Newspaper Page Text
GETS AT THE JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE P. It jtvi Cutt" rTHE ONE THAT CURES Th* WHEN OTHERS FAIL" ria IM *S I. Ir ..Teepi ? . ' RHELMATISM, LA CRIfrE, CAT I I DOTT IROLBLFS, BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIM TIO*,, INDIGESTION and CONTAGIOUS ILOOD POISON. Improvea the Stomach, Al FirM, the faiii(.u? nniistrrl; Hon J I'. , Ic-giilator, and Inn..bell of other* test it AISoix'TELY CUW. Saa-pia koola ttta if SM writ. IOBB1TT Cttr.MICAL CO.. Baltimore. IT lia not ri i .I1" KEEN KUTTER. Tbe Keen Kuttcr Tools are the Best Tools maiU*. They are not Cheap in the sense of teing poorly constructed an I inferior tat are the very BEST TOOLS that money will buy, .and .are, therefore, alwaya thc CHEAPEST in the end. The recollection of quality remains long after the price is forgotfc I by C. M. Walker & Sons. Prepare For War in Time of Peace. *.x-x-x-x-x*x-x-xxx-x-ixx-xxx-x-xxxr-rz x-x-x-x xx-x z x xx i x xxzz xx z > While vou ure well and a good insurance risk. \"ii ran gel INSURANCE, and the sooner the less u i ?tf Afterwards, either impos? sible or more costly. We insure liv mail- send for booklet the "How and Why." R. L. Paulett, Agent, "Insurance That I usn Representing the Pho Mutual Life Insurance Co. ^When-you were engaged m tUUHG lady rcctmo a box of j HOW OfTEN DOES k,^w]"Y0UR WIFE NOW RECEIVE A BOX OF THESE DELICIOUS CONFECTIONS' ]REPENT- AUD MAIL YOUR QROtRs'AT SHORT INTERVALS. TO Sold by C. E. Chap pc il. FOLEY'S HONEYaaaTAR Tha original LAXATIVE cough remedy. Tba genuine FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR li In I Yellow package. Kef use lulntltutea. Prepared only by Foley a Company, Chloaga. IS tut; CLERK sm i it iok Tiik cia i I ir Coon nr t". ? ?..-.[.?. I I ward ou tl ' I'l.timm nani n-a I itlit-r Hudson . . d Ivor ri lary li-iisi - ' l d that i.t Hudson, ls VI ra; I n I h. ii , a nan ta A,-,., K. I. WlllT',, Clerk. I H. triit.. , inth Furniture At Prices to Suit Every Purse. O VV. H. BURNETT? tallinn- '-""' arri -. un rn Tour moDlha trtnn Hiv dui* of thin' ?f. and tin ii Inti ? ? ?: Hiv,I lin- .Nil tlHVOf ard Tv Thc Handsomest line ever shown in Farmville. Our New and Commodious Ware rooms are crowded from 1st to 3rd floor with the newell designs in every thing in the Furniture Line. Call to See What We Have. W. T DOWE A. LEVY, THE TAILOR. Niits made to measure and 'entire 'satisfac? tion as to Style and lit ^^ GUARANTEED. Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing done on shortest notice and at most rcasonn blc'prices.' Shop in residence opp ISt ch ireh, Main stree. , Farmville. A LEVY. BEST STEEL RANCE l t vv 11 | I i ' 11; \t I . Bl U I lint j I soi rei: Ut. Ni I 1 rot Il 11 /ARMYILLE MTG. CO. V ?ant'] alni lill. ?SP1. WI ROOFING, VSBKSTOS ROOFING. We inv ile inspci DUVALL, SON & CO.. tiers in Hinlwire Hann BRICKS! BRICKS! ? Sash Doors Blinds -?? Building Materials. * ?nI'uiMiMi KKAHONAKI-Kl'Iili > ATHKRALD ORKW**S - I sm Bannfnctuiiuf a Una gradi ol II int Uri. Foundations and Buildings, Mricliine ami Hand Maka, **eem f'lriiiimiici : "oroutside v?'ttk. fun nu nrders proaaptlj Hinl ploaaa jrou. rilOS. A. BOLLING. Kariuvilli-. Vb. Wt Pru In FARM^GARDEN MUSHROOMS IN SOAP BOX. a, Diversion for tba Fri me; Will Provide a Table Luxuty at Little Expense oi Trouble. Just : i _ .1 ii (I IS lt ll I lt 1 r ? eertaial ? ' - Mai. lu pn manure ? - hard, ti. ai t(*a< loan a - - it Will | even bel planUng - , s paa n ni mu 'ul to aa ? tight lljcht-h B| a ready. Tlie I.' rara t ? i vi .mi un or Lula, bul I ?aniau vvliter ort boak lt wt ten ur 2 dava I) .efore oe . . tia bits ol rb wM'. sill lift irra- h' a ni, bm SLEICH RUNNERS. [ade from Iron Pi]ie and Ate Ad? justable to Buggy ot Spi mn Wngon. A vet) ly bun ? I'un . thea ai r tl be slight ilea Cul '? mos i lev can be bent In | ? a rles . t T on r bbltt a n out .. ? Hom irrlni ? , il ta), t i an mlU). s tlie Agrlcultura aiid |ht not to coat over three 'lollara. FARMING FACTS ?millern Minnesota a-ill begin a war vs ia,ti ur,, tb real en ing - I mell I ni baa not . se 1171, Ol a mut'h rat nt moisture than la . rv booh they pnl their td) lin- | ? or (mil the Ssh* iTiinii ai R iraJ I Vuri,cr. i-iitinait .-.lilt! bigga, w 111 mike at ir ninl tamarack telephone and tel ij'ii polia tiiai hire i ? ? .- Yoi ker, 'p in,t- a r milker, and for him a, begin i full udders and expect to be re? id iu a gi nile mannei. olia rwlse ? would not greel you in ant li a s-ant vty.?B new gp| nov ii i' ls Hip apple a ii thai I Tha tree aaa toni ' aer. E CREAM Packed Wit ll I IC 33.1 . roi ai.*n |.t i -rallon, LOU l.l.", " I.L'o 'i. IO, 15, ? '?" ffi't buxea ig, Best made. Ripberger Bros KAHMViLLK. VA. IS SUFFERING A BLESSING? A Question Asked, But Variously At awered?-Not All Suffering b Blessing. The world l? bur? ial MitTerliis. ld: MMj lila I full of Borrow, and roost of it iel .ira Ilks . made." ghi to be . rv ur pain, from a' - irnitlam, may I limier 'n to bc Man-. virtue i-f luffering would not tianK of pra.* r t te im pur - - startiiu of New ? :, Whiefa the thor B. i a woe - il, or it ? i ' . tl.t-in. or other, dept arith i in in i Dowers .:. the la-art alter tia- plow - down; i' id be the nu eil to be their ch > wau pping; with ray the like a i,lng. It may ba i g, that rouble Think ye that be 18 on -Ah bloweth wt >f, but ? n |] wheat *th nor ? v. and he oul} thing to do ls to male I ' ma up '.tl,t-H K 1 rltboui ireol pbll - ; I d into the Bl king foi ? ir tbl ul, and fails In. and ia you mai think at the time that JU wi-' >r -our sake, hut | n-all 'lah lt. You are glad that jon live In world that ls under la.-. When a ian does a merni BOsTi . h. t>. a hettwr man foreiar aft-ll ifferlng Ia a help to him. Vengeance 1 will repay, saith the Lord. Hut how is lt with that suffering which , of others load upon In are ready to break with ll Ah, that li the most blessed fTcring of alli To suffer with the ail a drunken husband, to bear on one's ht (,f a run-awaj ? ? the gate* of Hes-.- I hil (ra n s r lnl ? lg nf 1 ie sins i rj nf tha wm id's ; Thia ls tl are. Take up j mir (-al? and follow Ililli 'A. St? ill . OEMS OF THOUGHT. through tun ou the rocks of self-de "here eu III Of the rlt, ami not In the v. ls,lum ol the ?erinn. . uner way to ii , earth tl. ? rj proo going to oodlngly larg* ? man aright until vc . t Of view, ii. ? ind the universe, and as a len of in j Dan? ia af Um said that Hors of faith, as '" i r,er soul la a Sai. -rtalnly la mot an Jere Taylor's Iflce of ; I u-lit Hats on Ills Mack iiicil with two of latia aent. li * ? ul nia, airmen: lime Liniment on my b Ike j, rt,arm. Knr eli*lit (li. . ) ni mi i.hi k and could not n i 1 hui dob nut ami tn La i.iapj.. i t,iiL-ii with I>r. l>?\ his Conel rry. Heal - ?ivi mv a > l-l M - iturdaj - Dight la all the time rn ive that I'ltieuleri ic tbs BOBl rcine ? 'I for backache and ail y and bladder troubles If von rlieinniiti-in oe any other I di rod sa Miniii- noaa wail glee relief. ty kndeeaon Drni' ire tn t;ike I)r. Jia.leV laver i'ills ai |, |ol)j,. upon tbe fleer, .-"id by Auder ngj t'... r Conviction Follows Trial When bnvinp looif) coflTef, or anvthinp; your (Tracer ha*,pens to have in his lan, how do you know what you am getting ? Same queer Btorn-H ala.a: 1 i" bulk, tamil 1 l-e toll, if tho people who handlo it (grocers), cared to apeak out. Could any amount of mere talk havo persuaded millions of housekeepers to use Lion Coffee, thc leader of all package coffees for ovr-rb quarter of a eau tor j, if they had not found it "rnporior lo ill bin i Itv/, Strength, Flavor and Uniformity? Thia popular anrria. al LION COFFFI ?an b? due anly lo Inherent merit. Th. re ls ?? etronri#r prnol ol merit than con? tinued and larr.a-.lnrj popularity. Il the verdict of MILLION'S OF HOUSEKEEPERS docs not convince you ol tbe merila of LION COFFEE, lt coats you but a trifle to buy a package. It ls the easiest way to convince yourself, and to make yon a PERMANENT PURCHASER. una rt ?ft rfc is ? ? i. I --selim jun u , .n- ? . . .ran aa wtiat) lt left ou? se) on eyery parki*-*.. Save mail Llon-hauli for valnaMe pn-nrtma SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE woolaan* bpioi co., tom-,, onto. Herald and i. f, lori tt\ , The Acknowledged HEADQUARTERS For Mattings, Carpetsptags and all FloorJCovetingi IS AT RICHARDSON & CRALLE'S, Thc Leading Clothiers and Dry Gooda Dealers. Vour Health is thc most ralnabk myou have, and wc art ready to assist you in maintaining it. When von atc sid; don't usc thc ihoii lighted policy of buying so-called "cheap rem? edies" .and substitutes for "I Ir tc. in al" goode. There is but one way to have good products and that is to combine the highest grade of drags with the greatest degree of skill. WE CLAIM TO DO THIS and wc want you to ta? us and Ik; convinced. Leading Magazines received monthly, Anv lu mk pub? lished ordered without extra expel*! H. C CRUTE & CO., Druggists. The Farmville Commercial Co., MMCom-OKATKII.) Commission Merchants an nail isa ta General Merchandize. Wt Barty h LAH i -I"1 K Heavy Groceries, Dry Goods and Hardware Special Prices Made on fin. * Bought in Usp Quantities. THE PARMVILLE C0HI CH KMVIl |,K V* WE TAKE PLEASURE In announcing to the pub? lic that our new store is completed and equipped with a full linc ol drags, chemi? cals .and druggist*! .-sundries. comprising an extensive as* -?ni uncut of ladies' and gen tiena Hair Brushes and Combs. pet tunics and toilet ai tides, superior stock ol Fountain Ti ns, especially neat stock ofStationerv, smokers' snj> ])lics, &C We .are now in .a better po? sition than ever to render ef? ficient service to our patrons and extend to .all a cordial invitation to call and inspect our stock. Anderson Drug Co., 'icy-oil't Old Stand. Cor, Main and Hurd Streets Farmville Herald AND THI rhrice-a-week New York World IN MO I HER W9Sl?S TIME iir .-,1 in. ir lora tor I irilitT limn tiny tin now. Tlis ti*. I. >r Jr ur! ry I-,, t ,|. ?.l llitnia;li, It'i . In what illrt-itlon doss )dtir Jrwrlry n-e riniT Oona In'osd tatt ss, and I little limn, i it lain to l.riy 0 UHllt. F C. WILTSE. i T, Hint ? ir t Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove's Black Root, Liver Pills. sr. lim * C lear O rlglnal |_ oud U nriv.ih d M uslcal B rllllanl | nspiring \ ttraclivr R ich L nrertalnlog C apllvatlng O ot wearing R csonant D cligbtful $ uperlor The Largest And Best equipped plant in the State Charles Miller Walsh tr I Mmiiifiii'tiircr, "ttt-rsliur--, Va. MONUMENTS, TOMB**, ORAVB s|n\ BS '.ft-vi-rv il,-cri|,linn. I- rrltla |.n |.nlil un . -una and i I'ACi.Krr, Al Karun 0ffl* Early Risers The fa-nous little pills. BO YEARS* RIENCE (>R(! Gold Moulded QR(J uv Cylinder Record, uv Disc Records 7-INCtl 50 cents each $5 per dozen lo-isin i.h $10 per do/en optsn oprcA ?moen** (10-inch discs only) $2 each COLUMBIA PHONO,BAPI1 COMP-iNV cm 231 N. Howard Street, BAL .MORE, MD. Tradc Marks Designs COPYRIGHTS Ac. Inf-A twit I Sir" I I-VT. 10ll?. 1904 pr-rvM -.wsc.. wi. noa* salas alu, tu toa Scientific American. - I irraat at*. MUNN & Co.3'6 ,B-?d-- New York To Cure a Cold in One Day tte Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. * (%? sven MJffion koxea sold in past 12 months. This signature, ^ df9\jCfr Corea dip b Two Daya. oi. every box. 25c. DY^fir.lA CUKE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Ta. 11 00 bottli cortilsi "m tlm.ilh. trill lt.. w-rrclr a. .atm- $0 caota. rssrassD owly at Tai utaoiUToar or B. C. DsWITT et COMPANY. CHICAGO. " ?* SOLD BV W. B. AGNEW. SEES Honeys Tar A Laxstivo Cough Syrup that cures Coughs and Colds and Strengthen! the Lunga. Prepared bf PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. Chicago, U. S. A. Sold by ANDERSON DRUG CO. NOTICE! ?VtiHi, inti no I" Kiel, iii ond. don't lan ta) aa. R. FRANCIONE'S lt li one of;tl)-j KIN KMT 1'I.AlKH la Usa ?kuith Keatauranl on th* Kuropaao p!aa. Wine and*. llipsrtsa and doran ile ii.i.-r- all itu- ifar rmi nd, a ? portal t jr. MBit ul" , i ' tl' /en. 'JM (flits. Krv :tn.-. nt-. Pcm ? -.ti-,, i , .-ni- and ii uanoi i . ? rania aa: r Broad St.. i ritj Hom V a N ? h ed ./aimai . iFAVt rARr/VILLE OAH MlltTIt vv i )? i M *?? I .ir isa. in ? M **?! ? ? .1 I t-ur ItoHiitike Hrlsti. Kin. Held, (<. nilibili and prini-tpal .tanoni. c.,.rt- ra and Koao oki a.' ol um baa nnar*. nt I... ndiliiiii; ti-11 li tliroui-li ? Venera for *? e? nrit-iii,- aBd M. r. i-liiss. fun. mt Koanoke, Ea.) Radford, Hrl.tai. 1'nr or i-ir In Roanoke, sleeper to K in,xv lin- I'nlliiiHii .leeper Koanoke to s oitiriil.ii-.. Uni. ta ld in i tnrioaatl ral . i I i nell lui rn. Koanoke and Inter m. a to. I" - Tor lt Icrst.nrK, I'lclimnnd, Norfolk. I',alu,a' elsepar to Kiel.mond and Vnrlolk lo.t.?Ko? Itt.rsl.iirir. Norfolk, Richmond and iiiii-rini tin.i,. .unions. l-ullman parlor car lo Norfolk. 0,1 I oral for ivtt-rsliurii and KldimoDd. ? rn.I- HI IV ti rsl, tiru Tor Norfolk. SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS REID OVER THE lorfolk and Western Railroad CHEAPEST, BEST ind OUICBEST LINC. Write for Kale.. Mapa, Tl mi--Tabla., l*e rrlptltra riimpbirt*,. to s HuriK Davin, Ticket Aft. Karmvlllr, Va., to . H. rlKVII.I., M. r. BHAOO, Kass. Agt Trav. I-mta. Art Koanoke. Va. Koanoke, Va S KAU (JA RD Air Line Railway hort nut- to i-rlnci-wi cttiea of the Mooth it s.,nil,urn. r I BC las, tuba and M.alco. SINS I.KAVB ItU'llliiMl "UK NTBBSl srATioN ? Da Cl) KM I.h IN I-Kl-Ki T AI'KII. .8, IMO. IU A. M.-l.t.ri.l lo, N rllna, Haleigh, Hamlet ai d I harli.Hr. I P. M. 1 M ..n.t.nett ol lulim ii a, i pin/ ran to Al? lman, Suva, na , ami Jarkaoo villa; leabosH cate cari ar* ? a on tina tralu, thar ?H.i:ni.un,-a ut ll,.- hi|lint tit a - , t . auto IBrga . .uni.,rl.<l.i, (ln> c.,arlie*, ind? ians: without .bange lo Florida. ni'. M -< iihoiirt] K?i. M i oinpoas-d ol day coin lies, .ii ran and l'ull Him: r lulita, Havan hali, .la. - ' ir and lim-*. ll.lina t i M..ri.l.i wltb ul .-lu. . HAINS AKKIVB AT lil' u moko?Daily. I A. M Nt, a I-min i I.inda, AllanU HIUl I! ? i P. M.- No M 1-roiii i lortda Atlanta ami Un' Mouthw si. )P. al.?No. itf-Kroin a .al poluta. tr all liifum allon aa to rutei arhedult-a BS in?rtliina apply to ai,) kV abord Hist o W. KL Tai iok. tl T. A. H. I I.KArl]), I) I'. A. I Main Mirria. HI. lu, iud. I limn Kl I. vt it I VI.' ni I II.-.-I.rr. It.VIVtia KA I-i CV liv TAN KAII.KCtAD Una l.i ' ? i lulu}, May I, ll. tu..ii Karin Mi le ml IU lunond r Jlii'i'j', ninl -"oul .in ll. lt. Itally ea. li .-in,. al tan r-iin. vi. a. .?. l.t. Ar. f. M. - . rarmvliii i ? J V ll 4 Itt I V2d Hawk Ital Knlalltt HCI III Milla*-n I iltur, i innl,, ri ia I li, a Mun ny aida 2 50 I Hi t' ToliHci-ovlll. 141 I I,,.: Hallsville IU i Iii" 11,-loliH int Uti Mu, mi Hi, > ll ia 1-ownatnn liri HOI Nt uro Arm I JS m. I-nt Ko--k 1 M vr Mo-.l.-v I I) n.t., ar. Klcliin d Ur. 12SO i-in i n H iiiti-r|?x-k and Klrbmond BJ anil Monthem Kallway.i ISSSpl Dali iiiay. Htai Munday. Vi I... Arr. 1- Jd. il Win ter pork 247 ?M I ..all-oro 1M IV Mklnt-uarter 2 Ul IV Arr. MoBBIBJ Ital tVlaMouthern Ky.| Xi Br. Ki. lui,omi Hr. 12 30 m .ii V\ int, rja>.-k and Klclimoiid and . t.; i la Cheater and Atlantic ( ..asl Kallroad. Dall nlay. Mtutlom Munday. H. Arr A.M. UO WliiU-rpoek 10 17 17 ('(.all-oro 11 BS il Mummil VS* II I'.-rdue V?7 IV li, at-b V 2V Trndley Vail li) Na-t, Kin ? Ar ( ll ssl sr l.v. tee ll ar ri-t,-r?l,iiri- Ive 74S I.- ar. KlilimoniT lie *-V.0fi I wallal Che-ter niall S.4S a. Bl. fol . I'.,), train from Klcliiiiontl. n Kt rn,nda anti ( heMer. .1 beater -imp- rm. airlie Hermude in Krldriiinar bair Mt-rmtida H.UI irilit- I 1 ? ? . ., Hall; . All tri, I li-, atop at Kif I n>. Xi.-iar. K. TAU-on, K.T. WII-MOS), ? , tiru la.,. Anent. ithern Railway Co. T.-T-filif Jun.' Dali, lim. Null 111 Kl a NC. . IB I III, .lu ? r Wa-lilngU-ii man (raid. ? rill. m dall), BSt-Ntaa for Washington nit. i ..rib ? ll tor Wa-lihgtoii and i ? ni lol Vt, a-biiiatloii and ( Waablii|lo il- norll, in as . Car n aaaiaiaii ii a in,nt, . > lor i h..rlott.-*.i tile and tiona. Mi il I H l? /t N 11. ni dar , Atlanta aud m. dally, Wa-mlng-ton and ? i, aoad Hallinan train, tot >, Atlanta, ( nallah.,.,,;*, Menr| Ml i Orli-aii*. a ? m. dally, local for I ian villa an m. dally, local for Danville and way ii'dally, expreu for Columbia, Ha and lau-kaonvDie. m. dally, rxprraa (or Allants, Hlr Ti and New (-rleana. ? i*r? on all throuab iralm. ?tlirr Information cali or write. L M. HKoW.N, (ienrral Agent. CKKKT, (tt-neral Maiiafer. ! \KliWI('K, |-a?aeiiger TraflTc Maa Waablnjtoo. lc C. if;, leaeral faiienaer Aienl ? KiaOara wad Bla-Har Bight