vol xv FARMVILLK, VA., FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1905. NO.:;-'.
. ?
W. ' XN' v~
il |.?i:m \ ll LAH
nipt at
Lee & Thompson,
Attorneys at Law,
i'AKMVII.I.!-: AM? O'lV. E, VA.
Attorney at Lau.
/ . S. WING.
\ ?.
Bay, Prince Edward County, Va.
ral Federal.
U'HITL o\ CO.,
Medicines and
Druggists' Sundries,
HOl'SE on Main street, op
Nothing but thc beat will
ra in the
J ot
Fresh Meats.
Polite attention to every or?
der and prompt service in
the delivery. A trial order is
.luau Barrow, who
will 1 yon.
H. Arthur Barrow.
".ods Prom
Blanton's Store.
S ? ? - limul
ii u- tn sbow
*. r. BUM ON.
Jeweler and Optician.
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tai
Cares all Coughs, and expi-le Colda Iron
the lyster* by gently moving the bowels
Lots ul il in 1 ar ir, mI lc. But Daily
(i row inn '
lt ls |?
I'. .1. I
|'eti|le H
plaint a
\ H.
I Hi.I -?. mnl vi ri- I.
vv lill tin
kulnev -
I ni si,!,- i,\ :ili
\ 't i nited
take im siiiistitute.
l(,tl..?s ?
I, I. .1,
tssunliil* i' 1 " Kel lr) I
K (MSB .
?ion n.. 1-iui.A . pa
I uni lllrlllllfrli I tn in-* |
ulgHird BrickSjfor
il> Foundations'and Kuiltlini's,
Machine ind Hand Mali, (simon
fur t-hiinni j
wttrk. fan till urti.-rs promptly
?mil |.!.-it-.-"v.i)i.
Farmville, V
The original
LAXATIVE cough remedy.
The genuine
I Yellow packi:;;*-. Rafa *.
Prsparod only by
Foley S Cimpany, Chicago.
We itu i .ii,
far children: tafe, tura. Ao optati,
Dr. Talmage Preaches on
Hi w to Keep Young.
I.Ill- Mach \.ni; ( lill,lr,-,, and
i..,.,l,_K, ,.,, ||?r,| ?, \\?rls.
I>"nt lulU nf lour
I , oula. ?
?N('El.E8, cal., M:ii. li a Tba
i liv Hu- ancient Bi?
llie tra I hy Hie
r mon, in w liiih he
though tin- hotly ma) grow
may retain i t -* yontb and
i it- text i*t .iou \
iuv children were aboni me."
- - i bey live a-.t ti Hie be
li nf Hie sir ur Hie
browse iii :
fly in Mi , in s,-i.u if ona
- upon tba edge nf our borlaon
: it'll follow il w ah great rapid
do the April abowers when
mids retain after the rain."
? iti-.-i% .-si ilium t-:i. ii other
? drifts - 'lu the snowflakes,
.1 their ill-nth knells In rhona
. Ja like sui,.
"nothing destroys like nih-fortune.*"
r v ul iltstnie
? ? ? rt - :i nile, many
? - tread | ? neely u|ion its
i w inn they Mi-s* small and
.mt they cripple um hy the per
their iiitHt-k. Naturallsta
it-li as that the amati, insn.-iiiii.niit
ii ii ii 111111 . - alights ii|iini
the head of a mighty eagle. Thera lie
d pecks mnl perks, mt matter
bow inst or bow high Iii** huge winged
may By. There be alta and
pecka nml pecks until after awhile be
.mil lii-iik In the la,lin of
intlc foe, who could crush bira
i hawk rnlghl kill n spar?
row, If tbe eagle could only get at bim.
; i- until tin- bumming bird.
Whet) trouble -.truck tba grind oM
patriarch Job, it hit bim again ind
liist cuni Quindal trouble,
then domestic trouble, then i
trouble. It was pain in tbe bead, pain
.a tin- heart, pain In tbe Umbi, piln In
the bork a ml pain iverywbere, Then
wlint bippenedl )ob tried to gain
: limn las remlnlav eui 11 Job
hack upon the sun,, nf tbe bap
bbl Ufa Hi- pictured bim
leif when lu- aaa ri roan** husband
I nml waul, intuit-,
ile thought of himself when his young
lilli? Wiis by his ari.If ninl his lillie hnv s
v ing uriiinul In hi*
-jia -ny. Then Job braaka forth in the
lamentation of my text, wbicb has
i moat fitbera mnl rnotbera lift?
er they hive reached their i
Dd tm, 'nh, that I vv,
li ? ? ? when my ih Mien
mt me." it is a pathetic
only Hint thur he baited li
is onward iweep, hut ht- comp*
nie a ins already taken.
ls Juli's longing H Sinful desire'.' ls
t wrong fur us iu want tu become
gain ur nt least tu atiy yoong
- Inn- ns WI eau'.' 1 How nut.
?rt- tin- purpose ff Ulll
? tv h iw we tura bick the
?hiitluw on the thal of Aim/, nut utily
ten, flfteeo, hut even twenty nml thirty
I na uM
proverb wbicb sm- -.\ mm is not as
lld ns he looka, hut ns old as bl
I .-un going tu prOVI Hint n mau cnn
slwnys. feel aliuut thirty or tinily live
a age, eran tbougb ins bile ia
iviatf, las nuse is bridged wah a pair
Ml In- hus to vvnlk abott!
iv ith :t st xi fT.
How simil we renew the days of our
rtrong, yoong manhood 1 l"it -t. hy ns
iodating with young people, nml ea
,iei hilly willi children; hy miking the
nthnnti companioaa of our nutara
nd nf ma- ulil Bgl thuse vv lu, ure
ni the tines),ui,i of in,, or pitying lu
tlnually borrowing from our married
-rhilillcn their hnhii-s; hy Baking our
pandchlldrsn coma hume nm! Ure vv aa
a wc bare no married children
af our awn, hy borrowing the children
c ndghborty grandfather and
'ruin ns we wnuld mir nvvii; hy
iii inly hihI deliberately miking a row
urselrea ninl witta Clod, Though
he sixty, sev illly, eighty,
..;? :t hundred yean old, 1 will
\ ---if to ootgrow my
fluidness for little children, lind my
I lympatby for their Joya nml Burrowa
uni my anceaslng tit-sin- for their daily
nitinii with yoong people,
Ily with children, ls essential iii
way. fur rt mini's development
li keeps ins bani yoong Tea, a doaa
than that, it tancbea lam ohat
hmiid be his attitude toward christ
and tOWird I)!* fellow uitii s
..?t understand whit (his cdll
power of a child's life is ii|uiii n
matured man. wiiyV l.ike aoan al us,
ve imt |ii,-ned themselves nndei
Un- tutelage of children. Borne monthi
ago I hired a big wagon. 1 imt iain tMi
?iiy my ow n children, hut l
wen! aronnd ami raided tin- ndghbori'
iini piled in sun.f tl I
riv grown person amma;
ka ina-.- drive nf about
? miles. Then, tit the hern! nf my
? ?f little tines, i proudly marcher!
lulu ;i restaurant tn give them in
ruted bick As wi
_? aleiiinn standing upon Hu
I s..:,| "My. limn, I r
Whit have ymi gol lhere nit Ofpbll
i answered; "I ban
Min 1 have a Int nf
rm hit making me love God ant
lore mn uland and love life sud lort
everything God lins made ipoi lib
ral earth.*'
When we tunk that lung rid.- I WU
' winner. When thus** lath
U-gan to sing I foaad
I When the*
talked and asked questions I fmini
I '
little children rtre wonileriti
? which are st
plain to me I am wondering aboof tmu
Mes In this world UM af whi.-l
a to Cud ami will jet be madi
All that I r
wait, and Uod will explain nil." Whet
the children becama hungry I teem
mys,.,r becoming boagry. When they
lind their little tUfferencea in Hie wigan
I fniind Hiv self the peru clunker, whlcli
tlOgbt nie n good lessmi Imw tu he ii
|.f.i. clunker UBOag the I.lg boys and
gals called grownup m ind waaia
And. ny friend, if ymi ever wini to
Inive th n oM aUbnad heart of ymira
heat nml throb with happiness, this la
? a need to do: I luther all Hie
I th. gills of your
I together, pile thea into
a wagon If ymi ?,,. ,,?t in tl,e rmmtry.
Imre ymir wife and the ramil lnime,
ur nt least make rlietn tide along In an?
other vehicle, am! thu hy the |
Ood you gu forth aad learn one of the
mightiest lUBBPB nf ttfl Imw tu kMg
yoOBg hy healing pint uf the Joys am]
mra uf tin- young.
i?u you know imw Thoma Cbihnen
- tu accotnpliata his s-real work
of life? He always kept his heart
yoong and fresh and loving b]
nlaig with the young. Ills ,1.nighter.
Helen Chalmers, told my fHtln-r that
during the darkest days of lin- Tree
church controveray he wooM apend
part of en.-h day In playing with the
Children in the house or Hying kites
ith the boya upon Edinburgh cum
limn. |)u ymi know bow Walter Scutt
kept hrs lieut yoong! He BlWlyl
BOOgfal the cuinpiitiimiship of the luting.
Ht- continually bod las children ur nth
cr ins,pic's children aboot him No
lunn. beautiful Wind picture was ever
SriWB hy author's pen thu ii ii tics,lip
tion of Hint love hy John Itiuvvn lu
that ensay the great Bother nf "Kenil?
worth*' ls pictured guing through the
anOW and tin- Sleet lu his neighbor's
hoines iind there boodling np Marjorie
Heming, a little girl of rive or six sum
lu her shnvvl or lils clonk he
ber to his atody. 'lhere.
While his pen runs THpiilly ovsi Hie
I his Immortal hunks. Marjorie
(batters mi. Study Eugene field and
fur little children. Study Hie
? ttur authors like l_ongfetlow
ninl mir preachers like Beecher and mir
rnercbinta like Cooper ami mir elec?
tricians like alone anti our editOfl like
Greriey ami ma- preaMenta Iii.-- \\ it
liam McKinley ymi will find Hint.
without exception, they kept yoong hy
keeping in touch with yoong people.
If l did nut have any haines nf my
awn I WOUld adopt smne No lunn tun
defy the Inroads nf lime unless he cnn
tiiiiiniiv a aa the yoong tulki.
"Whit WOUld an englM he in a ship If
it wen- l.v ing louse in the hui
Heelier, "lt mii-t he fastened to lt
wah hulls ami Bcrewa before a cai
propel the vessel. Now, a childless
niall is like n louse engine. A man
must be bolted and acrawed tn the
community before be cn work weil for
its advancement, am! there an- un such
nml holts ns i hilillt-li." That ls
true. There is mi screw or hull that
boMl man ta Hie duties nf life tinner
limn the children. Hut I go even fur
ther timi) dui Mr. Beechar, l bold Unit
tlu-re are no influences mora effectual
tn keep us yoong while we ate per?
forming those duties than these same
little mies, 'lin* best way tn see thc
Hiinheatns dnnce is to watch them
through the dindng eyes nf a little
child. The baal tray tu aaaootta out sll
tlie wrinkles of old age ia to bary them
in the dimpled check of a smiling baby
girl. TIM In st WI] tn s.-ml the blood
_- thrmigh the withered arterial
of threes, ure yam is tu play "Mind
man's hutt" or "hide ami seek" wah
the |,n\s and girls after the BOppef ta
ble ls cleared ami the Behool
hilve heeii learned. The In-st way to
grow v ate willi the
young, "esl pity ymi if ymi eaiMl
lind nay eiijuyinciit In making the
snows of December melt hefure the
life giving mys of May or June.
BOW shu!! we renew youth'.' Itv cuin
pelling our minds yenr in and yenr nut
new ticlils fm mental and tnnra!
and spiritual Investigation ami new
applli litmus fordoing mir regular work,
by forcing eomlvea ti tn kc ap mw
lines of Mmiv. by Hying to inrialtM,
"Tlmiiph I mny live to he fifty or sixty
ur seventy years of age. yet I will nev
| tn lie a student. Slid 1 Will
never cerise tn In- interest,si In Hie nd
inurement w hi- li is gOtlg un all annmd
\ et we lind the strange fm t Hint
many men after they bivi nindi- their
gat ena In one line of work as s rule
ate Battened with that suet ess. anil he
cause (hey ave satisfied they Iw-glii
lo wither ami shrivel up and gradually
go Into mental ami physical decadence.
'lliis monti! anti phyalCll depletion
which (nines fruin being stttistled willi
u past BOOma cannot tte better Illus
tinted thli hy smne of the fa, ulties
Of our (titi (-((lieges. Now. the college
finalities nf lilith the ea?t and Hie west
were rn -initially made up nf picked men.
The presidents and trustees of those
institutions In altmist every em se
Icrted the very brightest am! hest stu
,f their , hisses. They were Hie
honor maa of the colleges w Hu WOfl
risked tu (ill the honored professorial
chairs. Hut. marvelous lo say. although
(he college faculties of the old Instltu
tiona in uiy day lind been recruited
from the brightest men, yet aiumst
WlthOOt exception these faCOlttea had
n lal ge percentage of mru vtlm seemed
tn Ik- simple relics of the past. They
: h. be mummified men. entirely
nut If tmith with present tiny eventa.
I hey were walking "eulie route" or In
eat?ted "ditlva maa'1 if petrified ox
untiles of Derk or Corinthian arcbl
lecture. Tbey seenieci to ne men wne
hud learned one thing well, hut sa soon
?- I ie! iiia-._r:t-i| that one line ol
BtOdy all their menial faculties wen
then allowed tl blCOm dormant. Thin
they withered up imo a fossilized ami
embalmed oki age.
Conditions In our college facilities
have radically changed since tilt- Hun
I went lu college. Dr. William K Har
per. thc gmt president of Chicago uul
. has led in this mighty reform
As the he.-iil of one of the greatest uni
? - of the west lie has practleallj
saitl th. an want any of oui
college professors to mark time In thli
mental advancement. We expect th-ur
imt only to do their class modi work
but to keep on In their original Investl
gatlons. These Investigations each yesi
are expected to tab! wader anti wldet
And what will bs the result'
Instead of Chicago university fscultj
being burdened In the future with a lo'
of old men at forty or fifty years of era
lt will bs blessed with a number ol
young men?young In heart, young li
mind, ynung In purpose st seventy Bl
even eighty years of age.
"Oh, no," says some one to me; "tha
ls not right If I work snd work hart
up to sixty years of age I have s rlgh
te retlrs from work and hsve a toot.
.??t. it i live ten years tn,ire I Intend
tu Ii;iixl over the bl ? : ?? hui a
nml Just turn myself mil tu grass anil
du untiling but piny and piny nml piny.
I knew if I cnn stup work I cnn live
longer and hsve a good lime I'?
la Hint your idea of the way nf spend?
ing ymir years when ymi pass Hie Hiree
BCOn milest,,ne'.- Well, my Mend, if
that w yeal expectation nf spending
your life when year Ima' has beconM
allvered 1 tell ymi ymi wai h.- doomed
to bitter dlsappuintiiieiit In the Iii st
plan', you will not hate a, good lime If
ymi stop working. In the second pla. e.
if ymi stop Working, instead nf prolong
bag ymir life, aa you expect, ymi will
?bartel lt by immy yeats. I lnive rare?
ly seen it fail where a inan Toluntniily
gives np work so Hint he cnn pass a
kuy old age Hint he ls n miserably un
happy liebig mid tlmls a premature
grit" And I have rarely found lt to
fail If an old niau braocbea mit In new
work thal the yeera nf bis earthly lift
are im m
Aa s rule, the greatest thinkers and
the hardest mental workers in tin
world ban iM-en among tbe longest
lived men. Study the long list of met)
ititi in years, but young in heart, brunch?
ing out iiiiu new work winn it seventy
yean ur beyond linnea, in his i.g
"Poohing to the front, iiis a marvel
ons collection of illustrations in refer
em-e to this fact DandoJo, the doge of
Venice, was a warrior who Iel ;
diers in battle at ninety four and waa
enTered ? nowa il ninety six. Titian
at ninety-aim wai atrock down witta
the cholera lu Venice when by was at
?vmk nu one of lils canvases Pope
Leo XIII, at ninety ihi.c waa the must
puwerfiii personality la nil Europe
both un act .Hitit ni his pontifical throne
ami his nun powerful mental equip
iiient. When nu American hlahop said
to him. "Ymir hilliness, we hope <;?l
muy let you live to i centena?
rian,'1 the pope answered "My friend.
tin not try to limit the power of Ood.
i expet t to be as bard st work after I
am a bandied years oki ns I nm now."
Dr. lemuel Johnson wrote his greatest
liook when nearly eighty .lames Watt
learned German when be was ,
Ure. lanac Kenrtoo and Benjamin
franklin were hard nt work un Brien
title subjects when ever eighty Lord
I'alinerstun nm! William K. Olsdstone
were both prime ministers of Rngland
?t foam-ore yeera. "Robert Hill."
says Marden, learned Italian when
\t.V KOab Webster luis!,.led
?Brentlea languages after he a
Anti some of the Im-sI winks nf fong
fallow, Whittier and Tennyson wera
written after they wara seventy."
Agtsl friend, the ii-.i-mi yuit are
growing sti.i nml orltbering up
canoe ymi hate stopped brunching oat
Ymi have taken in sari and are drift
lng, simply drifting, toward tbe rocka
of iie.ith. and drifting I
new loan of Ufa by taking ii new inter
est iu things Brody, study, nady,
Work. Work, work. Ge mid hear every
.er ninl ev et v goo l speaker and
Mid every new bunk that ymi can
'lin- must foulish law the United Slates
government ever made was wi..
tebUabed old Botdlera' bornes, where
the old veterans of the civil war contd
gO and live and do nothing lr
soldier ls physically help ess, then, of
course, he should he cared tor. Hut I
weil soldier ll Dunville. III. or Snuta
Munica. Cal., or Milwaukee, vv
lin- old Soldiers' linnie in Washington
shmiid be rncooreged to work if he ia
abie ttl. Stagnation means premitora
death, mental alni physical ns well ss
spiritual. "H is better tn went' ullt
than tu nisi is a pnnr maxim
We have BO I lu do ether Hut I
WOUld tell thuse who II I'e coining oil
tOWird old Bge there rs mure danger
for must of ns of rusting rat than of
wearing out.
lluvv shmiid we renew Hie strength
of young manhood'.- Hy never talking
aluna our allmentl ines if
we tan avoid it. If the rheumatism
will pull at our nerves and swell our
joints, then aa far ns possible don't
mention lt. If the bolldaya laing up
sad mein,,ncs, then if wa must cry
let us go to our moms mid hav.
cry ainue, hut not before others, rr
we were mi. e wealthy and some old
Minda of better Ilya Will now have
nothing to do with us, then do not keep
burdening those who am still faithful
to ns with our never ending I
woe May the twilight of our earthly
life, linking behind the westeTfl hillock
of our grave, tte colored with the same
beauties as is the beautiful sn: | -
heaven, which even MW vve
gleaming In the t-a?t over the hill of
Calvary ami over the central cross
upon which ome hung tin- dying body
of Christ, who died Hint WI Bight for
sver live.
Snicd li) ll-naniltc.
Homet inies, a Mailling city h saved
by <!\ Haunting a space that Hie lilt
can't ema Sometimes, a eoogfa bangs
un io long, yon feel ga if nothing bot
dynamite would COII lt. SS. T (Hay.
nf Calhoun, (ls., write>: "My wife had
a verv aggravated cough, which kept
lier awake at nights. Two pbyslclini
could nut help Ina; tn -lie took Dr
K inga's New -Discovery for Consump?
tion, Coughs and Cold-, which eased
her cough, gave her Bleep, sud dually
cured her.'' Strictly -cientiih- cure for
bronchitis and La Grippe. At White
A C's duli* store, price .Vic ntul 11.00,
guaranteed. Trial laittle free.
Hiilimis mn noa getting Moated,
And ins tongue was mocbly coated,
I'atent "tunics" wouldn't cu re li i ai.
Onaapeaiea -v*i?nl(i nut Insure him.
All bis friends were badly frightened,
Hut their -pints moo wen- lightened,
For Hill said -and tliev believed him,
KARLY RISER pilli relieved him.
Sold hy ff, H. Agnew.
The Hieliesl Matt in lin World.
The richest man in the world can
not have his kidneys replaced nor li vs
without them, so it is im|>ortant not h
neglect Hies., organs. If Foley's Kil
ney Cure ls taken at thc first ?ign rn
danger, the symptoms will di
and ymir health will ls* restored, sh il
strengthens and build- ap these organ
as nothing else will. Oscar I'.
I_ebanon, Ky., writes: "I have etti
Foley's Kidney Cure and take grear
pleasure in stating it cured me perms
nently of kidney disease, which Berilla
ly would have cwt me my life.'
I l.uaranteed Cure For Tile*.
Itching. Hlin'l, Bleeding, or Pro
truding Pl lee. Draggi-ts refund moue*
If PASO OIN I Ml N are ati]
case, no matter of how lung standing
iu I to 14 daya. First application give
ease and rest. Vic. If your druggls
hasn't lt nend He In stamps aial it wal
tte forwarded post-paid by 1'ari- Medi
cine Co., Ht. I-oula, Ha,
Jesus Prays for
His Followers
Sunday School tenon lor May 14,19*5
Specially Prepared lor Thli Piper.
? . - Pi ai..1 IT.
TIMI: late In the evening,
I'l.v, rr. at Je
Comment and Suggestive Thought.
V l.V "I pray." Jesus asks just what
lather's will to give.
"Not . . . ral of the world." I'ndoubt
edly thi they could die
wah Jeana bot Jesus' plan ls thal they
shall stay in this world and carry on His
work "Keep thin from evil." Protect
ur deliver them from the evil which pre
the world. We join Jesus In this
w hen we pray. "I_ead us not in
.anion, hut deliver us from evil."
V. 10 "They are not of the world."
When one bigina to love Jesus, his mo
aiger prompted hy the
principles of this world. He does not
. this world for reward, nor find
in worldly delights. This la be
I .inly life of Jesus ga
I. In Jnhi. -as had
told what lt may cost one to be iu the
world hut not of it.
V. 17. "Sanctify them." The word
sanctify has several meanings. One ls,
'ii make holy. Jesus wishes us to grow
Iaily more like himself. But, as here
ns. a, thc word sanctify means to t oaoe>
? i God's service. "Through thy
truth." or "In the truth." It is in theat?
re of truth that the Christian life
.s "1 liv word ia truth..Irutti"
r v great word. It may well be ta?
ken as Including all the actual, In dia?
nn,Hon from the seeming or unreal. It
- here to divine revelation.
Truth is the mightiest force in all the
world. Ita power is treater than that
of kings. It andoretb all things, and
prevail! over all evils. The man with
mah 111>.iii his lips at all times stands
as an unmovable mik In the path of
V. IS. "As thou has sent me into the
world," on a ipedflc mission, "even so
? nt them TO carry on the same
work by preaching the gospel, caring for
I .ufTeriiig. and ever
to lead nnai iii Ood. We may
ctplea of elitist engaged in Ihe
^atne gond work that He Intrusted to
nial by following His
ttl make ourselves and others
nippy and Inlier as a result of our
V ll, "I sanctify myself." Jesus, who
are and holy, at the age of
ited himself to His
- business (Lake till). He now
i to glorify the fath?
er hy Ilia death upon the cross. He does
this "fur sakes"?that ls, to set
them an example. Jesus' Spirit would
work in and through His disciples.
"Through the troth." Hy receiving my
Spirit and hy follow lng my example, and
in nu nther way. can they he truly con
alone." Jesus
prays for more than those gathered
around Him In that little room. He
prays for all the millions who, In after
years, would he won to Him through
theil testimony?"through their word."
Tba method ls vary simple; by the tes?
timony of the first believers others are
I ai, by their testimony still oth
- until the earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the I_ord, as the
r the sea."
V. tl. That they all may be one."
la unity between people when
they have the same spirit and same pur?
ri rfect unity la effected when
each admits the spirit of Jesus to rule
in his heart. "That the world may be
When the world aees that Chris?
tians are thus one, it believes that Jesus
nt by Ood.
"Tba glory . . . given them."
rill aban Hla heavenly glory with
His own. Hut more than thia ls here
meant. The glory which Jesus liss had
nth-the glory of manifesting
tbl divine character, of exercising di?
vine love, performing divine works?
ibis is tba glory he gives Hisdlsciples.
I in them, and thou in me."
There will be perfect union, for which
love ls the bond. "That the world . . .
loved 'I
of the perfect union of believers la that
?nat Hod
v if ip with bm whirs i am.' Da?
to believers being
at last with Jesus in the heavenly home,
where his glory shines In Ita fullness.
"Glory . . . given me." The glory of
leading mankind hack to God,
V. H. "The world hath not known
Ihey in this world who refuaeto
io Hod. Jesus
and sought to bring
others to Him.
V M, Have declared." Through my
I my work, my character. Thy
name ' The perfect expression of thy
? '." In future
tsmeli the Holy Spirit. "That
In them." In order that we may?
's lave for tn
and that our love for him may steadily
Practical Points.
V. 18 Jesus bas a plan for the life and
work of each of us. as truly as the Fath?
er had a mission fur Jesus.?Phil. 3:12.
V ll n> and through Jesus'consecra?
tion ours can he a ?Heb
V. 23. I_ove I. tne only bond strong
enough to bind us eternally to God and
to one another. - 1 John I
Cnles-j^ee declare Christ's
"name" tba' I rtracter
it may wetfl -iciherweare
Terrilk Kate With Heal h.
"Death wat* fast approaching," writes
Kalph F. Fernande/, of Tampa, Fla.,
ag his fearful race with death,
"as a result of liver trouble and heart
which nad robbed me
and of all interest in life. I had trier!
many dillerent doctors and
medicinal, bot got no l*euetit, until I
bogan to u-e Electric Hit'.
derful wa-their effect, that in three
'??lt like a new man, and today
I am cured of all ruv troubles." <,naran
teed at White A Cn- drug -tore.
There should bc music in every
ihe one next dour.
Not True That Everything Happens
for tbs Best?What Scrip?
ture Does Say.
It sound.- pious to .ay thal ?
thing happen-, for I a it lt ia
;.plural, and ll Many
things 1 ' sin, and sin
is never for the bc-t. Pool BB*
where sin ibo
more abound. Hut i
to suppose that Hts! .ai
_ln for the minlteatatioi of His grace.
Of course nothing ? Bl that
defeats God's ultim
is able to overrule all evil and I
to Hla own gi ,
is evil, and H. ? it, or
'. or need it.
Becaiaa of the raacalit) of a I
a gem!.
In business. That misfortune |
bis attention to rallgtona work, ..
became a most, devoted la?
tia alwaya said that hla loee ol I
was really a blessing. Bot
' the brother was not a part of
Gods plan. Indeed that brother de?
generated and lived an ui .
There are a great many bav?
in this World for which God ls i
sponsible and whick He does not de?
sire. And in the wake of wick.
partly connected with It oft
much sadness and sorrow. We mta-t
lot ascribe ill
and say: "Evcr>thing happens fur the
best." The Scripture does not aa) that
all things are good, but that a::
work together for good to Hum that
love God. The world ls not as God
would have lt. But God's power .
that He can bring His people to their
highest development In the world as
lt la.
Leaving aside tai ot the
origin of suffering and evil, it ia evi
nie servants
hand of God for our moral training
What kind of a man could be produced
in this way: Let him have everything
that he desires, let him succeed In all
his undertakings, let people fulfill all
their engagements with him, Ut lum
never suffer accident, nc-. -
pointed, never be ml
be sick, never be wearied, navet he over?
worked? It ls evident that no man could
be so shielded and pampered without
becoming selfish, st li
pathetic, overbearing. It I
truism that men must fight, am:
ami trait, in order to he strong.
Bot while u Illy admit the
general proposition that certain trials
are necessary for the di
character, says the goodly
Times, we see so clearly how our par?
ticular vexlngs am! I could
have been avoided, that we or
to apply the principle In our own lives.
The trouble that came last week, wa
argue, was not a part of oar Cl
discipline, because lt was caused by the
foolishness of auch a one and by the
wickedness of that other one, and the
accident which happener,
purely natural causes.
Yet lt ls part of I ? xperl
ence of life to meet am and
wickedness of men, and to live among
material conditions. God may not di?
rectly cause them or bring them. We
may be able to trace them all to their
beginnings, and see how all might have
been different. But God will be : ?
all If we are silling that He shall he.
The blessed assurance for the Christian
is that all of them may be helpful, and
none of tin ni I.armful, and that all
things may work together for his good.
Therein ts the distlocUofl t
fatalism and faith. Islam Is submission
to fata; God'a will is Inevitable; man
can only bow to lt, and hope In the
Divine mercy. But .
li far different, litre ia a world of
mighty forces, In which a man a
his best. He must atody and .arlie,
he mint adapt him. elf to the material
conditions In which he finds I
for hie fortune will
hla own efforts. Here, too, ls a
persons endowed with moral r
bilby, who act and ran t upon one an?
other. And the Christian na
his fellow men in a thousand
relations. Hut God ls with him ki tho
mldit of all, transforming every ev il into
spiritual blessing, bringing good out of
every accident, trouble, and irritation,
uitng every circumstance and all
that comei In the complex play ot
things and persona for the forth.
his high design that we ahall I
formed to the Image of Hil
This noble faith is wonderfully pic?
tured In the Hook of I What?
ever may be the details of Inti
Hon ot that difficult writing, its main
thought Is clear and bWWtlfll. Ol U.r
earth are persecutions and ca!.,
war and pestilence. There is ail man?
ner of iniquity. God is nut thc cause of
It, but strange powers of wickedness
llsobedient tu His will are. Ti?
eri on earth In tba - awful
God li caring for then*. Bil
chapter reveals that Oed is on the
throne, and the I_amb l.s with Him.
Love ls at the heart of the ll
And that Love ls M
the end from I g. At last the
ind li revealed. Ever)
and the saints who have come out of the
tribulation are seen to have been puri?
fied in the i?: I earth
reveal! God's power to bring ont all
thlnga well.
Everything does ?
best, ba
God will bring the beet <
ia believing
The Worker'a Reward.
An Bngliata tarn.
tion Army 11
about hla soul: "Ti
for this. I sui
as half a crown foi 'o sign
the pledge."
She replied: "i ? d than
that. I ? ?
and there'll be stars In it I
Ho \ut h.- Impaard I pon.
Kulcy A Cu., Chi. ag... originate.
Huiiey and Tar as a lhaool ur
du ni of ii
merit and popularity nf t
aiid Tar many imitations art-o'
the genuine. A-k ' Hone!
ninl Tar Bini refa-e any lubstltutr ol
fered a* no other preparation will girt
tbe mme satisfaction. I
laxative. It contain- n
safest for children and
Kvery girl thinks I hen - .
for a young man to attaiu perfect ini
by proposing to her.
* ( recping neath.
, ill",Ml ;TTip~t-'w?rds the
heart, cawing ,leath , K 8toarn
>flle Plaine, Mn,,,, wnleil Umt m
fi anti dreadfully Injarad his hand
w la- I. swelled up like bhssl poisoning'
Bucklen'B Arnica Salve drew oat,the
1?US.I||, |,,.al|,) ,he W0QaA t?d ^y^,
Beal in tba world for burns and
? ?? ? I 0 -. drugstore.
lime I ri. .land Heril I'mu-ii.
' mae Cough Cure i- right .ni
time when it comm to curing Coughs
I Cough, etc. it m
l-eifctiiy barmlem, plea-taut to take
ami i- the children's favorite Couch
Syrup. - vs B. Agnew.
, I) Man /-in inside, right
where (be pam :- ' Ii ? put Up ,?
collapaoble tubes with n<i//.le atiBcl,.
log it. Man Zsti
? -. instantly ami cures all kinds
: bleeding, itching and protrud
- BoM hy .\ii(lersou Drug Cu
Mrlrth (.ciiiniie.
Most of tbe patent medicine te-n
I robably genuine. Tbl
follow mg miine recently appeared In
tin-.Mein-..n Kau ( "Joe Tack,
n well known engineer, running on tba
Missouri fa.nie between Wlteba ami
Kiowa, lately iip|sart-(l in a big one.
with a pk tura, and when he was in
Ibis office todiy, WI aafeld lum al-mit
ll ll- -av- h,. |,a(| n-rrilic pams in
in- -i am, h, ami lin.light |,e hail can
mr. Hla droggtet rt.aaaraoSad Ko?
be mya it Canal lam. He re
commended rt to others, abo were alan
muni.'' Kodol DyatmpaaaCora digests iiini i tires all stomach
troubles, -..ld bj \v. H. Agnew.
Bid blood anti Indigestion are dead
aim tn good health. IturdiH'k
HI, ml Hitters gmtlOJB them.
in < ure a told in One Hay,
like LaxATrea Bbomo Qninuaa
liiiiiets. ah druggists refund the
ninney if ii fails to , ure. K. \V. QtOftra
ii eacli Isis. Ma.
Un re is a Diib ri ncc
lin- diflarenm ttetweoa Kennedy's
Laxative llmiey ind I arlainl all othei
-vi up- i- ilia! it moves the
c -vv ti-, thus e.\| clllng a cnltl from the
?ystem, lin- relaim Hie nerve-iis
I DJ Ha healing and BOO thl Og
i lint mi the thmat anti lungs the
Cough is relieved ennd entirely. Ken
oedy's is tbe original Laxative Honey
lt cou Ul na im opiates, (.omi
alike fol young amt "ld. Sold liv
'.'.. B Agnew,
lt ls difficult to cure a oougb of free
yourself from the discomforts of a cold
miles- v,,u niuvc Hie Isiwels. lice's
re Honey ind Tar acts on the
l.uwcl? anti iii iv a - rill cid nut of the
1 ina.mts it- toothing ef
d itrengtheulng Influence ipon
lin- tbruel and lungs. For Croup,
\\ bonping Cough, Cobla, ami all Lung
mid Kunu lan! aflectlona, nu remedy is
equal to tbl original Laxative Honey
ta Sold hy Anderson Drug
ll -the llltle collis Hutt grow Into
bin ("lils thc big Colds that end iu con?
sumption and death, Watch the little
Dr. w.I's Norway Pine Syrup,
A little lite may bc sacrlticed to a
sudden attiefc "i croup, if ymi don't
have Dr. Thomas Kdcclric Oil ou
bind for Hu- emergency.
lint lit allier file-.
Pei i with Pltaa should
be careful lt thia nan of the yeer.
Ila weather ami hail drinking water
ault- lo lin- condition! which
painful and danger
DeWltt'a Witch Ha/cl Halve
i lu-prim, draws mit Hie soreness
tn! Hu- L'eiitiiiie, ls?arliig
tin- uni i I I-. C. DeWIU tv Co. Hold
I Milln Iii L0W1AT_
ViuiiuiiK-ctl tia Souther! Kallrray.
nely lon talc, .are lanonnml
v ni Hu- r-urii in i ii Kalil ny from pointe
? hi its lines bu lin- following ?|tecisl
Athen-, i-i -iiliiiuei -cIumiI, June
L'7-Jiily ?,
Atlanta, ' la Natii a.un ol
Muiililactiiu-i- Hay l'.-l\ Hg , .*??;
i:ti-i"l. lt na. Annuli meeting ,< 'i-i
niall Hapli-t Hretlireii, June '
( liiirlttttt-sville. Va. Virginia Bum
-. :.i ol Methode, Jane _ ?
Anira-! I
Kori Worlh, I- il As-embl v.
Houtbern Preabyterlia Chown,
May I-?-'?, Ib*05,
Hut Springs, Va Southern Hard
Wilie .lol. lotion and
American Hardware Manofbetur
.tlioii. Jinn
Kinma ? Ity, M?. Houtbern lta|tti-t
_' .ii'litai, May 10-17,
len, -mumer ScImhiI,
? ju-ju ly 28, 1906.
i ,_?'.? jj,|,|e
-,ln?,l, July ;-Augi)sl
I ,
i: Monteagle Bundiy
ill lli-tltllte. .Inly 17-Allgiist
!...r Wonain's Con
.-li I ,, }'.?ii 4aatmO>*
,? ly 'College.
^ Hum v ainlerlalt Bib
lute, Juna il-Augu-tj1.
mer .-school,*";!' lll
'v ut Mississippi, . J""e l<
Jul .-jr D<:
. .tiona!
j - --\ I'?*-*'? ._?
I'm', ellei
|-,,,l. m..ri "I An.'
- ? i- ' '
{Baptist An
M.-tv 16 -I.
- ool for
.lune Hi-July ?
- open
.-. (-lillis
: ? . -.. ahern
l A
,,si information eau he han
il un tu any ticket agent
,.t tin- -..uti ? ? o? sgenta
of count , ' ' llomafl
.V. VVl -lllt'KV.
[>. P '"'? Vs
- Il ll .1., M.. i.
ff, H ravi/*,
.. r Agent
Wai ? '
Hack. te to those
- who take sn occasional dose
slue .ft he resin ob
-rom the fine tree han long
tbe treatment of
dir-eaee* of the bladder end kidneys.
- wiil give relief,
I bottle will cure Hold by Aa*
der-on Drug Co.
i, i ,n * wori.i, Wa