Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD I Ulla -v \ U'I'll. lt H.t. RI SI KUI) 10k R. L. PAULETT. WATCH IT. n OR III WATCHING. .? Ill- lli ? a - In nt it ill he char-ted - pei line elicit Ibe iiuitiln-r of in I -it the lime mont it will lu i tte until nu - ? eived. Ilea dence fully fur i. lera Im prove in th-t of July anti -t salubrious , - lal.le tor miiii , or camping l: i -. n 11 ?. i ti t \, X irfolk, Va. Cut it j -" head of yeir Also three W mi aat Sn mu High Bridge, \ h. ace to mir friends that from today we sn - thi prettleet snd iud summer ith'mN taney orgon i; VV. (Jarnett A ( ... oar line of Yal. nullified nail IL W. Garnett di Co. i nice line of lt. VV. Hornett ,v Co. ri pretty line iga In -noes and ? i-i- to match. lt. \V. (tatnell fl <'.>. it i in I ni i ll and Bx : -ale elicu|i. A Apply ttl B. L Aimil ille. aol an Portrait ol your III M at as" low is tin pay the coi eel n doini? lea mt -iy u -ii nothing about ami ot bevouched lolling! with roll ll ll IN I fol ? o - taxes he is rt nth ot tour Experience A Good Teacher. We I a thousand, three I ami twenty-one daya ol In the lire in During that period ?i up two bundo .ii-itii'l dollars math of humed ii. Every man ur ; these pol idea are ? ttlements. lu addition to this tinily griud of ex? it i- more tnau any Insurance agency m tgaln, tte tin j ou it ill lind agents who ? prompt in exeeutlng your more proficient in writing ymir courteous In their W a make a selling Insurance, ind a ill ,:iy agent or Bgenta i written In ? i n ? i, hut the statement la determined to . ? tues to inaunu tl merit- maile aim i are aell "Insu? lin you not think ; uni sufficient r '? Pa ri mi A U inLAsn. ille Graded and High School. tin- it eek ending irlea Noel, Ellen ?-until Claiborne, (Jenric I itgon, Lan renee smith, - igo, Poul Harrow. tu, Buckner -mitli, ? W ? iter. i. (Jatos Kichard I i. Amanda Weat, Madison ... Jock Ullllain, l -evy. Letter to F W. Devoe & Co. ic. \ a., April a. 1905. - D.P. Met orniii-k, ? wanted her house paint nut. , rorty-ts worth ol Devoe palnl would he. ie littiise, ami in uir paint. lost Monday, bring the - of i ? -t in the ? wen lt say -t ti lute In, ? uni. .ly. Lineal e Itron. V Dir, th til Ki.h lo heal ? in my . a . lent," arri tai ms nere help t Salve i|Ui.-k - ' ?., drug Kiata th m. pit pe pr, ha. Bti mm AND PERSONAE. When 1 am Dead ? baa i mn liena .ma io Banu T loin Una ,,l,l t,i,.U? i boo-- ol . I slmll no Im. 1" kaaf my monal ri ian,,- nil,,. Ali no ' \t-t I*- lt ai lt Hint. Timi's plntlm !,., portuS*** I un i 1 knots u la, lint foi ll, -iiine -.inuit iio?yl,e III ,|, ll tn ll I mn | nea in ? cola nml at i ? t'om|His. ,1 for Ku me Bini liol foi , 'runtl,,, lils' l-onkl I com shoal loree twenty-itt r Tor Hu-, .m.ur- tl,, v ns hope that these Aprilahowera till make the fairest of May Honer-. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank S. Woodaon, Ol Kicliini.iiil. i istU-d this week at the Inline nf Mrs. J. |;. \VI,n, Mi-. Bernard McClsugberty, of H.'iit-lield, W. Va., is vhdtlng ia tbl linnie nf Mr. (J-eorgC Rtetmrdoon. The excursion from Lanni Hie to Appomattox Monday was one nf the most orderly ami enjoyable et er run from this town. Mrs. il Elliott Boykln ind little (laughter, nf Abingdon, Va., tu. usit t,, Mrs |h,.s. p. Robertaon, and Mrs. john j. Hitcbett, of thia place. Mr. (has. ll. Boulay, DlBtrict Pis Benger Igent nf the Norfolk and \\ ts tern Railway, wm In Pannvllle Mon? day, looking after the advertising nf the Easter excursion. Mr. utnl Mrs. (has. L. Kennedy, ??! Amelia, hate issued int nations hu the marriage nf their diUgfater, Mba! Kinma l-muse. lo Mr. K. IL Cowin, i a-.iay afternoon, April 25th ai 4 o'clock at Bethel Methodist church. rho Springfield Pun ind Marine In? surance oom pony, through tbelrogeul Mr. E. IL Booker, hate Itet-ii ili-tnlait ne very useful comblnitlon rules nml papOT cutters, with their ad? vertising on tin-in. Mr. c. c. Fleming left Kinlay for Richmond where be will spend the re? mainder nf April with ins mother, after which he will go to Nt u T Ol k I" reoumehls bualness temporal rr, ap mi aci-muit nf ill health. The Hainpiltai-Sidiiey hall lenin will meet the team from Richmond College un the athletic Held at llainpilen-Sid ney un Tuesday. April tlie 18th. The game will be called at 8-30 o'clock p. m. The teams are evenly matched :>s tull be seen by thl Cloie sion- in the game ployed m Richmond last week. The line up nf the team will he in thc main the ioma as that played mi the trip hut lhere will he smile chung? la brought ibout hy the fact that some if tho men who could nol travel will have a ebonee on the home grounds. Admieetou fifty eenta. A Sad Death. A very and death occurred in the borne of Mrs. M. A. Motris. near I'arm , ille. on the night nt the 'ith inst., ?rhea her son, Walter E., passed from -artli into eternity. The deceased was a young niau jual - of Igl, a moilel sun ami the deal of hla widowed mother's heart. He had been ill a -hurt tune it ith ty 11misl feier. His funeral took place saturday morning at hall-past Bo'clock 'min the home, conducted hy t; it. A. McFarland, nf the Baptist ?hurch. The interment was made iii ha I anni ille ceiuettay The Doll Show. Suinething unique in lanni ille's llatoiy i? tn take place nu this after toon ami evening, ami tomorrow ifter loon anti evening at the rooms nf the vindergarteii at the Normal, ind it is Kithing inure nor less than a doll bow. Ami he ii remembered that it s mit tu he a ten-cent doll exhibition hough the admission is lu he nilly en cents. The dulls, as we understand, hate leen hired hy Mlmea Reynolds ami 'reeliuni fur the occasion at consid ruble coat, and han- been selected lath discriminating Judgment from n international enllectiuii nf dulls, ml which laue 0000 exhibited in the reat cities of this ami uther linds. tinting thom are In lu- seen doll- from he households of myally ami at lent tte which was taken from the grave f mit- nf the Pharaohs, and thl onus lo us from the dim ami misty ast, and tells us that wherever men nd women and children han- livod nils hate had their places and their inposes in the family circles nf till? ich and poor, high lind low, emit ned nd uncrowned. Amt whj I ie men and women nf heails ami ntl lute little children, ami little Itihlu-n ami larirer mies tia) do lme tills. (io and take the children with you, .inly doll-lift- on a larger scale than baa ever been ymir privilege hefure ml contribute tn a worthy - en cents can nut he better If ul the hour may imt be inure plca mtly poaaod. The regular monthly meeting ul the iitaccu Growot**a Aaaoclntlon, nf riiice Edward enmity will be heh! ia armtille mi Saturday, April 28 at o'clock p. m. All farmers are liked attend. Jim. C. Hamlet!, I ri ry. In Our Churches. Sunday was another good day In a history of Farmville, a day of a uplifting worship, inspir L'. soul nnprot ing. It wa- communion dat with the i-sbyleriaiis, and eight persons ii ii i I with the church. Haring the re? nt past a debt of some |IS00 has Letti tetl from this ciuigregatinii ami they gin the new year it Uh a "elena Iger." With a "good nome" ns his subject rv. Mr. McFarland, of the B Bren, preached an ImpilSalYi mi at his evening sen i. ? '?ir. Winn had large cm., ms morning ami eiening ami latched with his usual fen or and iee. Kei. Mr. Claiborne WM nith bbl imberlind people ami lay M ?re conducted at his church. Soma I remarked to us that never the history of Karim ille Wt my young men supplying her pul s. Vonng ia jeete, bul rich in sx? denes. Of unusual gifts and nf im ?ssiie walk and cunt ersatiuti. I'nii can generally tell when a girl * been ki-ned befm ty abe itends aha hain t. ri'; Ile Iii 1,1! an of Mt -ti ,-it ur ba thi du nt mi W II,. An gm rf, Al a n mri bot Town Council Meeting The April meeting of the Pown ( uiiiicii mis called to oi'ii i i night by Mayor Blanton with the fol? lowing members present: Ma w Watkins, Vf. P. Uilllom, il I Barron, i. L. I rambert, Vf. r Hoyne, \\alker>..i|( Vi . M. DuVOll ind Hr. Anderson. mi Miller reported collections for the month as folios i: aoaoaims am . Uv poor ia i Hf tlll, Hy oapll ii .. . IT Ul Hy inlet i -: irei Piulett'a report i - ii- folio wa: - Hale of carl . nisi i.. mts paid untie! the head of fin? ance a ere n- follow -: I Fur muk on In,-. .,- Bri SS I "ll Amounts pani iiinlcr Inti (?mint: ?? M Tarni i Ille A I . I The treasurer appended lite follow? ing statement: ?'PleoM note the -mall amount of balance In tbe treasury and make nec? essary provision, should your billi to night overcheck the account. Our financial condition seems much worse than it really ll We hove ld ni electric light account ibout Hinch amount Mill bi repaid when we realize on the light bondi.' mai ?.prll ll. I .. ' The following bill- were rend timi d lowed tc. ll. I a ! l'ii?i '. M. ll 12 :;.' .a. Mm' .. i on I a ? ? . r, sprinkling I H ?ililli i a.. k- iioi-n i " , honda i~ J (tm -- Mr. Duval! reported progreas In the rection nf the nett electric light plant. On the recommendation of ( hair nun Uilllom Mr. J. J. Adami will be Mowed t" purchase ? burial lot In the 'anni ille < 'emetery. Captain Watkins earnestly protea? ns! the Hiller lind BO** iiinpnint-s digging up the streets ni lu- town ind nol putting them beek ? I condition Aftei nine discussion n motion wis cerried ?ferring the nutter to the ordlninee oinniittie tor abatetiieiit of the tiius On motion of Mr. Barrow the on net f a deiapidated c himney on Middle licet un- ordered to hive ll removed ithin the next Ava di] - - i the penalty of the town ordinances gninal nuhnmcea. ()u motion of Mr. Doyne the nu uer f the Randolph hotel building i~ al - da] - ia which to put ia safe iiiilitiuti the roof to a portion of thal tincture. A requesl from Mr. s. il r.iis. t,, be lion ed to encl mme sheds on the [organ Redd lot, mis rejected. Mr. tilUhun was Instructed to have fence erected in front ol the colored ?inctery ll ti cost not exceeding I Judge Watkins, the town attorney, ?c'ltiuiiftiiled thal the council i i the former Beloon keepera of Penn? ine tin- pm rata part of llCOnst ia which they were cl ? ?ci au it of the dispensary las A vote ling taken mi the question u pro rabi un u aa returned. Mr. Vf, IL Ewing, Who recently ride a -liney nml defined the lines ' thc tint as CoporUtC limits, i-n |,lai IT I the results ul his work. One Im irtantdiscovery mada mis that the irpomte lines lune never been pro -riy extended, aad with Mr. Ewing's irvey they were widened snd the wa considerably enlarged, lt will ? Interesting, perhapa, to know ut tba inti n embraces (rom 0 acre Tlu- Finance! 'ommittee n.mmend the reodoptlon of tho 1904 I \t-. Adopted. , Wntkiii-. chairman of the abmltted for tba linell's consideration a rory lengthy tl carefully prepared estimate of mi it would ooo! thc town t" eb nf the town's -tit-f t- I Ived would be beet. Killeen thone tl dollin he bc lie i ed would be nil 1 mon. lor the ttork. In i report he Mid thia amount can bi se.i h Itboul an Increase of I il he requested a general discussion icet by thc other members, ? spoke earnestly nml eatln: Hy for tin- adoption of his report ra eel Improvement, ami asked timi ;i called by the Maj to bm a fl general interest could not laid in thc mutter. ? a tlit-( louncilmen exj ?inseltt-s, a majority believing that ; expenditure of so much as -ia.nun one time bi t.nick to motion the proposition of Captain atkins was lau) on until i next tegular meeting. A Surprise Marriage. i t. I. \\ ard (lah, ol I "tu-', ille, ahem county, ami Mi-s Li/,- , i, of Farmville, were married mi the instant. Tin- eeremmiy tonk place lhe hunte nf Mr. Luck Unwilling, nf hamil i ounty. l bi mor? ie was beard ti ith mach surpri-e M-- Ln-ou's fin-mis ni Karim ille. tajurity of whom hail hail no Inti tiim nf the altair. M-- Lslgon had ti teaching school In Nelson the ? t two scardons. P. ( DO 111 i lit ierald and N. V World, ?L?0 ?P> First at Appomattox. Hitler rt- tri may ibonl Un pt-optrt etj ol tbe in-criptioii npon hei mono meiil tillich was unveiled mi last M.lay wc inu-t all agree that North Carolina will fa down tu htetory as -t at AppomittOS with a inein nrial to her dead heroes who MCI lin- dav wa- an Ideal April day, the crowd in atten? dance was itupre-site in number-, tie in i lei i leal mr, appreciate e. L'ood natured ind congenial. Vobictca of varied make and furnishings met the lt West Appomattox and con? ti dinted tn the comfort nf the i isitors tn lind from the site of the iiioiiiuneiit, tbl pla I fm the tiny, tho' many walked the dletinee, some three Huies. On reaching the epos wc were disappointed to find that it wai Bot even in sight of the position once oc? cupied by tlie "ippia tri-e" and Hie Nie Lea a home, hut some one-half mile distant and in tba deptha of the thick? est of pine tree-. A -pace lind I'd ri I for tin- innssiie bat simple memorial upon which the Ineeriptlon, the subject nr so much eontroveny, I lint at Bethel, far? thest to thc front at < u-tty-burg ami Chicksmiugi snd last at Appomst ? By ll i. m. thi crowd began to gath? er ibout the -pot tuul between that limir ninl L ;u p. tn. Bpent the time In -."?iril cur. t-r-c, pleasant greetings H they reviewed the psst, peeped si the monument still unveiled snd In welch? ing for thc Governors. About 1*30 the bond played ti lively air concluding of i Ith the ll veal of all lite airs, mir nttu Dixie. linn. II. A. London, < 'holrmon ot Un- North Carolina Appomattox Com? mission, rapped for order, ami the IS. i. >1 led ia prayer. At Hot erina' Montague was pre -intcl, ti Im in words few bul thrilling With flii.|iieacf. redolent Of the spirit of brotherly lme ami de Iii ered as only J mir Montague can, welcomed North] Csrolins's Uovernor, oitiiena of the "ld North state. Ex-Confederates from oar sister state who added ao much of riorj i" < onfedemtc history. nor (ilea n followed anti ai ni plc | UStiCC Compels US to say. ami we -ai? li withoul envy, or JosMUsly, or any "itch spirit, thal he defended the -criptioii on iiiai memorial pile with - and much force. Ami in he wa- a- Courteous as he iris cogent, ia polite ns he wa- pei Turning to (lovemoc Mon ngue lu--md. "Virginia I- ttM? grmt o in- small, too magnanimous tu be eu ion-, too proud Of spirit tn be bitter if soul and baa -he nut given tn the iges Lui.i. E. Lee and Stonewall Jaek un y" < lovernor (denn is of h. nould and massive mind and medea noel pleasant Impression upon all tim were fortuniti enough to beni uni. Thc Old North State'' wa Ug with spirit ami itiiderstand ng the band playing a -oft -turi lc oiiipniuiiif at. Prof. Stockiinl then rend the inemor i.n-l al Appomattox,'' a short j dd rena by Uen. W. I'- Hoberls and lien the unveUing. All hail to North aroliint for uniinrurtiting a nionii uat it iiicli we hope will mean the [inverting of historic Appomattox hi? ll place nf national nml interstate itere-i. 'I in-historic-nf Gettysburg ml Chickamnuga lune been mrved uni w hy tint that ol Appn lOttOX .' Ila- attendance from North cam? mi mi tins memorable tiny was noth ig like ao great ns wc had intleipated nd thc nhl Confederate tiiiiforins ami ptCUOUl bv theiralisface. bl boys who "WOll the tray' "i present either in such numbera at tad sn far SB we 'tain there were utily three reseal fruin Virginia who siirrender i nt Appomattox: Measra. H. A. and olin stoke- nml Mr. T. Henry Glenn. ? maj lane been many ere, bat tbeaa are all we lani ie pleasure "f laking by the hand. I'.ai Farmville WO! splendidly re I nml at the head of the lot aiii nain lied 200 vining laities of the late Female Normal School, the ad ilration nf till who saw them, the ride ni Virginia, "ac nf thc mont ftaifs.jiie scenes "I the day was lieu these irirls gathered for lunch I tlicinseli es mi the gruiuul unit those ipotleeely white table otha nell filled with dainties ind -. just such things as wine ewirdahip and good hourn keeping etited. . a Jarman marched with the udfiit body frmn depot tu inonu- . tl l-ntiil sit,-, .-uni so did the following embers of Ihe faculty: Messrs. .Imies. ?iii-. Mottoon, Misses Andrews ami arrismi, while ( oinmaiider-itt-< 'hief ix led the column amt irate to it the splrntion <>f bht commanding pms nt. Mrijni Venable was there and ul an animated bul bloodless nit . ith a brother who wore the hine,'' w e twin Reba Captain Ham ami <'ni> in Bob wera there still wearing nf B '-'ray aiul stoutly denying that y soldier "I any Stale went farther thl front than did the Virginia -pacioa- ami Bpi and- . borne of Mr. .1. IL Atwood, at West .. ipomottox, was thrown wale open .. d mi er was Virginia hospitality ,, witta moro ginerom or mora mumis bond. I'he dru uris | good nile, it was good ?R lie there ind mir hopi is that this is j-,, t the beginning of "red letter" ? the iiistnry of old Appoeaattox. sfl Letter to W. H. Ewing ?" fm Fanni i ''i. Va. -a , tint: 1 stulled-out With chalk. Off sollie- " lng like that: lif .' bari :han chalk, hat covering to it; nobody know- its . .1 benzine in the oil. or water, or ter such itu0)tig; tic : an two much liquid, what ?r it is. for the - a sh,,rt ineasiiri-; Sou ti ill you buy by the pr: iVe fUralsh our sTsgcnta witta a state a analysis that ?e ls it hat's ni H. tc *i mirs truly Kt K. W. Dsvoi i Co., to New York - .1 K. Walton ? Cu. sell mir lal .li, .1.1 ca. -, ai 11. ii I.* la aa faa th . v house hoi - have terran WhM lhere is a bottle et Hr. r leciruiiil tn the medicine ?it. Heals burns, cuts, hruisoa, Hi alua, luataut relief. -gi What la Sanctification. a requected atitement of the doc trine of s'aiictillcatioii bi Bvingolllt .1 Vf, Hypes, who ha? been conducting" series of milling! ia I anni ille for Hit past tWO necks is given below. Editor Hi raid: We thank you RN au opportunity nf setting Itefnre lin of ymir paper the great doc? trine of aaiictillcatimi which tte art now losfihlng In your community. We are aware of the fact that this doctrine is agitating the minds nf the people throughout the land as probably it has not linne ainee thedaysof theapoM tles. The doctrine li not sn objectionable when nndaaatoud by Christiana, as When tint brought to their tiew. There is no dmiht thal the doctrine has been hart in the house of its friend-, e\en more than among the enemies. Many of the friends of the doctrine hate been \ery indiscreet m their statements of the doctrine, in claiming more for it than is meant, or ls intend? ed to be taught. Many again hate hurt the cause by minimizing regene? ration in order to lind a place for this doctrine. These false and indiscreet teachers hate often dunned that their regenerated life wa- one of continu? ous Binning and thal Banetlfleation hail-aied them from a Binning reli? gion. Hil that rent-aeration is the grant fundamental doctrine, ami up? on tim js booed the doctrine of isnctl licalioii that "wboaoevcr is born of tjod, or te regenerated, doth imt com? mit ato," ind "whoeoever ia holli Of Godovoreomoth Ibe world.' Bo, if yon hate a sinning religion, ur sinning fiery day, you are not regenerated. We believe that the man who lowers the standard of regeneration to timi mian for sam-tiiicstioii is ignorant of UM doctrine he is trying to teach, and that he is a blind lauder of the blind snd te doing the cania a great Injin ncc. lt tuny ma be oat of place jual here to state some things thal we do not teach for eonctiflcotlon, and what we tio teach: Kim -Sanctification la not ?lute perfection. Angelle perfection Adaline perfet'tiun. Freedom from temptation. Deliverance fruin infirmities. I tc-doin from intellectual Ignorance. Freedom from errors of Judgment. Exemptions from trials, affilctions ami Bufferings. Infallible security against falling. Perpetual freedom (mm eoiitlict. The limit of spiritual progi Ibis life. Sci mid Nor tloes it exclude the DO ?i-s-ity of a mediator, or Involve any radical change In the physical consti? tution. Third What randi neat ion li: Perfect humility. Perfect -elf denial. 1'erfect meekness. I'erfect patience. Perfect resignation. I'erfect faith. I'erfect hope Perfect love. Perfect pi-m-e. Purity, not maturity. Subtraction, not addition. rSTinCATIOl Al i i'm- ti:i:i' ita I ii I I TU ATlo.N. 1. Jii-tilicatioii i- the birth of the pirit. tern ton te the favorttf God. Ha- to do with sm as an act. 4. (iiies you the right to beaten. i. [s S quickening Ot* UM mural sen ll'llltlt'S. 1. Sanctilicatioii is the baptism with he Holy Spirit. -a,res you to the moral like laoa of <inti. H.)-to do with-in a-a principle. 1 (Jives yon tbs fitness f,,r heaven. ',. lin-cracillxiiai nf lin-carnal BSII ibilities. We hate thus given ymi a brief out ne nf what we are teaching. We lie eve it t<> be a Itible ilnctrine and we tend on lt, regardless of the opinions f ineii. I. We do imt leech sanctification as iniuitaiieous witta regeneration. I We do not teach that it is obtain I by growth. i ? '.. We do not imt it off -" late its (bl mir of death. I. We do not belieie it ts ol ' rter death in purgatorial fina. ... We do loach that lt te a work aub- 1 ?'liient te regent-ration, and obtained y faith, and that it i-ot (iotl ami for ie belit-ier. The lint of thiel theories i- utiaerip irnl. omi has mt witneases. The urhl has tint been able t<> prodOOC ie w itiie-- nt this dogrni In six thou md years. The third (henry dishoiiors the pow- g ? ofthe Illootl. The fourth theory is n RomSB ( ath ic dogma, and calls for lire to do hat Christ and the HoIt GbOOt r-uuld it do. The fifth la in accord with Scripture. ,I eritaice, and fiery creed in Chria minni. Lastly, we believe the Hilde ami 'pie tu believe it. When the Ibis says white, we believe ami teach at it means white, ami not black. i. when it mya be yt holy, for I n holy, we believe that it meant tly. ami not unholy. And when it is Mis name shall be called J r Iii- shall BB' I His people from eir sins, we believe just what it vs, that bl, He sines His people from eir sins: hut we never hate he? llish as to believe or teach that He ies the dei d's crowd froin their sins. When the Hilde says we shall serve im in holiness all the days of our a?Luke i, fi WI believe that i-aiis n hilt- we live, ami not after nth. May Cud bless all who read this ar? ie thus hurriedly sketched. rr- in the work. _J. \V. IL. Reaignation. Mr. Jo*. E. Garland, who for ar- has been the very efficient and roinni'tlating deputy clerk of Prims Iward. haa tendered his resignation bfc'ine ell'ectiie mi or before May I. Mr. Harland will enter actitely d exclusively into the inauranca irk, ami will thoroughly car is and siljuiniiig counties. : lerk Whitehead has engaged Mr. -trace Adams to succeed Mr. Gar id. Normal School Notes. Mr. Linn Monson, of Philadelphia, i isited bia niece, Miss Lacy V Saturday. Mis-t-s Lint MeCraw, Lutte (lark. and Jane Johmoo spent Saturday and Bnndsy tery ptssssntly with Mis Susie Watkins. Mr. Vf. S. Lindsay, nf Purni Ketreat. i isited Miss Dorothy Stone sunday, and went on the excursion to Appo? mattox, Monday. Mrs. A. K. Owen, ni -tuny Point, who ha- been with her daughter. Hertha, lett for her home Tuesday morning. Mrs. Hordowoy, Min ( men- nant, is now with her. Mi-s Mamie Parsons, of AeeomOC cniuity. reached hen- lae! Friday to ?ooompany her aiater, Winnie, home. Mrs late, nf Urandy, Virginia, who has been with her niece, Miss Katha? rine (iraysnn. for smne time. !? her hume on Sutuiay morning. Miss Frances Lewelling ami Lucy Robina were called hotiif last WI BOOnunl of the death of their mother-. Mteam Maggie Tsyloi ami Fannie Christina anent last Saturday and Sun? day at their bonna Ls Appomattox - Raby Perry, Mariam Jonw and (ierahliue (iraham spent the tell ?rockend eaeattoa at their respective homn In Craws. Vlrginli Miaa Ht enChlldrey wm tbe gueat of Miss Joni'-. Mi? Katie Layman, of TroutsvOle, Virginia, entered tehool on Monday t" take a few special stiulies during the remaining part of the term. The Glee Club hi preparing a con? cert for thc twelth of May. This will I'l-ibal'ly bl the first e ute rta t ii men t In the beautiful new laaambly hall. Nearly two hundred Normal girls, ri'-ctimpanicil by niue IT of the faculty md foe the dori.. . excursion t" Appomattox Monday, the tenth. Ihey . thl day t - m u<-h of Governor Mo overnoj (ili-nn's mid the other -; ? could hear, the unveiling ol the monu? ment, the delicious luncheon bounti? fully prepared by the ichool, i to the ? onfederate burying ground, and the McLean ? re Hit term- of mm ail then :- nf a happy da] Bookkeeper itt the bunine A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS HO SUBSTITUTE i art, City of ToLSSO, ) j ' . mi kel oath that . , irtuer of the lirai of F. J. 1 i .tining business io the intj aad Stateafore ill par tha ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS foi rerj eon of Catabii thst cannot bee ned bj the use of Una's I li.WK J. CHBlflT. ne and subscribod m ai) i :-iy of Decem ,-? \. Vf. GLEASON Salary I'ublie. rh Cure ia taken intern? ally, and iea- directly on tho blood and ? I ihe system. s-?-nat itimonfala, free. Addi- i HENEY tl ( 0 . Toled.i. (). Ill are the l>est. OPERA HOUSE < XZXIJXXZXXXXIXX2XXXXWMI FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 28th. a4 ia- of tilt' Normal School will 1 resent the ilia niling melodrama, "Phoebie's Romance." CW AU tNl) ENJOT THE EVENIM Iteaerved inala Mo, - mi sall- at CnttC ft Oi.'s >rug Si We Sell Goods Cheaper But lor Cash Only 1,1 lill I m ll. Inc. The Farmville Store SPECIAL OFFERINGS AT THE BUSY STORE We print here only bargains, these prices cannot last long, so don't wait but come. We often buy merchandise for less than the market price and in all such cases our customers get the benefit. The prices advertised on this sheet will show how much cheaper the same goods can be bought here than elsewhere. 40 White Mull I quality White Maslin Per yd a" Spring Gingham ..-.ti Btyloa iii corded Dion Glnghsn Per yd. Bc. Ladies Gauze Vests TSped neck ami arm botsa Bsefa Se. Brown Cotton Heavy round Ihtnsrl Per yd. 5c Torchon Lace ?Atra uule. We hate been Miling his at ii'?c, marked dows lo fd. Pearl Buttons t g.I Be. batt.m. All the bSSt fliSSI l'c. Dom. Ladies' Handkerchiefs Hemstitcbed, full . i Men's Suspenders Mobah eada inc. i Linen Window Shades Plain lil a ISj-fe., Fringed lsd ft i- I rt i Writing Paper a i i. kugM plain nr ruletl Pearl Buttons 'lain and fancy cut tup. thc IOC. kind Be. Donn. Boys Corduroy Pants Size- 5 to 11 tin - I Table Oil Cloth I'niii-y "t-I, pretty Ityles yd. Extra Large Huck Towels Bcd bordi r?a i id Men' Percale Shirts \--"llc,l lol Bleached Cotton Very -.'tnxi yd. Light Calico tandan! '|iialiiv good flt] d. lengths yd. Indigo Blue Calico Full pieces and perfect yd. Apron Gingham All the good style checks l'er yd. life. All Silk Ribbon N". lu Pink, Lil'! Ulrick am! White Ute. vd. AndniHOi'i'irj Bleached Cotton N a know lt. yd a- a. n enotonm I've Mill Bleached Cotton Hofl Finlahed CtikfC Vellum Writing Paper lilin i ie. pound - ? | rn-kilge. Beautiful Millinery look ol n-ruly lo wear hats Wi fl yOU Imiliey Bleached Sheets Utica Bleached Sheets The but m White Mirwillr-s Quilts Bella White Qaiilt Loni. Dress Goods All thi r ' I- Bee the new . i r lids Chait-eable Taffeta Silk ? :? r aralsta and -mu rd Ladies' Skirts ? mmed Bim Bfon s( : I Beautiful Spring Ginghams BALDWIN'S BUSY STORE. /our Health is thc most valuable posse-sioiiyou haw. aial n to assist you in maintaining it Wheo jon an - usc thc short-sighted policy of buying so-called "cheap rem? edies" and substitutes for "OtlGtXAL" good-. I hm one way to have good products and thal is to combine the highest grade ol drugs with the gr< skill. WF-: CLAIM TO DO THIS and wc want you to try us and Ix; convinced. Leading Magazines received monthly. Any book pub? lished ordered without extra expei H, C CRUTE & CO., Druggists. FOR DYSPEPTICS. ut Broadway Xcw.York.CHy. McAlpin In v. Rsm. Co.: Deal Sirs:?Will you send ai soon as pos-ib!c to above ad i bottle of your dyspepsia remedy?ai ni get it (jnick. Why don't you put|it on New York market.' Yours ft& W. S. C. McAlpin Dyspepsia Remedy Co. FdnnTille, Vi.