Newspaper Page Text
PABMVILLK HKRALH *fKll7?.\ NOVEMBER ll, latH. Notice. ?ft have *.?!?! to Mr S. W. Paulett, Jr SOI lOBOIQOfO tirailsBBB. BOd liewire t? thank the public for their literal patron**;* t I Ol IO the pa-d, and to BB ht'it * euoUouooes "f the taine f.?r lum in the future. Ver> ICeapet'tfiilly. i'll I BT1 A I' A1 Ik. l-l, By K I. I'aiiiett. It| r lOETn tATCHINi. Waaia sod other advertineuieiit- in aerled under thia head Mill he charged for Ol the rote of 6 .f uta per Hue each insertion I n!<-*" the numlier of in I i- atated at the time of entering iheatlvertiaemeut it will be BSOClOBOd at the above rate until uo tit-* to discontinue ia received. tn old Mahogany diDiuitna.ui table. Aeeoroi with full inscription. "B" core thia oftlije. Qaho: We pay saab for all kinds uf guue ' tUrmmmtn k Booo poa Bl desirable brick rssideuct- .ii Main ntrvet opposite court? house. Apply to C. K. i'ihi'I'ki i . ss t> bushel* of barks. Paulet!, Jr l.i (trippe (..iitrh cured a I lOoaak *-trup ot pur. ? rry. B?*t ililli. i-OllsUllll ? '.roal alni luna* Iron Wi, lr a , ,,. aud Wiualou It I I hal 1 oukrb bator*lt stop* you. Dr. Havld'tti'iiugiiSyrup I L, aa iiututarra will Usa 11 fy. ll la Um* tn-*t od earth, larfr. Hollie* 25 ceula at Wit I Ut 4 Co. aud WI Union Uru** Cu. ti; ihi tu World's lair, Ht, Louis ??. ria Southeru Rslleajr. Oo Tuesday--,Thursday* and Satur .rmg the mouth of November, Ibero Hallway will sell ctiaeli aseoiBloa ti*, kel*, limited ten days, not K-tod in Pullman**, from all stations in Virginia to St Louis aud return at round trip rate of $17.mi. Fifteen day and tickets limited to December Mil on aale daily at greatly reduced 1 (trough Pullmans, day coachea and Southern Hallway dining car- via Southern Hallway through Hie "land af the sky." For informatiou apply to Ticket Agent. I Like to See. 1 like to see boys whisper during service; it set* one to wondering who their parent* are. I like to see young people giggle and laugh in church; it shows they are fuuuy aud mischievous?so are mon? keys. I tiki to see people come to church after the -service* have begun; It shows they have learned the proverb, "Better lat* than never.'' I like to see the congregation tum around look at thoae coming in late; lt shows they are interested lu their per? sonal appearance. 1 Ilka to see people sit bolt upright reminds one of that "aUflbecked people" of old, who were ajana upright than pious. 1 like to see people write their names io the hymn books; it shows that they know how t.. write, which is more than you would expect of such people. I like to see a crowded audience, with all the windows of the church closed up wight- it shows that the jani? tor is determined not to waste the Bwsetneas of that service on tbe desert air. I like to see people ransacking the four comers of their purse* in search of a copper to throw into tue missionary collection, it shows tbat they prac tn e economy aa well as benevolence. 1 like to see people attsorbed in far oil contemplation, and fail to observe tbe colectiou basket aa it passes; it shows tbat they are thinking of th* poor heathen who dou't take up col. I Sc! I like to see people let their dogs follow them into church aud then look a* if they did not know who in tbe Hey belong to, it shows tbat those people are not dogmatic lu their views. like to wee people go to sleep lo church. A church with sound rileejaers ia likely to ta) an immovable church. Hut if it doiM not blow over, it ought to be "blown up"?by its preacher. 1 like to see men put on their over? coats aud rubber shoes while singing 'Traine (ial from whom all blessing* flow:" it shows that they appreciate what bleasiugs coats aud shoe* are. 1 like to see people look as though they were at a funeral when tbe min later aiino'iii e tbat a subacripth u pa? per will be panned; it shows how hard it ls to part with their mont dearly be? loved friends Ave cent piece*. I like to see a person accept the tier to almw him a seat, and then drop into the flrat seat lie enies BB, and let the uiher glide up ll like an eugine whose train baa come uncoupled, it BOOWS that person a resl i/-e? that a "friend in need ls a friend indeed " 1 Ilka to see a person sit down in tbe end of tlie ?eat and compel all others - i pool lum, it shows that he ba* st*v(y ibllity. A turtle on a log will - 1 let bis brother turtle up flOoMa him 1 do uot like to see tbat for it shows that the turtle ba* never beeu to church. I like to see a preacher close bia aer aoea with the seventeenthly at fartber eat, it shown that be knows tbat Hie ni.att popular thiuir Ui \>reach about ia ?tt'iit half au hour. Jenaauii ne Jour? nal Waa tee. Twenty (alinda frenh home made 'laatl. Apply at Herald Office. Waated. kgtviog Duiner a 25 pound turkey. Will pay highest market pnoe. Apply at Herald Office. BRIEFS AND PERSONALS. The Literary Delage. Bl Bat! kSOBBaj Oom raal to ?SSS? I- or IsaOSlS i'i? t-ouipMaslolt ' W. love tlieold-lluie fellow** BS**, Hui atilt inuit kwu In faslilmi | Mr and Mrs. W. H. Warden, Bpeut Monday lu town. Se** Hugg'n adverliaement of Hicycl* Hargain* lu this issue. So long as time lani* there will be HtUiiethiiig sine to do. Mr. Joe Hank, of Norfolk, was here on a visit to bia home for a few dey*. Kat hearty, drluk litbia freely, aud dyspepsia can have uo place between meals. What are we going to do witb all our spell bindera until tb* a (rel I breaks out again? The girls can't vote but they can say "no," aud that'* splendid vantage g rt mud Hr. Sears was called home last week to tbe bedside of bis father, who is very HI. Mrs. Sturmau returned bome yester? day from tbe funeral of her rather at Darlington, S. C Mr. H. H Cralle has the honor of hating cast tbe first ballot in last Tuesday's election. After all we have much to be thank? ful for aud we will not neglect to be so on Thanksgiving day as well as on ali other days. How is it possible to make a lead pencil to retell for one cent? Aud yet it is done, and lu our opinion they are beat of friends. "Scratching" a ticket was once con? sidered rather out of order, but now-a tiaya it is highest evidence of good citizenship Mrs. Hurd and ber grand daughter, Mles Aunie, hsve guns to New York for tbe winter. Tbeir host of friends will greatly miss them. Ref. Mr. McAllstet occupied the pul? pit of tbe Presbyterian church on last Suuday morniug and evening, and tbe people "beard bim gladly." Hut are we not even now on the verne of a State cauvaas wbicb ls to be ?Uetiiious ia the extreme? Last us *t least have peace until after Xmas. Tbe Young Ladies Home Missionary Society of the Methodist church was delightfully entertained at tbe home of Mr W Q, Veuable Thursday night Mina Mattie K. Amos, who waa teach? ing school lu Koanoke, ls ill with ty? phoid fever. She is at tbe hospital aud bas every attention. Her motbei is witb ber. Judge S B. Witt, of Kichmond, shiaik hands witb many Prince Ed? ward friends yesterday. H* was here to attend tue funeral of Mr. John Flat? ter. There is an abundance of new bome material for our next Trade's Edition, aud our ambition is to make lt not on? ly a thing of iteauty, but a Joy to this whole people. "Duty is tbe noblest word in tbe English language." If you did your duty od last Tuesday you needn't be over anxious aa to results. But did you do your duty? Some of our lady friend* became ao excited on reading tbe detail* of tbe McCue trial aa not to be able to sleep. Pity that tbe papers just have to pub? lish some things. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Major returned from Kicbmand on Thursday where they were hurriedly (ailed to tbe bed? side of tbeir mother, Mrs. Major, but found her much imprived. They tell us tbat tbe frost makes some leaves red when tbe fall come* aud others yellow and still others pur? ple, but what makes all tbe leaves green when the tbe springtime comes again? A student at tbe Normal was the re? cipient on Saturday last of a box of superb chrysanthemums. They came from the East and their presence gave new glow to tbe blush of evening. Alas, that they should wither and die. The wedding hell* will ring out clear aud strong in the near future. May the sunshine continue to flood tbe earth in glory, shining full and strong upon brides aud grooms, and may they all live long and be happy. The leaves are reluctant to leave tbeir present branches this fall and tbat fact, some one bas said, means that we are to have a mild winter. That's good news, or at least pleasant prophecy. We did have lt cold and for a long time last season. Mr aud Mrs. Jobu Berkeley, who have been spending some time at Mrs. Wade's, left Wedueaday morning for Leesburg. They have fallen with Farmville, however, and expect to re? turn aud make tbeir bome witb us. A warm welcome awaits them. Mr. Huck, who built our macadam and tbe causeway betweau town and the bridge over the Appomattox, la uow engaged io encircling the Nor? mal buildings witb a granolithic walk? way. How tbe girls will enjoy tbe luxury when tbe mud season baa come again. We offered some grapes to a friend the other day, aud they were respect? fully declined, witb tbe remark, "1 am afeaid of appendicitis." Dodge it aa you may tbe doctora will ba sure to tlud it if you complain of pain In the proper abdominal space. Kev. Ase D. Watkiua has been called to tbe pastorate of the Hoge Memorial Church, Hicbmood. We hava beard bim often In Farmville and alw?v? witb great pleasure. He preocbe* a pure Gospel with plain nea* but witb great power, and ia a young man of moet attractive personality. Mr. Baxter Davis occuplea a unique position among railway depot agent*. A family of strangers from tbe far West, arrived bera recently looking for a bome. and he entertained five of them at bis bome until tbey could be larruatiently located. That's an old Virginia welcome of the old days. Our girl friends haven't bad tbe privilege of a leap year for eight years, and the question is what use ara tbey making of tbe present and passing opportunity? 11 may be tbe last chance with some of them. Tbe Herald warna. It ia your duty to do tbe rest. lt isn't good for woman to be alone auy more than lt I* for mao. rlectlon Daj id and mil of Karun Nh*. Hut for the rattle made by on *?? caaiotial dray passing up an I .lotto oOl Main atreet, electioii day in Farm ti I le waa more lise a quiet Sunday than otherwise There was 00 leathering near tbe voting place or any v. !,? in town, no approach bi excitement. uo crowding atsiut Hie ballot box, hoi just a quiet orderly appioach to tin same oue by one sod then as .ptiet and orderly return to Hie work of ayer) day life. When it is re in em I re ret I that a bad uo political meeting during the canvass, no club formed, oo kaVbectM ami not even one chirp from a "spell bluder," the vote cast wa- an ll ly g.sal one. Out of a registered vote for th. di trict of m, Ml were cast, of Urara Parker and Davis received Ht ami Mr Southall Jit;. The county Of Prince Edward gave the following vote: I a J fatm\ - Uracil Hay Wortham. fr a* a* ul - T! I MprlDfCreek Briery 576 101 ST* ? In the election of ItM the county gave Bryan Ml and McKinley .71 In the State the Republican only one Congressman, Slein: the Ninth District. Fl.?al carried Buckingham hy IM majority, aud was safely re-elected te Congress from Hie Tenth. As for tbe country at large ii ticieut to say that the Republicans carried every stets they damn . the election aud a few others. Tbe result is another hard blow i i the South, tbe peace of ber homes, the prosperity of her people, bm she he* growu strong to sutler sud bear in the school of adversity and will meet Hie uew trial with faith in (isl and in her own undaunted determination to do and dare. Brittni. Mrv aWt Mra. M. F. Holt died last Saturday morning at one o'clock in tin- i. ber daughter, Mrs. C. K. Chappell, and the funeral look place Sunday after? noon at 3 o'clock from Hie residence. Servn*es were conducted l.y Kev. SS H. Winn, pastor of the Motbodlsl church, of which Mrs. Holt wa- a faith? ful and devoted member. She was in her 76tb year of age, and though in feeble health for many month- her boo* ditiou up to to a few days bofbto DOI death was the occasion of no serious ap prehensiou on the part of the !asellj which showed ber every devoted atten? tion. She leaves three children, Mrs. c. K Chappell, of Farmville, Mrs. Nallian Lehman, of Henderson, N. C., and Mr. M. J. Holt, of Norfolk. Fall Cleaulng. The ladies of tbe Methodist church are giving their church building* regu? lar apring cleaning In the fall, and the ladies of tbe Presbyterian church are making tbeir manse ready for the new minister. What would the t hu rc lu? do without the ladies? What would tbe community do without them? the the commonwealth, the country, civil? isation Itself? Knergy all gone? Headache'.' Stomach out of order ? Simply a BOOB Of torpid liver. Burdock Blood Bitter* will make a new man or woman of ymi. Death of lr. I'o-hr. Mr. Jua W. Foster died at Travis, his bome, near San*1y Uiver ebal b, Wednesday morning. Mr. Foster was in his 74th year, and lied for a long number of years been one of tbe foremost citi/eus af Prince Edward county. No man enjoyed to a greater extent the love, affection and confidence of his people to a greater ex? tent than did Mr. Foster Hi- life was Ideal, a devoted husband and father, a kind neighbor, ever ready to lend his helping band to all in distress and need. His teuder heart and cherry greeting will be sadly missed in that communi? ty. An humble Christian, be was not afraid to serve bis dod; a high citizen he won no stain, and carries with him to hi* great judge, the record of a blame? less life. The funeral bsik place yes? terday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence. iBiproTCBients ob South Street New and attractive residences nave been recently erected on South street converting an eye sore into a pleasant and in some respects picturesque drive and walkway in our town. For all this we are indebted to our enterprising fellow townsman, Mr. W. Q, Venable, who has devoted a long and useful life to Farmvllie's l-e-t rn tere* ta. What would our community do without ber citizens of civic pride am! Impulse? SuperlDlentlent Wright's Conrti****.. Tbe people of Farmville are indebted to Mr. Wright, of Lynchburg, Superin? tendent of the Bell Long Distance Tele phone, for quick and reliable BBBOti BJ returns on the evening of the eventful day. A special receiver waa placed In thc Opera House, and then a repr liv* body of tbe voters of Farmville were coraforUbly seated as Hie returns were from time to time read to them Tbere was no eutbusissm as tboee gathered there were Democrat* and it was so soon evident tbat Mr. Hoosevelt bad won tbe prize. Still there was no unmanly repinuing either, for thom Democrats are no weaklings, and as tbey are not tbey will have the respect of even Mr. Roosevelt, who cannot tolerate any *uch character. Mew lanagemeDt. The patrons of the Farmville Tele? phone Exchange will be glad to learn tbat Major J. H. Martin has taken full charge and will hereafter look after it. It ls promised that tbe system will la? put lu thorough working condition, such as will give perfect satisfaction to its users. Major Mai tin bas leased the ny stem and expects to have an expert electrclan to overhaul it from end to to end. Tue hardest thing about making money ls to cash in. Hie < minti I'.I, fl nigh! in a country boin, i fore supper tt n? of the family retnri ol from ' otatea with ii of tin 1 bad BOCO Bl to that household, - but whee tba boon . weakly vt-it.-r, tbe old frlei lllliier tta- tit-' !- on it, ano - greedily rn i lbs scan ni I society co'iiliili of tba lld Into Ihe i" hood, ti ? Ita-al lean-ami of tl giving ooterta . and the eomlog youi Tba farmer-brother theo ' ? kel report-. ' the time for tl and the genera dillons. A fhn B0| ; claimed Hi.- poper, and gan it- perusal, n rddlog and and eooameollDg, r SillidaV, Bod W bf I reen ti ti i-ht-. I the li i remailed to ? ti ve, J vt , ? J here via- DO library in ti the family Bil ls sad thi I such pul h in. - \t hich they BO or stain upon Ibero ? r than hurt, te purify ratl Vi-, vii. i Iii. I I, dion. The ?:? will meet in then ' ' their ballot- Orel fol a Pr. -. lieut, am! then fol a v ? Its of their VOtlOg "H ! will la- tran-lllitted to Wa-; the president ?.f the - :lt the two ehalltis-i- of I '? : . Sinn w ill oo tba second -'? next Febroerj ? ami tba rotas will be dulj the result- declared. Th? ing tin- greeter number "f rote* will be Preaideot of tbe I nited Slate* Jlf such tiiimln'r la' :, maj irll'.' : ti ? of elector-, li majority i < uti-.Hs I ii-l.s. //? / [ hove tra len-ively of late In tb) Northainptoii ami A ireen im j.r.-?ed with the custom quite prevalent of burying tho deed ? yard- attached to lt. within ? pa Of Ibo front <!?. ir and io full view. ll mi alevel with the BU r rou I Tills -Hike- He , and prevailing in i.I ..f the eoaotry so rai bi i - utbern people in i BdopUog family burying ground-, ami thia n treen int. af Virginia. Keligl'ill .ls Ihrniiiier. Editor . ? ntly who for flftj is.rue a | dion in th( aiunity in vt li. ? miler very Bpi m , si -ima.' then be b loot aobeeomlog a d aeen glorying in wring thB -tra: ' . . [iis condn.-t. against I uake la-tter hum ri cha I dealing th" ll the l*?tt. - itan. A Beautiful and ?? y with ' ?ityebai i with theentit nitiister occupied the pulp:! while hi igetl ami venerable , ii thc 'rout row of i The subjet tl ('liri ian- who live in .vith the Christ, and the I . ;he sermon a n hi liother I'.mf .ricin. ' Abd ' jiother worehlppioghumbly ami there iat father l.v ber -ide, heart beating ii utii-oii with heart while tn siy, in the strength I man iood, and in the gre he everlasting (io-|fi of Earth rarely lookBOpoa pict ur - leautifiil than tb ll im.vt that ni itber'i boori fl vith new L.t. . I'i. .t. No sunshine Ailinilli.l. .'.-' During a rip through o.: I ern Virginia. [ rjoasedBS| man lioti of colonial style, ami w . nuch in. it trac? ive surrounding'' NoUog that the ilmd- were all tightly ?lutled that the fain t 00 a ,i-it. but wa- toltl that they Were all at mme and alway-at hattie, tboogfa tbs ildest Inhabitants failed to mat ?ver to have BBBO a I.lim! -1 >S ho would live in a | i lie glorious sunshine wa-not allowed 0 enter .' A port I I Irawn curtains is tnvl enough, but BBBOa of many rooms and all dark i ibsolutely repulsive. I would ive in the cabin, op 1 air ami 00 fl fa H B I - kre allowed to dams.* than in a ?lo-ed niatl'le ball. Fling open the .linds and tiing np UBI wind ws and j et tbe sunshine in You may save a lot of in teing able to buy the things y..u think rou want. Lilli.-1.uTs Pu inn- or the Mai tb.kt er. ; ? tod I story lion: I Mic King would Hot let Until worship ok they pleased they weal from Km.*! ind bi Holland and caine from Holland to America. Tho PU* ?i tbe -hip for a w, ? nf in- cradle; we maj . hard winter. A -pring. Pilgrims be* ' tues for all of lite ill but stain they built I illy. * an India'i and they tt shoot him if be Itemed tbem. They ry much surprised to hear him -av, "U. iii.- 1 They 'hen know where be I to an? ne Indian." were ? fur a long tims. In tin* -tim I'llgtllll- ll! , i Kuy thought they bat! food fir tbe w inter. - . I'liey had a feast and invite.) - to .line with them. Thia -t Thank-giving in our country. Nilli., lo l.l\ I'a I will U- ii) tin- Mat November 16th a -t, in ol receiving r the year I9M Remeinber hue* aol paul mi .-r i-f rn I? : '. i-er cent [tensi? ty. I. li. Milloo, ?ant. lb.Il i.r Honor in Hie lanni ill. High Mi I.I Fol the week ending Nov. I. 1904. High ic Smith. ? Ison, ORA! . John D i] ?g'|. . chard Paulett, Buckner Ashby. I. Kati.- Wiik. non, James I Ht ii ry I i -. v -r. Koli of llmior. Iington Heights Mr-. Klmer Gilliam, ti Whitfield Elliott, I th Hint ..f the Brm of F. .1. in the till pay tin* slim of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ? ll tl I s FRANK I. CHENEY. i '...'.'in A. \\ Intern -od and - ' I Ile 1 J rill V ill*- lt I. |.ll.'Ile ( ..lll|l*ll). Having Uki I lily overhauled aud ipe, we di tbe nambo! "f our patron* very materia -till kindly a I same shall have prompt attention. Your - respectfullj - John r. Martin, - Mat. lair ts BbOW. but we want to goon rt.rd BB favoring ur, b. ire ? thor" at : room to allow of it in the tan-bark ring of the h Sud then, the prefer walking around a circle wini. it him from 'in the iwna ami prtealsaa ? ve him the I of the fair ground, with the premium pumpkin and the the merry-go-round, the 1 ilt, the old llax wheel, the loaf of ni, the gentleman's at - p. m.. bora to the right of him, and neighbor* ki inHy? the warm hand gi i -I. the Bijou, in the or home ..f friend-. The ; la.v, but I. behind Lei Ricboiobd bogia iu tin, *aatry diluent, andi they will rottd the city, ami then everybody will agree with the Herald that the Fair and not tba *bow i- the demand kl .- agam-t the fad Of the Nor will we la* sati-li.d with the ill bal iii'i-t have .<ne in Fano? ut two week* in advance of ? ral gathering when Ol . nd to be with us in full I all of us iu turu will go lo ?n the gates are i i? the other linnie f * you put up aii'i bonton make a . of hunting ea-\ - capacity f..r -utleriug increase* . Fully nine-tenth? of tbs Wa |tointers prove to Ire dlaoppoiol tways turns up her no-e it a woman Who DO* set |*artners many a hen;I Lill. Many a porsoo prepares for a rainy lay l.y appropriating hi- sn ighlM.r' lla. Herald and N. Y. World, fl.60 Jennings Onlinarj Ji.t?. Jeooing* ordinary, \ 7. ol. \ ? I Mr-. J. II. C. Winston -|a*iit land. Mr. Percy Wootton wa.- at home loy ami Sunday. r.laiit'.H spool Friday night with Miss Claudia Vaughan. Saturday morning she joined Mr. i. other* .>n a big f..\ hunt. Tl just in lime f..r Mi-s Blanton to rOOCfa Blake? ville iu time to take .\... I f.r Farm? ville. Mr. E. E. Anderson was at land Saturday Dight. Mr. J kn spent Sun? day at Plea-ant Plain. kl day. Mr-. Tun-tall ami Mba Gladys Kills Btverol day- last week in Luneii borg. Mr-. J K. Eliott anti he went to A|.|aiinaitox Itmt Thur-day. ! for the winter. Believe the "Jennings Nine" hate done tbs - Picked .lt Pullii-)\. Putney's, Va., Nov. i, "Ot. Rev. Mr. Bids* preached quite an mon la-t Sunday morning at Bethlehem church to a la: Mr. Booker Hunt aud daughter, Mi lie delightful - Kider, la-t Sunday. Mr. H. Lv ' ._ the guest at Mr. T. P. Singleton- la-t Saturday night. Mr. and Mr-. 1 Amler-ou, aud -on. Charles Boland, visited Mr. and f Capitola lost Sun Mr-. Henry Daniel, visited Mrs. Frauk Amler-ou la-t Sunday. Mr-. Pani River, is visiting horsoo, Mr-. William Ai.dt ttl We are glad to report Mr. r siter. Mr-. Nathan Bell and daughter, Mi? Martha, vi-ited her mother, Mrs. An* tyan Allen, of Tin -tiurday night and Sunday. brillo, i- the charm log gue-t of ot Mle Nug.-' U. Nile Va., Nov B, '?>!. Mr. Robert Garnett visited in Hie Hlllaoaoo la-t Bon day. Mr. Emmett RoDSOfl is vi-iting his ar Sandy River, M.-Lillie I'arter and DOpbOW, Ed win, vt- ? Ilise Lelia Far ? Sn inlay. Mr-. Juiiiii- Farley Bod da bi ted relative- in Amelia last Mi-- ' tva- tba charming ,- Belar I Sunday. Mr. John liunii, of Jetaravlllo, and Mr, Spencer Gunn, of Loudon, were : Mis- Ail,,- Far light. Mr. Dining Kennedy vi-ited in the hoiue of Mr. Charlie Noble la-t .-atnr day ami Sunday. Mr. Eddie ' ? hi*, brother K'.iiert Ia--t Monday. MUM Lucy Atkin- ami brother wen? die gue-t.- of Mr-. John Morn-ette ? ? Vaughan visited her ?urday. Mr. ami Ul ? y ware the hard Carter last I bur-day. Forte] Clinics. Farley, Va., Nov.-., Mr. H. P. Stratton, of Petersburg, who yi?ite.I Mr. A. T. Davis last week and hunted two .lay-, took with Inn . ? I (arter and HerU?rt (ilenii vi-itetl lu the li-.nie of Mr. A. T. Davis ia ? " Me--r-. B.d..phil Garnett and ( i; dy were in town Saturday. Edith [lavis spent !a.?t V. it with Mi?Kinma Kennedy. Mr B. S. II ".per, of Farmville, was the wei Mr A T, Davis ..?lit. ff* Bte sorry to report that Mr- W lt. Carter is still very ..lee Club nf i will meet with Mis- Edith ght. H.ll lill."!.Ul Height. Hots. Darlington Height*. Va.,, .1 visitor, Death, entered the home of Mr. James Elliott la-t Friday moralng ami soiled bi- naothar, Mrs. Jam"- Klliott, Sr. iuto her rest. She - ?_* was confined to her tied only a -hort while before Uk ?? leaves two Mr- I!millett Wall and Mr. tt, Jr., and numerous friend- to mourn her loss. ? nirday st two o'clock she was laid t<. , . r husband in the family burying ground uear her home. at a member of Douglas church. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Mr-. Martha Crute is visiting her ? Cobb, in Lynch? burg tin - Mrs. Elmer Gillam and little son, Rutbar.i - bfotbar, Mr. Ed lie < tilham, Saturday and Sunday. Mr*. Mattie Chi ld ress and Mr. Thea Carter, Jr., of Lynchburg.-[-?:.t Sun? day at Mr. Thea Carter '-. Mr. Newt Fo-ter, of Farmville, -**ent la-t week with Mr. Ff. T. Dillon. ?th put in mmi time huntiug, but the weather was tis. warm to kill mary I Mount l^jgti Mil-lugs. Mt. Leigh, Va., R Mr. Kenneth Wiitin and Miss Mar? ti mond, are guest* at Mr. James T. Clark's. B. Kellogg Holland was tbe (?harming guest of ber aunt, Mr-. H B. Wilson, Saturday and Sunday. nt a few days with Miss Fannie Clark last week. Mrs. W. T. Weaver and children -aturday night amt Sunday a Mi J- , Mr Andrew SS'i i ville, was at Mr. John T. Clari day night. Mr. John A. Clari I honit I ? ek. Mr. W. Basil Br: and Sunday with hi- holli" psopbl Mr. Kenneth Woodie garet Itoach and Fannie (lark Mr. John Poe! ht anti ?jr. Mr- ? ami Mr. Baas attended the I!, tt- ami r riage at Clarksville la-t VI SOI Sunday at Mr. T. H. Bruces. Mr J. E. Garnett and family vi-ited at Dr. Bass' Sunday. Mr. Joint ff -lek. Mr-. W. M. Gilliam return. day from a pleasant vl-tt to ber motlier at Clifton Forge. I ' were at Mr. John V. Mr. Willie Vernon and w Burkeville, are spendim with ! pla. Alni, ut- \sptit. Abilene, V . H Mr-. Ben Franklin and litt'e dauglit iay. and Lilah M. Gehee visited re las! Saturday ami Sunday. Lula Franklin e.\ , - IT, Mr-. I. V. f Ad? en, next week. Mr. and Mi yoiir toora tomorrow. Lula Franklin i- tin- .? Mr- SS'il liam Cary i Siftings. ? The "Minnie Overton'' - vhisil was well conducted by Maj. A. H. Venable. As u.-ual he made the .ery piala. We badi Ml very attentive congregation. The many friends of Mi? Ballia Mat! -nu Stoke-, who Is now in Petersburg, regret very much lo hear of her | er. Mr. iA-lie Bay French-|*ent Sunday rVittl ll - Big, nia Mix was tbe ?harming guest of Mi? Killie* <'. asl Thursday night Mr. Herbert Stoke-, of Fa;: .i-ited rotative* lo thia a-t Sunday. Mr. W M Gilliam, of Travis, k business trip to Ibis DOigbb ast Mom lay Several of ..ur farmer- have bod i Hue time recently, hunting tsith day uni night. Burk, killi- Budget. Burkeville, Va.. Mr. D. L. lA'ftwi(.hgavean"e Hg with the old time darkie" here inesday nigh', limier the au? be guild of "Willing fforl be proceeds to bo need foi en -opal church. The hall waa .acked, and Mr. Leftwi.h BBB oyed, judging the tu arty laughs md applauses of the crowd. The la ? -ic after Um ainment, and quite a nice lit. vas realized for the wort: The Bapti-ts have closed a roi | held iii their church .y the evangelist. Mr. Garland Sunday night the right of ba vas adminl-teretl iii the pool Of the burch to tweiity Our jieople are sad over tbs Of the death i: fork of Mra Borg, the daughther of he late Mr. Samuel Burke. The re? gains will Ire brought to lay and intered in the family - it "Ward's Chapel." Kev. V. WlBflO, if tbe Episcopal church, wiil ooodoct I by brother, bosbood and two ?hildren, one an infant, all of whom iave tlc rho knew ami lov .1 Mr- I. Ruby Burke. .11 the ?iek Ii-t for t; ? kgain, and tho' mm li in I to her room. Mr. Bell ha lence in the West End an te an addition to that part of he town Mr. Alspaugh will move lob) bia workmen haven't quite flo sheti the inside. irginiaBIa return >d after spending the summer on the Ka-tern Shore, where she ?Rightful trip. We are glad to iave her with ii- again looking - \ diner >oi> bu". Vknnek, Va., Nov. 8, 1904. SVe had a nice rain la-t Friday night rvhi.-h was very much net | Mr. WI. l; at the lome of his fattier at this place Wa ivere all glad t BOIL Mr-. Poora Baker and Ut! ? -k witli her lister, Ml ickstoii, of Bear Ion. Mr. H. A. Paulelt, of guest of friend- at this place hi Monday last. Mr-. William Car fl arlette, s spending several day- with her laughter, Mrs. B T. Bosser. We glad me her In our in Mr- James Cawthorn and Mis* Mary ?aker spent a very plea-t ast week at the hospitable I. ????Ile. .'urdayand Sumlay la-t Mr. md Mr-. H. I. Baker, of V - parents at thi-, place. Misses Ellen and Nannie Utd M - Kriday night with Mi**.- Lotti. ion. Mr. El ward Carwile and family were the guests ..f relatives al L'reek Saturday am! Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Turner, pomattox, were the guests of their - Mr- I'.'-n UH. lotte county, and their-on, Mr ss. L. f thia place. al around here exject to at? tend Annual Conference which meets in Lynchburg. Bishop Wilson has ?hanged tbe date fr ?ber Uk I lott*. Mr. and Mr- B, B Pat. inpathy of little in fail t. A'ltllc |.mt. Ask . ;. r?ti. ; ll nor. -.-h-'i \ tl Booker, n t ll I Cunningham. Juba Cun? ningham, ideilae < unul Itisik.-r, Jr., Henry B.siker. Beulah Baker, Alma Turner*, La lu rn*?. -cr. Ihe bird hunters arc enjoy mg thu Bake* to the full.-; BStOOt, tlioiigh . ta- plentiful aa ih ghi I > lough to give milch sport a eat to vidal '?ie young man, Mr. Hugh Cun tiingham, of near Adelle, killed a very niue a few wbith to t p. with 'lb-en usOlBBl loug and I rd was four feet. Tl. -'..ry given to your corrt*-|a.ii.lent bygone of our men w, . v cannot l gs are veiy much in voguejiist How and , - crop. We are sorry t" lt li*tie li i- quite Balk a* Hie ber grandmother, Mrs. s|. J. Terry. Mr-. I ted at M day. Mr-. John '?' Swan, of Hixburg. . am! D la-t Friday and Saturday. -t of our voter- ttellt to - '..-hiv and casi their vote- for Parker and Davi-. vi..rld'> lair. Parties desiring to vial! the World'* Fair, hate the iii ace of thr. each tt londoy and Saturday during November, 00 which ?I tickets to St. Louis, via Norfolk ami S\ i W. H. Bevill, H...-.n't lb sp,, t tti.i \. kflBefal when youth f ' for old ii. illa. They i sod lr Jaundii kl Wlnte .v .? - Hoodi hy haying Dr. rhom kl ' ?il is the boase when it ii croup, beal* .1 they I everything else. intuit noi. Take ootke, that tb. . . doing i . towool Korol ville, Virginia, umler the linn i . I part tiei-hip fr-.iii th.- i-t div of November, J. B. GaIU.AMi, Nov.-! 1- lt. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY!1! OPERA HOUSE Friday Night November 25, Thc management begg to an? nounce thc engagement ?>t tho EMINENT ACTOR ROBERT DOWNING and lu- finny, who will ami oil ' "THE LAST CALL .SM' ' INCOBAR, THE BARBARIAN Furniture At Prices to Suit Every Purse. Tho tlondoornest l shown in Farmville. i Noss- and Commodioui W roo:; .-.dod lVotn Kl to .''.td floor with t! -. thing in thc Furniture Lino. Call to See What We Have. w. t. wm FOR DYSPEPTICS. 19 Broadway Now York City. McAi.i'is D Co.: - -Will you Mini as ' ' ' it quick* Why dou't you put .it Ofl York marr Voil i w.s.;c. McAlpio Dyspepsia Remedy Co. FannTiiIe,.Ya.