OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, August 19, 1904, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1904-08-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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? >!
Lee & Thompson,
Attorneys at Law,
Ulomo at La*.
a o wi
, > s wi".
I 1 I..sss,
- ul County, Vi.
^'HITE 6. CO..
Medicines and
Dm grists' Sundries,
I sn
ks f..r
Foundations and Buildings,
ie bim] Hand Unka, Kimmi
fur il. i foi ..iilsi.lf
nil orders pmnptly
ami |
nvilk s ,
? ?? li-i ti-.
II. Ll ill ll A m.. Iirm.'irists.
J, P. Ii\llli:iii;s
ts on Gists, Wood snd Mcts
Neat Von. Sr?ir?
.u.a.NTllD OM NO Cm.RCC
-Maui -
I act
iminations. . .
imt intelligence
mining your
We arr careful
shall have jual
- ,v.|iiiri\
? them pei feel'
Ihcy will Ik- coin
Lenses Ground Properly,
Hims lhat Suit Your Face.
I lhat Fit Your Needs
n. T. III. \S I UN.
kweja and Optician.
I Isl Ililli' I..Ill"is.
I lui,- is uikuitual in.|iiii v
lu- Knits ,.f lins aevUni ,,r Vint
..ii v. isl, |n aell a portion ttl all of youl
..f ~ii.li |.i..|s iiv \...i vi..nhl du
it'll Ui Ui tiif fit. i ii- known. List
if h |i..|?'ii> willi us, and we will do
he mtv.-ms n| \ kif, no cns!.
LAX.. HS i
s tl.riginal
s il..- kiesl I- made.
-. \ S I 1S I ll
uni -t rt .- "fi he
.ml.h..-.1 will, other in
;i-< iln-ii! - .j. made from
honi'j i 'iii-.'s nil ?
kuti Htrvi.uiIis-n-s w.-.ik lunga ??>Isl l.j
La <?( h.i" < .ui-ii
, ?
I'lin nl.-s is ? hw .Us
'.IVI'l) |
l.l.-s, IMicminil ism, ! \ ,.n
are requested tu rall nt out st -
!??! us show you I'in,-nl.-s. derivi
tl,f Pines, '>,.|.l l.y Sn.l- ?
Sever l.i v
SS l- III I',...I ll. ..lill ll.I \. .li's.
.ni.' physicians without
..I.inn.int; any marat's! heiietlt, li
cured hy Koley'a Kidney Cir.', un.I 1
kl it inn)
ll .-..lllllllls Mill is. p
cut the phlegm, and laxative proper
I tao's
LAXATIVE Honey and rarisa |>lfn*
i cure f..:
ina; mid bronchi
Sold l.y Anderson Drug '
Slop Unit Cough
II <n N. i v. .il,.I ll..ii. I.illili,, ni
War Su'.iinst t iiiisuinptitiii.
- s.i milly
each year. Koley's liol
yuu ur.
lin uni
unknown preparation m
\ i' . r.n I'.ii.ii.ss i'm
is tin- one timi will cleanse itn
r..'t tin' liter t.< action, remove lin- bile,
clear tin' complexion, cure lu
uni lean Ihe mouth.
I li.- fain...is hu li- pilli* for .|..ii
w.uk pleasant Iv nu.I u '
DeWitt's Lill
Moore, ..f lafayette, In.I . >?)-? ?? \||
other (nils I I. .1 nick?
en, while DeWitt's lilli, i
ur.- simply ['? :
st.ni Drug Co.
Mn.iil I .ii ni Ni.n Paraville i..i Hale.
,i. sf ii yu :i farm .>i IOU acre*
wiiii good dwelling nml otliei u.
ry outbuildings, v. iiinn three m
I- Ul III V 11 |
Karmt ll ?
, .1 head, li
..f the skin ..f nnv si.11 11.s(.-1n 1 i\
.??I. permanent ly cured I'.ur
m. nt. At .-iiiy drug store.
S Hammer ?T.I.I.
s summer cold is aol only annoying
Imt if m.t relieved Pneumonia will lu*
th.' probable result by lull, fine
Minute Dough fur.' clears Ihe phlegm,
'.nt tl... inflammation, heals
-....il..?? mu,I strengthens tin' lu
bronchial t ii bett, i in.' Minute
il remedy for i Ik
I-..n. li is pleasant to the tai
perfect ly harmless \ certain
(Troup, Cough and Cold Wold l.y The
SS insi.iii I?i '
I ll. Sr, 1, | ,1 l.l III-lllsjll.
,;.| there i?- sm i.i .
.v i.. k- if Hi. -.-. ni ..I uti ni ? .-ii \ wen
learned" asks Lillie Hamilloii Kreucli
aptly in itif July Ut llnealor. T i i
aullior, viii.., ..c ,-..uis,.t vsiii.-s lui
thoughtful mil.Tis ..ii ?? lin- Joy
lng" fr..in tin- woman's -t iiid|>nlol
?j.j-s i.ii ii. ifii iii ivs., women vv;
theil i.ii-i.ini.l- exacting, and "t tin
liappy results i.mimbi almul l.y tin
ireueroUH yielding of the wife ii.e ..
ld'- writst .n?linb
" 'Hut tiif generoU" nu- alway -
. ,| upon. I in y end Ly ls ing mbl* .1.
lin- hull- s.iul exclaiuiM, 'l'eo|
us vsiit-n we give Um much, hi..I Ihei
viin-ii they have nil tiny wan! Ihej
timm . lin- little soul cai
min unilii-lai.il Hutt the
soul is iifv.i i..!.i.<-.|. li i- like tiif "in
in bttslm -
M.I.I t.. liff the joy .-I it- cheal
Eight Pays Da His Bael
?r n m
i . ..I .... hiv I... k m.I llml i
I - I li.,
I rou ld ....1 .
,11, r 1 a u iin.l 1
linn; (
FUirtlock Blood Bitters gives a man
clear head, an active brain, s stronj
i- body ?makes him iii for tl.
battle of lif-.
Kairi f I'n vi ninl.
Itartling min.niiif.un. nt timi
? ic Int.) been I
.-.I w ill interest many, s run >'?
i despondency Invariably preced
and something has been fnnn
Unit will prtsven! timi eondilion whic
thought of self destruction take I'I.-.
11.-rs. li ticing n neal lon ic an
nert inf vi III strengthen the ni
build np Iii.- system. li
'., Liver timi Ki.li
t inly '? ' mn guarai
White ?'
(? i -,r i sra "all the tr..' i
Hoyne can please you in prk
hui! atyla
ire niji'nt< f..r the lamont litt
liver pills recently discovered liy tl
..I.- I?r. Dade nf Chicago. Pe
.. i lade's i
have noothar. Theycur.nttipatio
Stilil by Anderson Drug Cu.
arith yon i
?r inv . ;
it, l.y
but I'.v the ?
lion r.
my iu> Hy nut
.' thal half cent l to lay
ip mut h f. r my oli
f I know wh) I didn't 1 here ain't
timi ii mao
the Bl Looey m.ir
ir. .nml
. Agger him ;. r over?
kill, ol' i :. til or
"Rufe remit
nedy and
"Af.ir.- '
t.-i Mil
".ru land . kk tim?
bi r, he owned ?
? i
bury thi I pick off th
rltll 'rr. an' I. lilt
He j- t
of his
c 1
lint ttn'-rly a ind an'
kip K '
atronger yet an' h.- said ii".
fer it ss'.-ii.
? him |5,ono Th
aa nil ? :
d man Ki
"Weil, ha d th I
k worker froi tray back nu'
lnii.l Inside o' 'in had th.
? purchla pa
Bul l.f
rock pile fi ??
:..r lt
"He'd l< an
i hf li . ? . dita' f.it tl
Hy ult to the trough 'th..nt help
an* ht ti suv, if i'd "ir in-ill oft .
B b'rn ilil,in' around In my I
"lt not so at last people hat."I to ht
around hun, ri riastla' aa
pressed about thal oil well Bal ont
day a tramp come alon.
i. ..' work Old i
i him hy tnt:
1're tht- .lum villain al bea! nu
out o' my oil well in Peanaylvania!' lu
nays. 'I've a tuition to lick yt-r.'
"Thc feller looked at him sorter hard
and th. n ha ays, 'Weil, connan mc:
I'd nt-v. r have koo wed :
. rall when wa made the
n' now l bet you wi I
Say! What are you ki.kin' about, any
vs nt? Do yon own this farm?'
" 'Tbs.' says Kennedy; 'but if yoi
hadn't : . ? -it o' my oil well
Blight have owned hn'f o' llttshuri;'
" 'If you ha.1i/t met B
kt place yt, I
e enough I to pal m:
|160,. ll an' th.-n lt snah?
-.ut Y..
what v
v.,u caa do bow ;
"That took old man KentX
ni' hu Snarly nlv. I * plow
In corn an' the feller worked a weal
un' thr-n talked Keanedy Inter nfl van
ctn' him a month'.- Mom hi
best horse an' boggy an' lit ..ut fe
parts unknown."
"Th ' rurftl him talkli
intuit hi? oil areli," observed tl
"it did," replied Hancock, "but h
n' palt of thc h
Famous Vatican Bible.
One of the most prst i
-.. :m exhibit at th. BL L
position ls thc famous Illblc, which bi
i mperot Coi
Initials are still to bc pr. n ti
? I ? lani i hui*
.?tis wll
Abbreviate the "Uxtry."
if tin
to call their -xtras, remarks- th.- Ne
York Telegram, they aili have to jr
simpler aamra f.,r their newapape
than tba Jijl Shlmpo and th.' Klual.
il Kile'
ought at kraal to i
I in the mid,Ile. s
li, Witt kathe Hame.
SS'h.-n yon go io buy Witch Hal
lb SS ITT mi CV*
box. The pure, unadulterated Wi!
lin/.-; n making DeWtl
Witch Hazel Halve, which lt ihe l?
'i th. world for cuts, bur
nty ..f Dewitt's SS'itcb Hu
v.-ilvf, due to it j ninny eurea,
ed numerout worthless counterfeits
be placet! on the market. The ir.'nu
h ? name i
m Di
Herald and N. Y. World
Bank to Be Erected on lil
In an abandon, d
York, ara Uti
enta and ls of Iht
the old Garfield hi ? nth ld,
l.t. left th
| i Ohio st U
generations of the ramil;
ruin r, earth d In W
cured the right fron
ll II, A I
tery pi . hut
been made ai
..-1 a.-I.-.
and lt waa no!
il. bl f.ii
for. ),:
lim pin. -
on th.' trip !.
This Writer '
tun- Docs Not Ci
Highly Injuilnus.
A pr .
lt ls mf.il ?
eating, says a writer in H
without I
p. ifun. t.'iliv
due Insallvatloa
Hunger makes ti
Joynblf lt
and on',
of which if :
SS'iitt for .-.- .
only thr.iunt,
physiologic ii
ls A bm
enc.' i ut mi.' ..r bot! it Walt
linet an.I ni
and then eat Mowly l:
Burned, Sunk, Blown Up and Bl
Y.-t Mascovits Man-of-War
Is St.
l have bet n fm;
?ht lire
A WSSfe or BO isl. r, lt w. nt
again, struck
waa blown up with lol I of iii ?>:
but the .survivor' n
Dalny, where lt lay for it l.t.
Nol1 '
ar.d led
arjuadrou. B< vi nt) -foui
the devoted Vessel In pa?
t>c nalnKnld, nml pursued tin- .1
?sat, which waa nol rein ding, until hi
Since thr-n th. I:
has ndniltt. ?! |
ttl Jo||
htlng squsdi ??
lines are In print.
of-war. and I
her career with in
Heavy Fire Losses.
"The fire loaaaa in th'
and ('nun.Ia daring the il.
montha of thia year arara aa
York fir' '.:
"Thf great amount
his bet n an.
in Haltlmnre. R
Toronto I cannot say
great losses will have thf ?
h gen* rn! tl
.in. thi
thf fire pr. .!?
les will tie more i
The ral ? I In tl
Prisoners In Mexico.
The term of a pr!
vld.'d into thru- i* rlods.
CU],'.fd with
In the tralalng school, with cmn
pay. And the third ; j -ytofre
dom, I
Proved by Phot.'funphy.
It has bi-en proved by I
. i four feet <
\\.|s Watting \
?| loni bffn troubled with ki.In
Kolierl K, Watts, ol Kalem, Mo.
1..-I il.-sb and never fell well i
tori-.I with leading i
tried all remedies suggested with*
relit f Pinallj I tn.-.! Foley's Kuli
Cur.' nml Icm than ts o bot! k
pletely .'ur.'.l me snd I am r*
aird w.-ll." During thc sommer kidi
irregularitii I by .
\it.iitl to the ki.i
Poley s ki.lu.>y ' ir.'.
llei.i,l.f.fl -N . :'..80
p Who
? l? Cupi.l on a
. U..1 n
But I
? l. Wilson
..in i in the
ntroduced tl ?
te m..i il..- romance
and i.>i.i i
In thc ol,Inion of thi
SHE Ul VT li;.vi
about it until
tte nn.l
rk, who
Uer, the
liter the
of all on board i
York the other
n to Daatrl
M Buckley, ol Detroit
and Ml
lia on a
train. I In tin- murnini:
from Cl
euptt .1 adjoin! Bach felt lone
I rand ar
ind Uv
?niter t(
that ol ' Min
rried a rouai
tals li
which rut ber ol
from her Int Bulee
d ta murry th.- >-.-?
ride ha
Lives with Knife in Heart.
Thi-i i''>'n nt
pro win
ratios (
.he hil
The . .
I In th:
\ Rweet Breath
Ol H llfllltl
ti li. SS'h.-n the lu
stomal order. Thai
remedy in ti |ual Ui K.*!
1 ire for curing ind
dyspepsia and all stomach dlsordei
Slr- ' ? Plali
Ky., writes: "1 bavs been a dyapspi
kinds of ri'in.'.li
By t
?. bot!
am fully restored in weight, bea
K.hIuI .lii:.-si. m hnt yo
. Drug Co.
How a Clever Girl Entertained Her
Young Friends In a Way They
Will Never Forget.
Hara you ever baan to a cobweb par?
ty? If you have?for they have been
von will remembet what fun you
hnd and what a rit-lit{htful novelty lt
all was.
Some timi. Bgn one of mir girl read
11 v... a birthday party to
nnd she determined
that lt should ht i|ult? dlfffrent from
the usual sort of party that boys and
tttrls have.
ll. r brother and younger sister were
quito as anxious as sin- to havt- the party
I, nn.l th*] thought and thought,
sith ttiis result:
They got a lot of pratt) aoavanira.one
for each nuf.st, nn.l to eai ti nus they tied
thf ind of a spool of thi.ad Than tiny
souvenir in a pure which ona
MAKIN.; THE . .'HU hil
eould easily rm. h. but would hardly
think nf liMiklnt; for, mid pro. I ?
wind tl..- thread In nn.l mit. up and
down, above and below half the ot.Jets
In Iha room, And then out the door sud
int.. another r.M.m, under sofas, behind
- about everything they could
lay their hands on
Then came the aseoad souvenir and
the second r.'Mioi of thread Thal ont
was served In the same way, ?
the first thread a dosSB times, until
that, too, was All ii'
At last som.- '.'.i -ouveiilrB had bsea
hid.!-n and some 2n threads landing U
th.-m had been bo ttrglsrf. woven li
and out, across and Around each other
that ons could hardly stir about th*
houee, which looked Inside like a nugi
.n as each gai M satsrsd the par
lor he or she was handed one of thi
thmads And told to follow where lt led
and a prise would ba found on the eui
of lt Ru. h a time as they had! Th.
?lers wera poon as badly min-.
as the threads, and In a very little w hilt
the vshobv rrowd r.-sembled fllaa cauglt
In a vt eb of a hungry spider.
H> the time the souvitnlrs were foum
that waa almost the hungriest part;
that ever cooled ..fl with Ice cream, nm
all traces of stiffness that sometime
spoils partier! were BUM forever BOB
ton Hi-rald.
Busy Insects Dug a Qrave and Buriet
Head Comrade with Neat?
ness and Dispatch.
"Aunt Lu" senda to the Wellsprln
the following account of the burial t
tia which she witnessed. A
thAt lt needed to make lt quite hums
hhs that thara should have bt-fn mi
?i Uh prayer-booh and spectach
.I the burls
itu! In a gardan path one day, I cam
, o k an
ii-r had I seen I
than two of the same species carn
mu of the gram At the side of th
ii.-ith, and began vigorously to pus
away the earth from around UM Uttl
creature, They worked rapidly, an
apparently with a plan. My curloalt
\ and I stopped to watt
the proceeding. At once, as thous
I tell BTSphy, a do7.i
or more beetlea appeared from all d
OB, and they Immediately begs
to dig In the earth, with great vlg<
Bad alacrity, until thfy had complet
ly burled th. ir comrade, and In a fe
minutes the ground was smooth,
over, and they lia.l all dlsappi-are
hnrrylag and teanylaf In all dire
gone in almost "tho twlnklli
nf an eye," and there was nothing
? la the beetle-wt.rl
poky bugs,
lo ma as If
Thi ) ii. i kn w w licit lo go."
nut Barely knew whs
they were going, and their walk w
lng but slow I Barrat saw su
quick ncaa In th<- Insect world.
Country Without Newspapers.
The empire of Morocco ls the mr
Important state that ls absoluti
without a newspaper.
U. IL tarnana IcsUlea aflat fu
(. B Burhaos, ot Carlisle Center,
Y., writes ?'About four yen, -
wrote you ?fmIirif^ that I had been I
linly I'ur.'.l by a teven kidney tr..ul
by takinj lesa than two boll Ifs
Poleys K nliifj tiure. lt fiitir.'ly st.
ped tin* brifk ilu"t s,.,liii)fnt, ami pi
peered. I nm Kimi to sny that I In
had a rf turn ot nny of those syn
i during the fotn years that bi
? .I ami I Am evidently eured
lured, nml heartily rft'oinmc
I-..ley's Kidney Cure to any
lng from kidney or bladder troubl
j SV. B. Agnew.
After a Number of the Rodents Had
Been Drowned They Resorted
to Winning Strategy.
Thats ls a stnry told of a certain ho?
tel tn a large .Tty where UM rats In
a f.w w,t, bagged with a rita, bat
anon th try for that
Traps and poison i ra ol
BOB Behold etpeii. n. .-. ami ev.-n Hie
young and Inaspertsaeed in rat,lom
knew enough to avoid them. Then th.
manager hit upon a new exp.-Ti, nt
He swung a lld on a barrel with
I, tilled the barrel half full of
water, and fasti in .1 a lump sf
In the center of the lld
a rat alighted on Blther Hide of the
ltd, over he would go Into the bar?
rel, and for awhile rms ?
b] lt.. duzen.
Thin lt was evident that th- |
a rat council, for the number of the
vl.tlms iy smaller. Some
f a morning tht-r.' would be two
or three rats In tho barrel; oftener
there Wi
r f.-lt that they were all the
time trying to tlgum out how
that cheese. Sometimes two rats wmii.l
gat mi thS , 'lt-.- of th. barrel oppo?
site ono another nt the same time,
and balance thc lld aa they erect in
t.ivvnrd the c nt. t This worked w.-li
nulli mi.- or th.- nth. r forgot tl.
of .anti..n, when both fell lo.
Finally ono old rat mastered the
pata Pot > v.ml nights th.
in-d, and there was no rat
thara In th.' morning to show for lt
One night th- the rat
lu the act of dropping from some of
the pipes righi In the reni?r of tho
lld H>> bnlaih> .I blataalf for a mo?
ment, then quietly nibbled at the
SS'hen he had satisfied him?
self, he carefully moved off along the
Una of the swivel, and dropped to the
toot, safe.
"That was the point where 1 gave
lt up," said th.- manager, in telling the
story. "Thats BIS some nt tit r people
figuring on lt now, bul the kind of
man who ts able to b.-at those rats
will probably ba able to ominsnil a
higher salary than I ian afford to
K. I. TO'
How to Make Living Pictures Wliich
Will Amuse All Who Mny Hap?
pen to See Them.
To make living pl. tums provide your?
self with A sheet of Miff whltecai.ll.oAr.l
and a spool one .-ii<l of w li I.Ti you . ul nfl
tsjaaraly, stick the ?i.1 on a .
htrmig wire and h. nd th., win- in sn. h i
way thst thf ImiKur ind serves as a hun
dlf, While the other .-nd ksept Hu- spool
frmn sibling off (ass Hi Now, take yow
s and draw a di. la aevea in. bm
in dlamt-t.-r on th. cardboard. Out thi
ut carefully, lu aw a rw.mid dr
da three-eighths of an Inch from th>
r th.- Int. H. i'- sad .livid.- it witt
B Bsa Into eight parts, whldi poa I "ti
acct with th.- Mater ..f Ui. circle b]
lines. A third circle, which you draw
ts eaves eighths ..f an Isca frmn th.
edge. It.'tween the two li, Ida i lr. Its
at <A> h of the divisions, cut ..
windows, aa shown In A Out out
stiuare at the center of the circle to f
over the end of th. --|.I, W lil. ll ls ll
off asnaraly,
Now, to make the living pl. in
cut out .Tn b-s six In. BM In .llatii.-t.r sr
. opy O and Das they appear In the drat
Ing Figure K shows a cl rib- with a d
sign of living pictures attached to tl
Inri-.- . In la with tin- little win.'
li is a wheal wt'h s-even spokes. V
attach the dr. 1.- to thS larg
the spool with thc help of a little wa
and al :. turnli
ri If toward theglai
Now w.. gu.- the circle a quick tu
with the hand, looking through the 1
tie windows at the same tim.-. 7
wheel will appear to have ali Its elg
spokes instead of nevin and will tu
In the opopsltf direction fros
cle we hold In our hand. Figure O w
show the pendulum of a clock In moth
Figure El, a ball flying through a ring
Cincinnati Enquirer._
End aflutter Fight.
"Two physician! had a loot: i
limn light with nu aheeSB on my nt
lung" writes J. ?. Hoathes,ol Du Bo
? ia. "nml gave BBS up- Kwryb.
thought my tum- isa I
merni I triad Dr. King's Nea i
for Ooiisiimptioii. The l?.lit I
salved usa striking ami [wat
,a ffw days. Now I've entin
regained mi health." lt conquers
Cough-, ('..bis and ind Lu
,nd tl
Trial bolt b-s fran.
Herald and ti. Y. World, II 60.
Usual Way.
A bM h. >> favor unions, but
in ria ? tal
When abVs tat tu be hart) rrasstd
Uv | BBSS powtr.
I think you BIS the w.ust
looklug tramp 1 hal
TT.imp Ma .un. H's only In tl -
iii.ominon beauty that I
looks so bad-St. Louis Republic
A Summer Resort Premonition.
'Tts now thal ilfe SSI ms rather i
The B ?> l.i.nrd.
lt tn. -
..k- a -I j
a ublngton .star.
One Point of Similarity.
He?Haf complexion ls Just like
| iles and cream. Isn't lt?
I ; lng like strawbiT
ls a boa Phils I i
He Said Yes.
"How did the dalo a.; vi I
made > .1 proposal?"
"He acted as If he had got down to
his last dollar. I I llb r
aid. _
An Old Saying Revised.
'Tapa, wh kl :
saying abos! atom > ?"
"Oh, the artes (nan and the
mon.-y are soon united " Town Top
an /.nu lt certainly a Bpeelne for
1'ilfs. Tait 11,'w discovery - pot af
in a <-..lUp-ibl.- lol.... with nozzle,soi
mny be applied whare mort needed!
-I.'ps the pinn install! ly ami euros
"?..lil by Anderson Drug I
Pinesalve acts like a poultice. There.
is no ama, boil or abrasion ol the skin
I'm.-salvo will md cur.'. Plimsolls
be Ure out of a burn instantly
and baals without leaving a seat v"i.|
by tnderson hm. I
Liken iv iib I (amps.
SS'm. Kirtnas, a member of the bridge
ming vs..iking near I.itt I. p
ken suddenly ill Thursday nigh! vuih
.-ramps and a k n..l of cholera. 11
?even lbs! hs bsd lo have the
memliers of the cres wail anon bim
and Mr. Gifford was called and eon
suited. H.- told them h.- hid a medi>
.1 in- in the form of Chamberlain's Colic,
('bole-a and Diarrl I iv thal
be though! wool I help thom out and
accordingly uveral doses were adm Hi-?
if -f.l will, lb.- resull that tl..- lellos
whs able to I?' aroond neil <i kl
incident sp,-?ks quite highly ..f SI. . lil
ford's medicines, Blkaoer, Iowa,
1 hut ramed] never raitt Knap it in
your hmm', it may BBVS life, Pot BSSt
i.y The Winston Dru
l h. oxygenized strength of tbs baal
ing pines, comb'ned with ocher areli
known kidimy and bladder ren ?
.-.I ni I'ineules. 1 lo* san db>
.?..v.-ry giv.-s nulli.-.lint" rslisl and p'-r
msnentl] curst all kidm-y nu,I blander
troubles. Bold by Anderson Drug Co.
Sn k H..1.1.itbe.
"lui s, reral yeera my a ts waa Iron
I fi what physicians c kl led sick
headache of a v.-ry severe character.
si,, doctored with several eminent
1 nt a greal ? v p.-use, on?
ly to grow worse until abc was unable
to do any kind of wo'k. SI...in
1 hsmbei Iain's
fttomaeh snd I Iver 'I ablets and i"-l kj
..on- tiui'i tbs ever did before
and is r.-al w.-ll," -,.v- Slr. > ic... I-'.
Wright, Of N.-vv london, NSW S ork.
ile by The Winatoi I
\ mit ttl AI lark ur Diarrhoea lu ntl bj
( Iniiiibcrlain'- Colic, I Inderi and
Diarrhoea Kt midi amt I', chaps
a Life Saud.
rt tim.' BM ' 1 w iib
a v lulen! attack of diarrhoea a
lists l would hs ve disd if I had aol
gotten relief," says John J. Patton, a
leading ellissa of Patton A I
friend 1..mmeided Chamberlsin*!
CTc, Cholera and Warrroea li'-.dy.
I bought a twenty liv.it bottle and
after taking three doaae of ll was en
ti'ely cur.-.I. I cm -idi-r it ti
remedy in the world for bowi
plaints. Por tale by Tbs Winston
Or.ig Cn.
( h..b ra Inr.inliim.
... titi i.-rrors -n.e.
Chsmbsrisin'a Colic, Cholers -iml
hi .1. hot- Remedy osma int" .
DBS. I hf uniform sn. 1 which at
1.1.1- th.- us.. ..f tin- retnaiy kt ail
i-ms.-s of imwf I eossplainti in children
has mad.' it a fsvorits wherever ii*
v nbif lins bffonif know n. foi -
'. .liston Onie CO
I lind nothing better for liter SS
rsngemenl nml constipation
Chamberlain*! Htomach a".I I iver I al.
leis. I. 1-.
PStS an fud toil SH
A gn-yioiis wa I oft 11. .-"ii" ?
rv.iilt of unbearable pan. from oier
taxed organs. hi'.
implainl ami Constipation. Hut
? I Dr. King's New Ufa Pills
il un end t.. it all. Thnj ara
thorough. Try them. Only
. v.
- ,. h thing ' ' r"m
Dr. r'owlet -
- k.pt hm, :
ture'e remedy foi- >
tbs boa
Ling's Dyspepsis rabi -
They ar.- as pleasant - ?? n,,'\
cure dyspepsia _i iT
1, -ol.] by
Sud.-rs..11 Drug Oo.
Early Risers
The famoua little pills.

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