1 talon hack to Brag* .town two nights In the r<* which she was tsk< Vanner tped and made her way to the f her own psren's. Her and father dared not take her In ? a wln !s act of charity tl their heads shaved'" Then lt was that the girl wss up by the agents nf I refuge, .ill. Rh. berime a worker In the ? and tn n s> fifi other wife ot I to America a Inc the gb the mission. Iliolls Noaa lil ll i ia !? lalor ?1-tlme sup. - *o be a grave doul ak attaching to opals in th. minds of ths girls of to-day. fl h worn. There ls hardly an ths opal, , per I basaty led one ? - cause tl luck br!- . . -fear to own them, and thus th. demand f. -mall. An < mt* a akee a charming setting for s Hr;*- 1 monds reflect the ri opal, and the com1 one which shows thi ? \. ia I nillir. I'll,ni l'adilln?. alum pudding tske one-half eui ' rsi' ? fills of flour, ? ing po* ails of milk ai cupful of rsl*- fin*. Cream ari nally slfl ?nd baking 'oireth.r. and add alternately with the milk Add th* raisins last, and bake In gem tins In a modera'e orsn B*r od, rich sauce. Well Paper lu gio* leal varlet; ia prl< ? ,t li..!* On III* Hark i. Va. Home second Itara*] minutes later. INDIAN JUSTICE. Bt the few full-blood Indian courts remaining may be found grinding -way at While Eagle, Okla., on tbs res? ervation every Saturday, hearing mia demeanor case* and punishing member* of the 1'onca and U'.oe tribes unlucky enough to be convicted. The court con lict* in about seven out of every t?n issi a. The members of tbe court are full bloods and never speak English on the bench. They have a high Idea of their importance, and their rule with con? victed prisoners ls to "sock it to 'em." They receive a salary of ten dollars a month each. The three Justices are Chief LitU* Sol? dier, Hough Face and Big Goose. The prosecuting attorney ls the Indian agent. Maj. Noble. Court was called to order one Satur? day recently by Maj. Noble as prose Uttl* Soldier, Hough Face and Big Goose sat on the bench, never ask? ing a question and gazing with stern? ness upon the luckless offenders. The court was not without human at? tributes, though. Little Soldier seemed especially proud of a big Mexican hat glittering with tinsel, which he hung occasionally on bis knee. Big Goose, under tbe strain imposed by the lmpor , liafed. He wanted to smoko, but lacked courage at first to defy the proprieties. Finally be sifted some tobacco from his sack, rolled a cigarette and com? promised by placing lt unlighted be? tween his '.ps. Temptation led him on, and after the session was well under way he struck a match and the smoke came In clouds from bis Hp*. "Vashtt Four Eves, come forward!" called Maj. Noble. Vashtl was charged with being drunk. Vashti began fencing. She charged Fire Shaker with buying whisky. "Did you drink part of lt?" that's ihe reason I got drunk." "Guilty," said the agent. The court of three nodded approval as one. Then came Mrs Fire Shaker. She .uilty. Fire Shaker was called next. Ho came forward with a trou? bled countenance. H.. offend no de? fense. The . Little Soldier, was equal to the occasion. He began a ha? rangue in I'onca that increased In ve* I aa he talked. He said things I and Mr. and Mrs. Fire Shaker that should have made them weep. He declared that their conduct was a dis? grace to the nation. Just aa he was warming up to his best, he put one hand on the end of Big Goose's cigarette and suddenly felt the stinging burn. He Jerked his hand away, glared at Big Goose and then sat down. It was slmost an hour, and not hie had convicted haifa dozen culprits, that ths members of the court regained their full dignity. Each of the two women were fined $25 and forbidden to leave the reservation for six months. Fire Shaker waa fined $20 and sentenced to ten days' labor on the roads. This last was a blow that made Firs . roggy. The Indian's dislike for manual labor may he Judged by the case of one Indian who was fined $40 and sentenced to work six days on the road. He asked that his fin* be msds $100 without labor. One of the last cases of ths day waa that of Hope Irontrap. a woman ar? raigned for drunkenness. She pleaded guilty, but charged Thick Tail with. I her the whisky. Thick Tall had been a spectator up to this point, but now he pricked up his esrs. The crowd laughed, for lt knew what was coming. Thick Tall was called before the court at once. He had r.o chance to escape. He eol Jsjsjtfsj Little Sol? dier laid: ?Cri-iba (ten) numb* ftwo) kids Candi sots fflve) bashana (to pay) klda (and) umba (day) greyba (ton) wallia whhh meant In plain Eng? lish a fine of $25 and ten days at hard labor. Moldier was formerly a reservation policeman. A horse thief was lodged In the reservation jail one dav, and Maj. Jansen, the agent, want? er, how far Little Soldier would carry out Instructions, said: "Little Soldier, there ls a bad, dan? gerous msn in lh? Jail, and I feel that wo ought to get rid of Mm. Take your wc to ths jail and fix him." Little Soldier looked steadily at the agent and, seeing no change In his countenance, picked up his rifle and started for the jail. Maj. Jansen thought that Little Soldier would weaken, but he gave no sign of it, and Little Soldier was almost at the jail door when Maj. Jansen called to him. Little 8oldler seemed reluctant to re? turn. 'What were you going to do?" asked Maj. Janeen. ' Kill him," said Little Soldier. And there ls no doubt that he meant lt lo I linn h llnora. In former times the Danes used to sail up the mouths of the Enpllah riv. ers to pillage the churches. \\ hen they ,ieht they were skinned and their skin* nailed to the door of the church they attacked. In the course of tims the expo*..] portion would peel ott, but that covered by the nail would bs 1 and thus bear testimony to the cruelty of the ancient Engllihmen. In the London College of Surgeons may be seen three specimens of human skin such as this: "Portion of human sala, said to be that of a Dane, from the door of a church la Hadstock in Basex." A second speci? men ls from Copford, In Essex, and a third from the north door of Worrei tcr cathedral. Such fragments cf sac rlllgious Danish hide have boen found on doors In Westminster abbey. Perfect Confide. a feeling of ess and worry in the il when a child showed symp ino* '??ct con? ing to the uniform -- ifl imbei ls n'sCo igl of Hat disease. I I. Buford, ng ,,f her .-vpi-raoice jn tbe Ti.nly says: "I bave a ? in Chamberlain's ly for I have used it with --. My ehil.l I'arland il ,i- k* ot croup and it always gives him prompt relief." For sale by The Winston Drug I