Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVIIJLE HERALD. honor ros un past, help por ihk present, hope for the putubk. VOL. XV FARMVILLE, VA,, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1905. ff<X 29 CITY DIRECTORY. . i. mantes*). i arrow. Iii i'nm rn I Iter-a. - ? a -' ?? liam, w. E - W a! I. Walker scott, ll K Wai tfalir-' - *' !.. Kramt.ert, - W -A alkina, W. - * ? r.. Anderaon, ?v. i' Qllliaaa, * Wk!,. ? va I '. -s.,,,. r | ? B a kt I Scott. H. W VbIIIbs. -t. W. Andi-non, 1. K. K-i rn, W. I" millara, H. K ?i. I-:. I.. Kramltert, 1 tiariund. - i Paalett, Jr. I". H. C. Kier. I - - and J. IV (lillian). M H.olx-Bon. Hart. COUNTY DIRECTORY. ? i'll ult Couria? E. J. Whr ? mr,ty and Circuit Cou-- .rid. Trstswtur. r wu l lt. .1. Carter. ? -T ll. luck \ Morney- -A. 1). Wat loi. -Hoard ru villa- Dlairlct. Dlitrlot, K. I ? i,. Dupuy, (Chairman); l ll Hubbard; la-lith Ula trlt-U A \ i' '-f*_ *m I.AM Asl KK, \l ItiliMV VT I V\\ Practice* in Stale anti Federal t'ourta - f.a ciilleotioo giveo itn.nipt at i) lUd, lo. Hinkt K. La, J.TaviorT b Caam Karmxllle, Va. Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, Fakmvii.i.k AMD Ckewe, Va. ? ,rd. Siittoway and ad ? opt attention to bu OllBCtlona made and promptly re m ait-J J- M. CRUTE. ?Attorney at Law,? M I 1 K. - ? VIKUIN1A. Pra?-t | ' ami adJOlBlBI .-ournie, the -taprems t ourt of Virginia and the lr ir! at Ku-hinOQd. a?r -nee In Klchardaou Block. watkins, Watkins & brock, -ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PAn*4VlLLta*a VA. erai-ti. ? ' I-rlnce Kdsrard. Cum ?erland. Hiickint-hain, Sottowajr and Anii la. and United ?ttatei Court at Klclimond. Eapec . ard to caaea lu bank rnptcy. (?. S WING. ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Green Bij, Prince Edmrd Coanlj, Ti. anT*Corrts:?State and Federal. w. r C. FRANKLIN ATTOKNEY-AT-LAYV, I'.AMI'I.IN CITY. VA. Practice- In Appomattox. Prince Kdward and Charlotte counttea. supreme Court of Virginia and C.s. t'ourta. ^T HITL <V CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, Pra?cr pt lona Carefully Compounded. I- klMVlLXJa, VA. NEW MARKET HOUSE *mst&**t,a*tto.&?>J!&s*!iri& I have opened a MARKET HOl'SE un Main street, op? posite White ft Co's Dru-j Store. Nothing but the bett will lie customers in the way of Fresh Meats. Polite attention to every or? der and prompt service in the delivery. A trial order is solicited. Market under mnnagO ment oft.bent Harrow, who will Ik- glad to serve you. Respectfully, H. Arthur Barrow. WHAT SHALL I GIVE? Blanton's Store. ? "9 t" 111 I ID). I tn -JO (Xl 0"HI Ki ,,,,. I ('Inlilieti - Me up. rtterilnKt8il**er Noveltlee. Hand ' Kiata-and China. Cltika, Watctn lt |M ? voa ur - W. T. BLANTON, Jeweler and Optician. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar Cb-ib all Coucha, aad expela colds from tia ayatara by os-atly SMvlag tbs boavais. I B. DAVIDSON. B. H, LYNN, JOHN IV. LONG,, President. vice-President. Cashier, The First National Bank of Farmville, FARMVILLE, VA. WANTBD.-?At once, persons to open an .account with The First National Bank. You can start an account with* $1.00. After once started it is EASY to add to your account. i Best Guano For Tobacco! It PAYSJto have only the BEST Fertilizer for your Tobacco. Armour's Tobacco Special" I-the t.t-st|,-.ii the inarkt-t. ns avideneed bf Ute hiL'hiv -riti-fii.-t.>ty prieesob taineil for all niinlc \i itl, n VVeilk -pt-cail .-ttU-nticii to tba paid for t.iliscc. raiM-il liv Mr. ( . I.. BoltinKMI 00 thl flinn of Riv. J. I. I. ant-aster, and for that -,,1, | |,y Mr. W.T. Southall, all of which ?:i.uh willi,AI'MOIU'S exclusively. Ask your neighbors who have need "Armour's Tobacco Special." H. E. BARROW & CO., Farmville, J. R. WEAVER & CO., Rice Depot, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. Yellow Trading Stamps Can be Obtained ofthe Following Merchant-.: K. W. GARNETT & CO., S. \Y. PAULBTT & SON, THE WINSTON DRUG CO., J. ASHBY ARMISTEAD, \v. t. hoyne, NY. T. BLANTON', J.J. GILLIAM iv SON. If you will patronise these merchants and pay cash for what you buy, and ask for Yellow Trading Stamps, you can furnish your homes with useful and ornamental .articles which these merchants are giving away absoluter*/ free in order J.: to increase their cash business. Call at R. VV. GARNETT & Ci L'S Stott and examine the presents we are giving away. Special souvenir spoons will be given away commencing Thursday, April 6th. '*>TA?TSWrT*,ttnA*l'r~TXrT*X*>FfA* -ft TCTTT&ReTfir^^ WE REPRESENT Coinji.'itiir-s that issue FIDELITY, CONTRACT, OFFICIAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICIES. . . VV. P. Venable & Co. Oj '4mi?im&m ? - Mr BO lu a rn Ct Bl aal tn ?i t-ni m. lin Of au I bu dei em fvi -tr pei aa Ku GENDINE PERUVIAN GUANO. I am agent for the following brands of ortilizers at Rice and Farmville: AV. l-llit-. M Ul '.enuinc Peruvian Ou. ino, / [8.30 pr cent. 11.00 pr cent. Coiner's analysis of same, ) (9.16 " " 10.50" " 2.1*1 lld Hcllcfontc Ouano. . . . 1.00 " " 8.00" " 'J.on ;ilt Edge.3.00 " " s.oo ?? " 3.00 rrinocs.2.60 " " B.00 " " 3.00 ?ure Kaw Hone Meal, . . . 4.00 M " 23.00" " W. H. HUBBARD. JUST RECEIVED . . A lot of quartered Oak Chamber Suits, Reed Rockers and Morris Chairs. Have also added a line of Jardineres and Flower Pots. UNDERTAKING. This department ia complete, and 'irders will have prompt and carefu ttention. C. C. COWAN. DRUCS LIKELY TO ADVANCE Many Plants That Once Grew Wild Are Disappearing with March ot Civilization. Dealers In Anuri' in drags arr- nauh alarmed at the scantly and high price arv which have de Bt year Many of the drugs in i ld have ? .1 Imii] UM io MM pt ind the suply of all is said to be small. Some of Hie drugs most at? tentions are golden seal 8eenga root gin-eng wild cherry hark, Whltl 1'iru- bark, elder Howers, sarsaparilla root, t.a.ssairas snd at least a dozen others of less Impor? tance. :iar haa ntl van.-eil alica January titan 74 emt! to 11.50 and senega root from aa% lo fl.l.'i. In ls'.f.i senega root was selling at U orate. Whin- lina bark has gone up lu two years from Z\* to IVs cents. The plan' which theaa drugs are gathered grow wild and are said to be gradually dis? appearing with tba man h of <lvillza titai rani tba Battlement of tba eoon iD safe? guard the snPi'ly anti the plants are v being exterminated. It ls feared that tins eoonrrj alli boob he in tba my and Europa as produc n in ny | aad harks, bal eon tbeoa drugs are Bjr In tba wilds of Hun llt will ? .ivy a-lvan ninny ur ner and mort- posy. 3AUZE TO RESIST SHOCK. English Professor Invents Wire Net? ting Which Electricity Finds Impossible to Pierce. ? have happened to works from nt passing through ho body that thos- ul. (?ads them to handle this nondorfll artur will be glad to hear thal the caloma Invented hy Prof, Nicholas >n, has proved a ird, Tba wire ,.i ri Inch the CO mg a BdOCtOr than tba human body, he wearer is thoroughly protected vhllo the material ll so flue aini lop ile that no h. he wearer. One ot the difficulties litlierto racoontered in dealing with rliility lng at what strength a current urrent if only 100 volts 1 while, gain, OaO volts 11 . ..lured ritbont danger. Prof. ArtemlerTa in entlon, however, makes everything afc, for, during \.% illtutratlog Bi? er (merits he allowed ISO aid him without hiing injured a the least. The costume which In ludes a head covering, can he worn lila-r timlcr or orer tba a-ria! .-ult, as o Inconvenience la being ext to the skin when the .ur: urned on. ACH CAINS OTHER'S TRAITS lusband and Wife After Long Mar risd Life Begin to Show a Facial Resemblance. It is a matter of common knowledge lat when a husband and wife have ved together for a long period they ot only acquire the same tricks of oice and manner, but they show a :rong facial resemblance, so that they light easily be taken for brother and ster. Almost every one has at least ne such Instance among bis acquaint rices. But lt ls perhaps a lesa well now n fact that a similar resemblance -nits from a mistress and Beret nt being associated together for a mg period of poon. Added to the tact i" constant nearness there is usually ri the part of the servant ? desire to nltate the voice and manner of the Istress abe so mu<h admires. And ils often extends to the facial rc ?mblance. There ore In a small BfO ln. lol town of New Kngland two ost unusual Instances of this resem ance. Two malden ladies lived there, ich of whom has been attended for ar part of ."a years by oman who ls mo'e a tnmpanlon than servant. In both cases the women ive become so astonishingly like their aa that th y art- often mls kei f"r them. And their vokes over hone are so exactly alike that ds of both ladles have given ) this means of communication with em because of the embarrassing mls kes which constantly resulted from it Flowers Made in Glass. One of the greatest artistic marvels of e world la to be seen In tbe museum at arvard university. Thlsctirioalty con ;ta of hundreds of specimens of flowers id plants formed of glass, but with such qulslte fidelity to nature that they ap ar to be real, every tint and marking. ery tiniest detail, being faithfully re oduced. They are made by a ocess, the artists being a father and n in Germany, who. lt ls said, may let eir 8ecret die with them. Aa an In ince of the wonderful workmanship, may be mentioned that the very hairs ilch appear on the stems on certain unts are reproduced on tbe glass 1m tlous. Find in Congo Forest. In some lott I on the re irches of Dr. David, a Swiss naturalist, the Kongo forest, there ia reference to * and made by him of an armadillo four b it long, closely resembling its con? ner of the pampas. It frequently Ba? rnes an erect attitude, supporting 1U f on Its tail and holding to the tree inks with its powerful fore claws. I'ou canTppTy~Man Zan inside, right lere the pHin in? It is put up in I witta nozzle attai? nt for introducing it. Man /an pa (ihIii instantly and cures all kinds Mind, bleeding, Iteblng ami protrud Sui'! hy Anderson Dr Mill Interest wany. laen person iboold know that good illh i*1 Imp t?-ihle if the kidneys are -iitigt-tl. holey's Kidney Cure will -e kit!ney ami Madder disease in ?ry toroa, and will build up and engtbeo tbeoo onana no they wall -f.>rin their functions properly. No iiger of Ht lght's disease or diabetes if lev's Kidney Cure ia taken in time A WINTER CAMPAICN. Some Intereating Extracts from Diar of Soldier Who Fought in Tennessee. "Winter campaigning." .said I Jar, in the (I. had a iaflnite variety of b| and I wonder if the ups are ai or the downs any I than they were with ai rr Tennessee. I was look ii . tl... other day. coTeriog . a hundred w. 1863, a fighting year for i armies. "The record begai ,,.., ,,,.??, r of foe way, reading in il. i lair-da. at Hire o'clock; our brigade atom bli D| front to stand two hours oe :mes and fires In plain rici He turn to our bivouac; cook lr and change posit!,m. ,\r 'he lints, kill Bam ,:. a New Year'a dinner. At night bulli large fires and are com'.,: not aleep because of continuous firing oi the skirmish line.' "Kvidently something ha.I l Ing. Thia record nd da* at Stool Weer, OT the day alter thi bloody struggle of I This ls made clearer by th.- n Friday. January 2: 'Aroused at Uv. k and breakfast nit tion. Relieved by two < ainI retire to the rear i. Build a line of breastworks while wc reat. Boya dont like t. things. About noon ree:, ley's snd other dil thr??<? o'clock terrific alta amy In force. Our line al first crushed bock, hut reenfoi, Wood, hurls the rebels bock, and we pursue at a run. Battle til after dark and wa return to our bivouac In the rain. muddy.' "That is a ral a parti. Ipant to one of tin- must pietui? ments of the war. to the Inri.rr In the batik- of Sim.. River lt ila man who wrote the (barge knew it he didn't care to give partlcolan Com? ing to Saturday, he wrote: A rainy, ??able day Lints qui.' until are repulsed Nigh- reeable. Troops moving all night fruin left to right and DOTI grrombli can't sleep. Aboia ck the clouds break away, the moon ill we have a ralnlxiw ai Digi it la a sign the rebs are Hi "The imi>ortant thing lying on their arma was the -?' and they complained of i by troops moving into poeitloi at home complain of a man on treat who wi However, on Sunday the rain ceased and th - sun came out on a shivering army. 'About ? that the rebels have abandoned theil advanced lines and squads are to bury I for burial, but union dead lying where they were shot down. Fa regiment dead at one point. Find oth? ers severely wounded Troops on the right find Mttrfr-- lilted.' There ought Io have I,tia, a fl cheer there, but then of any elation. "Monday, we are told, was very pleas? ant, but 'Black was found near tl breastworks, dead. Pockets rifled; but tons cut from his coat, and boots pulled off. Our advance moves beyond Mar freesboro, passing through the town. which ls simply a hospital tor the wounded of both armies.' Black was ihe color guards of our regiment, who, when the color-bearer was shot, caught up the flag and waved it almost in the faces of the enemy. When Black was shot betwo - tin- woond sd color-bearer took the flag again and carried lt through thc fight. The writer says nothing of this Ik- iles nut eoloi the picture, because, tn sa> that Black waa found was enough to niall the whole picture to him. "The record shows that the troops i>n Tuesday were still bur)lng tl and that on Wednesday the .1 (Palmer's) marched across the river, through Mtirfreeshoro. and thr'. jut on the McMunnville road ai Our regiment, without BU] picket, and boya In a state of mind. Meit Hortecrans and htaff and tl ;rsl, as he sees the regimental (lag, ?ays: "Hello! These men were with ne in West Virginia. I am proud ol ron boya, for what you did last : hope you are all feeling well ' " They ?/ere. They forgot all a! nd when, as they stood sr: Tight and a brilliant na-nor flashed icross the sky, they said 'Old Ho lure to win. "The next night Thursday. January I, the men slept In tents for the first lme since leaving Nashville. I). :6. The next day the di. rack a mlle to better camping ground, 'riday and Saturday were cold and the ittle funnel-shaped stoves didn't work ?ell. On that day. however, the boys aund the WOOlded of theil ">mpany otnfortably housed. On Monday they narched back to Mai*freeiboro, niles on the Nolansvllle pike ai I nber ll, i mndreris of soldier.-' graves and hun Ireds of dead h "Then came a week of seven ly cold reather, the brigade niovlnir. mean |me. to * new camp on Cripple creek. Ix miles farther ont Mtinn llle road. The first night In the new amp the men stood in line of battle rlthout Ores and it was auppo re only for a day or tw pnts were pin tied slong the line of attie and the regiment remained there ntll the forward movement In Juna, olng through all the experier," rjnter campaign I after ,ery skirmish, raid, or scout to camp, rhlch came id seem like home." A Night Attack. I>aat night the little daughter of lr-. Brown, as she sweetly and |*-ace illy slept in her little bed near the Indoor, was sttacked hy a dean ig demon known as Croup Whooping ough, and tait for the timely use of iennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, hit h she always keeps handy, the fe r the little one might not have be i ived. Kennedy's Laxative Hon nd Tar is different from all of the nld me cough syrups, and ls beat forchild ?n because it acts on the bowels, ls armless, safe and certain. Contains o opiates. Hold by W. B. Agnew. AWFUL EXPERIENCE. "At I- -ai the even' place which I am about to relati the German, "I was prison physician at the Auburn penitentiary, and had charge of that part of the pri-on Which con I or, rather, human hyenas?for whom bloodshed hld ISVB any ter? rors. Two of these criminals, condemned to imprisonment for life, and distin? guished not only by gn strength, but by umoniiiit.r tunning, were mot- .tanned than the others, on account of their repeated attempts to escape. I had brought upon myself their particular hatred, partly because I ont the discovery of some iron tool they bad succeeded?heave: ?In concealing under their dot partly because, on another occasion, I had reported their illness feigned. ? bel they bad demanded to he taken to tbe hospital. The two villains were separ? ated and heavily chained, but In spite of all precautions, one morning one ol them was missing, and a few dais later the other bad disappeared, chains and all. leaving no trace. "A fortnight might have elapsed since the escape of the two convicts when, one day, I started for Cayuga on aol vate business. My errand in the town was soon done, and toward evening 1 an my homeward joane* surrounding country ls covered With extensive oak woods, through which lay a good part of my way. The tall, n threw long shadows across the road, and tbe breeze murmured so softly in the tree tops that the sound was felt than heard. Deep In thought. I let my horse trot along with slack reins. Suddenly I was startled out of my reverie by a nolie among the bu-lies on both aides of the road. Grasping my revolver I turned quickly, but be? fore I knew what was happening I re? ceived a terrific blow which nearly robbed me of consciousness. I> opened my eyes once more, and thought I saw. as in a dream, one of the I i on vieta bending over me; their darkness enveloped my soul. "It must have been late in the night when, little by little, my consciousness 1. I raised my eyes and saw above me a bright full moon In a dark blue sky. A dial sensation of pressure at the back of my head caused me to at? tempt lifting my hand to the spot whare the pain was located, but I found that I wai bound hand and foot By dat d my thought*, and the attack In the woods. An awful in? tuition darted through my brain, and stopped the beating of my heart that I lay across two sharp parallel ele? vations exerting a painful pressur lad BB I strained my ears I heard leith BU the .-.mud of flowing water. There wa? BO longer ai ? that I lay across the ralla on the Cayuga bridge, bound and unable to stir, with the certain prospect of being cut into by the next train. tn "Fur one minute my heart ste and the next Its w lld beating was almost audible. One thought was clear. I must change my position, If possible, so as to ' ha ralla, if I was not to fall Ot painful death. "And 1 succeeded. I strainer - until they nearly snapped, I twisted and turned. 1 , my head threatened to burst. At last. .perhuman efforts which seemed to me to have lasted an eternity. I found myself on the ground betw rails. -d? I had no time to think or to rejoice In a new hope, for my entire consciousness was concentrated in the sense of bearing. At first Indis? tinctly, then more clearly. I heard In the distance the regular, monotonous sound of a working steam engine. The awful of the night gave place to the In? coherent, maddening noise of the loco? motive. A thousand feet off?500, all the horrors of hell laid hold of me. but I could not move a muscle. I tried to ahout, but could not hear my own voice. xt moment I saw a clear light flashing across me. and was enveloped In a hot breeze. Then all was dark, and I lost consclousnesi. "When I awakened I was liing lu my bed and saw familiar faces around me. I had been found the following morning by an employe of tb? railroad, w ognlzed me and had me taken back to Auburn. During a fortnight I lay be? tween life and death, and when, for the first time after my Illness, I looked Into a mirror. I saw that the fearful anguish had whitened my hair. "?Chicago Trib? une. WILL SELL OLD WARSHIPS. Great Britain to Dispose of Obsolete Vessels?Others to Be With? drawn from Service. London.?There will be a great sale of obsolete warships at present In borne ports In the spring, and many non? effective vessels will be withdrawn from the foreign service under the new naval scheme outlined by Lord Belborne. This out of-date fleet?great In num? ber If not In efficiency?com. Battleship;*, 3; cruisers, 30; gun? boats, 17. In addition to these, the battleships Benbow, Collingwood. Hood, Howe .e and the cruisers Ar Blake, Blanche, Cambrian. Rainbow and Theseus are out of commission, and are unlikely to be employed ex cept In case of a mobilization of the whole of the ron It ls believed In naval circles that mother great scheme of reorganization will be Initiated by the admiralty shortly. The dock | will be com? pletely overhaa> I Bot h a measure la riled by the reorganization of the fleets The home dock yards will no longer be allowed to become con? gested, and Gibraltar and Hongkong will become great repairing centers. ?ea a >ame of Fame. DeWiti's Little Karly Kiaer-t, th,. little pills, have I ? Bona hy their certain yet harmless and gentle action upon the bowels and liver Thev have no equal for billloua naas, constipation, etc. They ie Ml weaken the stomach, gripe, or make , -ick. Once used alway pre. ferrel. They-treiigthen. BlM bf ff. B. Agnew. A lazy liver makes a lazy man. Bur oek Blood Bitters is tbe natural, ue er failing remedy for a lazy liver. Entry of Jesus Into Jerusalem Sunday School Lesion lor Apr. 23,1905 ? ? * I'l.A' Comment and Suggestive Thought. on tba a following tl,. ls. Sunday. April I, A. 1). JO. Chiefly Paaoorar pilgrims from many | | ? 1 that Hf H.-thauy. and. Boding thal Hf was al ilim. v. ii "Tunk bram The king leaves ol' tr,. abttodiotly nu the Mool and ll; word "Honuna' la the Q ing of ' lng nf ? is the I, ib, the heir ot r live of God. vs hu ba ' lah people; whose coming ha I : b; i. my of their proph V. 11. "When He lind fulani a MOt two Of 1: lillage of Both iss and its ' By thus doing, Jesus fulfilled an an - Y. 11 Ile POOP ails of this ? lad im though! th ra ful illlng a lani ily ex ri for leena In such "Then remembi ai tin' Hoi ililde in the i ? iii they fully undi rea had bod nd hOW (d'l tillie id been fulfilled in Jesus. V 17. "T! I', i || In Bet-hanr lld .1' 1 elated i ng tin "? nf the ailing to lifi' nf lin- man wi cen dead four Him " his ref. ipooy which ame forth f looked "ii -aiti'ally, .-, iumphint ti r A word to call attt-n oti to the very evident fact tl ur with tl,. ? pie. I the Jewish religion li onblp tba ti v. ia . hurd t Jesus' wondrous duitigs, pi, ad seen Ills triumphal entry iota J isalem. and wanted to meet Him. them." He ?>ke to the Greeks and hil r ing to help them K ??art. "Hour I time of Ills laying down ll llortSod.*1 Ji > shown, not by ticing rrownetl an irthly king, bli by voluntarily | imself up to :? V. JI. "C.,i ii ni ,in or a-nel of wb< mind and die.'' With a grain of heat as with all tl - fl oilier shell of ? Bl In ,e ground db little living ?rm grows ami bringa forth multi oil remained UDSOWO it would never by His dea'h, be me the seed of life fer all mankind He h.i afc Ile could not ive helped ur Bored ns bot through mi to luve Han ii His life . . 1 is life" To love 1 " life "10 !?? ? above If h.- url! a I ni Le Mil! : I ii. there ... i ll hav. ? only a y may ' V. 1.'. Wlv I V. lt Hui hum V. 21 What tai Ii Ina: erlflea I ming with H I .1-1 Hope \.lliis|lctl. When leading pl. I thli m Bmltbort, of Pekin, lo., h ? rattle consumption, la- la-i Dopa va -hed t.ut Dr. Kim.' -emption, Coastal iud i pt bim ont of ht- grave. Ii completely p, ami saved my HI linen, 1 ve ii-ed it for over la years, ai . ler it a BBBaTVeUoOl throat and lui g -t rielly scientilic cure for inglis. Sae "Throats nr Cold f. eta ive of I'neumonia. liuaran tJ, fide and 11.00 tKittler. at White <k i's. drug -tore. Trial bottle free. Causei of Mortality. ning tbe evils of our civlllxa II Inattention to of eating and housing I nf needless desths told .sufferingon ti --?-hers a alcohol ls a fearful : mortality, and tbereareMBtU . iene*a :: .- ' I -applies and i bj ad I '?? Mjana of money aig Tnen ?marka the inrtntV - and gu the ' .ii: Hist the ' ' ? I SUd many j-inns causes ran born This psrsdoa . ' III :.? ind th,tse who dangers are regarded hy ibem - if nothing worse. They do rani of tbe tau*.-* enu frequently contribute to itbi and that these are rtned aa the cause by each |Otae, And even |f tbs ?ter standard of liv ::, to obliterate death and ? rr theories, wnuld lt not e a gout! thing jf those of us who re? think we do?that death and mut always be, woit.d - ? ni to make death leas lm tlka the fact of suffering lu a little lena for granted? Children'a Rights. C Hg tbl etiiploi ment of chtl reti iii factories, sweat-shops and other tpetiooa Heiir> Van Dyke, r. Kicnbody'a Magazine, says: ? interpret the laws for the pro '?mg against cruelly. Og |u i irs a.- ai loaaeeof the I .; .- sense of Justice. Be Bfa r ad g| i *.-;? and '?cilleries act of 1841 in there baa been a steadily ln ffort to diminish and prevent ? if tba root by the en? id to labor. Kvan .a if control, naya the in harmony ith the o life and growth, ural ami physical. The law ngalla the injustice of ? ah young delllQOeata as if . old and hardened criminals hllilren 10 and 12 Ol ini'ti Jail! Juvenlla i probation officers, asylum! Iw, an Intelligent and ri i, :. aim the young fi Bl Inti the hopeless , -Ins ls ihe spirit of ' i lon to-day. In 1903 no 11 he American states en with this end in il boreel of labor statis I thing in dlaprov ?a workingmen of Amer ilii i lass are addicted to the drink blt in ll ree as has aome irgad. In anal'xlng the ?t of IU lng of wage-earners receiving $ l JMM a year, the figures ahow itlj Over two per cent, of tba ll spent for liquor and a-: compared with 42 54 per [.er cent, for houae - cent, for clothing. [n tia- i .nahen waa MU*) made upon Niiii'.. a leghorn; age, ubiful; nativity, Cent* rvllle; occupe n, layer; off'i. a, t linking; dlaposl n, eventually to be fricasseed; found I'he president had 7,718 ealleraat hil Kvery once In mau hears something that eon tbot Iv ??vuiililn't car* much the job, anyhow. I'n.ii mg Uh ??- ll.?? and Tar. I ('?? , < 'Im-hgo, originated any and Tar us a throat aud lung univ, and un a. i nant of the great r pu| uiiinty of Foley's Hooey liar many imitations are ill-red Ibe genuine A-k lot's a Int mnl iefii.-e any nut-sti no other preparation will i nii-tai tion. lt ia mild It con tai na no opiates ami i children ami delicate per \ ll Agnew. < Itt itted Heath. troaoia ofteo ends fatally. lg the right metlicine, K. Wolfe i .wa, cheat I w 11 years ago I I Kidney Trouble, winch caused me sui!.-ung nail atixisty, but Mik Kiei'tin- Bitter-, win- h effected om pie tl cate. I have aNo fouud ii) ul gnat bom lil Ifl general debili rve trouble, ind keep them , un hatiii, -ince, as I find lol." Vi lute A- Co , .-ir.ii:,tee tlit-in at Hg, Iii. Iii.lil Name ls ll.-Wllt. te\\ itt - Wilt li Hazel "salve coola, Uk- ami lu iras, bolla. (li-ea-st-rt. K. \a.||li. ff, Vu,, Hayn: y little tl.inglilei Innl white swelling . . .". i i it ? e nf bone .-. DaWltt'a Wllsk l! i- the most il bealing Miyo io the world. - .-..ld by W. B. ? \lem! s mir -stomach. i <vi ihe vital or? in h,d fed and .- tbey ibouM be, They u, and mute tli-ea>c. Koslol, ita what you eat, ti and all sioinac-b troii i | you have a stomach . baffla taking lt. - a rest - recuper i - ?trong and it troubles you nt) inure. l Mai .iud True Friend. Mite Dooga Cure contains un at' an of auy harmful drug, and ads, Croup VVh, so long that it , Itaeit to bel tried and true ml to tba many who a-eit. Hold liy DOW. . I head, hives, Itchiness ? any sort instantly re? ed, permanently cured. Doan'a nut nt. At soy drug atora. _