Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMYIIJiE HERALD HONOR FOB HU: PA8T, HELP POI. nib PRESENT, HOPE FOR THE Fi UKI-;. VOL. XV FARMVILLE, VA., FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1905. NO. 27, TY DIRECTORY. ii. Mt, K. ... ii R .- H. C. Rle*. ' ? I. rt. Mart. COUNTY OmrCTORY. I \ I' Wat w \| KiKM v VI LAW. . ('nurt-r ?nipt at : iimmi-son. Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, ? Chi.wi:. Va. rniptly re J- M. CRUTE, \ttomcy at La*. VI Ut. IN i \ .lula anti f ATIINS, WATKINSI BROCK, -AHORNEYS AT LAW, ward. Cu liv .-s III I.KIlk { ?, S. WING. ? PORNEY Vt LAW. Green Bay, Prince Edward County, Va. State and Federal. w C FRANKLIN IRNEY-AT-LAW, . ITV, va. ? ? Coan of ^Y HITL di CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, NEW MARKET HOUSE 1 have oTjetied a MARKET HOUSE on Main street, op? ie White & Co's Drug Nothing but tlie best will I customer! in thc Fresh Meats. Polite attention to every or? ana" prompt aervice in \ trial order is ted. Market under manage ? ?. !' ? row, who Will ? J nil. tit hilly, H. Arthur Barrow. WHAT SHALL I GIVE? rom Blanton's Store. i ? OD to |12. ? ' 1 ixl tip. - limul 1 ainu, <'|i*ckx, - i i show f. I. BUNION. Jeweler and Optician. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar Curea all toughs, and expels Colds from ??a lyu.,,, *?v a?itlv ntovlao lbs trota-aia. PEACE EVERLASTING Rev. Dr. Tal mag* Di son From the River. M"'1. ( tl. - Ile III,.. ,.r Hiter, of ll, ?it, ,? ,,?r , ,.,!?? ll, i. '- | ),,. , ,,,,,11!. ? C IV-lce. LOS \\t,i i KS. Cal (Ut Hie t'n-iii-,- of ? river the i ?a the lieuefltS Hint accrue tn in.-n ti 1 obey Uod. Tlie text ii ts.;,i.,i, x), ?"I hen lind thy peace lief, - What iit-t thoa d I rpbet of Art Hum tauutlng Uri people with thc lc through forsaking ? lug tts "I tnhl you aol If had onl - fa illly too lire ia tmliiy. If innis*- i mir Inti mn ,,f th,,! - aisle.ul ot aiton thc timms una ? 1 must ? re imi like mi executloi opbraida murderer whose lite be li strangle with Un- rope? lu drawing ymir enchanting picture ? nit; like ti river before :t ; eil hy powerful foreign eneui disturbed hy Internal dissensions ure you imt merely edd ? i-i the i, -t of the dj '.' Are .ilrie |ieople: ? isl hy thc river, iii U ia flora and tune? ful with Binging bird* have been nil youri if .ma : wandered Ita Univ they lire lost ti Vi.ll I ?? "All, un." siiys the prophel is lint t0 tell them of this tiler, hut to them to return tn thc Way fruin ll hit ll they hiive wandered; imt tn exult over their iiiisfninincs. hut tn warn them nf I alli lint eying in tl. a (bids fallen ones. My river is nut co of the I hut from the Howim- crystal a ihf titer of life. 1 nm like fl father wboae wayward sun bat (?rattled ? brought himself int . ml the father Borrows with him aad with him tn repeat and assures him that if Lc wii; ? - wick ICU Ililli li - sh.ill ht- like a river, ns though he bad i rait-il." May (..?l belp us ns ? Rhine or thc 'lilt'-r rn- thc upper .ni po? etic Hu'lson fur n sm red pulpit a river bunk todaj <t pulpit ns Unit in tin- ? minster abbey or st. r canterbury cathedral, even though bishop's Ininti has Dot conset rated it ,1 convocation d( 'Hie pleading river, in thc Inst pince. - QB that tin . ? which conies tn mau mu-a emin nf natural law In Un1 spirit Ol I life, lt is not the result of haphazard. It is imt n miracle us wc In tbl term a miracle, lt does aol i miraculous wind which might din up a seed In snUIB Italian |*ul'<lcli Dli'l it) its tooth lift lt above Alpine (tai? mid corry it over land and sen and haiaaa nid plant it ns nu exotic upon the banks nf the Ohio or thc Motion ?.-adela rlrer. Hut thc , I moa ns ihe re-silk nf n Hi cMUae. It bas a tnt;.ur,il s. n tiicr bas a natta natural flow, ss the Jordan bil ural flow, and lt lins a ni aa the Amazon empties Itself Into thc Atlantic or tbe Qiogea tints place in the hu fe reservoir of the Ben gal gulf. A river cannot disobey natural law. A rlier cannot ba among rivera. A liter cannot do any? thing that specific gravity says "thou shall not do." Thia fact - eil every iv here. 1 climb mic cl ' pyramids or tin- Rocky mounts Ina. There upon thc hit-best pajah I Bod what ls called s watershed. Then as I stand upon thia wsterobed I tn myself thc beautiful words of tlc . i;..d s.nt bia - ? j l ur and toast ' i?ap with naked. Bnoa r ?a lhe cool hllla into ? . nf (ha broad, arid , But, though the mountain bra len|t from tbe cool billa 11' ul. uriil plain, lt i leal ur difference into what plain thai failing raindrop abai! n". wb< I ? ? Inch to the right or one Inch ttl ihe left of tbe Rocky mountain wa One tm h to the righi it flows Into the gulf nf Mexico; om- to the left lt flows into the wale's of the i lirr-r 101X41 tuturi] law. Now. if lintis luna nie listing tin innl thc coarse of i rlrar, rue they aol rt-aa I ly to tlie ?ind the CO ? divine which is like Von must obey God'a lao mi enjoy Ood'i -' them. to disobey him. is to omnipotent power and loflnlte lt is not ne.fssal I t ihouJd pnuiah yon tor it. you bi punishment on yourself ia fall rtiiieiit aud iii mal a reel four whole Balara is given over to iB-srehy and I aid te hw will do you pul J I ll line with thc (-ter B I euler I do ina - Bl*e Imu lian li I nu may think | than lod'S it ay-a, nae fm t yoe tnini you cannot net th, t hi, h is like a river, un'- - ourself Into hanoooy uah boil . - Naamali had to learn t -mill l-e cared of bis ? - that thc prophet should time mit to him ami stand ami he Hallie of thc LsOfd an I - : the Disc*. God's ti av was r,?s in tue Jordan. When he (ml. I'laCa waj lie u bul nut until he tunk it. i. tal, of your - ii to welcome this dlvlm which will come to you l l.rmu-li Jesus Christ? of the - ?mt of Calvary thal ? ni Mount ll linus the Jordan and from I ly Ilinl-i.ii. Bul the pleading i rIhiuI the .li-- ir which passeth ;iii understanding. Thc n life the deeper and wider tines should (lei-iieu and ti ,deli and grow |mre mn |t atlc In -, bs tbe ? I Imlsiiii -(row deeper and -blands ? i: des and . .lillicur to tin- place . Bl the impimi altar ill tlppi-I V owing deeper raid tl ,. ? u bera they empty tin- imf a tbi When, in 1 las. ? - for the Di rd ol s. tilth A merl - I Tlie i mi r tl'lt nt dlriilis the lintels ' - - ulong a- banka In Ibe Journey n Chris is mnl our feel come ean of it- tu III that fe I ?'.ai you than J mi il I than ? I tbe (-burch . 11111111 ii uni': I- your mont of pi I | nee ai. it mini ? ?-liv thrin formerly ?iintl you Into your niiii spiritual naturi - ni than al the ls ritn thc mi whom - -, fluent has fallen to ailinlliis for! and lo cheer bim uah rr minders ?<( lani- prom 1st with a ('hris lian ti; a and mental finds ti. uni nature d ml deepen like tbe i * Inde<. ea think t all. lt is more like a brackish, stag? nant pool or as a dried op well that forth nu water. "Then i au old farmer In reference to a certain drink ? ir_'h. "Indeed," answi r.rit sn? 1 wonder what is thc matter with it. How did it gel tilled up s;r." answered the farmer. lillie rubbish gol in lt. then a little d a latie more and a little ere ool ..ut, ami the waler grew worse and worse ami lesa and lesa until at hist ibe well became choked up. I - any waler al the "1 wonder if lhere is any wa? ler al the bottom of the weir.-'' I that thc figure of our peace? ls it a nd uni a rli ? : by thc by the i many ihe river of mir i ? .elva ti ? bot In? ri tbe dlrl and n I H ld tO choke Ibe which i enter and mir river a stigma! pool. Il I toe dried up ? Of us have t linked lip mir gOBpel nella. J i;u tn- dropped the 11. g ?.amii into it. Years ago In unit another la-Ubie 8 church i ng the Sunday uewsp ???r tllll mu' peace. Milich .ai understanding and be like a river, widenlog arni deepening - - rt I' it be nnl lille a riier. thc faull and ilia % duwil upon ii in- should gather, freshet like, intn : ? Hilt the |l PT lint tillly t.i Uod, but tlonshrp In our fellow Illili i. food thing fur tin- naked and bappj firesides fur tl that the (i to live tin- ' _'li tani mani. And thi - like unto it. Itt- IllUst Inn . ? ? happy is he I- ahcr happy. ? .isl th., anxiety of bis trot her , under itandlng netta- tills the heart (hat cher* I would pie are riiitm - "Toa ? tour demm-racy or any kimi nf pnlit cal rubbish, but Uk- reoaea *' | ? happy l* tl inc I inst deal of land fot an - - i would our hinds la.- north If wt tlid aol oar mighty r, troter tl r cuttle ind wats r tn drink mt fnr the : Bon could our train lift its ooldea check to be kissed if the sun unless US foots once waded ? -p iii the mud? What ni.ikes especially Nen- Bog Intnl. have tho mos) fertile valleys'.- | he H Imt makes Sahara ol ? ml- lire absence nf the tmis, an- centuries worshiped the river Mb- bacanse its I -?? nf frill meant In them food or fam lilli.- or nakedness, prosperity ? sith nt- disease, ti ? i "1 mir land .'ire the sonne nf fertility lil an.I prosperity tn mir I.plc ? ii f nf mn hearts ls tn be like t mast fire help teni]... il ti. aii bround ns. Alf tm temporal nml spiritual "riv r.i mir fellow men'.- Smut nf ti- arc truly "riven nf death" or ? lusion." Oar lives bk like 'ri-.un iii thc great Mum moth true of Kentucky, wa- an- stir lounded bj grandeurs ami beauties mi bal in- han- nailed mir -?lie- in hy solid rock, u heit- ut- COO ? -I to Others ami u heit- tithers ennnot tin am good tn us. (U- -mr lives, if they are nut like the Si., \ nf a M.iliumilh can-, rapportlOg few blind tish swimming hun ,;.,-i ta, surface of trw ? Uki the wonderfully laiies of ii [.any cave of ?i inch likewise an dotog ! lo any one. That I.uray cave ? vlinus place. Though its beau : cellini -les. yet un? til, r the Hash of li_tit it looks as llinmjh la |md bts'ii erected onlj tin- Taj Mahal nf India. dead precious I ? tend tin- columns of - statuary In restal nar? nu nts of purest white. Hew nie thc ? ra ta net, ns tboagh "ie .a bm in ll Mill rani, like al) open mouth? ed limi. il.ned imt utter OOO growl, ni I hough cen now wa si-cm to bear the c. h,, -a ii- last uiid. lund fonder la tin- "itali.m." where oar Imaglna npbs and the fairies us,si a, a|M>ri ami dance and make mer? it ball" is the "cern m herc Ihoae nymphs and ed ages on aires ago linlu-iliL- toil- nf thc Is-.mI -,i linn that through theill the litchi Of OUT guides' lamps. -.1 ml that they seem Io hine been ? blood Of the soldiers tvlni niel- thi- eery mountain mice followed ill his hist raid ttl ? lil.I Of tints., soldiers tv ho re the cavalry cb. "Llgbtninii Horse" rial si ? Prom yonder cathedral, with it- domea and sp rmi minarets Ing up ii.e solemn notes ol an organ which roll and -well ami thunder aad pray and chant and die From ma ol smne hand or lin- sonic snowbank or rue Wing or. like il COt'S fir. blinks raid or, tiger like. the bloodshot eyeball of son,,. ruby or Hashes a.t fim-rald. Ami ll the chimes nf all the towen many tons in weigh! breaks upon the I over once nf tn tn be ih composed by the cumin-- ages. A marvelous ami eu thant,i ?? nf Old .lil. All ll ptiii-srl. uni.. allen) hida Hut uhen 1 s(,m?1 within (bc nails of thal ; lan- I said to my ; :',\ lil,.- -clash man is this liivc: rt i- ri herif,' of stone. Amid ? ami troubles nf a sinful World, willi nil his vast resources for a bar,es bimaelf in a wall? ed i ii.niel, ii liiih is called hi*1 home or Ile lites, [ic breathes, he eats, i ? ? works fur himself, and himself alone. Oh, brother, may your gospel peace be not like the glit? tering grandeur bidden In tbe darkneaa of a I Virginia or of ? si? lent river Btjrx stoartog thrungli the dark hails of a Mammoth nra of "iii Kentucky! May it be a river nf lite. t and Joy Bod hope to nil ti hu are wllllog tn bend doun their I and sinful lip- to lap nf the ,1 wataru. Hut I cannot close this semi.rn upon infill text without Ondlng one mimi, 'lin- pleading i lint univ :l river of COnBefTBtiOfl tn (bal. hui a fact- nf triumph, lt is nut only res through which, a- tba .lunlati ul' death, we shall enter the tomb, bat il is thc crystal gates hi? lt hi, li tn- shall leave the wilderut*as nf trouble nml earthly wanderings snd en , Un- promised land nf neaven ami eleni.ii J")'. Shall mir peace, u Mc** ? rivet slop at the brink nf Un? grate? ob. for tbi rrlastlog ,.r dod. u hich is ; *t "i! can apply Man /aa inside, right When the pam i-'.' lt i- pat up tn collapsible tubes with nozzle attach? ment fur Introducing it. Man Zan slops pain Instantly ami cures all kinds nf blind, bleeding, itching and protrud? ing |nh~. rt.rid by Ander-tdii Drug <"n (?ne night ls ill tin- time in to prove that Tn eales is the Irt-st reme? dy in the world fnr backache and all Killin i and bladder trimbles if jroa .'.-m ur any Other bbaal i single (b'se will give relief. Bold by todenoa Drug I difficult to cure a mugil or free yourself from tbe dlaeornforta of a eoM BB0V8 Ibe Imuels. Kee's ? ? Homy natl Tar acts on the bowels and drivn all enid ont of the -fsti-in. Then oomea ii- -nt.thing ef? fect ami -tteagllienltig ilitliieliee ll|?>ii the tltmat and lungs. Cor Crimp, Whooping Cough, Colds, and all hung ami Bronchial affectlone, no raaaodj la equal tn tbe original Laxative Honey ?mil Tor. Bold by Ando noe Drug a nat- tn, His Hark application of luna ?in m. lt will cure you. . M Klehraond, Virginia, men. ?1 have been ming your Nerv* . my tiark and And lt acta Ilks a cl,arm. For eight daya 1 had k amt could not move and ,: min. I am now out and to rriily youri. lb View, Va. and Wtniton Drug (o. l.a BtlpH I '"Ugh ?ri l>r. Pavida Cough Sirup ol pura rry. Boat amp. romump I a . throat and lung trott eats al White A Co. Ripberger Brae, will give away a -aturdav night. THE RAISING OF LAZARUS Sunday School Lesson lor April 9,1-905 Specti y Prepared I - Thu Pap-r IN TKXT -J HOLDEN 'I i ? TIME Jin \ U. 10 - II.Ai I bad bal ; ? . I l-l; 1 1 : ,.. 1:11, 12. Interpreting and ai which they did imt nnderatand I am ? whim ll can gal Int ? s Uh ita ?helier, food Corn pan th. i : ll. Deliver) nt rance tn thl ihephen | Who uain their booty bj i Who gain tha r log organized bandi " I b ? io the two great Off) nf bishop ami pastor. V '? "if any mai i iii ac coptlag me .. Saviour and King ' ti ? ?' ? uni eat ?n in ar. iioli/.ed a mean cnniing In ll liberty, Wa moat go la h do tiiii to ('rlii-r.- -t the miler world, ? ' 'flings ;i part of rh- kingdom And ti ai will avail us I Itt li iud put Into barn within V. I" "I might 'line life . . . al Jesus lard ? .innot do for bli shi ap H rem. He feeds and inspires this life mure and fl v ii. "Giveth ii men. Ills ti hui'- ra B *j for the sheep T! I ti the' ing theil ? he that ls an bl "The shepherd In t! ? . r the son of the owner of th,; Mock, though salary ip a liv ure. as Jin"I i man ular kappi i for fixed nut, av. and ? further lati i Tristram. V. l-l "I . . . kin.n Mi |bi et) " An oriental shepherd b i of his sheep, as a ami dog.-, "area li i edinda or thousands' "It n)ight ba well fur rio- , lass. If there ai here and have a Uti I when and where tl. . found him. (OM it the moat lott meetings that I aver af. Ka tope he Sa? viour fi ir was the same, and the r Imt what a diff<*re!i in the .inbull. V. 16. "And other al which are not of tl ' abo wen aol li tha kingdom of God, hut wnuld he brough) lo I bera of the church If- found. "They shall at ' They will listen tu nice of God In their Ila invi? tations, and become the ^h- e;> of His fold: ?-exclu? sive lucloaun of an eui i but one Hork, all knowing herd and known of him Alford. ? phsrdi tua ona method nf worship, but one in Jesus -Abbott V 17. "Therefor! Me:" I' -ympa thy with Ills father that He was willing to die to can arpose. "That I nagi/ I he tak :fe again was essential to salva? tion other* : have ceaae-1 to be thl '.'-rd V ll "No man I I Two pt hst tbs .' i that both Death a: - In ac? cordance with a COI from ihe Father."- <? Figs snd Thistles. An a. whether he knows or not. ?Jot , nineth in the B sfter the night's dlaalpatl ' a saint, don't trust him with scent. The religion that I M Ilka fighting your brother tieier came from your Father. is a switch-hack where they need the de? scent in' th* impetus for las rise Into glory ham's Horn. Croup is quickly relieved, and Cnllgll will imt "run its course" if yna a-e the origma Laxative Honey and Tar. Tin- rough syrup ia difleretit fmm all oil ?i tim boon not cure Croup and Whooping until yon nd tba -y-tem of ail timi, oj* working off the cold through a ciipmu- Bcti'in of tbe Isiwel Lsxative Honey ami Tar cures all Cmigbs, Croup, W (',.ugh, eic Nu npiates. Bold Women find quick reliefin Dr Thai her'* Liver sad Blood Syrup. Year of Disaster, Wlthoul Including the last week, lr In which ..led the The burning of the IroQOOll . of thc ; Pittsburg o In the : ? pinn. The wreck of tr ' t foe this country, lit far thi ? deatructioi ? ? a York which burned in June with :, I es. Thea were a Kan.. IT killed; collision Bl Kewaoee, M neal al Litchfield, III.. 2t N J . l(i I alon at ' ' Ifouodvllle, Ala ; 12 ai Bl ?-ni N V Slates , M iii a mine - An ina . at lo? lls, with i ? . - itv rilli a mool a vault i hihiren tn-re drowned oh number ol Football Lunacy. I; to the Kan irdlog a, ji i.a, which |( ' ? i.f the he is hon lb- declared, how? ever, t! from the lung ,luring ed to undergo than from ? ? if the game flgl ? -ain in la? the men who ? ' given ;? they make - arith an imanina ?..the are given play w hen al . . man who during more than an limn map of the I ar the Wives and Clime. . attribute the - ? ., ? ; t story wa ? of a pt the fir' nt if they are, two or three oat of 100 are I i a wife's extravagance Man is too fond of attributing his mla ' Ha li ashamed to ' a fool, bul I ' a liar. could he made of ihe ctn un which ll lish the fact that it was BOOBS mtier woman who ?? women ant tentiary. R hiing hells' in Poi la any I'.a e lout nightly, at anon that th- - either from ? ? north >?< pre ' ? rs ol It ha- B hair is Am; a vt muan who idnl A horse and a hog (Ol man engaged in a fr. Hotly. The I that it had to he killed. A hollars World of Qui, "I have treen afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, | gravel or atonal with excruciating pain,'' suv-A. II Tharne-, a well kami n coal oporotor of Buffalo, O. "I gut do relief fnun medicine until I began tak . dney Cure, then the re salt wa-surprising. A few (i(ieeastart? ed the brick-dust like anbatooea and now I have tm pain bcpisa my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It haa done BM $1000 worth of go al." Foley's Kid -vcry form of kid? ney or bladder disease. Sold by W. B. Aguew. ' WHAT CAUSED THE WRECK? The Engineer Was Sleepy from Alco Which Is the Base of Anaesthetics. - holism r question whn li I of our western roads. "Wal - "ho you mean to aay that tl. were drunk : "Wall, not Just wi. perhaps, but dull, sleepy, ituptd failed to read and uni. r-got them. he added, I ? l to drink ll mally ahnorn. bas a few drinks, . does not see good BB what I'rof. Krepelin. cf Eiltdllba so fully denn I" wi', that etan a very Bittali tity of liquor . md dulls the mein I believe this eft'. anaesthetic action of al paraly, which la such an I can he no ruaooobla cipal ai... ail hypo When ? ah nhol ls actl sulphur ' agents | .singly or comblni each produces an combined with Blcoh la inevitable?T. ,1 Amer: A TEMPERANCE CRUSADE. How a Remarkable Movement Was Started In Ceylon?Ita Growth. respondent, who has j turned from Ceylon, w i Christian World about a able temperance movement in that la lied, lt had a singular wealthy Sinhalese and some < friends were having a jovial time lo a tanrn over their arrack. A ? arnae with the tavern keeper and the whole company dsternt. touch arrack again. of their village jOtoi thia uiovemn tn the vernacular press, with the result that the idea was taken up rapidly In ail the towns and most of the villages of South Ceylon. Largely attBOdl I inga have been held, and, after speeches denouncing the liquor traf? fic, pledges are Bigot --.uilzed lena go through ibe villages singing temperance great enthusiasm. The movement is distinctly a Buddhist movement, and the appeal is made to the doc Buddha, though Christian missionaries are sometimes asked to speak. Those who break their pledges ari dealt with. In Ceylon the llqui fie ii a government monopoly, and though Buddhists, tho in: cleties and planters' aaaoclaUona have many times petitioned against I quor trado being aoeooi - 1 at an appalling rate during recent years. Thin new n greatly checked lt; the taverns I rted, and (he liq who rent from the government, taking a hint from their I . country, are already appealing for "compensation."?A ll lanie | TEMPERANCE ITEMS. The manly part ls to do with and main what you can do. son. lt ia much easier to "rectify ky than it ls to rectify the arl it coon The saloon comes to stifle all the music of the home and nil lt a lenee and dcm.: If we had a million pens ev. of them would write: "Train tl dren to banish the drink fiend." WhUky and Immorality til ? edge, off try apot from top to L? ' The state hires teachers to ti hoy about the physiological affi alcohol, and I ons to show him these effects.?New li ". I Ar.*! > . ' ?John Pierpont. r's Weekly rn aotly pi half-tone, nprOBiqtlqg a of cases within a paling, i ed "The Enemy Within the Linea at Port Arthur." It was made from a photog: ? -he war and : Work of the Saloon. ? ' : I ng. murder-Inciting wo tba sa. >li n Pul sixty iu ha Mure tuan half of Bink ful and dangerous, and F Care st a at tbe fin of dsnger, a Mr. Rodda? Burnell hat, Mn , write-: "I salier. -I willi en? larged [ -y trou? ble for years and after taking tl .ley'- Kidney Cine I f. tej than I have fur twenty ft though I am now 91 years old.' AFTER GRIPPE. (ir tm v ure sickness Our DraggMa, H. Ci I rule | ( c.. AthiM> lunn lille I'ttiplc to luke Vinni. i ai l'i i-mi Kt con-rim" Inuit a V tcre Illness Mut He I'lilcklt Kr aland itt Hi.lilli .inti strength In lund. ti I. I'.i rt ridge, of Franklin, ? n. t atiy ? t lt bnted twrftfth ucthlr- . .., i m ?. ?? '. .1 an lo a ron weak ilition no appetite, thin, nert : no vitality. Nothing seemed ii i until a friend brough! me a ? your Vinni. I commenced to ? mc ii hearty ap . iltb and strength return ?ti.riaiKiE ? i ii u treat ure. I \ inol a wonderful mi , ... ha- bad a let ere lick . - -i rength ami i Italltj -ti -lld ai our store - n gth i-ieator and i Hu i um akneent as i ii- \ inol cniitaiiis iii.l hu in al! nt tbe \ Ital , i nil. Imf vt 11 linn I i drop "I ml b- Upset Hu- -buiincli ami ,-ork. t - ii,i blood. ? mgatis, ami ? I the bodj In .- nature intended. ii KunnvUlo III a. nt Vinol mi our ec in build them up ami make We return l il fail-, II. ( ( rule. .V Co., lake Dr. I'ade's il a ii |o** ii cir louie ti Hu- Inti Bold by Aii-lct ' ? ii will last- g,?si take King's Ilya - .a av Antlerrtoii S|(l|l Illili ( migli ? , h. I ? . i sn rup ? Il tastily, lt li tha bottles M i-e ii ta st DI CO. h xii Nm te ami linne Liniment strains I fur boll) . ntl, at a -rnii dtbi to Will Inleresl Mani. lld ktii-.t that good < il Um kidneys are i ey'l Kidney Care will tr.'I Madder disease ill d ii ill build np ami i -n they will : j,, mun |i|i.|K-r!y. No . . ur diabetes if ? -i < nie i- taken in time. Piratlog Iltb)'- linnet ami Tar. ( bungil, nrigiiiated ir?? I throat und lung , ant nf tbe great I popularity "f I olej 'a Honey tnltltlona are offered A-k fur Fm.Ki's . . .ti il n-bi-e any anbali is un itbar pnporatloa will il iflcUon. lt is mild i -arlin- imnpiates and : a children ami del ka te per? ri d ii W h. Agnew ll c. \aiiishei|. tn- -uni that WM |- fPlklll, lu., bad lli i., ':.. lu- last ho'ie va Di !. n.- - Nt ti Insciivery < OUghl and Colds, i ul cl la- grave lr ? ? rn plate ly cured r ru . life, since then, I t for over 10 yetta, and eoav . r, irvelloua thmat ami lung ? Dtlfk care ftir . ? < "lil- -are Pneumonia, (iaarsn ittlca rt! White A i Hill buttle flee i lu at. .I Death. ? .lien end- fatally, .-ia tin-di, me, 6 lOWO, cheat - I >n. tens ago I i ,. it lu, li ( atiiswl me i niiMaty, but trbich aliieted i : ti ri.-,, band snoral deMII md keep them I . r nee, bb l iin<i , White ft GO., i . ? ? i , . lin Bight Vinic is DeWltt. \\ ri. a Ha/el .-alve ctMils, id burna, bolla, iles ind ill -km di*-ea.***a. K. Vi lpn, ff. Va,, says: : . .aaa had white swelling t | ? ? .f bone ag l'.-watt's Witch ted her. hi- the mont ? . . -i n ni thc world. - I ff, H. i \b ml \stiai h. .-I Mic vital or* imt fed and they -b mill Ire. They : . .i-i. Kodol, ? bat you eat, itonueh trott . liaie a stomach [ia taking it. till |*l . vs so -ming and inure. \ In i .ml I nit I rieiid. i ,i ,re coulaiua a drug, and - i .Ids, Croup long that it , tried ami true -nhl by Mun ... Vain' nt lanie. Earl] K:sers the ,. -.-ti made fa ,u yet harmless and nj, ,;i the buwels and al fur billlous I bey <Jo Dal . , or make always pre itreogtnen. Bold by W.