Newspaper Page Text
air Falls OT tO One ? J, 111. yerV Hair \ ii;or is jinlv ihe most eco ica. preparation of its 1 on the market. A j of ltg m i longway. t doesn't take much of o stop falling of the r, make thc fuir prow, store color to gray , v- yon, ?-i|<rMS f ''' " I mt Ma*. uHtSltH S ENGLISH t.NYROYALPILL! ,. ???, art iiriprnifc ?"i ? ,,. ataavatd Pa. .. WaaW ?? i nu. t l-l j . ,.... ia.* IV 00 Shingles $2.50 A THOUSAND Farmville Mfg Co. C. M. ROBESON, Prop., Farmville, Va We Strive to Please 1 d have assurances thal vs. .1 mour patrons with tbe tx--t of all -of : h Meats, Country Produce ind i 1 > ter- lilied promptly ami di >ia the corporation. \ dasie ol Bslronagi ls solicited, ?' .jr" Highest imiik.-t prk i s kinch Furs,Hkim Gilliam Bros. IN MOTHIK OdObt3 TIMt ? ' . ? ? E. C. WILTSE. DINNER ANO TEA SETS. XXXXXXXXXZXXXXXX Ii you au in nm! ..t ri '.ittil i Ii mis i ,.i ii .i c w ill have "ii ? >i li tlu first <.t April, twei iuipDrted Sets. I, mik- in .uni ),?,!< ;,t I. PAULETT & SON, ra t . , ??cn noa j?jM*, t,i?ooia o^no BisdoflsAa |opo|| L_ HORSENS FEET ARC TENDEI ?s Th Quite Ofte: ipiiass Itel in lum ' ' catch lt lac lt vut ol ? . - . ?.. Bil ? ? frit,, thti mineral '? i I arnon! ? Qui! ' ' ' ? ? a motion the pain ls not to prevent ttit horse puttli ff his for down as usual Bach lujmlti Observed when thc horse is ?' quickly after Mainlln* (01 I Wheo the null, or othtr a;' produce', the wonn>, bos ?een remove* . -Le p'ia't'ire thr- t the rav of gum carno.,,.a ^ . grbotla add an rwithi ?? n, ?!>tst.?tiiii ?? ? lally until r.'t>uv"v ? ??tiistrestinritlf I' ?">1 ou? ?h? v ? " ih' toret bl * that Bh tfnj adi * ? horn and dre** with tritton I with tb. fun camphor mi. held li A PACKING HOUSE SECRET Steam Is Now Used tu K ?iy Pure lu K- u Igcratora. A IU| aatablii I .t thal steam ll Itn-ni t: The A v Di vslihout avail, 'intil some oti'j thought ol n ?s which cause thi se annoying conditions and draw them off. A in a woori, ii ? ?! vv ph u., ot toll The rx, and foi r com 'lie end >t whli h tum drawn ; ry pie. e tl li and pure, without tnt lon of bone O'. th was pu ' n vola? tilized I ?! hy the duct, a nc: condition pei tulne tanks With this ai'', io tl cess, pi ? liar the temperature lng p.,: the meat will may ri md bt> cn out for consumption. CEMENT TROUGHS FOR HOGS They Are Not Only Much Moie Con? venient But Also Much Cheaper Than Woodsn Ones. are soon made with v ? nion of one I cement to two i - ? . it cf your trough thou pour In (!? kl ami witt, ,. Biog ,,,,. inside as you ,on< av-! on in ldc ilk.- u bowl a " inches thick A , * " ? trough tr, making, near the bottom, malo ^ lt coi and handy to g If cleats are dsslr-.l roil,, of round .nibedded In the groot be? fore lt sets TTifM' prevent hm lying down tn the trough and ? the contents. After having f,. out your trough, and put li cleats, fill full of water. The material will set better and your trough win wear bir all time. Troughs of this kind six feet long are most convenient and much cheaper than wooden ones ?J. E Sam mon. In Farm andi! ?.ass about the farm Incrsasi ' - both for residence and sals. Willing to Oblige. 'inn ? Why do h rt >w k to you, If B Life. Little Doubt About lt. ired of ??" iefor 'j w<l Ineai ...ting Landed. Ile i rj ? She (li (No Would Not Do. I I out of stv.e ? irooklyi. Wear and Tear. *eem to keep that slr. roi knott* James. --'- - r'??*:,- havk-av aaal__I4S? ' ARCTIC AND PEERLESS I Bl Ice Ficks and Shaves Fly Traps and Fly Nets Rubber and Cotton*Hose Lawn Mo wei Grass Blades, &c. CM. WALKER & SONS. Good Whiskey al Reasonable Price?. Wc Vi I R FULL QI J M ? *":I(ii YFA ?: .linly Ut We vv A np Brandi ,'??' Wean .riler will u? BIGBIE BROS. & CO., fho fi armors 'M oooa Fisk Wiiiski \ i .', inf Fink Cioah Cioake I - JOHN J. MALLAN, Td N int ll Mle. I, !,meillon:-.[.I.,. tl H I'lOAtH, Kl " in in Hie. Will lind tin ? f HIV ?? ; Planters Bank of F ,rm ville UMVILL E, VA CAPH Al, SA HUH! I US ANL ujium Solicited. Istteresl \ I low ul on linn Deposit* DIRECTOIS: L j \ WE REPRESENT ? pnillfH t lia! irwin FIDELITY. CONTRACT, OFFICIAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS, AND FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICIES. W. P. Venable & Co. NO DO YOI' OWN YOUR HOME NO YES CAN YOU DO SO YES liv |, iv ini! 11,. i. oi'il m.,I,ev ind k lilli' ll I- ii ni in in ,i pl ni | l'iv I littoral lle.ln.-l I le l.l.l, , ri Hois' ri... ,u ihi 0 \ "0 llRI . I, el Ul. Mlle lill "WU ll f' ? Larger and Smaller \iiiouiil> on Same Pla. (in -ici-ouiit of th. treat demanil I i rn led li le. .-ive a linnie.I nile,Uh' | , |?-i , - ubi vim!" i -. ! ? . ' trtt omi inv "., i d u. 'ii Estate, Mortonga* sud theHU<ek ol the Ompant are prinin post tors, th. i. -l.y makins; your n, Foi furili. i Informal lill. URVILLE Bl MUNG .Ml TRI SI CO.. larm.ille. fi Di J.s I. Whne, Presldenl ll 1. Vf ill, V Pi and I H .i????? Counsel; l; li Uralla, Il I. I Api i ... White, il I. Wall A I. < ral le ll t I I. i rsm I erl - fl : i Over 250.000 Piesses Customers ?a if-Nf. L.tnlnrll , ".BUJtlA. ONE FULL QUART OF WHISKEY FREE a. ... aa? Wa 'l'l? I. ?" Ua > .. kl.I., Hr,.., mmt ,a. .'I'-' Mall \trA.r Vt t!.U, | t ..rrm lr. tl Sswta j,,j u r ? '; i * IIYEAR'hOLD Mi , a -iiinr. r?tr,--vsA ff Mab* Dr Hone ar %X J Noam Carolina Prouts ? |ai?l Ui ,u Matadditaaaajwmewrk'rrt'ra? _ ? THE CASPER CO. Inc. Taaarr Rl?c ?is?1ii> .||>s. s c '^BBSBBSBSSSBSBSBBnSBBBBBBBBBSSSBW ?????enmmnSSSSSBMSSSSBnSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBBmaSSSlB^ rrmToi - ? . fit? ..SD PRI/f p\tm i'mio jsr^ COLUMBIA CYLINDER RECORDS Rt oo* ifni Quality of lone Mm h store durable ' cylinder Bl 1CH si Pfc HAPorst d Brand Br.ind Si v, Srw Proct ss Pi ?ords 25 CENTS EACH HI MOLD ^?T- THO 4 Mil I IONS ^7 a mon rn Columbia Disc Records .... cunts r.icn Inch-do/?.n EH. $i tAcn !?? Iiwrs T lunen Inch tlo/cn I. nt Mt mon ci vss sun mons Columbia Qrapho|)hone? . all kinds nf music Sot ix-ct ?%dr> lu karn ...? I OP DI SI AM) sail ri IP?> ISIPll Bl Till bV ad for I'-'fl t VIM 001 r No. SS fthoH'loi; holli ittsc Sod tyliOflrr machhw s lo all Stutts $5 to $100 Columbia Phonograph Com[)a.nj Pioneers and Leaders in thu talking Mat hine ir I 231 N. Howard Street, BALTIMORE, MD. ??f 017 WO PPI/t PARIS 1900 , \ $50,000.00 GASH GIVEN AWAY to Users vof LION COFFEE In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums wooLSffs Spick Ca /r0; 'SOQIT How Wouk _ ^'_TKlA like ex Check UKe^fh^ Wa Have Awarded $20,000.00 Presidential Vote Contest **6fli t A r^i*yi/vn Cash to J.lon Coil. ru in ti.f What vs III be the total popular vote cast dr 1'rtsldt.nt (votes for all can? didates combined) at the election November 8, 1904 ? I ? ..! -r 5, 19 . > the next five Lion-Heads cut from lion Co'tee 1'm.rsHKt.* and a 3-cent stump entitle you 'in addition to the regular free premiums) to Mir vote. Thc i-cent stamp cov? ers our acknowledgment to you that your estimate is recorded. Voa con send ns many est. ntotes as deslr Q.and First Prize of $5,000.00 ss lil be awarded to thc one who ls nearest correct on both our Vs orld's Fair and Presl* dentlal Vote Contests. ?\ Grocers' How Would Your Name Look on One of These Checks? I / WOU tuft'I I Hon ll, o.lm 1 rirat Prise I 1 Second Prlie 1 .ono.Of) 2 Prue* moo.OO each r. PrlifB l .ooo.on ir. Prises . l,f)( Prises - h-liei 2.600.00 Prlies COO (i.iion.(K) rRizr.8. TOTAI,. 120,000.00 WE GIVE BOTH FREE PREMIUMS AND CASH PRIZE8 / Complete Detailed Particulars in Every Package of t r LION COFFEE* WOOLSON SPICE CO.,, (CONTEST DEPT.) TOLEDO. OHIO. Honey?1 Tar ' roughs snd S.A. DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT ' ont*. '?IP' ' ~ ** LAaKihATOW ?* E. C. DeWITT dc COrttPANV. CHICAGO. HA The Largest And Best Charles Miller Walsh i I \!> ( Ol I \| V : HOI '.oi wwi iSHHisii INSURED, I INSURE WITH GARLAND A MARTIN FIRE, LUE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE ! The Best Guaranteed Subscribe for the Herald, <l j LEA'. ' ? N "' -'?? N ? mn rOURTli. taa Norfolk and Western Railroad a i KlMIMllM, Vt. SEAISOAltl) Am Luci Kau .way ? Kit HM..M. Mais ION?IMILT. ? ?l I I. ? Il V J ll .1, I IMS and Haili ? V 1 .. r j H it v > I*. M. I ? - ? ? ll Mil, - Kit i,i....i..I , v. ? V VI ? Mummil v I . I,.-I. ? 1,1 ' V ... ' ? . I- vs ll WIN v ,1.1. Southlnn Railway Co. ii,i - .. Hi ?I i,, 1 NI', i ,., aipfcto 1 " I ll Al kl kl ?s. Il ll M{|,'A LOW RATES EVERY DAY TO ST. LOUIS WORLD S FAIR VIA B & O. SW. I bs Batumi sntss/ay '" Ihe W**4 Coach Excursions Kvcry Toesday and Thursday mm RICI :??? :iMiM ? ..I Hnndling World - I ail H - ,.|'inkr || Ml?l?lllli.T|ll Ililli! ' ? Bl '"J .itrtii-iiliiis ol v IIUMlrated folder, lintel KINNEAR, T P A H A " - U ? \ .i R)LEYSi10NEY"?>TAR Curs* Coldst PretonU Pneumonia