Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE I! KR ALP, x\ im.! Pl NIH M NI VVf*PAPKH .ll H." i: i ? ? i \ I HIDW KERRI VI IN THK rai i ''kI MAk'1 ? held al tiled ht will decide m bo -hail i. thc numinees , i I'ulted X|<.?'''* " I ? Itv Ito lowed t' volt In I * 'i" will .Flied to tote in thc . lenients a- p. .i_ -trail,'i, In add linit," , ally , paid, out ol hi- tia ll no m..nih- pri"i tothc S that is. al some ll tte poll-tax :,,? "?"! li" only BI < condi? tion are that Confederate w Fetleral :l \\ ni ,1,, md haw , a capitation tax a* a i -nc to voting, snd (bel I conic- ,?! Bge sflei ll ' ii ii,'in inc payment "i Hie p,,ll-la\ f,,r I9W All "t! lie laeorded .1* lia' ug | i 1 this tax Hay Mb "i they a ill not be able F> \,.tc either in tia- Stale Den primary next summei oi In l lection ncit fall li you paid al thi ne Ia-t tall th< need have D influent I ijiuiit. and ' t to vote, ton ha nc in pay lug yo ii poll-tax. lt will faull if you I,. MAKING MONEY BIBIM lr HU ' With : .titi ,,' spurious coins mostly ten (?natter pi, Tlie timi was made I * Ihe ufHeers ul the penitentiary, and int math der consideration by the board ol di* - tin* afternoon l"he olMcci-dc cline to talk about the muller until al? to it ha* been submitted to thc board. A* a matter of fact lhere wei.- only ihree or four of the ollicial* who bad auv knowledge of the mattel. Turpin, a white convict, one of the most desperate ??< men , s;, ,| i,, have been connected with Un gang am! it I ibat two others were associated w iib bim. OM "1 them a life man. The ? ? feel as t,, -i/.e. tig oit* milling and Ibickne**. hui the feeling ls a little 'greaay" ami thc weight i? said I,, be Bgalnsl the peni lentary-madc goodi The ceil- ,,f mir Sluto pl i-,,11 milsl ie ii tier lighted ami better furnished and mort' poorly guarded I ban wc had td. Hist such work could Fe oted in ono ol them Ami dot-siii thc announcement emphasise ihe uttfi worthlessne**M .,i human piiiiishiut'iii a* a ci.rreei ye remedy? k men and ii omen oul from so? ciety to protect it, and that i- well hut we caa sot bar out ibe evil nsture. nor Hie w iekt*i Inclination. What u-c can a Couvlcl makf ot inn kimmI mt,nev m Hie penitentiary? MUST GET OUT OF POLITICS Federal officeholders in the *e\cral -tale* hate heen n,dilled through the departments that it i- Hit- older ,,| the Preeldeat thal ali b bo bold political oftlee must either relluqultdl their J eomnilealons ??? theil political posit: I lu-applie* F, postmasters, lintel States marshal* ami other Federal "fTh-eholders tbrougboul Ihe countiy ?-In. are Hctue ni poid ?hat Mi Koosevell ls no longer an "accident," Fut mMy in Ibe sad? dle, f.-r another term be has no mote Bee for an Hi'tite politicioii than he baa f,,r a life without the strenuous" in it, Hut if the o|,| stagers are i" ajnlt pulling what* t., become of Hie political hand wagon anyhow BOOK BOODLERS <?i all the corporations thal 'med.He iii politics il ls n,,|,-! Hint the i?N,k companies b i ibe mool unprincipled lu the method* Ihey bate u-ed |h rilli straighi away from ihi di.t amor i hailee ll rs fie letti ' be taxed in e some rfolk Virginian-!' U it minimum ol,-..-t i* a myst,, lt I* a -niij Hon. mid ought lo ?I in H luis,:., with? out the intern , I man who would bribe a school leachei or ? th hui I I tgll le,mus in Vii ginia ami let ths pepi,- know where 'ml on all queattona ol public and pleasing Interest. I the (Iron Vl' ! iiginii Ulta* i u tri ed. ( mi ?. I Vii Ii i|iil< lie thal all ,, li lo l,< RI U>Y tn MU I MY MAUR " iii hi* .ly lng hoi" Ht had spoken and w ill Ins ldc. ni.Fd he nltcl ul,lime , I ? shuck ly Sn thc ina it i'll l"i ' f,,i Hiv wakli ' ady fin Hie . lc Lill "lie tc Hunk not | \ niiiii-tci in one ol Hie churches i.i \ i-hiln-loii i ? ? w Uh Ibis sentence: I w.lei n ii etti occurred tu you to thank timi acre let J'ulll Cami l!'"t ??'? d tel li. "bal nt' bail old gentleman had a rot illly i;.I lime. I ' ut bc had no ul ins neigh comfortably with thc pint kn.ds and Sam .1 'He '"ii soint timt- anuoii.'i. i - a -1 :i 111 i 11 i. truth. hil Fut ?t and Hp my ip litmus mail, and I ?thing hui my toe to a nan I had rathol he a liberal gamblei than a sting* member of the , simple tellson that if uni.lei converted t" 'hid naki ?! one. hut the old ,eii con? ni,I lu- I* not worth killing, -ihititle-. the other ha* I hat* putting ii slnuig. bul i* ' uncle and bruthei in lan "I thc ? zai u aa uated in thc city "i Moscuw un the ? ri ol the billi. lie had beeu ted i.y thc Anni,-hist* as the next Io gu, and the anent Wliu threw the bomb wa* rather proud uf the bc i'ompli*hmt ni Will the deepots con? tinue to drive men t.adm ss aid t m.-. Whom thi nish lo de* troy they find make inad.' Hie hu- cine to Hie froid I" say crowds draw clouds'' and they i ll 'im on Inauguration day. t hu "ii Mr. < loveland* liisi inaugural Washington was tl.I ed with sunshine and thc dowd in is immense. Still the darch 1* le, piopei day hu tin*. Lire || N 'lt. Oulluuk" i* pllhlie lavol md i* ; I Mllwy ii Rocking iii ty. a to ihe tit-lil ni v i*hc* in the W'oni i.en liii/ I ?-.' be reckoned i ith Hie lucky men il he gets thal cns om house pa) in addition to that of et ired Rrigadier, and president of the auies to wu Kxpusitlou? Noguudcan onie lo him Ul hi*, howevet. (hal tl ill ml give pleasure tu us ami all lliuaae iii,, admire courage and tim airy . Wc do not know tt hellier or md oin andiilates i"i (luberuatortal honors an sing by note oi otherwise, bul ii bey d,. sine and while singing ,- were repre ?iitt*l iii a cartoon of Hie Times Di atoll which appeared In last Sunday 'n ?sue oi thal paper, let us earnestly ad i-e them not I" Vuung Mr. Hyde, wliu has charge r the 51 shares ,,| atuck which was eld hy bis father In the great Ivpii ible Life Insurance Cu., admits that io' they cost * ,i uou they are north 5,000,(100. This means that Hie in iraucestuck iiiuhI be the Fe-i sp^'k iiowii to mau. llif Roanoke minlstera unite in ?ary ig thal m. "Aral gun" for Judge ann n a* fired in Hint city in a tem meeting and on Sunday ami ld* that it would have heen a ?ile*e alioii" of the Sabbath. We are glad read this and take pleaatire in pre II11 II LT it to " ColJ.s. Browning is also ol opln ii that the Republicans have more an a "fighting chance" in Virgluia letime. Ile attributes lt tu Ibe pri ary plan Fut in tilla he i* mistaken. I'la- young Kin" oi spam stoutly Ilise* Io allon his mother to do his utting or dictate bli mani nie. We mid like to | at the Foy ou thc hack d *hake bands ti ith him. lov. V'ardaman declare* blmaeli a outhern gentleman" not to be Fed or debauched by Presidential lance*. Thc Inn- Southern gentle iti has never In proclaim hlnutcll ?h. I.miisv ille Herald ?I slemp ha- pledged Virginia to -cv, lt. and has sticiied his lo deliver ldc u.|s die Demo i* cai.ntrihiiif largely io the bo ilplisliinenl ol jual sucll resuli t ii exposition stem* to Wt never dbl ? mit* nilli ii ihe (auvern Cn undertaking hi it I lo the two,lol in I liol thal H w ill i.e w,nib Hg in Iii, ni,-lal led a hull * ivs *,, Mi. ? -cv cit lo Hu- i. I Wick ha* - ie i* *anl now io -?I" million in hiding, ami i* not Iel Hug any caahiei ml,, ibe 11 either. lia* President has concluded ld enjoy Feing Ins otto t's.,,i. .|u.| like Mr. I, all the real ol inoi* appiopr !,,r thc 'iii and prairie chickens '??ld. Monet nell. II, u \ lld I til'' ( me I lol I th, \' ol, ali Fi! d.d aatl seer norn Ult pen Kid Pl Fun lol I Ri tnkt ii , chain t" have an oil :? i that the moat ettectlvc wa) alter I fighting tbetriists.' it- -damian! <>il Company ' under lire.' It I, generaR) on Th ? Ihesniall landon ucl* aicllic .' precious part ufa Ht iii s mle! buaiai l|| hui n ho iii DUI day i im educational enlim Innot hu hell .'I school hon*.' school terms, mure pat fui teachers and iiuproveuients In om pul,lie neds i h,sf ara all good bul nhill clFnl la I'ciin made I" *i curt' them? li" government la hands oil.' il noni,l bc difficult I" .- il Hie ptoplc "i our ic speclivc eoiiimiiiiillc- mc iu-i ind alic 1,- meet Ibe Fill u , ne reminded jual here thai w ,,,..1 i,,n Wilson imdoli 1- the greatest oi all reformers. lt rational i/.-s everything ii "ouches. H.- mlglil have iii 'I exceptlun, lor .nailer hon UlUCfa toll dl*cii** Fie siihiect il I* righi bald I" gel thc . man tu submit F, an Increase ,,i the tax-burden In,, hundred and sixty-live twelve months. *-,, w iii,s a curre apundeut of the Washington Pusl ol hi* "white Wyaudotte." Aud add* she didn't baie a tan chance 1 athel a* she na* linnie,I fui a lune ami losl -onie day - li,.111 the lay hil' b ? r,l- a do/, 11 "I IO collis w Inch ht 110 tloiihl gul iii Ihe elly mar l-'l that bon was worth JiihI *? , ? a yeal ami that'- Inters-*! on -loo. om esteemed coutem|airary, ihe I nnc- I fispatcli sa) - iii* noa no lunger possible t"i am railroad mag? nate 1" icar hack ni thc pride "f pu vate owuershlp ' Nu Ihey prefei ihe private and palatial car now a-dayx. \ daughter "i Otn. Fltzliu I a lieutenant in the Ttl, I Cavalry and Prcddenl Ruoaevell senl fiower* io graci Hu.cnaioii. N1 - I he vt Bl I- ? \ South Ruatoulau n ants t three lcoo.,s| chicken, Send ii i" the Farmville market where even 1 he ino c.- ruuMtliig high. Judge l.fn I* ha* liotlll and tit Bomethiug 1* chi belui ot .Fil.-, , \ll tilings cme I,, bim ti ho nail*. hui most pe,,pb hunt lo Washington mid Ii> t" burn up the coming. ( an you believe thal w 1 millions ni milos nenrti Ibo *un dul? cet nt cid snap I Int li tlc will Ko in Juli '.' Scientists -ai *?? and I itv know all alu.ut lt. A hank located il Few i > \ ., . pays ar, ann oil div i lend "I io pel eeilt. We beg panton Hu 1 i"i tin . iv el hui Hie people. Whu -.nd wc ,|,,ii I b I initi* ant mure News Miall any hody might hat nc rm- dealing will ' ariel) There i? *m I i" be a conical going II in lin* cinuii over tbejudgi mi ii ?,, 11 is being conducted *?> quiet t ami decently thai none ,,1 u- are ware ol it. Wiiichcsici ami M auchen tel u men I I,nil,line* am! , by not one hu lin mv Hie ' Mi oiiihall n ill kindly answer. ihe Usc ,,| Hie word* Little ll I COU liect itlll W ith djillill I- rn lincidcnce Tl mea-1 llspulch. I hal's nell put. Origin of the Hyiiryminii i'hc honey iii, ?,ii used lu las) a month. he accepted notion is that il mil*! be ?fut away ftroni home, in ordei thai ie happy pair univ get thorough!) ?,|iial!ile,l vt ill.I laffing v n-iim- ,i ie curiosity of relatives and friends. called limn Ibo hal,il ol ihe icifiit (.frmaiis ,,1 drinking "by* rumel," a bleb 1* a mixture "f honey id walci. hu tinily dav - aller luai 1 lt drome! ferment eil, contains tough alcohol to make a man Intox aled in sholl older. *,, that tho hon HUM,11 really wa- a myal old drunk. nita. Hie Hun. Indulged so freely at * wedding thal he dud Ncc. Sm L rem. In tin* age thc happy season begins 1 a parlor car and end- in tl,,- new ,,r e nhl home Heaven's benediction 1 Ibo way from altar to 1 -pea kel ( .'iniioii seal- Hie late of thc mestown hill foi tin- *c**i,ui ol Con -lanieliil. I 'pon B hat meat th thi-. . I'lii-a Iced thal hf halli ni n *,, gn Have ne a <'/ar uinlcr false colors? Montague buttons are now elrculat ? freery ami tbe demsad for thom is d to he sn great that the services ,,( special mau :11c required le er their dlstrubution. Martin hul? ls have not :is y,| appealed. EVER WATCHFUL. ,ittk Care Will Save Many Farm ?ille Readers Future Trouble. Vetch Hie kidney -e, rtiioiis. iee thai they have thc ambei I lilli: 'he discharge* nol ,1 in iiieiit: i.iitam no "brick-dusl like nt. loan * Kidney lill- vt ill do Ibis foi 1. hey WBlcfa the kidneys and m w hen they're *iek. ? H. Palmor* salesman mi ille ? "ililli, 1, lal ( ,,. i, -i,In, ? Minn SI . say. | am 1 unpressed w Uh (loan's Ki,luci I san them highly and a.",I a l?,\ ai ll' I -. drug -tole 1 in t 1 -factory .'iud clea real up int kulin t ellon* ll hieii had lioilhlcii mi IC lime liiey al- ,., ,,[ I'.lck. Alt.'l III, L-IIltitt III. euee I bad n ni. Un- use "i I1 ney lill* I cm recommend Hiern remelt of melli. - pei h.,s. Foster-Mil* 1 Co., Mullah. \ \ he lulled -late imcmhir Inc nani, Donn no substitute. Administrator's Notice. I'.,tr-, all ; III foi ttl ll, I ll,C ? not 1, I ,, an ? - M III 1,11 1 . I- , Farmville Herald AND THI rice-a-week New York World. V llAlIHGUIShB WAN'S PHYSI ( IIMliN Kl I.IFIHM. OLD VI.I . | 1- ii,,i a tune i length ol jtcrii* bill ? Iii i. i? ni the.Illy iud it I* i .Mer | ni- i- a lad W ?' happen I" kim* a iiiothei of Md ! i 'laughtel ile. and hoiie-lly yon WUIlId ' I Ile' elle lei I . I,.'- Hie oldei "I Hie In,, Thc and active, I losing ber Uv dying nh, says Ding to keep Ihe bodily i ii,- greatest w ri I,, medicine hu this ? preparation, iv eon* cen 11 all d form ali ol Ihe lliedlomal ele luallj taken roil lt il Inuit oil ci - an Ideal iv builder foi obi checks ? nothing Vinol lone up Ihe stomach, creates ? di, red i streugtheus ? du lu work I i* indeed a ii I extracts i , m - following ii Ml- -ara1, .1 W indi-,m. ol < iiidei I lamil lt-!,,I lo old a w ,,ii,lei lui \ Ital Mi. A .! I insvllle, Ind.. mr.' like Vinol foi ifould not take a id ,1 il n- ' i it ba* done I "I j11-1 wlsl , ,'i I arm - nidi s bethel ll old in |, a oiild lit Vinol un ind ii is nt, I,, iou io pi,,, e "ut c""l faith." Il ( '< ? ? elopt ,1 I aluiv Ille, I ? l. We ? iv iii F'Filly. lin here icm, I nd iv idu . (ll liol,I (III i d we ' ll I, l-l il crop, feel . ,iiid produce lats in ' ?iu-1 in ? itel Hil* ten. ' 'I'clieie . full crop ? I -mil ad alli ll e history "i i,,p- liavc al? li ainounl ni f ibis ? 1 I'HI) III ? le.-,,Ill i r;, pal,Cl bell of va., National , copy ia t "I the American Hon, Mr. K. j Kentucky. .?I.HBI.I. RAL ESTATE SUE. iimmWaloncrN vih el laJaableleal I -tai, in Hu- Conni] "i i iiniherl.nut. ll court t al tlc ? ? ? t mill ot W. Hard) ?* i' public lllioliar, ? ll till PAYOI M Mull. and I-' ' li Ile ?-out,ly Of ('Hill CO. W. 71 hms . . : ,,f ,1,,, ,,?,. lab, niel ? iaaa min,, v la l ll. )-Ki l? ( om i. 1 - rore(..|o? ll Read what my Customers BION-REYNOLDS SHOE For comfort and durability I commend the Bion Reynolds body. NV. 'I Ulan kin, Mayor. C. M. Bi ? 't Planters Warehouse. Sold ;iiul warnnliil bj i. T. CLARK, REET. '..ville. V.i. R, ( a pl. of Wood's Grass AM) Clover Seeds. For clean nelda and clean crops, Sow Wood's Trade Mark Seeds, tho F, Wood's Seed Baal i ">ut Grasses alni Clovers, best time and method.*. : seeding, kinds best adapted to different soils, quan? tities to seed per acre, best com? binations for hay or pas tu rage, and mia tanner Wood'a Seed Book r- Malted free on re -;^cl?. ' I arL, Seed*. T.W, Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, - YltaiNU. WOOD'S SEEDS - *?.*?*? a drat 6RAR0 PRIZE - ST. LOUIS. 1904. SOLD MEDAL ? PARIS. 1900. al I wil Of I [ku mi? lt' ni ti. Pl DO lilt v. Ba Pa look: ymiQ I WE have Just reei a line "i i Ie,,. ? PRK 'E8 are reasonable. YOUR ^' *** no" eanjrlituja complete Has vi iiand nandi TXTTt.P^QT "'"' ''l>t ','u,'', ,l" "'"' ""' S-t-STSBf can all',,id. IN liliKllibl | -Fl ( IAI. pine-, an- L'l'.oii "ii all .lliincr set* lin TO month. We .-an -til von a hm puce dinner *cl KNOW wi bbb save you money on ckery, Delft THAI ware. Table Cutlery, L'Bl (IlBSB l.-ne-.v China, ' Lamp, Wooden a are, etc S. W. PAT. Li:TT -Ni. S( KV. Just Received CAR LOAD OF THAT CELEBRATED MONITOR FLOUR. The only pulverised (lour on the marl Stokes & Davidson. IfPekas-vbtttk' IforWFaatfylSa-B Lacing* t-ul*?terl >w-i-*^rfrr*S. Every (oneil St (ftiannletui ^ptiusa '' " t)foJ wawT-vtt.Vovi) easy i\ **u\\a\ l**v rmJ0VSlNVl^LELAQNGG>RSa5 N. B. Davidson, woi t" .1 li Wall. Ripberger's Restaurant ?'or t-ttUsj ami GHiitlmiieii, fan Villa, Virginia. OPEN FROM 7 A. M. TO IO P. M. HI I.I. OF PARK ?*! l)"/cn < lyster*, I ried . . . 'So-. | ' ? . . , Lite. Iv-lt i Mew. mall < lyster Stea Ste. late < lysters, Ran.S6e. mall Flute ot stets. |;?vt. . 106. leak. Broiled in fried. 25c. mall Steak. 30c. leak W Uh < Hii..ii-. amberger Moak. am. Broiled oi luci ? "Me. am and Rggs, . ?rir*. Any sti le, Mc. hi, koli.26C. nail "ii lo.-i-i. Above arliclea include bread, hotter ,d codec it it I ia >n t extra charlo, report anj Inattention or -siili-factioii. Hakerv and < 'oiifectioiiery. li rn itu re At Prices to Suit Every Purse. The Handsomest linc ever shown in Paraville. Our New and Commodious Ware rooms are crowded from i*t to 3rd floor with the newest designs in everything in thc Furniture Line. )all to See What We Have. W. T. DOYNK. ARE TREAT FOR EVERY ONE. i.N 1 i.F.lil AHY'.'TII AM) lol II, lady representative will dis iv samples ot' every product thc great National Biscuit COMPANY thc stoic of C. B, Chappell it catii of these days there 1 bc a general free distribution verythtng made by this com? ly, anti tin' public is cordially ited to tall. i-mcmbet-?CHAPPBLL'S, nth and loth February A. LEVY, THE TAILOR. tn c I'.cntlrmrn's Suits made to eaanrc and entire satisfac >n as to Style and fit iUARAIMTEED. Repairing, denning and easing done on shortest tiec and at most reasona ! priecs. Shop in rcaidence opposite ptist church, Main street, rm ville. A. LEVY. 0 A H NEW MARKET HOUSE I have opened a MARKET HOUSE on Main street, op? posite White ,v Co's Drug Store. Nothing 'mt the hest will U- offered customers in the way of Fresh Meats. Polite attention to every or? der and prompt seri iii' in the deliver}'. A trial order is solicited. Market under mona inent of ('.lieut Harrow, who will be glad to serve you. Respectfully, H. Arthur Barrow. BEST STEEL RANGE CADET NATIONAL. We im ite inspection, DUVALL, SON & CO.. Dialer* in Hardware, Harm l.tilU'isav Itt niK ri kkk s on it"! nu um UUIT COURT ol lbs count-' ,,r I ward, oi, the Hal da jr of January, I Action of il' i,t. , iiionviniiiii of virstals -ri,hil' al Ilia i, iitllon or All gu-lit li,slier linlmin. Harithisl Randolph A. ih-rar I ai,?! a wi nu fondant* The tahlee) or thia ault la to recovei ol Ihe laid Randolph t (lenard and '. s Wine. I, fciulMi,' iln< |? i,nli.t on ot lt,Jilli,'I lon bond Iel 'lan, iftliliit it h mail, arel file,) ll,HI : 1,1 ,,r on ba-ball ol I,, pilli,! 1,111 wini! coin,Iv or orporatlon Kandolpl l and Hiai il- tah. real,,,tn- , urn., 1.111 ,r,l,r,-,l thal I,.-do appear lu r, arith In fifteen av*, utter till.- |. lill lit -al I, ,11 lu reef, met i|i, , hal ina -,, protocl ii >t III lill* Mill. A eos h. I. Wllili.UKAD. dark. F?? .1 liion, i'-oi,, I., ii. rabi m. vv un nog J Weather l- I ROS i -. RUT I") NOT DB8PAIR. wi: CAN Mil' VU' WELIa. ieasonable Articles. Chest Protectors Liniments Cough Medicines Cod Liver Cold Tablets. We have them all, and our otk Ts fresh, and the largest in wu. ?ur White Pine and Tar ? Knocks the Cough. ur Rheumatism Cure Makes Walkin'; Bal Hot Water Bag Fine for Cold Feet. .C. Crate A Co., DRUGGISTS. ii I,, h of (III Hil W Iva >dol Dyspepsia Cure ?Moe*** what you eat*, The Merchants National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. will handle your banking business intelligently and satisfactorily Write Them <m rt 1 ' .Rich Blood Keeps You Warm. Il youl bl I SI S uni* MOB righi I hr.,m.- you -at iou "cuni -Fm,I : , u to ii yea art- ekes to I you a spleodld ap t ta bal you eal uk I .t ninth promotiiiir. Iiiul,I- upi in i ni"*t tatisfactor} aa) I oil i Agnew's Drug Store. Tabard Ititi i Subscribe for the Herald. Prepare For War in Time of Feace < XXaWXBBr*MKXXXZIZXTTXXIZXIZXZZXZZXXZXMa3-> Wini' . nee ; .sk, rou cnn gd INSURANCE, I .tids, either impos - nd for booklet R. L. Paulett, Agent, "in K qi rear ulm tr thc I'um Mufi..! I.ile liisur.uice Co. W. H. HUBBARD, im mission M rc han t and Dealer in Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Grass and Field Seed fertilizers, Hay, Med and Mill Feet!, Dry Goods and Groceries, 'nillo liol,', til * -ioi i JUST RECEIVED 1 e,ii Flour Wiatt Piedmont Patent. Agents'for Ttl mill ll \\ i which we haw jual received CARLOAD \'*"-.' Birdsell Wagons kept always na and. RICE DEPOT, VA. %W I will attend all I on the Paraville market nd give my personal attentioi entrusted to me. Will lie lundinna) i irmville, from November Isl ) Mai 1st. W. H. HUBBARD. Clover Seed. If, when) : ii.fiee, the merchant offered you i ten per cent ol rocka, yon would not buy il only would not make coffee, bul i. e mill. It is the same way with much ; '!,.: is offered for sale. sprout clover, bat will 'ill your liii'l wit kcyou years to get rid of. Stri lit- lin's tear, but ?vi lia. ; all foreign mat Fr. itv different sa mi ile* ihown iiiiii. \ Full Line ol ls of All Kinds. PAL LEI I & BUGG, Farmville, Ya. OUR CONSTANTLY ' c,|, ala M m \'i:" OR] l \ ? : "e iii! oe ? - iii, i eu,,,. ed i" "^ Rlpbsrgsr's ? lld Btaad, I hird -ired. I.', rio-iiilier vt e | av in CASH the blahes! narkal pries Rta -kill* ate. j Fe-poctlulll . GILLIAM & SON. MINCE MEAT, PRESERVES, Strawberry, Pine Apple, Peach. CHAS. BUGG & SON.