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ITTUBM i vll\?
ttl pl iit
Lee & Thompson,
Attorneys at Law,
'ney at La*.
itoTwatuns t;Ssai
i. fm,!
:, IrHIlk
/? S. WING,
Edward Coim.j, Vi.
1 Federal.
IV. > A.
.?url ot
, .-i aile
hniitms and Buildings,
- moa
\yHITL tV CO.,
Mediciues and
Druggists' Sundries,
For doini Plumbing
Steam and Hot
Water Heating
in all branches
call on Farm?
ville Plumbing
W. R EPES, Manager,
? j
rh tlk larg*
W. K.
? ' lircr of all <
7,'ELiRY at |
Va t
Miracle of the
Loaves and Fishes
Sunday School Lesson lor Frb. 26. lOQI
Prepared bv the " Highway anti
Byway '" Preacher.
? ?
The Lessou Outline.
t li
Comparing Scripture arith Scripture.
I. into tilt- V
foi rtst quiet Tlie
but what* which brought
them they ail received al<>
DSTsr turns a soul supt] twa* Tbs
desert la often the plate of ,
I Human Deed ls morsel
II. The HuBgrji Multltu
Plans, va. 6, i, Jssus was the firm to
fight the on-coming multittn:.
see8 us when a great nay off H?
knows the motive that bl
He always has plans for um. Ii,
Just how to deal with each Individual
r. 7.?
Matthew (14:15) tells us that the dis?
ciples wanted to send the nu.
away and let them shift for thi
Ah, st beat, how limited ls our
how small our faith. In ? .
work, how many blesell.
the multitude because we do not realize
: oarer aad Hil
pl"" the need. Matt. 10:1. The
ready to yield hla small supply to J' soe,
!s s text and a aermon all by '
He counted little la ' the dis
with Jesus and hi* little bi came a feast
to satisfy the multitude. So lt may be
with us. Our gifts. ulir abilities may
fceem small, we may have grave misgiv?
ings as to their being equal to the task
of ministering successfully to tba mul?
titudes about us. but if we will but put
into the hands of Jesus our little
have the Joy of seeing lt multiply under
Ills touch until lt has performed lt* most
blessed ministry to all about. Our little
In Jesus' hands ls always sufficient.
III. The Multitude Fed. (1) Orderly
Procedure, v. 10.?ll han been said that
"order ls God's first '.nw." Thal motley
multitude must be subdued and ar?
ranged In orderly manner. Paul's ad?
monition (1 Cur li striking
Illustration here.
(2) Loaves t, I, v ll ?
, ,,k tin Iobti ? Hs had
given thanks " Took a;
twofold act on the part of Jesus that
bringa amazing results. Just common
small salt fish, and
yet they fed the multitude as the\
through Jesus' hands. Just a ll:
ration into Jesus' hat.
celvs nix blsastai ui.d behold the re?
sults. A Peter, a Paul, a Luther, a John
Knox, s Kinney, a Moody. He will take
you and me and use us to the b
of the multitude. John 14:12.
(3) Loaves anti Fishes Dlstril I
??_"He distributed to the ,
and the disciples to them that were
set dows." I -der, always.
From the Master's hand to ours
and then to the multitude. We can?
not give to the blessing of others un
? : fr,m. HI- hands.
How the knowledge of this ought to
i,ring us to reeoaseerati
(4) The Fragments Gathered, vs 12.
13?"They were filled." I^id ever eoul
sit down at table which Jesus s|?rea,l
without being filled? Ps. 23:1; Phil.
4:19. But that Jesus' bounty might not
teach wastefulness He commaads:
"Gather up the fragment* " This ls an
example In economy which we all havo
Twelve bas
remaining gave each of the
a aupply to carry away. What a strik?
ing Illustration ot Prov 11:21; and
Luke ?:38.
IV. The Multitude Impressed, ? 14 ?
Who else but Cod could create food for
the body1* The multitude waa willina
to admit Jesus' claims of Dlvlnl
the following verses show how they
planned to make Him their king.
Bal with what motlves]#They desired
Him because they baa eaten of the
loaves n;!"-. v
wanted them to desire '
- .mild be
satisfied with the bread whl,-h perisher,
ta hen Jesus would feed them or
lng bread
The Oolden Text.
"I am the Living : ' came
down from Heaven " This declaration
of jesus commaads our atten'
that "Man si
? read alone
Himself the "Milne Breed," lt was to
.* the relat' :'-' waa
io He. I Uvlni Un ad.
Living Bf
inter and thirst aft
,,r righi for they shall be
I rd, evermore give us this
Bread "
itiBg ii.i.v* Hose" bbb Tar.
, ,, Ublcafo, erlalBated
turi tir a* b throat and Iiiiir
. and on a<.not of thc treal
merit anti popularity of Foley'* Honey
many imitations are ottered
f,,r the ireniline. Ask f,,r F< ILK Y'S
ind Tar and subsll
? red ss no other preparation
?rill Rive Ibe same satisfaction, lt is
mildly laxatlvi H eoBtalnenoopiates
?afee1 for . hililren ami delicate
Rev. Dr. TalmagSJ Says lt Must
Be Kept Burning.
'Mir Trna.?.i,,,i ? i??,,. \..,,i. to
Mr l-.l.,,ll,,| |? ,,?r ii,,., ,?
Mi in,. I .tril, ami I lath i,,,
Ike Warta.
LOS ancfi.f.s, CaL, Jen. 15 For
1 ' multiplied mid conflicting
efs wa nnd confuse
Ute earnest soul the preacher in this
sermon supplies thc only tesl whereby
tia* truth or falsehood of sny religion
is te Nc discovered, The t>-\t i* Mst
thew v. H. -V,* are the light of the
At no time sm.,, th,, beginning of
tho world lunn i,,.,.ii confronted
With suth ii multiplicity of t|ji.
erea conflicting systems of n
bellef ii* now. v,.t ?|| 0f th,
teats sppeal with more "i lem l
"ptain-e iiiul support. Ill thc
? isl Mohammedanism, Confucianism,
Buddhism mill similar beliefs malutaln
the nu, ii lit rigor of their creed in the
sppeal to haman credulity sad
while Europe ami the western
world have their Bnmerons systems of
creeds sad "cults," escfa presenting its
claims fm- bub's belief and slleglance.
Thus tho great problem present!
Ar., th.'se ayatema of religious
and worship itiiit ciii, ;i,-iou--'- Are
. tenets and creeds, their
. -lid living, tl
liai. fraternal or religious
gsnlxationa sra Iheae things whst
they oujjlit to he or what thej claim to
bel Arv their teachings true? And
how may w,- distinguish beyond all
doubt the true from Hi,- fslsel
An Infallible piled io us by
himself by which We mt' en
nblctl I - I to the real value
of any religious system. He tells us
that we may know whether il
ere valid by its effect on the lit es of
its adherents. "Ve -.hull know them
liv their fruits. Do men gather crapes
Of tllO' I.WU SO
iringeth forth good
fruit, but n corrupt ti ce brtngeth forth
evil fri*it."
An illustration nf this test is furnish?
ed hy the fakirs of India. Thc prlncl
? nial is commendable, nial
we admire m.'ii vt ho sacrifice tl..
fort and devote themselves to service
for the world. Put tin- prim ipi'
to lie admirable when it prodl
-,)il:i|,>r and filth such a
blblted by Hie fakirs, lt inii*t he n
corrupt tree that produces specimens
;,f humanity no debased ami lll"|
? men.
I have seen these fakirs. I hey did
? ii wild
i were a lower creation.
They seemed to l, oat of
Hie dsrki - of ;in inferno I
bs ve seen them with their matted bair
lind filthy bodies; I hate seen them
with uncut Anger nails six In, he* loin.*
mid twisted nh,,ut in all shapes.; J
,-n them, ns .I,,lni I.. St,Hillard
BS them in ont' of his lc loree:
.''illation of beggar, fanatic, lin
and spy. In il -
foundings resembling a garbage beep,
? ? ',,1. en?
tirely nuked, upon n monad of sabes,
iii which they rolled repeetedly Thej
rven rubied the dirt all over their
which had been previously
: in onler to retain it Their
hair, matted with filth, reached nearly
io the;r I wjs painted yel?
low, ami on this they threw ? ??
ally handfuls ol dust and Bl
sickening feeling came over me nt the
?igbt of this binn.legradattoa, espe
stally when I remembered that t
In India more than a million ol' these
half crazed men,li,auls ni,,] frauds,
who nie reveled nnd almost worshiped
hy multitudes of mea ami women, who
will actually Stoop nial ki*s their feet"
?Arc theee thc fruits of [odis fakir
isin;" you a*',,. is tbs! Hie neall of
the oath of potent under which some
Hindoos worship 1 Then I want hone
[if lt. Away willi it Its fruits an'
worm eaten nnd filthily
hud.'' By the fruit* found in th>' Inc*
*f the believers ye imi*-t Judge Ihe re?
mit of I) -icm Of ts
Why do you not worship God a* de
educ dervishes of thi
"How do they w (reship bim'.'" J
instead of entering a litiie church, ns
you or I. to kneel in prayer, they begin
to move around in a circle. They keep
on circling around and aroiunl until
j mir brain c.-t* dbut; arith looking at
ll,cm. They dan, e on mid on. more nnd
rtoUSly, Until after awhile *,,iiie
work themselves int" the m.,st vlolest
forms ol' physical hysteria or in utter
bodily exbsostlon drop in their tra, ks
In a ,1c,I swoon ?nh." ton any tn me.
?that is no true worship of God. 'Ihe
holy Cod doe* MV't expect any devotee
to make nu Imbet ile out of himself.
Away with the worship of thc dancing
dervishes;'' lil Ihe fruits of a cr.I or
a cult, studied in thc lives "f the men
lind WOmCB who belle* >? In and ;
lt. you can Judge tue truth or Ibe I'iNi
ly af the tea' liini:*
By tho same criterion sccordlng lo
which we Judge ibe faiint-.s ,,r the
falae religions the world is to judge the
failure or the effiencj of the gospel ,>f
Jesus ('lirlHt, 'lin- Saviour, iii Ihe
s practical I* ?
'Men. women, it is t>, you i look te
exhibit the principles of mt n
lo the world My life will be
uill soon he forgotien,
? ,n mi followers, einhodi it in
ymir lives The unit WSJ in Which the
ni know the grandeur and puri?
ty of the truth* I have IflUghl must he
in Ihe lites yu lead. Ve arc the li^lit
of the world. Ys are my re]
oners to tbs
the cross. Hear me, men! Hear nie
women: Hear me. children, who pro
plc*: Ye are th?
light of the world, hy which F ?
may Judge whether or no my geepd is
. goepeL" Ye ?Mmbera ot
'ii churches, is it not mi over
whelming fud Unit lt depend* on oui
? 'ut is the estimate tl .
will form of the religion we i
Whet an impressive fat t lt is that men
will determine hy our lites w bethel
Christianity la the sustaining, tbs
traii*i,,i ming pott er that it , la I tua to
Christ's ,li*cipies. in the firs) place.
lnu*-? hate a div Inc light. Their tires
mu*l he Ignited al tlie groat altars of
mercy. They mast a*, live and
int that they shall feel Cod hus par?
doned and cleansed them from all sin.
They must so live and mt that ether' "ill le.-l that spiritual tire, are
burning within them nnd that those
spiritual fires are rieanslag the Inipuri*
-i puri?
fier on earth ls til" A* we an- appoint?
ed to lead others to Ihe Christian al?
tars we iiiu?t "Hide thom hy a Haine
which is pare, because christs Bree
batt' burned and art; buming Within
Itut. though the divine linnie Within
rs is absolutely essential for the send
li of n dix ino light .ml of our
lives, how immy of ( lirist* p
Imparttng the holy
thill Iheaisehes will, I:
barning nt Goats mercy seat! in
one of the beaman tempten of the east
I saw a lire which, tho pries! told me.
bad been in existence hsndiedi of
pl ;e.|s net er nllott lhal
lr,- !,, go out. Hate we always Kept
the (lit mo Hame burning Within n*'.'
By diligent and Unceasing prayer, hy
continual reading "t ? ;<?i -. nord, by
I liiuiiicatlons with God's saints,.
by a pure. Kentle true, forgiving spirit,
have we slways ted the necessary fuel
to the liles of our spiritual hie'- Lilac
Enoch, hate tte heen cont inna liv willi.
lng hand in hand it ith God*. I.ot
think for one instant that yon can nu
pose upon th,- world an ctrthlt flSBM
t filly light.
A musician told me recently thai she
could intuitively feel vt hen *!n' WHS
playing whether or not the meinl-ers of
her audience lovell mus:, |f Haere
Were I wen ly listeners pie*, nt an I nine
teen were merely pretend
its ol har.v.she vt, Hld play ot er tho
? those nineteen io the tu .-uti
elli, who hued lillis,? for tuns:,
?l knotts whether
your llghl is :i divine Dame, and man
? uitlvely can separate ihe earth?
ly llghl from the du inc oh. so called
' , n disciple*, helot.- yon attempt
to lead others tn 1 | ll.e dl
lilie liles burning Within von al Ihe al?
tars ,,f your own lieut*: He n,,| like
the lit e f,?>!:- - iii lamps, hut
with BO I for their lamps.
Pray. play, pray: l'lead. picul, plead
nt the altars of mercy for this light!
He only can make the spiritual tire.
burn within you
Win n the divine (ires begin tn Furn
within us. what happen*'.' Their influ?
ence exerts itself all around ns Their
power is fell hy the people with u hom
we como in contact. Their quickening
] on Held* thal we knott not
Of and nourish alni develop seed that
? te hen carried from remote
sources. Many years ago Mi !?
k niid lonely, was wandering
through an Alpine t Mage, where, io his
? be found some of the Aiueri
cnn (lowers growing in the gardens ,,f
thc Swiss hamlets fir from their na*
When our gospel light be?
gins to shine ii will develop spiritual
plants in held* or rocky soil and iii
mountain ravines, far from the places
r expect i" find them.
DM y,,n etei stop to think that spir?
itual seeds sra a great deal like the
common seeds we plant in our garden*!
Their development depends not more
Upon the soi] thai, the *iinhe.iliis which
m. "What Ts the matter aitb
my garden'.-" I a*k a neighbor. I hate
exactly the same ktlld of sci*,!
as yon I nave faithfully .watered tin*
ground e\.ry morning and evening. 1
hat,* du;: out all my weeds as
??'?ii beads above the
? of the earth. Vet here am I
willi a lew straggllBg plant* looking
for all thc world n* th,,ugh they were
dying from a fatal attack nf typhoid
In a 'hospita! of How crs. while voil
? I lore and great, sturdy Bo?
ral beauties that aro scattering their
every whither." "Ab," answers
my neighbor, "yon bare starved roar
plant* for light You have nol
then, ll,.' sun's nj i. Make youl
not under the shadow ,,f a wall I' - I
In a place where the first siinheam
Which i! 'ire e.isleril hills call
leek annuli: toe
ri sunlight! I kc \ei*.
etahlos and halt Cst fields, mii.i hate
light They must have light!" All men
have their spiritual seeds within them.
even ll >*/ sorfail outcast..
"i may Fe developed Fut
what they need is spiritual If
the ||gbl of the world, il mar
he your privilege by thc grace of cd
to quicken them into life I ?
dormant now, Fut when the light im
ln your soul shines upon them
y awake hilo rlgoroOS life and
benr fruit lo Ihe glory of God. What
winriil man needs la a.->-i>.*l light. ,haine
ritual light.
|( this deduction is true. I would he
careful how .rom- spiritual llghl touches
thai drunkard or that beggar or that
Woman with a faded shawl who -"es
down under Ihe gaslight I would be
Careful bOW you speak to that man
who cheats ton In husiness and liss
liisl ul,,,ut y,,n 'rho ancient nomans
. :i**,,ui of placing a lighted lump
in the rosins of their demi [raring
the pontificate of pani III. when the
coffin was dug np containing the hody
of Tallia, the daughter of deere, the
nmnns orator. BBCh a lamp was found
it waa n strange
Idea Pi cite the dead a light on their
path beyond the grate Fetter Fir is
the Christian hope that thc divine
light kindled during life in their souls,
will shel its r.,y* on IbeiT path to the
beat only haven.
our divine Ugh! i* a quickening and
transforming light, lt i* also a enid
in:; light it let only calls int,, -p,i
I tua I BCtlVltJ those hiiinan sonls buried
In the quagmires "f sin: it gables io
christ those wandering Boals which,
mariner who has lost his reck?
oning, lue drifting tow ard Hie :
destruction. Hutt many n weary soul
tossed in th,, storm, with hope and
failing, mny lind strength nnd
spirit revile as it see- the iii\ int- light
kindled hy thc grace of Co,| in your
soul shining out clear and true, ns the
sailor is cheered by tin. sight "f the
Diamond shoal light whick sign i
In and year oul fifteen mile*
wan! off Ca; - or tho Capo
- light burns upon tba
front of old Virginia, or the Hog Island lighthouse burns off Binnie Is?
land, or tho Braddock point lighthouse
Stands sentinel upon the banks of LBBS
Um 1 Mud thc du. Ugh) in man
I,,,,!.* after < !"?! * ??.-. . . _ na lem
poral u
lt strlt'** te i heel ,,| ti lan?
ny from the prostrate neck ol the help
less, lt labors to prevelil min
crime an,I et il tetn| .1 sorta
from walking un
our strts-is to he a menace t" thc lives
of our boys and gltja. lt *??,-* Fiat
one class of mer, shall no! I"
to quench thia liendish thirst for ihe
I" an ,th,-i s .ii i, , e. 1 lal kl,t-.s
,? lllbol ,,f sin Ugh) ls I
Fol of Hie l' .*; el I be "ne ni?
el I alii is to dei >?!, p ii
Christ. '1 he other to hum
out sin wheller found. In Ihe
the gospel we. as christ lau men and
women, must r,*" forth t" pk
('hris! w Uh men in a splritus
Willi the w bite *lp "f paper sit Hie
I,allot DO] !,?? pro
il (hom in
, he gospel light, if < i
people will oini peii,,iin their chris
tian duties al the I,allot hov. will cure
got ernmenti i
found thai i eris I ii nib rolies w mi kl die
nuder i artSln colored lights \\ ,
that all fOVer.-nial in; .
elsi cr -, temptations will
disappear nuder ile
may be flushed from t!,.- ^ m-iel light.
Thus it is every Christian's dui .
to it that a* far as he mat he al,le he
shall hate a chi:-lian stl'-ervianr and
-?ii , oinicil and a
Christian mayor and a Christ inn p?v
ei nor and a i "hrlsl Inn enngressii
a Christian senator ami a i I
pies,,len', of the i --li'
( Ti i-i -it i;. n church ini-ml,.-.
shoulder io ahoubler at ihe ballot ho\
the Injiisiices mid crimes and evil
temptations which rou ni nipan! through
,,nr- greal ell les ti iii no
Rut I bethink myself ? ,
ibe elene of thia sermon on "Tran?
scendent Light" thal I hat e tw ,, duties.
The OBI nt ol Jesus
Hie woman nh" i
wining to a,,cpi Hie s
Th. i* lo ii,, ,i
Belan, who
of sin. Th.--,
Illy BUdleiK e. ii,. : ?
for "he thal is not a itli
mo, nnd he (hat gul here th not iv il li me
ii abroad i- i ? ??:,.? io this
, Io~|ng pa, i ,,r mt -.n I tremble
willi excitement I knoa*,
ought to know, the tremendous results
of your decision Ult ,1,, I I
H.-, ailse t oin
? ai- child oi' tin- preacher ni this
morning cannot ic
"ihild of light ' il lou arc liol willing
io do so of your own accord
The R 'hil ol' Ibo
?nil's light, with ai ot
sm ina; pott, : to he ies|.i,i
nings sn i.e et ,1 j ?? ? -ui io
Hie right ami lo tin* left W
blow the] ' an ipi ' rock*
Mal diamant
would. Winn the l-l summer months
ollie, all who cai, do BO flo- !
cities and hie thetmtelvea swuj io the
i doors
and windows make ilj.- ~iirt111l: air only
*. ?? little
, Liltl I .-ll moan, and ary The -
they me not taken aw nt to |
. Hie high I: ell die.
The tlty pa: i ? dell w nh *uf
ferlng humanity
Von , anno! in would the
sounds of thc i ailU :
w hen ihe (bondi rstoi ii
to growl mid I,, iTssb I: ?? frightened
tflrl may run t,, her bedr., an,I close
the windows and dt.i-w ihe shade* and
bury hoi- ca Mow. ihe
li,,oulilla - of the he,,tellly
artilleries send I i
throagfa stone wella Hm the sunlight
, an be "t er, om,- so easily tl,al
Iras to do is to . 1,,-c Ibe ? ' el - and tie
a band.,.' ? 'al a* a blind
lunn he will have io grope h
along the ilaikno**. Al'
, is un,hi- ll
ows ,,f a v all. and you ?
palo and droop ni* 'id die.
Light may hat,- a era
lag, a prote
hut llghl win never force Its way
tbroagh n blocked i I
a thick obstruct lon ?
ere, ted to keep n out. Thus |
pel light will net,';- mit'
ton wish n io come Christ
sr,,,I. I am tl t ghi " WaMl
an*wer? . Will ton ;,.?? epl iii I
Will you reject lt aud live In e'ernal
eomething Koch Holier.
"'B? I love Qeof] ? : (lara,
loftia-, "or is it simply a sister's af*
.'wi (ion that I feel :
Just then I ly intc
the room and inten a i
?he shouted, and hy the
arm she shot him tim it!; c ?
"Ah, no." she sighed, ai she i
her Interrupted train of thour
love for George is not a sister's love.
It is something sweeter, purer, higher
and holier."?Tit i
Mother So iou hav.- b-en at :h,- jam
again, Adoip1
Son?The cuphoar ,pen it?
self, mother, and I I
thee behind mo. Satan?"
Son?So I i.ii. mother; ami I
snd pushed rn
His Position.
"What do you Fink ot
ls strikin' fur less workin
:ine Mik-.
"I can't ut, ru at all." an?
swered Plodding Peta "If it was me
I wouldn't comic-, end to mention any
Clnfr bigger dan minnies. Washing?
ton Star._
I" (ure a Cold in One Bat.
Take I, a. \ ativk BroMo <'i I BIBB
Tablet*. All druggist* refund the
money if it (bHs to cure l '?'?
.signature ison each ixix.
Dyspepsia- baBeoTboBiaaei
Bardoek Blood Hitters cures il prompt
tit, naUBSBSBtlj Uegulaie* anti
one- the stomach.
Women find quick relief in Dr Tin, hort
Liver and Mood S\ I
I tl rea n.js,:f !n anuulih on my ,
M ,'iit in ODS great na |
ivs their
I ly to do Thy
I -pake a tel e,
;? tt.tid *.tr:
"Vour t. urs If jou ile
?? In tour ?,v I out of
d B."
"<;.\? ta lia! Tl,on ollt, otes bS 1
goldi '
If |tng cry was still re
I * been had I
ms In a better way.
Srid I | ro walk alone,
!. "Fa-ad Thou
My soul roes ?ut again lr. one gre,
tv good ls God!"
ii Burgess, in N. v Oa*
Tba Individual Bespohsibillty Which
Marks the Relations of
Men to God.
rious thoughts about
Ills is Its Individuality. St. Paul puts
lt In a on he says: ' Beeb
mini shall bear his own burden." We
ar- in danger ol forgetting this truth.
Bk so much of our lives In their
mutual relations that unless we are
direful . lit of our Individual
ilblllty. The duty of helping
. her ls so impressed upon us that
? i that In the deepest
?' e cannot help each
Other,BOT CBS ? kelp from oth?
ers. Kach has to stand for himself.
Bach one should think of himself aa an
Individual, standing alone before God,
no companionship in the most
vital affairs of life, and should
of this posi?
a we think of It, the truth read
fy becomes apparent. No one can
choose for us; each one must make his
own decisions. We must take our own
place before God and meet our own re?
sponsibilities. No one can believe on
Christ for us. Others can Intercede for
ot when we baie sinned, but until we
ourselves, in penitence and contrition,
r-pent, confess and seek forgiveness,
forgiveness will not come to us. Four
men carried a paralytic to Jesus, and we
ire told that when Jesus saw their faith
lie forgave the man's sins and then
healed him. Bul we know well that the
re not forgiven because of the
faith of the four friends who carried
the man. There must have been In his
tiwn heart a sense of unworthily-**, a
confession of sin. a cry of forgiveness.
Dr .losus would not have said to him:
"Thy sins are forgiven thee." No one
but ourselves can consecrate our life
' No one can obey the com?
mandments for ns. No one can do our
duty. All about us may be those who
are busy and active in God's service,
keeping his commandments and do/xg
His work, but this avails nothing for
ns we mu*t do Qod'i will for ourselves.
Kach one of us must get the love and
f God into his own heart hy a
personal faith in Christ. Kach of ut
must have a lamp of his own and must
? filled and burning, says J. R.
if rv. In Northwesters Christian
Advocate. No one ran walk In the light
of another's torch. No mstter how
wife ls, how earnest she ls in her
praters, how full of God's love her heart
ls. her husband cannot stand In ths light
of her lamp; he ? - own
lam[i or walk in darkness. In our I-ord's
parable, five of the ton virgina had a
of ol! and their torches blazed
out brightly on the midnight dBi
sot tho other five have
?-vo walking beneath
tack torch? Hut each ons must have
her own light, or be left outside the
shut door. In the parable, the foolish
virgins, In their hour of need, cried to
? ,ive ns of your oil; for our
lamps arc going out." Hut the answer:
Iveatnre there will not be enough
for us and you." Perhaps lt seems to
us that the t-ij.c ought to have given
part of their oil to the
There ls said to be in a private gal?
lery in Boston a fine representation of
this scene in marble. A wise virgin Is
kneeling, trimming her lamp. A fool?
ish virgin, with a most pathetic ex?
pression, ls begging oil from her sis?
ter. The wise, however, w ltji in< I
. !ness, lifts up her hand aa If say
N'ot so." It ls related that a
great literary man, standing before this
group said: 'She ought to have given
her the oil." Perhaps many of us have
felt as we have read the parable, that
the wise virgins ought to have aharod
their refusal seem
ungenerous? dur blessed Lord avery
*Hcre In His Gospel teaches us that we
should give to everyone that asketh of
? the strong should bear the bur?
dens of the weak. Why does He repre?
sent the wise virgin? as seeming so un
A deep moral truth lie* In this part
of the parable. The grace of God is
something which cannot be given by ono
lo another. There are points In life at
which no one can help his friend.
Wait on the j,.,rd. 00 not be In a
bairn ; not go od In
front, and try to take the Lord wita
you?tl. | the Lord.- Sydney
A. Selwyn.
Trustee's Sale of Real Estate.
Hv tir' ' from Sn.n
. ne ni of
? : ? li,lin ll. MO!
U 1 JStli ol
? t iii the clerk's
., I aa ill on the
. m., >,i,
il ii M-* ,
w. Rum. 1
I.ii Grippe and Pneumonia.
Pneumonia, oft.i, follow- LeGrlppe
hut never follow- the u.'. I ole" '
Honey and Tar. It cure* ha grippe
eoufbsaad preveoti ptieuaionla and
eoDsumptloa. A-k for Foiey's H.>j
and Tar ami refuse a itt* ot
Mr. ii Vacber, of
St. Chi,-iago, wilie-: "My wile bad B
severe eaes or la grippe loree >?
and it left her willi a terrible cough.
She tried a bottle "f Kolev'- Honey arni
Tar and il gave Immediate relief. A
50 ceet bottle cured ber cough entire*
ly. Refuse .,|i,sii' i,c w.
? ear,
for Braked bands, chapped i.;
live I* tia
lt, lie-t cure, i ire- application in
one night proves lt. For nie bj tn
derson Drug i
Look oin fi i
and S\ hooping Cou,
lend io pneumonia or consumption
"foB can preyent OT cure all such enm
Tar?BB illiprnvemeiit over all cough,
lung ami bronchial remedies, and the
ii;h Syrup. Hold bj anderson
< saajaa ami ? old*.
All cougii*, i,,i,I* ami pulmonary
complaints that are dirallie arc qulckl)
culed \<\ One .Minute Cough Cure.
Cleals tiie phlegm, draw* oat mil tm
bsbUob aaa boah and soothe- tbs al
V ''i perta, strengthens ibe lung*.
ll j,11fuin11111.-,. Hann:,
pleasant to take. Sold hv W
Drug Co
aii rflorta bars faiini to Had i
remedy for coughs cold- ami lung trou?
bles than Foley's Hooey .I nu II
Stops Hie eoogb, heals ibe Iu0|
prevent - ilti fr m a cold, J.
N. Patterson, Na*hua, low;,, write*
"Casi w ii,iii | had a bad i old ob my
lung* and lind al lca-t b I
ad ve i Used cough nu md bad
treatmeol from two pbyslciaua With?
out getting ant bwit lit. A friend i'
ciiiiiiieinh ,i role) - Hom j and I u
ami two-tbirdi ot a bottle cure,l bm, i
COnsldei il the gri-ate*! cough and lung
m.di,-mic iii the world.'1 Sold bj W.
I! Agnew.
A Menace lo llcnllh.
Kid ne - trouble Ls an insidious 'lan?
ger, ami many |.pie are \ Letta
malady belora ihe symptoms
sra recoanlzed Kidney cure
- irreglllarilies and -tn : .
and builds up the kidneys, ,,n,| ii
*h,iilhl be taken nt tile lii-l Ind
nf kidney tn,ul,le, n? it li Impanel
have gi od health if tlie kid Ul
deragned. Sold by W. B. Agi
Only ene remedy la the w, rid tba)
will at once stop itchiness ol Hie skin in
any patt of tba body; Loan- i iiiitineiit
Al any drug stoic
Coughs and colds, down to ll ?
hiitilciiaiid of consumption, yield tu
the siMiihiiig healing Influence ol hi
- N,,i way Pine Syrup
Poison* In food.
Perhaps you don't realise tl al ninny
pain poisons originate lu your food, bul
BOBSe day you may Rmi a twinge ol
dyspepsia tba! will convince you. Hr.
King'* N.-iv Life Pills arc gu.,
to cine all svktie-s due lo poisons n|
undigested food "i money bael
al Irv blt* ?'? ( - di
Ionic te thc Mslein,
For liver troobles and constipation
there is nothing Ft tte! Devi Itt'a
Lillie Kaili Risers, the fsmous little
Pills. They do no! weaken tile stom?
ach Their act I Ul UDOO thc -l-tt III Ll
mild, picasso I ami harmless. Bob
I LaFayetU li I
use talking, DeWltt'i Little Keri) Ki*
ci- do h.,1, work. Ail ot lui .
i,a\ i need gi I, me -uk in
each III d lietel' cured Ille. I lc
Little Earl) wed to
he Ihe long BOUghl Itini I I
simply perfect Pei mmu tra
lind Little Early Risen lbs "
liable remedy i.rry with ibem.
Sold by Winston Di
Pineoleo is the mime of a m-w dis?
cover) put up in s i
lain cure foe all Kidney, Flo,
Bladdei sd even form of
Kheumatisin. 1'ilieiiles relieve I'd, k
aclie ead Kidney pains permanently.
If you need such ? remedy Iel Ul
you the wonderful Ph huh -
anderson Fi
ila* m.i lin L-l tal fran.
The old, original Uso*, I
Chill Ionic You know wbal \
laking lt i* I roo and quinine in a
form, N" cnn*, no j.,
ri is the Pile Rented*
reaches the spot and stop* ali j
instantly. [j .
?', Itching or Protruding Pl tea
and want to be cured it i* only
sary lo ii.., .Man Stan, the '
- ii bj
\u lon Ktessaeb FiBaaet
aii stomach trouble is namoi
r h.-,,-?? ,,f Kisioi Djrapepata (Jura, li
gives tbe stomach parted real by di
gestlsg w bal j nu rai ? ithoul ibe
ach'aaid. I ba i d uilds lip tin* body,
lin- reel reetorm tbs itomach to iioaitli.
You don't have to diet yourself when
'aking Kodol Dyane* i J. D
Erskine, of Allenville, Ml
-iiilered Heartburn ss i Hi n sch tn,li?
nnie. .My iiBter-lo*law
ha- had de s:,m,, trouble and B
able to eat I I She lived
entirely on warm water. After taking
two bottles .a Kodol Dyspepsia (ure
. cntiti'ly cured, she n
heartily ead bi ia food health, lam
glad to'say Kodol gt
lief." Sib) Fy Winston Drug Co
i,i.iii'Trouble FeresssB,
It needs but little foresight, to tell
that when your stomach and ll vet
are badly effected, grave trouble i*
ahead, unless you take Hie propel un
fClav, H. V., did. HI
T iiad neuralgia of Hie lr.
-toiiiach, ruy heart WM weal
l could not eat I we ? t Ibe |a
long time, but in Electric BUI
found josi what I needed, t
quickly relieved and eared me.' Real
modi, me for weak women, gobi tinder
,e by White ft Co, di
i bott ls
Speed' Relief.
witbout '.
DaWitt's w 3iVI' *N'" r*
ef. lt
draws out inllamat, ? - cools
ami heals all cut*, bania and
A -ure cure for Piles and Skin ?'.
DeWltt'i i* the only genuine
Ha/.el Salve. Ib-ware of Coui '
they are dam.'
Is it a mini .' I M th I
rn-Oil At your drugi: -
li,in,I I \posed.
tl r* have lately been
. tell imitations of
Dr. King iNea Dlscovoi j for Oos?BSa*
- md Colds, nnd nt ber med
thereby defrauding the public.
This is to warn you to beware af such
I le,seek lo pruitt, through Steal?
ing tin- it| ulai ion ,i leinetlies which
ly curing disease
rears. A -ure protection.
to you, a n i .tine , r; Hie wrapiwr.
, ! ? Km.. *, ,-r Huck
len's i.r, , i bera are mere
imitations. H. Iv Fl CKLEN .V CO.,
Fi . and Windsor, Canada.
I i.'lii Pats hu (li* Hack
, mill mo h,.| ii, alora of dui*
? Liniment li atilt cure you.
? ?? N<*r?a
I Cud lt
. rl.arm. k,,i alghl Bara l had
< ',,,! i,ol move and
? , ,,,,r aaS le
'. ,.:i > oars,
I ' >. \ a.
?1 Win-Ion ilrilKt .,.
\ (.uar.min il ( nie fur Pile*.
itching, Blind, llleciliiig or Protriiil
Druggists ii-tiintl money if
Pa/,) him mkn i fails to . ure any cass,
uu matter ul how long standing, lae
si plicatioB gives
If your druggist
baan't it send il uni * ami lt will
? : ; -| td i,i Pane Heall.
. Mo.
- always
I.i Foy the Fest. Fad. \ Little Fiver
the F'--t Tr) thom. They
haves wat of their own, lor sale by
i a i.nppc Casca
I , is c,uk I, -s\ rup or pure
t. Meal
amp, consuma
and luna iron*
,: Winle A fi,.
Mop I hat Cough
un. li. I'at al'-t'oii^liHyrup
twill u-st ir*. it la th*
.ina at
? a Drag Oa.
I' vi, Serve ami Baas liniment
fo; rn. mintil-ni, alralm
-i ? ?.m. ,i. il for both
, _i- lu,ula il cents, at
' -inn Drug t'o
Tile health and f nigra int* and strength
- an condensed
n Fin,- . .cry put up in
I eura for all Kidney,
? I Bladder diseases, Haoksche,
Lumbago and every form of l'heuma
* rid tho system of im
- ! bi indetaofl Drug Os.
? w Vork Tribune Panamas tbs
.*t thuruughly practical, helpful,
useful, entertaining, national, illu*
Hiiily weekly
iii the I lilied Stale- -.-ml v.,ur name
ind address foi free nsmals copy le
li Tribune I-armer, Tri?
bune Building, Xea Vork <ity. Von
ure it ? nb tl" 11 ti nhl, Farm?
ville, Va., both papers i year, wrllA
Ho in-, nt (it) |he Mardi Cms. and
thc nat lu Itc.n li I here.
All the civilized world baa heard <>f
Mardi Ora* l srnivalnal Sent orleans
md M,,l,ile. Few, how e Bl icali/e
it hat tiny really arc .'ind how cany sml
til | i rt sob lhere. No
niry in the world, no other
ibis country, have annual oe>
- , brilliant, -?? costly and *o
'iitertaiiiing to all claesee and condi?
tions ,,i i ,, i h I lie-te entertainment*
??-i hundreds ni thouaanda of dollars
Iv,ipb- it bo bate Keen
? ? |,,ne io see them again and
i\.lei how antone w iilnu reacli can
I'ciinii themselves lu miss them.
a illsplaj "I unique and
?iiliiaiii scenes exceeds thoaa nf the
n varlet) snd bsaaty,
tl Ihe Ihroiiu- ol curious sight
oi the north east sad we-t,
lowing Into the** carnival cities, grow
:.ty ami ,|iiality
and money,
tick* t by the Southern
Hallway. l-a-t vestibuled tram* with
I I 'ic,ri-, Southern
Railway dining cars ead tbs flaasl af
oachc-'. (inly one night out from
Richmond, Norfolk, Washington sm)
i n termeil late point*, The Caraival
March hill Slid
- ||c by Cn* popu
??? 7th, IneJaerre,
-,i Inp plus J,
ma) '?(? obtained
? itlve of
( W. Wi -im BY, D. P. A.
Hi.dimond. Va.
tgealSHBJ lliirn*
.oily relieved, and perfectly
lieialed, by rluckleo'a Arnica Salve. C.
. lc, ii , "f Nort,.Ik, Va., writaai
I bural my knee (heedfully; that it
Backlen'a Arnie*
; un, and healed it
without a *ca'r . - all wounds
'.'. bib fl Cu., drug
, "psiii Tablets sf
! you can oat but lit?
tle, wilie ,i is eat,
: gael a, I iTBBepels. 'our
tiing md VS oak Heart.
-old Fy Anderson D'
\. 1 I:. CHI RCH.
I' i .mri o
? .,- Ita ttn\
I -p??-ia
? HI, o'l
I UK A \||i HI IO ll.
i aebargs
land of
..ail Hie
, ..r- from
I maka
\ M. K.
W ll HEM SAL, '
Thacher'* Liver and
? teattS any reader of
? itt- to thc Thacher
t-h-atUnoogs, Tenn.