Newspaper Page Text
PARMYILLK HERALD -I ri i Mia i; ie mt $500.00 Will von lend us $:.(>?>.<?!? w ithout m. ? . no. Still there atv many pt pk' who have invested tin- nmounl ami largci s in building and who have no security wi ' I'I Kl'. Call in our office, va rite u-* tor rates and von \\ ill be surprised how low tin -i rat', s Paulett & Paulett, "Insurance that Insures." lOKI'H WATClim nts Id miler lins head will la* charged fur st tl. POI line BOOb - lbs Dumber ot in. stated ul the time di nt it o ill be emit i ii neil ot the obove rite until DO' liuue in received. W w uta cid - \s. Paulett, Jr. tin linc BANT, Kio ? oinfnrtal'lc office - drug -torc. y In W 1! Bl ROOK. ihmiii: A sprightly boy, aol kia? ta fourteen veer* of age to learn the printing Moat l?e al'le lo ; write. Industrious and willing , ti -mall pay until be becomes ti** ful in the oftlee. Apply at thc Her one on BopUal Hill now occupied by J. R. un Miilille street. Ap ply to K, W. N KoK Ion siroble brick lenee mi Molo Btroetoppositecourt apply to 0. E. cha' ? fragrvaalve Henri Port] ? eveuing I>r. aw! Mra. W. ' tit their re.-idenee on Hlgl i between tbs boora of lime and twelve, entertained thc titon Milla Comping Party" In hniior of their niece, Mba Vera Vauxhall, of WosblDgtOO, 1). C." Tbs beautiful lawn am! roroodoa were tastily decorated with Jepaoeee lantern-, American Dag* and bunting, and at an early hour of thc evening Un? invited oooplea arrived and were grace? fully received l.y Mr.- NV. K. An -.ii and ie (*. T. Vaughan, of Wosblngtoo, D. C. tftcr a brief bul delight? ful uiiiiKlini; in ruH'ial dtaootliao were arranged hy tl ,t table* of four, fur lbs feature of the evening of ''Progrt player wa*- furnished attlia heginiiing nf the game witli a -mall hai; of Irr.-an-, one Irean lajini; traiicferred to the progressing couple* st each ringing of the lae ll, and the * at the clune of the -t Dumbei of beal declared tn ta' the nw-t successful in the BVening's i*a!ne. .'ame proi;reM?ed for aeveral hour- in merriment and fun, after wini h tlie hesless announced the vt in? ner of tin evening** priae t<> ba Dr. NV. J (.ills, to tt hom wa* nannied a hand lil pm. The booby wa* acm by Mr. NV. I; Boost unii'iie feature of tlie g - merriment ?n- the novel awl attractive manner in which the ia refreebmoDls wera set ted lo Immediately upon the award of the ? of "Pro? be couple* sretS re srraoged In table* of four, mid each provided with an attractive menu card, ooDteining o list of dainty dishes awi pectlve price of cadi valued in the bean* ussd by lbs Kia?l- in "Pro ?e Dutebasod with ills remaining IO 1-esM.ili of each guest ond in case of lbs purcha*c being greetei lo pries than tbs par* cha-*.*!'-, reinniiiing Irean**. the utifortu liate guee! v. a-made te pay a forte! tu re Sf Iii* lavish indulgence Ircyond the lunn of his Billilly topsy. The forfeiture- afforded nosmr'l part of Ibeerenlng'afonand were a* follows; May Paulet*- Piano **>lo mi card til.le. I willy awl Besets Marlin Vocal die | l.avalctte Kedd Recitation? lbs Beebo* Nell < .ruy and Mr. Clyde Du vail Spectacular Promenade. Ur. VV. J. lilli- Clog dawe. Dnvoll and ilr. W. J. < Jills? I Will live until I Mi? Marv lue Vocal BOk "Cia*! Morning, Carry. Ainmn; Hms,' preneut were M Vauxhall, NV: hlogton, D < Miss ay, Kicliiiwml; Mia* Mmi (Jes, irg; Mi** Louise Twltty, Bal folk Mba Laure Twltty, BufJolk: Mrs '? I Vaughan, Waahington, D. C., May Paulett, Robbie Berkeley, Martin, Lovolette Redd awl Mt- VV P. RlcbonJ NN. I*. Ki,|,i,ril-on. Dr, VT. J. dil.-, Paulett, Clyde Ihivail, W. lt. VV. li Kn haul-on, jr., joseph E. Jobnaoo awl J. Taylor Thompson. . ? Miipniciil ol lui),u m. it pretty Bight to Be* how bu-y thc f"ieeat the N. fl NV. freight depot ardor boodllog a shipment of -Wad- tobacco -hipped by Mi NN (. DuDOlOgtoa via N. .V NV. K. R , ! lo Chii-tiana, Norway Tln *snt*nhlpmont wo* handled with i*r beiDglooded la les* limn sis hour- abd moved bj train. ll vu Wei lt .uni Itom I nunn nt r.,r rheumattaro. .train. ?. al Wlill** Co. aud Wi h.i?u Drug io a BUDS AM) 1'KKSONALS. \ Bailj lliniiirlii. i w in ii tin aroi li'- to So* and Lue a ll Uh s?nt i?. i,,,,.. Clean up the los pond- nnd catch thc afore tbe freres 00010*, Venal.le and old gothog ready roi tbs bird sssoon. *unaere acorchlog let bul the eight* arc refreehlogly ooo*, Mr- Cllcn C. June* awl family tire -nuulv lived in their new li,.me in I' .'Hillville. October without a Farmville like the pla*, nf Hamlet with no liam let In lt. Mt-. (?'.. Scott uibbs awl daughter, Ure Visiting in the home of Mr NV ll. Burger. Mrs. I'i Vnderson entertained very delightfully a DUgO parly "f frieinls un i'm -day evening teal Mia* Caine Hailey relume I boase Friday la-t after a pleasant trip to Keysville awl tilchaaood. The congregation of the Presbyterian church here will meet next Sunday to elect a Mt Mc.Nll-tet. Mi- K l? Burge* awl her sister. Mrs rVoodruff, "f Blrmloghom, ors vi*iting Mr awl Mrs. NV. H. Bulger. Mr-. F. I:. Humphrey, ha- been call? ed to the bedside of Kev. Mr. Berry, wlm 1- ill at hr- DOOM near (steen May. I*aik al-mt you and -ii* what you ? ii awi then mention it io the Herald'- Waul Column. "Sine win Dr. Al 1 '-ailed to Paniplin uti I'm -dat tu -cc a toling -un nf Kev. Nil. Hell in consultation \titli Kt Ai sup. Bev. Mr. Shipley, of Stillolk, occu? pied the putpa of thc Presbyterian church morning awl evening of Itv! Sunday. The Daughter* of the Confederacy will meet next Thursday sveolog ai 1 o'clock, St thc le-lilellie of Mr*. KbBBB mi Mogil street. Are not the star- nt Dight DM tiful then they were two we. , YOB, indeed, awl Why?The Normalite* are with 11* aplin. Don't forget to save oil the walnut* you can. They are mighty good when the moa fall* awi there are bright lire* mi the hearth *twie. "Nature Study" i- more than a fad at thc Nanoo!, No branch of study 1* puraued more enthu*ia*ticnlly. ' 1 lure 11 ms m -tone-," awl (tod every where. NVhat* wrong with the Powhatan pips that we hear nothing of it these a tune when it wa* universal pet, bat then eigarette* were not no much in evidence. Cnpt. S. NV. Paulett is attending the reunion of old Confederate* at Lynett- ^ burg. He WOO afraid to take Capt. ?, "Bob" with him for fear that he might -ec-nine ODS in "blue" awl go to light '"*' U Tbs crop- iii the oolghborbood of a. Prospect are unusually good thi- *ca- ,| -on. Mr. Southall, who rent.- a portion ^ .f Mi-. June-' farm, say* he la cutting a| he best crop of tobacco lie lia* ever ^ DOWD. a* ClgOret! tug BOOBS heavy alow*. Tho latest from the held of battle j? - to the effect that a laiy wossoeroo- rt, il by their DBS that he wa- driven Vf 10 thc crime of killing hi- parent*. fr, }uit, young man. |a We are alway* wishing for swim*- vi liing more for our Normal. Concrete ai rialk way* are in pre*smg dciiuiwl. just of mw Deeded in dry weather a- well a- m D the relay SOOBOD, fbi the girl* drem! e*. he dust n- well iv- they du the mud. kl Wheat ha* gone far la-yowl the dol ar mark aw! 1- still "a jumping. " Ha enched 11.26, and may go te flatt. A'liat a pity our farmer* sold loo soon, kUl those win.-till have their crops 011 . iain) Will make mi-take to U* holding , iir JJ. It will siain go "mit of sight.' .. It Iso pity that the tomato -eaton Hi koon'I la>t tbs whole year rwiwi, but hey arc getting sear, e now awl will S? non la-known only to the tables of the of kb. Hut haven't we had k''**! times vith them awl will we not letnembef ai hem pleasantly, nnd look hopefully eil or their return.' di did "King's Corner" wu- for many " ?curs the BOBOS of nctive life, but fm rH roora ll ha* beSO dying and now with- * ' ng but ashes awl mute brick wall* rc- " nain to mark the s|ait. For some of m mr readers tewh r immunes gather ? kbout the place awl they mourn it* Wl leath a* that 0/a friend. Our Impe 1- that the OOSSlOg winter viii nut U' ho long or 03 -.vere a- wa? ts immediate predecessor, bul it bo> kooves those people who can make in m*paratioii for lt to la-up and at it kia-, it will bs tine again that so many rill ia- forced lo buy wtaal by the tick awl coal bv the bucket. yo Pear- and grape* are ni i-t certain of (,j, rm! crop* awl yet BO many BOOBSS ri tb land ami to -pare have neither, fe Will -"un Ire paying a gi?rdly *liin I .1 bunches of gropes, awl why m< ran not om farmer* raine them awl Mi IVO the money at home? lt 1- Idle to tl" bj it can't be done. lt can Ik* done lb! nd ought to la* done. Mr. Munford Hurt, of Huntington, T, Vi , Bras iii town tin* wt*ck visiting la mother, MlO. Charlotte Hurt. Mr lurt ha* Uen living in Huntington ir twelve years, awl this j- lbs first bbs bs im- bera to Formvtll* lo ail int time He doctored that our town ad improved in these year* more than e could have possibly anticipated. Wc can think of 110 one thing tlie irmei ha- to -ell at this present time nit d'- not bring good prices. From rgaupoi egg- duwil price- nile high, lie trouble with the vt age earner is that age- haven't kept pace willi the ln Ihe Herald remain* at the illar |Miint, awl Job printing ls even rjtlll OTB are living nw! gener lly happy If our fanwr-have anything of in Heel to report about tin- year* crop t them u-e thc columns uf the Her 1 fl free exchange of ext- I 11 Hie farm would Ire ofOBBMttOl value ? all mir fiirinei- Nun must not .tlier about the style. Say it in plain Ingli-li ju-t a* you would talk to a i-igblsir sitting under a -bade tree el I the family table. -ci th. lin pa Oi th. th. SOI mt 1 ol!) BM \ nu! se? ll* 1 Ll 1 let pl. BM \ti g. th ia OMr. Dugger'a boussin tbe weal sad i- going np rapidly. Work "ti the N 'tmai building* la ba mg pushed to completion. Thc Rapt lal parsonage ha- been rory much iinpmti i Mr NV. I). Haniinel.of Hirnn Ala., -'rent Sunday in town. Mr. Cartel Myer-, uf IVter.-huig, linnie a -hort visit tu town Bund Mba Mattie Buchanan ba* retamed t" lui aeboul timk at Mr. DuoDlngtoo'a. Mr NV. P. Venable went tu N.u York to attend lb.* Hankel- meeting. Mi? i:\a Minot ha- returned for Ibo winter, Her studio \tiii bc beek "f tbs .?"liege this year Mba Nd! (it.iv, tthu has laen visit ing here, returned tu her humein ( um borland yesterday. Mrs. Nunii.'ilv Traylnr, nf Newport Nett-, i- visiting Hie family of Mr li. I.. Traylor. Mr a. V. Russell returned la-t Brook lloui a Vital t" Ills motbei ill AlbO marli.linty. Vero Venable Vaughan inks onie tn Randolph-Macon NV.ans Col lego at Lynchburg. ROT. Mr. Hkviian-I family are now -iiugly flood lo their attractive rtot-ne in the west end. Mis- [aralka)Twltty, of Baflolk, who D I I'ue-t of Mba May Paulett, returned home ye-torday. Mi? Hernia Chernoall left Wedneo lay for Bampton where abe will teach n Byrne-Ka ton Academy. Mi? Mary Hmigia* (.???, of Peters .iirg, returned yeoterdoy sftei n pleos mt visit tu Mrs VV |' Kicnordson, A correspmiilent of thc Netts l.eailei ittiii.iiti? lbs g.I health record of I- hi ni \ HU* to the free use of Farmville Ullin. Thc sim rabone ral bright awl strong kftei the ram, awl this i* well, a- the obacco crop ha- boon by DO means luii-ed ivs yet. W ? ile tu bute a bat rel bead and ? tate Da9tory started near town. Plenty if room for it mid any number of kin* Ired industries. .Mr. H. J. Ver-er ha- a pipe which ta-curved Ml for him by a comrade luring the war more thtui M year go. Ithn- not been mi duty mid icm el- ni petSSCI state of preservation There ls withing gloomy aUmt the formal except tho tone "f Ita boll. It* tteronew ora too slow, loo mournful nd altogether hm funeral. The acbool | inst hove anea boll, a clear rloglDg, < weet -utiwling 1*11 With tow.-a- nm ? a* that ..fa wedding boU, I Col. Goo. Wayne Anderson i- prowl f tbs soldier boys he had Hie hourn ,,f Diniiiaiiding mi the Moodies* held of t BO third Mann?as. He went lu the iii-ouiiter with lin-givmg- but return I singing thc praise* of the youthful L'teran*. Awl the Faimville boy* .nibed elbow-awl kept-tcp tt ith the >reinu-t of thecoinrade Ti. kc, -ale, at tho NoffolS awl Wc*, ?rn ollie for half of Beptombei have 'I sen a record breaker. One day, the ul, they ainoiinted to 1461,-lS, awl for ie lir-t I . days of the nimitli ttill Og rogo! more than |1,700. 'I'he Norfolk ul WOOtero i? tbs largest tax payer f< i the county, awl we rejmcc iii Ita cry evidence of prosperity. Mba Minor's music da? is receiving structioli ni the Smith cottage in the ar of the Normal Sch.Mil. Mi? Minor liy generously otters to giff I' L't* of charge to nny deserving young dy, in or out of the Normal Behool, ho is linallie BO pay for the instruction ni who will apply on or after the I .th (i.toU-r. The young lady applying Dot DO ambit eui- awl willing tn do tra wnrk in the linc of BCqolriOg a inwledge of ber iniisie. I^e-Kinl. On thr Sid Instant, Mba Lucile Vlf. nia Kent, of NVBabington, I). C., be nie the bride of Mr. Frederick Cobb sa, of the -aine city. The bride i* SSODOtly remembered here a-one of e Noiinalites who attendc.l school in '.linville for one or mme -e.?ion-. Th.* Wssbingtoo Post of tbs llb ol ?pteiiilier has the following account the niat "Mr. Frederick Cobb Lee, son of Dr. ni Mia. Georgs Hyde Loo, <>f Un* ly, SOd Mi? Lodi* Virginia Kent, nighter of Mr-. *,. y. Kent, of I IM \ inteeiilh street DorthWSSt, wu-mar D Ml at 7 o'clock last evening in Si. ml'- Episcopal church, Beltlaiora, ie bride wa- ai'ioni|.aiiii-l BO Haiti ore by hei sister, Mi? Heitiice Kent, DO was her only attendant. Afters ?liding (limier, the bride awl gr..un 'ton a trip to the Catskills, which ill BS tend over a period of several Ii ?ate, They will make their home in tl i* eily. Mr. LOS i* employed a* d ? tenographer ni Ihe offlea of Cm i-*ioner Macfarlmid. The bride, who a veiy accomplished young wmnan, k- graduated tin- summer from a* WsoMogtoB .-.hool. Both ung peopis are well known In a wide rle of Washington society, de Opening Hour. [{et Mr Shipley conducted the . .iiniig -ervin I nt tlie Normal 00 Ia*t imlay awl as is always true of them rjf were to us impressive awl of deep (.( *rest. I'he rt*.tn wa- crowded with repre- lU dative Virginie girlhood, coming a* ?y have done from every section of jj, I state to thi- -eat of leal tiing to pre- ^ re for giving hack to thc old mother lunion wealth in earnest and ellicieiit vue f..r all Hint -he la bo liberally 1 lovingly doing fm them iiimigh so recently brought together ry have already learned lo mingle *ir voices in happy unison awl lo sp step to the fault!.-s|y , \ectited ireh. lay- Iregun under such influences <ht t<> Ire full of iii-pirntimi nnd hops I u|'lift Ve join willi nil the friend* of tin* ale institution in the b>nps that the simi now Dponlag will bs Hie la-t in illustrious history. ?r. Hillie's Little Liver Pills eu vcr ills. I'he safely of railway travellers will ve tola* DOttaC guarded or the pen ' will demand thr reinstallmeiit of ge ruikili trnn-it, awl if all of dj nt tbs couch i"iite OBS lunn would I there BB BBSSJ SS thc other May Ire I Hying machine may yet My and d be safer lin Nen (linnell. Aft. i lore Booueesssfal sttempta Bl securing o quorum foi tbe teorgonlso* timi msstlng of lbs eraoell, sinch ibOUld have been held nil the tit-l night in SepleinU'r, the lliellibel- g.'I together In-! Tooadoj night awl |**r f-'lllled their dlltic- Tlc-e pi. 'lil .nu': May..r BaBDtoo, presiding; Mason. K, L. Rrombort, NV. P. Gil? liam - W. NN atkins, NV. I. I , W. kl, Duvofl, ll. F. Borrow, H. F Hall and I tr A nderSOO Tin- lii-i bool ncaa wa- (.. asa rtain if all Hie llleliiU i- ha.I qualified, niel tho I. ik BOnoDDCiOg in thc ililli mut it ??, thc Maym atOtod that Ihe eic. timi uf officer* wm in older. For Sergeant, Mr. Wall Dominated H. I>. Miller, nnd bc ttas inimiiiumi-ly 1. I'd I'm Clerk, J. F. I noland wa lii.nilliatcd awl ? le, led WltbOUl np|m Mltioli. Fat Comniis-imier of Ihe Keveline, P. H. C. Kite wa* named sod duly elected For *freesurer, s. W. I'utilctt, Jr., Wal uiiahimmi-ly chosen For Street ('..lunn ?imier, J. S. Hurt . le.ti ri. For (itv Attorney, Judge A. I> Wilkm- received the whole vote, end the other niii.-i- wen lilied a- f.'llutt-: President of t he ( on li? ed, H. I-: Borroo. Chief of the Fire Hepiiiineiit, G, M. Robssra; Aasiatoal Chief of the lire Deportment, Leslie I'ugu-, sei'iiui p..lie, j. ii. Uillism; .inn, IL K. Bullock. In theelcetmii nf the above officers there was bul oratset. Thal wo* (bribe Goondi'* president. Mr. (iii liam Dominated Mr. Barrow and Mi Well oomlooted I'i Anderaon, After the -eitlellielit of Hie i|lle-tion ll- to tt bethel the vote should bs tukeli by ballot or vive voi'e, thc ballot WO* lak cn resulting in tbe election of Mr. Har? row hy a vote of 1 lo L'. Hr. Anderson, tt ho hus la-en the president of the connell fm tenn very gracefully reined ham tba! olliee by expressing grateful appleeia tlOfl for Ihe honor ilmic him in Hie uoiuiiiatiou, mid congratulating his successor, Mr. Borrow thanked the council fur the Imii,,r jool cmiferrcd upon him, ind promised a faithful performance nf the ilutie- devolving upon him. The matter nf Mr A ii. ( lapham' |ii:il i li.-al i. iii tu BBTVS a- .. euimeilnian, In-bating Mme his recent electinn re? moved to thecilyof NN' u-hitigtmi, D.C., na* taken up. This preeipitotod a engthy, not to sav wann diseii?iwi. md resulted in a r.-"Iiitimi ofloted by >r. and a aubsUtntS thereto ry Mr. Borrow, both declaring Mr 'lapham's ?m-.itiuii va. ant, being l"-t. tlr. Clapham, therefore, ha- until Oe obOl 1st next in which tu qualify a ?"Uiicilinan if lie sn de-ire-. The committee- mi" appointed by be May-.r. lor Bat -??<? City l>tn.tory .ti tir-t page of Herald. I lie Sai.-ny committee retired for a Bo mlootea for the purpoaa of Hiing llii'er- -alaru-. They returned a-k Dg Until tbe next regular ineeting of DO cuncil for making their re|Mirt. At (hi* juncture the new council got own lo routine work, and the ninnie- of the la-l regular Boosting ron read, approved, and Hie custom ry bool QOM 'li-pntehed. The Sergeant'- report wa- n ki toora: i 1 real . -tal. J HMM slal. \ road tnt V |MM>r la | tl li I . kell I.' Will 110 .v ll.nil.I nilli'. Il B 'Hun t y |. unities t burial 'ut - ISM ll The treasurer submitted the follow* ig: j Uni. un limul I.,-1 ii poi I t SW -I t ai.oil iee. iteil (oaii s,'iti nut I,isla ii-i s ' .anil ? ll ',7 l lil :n , i.uni I HM! 87 lawas nisi ? 'HT. ? l.t. i l ht total Im omi rb wai i .mt- palil Hf l.llllllire llie following hill-against the town en- read, approved awl ordered In I*' lld: W. I'anl. tl, .lr., Unlit a.?.?uunt- I IIKUI7 W. Paulett. lr.,-tnei nair int- RS innt ille Ih raid I0BI . K. Ilarro* a Co , Md -. hw HI ? . K. W'.iis, pollen l nt ? nh ti a Boss, Md ? unit nie commercial Co., Md avail Hon ICo., Md - foi Bl ll .?? liny foi mule 0. N". :. poll? .tale I HI Val I, spillikin,. .11. Ila. wv, riitlim- foi pOOl ll. Ulla* i ? I i?t I.,. wa, ia. I. Main,en-. |ai ol lot i in lertrie injin aeeonnla, l-l Ts I ii" il Wnii lbs exception ..f s sro boo noonee* of unimportant matter- in ie hand-of i oinmiltee-, the council d nothing ei-e i*? fore adjournment Mr. DUVOII lepoiled the ah-..lute *??! of a new awi larger boitat f.-r the atstriO light plant, awl mi in .timi the aller WOO referral lo (he light DODI Btes with ih-tructimi- tfl lOVOOtlgOtS id report at a cnlled ineeting their ei-lon. Treasurer Paulett reported the im (?diets financial Deeds of tbe loo o, lbs ilk of which i- h. meet tbs loteresl i oiitslawling bonds. Mr. Harrow moved that the Finance iinmitlce secure from the piopef timrith- lbs town's proportion of the ?ponaory proflta sod place jt to tbs i*dit of lbs treasurer Bl the Planter ink fnr checking purpose* lamed ininti BaOSOrtl nf Sergennl mid Trea? surer of Town of lunn lille. ?munal ri'isiii of ll. I>. Miller, s. un July Isl, lim, to A.must n - I sonni rad ur punnu:, IO* 70 III ni uiit ami malarial era House ll',ni rial lot* i boiler i i. ?raid olti.e ToUl BbbNOWM pori of iiiiiiuui! rni'iu'il fruin Karmvllle Vmount received frmn .1. w. klitflcit. IIIBIIB*!!!. itml paid to Tr* rom i ali Jannai v. IBM, to A usu '?ii I . ? llj-rl-'l r*,?Buo D**0**tfaVlt7 siil.mhle.l. lt. li. Mn.i.aa, Bari Vniiniil r.-|Hirl nf si. SV . I'mil. lt, ll rt'i. fruin July lat, I HUI, lo Align ? I .' l'..V eup. |J| 7 "ll . IIII I "f nerti ?nl Ul I l|H ? . , .,,,1 ht de Uti < i list Itt in re-l ol sert-i anl ..a Bj old la , ,i i .eu lit i,!,| Im ? ' i ? .ni I7S Bj Harald om. ni Hy balance from I ill I fetal iii. omi I., mi. real | 1 ? ni-cini'il Ci Imlan, .? - ht balance r.v l.i, ? Total halan.?. $ 7.I*>M nUtandlng nob** -lu, ht Sal i , Toura ?? Nov. aili, lim ;:: n. ?? Nm. | IS li, lot Planter* Bank '.'j.,.i?. ?? Hept. jsth, nm ..I I".il, r nml fm material rnrnlabed Ikpern I he 111.H.lee cliargl .1 In Ilil? li, nu/, it at i aili I I mal ? tfull.1 -III.Ililli.,I. 8, W Pti i ki i. li:., l Al: Mt a i \ .ie | | "?! M, BB I" M. \V. I'ti i I I I, lr lin.ii il of Nopervlasra. At Hie Sephini"a meeting of the Prince tidwsrd Hoard nf Hupervlsor* helli un la-t Finlay, evert member WM ple-ent. The following account* againsl tin county were ol lowed: C.S. Tn'. nelle . '?'?' I. ll. (ii. mi ?? ?? . ?? Ino. .irulil. -..I, . 1.1.?i A. W. I ? . I' \. (I. Vaughan . ? i. W. I'.ni. 1.1 I. Aahby A l-l K. W. In, ku,sm, ?? ?? mi l. r. Morton I. W. I'.a nni. 1,1 Walton a i ,.., h..I. HI,. II.m. Andre* Wllllai Wall, ii " Ilia-. Ilrown min. -I"! . MB* td. h , \. w. i. . . Hlauton and Walker, lumber for brid ll. A. -lukes. I...I for .I. - roll '.lilli lt A I. h. Hubbard, :. n tt akunam, laud lui o. "I .. ll. i,.in.",,, e. ;. I. ('arter,. it. udlng count P. II. Illcklnaon, -ia \ Int .,..' :. I. I iuggi i, plumbing -. W. Tau:, tl A Mon, -pm. '. II. Hilton, ian.-lu- for cou ri i'" !. I.I uttaii. I.,' iiii Ki,mlii, com ii fm pa" P" ' . H. Harden, arresting lunn ll, '. II. In. kin-,,' . The following amount* were allowed i* ju-t compensation tor land awl lainage- mi BCCOUnl of the p, lew road b> be knott i. a- Hiller'* Mill l Adam Cook, :i". I', lt. Fowlkes, HO; .1. H Moorilla, tOeenta; w. T. Hill-, ?s>, \v. J. Comer, fl.i'd. Rebecca nwlke-, tin; J. S. awl A.Q. P.rinl-haw, J.', and Henry Pram li, i~. Mr. Hubbard wa- iostructed to have i ..pened a- .heap a- pnaaible. Mr. Ila-kin-. was instructed h. have i..--iaiil a pieee uf mad in Hampden kat rici Dupuy, Verser aud Hubbard rere inataucted tu have the mew rock ru.-her pul to work on the macadam rheo they think proper. Sfbere the leschen Lire. With Mi- Patti-.n, Mi -.- Rey "ld-, lieebi'ihc and Hall*, bm hui. At Irs. Herkeley'-, Maana \N luting, Simw nd Hairi-mi. With i.r. C. C, <'?'? n, Maana Loodoo, Hill- nnd Ringer. Ibo Coi nt Mr. H. M. Cox's. At Mr. '. m r.m'g'.-, Mi.--.-.- Andrew* ami foodrufl. At Mr NV p. Richard* in'-, Mi? Coaling. At Mi-- Ida bockatoo'a, Mi-- Loneoater. At Dr. k'ni-tuti'-, Mi? WlOBtoO. At Mrs. add'-. Mi- Dunn. At Mr-. ('. H. [ortoo'a, Prob, Jones sod, tin iltei having a r. nt Ilr. Auder rn'- Dr. Sear-i- housekeeping. Bool Mah un ni-. We invite attention h. Hm kent* ofitbe Planters and Pim! Nation I Hank-, which appear el-ettherc in ie Herold. The ligtires -peak for thelll-elte- awi ear emphatic teeth.y lo tbe Sooo al wtatjom of those who have charge ! the-e home ih-litiitions of Which we rc nil si, justly proud. lu the tierce DOOCisl battle- of Un pie-, ni day the} awl like "stonewalls' in th. ont of Un struggle. No man can ifely keep hi- lumley at hoine bul all icu can -afdy tru-t their DMOej tn ie keeping "f the-e lli-t Ni lt P.llMltl. Head "tel the Ii-t of the pre-ent di ] ?dory of thc old awl honored Plan- t ?rs Hank, awl you will la' imp: itli the fad that new bl.sui Mott- in - ..I tbe new management, iml sw, however, to the boatneaa thrill of \ anuville and the surrounding conn- t ry. There i- imt a man of them who Ban') managed hi- own allair- ti isely, fj ell and Mal -n-'li COO I*' -afely iliinntted the all ur- "f the many. N.wChiircli l-l., I ihe (leimain ..f Paraville awi iciinty will in a short time BtOBBbOQOI i erect a chimb "f tlieir own. The ev. U. Franke, of Buffalo, If, V , will ? in-tailed by the Kev. NN'alker, nf nrk, Pa., at lbs I'r.-bylerian eburcb i Fainiville mi Suwiav afternoon, ?ptcinlsr Bah, at 2 o'clock. Tbs Kev. alkei will preach hi--riiion in Eng di awl the pobllc la cordially invited te tend lin- service. A silver c.llectlmi ill Ire taken up h. help them in l.uild ig their church. Piano Timm. Qeo, A Pi j i|-ert pian.i MOOT, repairer, voicer awl gtilator, will Ire Tn I-anuville week of ?pteinber liith J .Hi. < 'rders from -ur .muling .'..unties will be promptly at lided to. al-o ties.,, frmn Kannville eave order-a! Herald OflaOS, N. B, avnl-mi's'.rad'lh ? GMO. A. POYTHR1 N B I m. soi i aavaos. Ifyoode ? rrvlOB* m.tiff a- in sep Ki lt. PiOOOOlVO net- like a BOO ' 11,, intuit- medici sat in thousands of imnes for M yean l>r iii ular- i.ivh nd Wood Syrup. iurlc> lain ie-. I'at Icy. Va., Sept. lg, 1901 "Farley," the hospitable home of Mr, awl Mrs. N M. Carter, was the merry gathering nf young people la-t t> edi..-day night. pn-eui tt.|, ?ie and Otk Harden, Filth Davis Messr*. Ivl.lle and Fugene liucker, awl Mr- V I Davis,Mm. W.H. Barden ihe pless ure ..I' lin- evening was mn, h enbaiiced bs Hie delightful inu-ic rendered by Mi. I aluin (aller awl Ml?i- H. ? n nnd < Mle Harden mi th - piano and urgan. Mr. Kui..|iiui Qornetl visited Pow* balah mi bUaiinH la-t week. Mrs. Iv NN'. Carter lefl Ibis morning f.-r Haltiniore to get her supply of fall |, ? Irs g.u.d- and millinery. Tlie tobacco crop in thi* section is line. 'lin* farmer-are busy housing their crop- tin- tieck. Mi-s Alma (ileiin will leave next week h. attend Behool al Amelia < "in I Mr. Irving Woodruff, of Stony Point, t i-ii".| friend- in Amelia I.i-i Saturday. Hush Kinr Brleflets. Bush Hnei, v.-i..Sept. I.;, 1904, Mr. Henry Watkins, wini has la-en visiting hi- mother m Inghwldo, left Munday fur a trip thrungli Virginia ami Wee! Virginie, ile is one of tbe traveling auditor* for Hie Boothera Cotton oil c.. Mi? Margarita Walkin- lefl doy evening for Petersburg to attend III.' Southern Female College Her many friend- ttill mi? her bright awl lovely face in their mi.l-t. We Wash her much -nee. --. Mi? Boals NN atkins awl M.?i Wotora Ha?, Tom Brace, Jr., Frank Beverly Wlootoo were tbs gu.-I-at Judge A. D. NN'atkins' un Sunday afternoon. Mr. Sam McN'utt wits the gu.-l at le Saturday and Sunday. :-. Watara Barn awl Tommie Braes ami Frank Boyots w.-rc guests a! I iigli-ide Sunday night. - ailie ,-tukes lefi To ead ay to se cepi a pusitimi iii Hie Southern Female ('"liege at Peter-burg. She i- quites talODted young lady and lier many friend- regiet thal -he will be ah-eiil ''rom Hie neighbothiri d thi- winter. Mi? (arne Virginia Hix returned la-l sreeh lo take charge of school No. ^. She i- a eharmihg young ludy ami adi- very much to our neighborhood. Mr. \v. Baoil Bram visited at logie* -id" Moratoy night. Mr-. Il F Watkins, Jr., will leave for Richmond mi Boturdoy t" vi-it her -isl. r, Mrs. H. H. Johnson. Hm l.righl face will la* nn-sed by all who know her. Boom fjlfllogs Sane., Va, Sept. la, 1904. S. luMil No. s started la-t Weilin-ilay Doming, Sept. Till. NVe 010 glad tn nive our *ainc teacher, Mis* Carrie I lix, back again. Mr-. Henry Wood, of Farinville ?pent several day- last week with rela itt- ni tin- Dotgbborbood. Mi-s Myrtle French awl brother -tatted their cousin, Mr*. William ?Joist, of (.reen Hay, hud Sunday awl vere very glad lo find her BO improved n health. Mi I,.-Ito Flem h tia- a plcisanl ruse! al doter Hill OO la-l Sunday. Mi nml Mrs. Fiiii-i Kreocb, of Rice, 'isited Iii- motlier , Mi- H H. Kraoch asl Munday. Tin-hoine of Mr. J. v. Pastel was irightened Honday before loot, Sept. i, by the presence "f an attractive little my. We are glad to say |fho OonovO Har ?r, who ha* recently vi-ited her aunt, Nellie Berber, i- non- hack at imne. Mr. Willie Mner i* having him a Ittellihg hmi-e built. He hoja* for it .. bs a completion Ircfole cold weather. i John ( arter Wood, of Farm ill.., boa bera in tin* neighborhood tel sin... la"! Saturday evening. MastersCOboll awl Laurence French |x-iit avery plea-ant evening al Hick iv ((rove la-t Sunday. Mr. Tlcuna- A Calhoun returned i.iine la-t Snturday morning after a -lay in Hichmmid. Munni Lelgk Musings. Mt. Irfigh, Va.. Sept. Il, 1904 Fannel- arc hu-y hmi-ing tobOCCO, bo crap seem- to bo earing weil, awi re hope tbs "old clod kDockers'1 mat . good sum for their yeal'* Iml. N in Posts* vt iii I-* Bland reaHv whiteapeodiogtheDjrath uuh dative- iii BbM ton Height-. Mr. awl Mr*. K. B, WlksOfl BpSOl luodsy al Creen Hay. Among the giie-i-al Travia Sunday un Mr. awl Mr*. Il W. Bram awl mi, Mr. NV A. KofalS* awl duughter, li? Sue. "f (.lady-, Mi-- Fannie lark, Mes-rs. WiDOtOO Clark, Jim Iruea timi "Bob" Wii-..n. Mia* I,"tlie Weaver left la-l tteek f..r lou th weal Virginia Insbtuto, Bristol, v.- elah lier mu. h raeeaas lo her wm er's work. Mis- Juliette Clidi-ter left NVcdnos loy for her hwne in Hom wy, NV. Va, flor a vi-it ..f several week- at "Liberty loll." Mi? Fannie Clark -|?'iit NN'cdnesday lilli Una Delle Weaver, near Kic. i, F. T. awl Hernani Booda ant were at Mr. Sam Honduran!'* riday. Mr*. Ja-. T. Clark, Flm inc and Pattie pen! I' I clay at Mr. ( aSOTga 111\ ls1 m at treen Hay. Han Myrtia Ban leave* imlay for letona where she will spsod the win ?r Bl -eli""I NVe \ti-h ber much -in - i?. Mr. (leorge F. Hruce wa* al Mr. Ja*. '. Clark's Friday night. Mr. AOBBOO Pass left last week toat I'wl lebool in Stauiitnii, Va. Mr-. J. lt. Nu ti nally is mi the -mk -t. Mr-. Stanley Hurt awl daughter .ere at Mr. F. T. Miller'sBSVOTOl days t-t WBSfc. Mi** Margaret Hmlttonfl is spondiog he week at Mr Jim. NV. Fouler'*. Jennings Orilinur) Jot*.. Jennings Ordinary, Va., I Sept. If, 'Ol. j On tbs evening of Saturday, Sept. nth, Mis* Claudia Vaughan gave a ruteriueloii feast at her,home, ^Forest g. M pu I! col Ile ho de di hy oil el, ha tb. tba lae lb* / -in lei try sall Chi me tho lbs A tri* A ? a-1 tin*. f..r lau oh tl c-|a bec fl toll Vin "f ll com tbs to ll R na? lba! peal sum lng bsd tim Hie waa len nor Pi lng, lng, lng, lag, el- . Tl rota ami -Ilia gool ll pie* mic I.I that i- tl the B ei -til! ('ur Ibo lion lien -till ito nini the] .'as. of n A. /; ly i -lal cutt inn? ing will up; win bia.: olde ll,al eust Am! ??r- I Sm inti emil cut Grove. The melon* were fine awl. ?verybodj Who attended had a giaal tillie Mr. H T. Hryant, of Hid,mond, (s a \i-it tn Mra. S. A. Thiirsli.l.l at the "Overly." Mice Munciirc, of Caroline, i I'isifin^ her aunt, Mrs. Snmuel Hurke Mr. I,. F. Vaughan left Monday for ni evh nded visit h. friends and rda ives in Hiohiiioml. Mr. Percy NV. NV.M.ttmi, of Petali nirg, tia* B gOOOl at PotOSl l.i.t. Bel inlay awl Sundas ? nilla \ iiigliHti i- t i-iting Hie I Bitwon NVatson al WoOSJaDOd. I - (?tt.ti Phelps ;4nd Fl .len .rn- OOOl mi u cam hunt last Saturday light. llo|a* they sueeeede.l in eal, li I ug a cain. Nil'bison Hell.. At high wain of WsdOBSdoy la-t, the "i.f Mr. awl Mr-. NV. H. Watta .'a* the scene of a .jillet, but pretty larriage, the contracting parti.- laing , iieir daughter, Mi? Marie Katharine, , Dd Mr Rondo/pb Nateii Wilki) f Hlllelield, W. Vu. N" . .rd- sm BBSaaH to thS BM Illy the immediate faisily awl a f.-tt r their mist intimate friend- wttOSBB ig the ceremony. Iniliicdiulcly after the. vreii.y, Mr id Mrs. WilkloSOO b"aii|ed th. ting train br the World'- Pasir, awl i then return al-mit thc lal ofOetObOl icy will make their rOaldsOOSlD Klue 'ld. Soldiers Keliillicil fruin ?oOOSBOSb Tbs Fnrmville Boord i.-lmned tram BnoSBBOOO the early morning train Monday, ('upturn li nut, under h.-..inman.1 the (iuanl went tn nt ha. much . un? it Ire said in praise of the l':trill\llle l.licr- theil gentlemanly c.whet rough Hie eulin* ..f maneuver-. Promise of tin- Life Tiwi Non I-. flUafor Herald: I s-a-nt a Sn winy gi ?cidly lo ODO of mir lilies, awl a* I ned lbs throng tteinling tts way to ^ a churches, my stteotlrawM drawn voids thom people who arere evt- _, lilly not going h. any church. Tiny t or stiaal in front of hotel- and Otb* public place* ur walked the street liing away at cigarettcwor "twofei - " icre tva* ho clieel expres-cl in their intenunce* awl nu liupe wrillen mi ?ir feature*. They were evidently t happy awl many of them gave et me uf baying *|rcnt the night in '.-ipatwn which wu- bstOg followed a day of unrest. The church g.-eis, lbs contrary, were decent in appar cbeerful of.intenonm. h..|*-fiil awl |.py looking. i* 1 looked on lbs OOO picture awl -li un the other I wa* reinimled of Hillie prom hat, 'religion hus proiu ? >f the life that now i* a* well a* ,t which i-" (,ri N'l vu. Fur Helter. '.'Iitor Harald: I went not long Mima a busy centre in a busy city i well cumin, tel farm in the coiin , awl Hie contrast in favor of the n-life was immense. Tba re tt , ire absence of unrest, undue M nt. nervous irritation awl Instead of -e things "sweet seq tent" |**rvailcd whole scene. dam and Ftc made sad mistake in ing up garden life. Stall to tbs city willi abnwhih! i to pay for it* luxuries I* captivu \to tbe average mun, but working A ? living in tho city t- much fl I leii-.nie than doing tbe same thing i flinn. Hartog food ead raiment, ?cially on a farm, a man ought to ll ? intent. 0. Tobacco. ditor Herald: l have often mod r column* to hold np Southside ' <ina in contrast with other section* f. OS stats awl country, and alway* ?hilling with 'he remark that it i* 'I garden spot, tbs be-t place in which ra and das, ec'htly, however, I have bSBfl cm- li ting ike ciiiiivuiimi of tobooeo sith I of other crops, roeta as potstom, nits, grass awl grain ami am pei ted that of all crops it la most ,xa. I on mimi and muscle. Pram plant lo warehmi-c il i- work, work, k. NN hen preparing the plant la-d work is liol only hard, but tbs ther is always cold awl the -ncke blow- in the faces of tin? ker-. diing awl planting, -craping, plow - hosing, worming, succoring, prim , cutting, huulihg, iianging, BSBOfc- I suirtiiifg, -tripping, ordering, bulk wag.ming, delivering, Helling, ,e up crop-work such aa other farm ire stranger- to. ue, -onie farmer- make m.m.y mg tobacco, but not many of them, the work is hal exacting to I*; pur l iinie? thors i- g'M?i promlss of I returns. \ KlIMI llett.ll.l. Iltil, te readers of thi- paper will be -ed t" learn tho! thora i- ?' leaa! dreaded disesos ti i- " I able to cure in all md U rrh. Hall's ( utnrrh Cunt ^ ie unly positive cure now known to medical fraternity. Catarrh being institutional diaeeae, requir itiolial treattnent Hall's Catarrh e is taken intcrtially, acting upon blood and 090000* surface*) of the *' em, thereby destroy!og tbs founds- <i of the disease, lind git ing Un pu t strength by huildllig up tim SOO itioD BOd assisting nature in doing Work. The proprietors BOOB *" I" ?h faith in its curative potters, that H| f otter mi ? Hundred Hollars fur maj ' Hint it fnil* lo cure. Bond for list kiri mon tale F. I. CHENEY Toledo. (I. ?ld by Druggist-, 76e all's I-it111iIv Pill- arc tl,. fodder Pulling, Top I utting. \\i thfor ff- rulil I have !*-en rcecnt n Hire* separate counties of the * e in which fishier pulling awi top S()f ing are univeraally oliaerved, awl I it con fen* that the -aixlit was refresh- dre in that it brought me fa.-e to face l DSfaaOOd day*. 'I liere ?fe grown TCri roo Og men who n*ad the Herald i never -aw a corn lieid -itrip|,-ed of lt ( le and with head* cut nf!, while the r of your readers will rememl-er N v.. , "befode wah" it was the general om of all thi* section of Virginia. I in tlnaie day* none of our farm (oiight baleil hay. Our Valley awl Lb west friends used to laugh at us HSDday* for wasting time pulling j, ler. They had gras* to cut awl MC dn't alford to pull at blade* and Bt tops, but they would never know ' ot 1*1 ter forage for hay than well blade fodder. J wa* on a fain lust week where the ll DOSI a dollar a day awl their meal- te BO el engaged in fishier [miling. Iv. to ask him where the profit came in and he cm fe?ed he debi t know, yet ;????? a* funner awl li-,. Blore, In Hu- connection I um r-iiiiml d thal I ttcnt mit willi aumin a tatt "ie -ann.inty to se,- hun ka leg-, awl OS did it -o gem iou-: avisbly that I asked lom what he hiiiirhl lt cist hun a pound (,, ii- meat, ami he pi ,m|itly -nil, 'I t I".nml. Hm ie .n abundant supply nf ionic cured meat, mid BO BOOM .11 the emt. I am well sati-li. d t if he funner eui albud to rai-. i.'i In- land* will pradom i I - b lung- a- he must use in every day liv. hg. lt ls folly ti say that a land OS B r can't alford to rai-e meats. Pull' lg "bier at the prc- nain.-I BbOVI illereut ipl.-tioii. DIFFICULT UNDEETAKINO. ('Imf of bon t nant, \t ko ve a (lin!,, r The romp enu presents mrioOB difficulties, slr. | ci. lilt fi r I pt itu t tier ng, two boxus of ca\lar am! a plneap s.?Fllegende Iliad tc,. Th* Russo-Japanese War. I won't *n!hu.?e for atti", Who !?>?k? th* foe to tie I can't hurrah for any man . l pis,i,ounc*k a"levy, THE TAILOR. Gentlemen's Suit- made t.. mearare .ind entire satisfac inn .-is to style and til GUARANTEED. Repairing, CU,uiiii^ and 'reusing done on Ihorteoi lotice and at must reasona ile |.i i Shoji in I. -nh ti. ? i ippooite Inptist church, Main street, 'arni ville A LEVY. PLEASED JSTOMER. . . I le win! nut cl ' mi stmc iitli a broad sniuV on hifl u - and a l>i;,r package un ci his .nm. Funny, ain't it, hal a pai icagi could mal u Mow smile like that ? W.H. 's md liinin to ns u soil tn it, and we ? he smile kind of a L'lin on ? nd ?arn tile sen, | .it \Y. I. CLARK'S. lint! Paint! Paint! WITH Masory & Sons Pain!. tfoa i- IBS time te paint tom uildiligs. ll ls eeoiioiiiy h. Bas THE BEST s tbe pailih'i eh BlgM JTOU M much i put BO " heap paliil M IbS ! I ' ali abo have house* hnli rcpiir. poiotiog or npaitit ig that latter n-ults , an ls' nb lined through the o-e of \|a?ur> Bona paint-, ? omni Pure Lead and Oil ian any other liquid culm otb et mir price- DOSON Idling your ihllact awl tte OM ?f0 JrOO JVALL, SON & CO. FOR DYSPEPTICS. i'.i Broadway Mew V..rk City. Alpin Dtg. Ki-.m. Co.! -irs: ?Will jam ? ad B9 jiDssii)!.- to -il..... ad* '?ot tl. ot yam dyopi. inly anyway 90 Wt C*Ui |tiiek. Shy don't v" l,ut ll ?" ,N,CW rk market ? s nen W. S. , . Alpin Dyspepsia Remedy Co. Paralilla, Yl