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THE FARMVILLE HERALD ? HONOR TOR HU. PA8T, HELP FOR THE PRKHENT, HOPE POR MIK PUTURK, VOL XV FARMVILLE, VA., PRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1904. SO.B. CITY DIRECTORY. 0*T*a W I. manion p**SI0l - I K. Harrow, iii Corarnttt****. nuance ll K Wall.VV I*, l.llllnin, VI'. K. Wall. Walk * in, ll. K. Wall, Walker " - P. Otlllaiu. kV.M.lhiva ,lii?, w. T Poi I I Mideraon, ? ? '. SV l-. uilllam, ll 1 Karron. iv illlllam, H. K. Wall. H. W. - Opera M,.is.- W. K. Auderaot Kramhert. VV . . . Waa - Isrn.r K. I Rrambert, W. Anderaon al. E. Harlow Barrow, vv p. (Jilli***, ll. K lt, K. U Kiramia.-rt, - Harland. - a fault-It, Jr. rr of itttveuii* f. ll. 0. Klee Miller. - liam. M Kola-aoU. J.H. Marl. COUNTY DIRECTORY. of Circuit Ooah lion. Q****fS J Mun ' t rircult Court. K. J * lieptity r.i-ik nf County and circuit .rland. -a I "af - Coiuuilaaiotu-r of Keveline II. J. farter. ? I ll luck Com IB I v li. Wat lui. Hoard of Su|~ ri laura Kuruiv Hie IHalrlct .er; Hiil'iilo Utatrlct, K. Irt*e Price Hampden l-iatrl.-t. K. I.. Dupuy, t'ltiilrinaii) Kinkell ItlalriclaW. ll. Il llultard . lrt'tgll I'la irli-t, A ' \ H. ARMSTRONG^ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice, lu lin couria ut Prince Cuuita-rlaitd. Huekiiisliaui aud adjolulni munt lt a. **T N|h-i ial Ktlt-iilloii given lo BBS col!ec tiou oft laira*. OBVICS?Third itri-t-l, Karmvllle, S'a. Robt, kincaid brock, attorn fy at law, Ofli.-e over Agnew'* Drug t*Uore, Oor. Main and Third Street*, Fa KM vi kkk, Va. IlkSBY K. I.BB, J. TAVUiaT ll..*l*uM ? ?-, S'a. Karmv Illo, S"a. Lee & Thompson Attorneys at Law, and Ckkwk, Ya. TB Pitas* Kdward, Noltowny and ru 'otnins eouiitiea Prom pl attention to hu ilona made and promptly rt ni I lied J? M. CRUTE. ?Attorney it Law,? l- Ml VI VI l.I.f. - ? . VI Kl 11.NI A. Practl -ea in Prince Kdward and adjotnln of Virginia an Klchtnond. ??-- Bloek. A D wATKIBI. R H WATKINS. WATKINS tf WATKINS -aTTORIEYS AT LAW, KA KM VI KKK, VA. Practice In Couria of Prince Kdward. Cun iM>riand, Kucklui(tiaiii, Noltoway and Am. Ila. and I'ni led Mtatea Court at Klcliraoni .1 altentlOTt paid to cane* lu bani rupley. q 8. WING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Green Ba;, Prince Edward Coualy, Vi. ?wTCiiikTs:?State and Federa \y c franklin ATTORNi:V-.\T-I.A\V. PAMPI.IN CITY, VA. Practice, in Appomattox, Prince Edwat and Charlotta counties Nnpretne Court . Viral maand U. H. Couria. BRICKS! BRICKS! I sm manufacturing a fine grade of Hard II ricka for kSrundatiVras and Buildings, Machine anil Hand Make, for chimneys, re-pressed for outside work. Can fill orders promptly ami plea** you. THOS. A. BOLLING, Farmville. Va. J. P. IiAlll.BORN i-tm a SIGN 1\UNTKR WINDSOR HOTEL ttOt SI6BS OB Qi.*.., WOOD INO MIT! L*ti?t Niw Voa* Btvii* 8*Ti.r*CTiON Ou*a**TitD oa ho Ch?*o -Mao* - Exact Examinations. . . xxxxx-xx-xx-xxxxxxxx-xxx Wc pat intelligence into examining your eves. We nie careful that you shall have just what your eves require. We tit them jierfcctls s<> that they will lie com? fortable. Lenses Ground Properly, Hims lhat Suit Your Face, Glasses lhat Fit Your Needs W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Optician. \\thite a. co.. DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundrie PrMcrlpilon. Careful ly Compounded. VArlM VIKKI.. VA. A (leod Complexion. "Sparkling eyes snd rosy cheeki re? stored bl using DeWitt's Little Farly Risers," so writes S. P, Moore, nf \ai*.>ifi.livries, Tex. A certain cure for biliouaneaa, oonstipation, ete. Small pill easy to take?easy to sol hy The WlOOtOO Drug I'... A Urary Load. To lift that load off of th? stomach take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, lt digests what you e*t. Sour stomsoh,belching. ga* mi stomach and all disorder* of the stomach that ar? curable, nre instantly relieved and permanently eared bi the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. S. I' Sfrrs, * druggist st 1ST Main street, New Britain, Conn,, *ay*:*"K<*dol Dys? pepsia Cure is giving such universal satisfaction and is so surely becoming tbe positive reliei slid ?ubseuuent cure for this distressing ailment, 1 feel that 1 am always sure to satisfy and gratify my customers by recntiiiiientliim it to them. 1 write this t" hIhiw BOW well the remedy is spoken of here " Kod?l Dyepepaia Core was discovered after years of scientific experiments arid will -possibly cure all stomach trouble*. Sold hy The Winstou Drug fo. >ol a Sick Hay Since. "I was taken severely sick with kid? ney trouble. I tried all sort* nf medi? cine*, noni- of which relieved tue. i lin? day I saw an ad. of your Fleet ric Rit? ter* and determined to try that. After taking a few doses 1 felt relieved, anil noon thereafter wa* entirely cured, anil have not seen a sick day since. Neigh? bor* of mine have treen curt-ii of Rheu? matism. Neuralgia, Liver and Kidney troubles and general Debility." This i* what R. F. Bass, of Fremont, V C.. write- Only 50c, ?t White A Co., Druggists. Mothers Praise ll. Muthera everywhere praise One Min? ute Cough t'ure for the sufferings it has relieved and the lives of their lit? tle oues it ha***aved. A certain cure for cough*, croup and whooping cough. A. L. Spsfford, Postmaster, of Chester, Mich., say*: "Our little girl was un? conscious from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of croup. One Minute Cough Cure quickly re? lieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly." One Minute Cough Cure relieves coughs, makes breathing easy, cuts out phlegm, draws out inrlammstion, and removes every cause of a cough and strain on lungs. Sold by The Winston Drug Co. S, A Physician Healed. Dr. Geo. Fwing, a practicing physi? cian of Smith's (trove. Ky., for over thirty years, writes his personal ex? perience with Foley's Kidney Cure: "For years I had been greatly bothered with Bidney and bladder trouble and enlarged prostate gland. I used everything known to the profession without relief, until I commenced to use Foley's Kidney (.'ure After taking three bottles I was entirely relieved and cured. I prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartily recommend its use to all physician* for such trou? ble*. I have prescribed it in hundred* nf eases with perfect success" Sold by W. B. Agnew. A Runaway Hlcycle, Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Omer, Franklin Grove, ill. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield? ing to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Irruptions and Piles. 20c, st White A Co's , Drug Store. Thousand". Cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Halve has cured thousands of cases of Piles. "I bought a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve on the recommendation of our druggist," so writes C. H. LaCroix, of /.avella. Tex, "and uaed it for a stub? born case of I'i les. lt cured me per? manently." Sold by The Winston I>rug Cn. A l'ar.1. This is lo certify that all druggisti are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the courh and heals the lungs. Prevents pneu? monia and will cure incipient consump? tion Contains no opiates and is safest for children. A?k for Foley's Honey and Tar and insist upon having it Stops the cough and heals the lungs. Sold by W. B Agnew. No matter how long you have had the cough ; if it hasn't already develop ed into consumption, Dr. Wood's Nor* way Pine Svrup will cure if. Hive* are a terrible torment to tin little folks, and to some older one* Easily cured. Doan's Ointment nevei fails Instant relief, permanent cure At any drug store, 60 cent*. Ring'* Dyspepsia Tablets cure indi gestion, dyspepsia and strengthens thi stomach. Sold by Anderson Drug C<>. - Honey and Tar is different from all other remedies offered for th( relief of coughs, lung and bronchia troubles. It contains Antiseptic pro perties that destroys the germs, arie Solvent propertje?thatcut the phlegm allowing it to be thrown off, move* tin bowel* gently- Cure* Croup, Whoop ing Cough snd Colds in one nigh Sold by Anderson Drug Co. FaTored hy Roth Parties. Republicans and Democrats alikt praise Foley's Honey and Tar fo coughs, colds, and all throat and lunj diseases, as no other remedy can com pare with it. It is safe and sure. F T. Hlatcr, merchant, 171 Main St. tiloucester, Mata, write*: Foley' Honey and Tar cured mi of a very ba( cough which I had for three month though other remedies failed to benet! me. 1 can highly recommend it fo coughs and colds." Sold by W. B. Ag new. Disastrous rt reeks. Carelessness ii responsible for man a railway wreck and the tame cause are making human wrecks of sufferer from Throat and Lung troubles. Bu since the advent of Dr. King's Nei Discovery for Consumption, Cough and Cold*, even the worst cases can b cured, and hopeless resignation is n longer necessary. Mrs. Loi* Cragg, c Dorchester, Ma**., is one of man; saved by Dr. King's New Dil cover?. Thjs great remedy is guaran teed for all Throat and Lung disease by SVhite A Co., Druggists. Price 60( and ll no. Trial bottles free. (nutitf rfeitlnr, Ihe tinmine. Foley A Co., Chicago, originate Honey and Tar as a {throat and lung w melly, and on account of the grei merit and popularity of Foley's Hone and Tar many imitatiooi are offered fi the genuine. A**, for Foley's Hone and Tar and refuse any aubstitute o: fe red as no other pmjjaratton will giv the same satisfaction, lt is mildl laxative. It contains no oDlstes an ls safest for children and delicate pei sods. Hold by W. B. Agnew. THE CANYON TRESTLE. This ha* man wrought; to (poa th* un tam,al Hood. To link the hoary BBBllarsi cliffs In banda. To elcnv* hla pathway straight with aweat and blood Up thu wlilte silence of tsatroddea landa. Measure lha man against Oat ft- k* fought. Invincible? and eaalnaO. This hus man wrought. Deem not tha mountain's hulv pince de? filed When the black swelt* ctaod b al .pe and maur; rhlnk not lt* silence fl. - wild Lons warning whistles thrill the snows afar. Tha way of toll ls I . And forged stott are holy things Nay, not fnr gold alone the tollt rs wrought; Nay. not for fume ur pride th* pulsing brain Flung out aero*, tha cliff* Ita r-pbmild thought, la-toped the wild pineland* rSocO* In Its chain Brother* by danger shared, Minns, pa? tient, still. Hen wrought ls steel the signal will. Th* acroll I. graven large for > , a. ?? A writhing on tha wall In storm and ?un: 'Her. shall the highway of the nation br. For scattered peoples gathering Into one; Kindred unknown fr,,rn unkriuw; and lands, Ilrought gSlOS* In Hod's temi touch hand*." Thia ha* man wrought?hts m kl gag. and pledge. What might was his who stormed thc mountain's strength. Kecked not of toppling crag and I, y ledge. Ilought By Shae* will his path, held ut arm', length Disputing death! In hla rock-.?!. ft plan God'* measure of the stature of a mau. A .tatura that shall .hame on: strife. Laugh down our littleness of selfish fears, Flail) on dim eyes the splendor of the life Which set Ka token here fur unborn years Wrung from the Jaw* of death stained, blood-bought, Th* sacred way of toll, this has man wrought. -Mabel Earle, In Totith's Companion. tnautuni The Woman in Red By Muriel Campbell Dyar. Copyright, 1889, by The Shortstory I'ub llahlng Company. All rights r??HT ad. WINTER reigned throughout Eu? rope, but on the Riviera spring and Bummer bloomed together. head ths sky wu infinitely blue, behm the sea was green and purple and amethyst Everywhere the sun, every? where tbs scent of geranium and mimosa, ths fragrance of rose anti violet Always the deep boom, boom of the waves thundering against thc tall cliffs of Monaco, always the cry of the sea gull, forever the chimes from the church of Salnte Devote. At Monte Carlo, that paradise of the gamester, the season was at Its height Tha Hotel de Paris and Beau-Illvatre were crowded, those of the quartey Ia Condamine were full, and well people, finding shelter In som' lodging house over In Monaco, gave the name of aome fashionable resort when applying for a carts d'admlsslon to the "Cerelea des Etrangere*," the euphemis? tic title of that Institution which draws hither the svld and the Inquisitive of all the nations. Day after day, night after night, the Casino overflowed with those who came to tempt Fortune, ?very on* laughed and sang and was gay. Heavy hearts are hidden at Monte Carlo. It was at a concert that she flrst ap? peared?ths Woman In Red. The French tenor was Just beginning his number when the doors of the middle box of the right hand tier swung slow? ly open and closed behind her. She stood for Just a moment outlined against the Ivory background. Very tall she seemed, dressed from head to foot In red?not cardinal, nor crimson ?but th* most Intense and glowing acarlet From out this mass of color her bare throat rone vividly white, and down the satin of her skirt her un? gloved anns hung, soft and round as those of a child. Her hair, too, fine and fair, gave her head a rather child? ish look. And then?no wonder fans stopped fluttering and silks began tn rustle?her fBce was entirely concealed by a mask of dark red velvet! The lady seated herslf quickly, with a curious grace In every movement, sad the red of her dress spreading on! around her, stained as with blood thc whiteness of the box. She raised her glass snd Insolently swept the house, moving her head so that the Jewels in her hair blazed and flamed Into th" faces turned In her direction. A latish floated from above as a woman In QM gallery, with her programme twisted Into a roll, mocked the motion. Thr Woman la Red turned away her facc wlth a shrug of her white shoulders and aat through the performance .-nlti ?till and Indifferent At the beginning of the last number she rose slowly, and gathering together her shlmmcrln*; scarlet left the box. That was tht Introduction to the world of Monti Carlo of the Woman in Red. After that, Interest centered abou1 hsr. Increasing as her peculiarities be cams known. She never wore a sug? gestion of any color but red, and tha alone was enough to make her con sptcuous. Then the mask, thought t( have been merely a caprice on thi night of the concert, was never re moved. That rfBllOd her mysterious She talked but little, going about si lently, with a soft. Bghf Mop <?n might b* quit* alone, and the nt-x moment auddenly aware of the Re Woman's presence. When the tal young Englishman who lost everythltif at a turn of the wheel went out lntc the Caalno garden and, cocking hlf pistol In the shadow of the cacti, mut tered: "I'll end the whole cursed busi? ness!" the Woman In Rod murmurer: persuasively beslds him: "Oh, I wouldn't?" and he didn't, and wher a lady knelt one evening before th( Image of the Virgin In the church ol 3alnte Devote, and whispered wildly "0 Blessed Mother, forgive me mj ?1db!" lt waa the Woman In Red whe llnlahed softly for her. "and those whe thing inure ti. ' odor ni came Into tt. ? there In her flower I ' ' nnd ni To make her a -1 nous, myal for a ? hopi ? wrinkled an, capable of life, ss ' tum] t, 'oninn In Ri How Bhonld i ? "oh. the devil, tl ? tared a Iii ?? "They'd Hiv'- us if .. ? and nore chu any one cuni.. velvet n "Sh., is, certain!) ' dryly. angrily. "\, nr that stupid ' lt la true lhat the W i a,i found ai count ami thi md the English boy ami the rivoli ns the ?? In favor, i. i ' ting on tin suitors til] lt b as a gai: i But throughout i' ;ili 11 maine.I cain to tell her n "I ntl 'l bavi ? tlful?" "Oh, ri count. "Your hand "Your hair Englishman, with I In answer to i a hard little laugh, nol Bt to hear. To ba little av after 1 or Monaco | bi a I I ; her than at fl hesltat ' he had one - ta km mystery of the rn ? her Innumerable Perhai tl of thc women I sin- had adopted Ihl lng the attention rightfully 1 ? might be studied for a arriving at I Tho warm along, and a In tho Bhelti grow 01 languid evening ol Wi,niau iii Ri ? ? | Side bj air of the Cash: scented ? a murmur >il ter and talk, nnd the fi clack of the r pushed back bl r . bail ll said tO the man: "Do come out In! ri lt h Insufferably ho! In oold think," at length, ns the* stroll.-.1 thro Bhrnbbery, "thal ri i unbearable!" "It ls." "Then why Hoi tal S it off?" "I did n.-t eom< oa< li "But perhapa I did!" Thi shoulders aq alvely. The woman mad.- BO I tinned her occupation of ping a ring up and down I "Oh, I have dropped i denly cried, and search for it. The low ! caught In the colls of a* To free lt she lin;, itlenl I Dp hr There was a sharp did the release of a D and 1 li' velvet nins: . loosened, f( ll loftlj lo th. gTound. She made an In* noise In her throat, and her liar thrown up In an Ineffectual att conceal her face, bot tl was too quick for lier. Th re, In th bright white moor st the face of tbs Woman In with a terrible cry of horror, fell Ilk one dead upon the It was a lone tuns before hi of th woman's hand ni" cool trickle of anti lay passive, thinking of Bothlni suddenly lt all came "Oh, don't, don't, don't too he maped. "Keep away froni He staggered to ' his hands to his eyes to shut out th vision lhat would return 1! trembled and his teeth i Sometliing as white as Ihe D gather, tl at hil Ml* The woman madi lure. "Oh, see, I have pol it ob md she turned her bead I behold ? At the sound of hi In terror and. withoot a word, bo making as I ran, lit ? ted, In tbe ? Df the light, | white moonlight tl In Ra itood like on.- of of th terraced garden. Its marble imrit; turned ? The next night she era place at the roulette tai Ihe stupid baron B "Why don't y. as she sat motionless anti Indifferent eyed curiously bv I rs of th game. She sat ap wearily ai, : a pile of gold and notea apon I No. 12. The croupier BtBI revolving rapidly In or,* sent the ball deftly rolling In ?> ? and there was a little 1 ktlon. Tongues a ly whil eyes were fast, oed on the whirlin wheel. "What has beeoaaa of our Englls friend?" asked one. "Gone home," wag the answer fror another-across the table. "Perhar, the heat went to hla head!" He tappe down. and the ball In ita ? droppin tied lt. ? . to tho ' nf the marble turning In one a foldi ? - ' ireh of breath. ! woman, I over li hr, while th ' rilled all. I ed the writing in tremblli e tain Il in;. k from ,f the chur.-h of Saints Devote, and l praj him, winn .1. By all : ? ids." " man to wh( re I upon thi When la : rolled 0 side, and kwful, unhol] ? bold the crucifix. T to him ' lid not ht fnr. ?(ih. the devil, the devil, thc devil. ? rapidly and im attltudi imethlng I him f: When the ritual to the rowd whit li ? ir word of ant! ? and distinct hoed In Ihe ave, upon him I pronounce ('burel all the a leaf. SS! - to the nan suddenly stopped tremblli to lau: ' -Hld of Mich other in theil Tin- -; and the nd raflon neted promptly and with ball on thal d by a com I. At Monte Carlo ll will aol do to en i.y and ! thinking. Bl talk of other things. Thc old count and the stupid baron wera ? - . drop the i But when to the mad prii there carri'- continually the dee] and the chimi should never ni"' lld n'.t remember why; t mildil I *-,,,,re lt. Tran I roo. th* -I, madam. what I want. I i now what you want badly, hut I've ..nh one bar "f the house, and the Bervanl ls using lt :. "inc oth'-r t.. Tim. s. hr Dade'* Little Liver Tills jun Liver ills Sold bj Amie ' awful grit,liing, sta!.Lilli: pail In the i the kidneys, .s dust ol'I'ineules will cure it over night discover; j-ut up it -.ny. A delightful remedy sm specific 'or nil Kidney ami Bladdei tn*lillies Kold by Anderson Dr . i'n\, of Kendallsii ? rinusly diseased witb killin-; alder trouble fnr 20 years, lb known remedy withou much benefit, until he used I , cured hiiu, iiiid Mr - itTerini from kidney or bladder trouble to ? lt bottle of I' A new theory thal ful in the cure ol l mg ant - reined cuts ide mu tu*, heal* the membranou lining of tin- throat, lungs and lironcli i?; tnt eomooia am them tlie - il merally Croup and Whooping Cough disappea befon at before I; - Il \i. N.rvc and Bone l.iiiinielit ?on lints Co ,1 Hilka HU Hla lt...k - of Dis il will cure yoi I ila, ?I find . I not move an - I ?in now ont and I truly your*, SW, V*. Bold by White A Co. and Winnlon DrugC *-*: From the Inside of a Torpedo Boat Destroyer What Happens on One of These Mighty Engines of Naval Warfare When in Action. ^ HE waa] are the torpedo boats and ? ,(' *el JI the navies of tlie world. vcr.-Jr ^ "^ l'ie *JaD*' sian navies ha-.- ah a proml nar that they interest In thcms.-iv.-s i-ti tia \ ;ut, aol only of al anthorrtii rid, bot This Interest ls rea aiph to warrant the printing of an article describing these Infernal ma ' ? la as sho flrst puts to sea ; ray, and outstrips everything that Is going her way. If lt should be your privilege, as lt has ine, to be aboard, you t of tha > nung commander Into whoas ki ? i given, you know that under your feet ls a ship whli -Tu, tl* lau Of all the Of war that float. Pron 3 heavl ? ? of it throughout the Bhl] li t.'-'th. A Destroyer ls flexible in brr - tlon. and ls built to "give" to simply a thin skin Of steel on a light framework, and : ing through their covering. 111 > of a lean, sinewy and enduring runner. rigs, rolling, wallowing*, -all the sea gyrations loved and practiced lOBtroyer. In these marine gym she stands an cary |] which reason. In bad weather, tb mander has his spells of sickness, and pa him sympa i d y. work of the commander ls not fara y work, nor Is bis ship a fane Then- ls no poi try of .-all al. no evidence of luxury; but If you care N ? poetry of motion, and plenty of will find lt I Think of v. 'rois?a long. low hull, rising for tl et abort thi which the double purpose of protecting in hear) W( ather and affording . odatlon for the crew. \ accommodation lt ls. for there an- tvv. In whh h al ra and sleep, not all at one time, of course, since there ls alwa plenty of room In which to move and nd eat. and do the nut. odd Jobs that occupy the waking and off duty hours of the wonderful "handy? man." For the rest, ihe deck runs fin by I wf huge ? the two torpedo tubes, one Amidships. :' action, and the after gun platform. In these ? and another pair of :ful and weapon? ar. na wa? ter tank below. The commander has. therefore, four M at his servite; that ls to say, he has the mi >ylng utterly, with luck?which. In practice at any me his way four fi' - which have cost. In round figures, more than a sum of f'.nrrO.unO! And the v , fl ? ommander's rhlp ls a shell, lt ls true, hut a.*' ..rt of which ls a marvel of Ingenuity and skill; ard the most marvelous of all parts ls thc engine room, for here are the engines which develop the which is needed to maM? the destroyer rush through the water al hour, and fills her with that n of life which seems to repreo very lust of destru I In the Etokehold an astonishing reve? lation awaits you, especially If yt had experience of other similar dena I have been In the stokeholds of a good many steamers, from a Cunarder?in which I gari r near ?to a North sta trawler, and have mar? ka! men could endure lt and live hold lo he a perfect oven; ard, lol It was quite cool and comfortable, and marvelous In its d-? ' .; g labor and safe - :inb. ' lay know lt f the di - elchlng of tl els, to? ne cln.a :acks and are carri n myriads on This brain ' r?that circular strvcturi ?rward gun-platforr ridge, which ls mon rOOKlSO POItSVAP.D TH] \ f Tl ape the attention ol tor to a destroyer. It ls made of ar nourud plate U itillets and small missile*, an arge enough to hold two men ai hip. Like all offii - irs, he ls young and dare-devil I .th for suth le-rate task as tl.ut ll li: motto. In all btllty, I ouch as he despises all rb :. pause to i ertaln to meet with the H.- knows that he ls at llbert) eels so lp and iis crew In an attempt to Demy, In the dead of night ht ila quarry?a hip. whit b ls lylni fearfullj al i ? - a alert. Al ' : maud it ti Bl ? tho commander, but bi made up his mind to I his chances In a grand an.1 It Ls touch i with death. 1 mercy, ? ? t ai ? ould not receive lt even If she di inarry?the vast balk whoa which . prove l THE VS KO. Ing as a tar,. I ommander la greatly dar luck ls with him : liking d!*< tiobserved. for the '; ?. have momentarily left thi taking and leave a black ; . steal onwar ? from the connlng-towe-r, and tl torpedo ls dlschan I ?ilssed the tnr But the luck of th* bold hs* I ? -itimaiider, ai s have strm *? Hy the time tl and ls raclr..- \ I dark night and safety. Of retaliatory fire there ls nona, ll has fallen upon thi * rom? pany when the roar at. -, have prono-i: A fe? | and nearly all her crew have It ls a i. than annihilating a reg; could be, because a - a few days - | lentlful ar,. ship ls the work of man; with I: WAI ! Yooeaonol - by external ?? tire must be applied inside, right at ? of the trouble. Man / put up i' lible tube, with a le snd ? il piles are imp .es the pain Bin B -Id by A: Drug I (io('arts are "all the go" Tor going Doy tie can please you in prica ' and style. ( Bas h 1 \.,.. ? ngers to tbe World'l I puri'liase on each i boiada nini Saturday iluring N dny c ? ia No folk ami Weetara Baila i lum at very low simi tickets with lunger limit, . Norfi ern Kailwa sv. B . . . - ''.iliousnesa, headache, ?! take Dr.Thachcr's Liver and Uk Everyduy Travels. The < 1 Eui . fa n?-w fashitr In. Now, we are I hes bli mo. d and r the OOO n, *ee !e of thing*, but sav? ing a ;? i tim*. An. rig, and r ? liable to ha far ard gain so little. But t;es in iar.guage lt ls we.: own capacity for pi -to question whet: opportunities that ar* opened by t' little Journeys of every day. B I shop, og rna, As for the human I of tbe "Cine, there ll said, "a Kory at every i how many o' wt pass r to the finest tree, the n turesque vista, the i ture that leeau an bitagral part pe, or the x>'., -' life takei odd ai.-' formi? asks Youth'.! Companion, lt ls a national failing not confined to richi ? -;tv to "g?t' I ? t ti.e road ' a thought, as well as the destination. Wayside sounds an : hoth pleasure and lnstru. have opened "the I .nd the seeing eye" and trained the mind to comprehend and th* heart to - thlze. Nor are we truly qualified to travel until we have gained thlsi<iulp ment and learned the lessons, that the hom* highways hav* to t< The Dressmaker's Slavs. W nat mockery to prate ot ths equality of the sexes vi v possesses the freedom of uniform, and ths other ls tbe slave of ev.r-varying costume, say* Winifred Kirkland, In the Atlantic. Think of the great portion of a lifetime wo women are condemned to spend In keeping our sleeves in style! Talk of our playing with scholarships or politics when we are all our days pant? ing Battatvated after scampering Dame Fashion, who, all our broken-minded BawOdl Yet dre** reform ls the fir-t article In our creed of antipathies, atel I, for one, am last of ladle* to iii I I !.? -r. tlc. I am not ungrateful for the gift of sex and were a fowl of the air?wi int .Hon of hodden gray, tnd soul unexpressed either by vocal throat or personality of plumage! Among th! id lt ls tb* mais who I the lady who wears uniform therwlsu with luman beings is due, I suppose, to tome freakish blt of chivalry on the part ot the autocrat I B, the. ringmaster who puta the entire menagerie through heir tricks. No. *Bwould not be a fowl; let me ia - tue at thi* bunine** of dressing, pi i "L's* reward* sparingly," wrote Ed? ward Egglenton, and bis teaching has been put Into practice by at bast two women who lout their valuables st I.-tland, tay a th* N. Y. World Th* account to dat* stands thus: To ons trolley <. r, for finding $1,600, a Canadian quarter; to one small boy, for finding emerald and diamond pin, 20 cents. Ths magnitude of these reward* 1* likely to cause a boom that will add greatly to the population of Coney Island. "I'nor but honest" men, women and CblldrcB will flock in eager ( to find tb* largest sum and receive ths smallest reward, lt open* a new future for th* rejuvenat At Juvenal wrole I - ar* ago; "Hocetty now? aday* ls commended and starve* on uni? versal praise." Mar.) poonta oho live In town would ba Immeasurably better off In tl try. but they as a rule do not think to. a ho do think so and have a long? ing for rural life are generally unfitted for a bucolic - I ka advent of the trolley and tha telephone bas taken away the lonesomeness of country life and made lt more endurable for those who are accustomed to i tiona. Y?t tba country Is not the city, and not everyone ls built of the right matirlal to tackle farming and makes tucceai of It unless he bas a mint of money to spend and waits to mak* a plaything of lt. Astronomers estimate tbe . from th* earth to Alpha Octaurl, the neared flxsrd star, to b* about 26 tril? lions of mll??. Rather than have any fuss about lt the average mortal will accept the estimate as approximately correct and let it go at that. What sig? nifies a matter of a trillion or two of mllea when ll lars? A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE