OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, September 16, 1904, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1904-09-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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\ n
ii. i
Robt kincaid brock.
UTI)itXI 'i Al LA
Lee & Thompson,
Attorneys at Law,
Farm villi \M> Crewi . V \
Mtorncv at La*,
A o. ai
/; S WING,
Green Bay, Prince Edward Coiinlj, Vi.
WC" n?l Fdlcntl.
I um ni Hint n ' tiring h tim
of Hani Ht..li- for
Foundations and Buildings,
- inmi
fur ? -lu mi ii* j
ami pim*' Mm.
l':iriii\ llb . V i
sh.n iwintkr
SS ON Glass, Woori an:, Vi ral
Lathi New Yoaa St.na
" s-rto oa no Cmar&ii
-Maoi -
iminations. . .
Wi put intelligericc
imining your
i- careful
tli.it you shall haw just
wli.it youreye*, require.
Wi- nt them perfect!
they will l?v com
lenses Ground Properly.
Hims lhat Suit Your Face.
[Glasses lhat Fit Your Needs
Jeweler and Optician.
\\rHITE 4. CO.,
Medicines and
Druggists' Sundries
r MC
X1,:' Early Risers
The famous little pills.
Slake* Kidney* and Bladder Right
i..tn. l. Ballt
? William Co
? t trying
v ehota*
fi tlKl nf
than any othel i
.. Mist bed
rf?'li' d Of lllukllir
ml with
Iraa had pn
let WM
Sullivan lnvnrl.i! iv Introd
'Iii- proprietor looked bim over and re
mi look
like him, yiMiu lim,
?"1?' '? ; niil rhnt
' ll ' ? millhill
I Ib? \\ hereupon th- proprietor
"Sullivan be no Jew, ti- bal 1 allus
? be wua on Irlahmoo. so'if jreou
I lookln'
t< i .i pause, the
ami >:. ' Ifyeou i" bl boo I rap
critter tn my Ume.an'ifyi
? j...u t..
Bej/lng this he sqosred hlmselt In true
' CohSO.
rons nnd
left lott ?
? the proprietor
'?< Wheo thi
oed that Cohen bsd ii,lu rlti .1 his mighty
lp between them.
i Tor* Sub r. pi rter
how indi
a !>r'!n. ... ,. n(.ar
spending a month In Jail.
".Sullivan," sahl I raking
ked wbao I hod nothing to
?'k a stroll around town to sea h
iii!? I keew I hui pi n<-fl In a ho
kOd mt down at ata?
ri!- with my friends. A few miners ram"
Into tho place am! th?y bargoo to talk
Uffereot pm lulllTan'a
tiam? *?. | ant) rather lo a rtlfi
rjarsging way , rs wild
I bas !?so1 tn
could fight at all. Ha 0
that I could not belp butting In
.anded ari explanation I told him
Oas and added that a man who
held the championship of the world an
lone; as he did was no duh. The miner
? tntoafghL Well, I
not don*- up a Mt, hut! ? fon u-finished
I had the miner down ami oat In fact.
!n Fuch ab-vl way that Uk y had
me pinched.
"I Immediately notified Sullivan of my
predicament, and hefors haming the
circumstances h- cania ti
would not seoept any boll lt lo
thi re n month
when the chief of i ray res
? -
Me was. When Informed. 1
ld after fixing
my hail nt 1100 The rn xt day I was
I and allowed to go fr
same night tha chief of police colled on
and handed the hil* f.
'"ld John not to
open lt until we left town. When Sulli?
van did he foi ops con
'f my fine.
"Sullivan i; ' with a
lot of fakirs on the road who v.
touch him all the time. John gove np
like a sailor, hut lt mad- me dial
? '. to Mik him.
; he aros ss oki Mol?
dier spproaehisl Sullivan with a hard
luck story, and John promptly forked
BOldter, who
was a fake, and who waa a pro'
s That
Kum nigh! I found him In n
shimtlnu dies with the coln begot from
Sullivan. I butted Into the gu
heat him ont of |100, Including John'*
llfty. Aft-r I had won th* moo*) ! told
him who l aroa Taos i exposed him to
??.'i, aroa poooeed on him and
gove him the worst booting a man ever
irn<ii the money to
Bulllvan, who humid lt up buying wine
'?'lnoh of ma
"Sullivan was the luckiest fellow In
the world to r.covir lost property. Ile
with his clothes' and would
I often leave hi roond free doy
it. for which he
I hart poid |100 tn Mew York. It was acold
night, and DI w<* v.. 'own the
following day I notified the potto* About
two hours late* thi kUivon's
coot I could not Bocoont for thi coot's
uulek recovery and started un lnvestlga
"I found that the garment had been
found about five- nill?n from tho pine*
where tt woo stoke Tic chap who took
lt trWl to dispose of lt, but after BSTOrol
foiled to sell lt, tx-cauw lt had
? ? DJ r The coat
I was told, hi an ash bar?
rel Had it belonged toeoj
t Boy* un lils it.itk
i wini i?n ? ? ur inxia
i Hone Liniment, ll will i
v M
I, Virginia,
1 tluil it
mis uk- ? rharm. i ? . s I bad
? s .uni could nol ii
; am now ont
W. Va.
A Hm*-Co
? iinily Bedkira* in thonvunls nf
;ir. ibach*r's Lm-i
ami Mood Syrup.
Silk Headache.
"I n several veera my viife iva-.
troubled with whal physicians called
sick headache of a rei y levere ?
ter. (the doctored wild several emi?
nent physicians and .it a great expense,
univ In ri'iW Worse Until *-ln' W:i* lin?
allie io iln liny kimi of work. thou)
i^n sin- began laking i Ihnmbcr
lam's Stomach and Liver Talilet* and
todaj weighs more than -lu' ever did
rul is real s ell tys M
,tulon. New ^ ork.
A inston Drug I
Yum cannot eur- pill's by external
application. Any remedy lo be effec?
tive must lie applied inside, right ni
the seal nf the trouble. Man /in i*
pul np iti a collapsible iuhe,
applies the remedy where ii is mi**!
needed Man Kan atrenglhen* the
blinni k ' it piles
are impossible. Man Kan relieves the
pain alnio-t instantly, neala, soothes,
coola and eurea. Hold bj Anderaon
That awful grinding, Blabbing pain
in tin' back I- fruin I he kidneys. A OOM
of ri inn li- will line ii over night,
Coi. liles is H new discovery put np in
a nen way. A delightful remedy ami
specific fm- all Kidney nml madder
ray lor, of Kendallville, Ind.,
' ional* diseased v*. it li kidney
.uni bladder trouble fm- 20 years. Ile
tested every known remedy without
much benefit, until he used I'ineules,
lins new discovery cured him,and Mr.
Taylor advises nil person* Buffering
from kidney or bladder trouble to get
ll lint t le of I'ineiile- ni linc-.
A mw theory timi ia proving*
fol in the cure of Coughs, Lung ami
Bronchial affections ia offered in Bee's
laxative Honey and Tar. Thi* remedy
cuts ide mucus, lieaU ide membranous
lining of the timmi, lungs and bronch?
ial tuliea; warda of! Pneumonia ami
strengthen* thc system generally.
t'limp ami Whooping ('"ugh disappear
before ita nae aa anow before the sun
shii.f spring, lt's pleasant -"ld
by Anderaon Inn: I
(;.. ('art- ate "all die :;.." fur gnuie,
hallies. Hoyne eon id.-ase you in pi ice
Hllll it'.ie
Burdock Blood BTttera gives s man a
clear head, an active brain, ti strong,
vigorous h<sly?makes him ill fur tin
bailie ..r life.
Bm kb n's A roles Nolie,
ld- '.muiil wale fame fur marvellous
cures lt surpasses any lither salve,lo?
tion, ointment or I ni I tn fur I 'uh, ('urns.
Boils, Korea, Felons, Ulcers,
Tel ter, Mall Bheum, Kevi
p. il I Innis.-kin Kriiptions; infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 28
eints ni White ,v <'<>., Druggiil
Special Prrasosll] ( mulla li il Tour In
M. hun-. Mu. \ia Southern Bail
woy, Sept ?jkiii. IM4.
TheHouthern Hallway bega tn an
minnel they will mi Heptriutter 30th,
1904. operate a aperial 'ram to st
LsHiis, consisting of loleal deign Poll*
mans ami dav Coaches, going thrungli
Without change lin* train will lie iii
charge nf a representative of tin Poss
engel liepai'ineiit, ami Hie mote will
la' thrungli Asheville, "Laud of the
Knoxville, lexington, Louis?
ville, eic, al which points stop-over*
will ta* allowed if desired.
l-'iir full infuiiiiati'in apply lu ymir
in k-t Bgenl "( addn
C W U i i m cv. ll I'. A
Richmond, Vs.
No Sleep for Him.
Bacon?You say yea never slept in
a folding lied?
Bsrhert- That's rlghL
"Well, you hove, fur that wan one
WS pat you In when you vt. i"
"Ye9, I know that was a folding Ind,
but I didn't Bleep a wink In lt. 1 was
ifrald of the peaky thing!"?Yonkers
A Solar Plexus Blow.
Mr. Stoylsti i eos solos. ,n c**l
tiing, but I un li
Patience?Th- Ideal I a
had eelled.
Mr Stayiate?Ah! you were really at
BOOM, tlc ll?
I'atti ncc ? No. ? Philadelphia
The Foolish Little Bee.
In ? . Mould sim*
Aw.". ? nour,
l.lk. lin- |,n?> Ult
?Cincinnati Knquli
- I told my best story to-nicht,"
Says the monologist, "a lady In imo
of the milicent
bouquet to n
"What kind of Howers are they?
Immure I ihe aoobretto.?
Chicago Tribune.
"H- 1-. th- Bower of the family."
"Possibly He Beams to lie a bloom?
ing Idiot "?Puck. _^^^___
No Sinecure.
Mrs Penhcf ker You know that you
only married me fur my money.
Mr. Penhecker Well, you can't say
that I haven't earned lt.?Ally Sloper.
Just a Hint.
"What Bassett most appeals to rout"
ha asked
"A wedding march," she replied,
blushing?Chicago Post
for chttdrani aafa. aura. Mo opiate*
mooey market
tocked Pill coln are ly
ng In tba banks and heavy r-mlt
rom London and New York.
An Austrian p-a ant's wife, In re
?cnu-o fur lui
ult, BOWed tat- 'iHrlm: thc Dight ll
Hil op
A whole town In Ir-:
old at amt <r, li
!ork county, it belong
rho Deeds money, and to ral
rives tin in'
tu buy the place t
Al tn i.
Carla by railway. Tin
inment ha
the building nf a rood t" thi
frontier, which will .
led with th- rail
if Barona
A London postman atole
'rum ' ?
? I wit!
D lltlT* Ink
ur hi, benefit Hi iii wltl
Kim- of them upon him. uni the]
. "turi- an 1 : al, -I tubae
vhbh netri the national ti
. a y-ar. Th- govi rumen
material, msnufsc
urea lt int"
iii snuff, ai
ii : through ll" i
rho receive a Bxed '"inn.I- lon, aver
kl "ut ten per cenff) un the pru
tlnir sales
Th- boalneaa of company promotlni
las slumir-d in England The tots
tumbe! uf private billa depoalted f"
llamentary session of i
atlng to rsl kia, tramway!
md the supply nf electricity, .
rotor i- I with l*.'
n th- preceding session Tl
im mut of mooey proposed to in
' -ur,, ,i de, |
?han gisT.ui"
A llngular di-structlon of hirds I
nizling the naturalists of N'nrtl
Al high tide on th- murnini
'f March l*i, thooasads of tl
darlings and bia. kblrds were throwi
iji dea I along ai rora! mllea nf tin
f Cardigan hay,
ithers were noticed In a h-lpl
?xhau*-! ui- soknowi
of electricity la Included In thi
lumaroo* explanal C W
[l-rbert Oreovea Bod* timi mi rtlni
had prodneed a timid, ant h'
? the bird*
'it on Im lbj -i, being thil
ntl 'i.'.i.
The f(ivernninnt of (Jut > n.-land nffer
v prize i a method
minuting tlie opuntla, a specie* of rac
:us Imported frmn America.
('loves are the unopened Bowan of ;
?mall i'vi rur-en tre- that
aurel Inappaaronea They are*
mokC'l "Mr a Winn
lire and then dried In the Kim
A lan;- Bamber uf people tn ?
t.'il nf Knlapur, India, mi ?
a f' r th- tlrst tim-, prostrated them
? fm- it, daelsriag thal it wa
bj an lnvislbi'
A lake containing fnsh waterOOtO|
ind salt water on the bottom 1
nd on Klldln island, Lapland
rho lake rbes and falls wita tl
im! ttl- salt wnti r evidently comesfroo
I underground BDODDSl,
1 I.- hair of rabbits and oth-r
n Russia ls convi rfd lot
^s and plates, which are vsloed f"r thel
Orength, durability and lightoi
' srtli les have very mai h th'
The ( ? ititu nt nf the I'.rtt
.sh Museum library eOOtOlOl i
work whlrh ooeopl rolumea
Ibis wonderful production of tl
mall numb*
if copi'-s now In exist' ?
incyclopedls of tho literature of Chin*
?overing a par!
100 B c. to 171 0 A I>
A Society for the Promotion of Ambl
lexteriti boa baeo form?d in L
rhat ti toity o
-'.nits have grown up In a state nf mtj
hutted usefulness and nf eosnporatlvi
? s and awkv. I iii- thi
uti rs of the brain supp:*, tm
? | reloped
"Every day In London," says Popula:
Kecbsoi "f workmi i
les nr- bulled In lime that will after
Aard la* used fur Its propel j
me nf th- workmaeemptleaaqaantitt
frmn a -ack. In theo D
-i nf this lime beouvkeaohole,ood inti
i ls poured. Then h> |
Into the Oater, and In a fe*
iiliiiites th- ks!
i. ? ,i P.ii i . tl,ii* > pared.''
md north of London ha
"f a lull- of nils
quart in!!- of land, and south of Lon
loo mora than a mlle.
Th- PrOBSaBa state railway
laving ?1,1"4 miles of track,
?t last year Th!
u he in to 12 pi r cent off
A school for locomotive encC
nany The ,
Wssk and Sunday mornings fo
mn year.
Puring the 2" years of the exlstenci
rf the state railway system of Prussia
ha gross earnings increased from JU.
100,000 to I3*ii thi op-ratlng ex
from |2l,S00,n'tO to |221
tod th- net earnings from fl!,'
. year The mlb .
. from MU mlle:- to i.'l.l"4 milt I
rho. capital Invested yields seven j?.
?en! , nccordlnK to tho official state
..i-alnst LS poi '
Honey anil Tar is di (Terell
rom all other remedies offered for th
eliot of noogoo, lung nml bronchia
roubles, lt contain! Vntieeptic pro
- that deatroy* tbe Berms, am
lolven! properties toot cul the phlegm
illowing it to bs thrown otT, in
-owels gently. Curea Croup, Whoop
gh and Cnlils in oas night
'"ld by Anderson Prug Co,
When troubled with constipation tr
Chamberlain** Btomaeb and Live
? ablets They are early to take nit
produce no griping or other unpleai
int offset. For salo by Toa Wtosto
Drug Co.
Our Individual nnd Domes'.
ditton Of 1 rga Cities.
A million
of that . lt) Tin temper lo which a
bia borne fur dlnnei In thi
are more "r .
lue. brought
hy a ?.??
? -
ur conductor sum- Inclvilll
? I.' iv ll
condui tois and gnai H
their long hour* Heir difficult
work asd tl,
whick tl
* msjorit) nf thi tn
con tr! vi In remain civil and good nn
"iii the
lin \ ll:a! not hy
An Old-Timi a Race Many
a ? fm a Tli"'.
Dollars n I
"The first real ho
the Bill Tm t" i farm,
town," Judge VV li one "f
timi ra "I Calla* bj i ounty, ti ll*
the Fultmi (Mo i Qa* ttl "1
. ick. It
old, but I i all fi (lill it ll
their owi
Dd the
dc ol ihe two
' I
os ii* d b) Mi
tin Oil.'
Bed by a fi !!?
liv-d In re in hulton Both a
ii.d sverythii 'dation
Virgin!* I' hoy to ride
hil horse, bul
by a s
Drosreln, i
r Mor?
decai *
bod a corni r:n a track ral there
as wall as s,, in- :?
I fortune. Il took
sod repeat, bul ? it was
How a Correspondent During ' I
War Gave Hla Life for a
In si :
?; mods
i '.rr-.si.
the war In
: Bulli l's tilt
on the firing
heavy dining
thal of the |
'! on the low
lying kopje* occupied by Iiotha'
Me.MT ! OppOr
inuit) '
Jumped out of hU' "m han/e" to SI
n a big lyddlti tin ll ? ?
within a few f" t of him, killing him In?
stantly I aft
era. which WSS comparatively un Injured.
the Bim it contain
oped I dlacovi red tl I "
a lu autlful photograph nf tl
! tiffi l! "Ill I '
of the picton ?
Engagements Are Announced, Which
So, i to Diaagi
able Consequences.
The ? young
German girl, Bay* tba London
I, In the I
pi i Thoo i i pedal hi ading for
betrothals, Desi tu th* i
all German n
tn- Bul lt has Ita
im onvenleie
On February L's the Teltower Krels
blatt published, under the heading
"Betrothed," "OttiUla Beckmana (Her
llni to Franz ll-nsih-l (TeltOWST)."
(in March 8, Franz Heoachel wrote to
the paper Bl say that h- was
to Fraull' n Beckmann, and on
March 13 the lady replied by writing to
say that the]
11, and that
ki -ii Ptl
far the lady has had th- baSt word, but
i ih- ungallant Franz will lie
i ls 'is y-t uncer?
Jape Decorate Americans.
In pm kia policy of warm
friendship towards America, the Fm
peror Mutshnhlto of Japan ha
A mori?
lana who have reed
displayed particular Interest In Japan?
ese affairs.
Ila-void | Ii.Niiainhcrliiili's liiiigh
II, undi.
I have sulil liiamlieiiaii' - Cough
itemed] for D twenty years
and it has given entire BStiafai
? M a pile of it and cnn recom?
mend it bighij M
Linton, Iowa. Von will lim! thia
r-ineily B good friend when troubled
with a ontigh or cold. It always affords
'juick relief and is pleasant to take.
For -ale by I Di gi
. dyspepsia and atreogtfa
? bOO-bOO ('.! '
I They collie Iii all
One is In the l-hapi
? Hilted pink,
.?uni Hoed with hand paint
(lill! l-l lll-l
"binni 'Lan UM
itu! beautifully hand painted
, ittei ??:? Booal
tu the pruper garnishing and
i.n Ik.wi
The prettiest of lhasa In chit a bovi
: : . ....
? ieh ll
?! individual plates
are much mi ? than formerly
' li look
, Bloted on Hit
ape go with tl
Individual salad dish.
illy bandanna*
i -t h. made in p present illy pei
which la especially dainty fm P 11 ii" i>
B pale pink sad M-eii illina calinllum
Fur gelatine*, blani mange* and Bim
? bSOOUfOl large
and Indlvdual mold* one of tha seweat
is the -ra|M' mold, and B hen the gelatine
hr emptied oo a dainty piece of china.
Ilka a stem of lost!oe*
To can> ral ti.i- Illusion, grape* sra
dropped in the Jelly before ll
ul of the cream halag Barred ra
? rt or beverag* in tha kit'-in b,
ie tha fad to serve lt frmn til?
lable For this purpose lt ls Whipped to
B stiff truth, then linildi'd lntu t!
I lo the nrna
mental bowL a whipped ? ream lodla
Dade "f th- ellina la used Kt serving
th* Individual port
Sherbet glasses now cobbs in eel glass
and china In the shape of Mowers. OSS
? ? i. pr. o til im
orchid blossom, and was a delicate lav?
in! white, with a Blaode* twisted
I green Another one repre?
sented a water lily which rested on a
treen pad of transparent
? '? ,.f twelve, With ll I
Bd DOB bun db bas tO mat; h
The British coi.Untie to civill/- the
ThlbetSOS, though there are still large
Bambers of bealgbtsd heathens who
? ? ?'. to gasp out of
"Some of the ulumbara uf iianieaa sis
I, others
are looking nfter their defenses Bod otk
-rs are gi ttl'.
STvao the Russian army musicians
fooght gallantly at the battle of Klu
llenebaog, but this merely strengthens
ular belief that the Japs are
fighting to (nat tho band.
Panama now talks of disbanding its
army. This would seem to be an easy
All that Ih necessary ls tochar
tl i an OtOOlboa and distribute tba r-"l
? 'lind at their several homes
A prominent ownnr of race SOI
rh has Just Issued an order for?
bidding his employes to swear lil his
liable, and consequently has had to dis
il hit stablemen who hav-ev-r
had anything bo do with dm
An exnhan?e says tho names of the
Russian ships IVtrnpavlovsk
? atroaboy will go dOWS to history
lid* by side, but lt ls gOBBtlOBObla If the
BveeOB of fame ls wide enough to admit
They may have to bo driven
doora tai
lt la reported that a San'a Monica
ming th- oilier day,
"< aught a crab" and was about to drown,
Bad by a young man
who neglected to klsn lu r winn they
'ling opinion
a anning those who know
IOg lady ls that she lid I I
?it a lobster
F Hopkinson Smith, the author and
kid this mother-in-law yarn re?
cently: "Arrah, you're lnoklii' very
lld Pol O'Hiilllhan, BOO**!
ml Penis tho other day. "Ol
iinndeil lillis "Wv* lust
ni) mother-in-law. 1 tell you ll
?rom mother-in-law!" "Hard!"
i Pol "H'gorrah, lt's alums.!
No man ever reached n jo> hy Jumping
Don't forget that other people fee!
about as little Interest In fOOTtrouble*
as you do In theirs POCK.
well preserved, a woman, like
I rilli. BBSd* a good deal of sugar in her
compoattlra - Indianapolis News.
? I : ' ti," said lin li
So an' Sn dot wouldn't dast to witted''
bia wit a little ii ' '-Wanliliig
ton Star
No wis,, girl aver lets the young man
li see her With
her hair In curl papers until after tin:
minister has said his fatal say - '
Pally N
Love ls a balloon, but marriage ls the
parachute which brings the poi
saleij down from the lntnxlcat: .
ta the pi sweet nteot - ?
HOUI tOB (Tex ) 1'
goiter buckles are "lucky" and
The girl who wears her garters below
Tho marriage of a bride who WSOTI
any but Whit
day will have an unhappy ending,
the knee will early lost her beauty.
To put on the left garter before thc
right on dressing In the morning will
? id luck all day.
The luckiest colors for garters arf
white, blue and black. Th- w
yellow garters will lose a friend wlthlu
a year
In Praise sf < li.imbcrlaiii's lillie,
Cholera and liiarrlnrc.i Remedy.
"Allow me to give rou a few word*
rn praise nf Chamberlain's Colic, Chub
ero ond Diarrhoea Remedy, iori Mi
.Inhn Hamlet!, of Kagl- Tass, Texas,
"I luffered one week willi bowel trou
Ide and took all kind" of mediciiM
without getting aO| relief, when mj
friend. Mr. C. Johnson, a merehani
!?? ieed dm to take ibis remedy
After taking mie duse i felt greatly re
md when I had taken [OS thin
? ,r-iy eared. I thunk yoi
frmn the bottom of my heart for put
ting this great remedy in the fa
For sale by The Winstoi
Drug Co.
Here Is a Remarkable Dog If Tou I
li-ve This Story?An Irish Setter
That Helped His Master.
They were talking of I
' .\1> Irish BBttBI saved me a curt:
lecture hy posting a letter foi
other day," said Longbow, going i
last spamkar "one batter."
Thu nt hers tried to look as thou
tiny believed him, for Longbow v
paying fur the drinks, relates the N
"lurk Tl
"Pact," he ciiiitlii'i.iV "Wife gs
me a letter ta pimt at breakfast Ti
rn- tt waa very important. Warned
no! ta put lt lu my cat pod I
Ba) |?" kel her demi lettur office). Wi
I didn't. I hft lt on the hall stand 1
m. ml.! led lt when I got to the oin
! up the in lld. Told In t
Major to toe leagphooo iici
'Get the li tin off the hall sta
mid glvo lt to tha 'maiman.' Maje ri
i tad my vulre, barked omnpreru
aloa of the m-sM;iKe. t.-iU tha kata*
-viiIi mid went and Stimd ll) t
st postbox until the
came to i OllSSt the mall \\ ,:
answer that night, and i.
I'd forgotten to post lt."
"flog, Loogbow," restarted Jun
"tin- next linnie's OD BM
Young Russians Oppose Doctrines
Former DouJchobor and Mob
His Followers.
A Deokhobor named Va/.uff, who w
dlsapputiited willi the doings of I
fanatical sect In Canada, ami return
tO Hu I am al. .I li
ta prtaoo, win i ti ? ??
i leal <>r the Loadoo Bxr
/off aspired t" i?- the Joseph smith
Russian Mormonism. Having ijuarr
ed with the Canadian Honk linburn,
returned sui rcptltiously to his natl
country, boasting that he would fnu
' ten times as BOOBarOOS a.s lind
Arriving at odessa In tromped Inlai
announcing ta the peasants a new rt
e'.attun, BOCOrdtOg tn which all tr
Christians wars In future tn hav- si v
wive*, "as was the case with the gu
Canadlarirj." The villagers of Hu
'. a r-suliitliiti accepting
doetrises, bot when the mayor, his t
sons and seven or eight rich peasai
put the tenets of the-new religion Ir
practice then- was ic tourf rJutrry, a
tho young men'nf the district rabi
the mayor's house and nearly Ulled 1
amis Va/nff fled, but was pursued
a neighboring village, win rn BS w
captured while haranguing the munji
on the virtues of polygamy.
Sew Discovery Used lu Seeking Oei
Without Injury to the
At a time when considerable, atti
timi la In ing imbi to tho pearl lndusl
"f i.yluii, and the government ts ti
ing ext?*nslv
oyster fisheries there, lt ls of lnten
ta record a discovery weaily boomi
Blasted to the PsrtS Academy
Bctaoeas hy M. Dubols relative to usl
RoBOtgao rays to examine oysters,
has boen found that these rays ana!
an observer to determine at or
wh-ther a living oyster contains
pi arl or not without Injury lo the ai
mal, and lu tri ls small t
oyster may ba replaced In Ubi
til further growth takes place amt t
desired Biz- ls reached, says Harpe
Weekly. In tOO BrieatlBt examlnail
of the pearl oysters af Ceylon lt i.
base asiaatslnad that tho popular bel
that the nu'i-1 of pearls aro f
minute grains of sand or Other POI
cles holds good in but few lOOtOOC
and that In SaOSt ObOBS the pearls
psorty sasrssBsaeaB are prodoesd
the Irritation of boring sponges a
burrowing worms. The best f)
suit from the stimulation nf a paras
worm which Incomes lOSOSBd and di
What It MeaiiB to Travel Thirty-Fo
Miles an Hour Over a
Rough Sea.
"Put a .tn-knot destroyer lnfc
rough sea," sayB Williaui White, "?
the limit "f sj.1 she can mako Is wi
sim can BSOI Ohs! the p-ople on 1
eau h' '
Traveling at a M I not ipesd ls gol
at the rate of a little over 31 mlle*
hour, says the Bootoo Globe. Von c
travel al that speed lu a railway tn
with comfort In fact, it ls about I
Hoary train. But I
agtne a runaway horse dragging ye
carriage over a much country road
;i4 miles an hoar and you will got
Idea of what ll un.ms to go 30 kn
an hour In a torpedo boat Good
tin- digestion, maybe, but rough on i
garv as; and if aaythtOg gives way, d
.oinpleto and overwhelming.
The average ai'o of ibo command
of tho battleships In tho United Sta
navy 1* about R'i years. In select!
OOVere to command torpedo boats
ls endeavored to get men of about
or under. Torpodo boats aro the bu
lng bronchos of tho sea, and It take
y.Ming man to ride them successful
Women Clarks In Meat Marketa
lrIve hundred woman aro employed
the provision stores In New York, c
ting meat and walting on custom*
They aro as skillful as mon, and th
employers say that they attract c
toni because of their neat appear*!
They wear black gowns and long wt
aprons. Th- most difficult thing tl
have to learn ls not to wipe th
hands on their aprons after cuttlni
Bile* of meat. One woman, after cia
Ing her hands on a towel behind
block, remarked to a eeSBBfl
took me two week* to remember thi
Kmorircncy Medicine*..
It is a treat eonveniones to have
hand reliable resaodaSSfOS BBB ls Bl
Of accident and for Blight it'.
ailment*. A good liniment and
that ll fait b.lining a favorite if
ft boo* i issitr ii Chaoaberla
Pola Balm. Hy applying it prOBB|
to a out, brui*-' or burn it allays
pain and causes the injury to h-al
about one-thin! tho time usually
ijuired, and ss it is sn anti ?pt.'
nts any danger sf Mood poll
ing. When Fain Balm i~ kept at li
a sprain may be treated befall
?nation sets in, which insures a <|t
recovery. For salt* by The Wiso
Drug Co.
The Usual Programme.
Lady- My t '? swilled.
s. shave
' a thor hav*
ld i.., | i ?
l ' -rtalnly can't get them on.
Inst, p ls high. 1 OlB
i er pair with a higher :
All pen irv have high
fa par! of il ?
niinuls . ib the
marks off too \cs, and glvs
Same as Old Clothes.
"And w hat
fronl/lngly, '
ld niles?'*
oh." replied (he little fellow, with
B d' < p Sigh IO will
i ut Yin doa ii and t- kl 'em."
I'lin numil lui,inlier.
A Long-Felt Want.
said the salesman; ' yon I
I if you're bothsri ii
with Hilson
"Why." replied Miss F,,his, "it'sonly
B 'cuckoo i im k.' i.-u't lt?"
"Vis, but beginning at tao o'clock,
ter hour, lt BB] cd home!' "?
Philadelphia i
A Candid Explanation.
"Why is lt," as! . of his
lanndii : charge BBS almost
"Well ply, "you see,
sith, yob sn' as
well as Mlstnh Drhja .rey aln*
Domestic Sttategy.
Hosboed Why do ymi Mold tim
lin lal'', .ill di i> ?! lip
\\ Ifs I DOOM dantii; hut I'm In hopes
thal If I keep si uliltiu- tlffl bub I ?
' 'Ula! and si ubi tho
tpOOb N Y Wi i Hy.
Why She Quit.
Tai atop* ubi ae
"Hld If worry yon to Itrnw how much
you sp. nt f aaksd ber fl k sd
"Ho Tko Hiing tool soooyed mn
l kiiuw hoe I "iiibl have so mm h
left WhOB I hal -pent BO nindi
Losing Sleep.
Patience- I always think of all tho
m-an tiiiims i boro sold darug the doy
paten I fall BSlSSf at I
Patrice Oroetoos! Do you stay
The Irish Orator.
"Oh, my fri. i-i-!" ??cl*la*ed th*ora?
tor, "lt makis BM sad when I think of
the days that I look
around and miss the old familiar foeaa
I u*wd ti la with." ni
Miss Oasberl) I suppose ita very
hard work lo tim! B w Ideas for your
m ssl col
Royton Kn I to ?
r Chronicle,
A Melancholy I t,ou.
VS I. e. '?'
la mullina: ! BOW.
Now They Don't Speak
("lorinda Young fl igkoad pi
to BM last Bl
koowa ix forehand that ' i
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Similar, But Dil!
She?Than I thingaboot
Ba '?'
She Tko ' baOOtf Fn
Hard to Believe.
"You wouldn't baiters I eooM be a
thor, woold ?
"W'.il.no," ka n i
lng you toll Ht
Absolutely Pure

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