Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HEH AN I NPKI'I N "t N I i PrjousaiBD Kvkkv Pail nu! Pr Ratbs or SosaoMPTioi " ilia. " tli ree Bootha. i iib Herald. Kartnv! KU1DAV. NkiVF.MBKK^, IIVMI'IH V*1I>M>. Wt '1" icd "'-1' I lapiajortol with the pl ? is to ii- that if allg l" ' .'light to ? ? 'IH"'"1' here bj pleased with its location, ami den-Sidney would lt* squally 1 if it should fallon Ifould lt not b wall for tlieC of Coiiiinei' ? ' the >|ti ..mond TIojsb Dtopatcb, Why "ap,*ar t ? interfere vv plan" of the fatben oho plant venerable Institution In try?'' hfOBl tbs cities ha ?'earth'."' And SBUSl the couti Stripped "f every tiling except tl "behind the hoe?'' The liealtli of Hanii'iliii-.-idiieyof itreifsbo thor Ita il site, for ol other college In the land of like a like attendance yciir uv saul that only one student atm i mk "fit, one liuudr twenty eight year- of existence an average attendance of over on .Ired student-, and only000dastl mic in the lii*>! hool, not even an eiideiu what other school iu or out of Vi with even a score of years of lil that Ire said .' We BfTBI with 00 thy brother that if Hampden-S it should tike the oh at Kicliojond, but ?ve ar i-elief that it would he for the g glory of the (iod of the church an highest good of the yoong men pi lag te preach the everlasting (jos inion Seminary should sdi o Kicliujond and re.-uiue its ace ti st place by the side of Haai|Hlen-S where lt now stands and where i r more than one bundled of noble service. Tlie property iu Kic!iiii"inl ca couverted Into ca?li while ahaodooed will soon tm given ov-i --ession of bats and owls. Ila* cliiinli is bm much in nei money and too yiuch engaged in mg to indulge in luxuries, 'i'he I to Richmond w.i- nothing more luxurious. It is idle to contend that the ti of the Hible can bc the better ta amid the glare and glow of city rather thau iu a ijuiet country p and it isjust as idle to urge lhat Bot of the erosa can be better furnished life's work iu the one place rather i Hie other. All cannot hoj?t* le BO city pulpits, wear Prince Albarta polished -ilk hats. Tbs majority I work iii the country or the countn over to the devil. Already r in tries are bstog heard souik ut liesa counties in Virginia wi people once enjoyed the bOOBfltS ogs of regular preaching. Wh wrong? Only this, everybody, pre; . laded, have gone rushing to -Hies, or are about to go. Let old um Seminary set the good examplt turning the tide from city to couti and let Tide water and Richmond ba I! Hampden-Siilnev. After Thanksgiving then conic- I It may bc well that the sees didn't open in advance of the day thanks. Tbs (ioveriior-hiji of New Y< < .over.'ior-e.'ect Higgins fc-S.O What did the presidency of the I nil States cost the Trusts ?f the I'nit -dates? Tlie Japanese have b.-en stormi Port Arthur regardlesi of con Its fall won't mean the end of tlie wi however, since Russia says it must \ oo, and will not tolerate any oaten mterfert Mr. Roosevelt is 'o visit Georgia, tl BB*bk mother, and whiie the \ plain his ailinn,ii- towards the Hoot! IB people. Our hope is that it will I iti.sfactory. Mr. ("ortelyou displayed so niue kill in financiering the Republica 'inmittee lhat it is said that he wi, ?? put iu charge of tbs treasury ile ailment, and then the trusts wal ? ?ave a "whack" at his pants string" Thc wireless system of telegraphy i -ml to be storm-proof. During tin severe storm which was Bl e>t ruell ve to other telegraphic system* ml to telephones, it was unharmeri i ml afforded good Barries while Um ? I howled and the storm king raged. It Iiegins to look as tim' Mr. ?lt would disappoint the "pie" hunters BS manner of his atalarait preile Mr. Cleveland. Already there ? 'iisternatiou in Republican ranks ' i Virginia. Col. BaWflBB ha- the knife a I lie is going t ) cut te tlie grief of ' tbs old gang. Bowden will lie -t to sillier. Ooo, Suth Rolling is - in good favor. ?Ve are told thal votes in the Ninth i-tiict sold as high as SJQ apiece, ami ? -pent |0 BB* ? ire the eleen,m of Col. Slemp. And ire told that the principles of ic Republican party have been en 0?d hy th- tbat ,|,strict. - inmate the funds from the light and Of tbs principle? Simply lOCipal ami interest united 1 .uplish the great moral N rf,ik ,\ vv.Biara lystsa ding tbs double track, and BOdoobl hom mountain to < i the coal trams will al ? right of way hy which i eosnpaalooa will go Bg over their own road I wie says "his aid and progress led U'k,s, AID, IP UM i. IAY. oprtetor. tl I-' ,'iou 1(1 he Hie. Va. 1'**!. uterfere i Tide* Hamp nore, it I. '1 lu? ll! well Hamp* pleased, liamher est ion '?' ith tlie ed tlie corni? ce the try be ie mau -record uld BO r what ra nial it be lied of ed and , with e liuu 1 from lory of ic; of rgmia s can r w or id ney l-timc liuary in the realer d the epar pel if ut in Ulled id ney t bas year n he that er to And ?d of beg Hove than ?utlis ught life lace, Hers for than ?tipy aud nu-: f l i) ac llog and at' i-li? the l'n - by try tnl otl l.ill of tu it n>iTo> t nov it is gratifying t?> know ti this Soiitlilaiiii nf oura has ii. pull, nor turill made income, gration money, nor seen a gr* campaign fund, Bbs dOSS Cotton crop, made mit of lier by lui OWH muscle and with iiioiiey. And it may l*e yoi taken in what that cotton cro| We are indebted to the TISBOB for reproducing the figures of Inman, l*earing on the sui'. they arc simply rcinarksb crop ,,f (he past BBBSOfl. lie tell* for the enormous sum and nestdsn furnishing tbe mi and Booth with all they BBSd, ported enough to bring about I inni iii gold to this country, bel i|tiarter as much gold as Califo ed -luce thc discovery 0 low metal there. Proceeding mi lbs -ame line, man - I "Six hundred and fifty mill lars wa- BOOOgb Io Imy every t whe tl rai-i.l in the United Sit I] 10,000,000 to the good. i "lt was enough t i buy and j hf'f Hie ern crop of two ai I fourth billion bushels grown i I oiled States. The corn crop only one of the great crops that in value the cotton crop "Iowa is tbs greatest corn | 81 .te in the world, and prodm. ! eleventh of the to* I corn crop li'ted State-; yet ibis year, af ti iiii: her > ii and w heat crops, I ber coti 11 crop for f.v?, B lough t i pay cash for every b corn gmw ii in Iowa. "lt should e mirage BS t" ft ' us we ve im|?eiial | producing crop; perpetual inhe hedged ainuit by climatic em . -ni protected from world corni winch threatens lbs other crop, free from debt, kt us stay mit and.trol our own product, i will see tm more live ar six cent crops." Tbe writer mentions the furth that thc South pays annually t -. nearly every dollar of is di-tributed up Nort' Surely Mr. Roosevelt OM not all ignore and insult a people .nakit contribution te the general good QovernOkSOl over which he is cn preside. True they did uot vote for hil bS knotts why as well as we do der like conditions he would hav inst as we did. Let him think o tliinia's and then be President whole country. If none of i; worthy a place in Ins cabinet, ali are worthy of fair play. Col. Wattcrsou says to the erato, "let's take a rest." Kxi limes! Ill ll Tum the talking au explaining over to Wm. Watsot the rest of us will do business i ? ?lil stand-, do t,"?'il, dwell in the aud be assured of raiment, foot shelter. "Not race equality hoi equal opportunity," says the President, the question arises who ure t hon niedequality of opportunity ? Cen imt Hie negroes of Virginia It l*e that they are denied snme suc.i up North, l?ut not with ru where colored man may di ive a hack or tice medicine. -rk 00. ed ed Sf -. ll. go lc The Kepuhlic.ii National BOOBS clo-etl the recent campaign with | 000lefl in the treasury. Rather SM table uest egg to encourage future mg. The almighty dollar i- at let mighty influence in this, our w nnd asp ed Bl ly le this our age. fleury Watterson, just before lea for a ten months "rest off" in Eur said, "if wheat falls to forty cents, to ten, cholera ravages the Philipj and yellow fever Wall street, we look for a Democratic victory iii 1! The aforesaid Henry hasn't bees b ful Henry since bs Slopped wri I'emocratie platforms." About all the Southern fJoOflOSBI eau do for his constituents is to set tree delivery routes, and failing in ( he will Ire dismal failure. Kx-speaker Keifer is in Congi agaiti with the avowed purpose of m ing war on the unarmed aud cot! making Southland. The spirit tl animate- him was conceived lu and Imru of malice. A tit. Louia physician says tiiere no such thing as a new woman, a the New York Herald says: Ihe old t is good euoiigb. So say we all. Judge Parker has opened a law off in New York City and says he w play a lone hand. He will no dos make as nundi as his salary as Pre dent would have treen, lead a mu more ijuiet life and go about witho the presence of secret service meu the right and to thc left of him. Maryland after all esca|*ed the di of going Republican. Sevt DsSBOefatS and mie Kepuhlican wei selected as electors. The solid Sou til bas dous som mighty good work iii the past and w don't just kimw what substitute can t found for it. The work already don may he undone and when uudoue ther will Ire an angel of death hovering ove every home in our Southland. Th Norfolk Landmark and other e-teenus contemporaries would do well to inaki bests slowly. Let us at least for thi tiuic baton do as Watterson suggest and "lest.' WAK IS ll?I,." 1 v il! venture the assertion," BBJjn Bishop Galloway, Mtbal the Japanese alone have lost more than forty thous and men in theirell.rt to capture Port Arthur. Tbe full extent of tbs losses has never U*en made known for the Japanese cteauue tbe bod ba of her aol rilera In bau'a ffbso I left Japan, ail the military boapl ls were tilled to overflowing, and lhere a e from forty tu fifty thoosaod soldiers uuder treat? ment for wounds received In battle. Hie loss of life li baan not! tug short of appalling." And still the nations of eartli look ni while the di-[ruction goes on as though they have gone through tlie ' agreeing to arbitrate. I tiiiurauteed t ure for Piles. Itching, Blind, llleeding or Protrud DruggtaUj refund money if ? \ ' m in i fails to cure any case, io matter of how long standing, In 6 to ll days, first application give* If your diuggisf lasa'tltaend rOo In ataaapa and it will ?e forwarded pftsl-patd by Paris Medi? ant Co , St Urmia, Mo. lint while , pasBssoB nor iml ,b on the hoes hei her own i haven't ? means, despatch mie Mr. feet, and le. The i ii-, Bold 1,000,1 mi, Hs North u. BS PS70,000,* l0| one mia has f theyel Mi In? ion dot* 'ii-liel of itt- and pay for ul tint in the is the trowing ?es OOO* of the *r grow 1 leorcia 000,000, Daba] of ?el that ninney ritaiuv, id! tiona retltlon I Once nf debi ind we cotton er fact "Wards which i n i,i hm. lord to ig such Of the lied lo ju aud . I'n edone fthese of the is are I of us A furred inn. Mr. Hagb Carland, who fol -???, BBOatbs In*- I't-eli living '?? li- loo hu-accepted a position tn the in ute-,. Bgeacjr "f nutlet) -v Marlin, Thc above, winch iip| j.**-1 baas sic -uld bars read Paulet estland instead of I'aulctl A Mst Mop'Hui! t'lillirll ?ups yon. Pr I ' will cure tl. ns tm rn I,. : - ii i i, ', r.e-t un Barth. Lats* boitli Willie .* Co. anil Winston I'iui: i ... XMAS THING Wc Have Them. Wc ask you to inspect tin mi display (nun Dec. 1st. Larder stink, g tva lit ilispli and CHEAPER THAN EVE shown iu our long cxpciicn with tlie trade. Don't think buying your holiday snpplii tint-' von have seen ours. CE, Denio ?ellent d the i, and it tlie land 1 and ity of And k de lain ly rn ay thing > tbs prac littee dm), nfor lav BUUooei and Uo nfectloner AMERICA'S TRAGEDIAN jz-z-z-z xxx-x nz: x x x z z z z z z z z z | ROBERT DOWNING NWI' 'X-XXIZXXXXXXxxxxxix: Presenting tlie Romantic Masterpiece Milli Translated from the German h MARV LOVELL. Mr. Downing will be assisted b; His own Company. Regals! price ,0 and :., eats. Advance s:ile now mi at CHI M .'? t'u't UHtu Kn wk. FOR SALE PotVShow eases six feet long. Ont' Cigar ease lour feet long, with jiatent drawer. II. t'. CBUTI A (0., Ilriiu%'isf-. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digest's what you eat. RttEYSKlK ? Makes Kidneys Bad Dis WE CAN omi. ?nir Olll t A SAVE YOU mi on all of yom XMAS GOC Such as Raisins, O rants, Nuts, E Have just receiv choice lot of APPLES. Special prices b; barrel. Stokes & Davids " Special Pri< on thc I', rllowing line* w. t clar: Lu in \i 11? days: I..lilies' .iml Mi.HSI -; Coat*-. Men's |J;its ami Wa I.wen K ii M ?* , M \ ri ni i mi 11 cou n tel is I. with bargains iu Ihe i ii a xis ri ii*l -hurt ends It will pay you tn sci GUN. We have a few Sir Barrel Guns we ai going to close out CHEAP. Our loss. Your ga Chas. Bugg iv Soi ?St a ? rid, vlug ope, corn ?ines may 08." ope ting nan ?im? bat ISSI al; sal sin ts PLUSH BUGGY ROBE When it comes to Lap R For several years thi- has been one of our strong lil We claim to haye handled more robes In tbe pea! ll years than any other BOOM In I- iirrnv ii ii*. n for it: We select from ? rory lsrge stock only the choicest pattarni and -ell them at a in.xl profit. Our pries ranga fl ?", and In? clude some unusually handsome one- In ihe-ilk plush grades. Why vv. nt one of tiie-e do lol a < hr 1-111111- jut - PAULETT & BUGG nd Hardware, riawara, Wood lleatiog Stove-, Cutlet W.H. HUBBARD, Commission Merchant and Dealer in Hardware, Agricnltnral [mplcments, Grnss and Field Sect Fertilizers, Hav, Meal and Mill Feed, Dry Goods au<l Groccric Confeetioneries and Tobacco. JUST RECEIVED 1 ear Flour? White Rock and Piedmont Patent. Agents for Thornhill Wagons, of which wrehnvi jost rcccivci ? CARLOAD. Also the noted Binlsell Wagons kept ni ways 01 hand. RICE DEPOT, VA. OaS" I will attend all tobacco sales on the Farmville marlu and give my personal attention t<> sales entrusted to me. Will 1? found in my office on Third street, Farmville, from Sovcmlicr l-i to Mav 1st. W. H. HUBBARD. JUST RECEIVED . . . A lot of quartered O'. : Chamber Suits, Reed Rockers and Morns Chairs. Have also added a line of Jardinires and Flower Pots. UNDERTAKING. Hals department ll complete, and ordon will have prompt and carcfu attention. C. C. COWAN. Subscribe for the Herald, luLEWHONCT^TAS? tar chltdran: taft, aura. Mo or>l' t I I II.IVILM. >i i- >'"( ' IT H VII A I.I . ,?, Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic ggS-^?tf.'ir?'rr'lTi; M_^______ery_Porue is s Ten Cent, package of Grove's Black Root. Liver Pilli ^EY ?DS. Cur tc. ed a y the on. :es K'S I-in I \\ \l I' until .ni,dh.i Balli ni,a.- lue. or titilil y.-nr heine h.-i burned t" oom ince j mt lbs leonor lance Of INS I KIA IiiiN'l I! I OFF any ur property or ure DOIT tiQW. .Neither ll deni alli wait for ; nee. INSURE WITH E. S. MAETIN & CO., FIRE. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE farmville:, va. DON'T WAIT fut lomon paper (?? -???? where tb* Un today, Look el today's ii-t, io morrow aili add more to (ht nnd .vu iii.ty h.- among them. DONT THINK I! KI'A I' mflered from seddon) that yon chu ii curry your own [N8I li Von bare certainly fol t" man thu ? irrlss hi" own I ANCE bsa a fool for a holder. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A large stock Loather, Rubber nnd Canvass Stitched Bel ing, Kaw Hide Lacing and Lace Leather, Gum and Hemp Facking, Guaranteed; Heit Dressing, Hell Punches a:i<l couplings. WI; i\n\ t UK.ii: SlilCk Ol EVEtTTFIM IN THIS Ll C. M. WALKER (St SONS. D igle ?e FURS. FURS. FOI PRICE $1.25 TO $25.00 N. B. DAVIDSON, .m. i. S ' SOAP! The most complete line of Ai.Hour's high grade toilet soaps ever brought to Faimville. . . . Pram lOe to 7-ic it ease. Agnew's Drug Store. Tabard Inn Librarj Station, Southern Express Company llonei Ord< i Office. . a . WE HAVE MOVED To our new store, three doors below the old stand, betwci Baldwin's and J. H. Farrar, where we are ready to serve ye with a complete linc of drugs and druggists sundrit articles for the toilet, including Colgatcs and Armour's FINE TOILET SOAP. FANCY AND SCHOOL STATIONERY Thc leading Magazines and Fcriodicals received monthly. eV< also handle Faints, Window Glass and Putty. Send us your prescriptions. This department is iii charge of i registered pharmacist. PURITY AND ACCURACY IS OUR MOTTO. H. C. CHUTE & Co., Druggists. - * - - ? ? * * . ?? WE REPRESENT Companies thal i FIDELITY, CONTRACT, OFFICIAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS, r==ANO===* FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICIES. . . W. P. Venable & Co. |\<l Kl I', re, dentil .-?ritr eon. BE you lire ol Bord to LANCE. die. A NS IK policy Mi IS. The Merchants National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, will handle yjur banking business intelligently and satisfactorily Write Them -? The First National Bank of Farmville, FARMVILLE, VA. N. ff. DAVIDSON, ff. H. LYNN, A. G. CLAPHAM, President. vice-President. Cashier, a e '? BUB, J. r. Wainui, ll. O, Wall, K. II. Lynn, J. K. Martita, C. i I . I'. Wi na ton, sr, s/.D. M. -*n.k, -. HOWWE GROW MAY tl. DEPOSITS. 1901 $41,565.45 1902 $111,73167 1903 $244,316.10 f904.$. .266,955.90 WHY WE GROW ni. reaieii in tia- welfare of tm-ty cii-lolii.r. i mi ca, .pi ion or ila nie al relation a I,auk timi Hie cu.toHter I* that or busineas i-ninir. A* hr sa [Mlasllllf Me lian- Ih-.-)) il. Mint,HiK Illili I'I. 1.1. ir | ? i. I I- ? ti. A.- unit- ?d -m.- i.anklni,'. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. The Acknowledged HEADQUARTERS For Mattings, Carpets Rags and all Floor Coverings IS AT RICHARDSON & ORALLE'S, The Leading Clothiers and Dry ('.nods Dealers. Prepare For War in Time of Peace < ZZlZZZZZZZliZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZlZZlXZZZZZ> Wliile von .-ne well and a good instininee risk, vim ean get INSURANCE, and the sooner the less it eosts. Arterwards, either impos? sible or more eustly. We insure by mail?send for booklet the ?'How and Why." R. L. Paulett, Agent, ''Insurance That Insures." Representing the Penn Mutual Life Insuranee Co. NO DO YOU OWN YOUR HOME-NO YES CAN YOU DO SO YES Hy pajrlog tin- reola! money ami a little Boors to thu Karmvllle BoiMloa; sad Troal Company. Oed I'lini f..i ik |1,000 boase: r i- : i , per moots for B y. bi -. Insurance for 8 yew-. - 11,110 (HI Mik, sj) 0(1 ? I, 11,18000 Daduet tbi > per mooth for 8 /ears, 11,20000 K-iiiii:itci oost only.asstfl Yoe bare bad the USB of the ttooae nil the lime iluriiiK the H yearn sud now own it for -:i;, Larger and Smaller Amounis Loaned on Same Plan. On account of tlie areal demand for noosjr the Company han issMsi t<> a limited am liej oo deposit aod will allow ."> |?*r rent, on sHine. Ailii i-'iiv ''-? r :7 ,,i??i, coiisistini? of imjiroved Kcal ? tin' Block ol the Company Bia primarily liable tn de pusitors, thereby Disking ymir money absolute) J eec ure. Kor further mf muntum adds THE IARuYIU.l; HUM AND TRUST CO., Farmville, Va. Dr. J.i< I.. White, Presideot; ll. I-!. Wall, V. Piasideoti loo. li. Martin, Sec. ami I'i ScottMartio, A--i-? . Bod in-.-,-.; VVatklosd VVatkloa, Counsel; R B. Cralle, H. E. Barrow, E s Marlin, Trustees J. M. Crute, A'.pt . Ii. U bite, ll. E. Wall, A. K. Cralle, H. C. Crute, i; I., la uni ii > u r..ii. m Br.. J. if.Crate. BUSHED 1^<;7 3 Planters Bank of Farmville farmville, va. CAPITAL, $43,425.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00. lent. W. (.. Vknahi.k, rushier. W. I'. VK.Vkiu.K, Asxistaiit <'axliier. Conducts ;i (reiienil B;iiuking Businesa. Account Solicited. U af. Wai. kkk B W. I'vi i.i 11 Interest Allowed on Time Deposits DIRECTORS: J. M. ' A I . < IfAI.I.K !.. J. V W. T. Cl. 4 Uk The Simple Fact S tbersbosisso sodselasjijrssiis1 i i eao'l ti ? he tan You ssaf m> peed ui-.ti iball Ofera million women in i -I i.v ?iii t.-ii you thal ros -ll!* I , wall. vv I ii A irv :i nair af ?QUEEN QUALITY!" a l, Hold by W. J. HlLLSMAN, I'armville, Ya., Bl PSBBBOVIBM lia!. BBB I Kau*. I ah oks, JuillauapolU.