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THE FARMYJLLE HERALD. HONOR TOR THE PAST, HELP POE PHE PRESENT, HOPI POE THE PUTDRB. V0L xiv FARMVILLE, VA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEB 9, 1904. w0t w CITY DIRECTORY. ' ' COUNTY DIPflCTORY. ? \ i' ?- i ? Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, Farm\ ii Va ? J- M CRUTE, IttHKJ at Lau. I KUM ? ID* ri H WATKINS WATKINS/} WATKINS, iRKEYSATIJLW, ? (.. vrrouNKY \t Gff-ii loy, - \yHITE _ CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, \\' C FRANKLIN ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, i- \ u BRICKS! BRICKS! I en - r..r lound:itions and. Buildings, Mat-bine and Hand Moke, Biatoo r.r i'll W'.rk. Cen lill ..niels promptly sn.I i IUDS. A. BOLLING, I. r. UMII.IiOKN SKi.N I?AINTEI1 WINOSOR HOTEL ni on Glass. Wood ano Mirai UkTSai New voa. Situs noa r,?i.>ar(iD ca no Cmmn ?Jtioi - Exact Examinations. . , zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Wc pat intelligence into examining your We are careful thal j on shall have just what your ivis requite. Wi- lit them perfect Iv so thal tlicv will Ik' com Mr. lenses Ground Properly. Hims lhat Suit Your Face. Glasses lhat Fit Your Needs h. I. BUNION. Jeweler and Optician. ikiii lins mi His Beet of 1'lrlK - I hml - ami i., Ur uk (Vi '? WINMN.; H IVE. PY AN. ?I ' I ' I ' I itl>.nit bil ' ' bare ? " ". r tba I Bli ' ' D ? maequad Blain?roll atti 1 ' that nlnht, for hln ?? ? notalto ' yet dane! fl with hi* to ask ? .? ? md In and '? ? rMinity . unil he at (.lie rmi nf ?' ? "Thi ri ea rope ? in, and that I in his I "Too!" "Wno! him Ii -. Hy. n?.w : ? tr with 1 hardly knee Tl,. ft! r his ' ... Win, ? . him. the was in thi "Win. ntljr, rind the ! ? ihould think j I .. i with ot him in the morn ' ' round "Hut ! 1 you ' . . Butti U> his .?lick at ii I'i .lise ,,i t tiaralir-rlain's folk*, i holers sod BUirrbees brinn!*.. "Alloc 'i fee minis ("liol ' a third - k rt fur put* ? > I t,, Ml k Headache. "I or s,.\cni| ye,irs my \i ifc il e iiii it hui physicians called I ? ? - ?tored with nererel omi neut physicians nml ni ;i ({reel expense, tils llll ?! ? any kimi ..f work. Ai.out ' oct'lltl tllkitll' ('hlllll.i-r more than si.yer did M it, ol Sew I nndnn, Nee York. I i he \N iiisi,.i. Drug c.. ' ?' '-ur.' (.ill's |,y c ? Any r.-iiieily lo bl . . nd ishIi i "! lin- lr..ul.le. Mun Zan put up in ii collapsible tube, willi -" ihal ii reaches inaid applies the remedy where it i- moat Man /.nu Ktrengthei d ni res so I bel piles ure imp : ;n / ,n relieves tlie pain ulm..-! instantly, heals, soothes, Koki Ly Anderson '.Mini tty with S rou weat, mum, ir you would ' c..ld cul ..f Borne kin.! I'.rklnn* Till the . limul.. un nd to cine an.! kt this man Milln.ut reen '? Call A Portun "I don't know.'' "Then follow her home, .-md And out. ' tn t.ll ;i woman's fortune ir I don't knew N Y Week!) View ; iou ervin,* i here just tuen "ld lore-let! ? led, i i.-u's funny l waa them mym if Hu- nthei i Cheeifu! I ???I Will i. I ... ali tl,. ' ' ' Do you think th" ?ic when wa shall be out of .1 bt? 'Ililli i Why rn-' now that y..ii ai. Inaur In Onod Trim. ? .int: to plant i- v. Sui.ii- W'hv my "'< fl! ?! pt: all lin poultry shows, and i! ?lilli,; hut ii Why Epgs Are High. . i ?, re ? Mill.!.- thing, dd (hu; Willie .M.iny - wanning for ofllcs they're bo* > ,'lhout king! Septa; thal ho re a turn-down collar with a nit!?Chicago Itally N. wa He Knew the Firm. ll r fnr _, '!,. timi that ailed." "I wouldn't like that Jut, " "Why not?" "Ifs t..t, much like recelvinK stolen ? Tba Whole Story. :,tl. Bea h.-r.. youl know what ? ii little ? iv from school? Little Doy Snr.! A good tl me sn'des bp mkiii'. Philadelphia !. No Joke, in Boston. 'i ' ' liildnn. th" ., -ll nu- what the ls r<,r. Little Rmi i ion M's for hoi,mi ti! Puck. Easier. ? thc m.-e truck > . am! made oxer a hundred, klnt; winners? CelcSflO iiirnal ?o Rt-ady to Evacuate. He -Teat i tboogbl I sa? stgea of reparation to BobUlsa - Broo?tro Iff. i.? i.tI I'crsiuiallt ( oiiilii, (ul Tom Bl St. Leela, Mn. tia Stiiillicrn Kail uni. V. pl. jun,, linn. libera Railway baja to an iiiiiee they will on HepUmber 80th, ul, c| ? nil train lo st. nilli, conalwtingof loteal daelgti I'ull I day coocbea, going through il lum t change Ihe train will In- ni arne ..r.-k r.'pre-ctil ttive ..f tin ger Deport?teat, sod tba route will through Asheville, "I.and nf tba ll., HexiiiL'iou, louis. i biota |a)ini- atop If dei.ired. Pur full Information apply to y mr ?k.-t Bgeol ..r addi. tu uv, l>. P. A , _ Iii.dimond. Va. r..r t'.unu ? u .ti prk* I'inesalre aeta like n poultice. tb bs bs tb n 1 Ch pr. Hr 1 em ti.. 1. u Te OH f.r MARRIED IN THE TREE TOP. Lovers and Mlnlater lough! i There from the Onaleoght of a Ferorinus St Bouos i and in r accepted entl) they went to .'llni: of Mi. lr friends and ip. , win ii I! . am.- time to r>. borne Ker Mr Hooter, Joined th. Ul In i ti. li adjoining tb f< rocka* . i ti,,, property of hool At the farther entl ol the ti. ld tl bed the oppoatta side ..r the exit, Igeeranl of their Impending .h.-.el or tba i ti ? i. tb( cry of alarm and ian ' .nd Hie li IN !'. III s. >MI i prea. hi i Beni ? binned up one and ? proved hi r agility i?y climbing soother, i slated bj tbs preacher, who gait bi r a nu be* ? ty in till another tree I bc Infurlati d animal ran around and around thc 11 ? ? topping. 'I IiIiiMiil- this an ex. . II. ni time lo ? the pall, the mil rb tv is done, bow. rer, almoal : io be n : ? i th. re, thinking tbej wera to death, sod th>- mlnlater mst iled th.-tu 'l bi r h.-l I..WC.I the wedding march When le? lia.] concluded, Partner (Mereeni and drove up with a load of Furniture fr..m Binghamton An .1 ilaiiaiii.n was ha.uiiy spoken, iii. bilda ind bridegroom and mlnlater were :in wagon, and tba Joy? fol porty drove to Mr Bangs' home. roora thora was bm i rj n i .ATEST OF FISHING YARNS. [Yuthful Sjiortsnian Tells Bee on the Maine Lakes Get Tl. Favorite Food. \ ndenl ..f Maine mm bas in that poper boom arm lah sod beer itorli a, bsj b: I mn ? ami li.. little Baby, md fur .u ono ournie.! on fl rey: We wi re fishing on rae >.f tba <i iswlck lakes In the spring of IS !. had I.ecu enormous lock in tba afternoon wa beard i peculiar soli tni of root.- So w. eos! t., In ?II nearing tbe shore uer.' in prised to find B larne black beor dig ? inn up ? to bael Blas t.r a ind. We lay low to watch, and what do you hlnk ha wan doing! Why, he a nus, and after potting ni., fat , 1, of lils fol ? l ? MBA . ventured out In th.- lake on an old iriken lon, put down Ills for. t.-.-t m tim tt.-r and actually scooped out hBga out BO thick and fast that he almost mi Aftei awhile, thiaki | tlc i. WSI ciioiiL-li fish tor us. tte put i olino Inti! In his head. Talk al.oul h! On 1 BOIS In;, trout 0 r.-. t ?!. Bp on which two jolilin cut's ?re con Well, we lillie.', 1 kOd, WfSbtOg to F0 rs tbs tobi alive I Just thr arskln ov.r me and got down on tours, and tboSfl cults followed nie rht Into camp, thinking !t was ninth The rahs I afterward aold fbrfSSeei h. rt the hide t.r the mother hear, which ls a very lam.- one, hrought mo 140, ihoilt '. on tba hank Well, wc went rk the next day anti barreled up 21 rrels of thc ' trout Tho left to r?'t In the sun We put iso fish In cold ntorane and wo have no of them yet iVhen troubled with constipation try aaberlein'i stomach and Liver rhea ar.' easy to take iiti.1 duce no griping <>r other unpleas ? elTect DJ TOO Winston Bf ('"? Iliicltlen's Arnica Salo. fame for marvellous ny other salve, lo? ll, ointment ..r balm f..r' ?is. I Ic-rs. .it Rheum, Porer Borea, Chap 1, skin Kruptions. Infallible IM--S. Curegaorenteed, only- .'-". ? ti. Yo a. I H a-, oil inn to Na ni; Ml.' mn Tlc r ir S I Inc the of I hp on! ll hun of a aili! thu n kt Pel to ll pail al." qui pre mg ? "1 mn rec 1'ri ALASKA A GAME COUNTRY. Territory a Paradise for Hunters? At...linds in Big Fish nnd Animals. AlastVa ls a big eui.try and lt has hlg '.' ld am! Stn blggi st beru . eat mountain sheep sad the Idg . .mon anfl nniyllnn In the world. All of thone are ph nt Ifni an.! .-.iii he tak? en under United lullons. Tlmo was when Alaska an.! Siberia wera thnunht hy many bj ayoonymoua, and any Idea of Just what WBI BMOOl bj altbi i liar , ? ul .hann, d In ? few years, ead OOO A'..-ka ls not so very far away fi mah? out, it hus been toned to be bi Imt an Inti;. uninhabitable country. Il ts without .lon' game country on tl rant.- lt is th?- i the conditions an- right for thc mell ' gama animals and hlrde. Th.- biggest inountnln on tho North m continent || |g Alaska anil ls Well nam...! M, Kn le) Bj thi I always fhfrtiKht thal Alaska was "away up north." didn't yoof Look on your maj. and you will BS ? leav l0| leattla for DateI Herl - i rall ut? most da | ti) Barth of ? bo thai in r.Hiity th* ai si ead of not -flt h north of Hie latitude nf Japan A TREACHEROUS ANIMAL rh.- liluck Panther of Afrlon More looa Than the big gel '; . ?Feared hy Ti ni of all tba Lin. dam none ls ?OTB iinappn.a. ami moretreach than the bloch poothoi isyi M> 'lut.'s Magaalne Hailing from tba ll ii t of ?i( d( ? ?; ' Bl African Jungle, inn- ud aoppta of body, alert and Barr? ios, this steal tb maraud, i . x. ? eds In f. - "o< Hy even a Bengal tlgi r. He is the .lily big felloe that ihe lion tram, r does ,,.t ri ntiire to inri. if.solute]) distill*-ifni that h> huns , v. ti the llghl of day Ofti n ka rill lie all day long in a tins I J coi tier of shifting and Bren the fet ding cu! whee pandemonium B h. Ii hun: ? mi impa. tsof hearj ' apt to hare sa . ff..?? ..n him. !o may lie eyeing his. hunk of ra uaplcloosly,sod not renton forth until eaned and tbe la .-ff; to tear from hones ?lth his .un. w bite f-mns In fat i an ai ? urns 00 his own kind, and In many lil? ian, cs lt ls Impoaalhle to cage him, \.n '.t Ith a BU APANESE FLOWERING BEANS , Novel Climbing Plant That Has Re rout I. pillar?Come In a Variety of Tii.? One scarcely knows whether to call lu- novel climber that has recently ? o popular a dwarf a Nt glOOt Sm ai,sonia Tbl BOOM "tl"W ? in'rally kn...' ? ppropriote, bal lt seems to .ling to lt Introduction from Japan, as lt goa to thia country known ns tba "Jap tstrla hean." and was found to ? Mi. h ii profuse I it waa nm.-.Hat. ly dabbed "flowering hean" Tba white variety ls especially lux riant in its Bowering and lt ri r> cl.tst* hhs thc white wistaria In Its anner of producing the Immi aaa Bow ClflStera, and the form of Its indlvldu flowero Tho sw,tt poa form or ita minis and Its fragrance als., nit. s lt strikinn reeeaabku wblta vansonla. The |dnk and Beerie! vorio* BJ ot lowering heans also closely re mhl" the su..t pi ns. or their friend e Bwenaonla; bo! ls tins.' al! re mblooea to tba wistaria ls lost, as there no tra. a .?f the blue tin! 90 In these (ariftj elli HE LAND OF TO-MORROW. ttle Robard for Time in Japnn Un? der Ordinary Conditions?Qrerit Change in Time of War. In the countries over watch Spain ld rule the El 1 In "manaiih," mooning to morrow, d In those counirlc. to-morrow an? ora Just as w. ll as to doy. Hut .-von tbaoa countries there bl nothing ilch compares with tin- J .'ard for time rt..- Bil ' little more ? p, yat a little moro alumber, yet little moro folding of the hands In it." In Japan the tran?!. r Bl A little more tea, one morn ok.- and tba folding of the legs io lapan la, under ordinary conditions, ? Load of To moiro'.i, soya t1 rk World Winn tbs Hm.- COBIBS to quickly, she ls tba Han.I i.r Instant Bt Sin- strikes .pilckly, and, an Am, ii.-an natal .>fll. ? r said the ,. r di), "that ls why Japan has <lo lt nn.l. i~t.I that srtc In K"lnK carry on this war Bl mistress ,,( n,,, item f> Snakes aa Rat Catchers. h?kkas ar.- nol infn (ju. ntly employed rat esteban in tba Phill]. arly all of tbe older bang?towi ls Ma? il ptaxseaa what ar. called boga reptlli ti, ntly up in th>- r.s.f and lit.- .,n rata, ia, and ely, If ever, Icao tin 'rah, mallest Coin tho Maltese Grain. 'h.- ?nsllrol .-oin tn tba world hav a genuine circulation In probably HoKosa iiiln.' a tiny fnmment bronze ahout ns Hg and round aa top of a slate pencil, and worlh I OOO-tWO?th Of a ptllU). BbBorgB?BJ M<'di( im-. is a groot convenience to hers at il reliable remedies for use in cases Boodoo! and foTalighl injuries and BOOtO. ? K?,M' lininient ami ont* t iri fatt t."i..ming a favorite if ind ity is Chatulierlain's n Balm. By applying it promptly cut. bruise or hum it allays the l and onuses the injury to heal in ut one-third the time u-ually re reil. and as it is au antiseptic it lents any danger Of blood poiSOn When Pols Balm i- kept al limul .rain BM] DO treated In-fore (afloat BB_ iii. which insures ti qnick overy. lor sale l.y The Winston jg Co. MEDICAL BREVITIES. A Japanese physician announces that Barool from tho blood of goats will curt rattlesnake bite, Whit.- bro?I hunplloa moro available nutrients to thc body than bread madr from graham, entlro whoet, or any other kind of Hour milled at tho present time. A Hussion nmdl. al Journal nays a high tribOtS to tho skill of tho Jop&nceo. phy? sicians, whom It declares to be almost Invariably well educated and conscien? tious. Prince D'Aronborg, president of the Suez Canal company, hos Informed tin Kroneh Academy of Medlclno that Palu? dal fever, popularly known as marsh fever, has disappeared from tho canal strip aa a result of the crusade waged hy his officials. In the Canadian house of toniinMOS nth, It i; Macpherson, speaking ahout cinarettea and tbe growing use of morphine, cocaine and other drugs, said. "I wish to tell tho house that we have ni the market a patent nostrum for thc un- of catarrh which contains Ave per .-nt of cocaine The rest of tbe com I iou nd la Itoracle acid. 1 have known women ad men to become useless, to one their positions end to lose their minds as the result of the uso of OOO* tums of this kind." lu bpeaking ot the danger from ltbrar BB, Hr Canfield, llhrarlan of Columbia inlreralty, says: "Many persons, eveu imong those who give their attention inly to good hooka, read too nuu-h lhere is a vant BSBOOOt of mental dys Ifl thu land, particularly among romeo, woo constitute by far tba lergi i i.trt ot the reading pul.Ile. They should -s and think more. Education md thu great Increase lu the number of millie libraries arti responsible for the c. y toward an overlndulg ?ii.-e in the reading habit." A startling possibility?-wo may go so ? say probability?is put forward ry a Washington scientist as a coin iu i..n from his lahoratory work. An nnry thought, bs says, a thought of i lin.-, a had thought of any kind, breaks iiwn a living ceil. Grief and worri? ment also break down the cells, while a happy thought builds thain up thus be created. Modem : lending In this direction tl..? .mer ot mind over matter. The th- OTJ H. t-iit one tn the tendency of Its SCIENCE SIFTINGS. The groot hulk Sf chalk ls com f eight different Species of ny shells. iriflg of wood curls up owing, i contraction OO OOO aldo and ex melon es tha other. This axpeoatoe accelerated hy what la known as in "hack Iron" or "cap Iron" whltiti In plOOOO A scientist Rays that a caterpillar innot seo more than two fifths of an afc sbSO? Tho hairs on the body o believed to ba of aa much use as i eyes in letting lt know what is ting on around lt. A successful moth.ul of making nod proof against Isith fire and dt> y la tstlng Introduced In Germany. Ba SOUS Of the limiter ara emptied of r In a vacuum and Ailed with sui uite and borate of ammonia. The fact that day birds become noo? rna] at migration times, uttering ?d on no other oooaalon In tho ar; that they fly at a Rpeod beyond ordinary powers and nt heights yond their ordinary haunts, l.-ada r, Catke to believe that they possess rtttatr powers of flight and Roaring me prlnrlpln not employed on any her occasion and hitherto not taken to account by naturaliste. It has been observed that Imme itely preceding storms an unusual munt of scum appears on the stir ?o of ponds, and In a recent Issue landon Nature a plausible eiplana m of this phenomenon attributes lt chango In ha rom.-trio pressure. It suggested that tho scum formation due to tho rise of marsh grass from i oozo at the bottom of ponds fol vlng a aiidden fall In the barometer, ?saging weather chango, the gaa rrylng along with lt some of tho ld matter of the ooze, thus forming >. scum. PEOPLE OF PROMINENCE. Isaac Townsend Smith, Slam's consul neral at Now York, ls au active man, hough 91 years old. 'apt. lt.Tiller, who will seek the north !,- un behalf of the Canadian govern ? iit on the Gauss, has high hopes of ~0C89. Prof. T. York-Powell, reglus pn ' modern history at Oiford, lately de I ta one of the ahlest historians the ago. '..1 Ooalbo, a prince ortho royal blood Hawaii, will furnish tim money to .t a handsome temple In Cincinnati Ibo colored Knights of Pythias. lanatOT Mitchell, of Oregon, ls the I tn all tho history of thesen WbOSe s.-rvica has Included thr. it terOH separated by periods of pil? cal retirement Irs lilli, an artist of Tacoma, Wash , t I...-n commissioned by linn af tba .tern railroads to execute for tba ilsiana Purchase exposition Borstal illustrative of the scullery of .shlngton state. .l.-nf L ll. Chandler, H. 8. N, ma I torpedo flotilla so out hem waters lately that I has sent him to the orient to ob* fl tbs n,..vein,nts of the mikado*, H permitted so to do. ncr Hugh J I>-i', who two rs ago went to Wales, Alaska, for trotted States government to look ?r the reindeer and the natives, hos tbllshed a t.-mp. ranee camp there, I has dealt so fairly but firmly (as a ties of tko peace) with the lawless drunken sot he found there that In oar there has been but one case of nkonneoa. Siltl a Pile on liaiiilrerlaiii's I'ougli Kerned*,. l.i Gbeaaberleia'i Cough ii.ily for mon' than twenty years it has given entire satisfaction. I B sold a pile of it ami can recom? mit highly. Joslin M. Kiiiinkv, ton, Iowa. TlMI will timi this icily nj ginni friend when troubled h a cough or cid. It always affords ck relief and is pleasant to take. sale by Tbe Winston Drill*. Co. mn's Hy- p.-psia Tab lets cure irnli tion, dyspepsia and strengthens the mach. BEANS AND BEAN REFUSE. They Can Be Disposed Of to Most Profitable Advantage In the Poultry Yard. Tin- canniest h. n woman I know has fed bSOOS to h>-r Hock all wint.-r Sho claima BS li i from their uso Taking Into BOBOOOt the fact that the bSOS Wera SOI parti, ly weil house.I. and that their other rations consisted of corn, oat* and buckwheat, I mn Inclined to Join SOI In this opinion Heans an- rich In prut.Ids ami rarlrohydratcs lu this Instance they helped to furnish the constituents for eggs, for when .-very body'B Inns w.-re loafing; this Ho, k wero attending strictly to .lil? lies. I may say that tba biddles look up tbs b.-an habit" th. tho fall Ihe beans were cooked twice B week for the pigs. The Inns would crowd about the receptacle In which tbS I'.'.'HIH were Jilli, i'I alni OBI lo re? pletion when they could get an abtin ?f other food. Hy the (inn- th-y went Into winter (garters they OBOS laying well, and liny continued tu do so all winter. A percentage flf tho boan crop ls unmarketable from being broken and stamcl If slmpl" ...ok? ing will cu,vert this waste Into a valuable food for the poultry shall wa ?md tin likewise? Th.-re ls another product of | thrasher for which I wish to BOOBS B word ,.f prslsa; that la tbs dry los dirt which comes from the rollers, bushels and bushels of lt OOS ii often too mu. li berried in tba busy IO secure BO a.h.jual.- supply of dry earth for winter use. Tba thrasher win flo this for yoe sod de? posit it upon the barn ll.sir, ail lev. led into birr, bj N"t S pound shall ba wasted on our prem? ises no long as we keap hens, iii" fowls love to BCretCB and du.-t them? selves in it. member of tba family even declar.-s tbOJ aol if, this In .nhll tion to its BOraatsgaa ss sa abaorb eot Sat,- ih" bees dost and your fouls will ba healthier and happier.? Kural New forker. LOSS IN CROSS BREEDING. Poultrymen Who Want to Maka Money Should Stick to the Standard Varieties. n> croea braadlog wa mesa tba mat? ing or two distinct br. .sis with lin* ob? ject or producing, BOOMtblog b.-tler than tba broader boo find lo tbs ao* tobliahed w.. win ai tba sol K-i gey tba! we do sot sdi ? farmer to flo this ir be ls looking for profit from tba r.suits. If a man wishes to play wHh nature to see what tbs resell III be, Hiern ess ks BO objection lo his ei*0 The man tko! bo 0 breads with tbs hi. a of astObllSblDg a mw- and |m. pil? lar broetl ls almost certain to be dis? appointed. It is Bite.-ether unlikely that he will be able to pr.since any? thing BOPerlOT tO IbS breeds I Istlng If hu illd lt would bs ah.uif Im? possible to make anyone else think so and lt would cst a good flsol Bf money to advertise the new breed. Then the sale of a few birds would virtually throw the br.fdlng open lo tho world with little hope of financial profit to tbs originator of the lue..,]. It takes at least ten years lo produce a new bretti by crossing This waa tho case with the Orpliu/toiis, Cross after crosfl had to ba made !.. gat SfcSgS 'md color, IOd then several more years had to be spent In fixing tim finalities, ao that tho offspring would tm fairly true to typo The man that tries to make a fortune out of tho creation of a new brood ls In the same category aa the farmer who tries to product*, a race Sorse that will fcessSBB worth a for une. In either case tho prlSBB are 10 few as to bs not worth considering. For practical purposes lt ls far botte, n stick to the eotsbtlahed breeds and ?provo thom than to affmnpf to ?reafn now breeds hy crossing l'arm >rs' Heil, w SHUTTING UP BROODY HENS t. Convenient Way of Taking Care of Such Fowls as Are Not Re? quired for Sitting-. ?vary poultry raiser has soon tho noell if a convenient place fur shutting up iroodlng hens not ISaOlfOa for Sitting. rim Illustration shows what we use for hat purpose. Tho wheels permit the lally moving of lt to a cb an place. The II0M1: rOU HU.?)|iv BOHO. (.?nd out for handles and also fiord a roosting pases for tin- h< ne. in- rh.pinn roof sheds water, alni hens ra kept dry In w. t weather. Half of lie back ls covered with arovao wire to ive light and ventilation. Hy | bte side to the south, the bens have f sunlight, lt hos no floor, lt light to ba mad,-of light wood and not 10 lores to be essll j wheeled, v. Irt carriage Robrer, In rotriS Farmer Oreen Pasture for Geese. Geese are "grassers." and will do well a gr.-.n pasture If they have access 1 a cr.-.-k 01 lake BO much thu bstSBRj ut they can BOOOaoasafO?J grown with llt water to swim tn. In fattening they >e.! some gts.d sound grain every day, : for their I > sell ami good on the home dinner .bin. Hut th.- BOOfc must know how to Ok imam "r th.-y will have the cbarac r| tl. e, goa flavor, which ls guli orally ? ry distasteful to American palates.*? Uland Farmer. , A new theory that is provingaueesss il in the cure of Coughs, Lung anti rooehisl sffei fixative Hone) and lar. Iiii- reined) mu,'.is, beak tbe membi uing of the throat, lungs and lirondi ?, w?nis off Pneumonia and ena tho system generally. roup nml Whooping Cough disappear ?fort* its use ns snow before tba BOO ' Boring. H's pleasant I todorsoo Drag Oo. Rig bargains are oetng BOM in NM er wash-got*!*1, negligee shirts ami .en's women's ami tiiibireu's low it shoes at W.T.r-AKK tr tu Ts fro al Expansion. "Bo you have quit selling gold bricks ? duning bunco ga?tea," aald thi old-time, pal. "Yea," answered Mr. Coane lt ls foolish to run around Ute streets picking up a thousand here or there. The thing to do now la to open an office and hats p. ..plo send you tbe money by mall."? Washington Star. Including-.IV "1 suppose," said the newspaper clerk, who was Axing up the death notice, "You'll want the regular form: Veto tlvee and friends are laaBOttlbltj In? vited, etc.'?" "I.emilie see," replied the widower, "metres,you'd better say: 'Relatives and friends, also the neighbors.'"?Phila? delphia Press. That's No Lie. B-me m**n art* natural lf?,1f rs b?rn. And J"me ara puts faade. Pf' mn win fnma, through politics, And *.me g?t coln In tra.!.-; af thf anitra crowd on Hirth Tl.v?.> form but a sinai: ? For thi? averag* man prefers lo Ar.,un.I ami ulva ? I ?i iiioliuall la,iuli. r. IMPORTANT OMISSION. "What lroohs are 11.os.- you are pack It. ??. Il.-nry?'' ? li ? tbBl ? t "f OOS Hundred Bast H.?.ks the! foo: i lobuy last fall." - ! looked ail tbroogh th. ui thi' (norning for BflBsSffclS| that would gin: ?'"IIS on how to pa. I. hooks."? ? Tribune. A Ballad of a Bad Baby. Alsaaaiss m.' i at Ivttskl, \\,.ulJni inti.,! ii lit ll- I'lt-ril M..nona took har sllpp.-r.iualtt " ahei bt-hiiul tha houakl i'.sk her inti acr-uae her lapakl (Ml Ins him it ai'itiikakl llegl I-' Bleee teat Oma hla maaena'a Jayakf i Ia a In . 1 ,)rS? . sba. His Programme Arranged. "I know what you've come herc for," aid little Willie. "You're going lo ast ny sister to be your wife." "Oh! Why do you think so?" " 'Cause 1 heard her Ullin' ma she rae going to git you In a corner to ight and mako you say lt."?Chicago {.. ..rd H.-rald. His Excuse. "How dare you, slrl" exclaimed the tKllgnant girl. "1 BSOl?Bt help lt. Maud," pleaded ba now penitent young man. "You tare so maddeningly kiesable!" Still, lt was fully ten seconds before he quite forgave him.?Chicago Tri? une. Her Experience. "This race problem ls a dreadful liing." "Yes," answered young Mrs. Torklna; whenever I see Charley peta pencil and '?gin to figure on the entries In a race know there's going to bo trouble."? Washington Star. Another Sufferer. Johnny-Dad, what do you tall a ian when his wife dies? Father?A widower. Johnny?Anil what would you cell lm if he married aguie? Kal ber?A blithering Idiot?Ally loper. Tha Popular Idea of It "What's the matter with your hua and, Mrs. Grihhleeon?" "Oh, tho dot tor says hf's been workln' >o hard." "Why, I thought he held apoliticalof ce."?Chicago Hecord-Herald. One May Wish. Tommy?Ma. I wish you'd gimme soma ike. Mother -Tommy! Didn't I tell you it to ask for cake? Tommy?I ain't askln'; I'm Jest t liiilailclpklaaj'ubllc Ix I Her Impression. "Did you ever make anything by get ng Into tbe swell set, Mrs. Parvenue?" irse, I did. I'm told that short aft.i ward I made a beautiful faux pas whatever that Is."?N. Y. Times. Making Heraldry. Merchant?Phew! Two hundred dol rs ls pretty sleep for that trade-mark. Mrs. Merchant Oh, g.-t a good one; r grandchildren can use lt for a coat arms Detroit Free Press. How Changed! "How did you com.- tofall In love with amma, pop?" "Oh, my son. she happened to be play % In an amateur pantomime "~ y<>nk inan. Aaaong Our Obligations. The Professor?We owe a great deal ?i Prlend?Yes, Indeed. To chemistry, r Instance, we owe a great many of our Md**?Jadge. that awful grinding, alni.lung pain UM BOSk is from ll,.- kuli, Pineulea will cure it orso siflbt, ii-iiles is fi DOW discovery put up io WW way. A delightful remedy ami Mille tor all Kidney ami BsBO-SJ elides. Ia*. Taylor, or KssO-UlillB, bal Hil diseased with kidney i bladder trouble for 90 years. Ile ?ry known remedy without mil boooftii until ks sssd Pieeolss, is new disc..tory cured bim, and Mr. ylor advises all persons suffering n kidney or bladder trouble to get .ottle of l'ineules at once.