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^OUl TRY AND BtES SELF-FEEDER FOR POULTRY ? - | te Ba] lb* cut says tl lt U I ' I auti '.: ? ? ? lld OT! Hie plCtU - i ENONOMY OF THE BEE. i A Littla W DreBCB Cau.e I ire . of Eveiy C I a lassa* ?polia ffttlUK bis got L . ti Hil ron. ( ?Somehow, b) si ? and. Just Bl BOW, "ll | ?Ipa '.'Ui, lb* other, tbs living" It BS 'he 1 a-'?ommoc1at'.iia; fen to boar,'. The queen of a 1" nils. sLe lays egM Bbc does not n the Bastes Hbc Btes di-raa- | -ie fettlur t i ? ? ., '- .1- j hal Bar feed ber tv ? *? ? br glands la their bsa SB She BS ' ba fed continually, for el certain , ? ods sha has the power of producing from . (SS day ts bar own weigh*, roar I mers than half I > In har lifetime a pi fi*r*. Si MARKETING THE ECCS. Tbay Should Ba Oathes ttl Often and Packed with ths l End Down. KgM BhOUld Le (Bl I nunnie hen hottss ls watiu enough so that me eggs will not free/* am I Put tbs egKS IBSB S with Hie amsll end Sowa BBtll read) te pack In boxes for shlppliij-, ami room. Ttiei , with the card-board separators, s ?nd down, ney will keen fresh lunger If packed In thia way thas If tba boxes Iii it reason for thia U found In ti.. I tte yolk can: tbs aanall end ls pal ,:n?:. sad the air uLuot rtiik, the yolk ai sui touch th. theil When good price lt ls lt f than to raise cblckeai lo ss I, foi the profit ts good and then- ls not an outlay. Hy all BM ? bea ei-gs de BOt hrli . .. price. Among the ri,,>*i prol r, win be found the Black -. Hlaok, White ai,' Bl Poland, Hamburg, < and Fa I'lschje. Bpaidsll. but k'ilnev. ? - KpltoinUt. POULTRY PICKINGS. *?a?e the cubba-. Lest os mai - . terlal. ru will put tai on a fowl ' aliout tbe quickest ? A lot of extra ci ? KF1 them off if ton tva. OreCS ctn Beac Bl ' Scrap! trill fone tlB pBlletl I'stnpce-** ;?? .,:r ot Hie worst troubles of ioul rt nshlne ' It au re curs. if eg|,t ware aoM i > aetghi the talk aijteit Mg eas* I o that Bl more of 'em. A Maine bea. college bred, la] ??? a yee arid tlelda a profit fear. To sturt la to buy b^ ,. fai| The*, juar*. lu February, and unle-- , accustomed to their new quarters and ?"o,| ilia ? sr. O.d, tte.I BMted ??? ibe highest quality ar and rn,'-,! profltabk ,'iu and (i Home ?. W Hena Will Lay in Winter. Ir,,iu experience 1 hat' , wa tan have winter ? little for them 'Hie ! ? ave ? l 'hat Is h. luahli.K thi rn kai '. of lt that has beefl In the place Feed regalai Helter keep them a little hunarr le oter f.. d OCBBgC ' NOTICE! ?? ItliiuuoiM, dolli lal R. FRANCIONtTS T : ii ti ks u, * i.. ant un ina Kuropaau plan. Sire* i Half-shell, DBI dlMM, .'" celil*. ?eul Half-fiy, BJ CBBtS i, i > cania au ' Hain aud KgH"*^ i rent*. i" rtethmm - , All Keary thing ia sseaoB. VN'l Nil HOT K. Bro.ul St.. Half Ll. ck ft,au ll.e I it) Hall, Sh ...a.. mi \ a A HEALTHY OLD AGE Ol ll Mill lilSIPAKTOtlirE -.- . hrou?h Chanar* of Life to fa I ti il S ?ur on i ' trely. m Afrj MaryKot fm < ? itt- truth , hunleu a break , I tour ? ii. ami I . np ivoman 1 ' ' ii my f ann lt I felt I I] I ?,I tl I --I II I : ? ? ' isa., la? ing women to write ter for advice. Bel . ? rience s at their service, free of flic harmville Commercial Co., Commission Merchants General Merchandize. We eariy a I \l;i.i ?F x K of leavy Groceries, Dry Goods and Hardware. ?-'dal Pri'is Made on (ioods Itnui-iii in Large (Juantilits. NE FARMVILLE COMMERCIAL CO.. FA HM tl I,FF. VA outhehn Railway Co. ,v,,i:i in ? ,? vt .11 p. m. ?' ? lille io,, i limn ni>. \ i mill,, in,, ? Irnlit. I.. Mi nil,Iii ni Hie am ll e. m. ,i i'.| |,. nt il I . ? ItKOWN Ki ll \? K M ll. HAKDWll K . H. TA Vii . ei il ? WHAT SHALL 1 GIVE? * uKiiestioDs From Blanton's Store. , Fine Silk Fi,Frill* } , 'ki (ii |I2 fold Full Rut) ins - I M In I.'.Vi , i - ? , i- ' , i i ni balli Rm - i ",o to 3000, lld Rings 1 00 Bp. i iiii'lrfii - .Vfe up Merlins - er N elliss Html* < i *-k*, . I I I. HUS I ns. Jeweler nnd Opti.ian. NEW N SHOP. Un -in,|i mi Main i next 'lis'i lu lite I .aumin ami ROOFING AND REPAIRING. 1,i \li? ll-.h In-, nf j ,,ur -1. M.GILL. JI Tb at let Best Guano Foi' Tobacco! It PAYS to have only the BEST Fertilizer for your Tobacco. '?Armour's Tobacco Special" Ol lill lol,il, , ll lei ami roi I lissi solil bj Mi ' made \sk \ ? s ? 1, i Im . "Armour's Tobacco sp vial." H. E. BARROW & CO. Farmville, J. R. WEAVER & CO., Rice Depot, lixcLisivr: D. WAI KINS Planters Warehouse, Farmville, Va. ' - leroi I ns to omni h;iriioss ami vohiolos. Li' tho *, WATKINS & BASS. Inspectors. II. H. Wa ?H ? * i %jf |_ omi U ni iv.iii (I P>j ualcal B rilli,..a | Mpirlog \ Hraiiivi R i.h t n I rr I ?ii ii ii><| C. aptivatimi %jl <i I w? .iring K oMinonI |]- cliqhlful $ u perl or ORO Gold Moulded ftR{] ni) Cylinder Record* nu Disc Records 7-IN, ll 50 cents cn h $5 per do/en la-iNcn ?> i ?eek *.iu per <lo/rn fiP\ND OPTQK CltOPDS (10-Inch disc-. onl>' ? nh COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY ^. ? 231 N. Howard Street, LHLNMOKl, MU. I at. mi i*?. i'io. - WE REPRESENT ( ',,.(; j,-j' ? I IDELITY, CONTRA T, OFFICIAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS, ?=-===-- AND FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICIES. W. P. Venable & Co. I 11 " ? BIBB NONt OtNUINC UNU'.i! THE NAME 1 E C.SIMM ON'J IS STAMPC3 ON IKl PCLL i KEEN 8jg? ISTHeBPSTAXe I^THe WORLD ASK FDR'IT & TAKfc ND OTHER ASt< FOR r(EeN KUT?Tt?r! TOdKlIT KNlVrlS BUTCHER KNIVES. SHEARS & SCISSORS & FOR THE ROYAL KjEN KUTTZR RAZOR GE fon S^Lc By CM. WALKER & SONS. LIST RECEIVED . . . A lot ol'quartereci Oak Chamber Suits, teed Rockers and Morris Chairs. Have Iso added a line ot Jardmeres and Flower >ots. UNDERTAKING. is department i- ?-,,iii),h-te. tani eil, ptoeBpl ami carefu ith,n. C. C. COWAN. DONT WAIT until another Halli BUNS liri', ol until your BSflBS I"** Inn neil lo 0081 IBM you the im-Mir laiice,,f I.N-I 'KIMI. DONT l-l I ol I- nm- !..i,.-? hate your property Of life I ""SVBBD, DO ll WOW. Wrttbei fire, death Off SesHSBl alli wuil fT ymir i "ii '.elilenee INSURE WITH E. S. MARTIN & CO., FIRE. LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE FARMVILLE. VA. DONT WAIT f. .r luni'.rrow*. papei to see where the Iii ,t ? ho Wes Lum ,,r .t linrlled today, I.'"ik al i,(lu- ii-t. n. ranrmte Brill mid B>*rs n. tin SI 'I FOB Hilt i '? run? .lltr tin-Ill. nu'- i I I ink i:k< t1 bees nevi r ?uflere-1 from 1 III lilli tell ,-HII Jill ,1'i ll parry ymir "ten IS8I KANI i. ^ OU lime eerlllln iiiui Hint ,-irrie* his OW D IN'-*I I.' A.NCI-: ins a f.ail for H | lu,Mer. The Simple Fact V , , ther SB factory, Vmi eaa't do batter! Vou may de. iiend nc .ii llnii' Oyer a million women in tin* c entry to-day will tell yna thal eou ii ns well. Why uni irv a |?*ir of BEN QUALITY!" Ai -tyle* j- Mt reeeiveii. BoM h.V W. J. Hillsman, Farmville, Va., UlIKIsKN1 Coi i .nu t i Ati.iiKs, Han r KAUS 1 aII.dK-, Illillinna! *?** ESTABLISHED 1867. I j Planters Bank of Farmville 7 ? FARMVILLE, VA. CAPITAL, $43,426.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00. 1 H. A. MK1KK8, Preahlent. \V. (i. Vinai:..i , <'nshier W. P. Vknabi.k, Assistant Caitiier. SB: Interest Allowed on Time Deposits DIRECTORS: Coudncttt a General Banking tisJissj, Aicosnt Solicited. < ||. Wai.kkk S* H. W. I'Aii.KTr J. M. (Kll K A. B. Ckam.r I . J. Vi I -I B W r. Cnaa The Acknowledged HEADQUARTERS For Mattings, Carpi ts Rugs ??uni .ill Floor Covcrii IS AT RICHARDSON & ORALLE'S. Tin- Leading Clothiers .uni Dry Goods ! EBSal Grove's Tasteless Chill Toi has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million | bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed whta every bottle ls e Ten Cent, package of Crove's Black Root. Liver Pills._ ; N B. DAVIDSON. ff. H. LINN, JOHN If. LONG., President. vice-President. Cashier, The First National Bank of Farmville, FARMVILLE, VA. WANTED.?At once, persons to open an account with The First National Bank. V-iu can sturt ail account with $1.00. After once Started it is EASY to add to your account. Farmville Manufacturing Company 0 M.ROBESON GEO C.ROBESON ither Boarding,. $ 1,000 pring, -. 12.00 I,Ol ling,.- B.00 1,00 Iglea, - - - - . - - - - 2.50 1 OOO Large Stock Sash, Doors, and Blinds. To Cure a Cold in One Day Cures Crip ia Two Days. rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. >e /^ 6 leven Minion boxes *oM in part 12 month*. ThJS Signature, **?'? S*j?yrTrXr~l^DOX.25Ca ^odoi Dy <*. DIGESTS WI Tut: oe t- ?? ? rurmtiD os E. C. DsWITT Se COMPANY. Cl ILL. SEES H0NEY?'">TAR A Laxative Cough Syrup that cures I Colds and Strengthens the Lungs. Prepar PINEULE MEDICINE CO., Chicago, U. S.A. i* \ I H r r WhiaKey - 20 - YEARS Old. OLD NICK WILLIAMS WHISKEY HoUa?: - 136 YEARS OLD. il Four Quarts Free. Read Our Offer. Our isms, the rtrolotfoaati lisn 1(7) - original mailorder wblake*/ buslne * - ? ., ultu-h contain the lO.OJ :-? BJ| THEOLD 1 ? 0 . Lack Bel 119 Williams vc WI: TAKE PLEAS In o lie thal ? a lull li' Hair Bm pei fun Ml|u : plies, &c. Wc a sition thai ficienl . our pat and i rdial invita fiefsoo Drog Co., " The And Best Charles Killer Walsl MUNI MEN "tuiie1'* Early Risers Tho famous little pi(U. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE r Scientific Jlmcricam MUNN ? t yoik FOLEY'S HONEY'?i"TAR Provants Serious Results From a Col d. Remember th e name Foley's Horny and Ta r. Insist upon having the genuine, Thraa aiiaa 2Bc, 30 c. SI.00 Prepared only by Foley ?Y Company, Ch leaf e. BFMalJ Makes KiJr.. N^W'^olk^Westeni Schedule in Effect Jmiua LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY* I ll AMi KA-I. s, 4 B I H AM) \A t ., ? | i-. m. 12.:v> p. m. - , -: Kaadr. rd , ,1 K>,,.ii r if va ll (tin. , ., .?. -.- ? lo l;,,i.i,,.'k,-. -iitinr to Inlll HDuk? .. ll. ld lol Un numil !. .... , ,, ,1 lutrr . aiebmond, Norfolk. - io Kl, I,moml ami ?, roil i .-< atationa. Pullawa Norfolk. ir?i rn .'ii.'i if, Linen,!. , ? ?? ? -i .trc t,,i Norfolk. ? ' I lirkEtS REHDOVtRTHE I Western Railroad ? SY a-,o OOICSCST LINC. Mapa, ria B H WTKH III VI-., \^r.. Kanni ll!,-, Va., M. ?. BB IBB. i rav. faaa aaa. Hoar ? SEABOARD Ala T.ini: Railway ii i iiaa of I \'UN STH?tl -.-?'? Mil. in in- h.- i IAS '.', IBM. I Cba - a : Mall ( omisasS Bl ,, AI . .' lihou! ?l Poll* , ii,*? kihi eb *' ? r 11.-1 ac va it li - from N, * i ork lo maintained t. ? ???:. 1 Pall. i aud ranna. uDvenl, I N III I,Ile lo i I ,nd nil unu,-i roll ?? - .. , itu iimom>- UAii.r. , arhta, Atunia ..'nun ualn rn un st. -i,lu. Atlanta ix . Balala B M. III LOK, O.T. A. Il - Ll inn. ll P. A. ad. Plume KB I! I M.' OTT, Keeeiver. , N il MSN KAII.K')Al> Maj d. ; ? ?? ? Ibara K. K. ii i lluaak ? !?? >..?-. ..Mlle | I UK 0 I l III ? li, l.n,,I . ? lr ? i,in,iiel - Arr. ?|, , k Arr .1, I.-. ? H. T. WII.-.'.V Itt-a-elvi-a lim I'aaa. A?a