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THE FARMVIUiE HERALD. n'KE. :;mvili- WO CIT* 'DRY. COUNTY DIRECTORY. j - ATTORNEY AT LAW. ti ? .. Roe* brock, AT' ? Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, Fa*: ? J- IV ?AttaTtey ai Law.? - a a aan WATl TK1.VS. -ATTORIEYS AT LAW, NO, AT" fifien Bit Prince Edward Coantj, Tt. ar" . w. -NKLIN BRICKS! BRICKS! roieJatJMs gad feildifafs, - THOS. 4. WILL Va. J. 1'. MHLK< SK.N PAINTER -WINDSOR MOTEL ..-). ot. auate atr.Dc aa LA-ta- N[? voa. 8-s.t? . mo CH.abti ? biadi ? \VH'TL a CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE - cape of Kidne-f - ie no! .ne. ? UP TO DH. I amrrlUa ul faiial ' - ; BM M : a--.- s -': . : ti I o Po,-" I un.!-.-! and tha nra .^i.nj ita *** ;' - .... . ..--... "Java Sixea SO Cents andi f 1.01 SEE US ? ri a ((I., lin 1 Milt hep. He ( artful drer,. Look - I'iratinrl 'ar. ? ? nf ni a A Fleatiaut Pill. ? - - - - Hoi -aug. - .re you. ld use it A Irurhieuet . strftet - a buudred occur - rx-zema nod * ? xpen w Life rt (oula >?t Heln Her. "1 had k>c riay teni - raid Tar ia ar - - - - alway* ??ale t?j v - ' i'm numma on Hernr-d. aatanee ? id Tar and refuse ny W. aw-_ ?i nf (ouut* * - - ? ry tami uluable ? allaya ir imnaediati ? - - relief.' ? cure* ng a tear. SulU 1>V The - ? - are dan ? nnd the - grtree ? hap- | ? I ' tKKl. ; kaga Un HU Back i i ? Va - - Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Dipec**. what you nat. THE TB ''-. Talrrn . : I lt Con ?i- aid "?-ailing <>t eke I ' rod, --ball -*!?.?.-. itu I I | " ' world are ahull make ? I Uko nato a t. ? I utile, the ? ? ' when t: Itt strings. *. bat an - u ia ona ? they c. I snd da* (reurgi. .-? pass and pat! audience Inti tau potsnila. But lt h. 1 ? the bet - heroic dei and died to o | -. when he led the ta the UJV.ii o', tia BB a libation for tia-, r blood, WMek was ehe<J u*>r. fjtald of maru* in 71 ? hear it thus i: of a Bernardo OH bj orator of ''h'.ie. or 11 ?rerture figLttuc for 1 : or of ; ? Qexibu. . I C' fi-eeSoiLi, thou art : oiere word: mira of light bretti.. . tbe Blare, urunurr': i . :? hoi*-* man** abode it- hu illa Ute auclett Cori worid, with tbs ruo*" w Uom- watara j wore toipas*--' king Thou gr) -Le meet-eng-er of God. who would i around eve:*y banu Thou : - e*7 n*ikii.'T or wm, for thou art i made thy head tin rt diadem which le tie that I ht ve I ? English language has a i gave t< prince a - king bad asked of , ? -? . the earnest l dom remove* But Bf ? "Wb*t j-, treat cense? Lue* you an yoe will, no rna.te may be* don proclaim * t*Jt?1r*rT****r to all law ' 1868, Abraham Lincoln b House signed hal tr. state pi.. ? "ed that al) I black men an.. stare and Btr shall be free," it Ak . unbridled lie. . ? ? owner tc lie undi- I - ? find those Ur the mental si in the Bptritual wo them In tbe duml In Che vegetable and m : well as BB kn subject today. "The Lil ' ral snd spiritual li ahull endear,. true freedom Chat cnn enjoy is in the ? ron.lnr a ter ut the Baw - "rom tbe d enjoy the gloriout ' God. The itbytletl mun ia tun limits tl ? i i rewtiict him to a ? ? he bruise* an.' thnee bara. the peoaltte* and the drunkard * obrtoua . - buaineas or prof ??a* Jilt tbe ; . li he dieC he thor. ytmrs and ten. A bis dentb he said - tie eoe . pound* t fem leal am ..ny month*, snd i lng ntV cooa but it will insure your develop atest otherwise you mar find jean** I ? ? -asp? ca! realm. In ? -a> - ' aays: ? - tba BUffi - Hut. as , ' .. 1 heed ? would ? ? throb. ? "What la nat I eayt: "I tool ? lotti (fall '-! away - mean in tnt ? right :: err ot: ? States. - - y st long ti- .. usg noa Lot me lllu civuiaed low* of om - ' I.*.; ?? . -est- ? as ul ..???"* : nd tlmst : and he seta iq law comes to You ht on as l The . ? ? ty to Children I cun ste;, lu and take your children aw: - The land of the fret-'r lim. hut yon dare not Bell to I ? Bar if you do I n wear convir - ? ed into states, snd the*' ships, bo 1 find the pre I t attain ' in referen err At. - te foi tree hL Bristles, so ma . Hut new r ls tn vogue leaden hsve right coi one br; ;-olson for another. Charles Sumner wai America ever produced, but lt wat simply an for - .- : rea one of ? - - very weak ba other*. A. I ? .- ? j Rom' waa aMawai ??:.? S.-dman vi*:, a bruin Bl As sn ?ai noaa ??' aaa paaawi i> *??:*. Yet - ? But such mauls as that of Edmund a 8tednian are the ran tiona For the roost pan God | ? - ? was because, as be said: ever saw or did I ground up Into the ?tanti . .ons i wat born a preacher and can d till nita ? ' st ecde BiaetJct The fa Bj .rik pool .* '.? I'M i.i i!.'*l ;.': ;?:? va- !n -. . j brain es gre} the ar It W ? ' - '. In tbe most*" er the artist t I right 1 think be Ward. that picture tl No. B aid snd ?.mid not do. tury. i leal lim 1 Just f. ? j niuo 1.1 inc is in s - ? a sell - ? -.: I ?."?-..'. s<-. ' ? '? rr.i" - ? .- ?-;?? eotnpel* up t i-i inwb, kagtaka | tor*, h him en way and not in ov~ a fe-e ? - es aa JodgeB - to true - ? ."VAlop ' tndaj whose way* aft - ? ? the wu; IO mun unto the I door, on- ? *:er we bsve ered throngt. thHt apia door | then we ere free. Aye. we nie* transcendently nnO I - text right t vr. "tn 1 Christ the truth uhr,:; mahe y rs freer Preoaan j from aln, the freedom fron. piiulsb -?rn Mkf Bl I I'hriPt't rule. In one wry ian * that freed the way of * '-aa Joy and A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE nat j ? S * Tm aorry 1 had to refuse yon" "Heard abr-u* R did | "About w: -Tbe deatt of my rich uncle."? Houstoo Post The Bert Hep. ~It vrnrr ermntry plae* flnhrhed ret" "Oh. yee Why. I have already be? gun literati an* oe lt"?Detroit Free A Bad Bargain. "Pic: Wilkej get awaj with yoe ea that bone dicker?" tint the horse Hd thc frat time I bitched bim Bp "?Detrott Frt* Preta. Bartort eWoa-rUc. Tu bad ten propoaaie thai aomaooi "And you letfusod him ever) tlaaer' .fo American._ Herald and N . Y. World. 11.60. Planning for the Regeneration of Lower Egypt lt It Proposed to Divert the Waters of the River Nile Into a New Channel. Il two years ago ka great Aasuan dam i tu completed? ac engineering feat on e 'yV scaj-. never before attempted. IT whick enormous I have beet conferred . .an soli?and liter work ls in con -. ha dam already con? structed. Tbe plan it neither ? leos than that of regulating tbe outflov. of the Nile and its bout und of Inst.- a larger and more constant measure of the fer dazing flood by "training" tbe curren' mighty trtr-aam through eeveral hundred miles of Its course. most sluggish Imagination con hardly fall to be stirred by tbe ambi? tion-, magnitude of euch a project. I ? i. would br : HI sddlUoua! acree eada ?eat n*MM acre basin Into perennial irrigation ' tailed exposition of tbe scheme is con? tained in a voluminous report from Slr William Garsten, tbe English bead of the department af public works In and even for thone to whom rieering problemf are Incompre - afford* much fas? cinating reading Sir William Garsten has Fpent five year* In studying the and from hit retinal observation of what may be cal ? mena of thc floods, this scheme, which would oc BlAl' BHOW-Js-Q THE CHA.." cupy at least IB yean In cnrnpttairaji has been born It ls divided Into twi parte?tbe regulation of tbe Blue Nlii ??etter Irrigation of tbe eastern Soudan, and tbe regulation of tbe Kile for tbe benefit of Egypt; * the latter part which presents the moan atartBag features and which. If prr-v-M' feasible, would be undertaken '??tura Tbe conflu? ence af the White end Blue Mle* takes place at Khartoum, or, roughly tepee* {Tig; midway In the course of 2,200 miles, while Egypt'* great artery runs I Its source at the Vlctorls Ny? anza to its outflow lc tbe Mediterra? nean. The tortuoue character of that may be gathered from the fact that lt increases by one-half tbe dte -j auld be traversed by the river if lt flowed In a straight line Ap far a* the tenth degr-* Itu de the Vile lt easily naviga! at Lake Ne, where tb" V" cornea tbe Bahr-el-Gebel. and * : r of tbe Bahr-el-Gba-sal and the 7-ara take* place, tbe difficulty begins Prom Lake No up to BOT. a dtetaaee of 220 miles the channel is cooked with "audd," and tbe surround Inr conntrg_a converted into a huge *?ami by the "spilling" of the eurrent Tbe effect I* that of tlie vo water that leave* Lake Victoria a i: poe Palls, not o-ne-ha'f ever reaches the White Nik Ic flood time thu enor =wamps and inanbep nf tbe Bahr-ei-'' lmmat-- - peaeot lt ln v ol voa ac Incalculable loss t whoe* sole dependenee for aa upot the Nile To obrlaa thlnge two courses are open Tbe flit! tt bo tx Improve tb* dianne' of the Bahr-el-Gebel as to etoo the "tptllings" Tt-t BCkaw atrs* -aa 'V* nt 'La* If ? junction of tbe Sobat w: low Lake No By meant of tbe heed al the ' water passing to : ? ? made court*:'.; Btnootar now would be uodlmlilshed ! by wastage, and in flood-time the eur aid, as at present, ware :. inundations on either side of ral channel. The complement v BM be tbe building at Ripon Fella, and anal of Lake Albert, where the after passing the Mur? rells, becomes tbe Bahr-el work, which lt estimated to cost some ?6,500.000. would be both cheaper ::^-gha2al : and more effectual than Oh lel? and "training" tbe ..-Gebel; [hut itt feasibility ls not Quits certain, l of tbe 200 odd miles of . between Bor and tbe conffeence of the Sobat have not been : ed; and upon that uat depend. The late Lord Salisbury once advised ? --rymer to study their imperial geography on large-scale mapa, and lt t>y referenoe to each maps that the true magnitude of Slr Willum aten's project can be realised. Prom Alexandria to tbe northern abort of -be Victoria Nyanza ls, as tbe crow files, some 2 jot miles, or a third of tbe distance from tbe equator to the pola The great inland aaa, from which lt takes tu rise, le as large as Seo. land, and tbe amount of water which lt dis? chargee dally into the Victoria Nile U .art of (-0.000.000 metres cube, or 11.000,000,000 gallona It U only SO reotl since the explorations of Speke and Grant revealed to the world tbe a-nr-mysterloos source of the Nile, and at source U brought so ni act within the sphere of etvlllsatlon .hat lu waters are to be tamed bj and dam. Tbe British Blue Book contains an interesting Illustrated report on tbe by Sir William Garsten. A prominent feature of the picture ela the B&br-ei-Ghazal ia tbe amount of papyrus shown, and it ht far from I tng a tl . eauty. It U large? ly responsible for the forming of those sudd-blocks In the river channe. years of efforu have not bees I disperse. Tbe enormous increase to the fertil? ity and revenues of Egypt and the floe dan which the fulfilment of nat a uk amtt would bring about lt strongly emphasised by Lord Cromer, who bolds them out aa "tbe Ideal" at which tbe Egyptian government should elm. Tbe principal obstacle to their realisation it. tn spits of tbe enormout dUtanoss and vast force* involved, not of an en rt neerin g. but of a financial character Though Slr William Garsten ls confi? dent of the perfect feasibility of con? structing regulators at tbe outfall of tbe Central African lakes and of divert? ing such a stream as the Bahr-ei-Gebe-! into a new and artiflcli only the levels are favorable. Lord Cro r. whet Egypt will be abie to launch upon such as cx UlL CLEA! pendlture aa that involved. But tbe acbeme, or some modification of lt. lt' certain of ultimate realization; and no more eloquent commentary upoe It I than In tbe worda with which Sir William Garsten concludes . Ot of hip lcvestijration of tbe Coper Nile. "To rescue," he sari, "the upper Nile from tbe marshes 11 it baa lost more than half ru ? to cootrol and regulate the great equa? torial lakes, making them add to the Mow of tbe river at will; to cause tbe waters of the Blue Nile to rise and Ir? rigate tbe fertile tracu throng!, they pose; to secure to Egypt a con? stant and sufficient supply for tbe en? tire area between tbe cattracu and the free tbe country ? present danger of a dis *->?? '-- tai . v previously re Ma* orv and ' - .- ? lon Men aaaaaaknl Fl sign of approaching re muan aaa, sleepleaautsa. or stomach up Kly dtp Ij and t searching and -*ta. Eleetr - don't give perfect Batist arti on. : t-auranteed by Whit* AU>.,Druggista i ?*(,! in Tb o?' ara aga WHAT SHALL I GIVE9 Suggestions From Blanton's Store. - ?ii tr-. : Hterlii | Hand r gi at* and ('lana .-.-are fof up to show you our stock. f. T. BUNTON. Jeweler and Optician. Special Prices on thc followi: . W. T CLARK'S Men My rcminent counter is wit; - in Dreas ? < rids. It will pa; you : WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY on all of your XMAS GOODS. Such as Raisins, Cur? rants. Nuts, Etc. Have just received a choice lot of APPLES. Special prices by the barrel. Stokes & Davidson. Holliday Goods " rncnt ai ? 'lawn in Farmville. with mod- for children, .atc pres- ? . or Inspect our Stock your Xmas i hip doll in win. I YEN AW know ore are ? ? :>ectful]y, WADE & ORALLE, .artboone eV-uare PRESEATS sn I 'IS. will not find it any trouble ? s-snt . assortment of CHINA and SILVER WARE, Ct"] .nd CAR\ I I JAPANESE GOODS Come in and l?e eonvin. S. W. PAOLETT & SON. NOTICE I ..-..,na. lam*. H. laoi. ' - , ,' ' ".-'"".-.? ?--.. r ? -? I. fl.- i.-.ft rn HA\ I ;.iNTIM-: AT THE HERALD JOB Of FARMVILLE. J