OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, December 02, 1904, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1904-12-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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/,? ?i Ur ? ? pai Hbo obos
he number of in
??i tba time
ofentei ; ?Ul be
,-d at the ab ive rate until tm
will f..r the
: lamps
\ before
\\ kn a pointer pup four
H W Jk.
I '
\ \ Aft
\\ vn w that
. ' ?'
an ill' -
I right;
-i linty.
i -
at Herald
lippi Coors
anil ?
Kr a
QBartoM "bl SeethsMe Virginia.
thatji:-' .rea lan
extract from a lette! written by one
abo hu
fort of
whose home 1* n w in the rich and
I meat.
What wold
that fr ? mr a beat biscuit'.'
a bro*: a ten?
der bird? a Wt . ? a bink
wheat'.' ? spar rib? freab pau*age?
But wb] ; w'beu that
every friend tua> run OVBI it I
runmad hu:
\ (.iiaraiit.nl ( ure for Tiles.
Itebti I'rotrud
ii.niey if
Handing, m 6
application gives
ease at. i If your druggist
I lt Alli
i hat i aagt
While A >
*OL1 llo>.
Take notice, that the undi
d-iitlf :
ville, Virginia, under the firm name of
Garland A Munni have di?'Ked part
iierwhip frmn tba 1-t d iv of Nuvemlier,
?ai Bteoa: rbi i it io I
I, original (Jkovk's Taxteles**'
Chill'1 i kuuw what you are
takiuK. It ie irmi and
tasteless firm. N
( .a.
On Thank-Divine morning Mia
Cass. Bang srat ovsr to her neighbor,
Mrs. Berkele; | white kit
teu of real tieauty. The kit -
came tl ? -: of the bom
and though restless and diapoaad to ut?
ter kitti .d remain iii the
new home during tte
the daughter, bbc iris her tenderly
warmly and
BBBgty, and then returns her in the
morning in time for her milk and
The maternal in- -now nf
noother name of it tad uu
Few ger.
Fr.nu Dae. lat, ara will begin to keep
at uight. Will lie iliad
to see ti 0O0B0 Ut dur?
ing the dav.
Municipal Mn timi.
At a called meeta.g nf the town coun?
cil of Farmville, held Nov. loth, 1904,
cilmen Wall, Duvall, I>iviie, Barrow,
ALderson atid Watkun tieiu^
the toll - were nllered
hythe Electric light committee and
uuanim ui-ly ado|
Whet- . .-eatly to the
ile wit!) tl
rls ibal
i plant:
? ed that tte
be issue i cou [Mm b
of live hundred
000.00 m tba
.? from date
bearing interest at the rate of
? arinuna, bob tax
r, after the expiration ..:
lhere !
j fir tba i
that sa teaed Ba?
ll *n ell -ling to law,
i voters
? cd,
iall U' held
. r, 1904, fur
' .
?nm to
:he return* of
? appeal thal three
- voting
- .
M ti, and ni that event the
.lb the
ebal rata
be, and are bi
to law, and the
"f the
; dullen
in the &?
I Ulidel tim
if Farmville.
if of the I
Farmville a' ? : hy t|lt.
derk o'
Gallons; Wears Longer.
Nm \. m'> i re.
BUnoSt Isniu.N ..( tl.,- I.me,
"?Ul ' I,,,,
t Kinlil Itu fro?( un.! tim,-.
h.tun taara,
iiiciHw Normal bagbn ta praam I
an bnpMlag front.
Utter tliau
tlie old.
Hie new telephone eoiivenienees are
great lui
ll dy (iray and Vernier
Cralle, itf Hichniond, were with ns ea
Dr. Tin-. Araaletead, nf Raaaaka,
vi-iliug baa parents, Mr. and
Mr-. Ja... .\ AraaJatead.
vfe base known oalvea ta lie cheap
er than turkey- Iia\e been nf late.
Mai l,e you will ra?e ui.ie turkey*
uext season titan you did tia-.
R, Atwood, nf Weat Appo
aaattas. i- tba gaaal of Mrs. Robert
If your hogs are fat kill tnem and
? . ta town. 1 r
weather is not the best killing -
Why eao't a substitute t>e foiitnl for
Um laying ban Joat aa there ba
f.T the pitting ben.
tani Jarman has (teeni
ttd tlie Eaetarn Snore in tba intercut
of educational work.
Prof. Joane, Of the Normal, went to
Lynchburg dating the I
usg that birdH are
unusually scarce. With us even old
nares bate not t>een much in evidence.
ird a gobble ul) yr-urday BO
that at least one turl.ey BOOBped the
- iv mg slaughter.
The "new woman" is the lmprovt
mcut on the oid >..iue one has said
- neither lady nor gentle?
Mrs. Laura Wilson, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mr*. J. W. vfOBB
?ek, returned to her home In Char?
lotte on last {Saturday
Mrs. K. BL Berkeley ha's been called
In the bedside of htr sister, Mrs. Hum
phiim, who is sick in Lynchburg.
Tba cry of a baby la about the only
- heard above the rattle of
a railway train in motion.
McCue et joys at least one advantage
iver the ic-t of u*. Hie crediton must
banda nfl.
- .. w, moth- Bnow of
the N mual faculty, baa returned from
a vi?it to Baltimore and is with her
daughter again at Mrs. Berkeley'h.
When tba weather does get to l>e
rainy, snowy and blowy, jut-t remem
t?er tlie Hood of sunshine we have been
basking in all fad aud you will mn
lind fault of the change.
"The hand that made us is divine."
1'hat must have l?eeu your thought if
you luokeu the full moon of last Mon?
day uigbt full in the face. "The fool
halli said in his heart therein i.
Mr. Cleveland's Thanksgiving tur?
key, the one sent him during the first
year of his lust term, weighed SJ pound*
We haven't heard from Mr. K isseveU s
as yet.
The value of a Hue of advertisement
in the columns of a live new-paper can
-musted. Tba Herald isa live
newspajier and the cost is only ?"> cents
a a ne.
The ti - . Issi Batar.
Jay amounted In |MB\ What arc the
?ld u temperan ?
make use of wiu-key-made money'.'
-four coutem|sirarits a.
plaining that the American people are
not good money savers, and how can
it t?e exiiected of them when turkeys
. cuts a pound?
Hon. tarter Harrison, of Powhatan,
visited Ins daughter at the Normal
during the Thanksgiving holidays.
He also spent the uight at the homes
of Judge Watkins aud Mr. Colin Stokes
with whoas lie served in the legislat?
Thanks to our city fathers and the
skill of Mr. Huck for those new sud
?-ptable side walks. Let tlie
spirit of improvement permeate and
prevail until Farmville is the cleanest
and altogether most attractive little
city in the country.
lie Normal School tonight aud
tomorrow uight at 740 to see copies of
the pictures drawn by the mother
hands of earth. Admission only teu
cents. Un aud carry the children with
you. Farmville should alway- ba
reatiy to aid tlie Normal.
Don't forget the picture entertain?
ment to be giveu in the Kindergarten
rs.m at the Normal this evening aud
tomorrow evening at T^'.u. Admission
fee only!" cents. F.ujoy au hour,and
help tlie Behool
Karmvilie is no ladened town. There
will always bu ss.uietliing more to do
- le walks, better streets, im?
proved lights, fre.-h paint, more white
wash, and as a result of it all, more
and happit i ,
Tlie first half of the Normal session
lim tn- to a clow, as and yet we have
had no letters for the Herald fiom all
:iiltetls nf girls, iiiis has been
ntment to us and a dis?
tinct tana to our readers.
?in Jarman aud Dr. Frazer
met on the same platform in A
--td educational in
? the delight af an overt! >?'
audience. Hie people of Virginie are
waking np to the fait that tatter teach?
ers ami Utter Babool house* will insure
batter citizenship. No State monty is
tietter Unvested than tiiat de\
nu seboota.
Mr. A. H. Parter, Of Norfolk, bu
lld always have been of Farm?
ville, reached us on last Saturday aud
began at once sbakiug hands with old
friends. His hat was so tall and his
coat was so long that some of us
.li.ln't readily recognize him, but
when the hat and coat w.
of the old friend was at once identi?
fied. He is still loyal to Farmville,
and tht ' Sill emphasize that
fact. Talking to a number of friends
in the Herald office be said, "Leery
BBseabarof my family except myself
visited the st. Louis KxpoaiUoa, bal I
-uni BB them 1 pfapoea to go te Farm?
ville and that shall be my trip for the
Mason." Handsomely said.
Franklin, of ? bark I
town -I,. p| ii |
Mr and |
Lynchburg, ate rlelUnf
Mn J I. Hart.
anning t"
selling ,
ire 11 ..rn
Mt-. Krui Ulenn, ..f i.yi,.
? ??tai i i.\- ? lani an th with
Paraville it i
Mr. Jot I (iarland, of t(??? lum of
l'aulett A (Iarland, i- attending the |h.
suraiice Agents Convention at l'
I'll ll*.
Baperintendenl Btetson, .?:
will delivet an ail.'- formal
Babool aaatTbaiad .. eui the
public is given a ID
timi to ba panei nt.
Mr. L. K. French, wno
home of Maj ' lr, has
been ap|s.in'- ,,? |,,.
Bpantorof Oattle foi I
I I ward.
i lie annoni
the mair
Kugene (oil, ceremony I
next Wolli.-- I ,, . Hu. Tib ).,. i
the intiic. ; .' ? .-.i bira
Joint a. Booti
Mr. Len Amos went to i
Thursday to aaa his daughter, Mist
rho i* -till at the hospital wah
typhoid fever. W lille l ? *
visit his three married childi
live cat.ililli Iran wini liva thi
We ar?
ab 0] -ter supper w iii bi giV( i iii tba
armory on next Friday evening, tba
atti m-tant, f..r the benefit
Mr. irmen, who owns and cultivates
the I! Hiker farm, I m line
boga lo town on I, They
wete perfect
lani ii..aa I n- I fat, lb ipely and
her excellent.
-Mnidhi Walker.
du Wedneeda? afternoon al in
o'clock at the home of Col. C. M. Wal?
ker, his daughter. Mi-s Matj, I
aaa married to Mr, tl .Mar?
tin, of Paraville, <
very quiet, being attended only by re?
latives and Intimate friends, a
ra in Its dignity and simplicity
Tba handaoBaa \ arion f < '??; v
h- inc wera I.- ited.
Dr. tim-. B Crab
ali Mi-- K bl ? !
the Bradding march, mani*,
IHasaa I. ibetb Martin and Frankie
McKuiiicy, of Paraville, and bl
ala Jamal to, : B dyton, eaten
fnlliiwed by the bride
through the t -end, where
Kev. john B. Winn performed the
oataaaoay aeoordlng to tba beautiful
Methodist ritual. 1 lie couple left at
' r I'alru Beach and Havana.
Mr-. Martin i- tie aler of
Coi. and Mr*. C. M. W
grand-niece t f the late Qovernoi
w. McKinney, she i* well known in
varioii- parts of Virginia and tl
. favorite w : tra foi
her exceptionally attractivepersonality.
Mr. Martin is the only -
J?>ha R. Martin, of Paraville, He ism
young mau of tine charade! ai
Ung worth.
Banska! in varaville.
Tlie day in the world of
itlea! and in Hie BpirltUaJ world rich
Baa Mi Usart, who ha
ducting a in il revival at
the Baptist church, preached lo an
overflow audience I mt li morning and
evening, and addfBaaed the V. M. C.
A. at I p. ni. Jins servant of thc
Mauter has baan j.reaching ti.
with gri . - lalsirs
been in vain. God ha- richly booorad
his own word and daily thc ranks of
pie have I .aliened
while ins own people have been made
to rejoice as the wandeiers have been
coming home. Tba church I
ban large enough to ramleh even
standing room for thean wiio went to
hear the earnest faithful preacher, and
surely his labor- ha. u vain.
Mr. Winn.Jirother of tl
lar pa-tor of the church, preached at
the Methodist church, while Mr.
Stuart, a student of tba Union Theo.
logical Seminary, occupied the pulpit
of tba l're-hyteiian. Children were
out in full at the Bundey Behool and
studied together the world-wide leeson
MTamparaaca, Surely ail Farmville
can unite in saying "thc Un
fallen unto us in plea-ant places and
thean thing-1 aid not for?
get that ta whoas n
"Ihe servant who kW
will and did it aol was baatw
many ttl
BaUSI Hi i-rtit.-n lin
miring the Thanksgiving !
uumerous boxes wan by tba
girls of the Normal from home folks.
Turkeys and i
ilea, borne n..
ers from the banda of UM ol
doughnuts, celery, catnips, c inned
nanda, aial a. i
by IkS barrel and in their native shells,
made up a combination that brighten?
ed the day and made night luminous.
Many were the iinpr.'inpt aid ll
gatliciings aud glad the bMgl
the Inls wire amoved and tlie very
depth- of the ncthcr-packed tl
were ex;
The Thanksgiving dinner Bl
mal was of the highest 01 I
lenee, comp ised of the choicest luxu
to iii,, vary baal ntl - ta ex?
quisite style, and so the daniels ni the
boin,- of Farmvilie, ami yet lr
turned from well-ladcii>
well lilied hosea with appetites whet?
ted up ni that upon uh:, h tl
been Beading. Neither tl
lan the craving af
the man in love with the cigarette, sud
wi the girl with a boa from home is
nevir -.,;;-i:d willi that wi.
B the table. Happy tl
from a happy beana, wlc
do grow, and from windi ll
boxed, express paid in advai
LVtema, scald head, hives, itchiness
of the skin of any s
ed, permanently cured. Doan's (Mat*I
ment. At an; drug store.
N.nu ITaddlBg ( el, '(trallon.
?i, -t delightful of the
ita ww tba
tba tilth anniversary of the
marriage of Mr. and Mrs Robert Loata
at their residence Tue-day
(Job lie
in twelve.
(toa there Vi
- Ballara, and Mr. and Mm.
? nts of many
oougnttouUtom and good wtebaa
of l-eautiful gift*
fruin their friends, cut, carved and
fa-hi'itied oat of wood appropriate to
i-i 'ii and useful in the sweet
of the recipe
Mr. and Mr re assisted in
lg l'\ Mr- J. H. Pettis, of Rich
Mi-- Annie Lee Freear and Mrs.
Jnlin A A- the gBt
rived they were first introduced and
then Invited to tba library arbors a
ll fruit pundi wa* gracefully
ij Mn J hu Randolph At
AppnBUtttoZ, as-i-ted l.y Miss
London, of the Normal Behool faculty.
rba dining roora wai laatfally daao*
rated, and the long table beneath the
ligbta fr' .tn crystal candelbra
led a scene of unusual
ts- tuty. Tbs centre piece was a large
basket tilled with tropical fruits. As
ln the dining moan were Mi*-es
Walton, Kii/abeth
cid Etbet Lbjoa.
tl were: Mr- I' M.
Tabb, Mr- P. W. McKinney, Mr-. J.
Iv Harland, Mrs S. W. Paulett, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. J A. Havidson, Mr. and
M. PauVtt, Mr. and Mr>. J. D.
ia, Kev. and Mrs. R R. t'lai
i'r. and Mrs. Raul W. Beak*
ham, Misses March Fdtiiunds, Janie
ive Minor, Frankie McKinney,
Lila London, L. K. Hills,
Harrison, Mba snow, Me--r-.
Q. M Robaaoo, J. M. Venable, V. P.
Paulett, Arabel Wade, W. B. Agnew,
us Farrar, J. L. Bogg, P. M.
il d .1. L. Hart.
in. \,? Paster.
Rev. H. Tucker Graham, pastor
elect of the Farmville Presbyterian
('hutch : to occupy his pul?
pit OB next Sunday and enter upon his
' that congregation.
Mr. Graham la Bot altogether a
stranger to the people of this cmmun
fl'.lU both
and Inion
- miiiary. After leaving
ral years
to m.--inn work in Japan. For the
.- IB \-t'ir of
a large and growing church at Fayette?
ville, N. C. rough train?
ing sad varied ex|>enence, Mr. (ira
Ogs to a family of preacher-.
Hi- father is Dr. James (iraham, of
Winchester, and a brother is iiasp.r at
following tribute is from a
. ille paper:
!I. T. (iraham, the bsloi
tor of the Presbyterian church, ha* de?
cided to accept a call to Farmville, Va.,
much to the regret of his large mem
In making the announcement tu hi*
be read a lieautiful letter,
. y not willing t" trust to his
- without having it written mit
1 h solemnly tm
Al Fayetteville lia- d BBB, BO Farm?
ville will timi in Rev. Mr. (Iraham au
able preacher, a POBBBCnttad
Christian worker, a faithful pastor,
atnl at all times a gentleman of th
highest type, who -vu may alway*
i iii do tim proper thing
... circometencea, social or re
I<>?>i Bail I'nt> lean Ago.
If in the sixties the late Pl
Atkinson, of Haaspdsa fwdaay, with
bbofBeteiStafl and all the students
kitted the train at Farmville en
i the F.xchauge ami Ballard at
Richmond, there to bu
long-haired and strong -nf-lung and
limb antagonists, making night hid?
eous with Rah! Hali! Rah!, and the
day of Thanksgiving to bs 'lieut, not
in the churches or the family circles,
ne field of real battle. Surely
the grave anti tevafred seniors of the
community would have shaken their
nd soiemnlv declared that the
world wa- rushing I" the bad. But
not so now. Ptaahtentesad pt
of the Virginia and North Carolina
-Hies lead their boys to just
aaesaadfields ofeoataate with
as much of pride as ever Napoleon led
OS, and when the struggle has
ended the victors are wreathed with
laurels greener, richer far than any
Grecian ever DOM from olympic game,
and the hemes are ni -re honored than
wera tba Baaabsn "f the old Guard.
"Tim I change ami men change
with thens."
Mill a IhwWtaf.
UM N. A W.
for September and October, at the
Farmville ntl
doa* for those who wait,
twifl :' * tbosa who fear,
Tiki loaf for those who grieve,
Two slmrt for those who rej
Hut fir those who love,
R.-ll nf Honor in the farm* Mle HKh
For the week enn | ?
lia stealth, I
Richard-m, Bimby R Flam, Th"iua
s. Thomas Lisna, Lawrence Smith.
7. (iermania Wing", QeorgO Elling?
ton, Barton Mears.
1 rank \\ oaBaak, Kugene Richard?
son, Martha Overton, Willie La
.lam, Fmmett R
; goa.
-I. H B, Archer Gilliam,
Ju |s,.n lt iliin-oti, Viola Wiugo, K?tle
? rett Wilkerson.
I Walter (tray, Eddie Lancaster.
Lucy Orange, Egbert Womack.
! B -pencer Orange.
- krna; Wears Linger.
? Uallona; Wears i.
At cast
k r to reduce my i .
line millinery I will offer it at cost for
[ays. Respect fully,
Mrs. Hunt.
Bri a (ulil in One Day.
Take Lax .vu vt; Kimmo Qrjrjrnra
All druggist* refund the
If it fails te ?
signature ison each box. 25c.
Fuwer Gallons: Wears Longer.
tn Interesting-and lustrudlw Enter?
I.n-t evening there waa introduced
at the Normal a pictured entertain?
ment having for it* object, the Instruc?
tion nf thc public, and the l>etter equip?
ment of Virginia's foremost Betted de?
voted tn training of Virgina girlhood.
"i la- exhibition of picture- is one of
more than ordinary interest, lt BBB>
*i-t- of carl-iti photographs and engrav?
ings, loaned by A. W. Dam A Co., of
Beaten, Mas* The aaiJjaattoa is s large
nue and contains only the very Iwst re
ptodaeUoaa of the masterpieces of art
if ttffasaal countries and periods.
Nearly every gallery and country in
the world would have ti I*- visited to
see the originlal pictures which are
here brought together inonecolleetjon."
The object of this entertainment ls
to secure fund* with which to purchase
aonaat of these masterpieces to be hung
in dilleretit rooms of the Normal,
where they will a (ford permanent in?
terest and instruction. There will bea
repetition of Hie entertainment this
swung and tomorrow evening, in Hie
Kindergarten room st 740. The ad
[iii-sion fee ls only 10 cents, and surely
this amount could not be more profit?
ably invested. Remember that by st
-ending you secure sn evening of en
oyinent sud mske permanent contri
iiutioii to the good of the school.
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
The X Rays Machine.
Farmville ls entitled to the best of
teary thing sud we sre glad to wel
?orue the X-rays machine, if we may
k>designate it, which bas tieen Intro?
duced hy Dr. Crute. It ie an Impress?
ive looking combination of mechanism.
Hie value of it consists in the fact that
watti the aid of that mysterious and
subtle something, known as electricity,
it enables the physician to locate trou?
ble snd so the better tn fight it. Diag?
nosis has always been the difficult
lirst step in the treatment of the dis
pasee to "which flesh is heir," ss lt ls
in every wslk of life, snd when science
mtiers its assistance kindred science it
ready to shake hands. But this help?
ing hand not only points out the seat
if trouble, but is remedial ss well. In
this hurried age of rush and push the
nervous disorders have Increased alarm
ingly, and what's most needed ts tonic
tracers that accomplish their work
without taxing the stomach, and they
ire found here. Animal magnetism or
inimal electricity is supplied, and un
lat its influence the tired nerve returns
to work refreshed just as the whole
sidy wakes to new endeavor after a
night of refreshing rest. In the name
if sn Hering humanity we congratulate
:he newest of our doctors on the lutro
luctton into our midst of the newest of
remedisl influences. Enterprise will
lind lb) sure reward.
What Will farm > Hie Ho About It!
The Richmond News-Leader anya:
'W. L. Biatwnght, of New Canton,
?va- in Richmond yesterday and com?
pleted arrangements whereby he will
tay most of the tobacco af IliickinghanT,
.'iiuiberlatid and surrounding counties
'or private shipment."
Is Prince Edward one of the surroun
ling counties ? And what will Farm?
ville do atsuit it'.' Surely she will not
rest on her oars and see most of the
;olac o nf her legitimste territory slip
!rom her.
Why Not I
- ll'Tild: I have been bild that
the dispensary wasn't closed on
Hianksgiving day. If not, why not?
A reply will ol
Death or Youth.
Harry North Spencer, son af Mr
anti Mr- (' K. Spencer, died on Satur
Jay last at half past 7 o'clock, aged
eleved years. The youth bad been ill
if fever but a few weeks, and there
were hopes of his recovery until a short
while liefore his death.
The funeral took place Sunday after?
noon at 3 o'clock from the residence in
the western surburbsof town, conduct?
ed by Rev. J. B. Winn, of the Metho?
dist church, snd the interment was
made in the Farmville cemetery. The
pall-bearers were Meesn. A. A. Coi,
Jno. J. Walker, H. K. Hteger and W
J. Cox.
The bereaved family have the sincere
sympathy of all their friends and ac?
It has required more tbsn two hun?
dred thousand dollars to pay the fire
losses occurring in our agency. Every
cent nf this money has passed through
our hands. We are acquainted with
every detail of the adjustments and set?
tlements. Seventeeu years have pass?
ed by while we hsve tieen doing this.
That's experience, and that kind of
experience is a real genuine asset to
mir iHillcy holders, because it has
taught us how to write your policies,
how to proceed for the mutual interest
of (sith Company and notley holder,
when a tire ts-curs. It has also taught
us the absolute importance of watching
your expirations aud perfecting a sys?
tem of insurance that will give to our
patron* insurance that insures.
I'Ari.ETT A (.AKl.AMi,
S ff. Paulett, Jr.
Jos, Fi Garland.
Fewer Gallons; Weare langer.
Honer'* Bojs.
The first number of the ttS(*l Star
Course was given at the Opera House
la*t Wednesday evening when
"Roney's Boys" presented one of the
most unique concerts ever witnessed
in Farmville. While the little fellows
sang with exquisite sweetness, it was
perhaps their bright faces and well
tired manners upon the stage that won
the hearts of their audience. It was
an artistic performance and mucb en?
joyed by the patrons of the Star Course.
Of Interest to Mothers.
Thousands of little ones die every
year of croup. Most of them could
h ?ve I teen sayed by s few doses Foley's
Honey snd Tar, and every family with
children should keep it in the house
ons no opiates and is safe and
sure. Mrs. George H. Picket, San
Francisco, Cal., writes: "My baby had
a dangerous attack of croup and we
thought she would choke to death, but
one dose of Foley't Honey and Tar re?
lieved her at once after other remedies
bsd failed. We are never a minute
without it in the house." Sold by W.
B. Agnew.
One of Ring's Dyspepsis Tablets af?
ter eating even if you can eat but lit?
tle, will digest the little you do est,
and cure Indigestion. Dvtpepsis, Sour
Stomach, Belching and Weak Heart.
Sold by Anderson Drug Co.
Fewer Gallons; Wean Longer.
Mt. Leigh Masing*.
Mt. Uigh, Vs., Nov. o, r?il.
Kev. W. J Sbli-msn and Mr. W. L.
Clark, of Rice, visited a) Mr. Harper's
Mr. Rob trUaoa, Jr., spent Sunday
in the home of Mr. Jim Wilson, near
Prof. Welter Mercer, of Richmond,
has been ttie ganai of Mr. Ja*. T.
Clark this week ou a bunting trip.
Miss Kathrine Price spent Saturday
and Sunday with her home people
near Rice.
Mr. Sam Miller is on the sick list
Mr and Mrs. Kent Jenkins were at
Mr. ff. P. Jenkins' Sunday.
Mrs. Willie Jenkiis and Miss Maud
Maartag, of Faye, were the guests o,'
Miss Lily Jenkins Sunday.
Mr. Willie Fowlkes and daughter,
ofNutbush, were guests of Mrs. K. II.
Wilson Thursday night.
Mrs. Winston Clark spent Sundsy at
Mr.T. H. Bruce's.
Miss Fanny Clark is indisposed. We
hope she will soon be out.
Burkeyille Budget.
Burkevllle, Va, Dec. 1, 1904.
Hog-killing is in order now with our
country people and town ones too for
that matter, as many of them have
from one to seven nice hogs.
A corps of engineers have pitched
their tents here and are prospecting
in the interests of the much talked of
Tide-water Railway system. This is
already the junction of two railroads
and if the third ls built with a station
here, what is to keep Burkeville from
Mr. Leroy Bradshaw, one of our
young townsmen, returned from Roan?
oke Tuesday evening with bis bride,
having been married in that city to
Miss Bessie Clark at the home of her
brother, Dr. Clark. Mrs. Bradshaw
bas recently left St. Vincent's Hospital
in Norfolk, where she took a course In
the training school of thst institution.
They are boarding with Mrs. \ argaret
Miss Laura Kerr, assistant teacher
in the graded school has been sick for
several days, and unable to attend to
ber school duties. She is improving.
Mrs. Young, who bas been quite
tick, is also convalescing.
We had a very enjoyable Thanks?
giving union service in the Methodist
church, couducted by tlie pastor, who
gave a good, practical sermon, point?
ing out the msny blessings we have.
A coincident of Thanksgiving day
was the eighty-first birthday of Mrs.
M. K Saunders, one of our oldest in?
habitants, who celebrated the day by
having several friends to luncheon
She was the recipient of many little
gifts and letters from loved ones. May
she have many returns of the day.
Farley Fancie-.
Farley, Va., Maw.SI, UN.
Rev. John lt. Bagby preached an
Interesting sermon to a large congre?
gation last Sundsy.
Messrs. Corli.se Blanton and Thorn?
hill Rice visited relatives in Amelia
last week.
Mr. C. K. Kennedy and Sargant
Harvey Atainson, of Philadelphia,
spent last Tuesday with Mr. A. T.
Miss Annie Gleun, who bas been
visiting relatives in Houston, is ex?
pected borne Saturday.
Mr. James Frstwell gave a Thanks?
giving dinner in honor of his guest,
Mr. Harper Cowan, of Farmville.
Feldeo Facts.
Feldeu, Va., Nov. 30, 1904.
Mr. aud Mrs. Ssmuel J. Allen and
their two daughters, Alyce and Kath?
leen, have returned from the moun?
tains of Kentucky, after an absence of
18 months. Mr. Allen was Interested
in the railroad work there with his
brother, Mr. D. A Allen.
Iron ore of a very flue quality has
been found on the farm of Mr. R. F.
Allen, near Felden. This has been
examined by the State chemist, also
by the chemist who bas charge of the
Agricultural Department of the N A
W. railroad. It it thought that the ore
is abuudant and if it can be proven
will mean much for this section.
Travis Talk.
Travis, Va., Nov. 30, 1904.
Mis? Hanna Crawley and Mr. H. W.
Bruce visited friends at Hampden-Sid
ney Saturday.
Miss Ella Moore, of Hampden-Sid
ney, ls spending the week with her
aunt, Mrs. Agnes Foster.
Mr*. Bettie Bass is visiting her bro?
ther, Mr. George Bruce.
Miss Maude Bruce, of the Normal,
spent Thanksgiving with ber cousin,
Mrs. C. M. Rase.
Rev. W. J. Shipman, Mr. W. L
Clark, Miss Fannie Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Bruce and grandson, and
Mr. J. T. Bruce were guests at Travis
We regret very much to report Mr.
Hugh Gilliam, Mrs. Agnes Foster and
Miss Agues Foster as still on the sick
On the first of December our present
msil route will be discontinued. Travis
and Mt. Leigh will be supplied by the
R. F. D. from Oreen Bay. It ia with
reluctance that we part with Uncle
Jim Scott, who for nine years bas not
only faithfully performed his duty as
mail-carrier, but has been a kind and
obliging friend to all on the route.
Saaco Sittings.
Banco, Va. Nov. 29, 1904.
Several of this neighborhood had tbe
pleasure of attending preaching at
Sharon last Sunday. Rev. W. J. Ship?
man preached a very interesting ser?
Mn. Alfred Barber is spending a
few days In Cumberland with ber
mother, Mn, Stuart.
Mr. Leelye French visited bia moth?
er last Friday night.
Mlaa Margueritte Wood, of Farm?
ville, spent last Thursday night at
Mrs, Bettie Jenkius and Mr. Ernest
French and wife spent last Friday at
Mr. B. II. French's.
Crewe Culling*.
Crewe, Va., Nov. 30, 1904.
Tbe Ingleside Farmers Club held an
exhibition of farm products in Crewe
on Saturday last, and created the Im?
pression thal pototoei wouM t? a gissi
substitute for tobacco. Members re
jmrt over MM bBBBBBI af potatoes in
this immediate neighborhood with a
heavy yield and, an increased acreage
for uextyear. The Ingleside Farm .ts
Club Intends to repeat its exhibit next
year, and will enlarge it fe the |
Hons "f a county fair for Nottoway, if
the necessary co-operation can SS se?
cured. The .Southside has been
de|iendeut upon its buslne-s centers
that a movement of this kimi will be?
gin strenuous work on the part of tts
promoters, to over cums the predjudieo
in favor of the cities.
lhere ls not a vacant house iu Crewe,
and rents have gone way up.
Mr. C. K. Smithson is having his
bouse enlarged and beautified. It will
be one of the haudsomes'
town when cotiipletcd.
Mr. L. ('apian, our enterprising mer?
chant, is having au addition made to
his large store house which will lu-very
handsome when completed. It will
be used fur an up-to-date restaurant
and confectionary managed by our
popular and efficient C m
Bryant aud W.T. Shorter.
Messrs. Edward and John Oafs are
puttiug in an extensive laundry plant,
which will be in operation at an early
Mr. J. Sim.sChapjiell, of Felden, has
accepted a position with l^neave Bm-.,
and will move his family to Crewe in
Miss Alcye Allen, of Felden,
ber aunt, Mrs. J. H. Hines Sunday and
Mrs. Iyou McKae, of Cuoilierland
county, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Ernest Morton.
Bush River BrichYt-,.
Bush River, Va., Nov. M, "l
We are gla to rejsirt Miss Sallie M.
Stokes Improving.
Miss Rudd ls spending this week
with her brother at Sanco.
Mrs. A. W. Barber is visiting her
mother, Mrs. rttuirt of Cumberland.
Miss Carrie Hix returned on Sunday,
after a most pleasant visit to her friend,
Miss Elcan, of Curdsville.
Mr. George Lindsay, Jr., of Iowa, is
on a visit to his parents.
Miss Nellie Rarlier visited at Ingle?
side on Tuesday.
Miss Susie Watkins spent Wednes?
day night at Long v.
Miss Lena McNutt, who has been
visiting lier sister, Mrs. lawrie Marlin,
of Augusta county, returned home last
Mrs. Margaret Ligon, who has been
quite ill, ls improving.
Miss Ellie Overton has returned
home, after a most pleasant visit to her
cousin, Miss Atkins, of Blackstone.
Jennings Ordlnarj Jot*.
Jennings Ordinary, Va , I
-N, 'Ol. J
The young people of the neighbor?
hood were pleasantly entertained last
Thursday at the home of Mr. aud Mts
John Phelps, the occasion being a birth?
day dinner given lu honor of Mr. Chas.
W. Phelps.
Miss Rosa Blanton left last Wednes?
day for Farmville, where she s|ient her
Thanksgiving holiday.
Mba Calve Watson bbmbI Thanksgiv?
ing with her home |?ople at ">?mid
Mr. Percy W. Wootton was at home
last Thursday.
Mr. John Brow ii, of Maryland, is
visiting at "Ingleside."
Mr-. B. H. Royall left last Sunday
for Washington, where elie will stay
several day*, then go on to Newport,
R. I, her future home. She will I*
greatly missed by her many frc
Mr. Frank Phelps, of Maryland, is a
guest at Pleasant Plain.
The youug people of Jennings Ordi?
nary and Fergonsonville, celebrated
Thanksgiving by a party at the Fergon?
sonville school house. Mesdames
Vaughan Craddock and acted as chaper?
ones Every body njoyed it so much
that they voted to'-have it over soon.
Mrs. J. L. Vaughan went to Amelia
today to visit her relatives there.
Mr. James Vaughan spent last Thurs?
day at home.
Mr. James Warriner, of Jetersyille,
was at "Woodland" last Sunday.
The farmers club of this community
held a fair in Crewe last Saturday.
Those present were pleased to note on?
ly the quality, but the variety of the
things on exhibition.
Messrs. Chas. W. Phelps and Joe
Leigh Vaughan went to Malvern last
Messrs. Malvern and Fletcher Berg
mau, John Brown, Hiram Anderson
and Ernest Verser visited friends at
Fergousonville Sunday.
Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer.
Beware nf Ointment* for Catarrh that
Contain) Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when er.:.
through the mucous surface
article* should never be used except
on prescriptions from reputable physi?
cians, as the damage they will do is
ten fold to the good you can possibly
derive from tbem. Hall's C'starrb
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
A Co.,Toledo, <?..contains no mercury,
and is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaced
of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the
genuine. It is taken internally and
made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney
A Co. Testimonials free.
by Druggists, Price 75c per bot?
Hall's Family Pilli are the best
Man Zan is the Pile Remedy that
reaches the spot and stops all ;
instantly. I* you suffer w tl.
Bleeding, Itching or Protruding
and want to be cured it is only necee
gary to use Man Zan, the iireat IMe
Cure. Sold by Anderson Drug Co.
The health and fragrance and ii
of the great pine forests are condensed
in Pineules?a new discovery put up in
a new war. A cure for ail K
Blood and Bladder disea
Lumbago and every form of Rheuma?
tism. Pineulei rid the lyitem
purities. Sold by Anderson Drug Co.
Pineules ii the name of a new dis?
covery put up in a new waj.
tain cure for all Kidney, Blood and
Bladder diseases, and every form ol
Rheumatism. Pineules relieve Back'
acne and Kidney pains permanently.
If you need such a remedy let us show
you the wonderful Pineules. Sold bj
Anderson Drug Co.
( 1 ) RIMlMi
By ll. C. Cmte A Co., OmnrMi.
Our ex|*rience with niediciuea ex?
tend- over many years. We've hal
ample opportunity to watch thousand*
"ftheuand their result-. We've nevil
seen any medicine sell ib?elf ?
Vinol. Customer after cu*
.'??r ViSfll agaiu and again. That's tl -
bent kind of a testimonial. The,
wouldn't want a-eeniii bottle if tba
lirst gave no help or relief.
We want everybody in Farmville t ?
know the value of Vinol and how we
stand behind lt.
Vm?.| i* |>opular and it take- baBSSN
it possess tu merit. Vimi contains al
the curative, strengtn-creati:..
iiients of od liver, wituout the nau*ei -
Ung. disagreeable Us te and smell t f
the oil. Any one can take it wilhoi i
making a face. Old and young can tl -
gael it. There are many imitation* if
Vino! made from drugs and chemic* ?
winch are said to have tlie sam.- aftei t
a* Vinol, but please remember il ?
makers of Nitioi are the only ones li
rid who know the secret < f
separating the curative elements nf tl e
.--I- livers from the oil and grease, sn i
vdui can make for you a prepatattoi
containing all of the real alka:
medicinal principals of cn] liver ol
and not fool you with chemicals .-aid i >
resemble the cod liver ml alkaloid .
Therefore, there can tte nothing alta
just as "giKtd."
Vinol give* you a hearty appetite. 11
does more, lt boam up the stomach, it
builds up the system in many WBJ
it'-a tonic?a blood maker, a Beeb
creator aud tissue builder, lt* one if
the baal thuga known |o medicine f. r
weak lungs, wasting diseases or genei -
al debility.
We've wild hundred* of bottles < f
Vinol aud guaranteed them. Hardly
one in a hundred come* back ta BB, If
you have uot yet used Vinol we strong?
ly commend it to you. Your money rt
funded if it does not benefit. H. (
CruteACo., Druggists.
A Frightened Horse,
Running like mad down tlie street
dumping the occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, ara every day occur?
rences. It behooves everybody to havt
a reliable t-alve handy and there's non
at good as Huckleu's Arnica Salve.
Burns, Cuts, sores, F.c/ema and Pile-,
disappear quickly under its soothing
? cent* at White ,v Co's,
Drug Store.
lp and Hoing.
Not tomorrow but bsday. Thatgixsl
aud gifted lady, the late Margaret J.
Preston, emphasized this in tlie follow -
ing lines. Beautiful aud true and as
true as beautiful:
What use for the rope, if it be not
Till the swimmer's grasp to the rock
has clung?
What help in a comrade - bugle
When las peril of Alpine heights ii
pa-t ".'
What need that the spurring paean
When tiie runner is safe beyond the
goal ?
What worth is eulogy's blandest
When whispered in ear- that are
hushed ni death I
{fol no! it you have bat a word of
Baeak it while 1 am alive to hear'
When well-known I arm* ilk People
tell it Plainly.
When public eml - uia<H
by a representative citizen of I armv lil?
llie proof i* positive. Voil must believ"
lt. Read this testimony, livery back?
ache sutlerer, every man woman Ot
child with any kidney trouble wall ll tn I
profit in the reading.
J. R. Noel, Justice of the iieace am!
retired business man, who I
Main street, says; "1 iiad kidney
trouble for four or live years, periodic
ally after hard work or following cold
or exposure. I antlered from -
and aching just across the kidneys.
The kidney secretions tiecame irregular
more noticeably aa night, l to* I
al remedies that came to a
got no better until I loan's Kidney Pills
attracted my attention. 1 wanted t i
try thean just as I had tried everything
else aud went t> H. C. t'rute- tog
store and got a box. I knew after a
duse or two that they were doing rn
good aud I continued the treatment
In a short time my backache left rn
and tlie kidney tecfottooa bananas nat?
ural. I know of others who ha',
this remedy with the-ame good result-,
anti I ham recommended Doan'S Kid
ney Pills to several of my frien?; -
can refer to me aud I wall convince
any suU'erer that the pills act just a*
For sale by all dealers; price 'si cent.-.
Milburn l"., Builaio, N. ^ .
Bole agents for the I -
Bemeinlter the name?Dian's?anti
take no Kubstitute.
of full car load of good
On tlie ab .ve date we wal! oller fir
sale at our stables lu Blackstone a aaj
load of good two-year-old mules con
f ~" head, fha* are in I
ami oller a fine opportunity for farm
ers t? get k-o'sl yoting-t sk at a small
BALI 1<? HF.i.lS I'k'iMI'il.Y
Al Um (?< Lot K RAIN UR
At the same lime we will have to
oller, at private sale, ak
of ulce broke HOB-).- and Ul LHB,
Bltcbtooe. Virginia.
roadway NewJYorfc City.
MoAu'is Dy.s. Rkm. Co.:
Dear Sirs;?Will you sir
soon as possible to sboi
dress a bottle of your dyspepsia
remedy?an.. Hi W *
it quick.
Why don't you put it on Nev
foti market ?
w. s. c.
McAlpin Dyspepsia Remedy Co.
Piralilla, Tl

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