Newspaper Page Text
7 IffU Hud CL /Med fiatueu et Mrs. Jane Pitty, of Roanna K vcr jj. C . .-W. *--_1904 Mv - iuM nut walk a step fr, e RHEUMATISM, and .11 other reine .ic* had faded to du hun any gooJ. Rht-ums-ji.le hal i urcd him snd made him lound snJ weil " Hundred* of other letters ,-ive the *amc teitimonv. iIctuses thc blood of ail the poisons that cause Rheumatism and all uther blood diseases, and absolutely cures to cured. I he most powerful and effective blood puiificr in the woild vet it improve* the ai and buildi up thc entire lystern. ?THE ONE THAT CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL" v-Vrita BOBBITT CHEMICAL COMPANY. BALTIMORE, for rcs* Samplo. All your drvif|i-l lot a " rOKOtT ME NOT" look._ KEEN KUTTER. The Keen Km ut Tools n re thc Best Tunis marie. They are Cheap in the sense of being poorly constructed anti inferior ire the ver>* BEST TOOLS that money will buy, nml are, ilways the CHEAPEST in the entl. The reeolleetion o| ityjremains long after the priec is forgotten. Sold l.v C. M. Walker & Sons. Prepare For War in Time of Peace < x-x-x-x x-x-x-x x-x-x-xx-x-x x x-x x-x xx x: x xx x x xx x xx xx x xix x x-xx > While von are well ami a good insurance risk, yon cat INSURANCE, and the sooner the less it costs. Afterwards, either impos? sible <>r more costly. We itistne liv mail--semi for booklet thc "How ami Why." R. L. Paulett, Agent, "Insurance That Insures." RepreKntrng thc Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co, %m~m. WE REPRESENT Companiei that basile FIDELITY, CONTRACT, OFFICIAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICIES. . . W. P. Venable & Co. i * i I i i - _as_i__:; TsscfcyfaVIrsVlaV N. B. DAVIDSON, B. H, LYNN, JOHN IN. LONG, President. Vice-President. Cashier, The First National Bank of Farmville. FARMVILLE, VA. WANTED Al once, persons to open an account with The First National Bank, You eau start an nen.lint with] $1.00. Aita tartctl it is EASY to add to vt-iii account. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUAM ). I am agent for the following brands of 'ilizers at Rice and Farmville: inc Peruvian ('.nam., j [8.80 pr cent. 9.00 pr cent 2.00 aalvsis of same, j ( 9.1'i " " 10.50" " 2.14 niie Peru, ian Guano, lt iUlleloiite (niano, . Edge. Raw Hone Meal, . I IMI ? 3.00 " 2.50 - 4.00 " K.00 ' K.00 " sill) ?? 23.00 " 2.00 3.00 3.00 W.H. HUBBARD. UST RECEIVED . . . A lot of quartered Oak Chamber Suits Heed Rockers and; Morris Chairs. Have also added a line of Jardinires and Flower Pots. UNDERTAKING. ( M 1!I'1,,V,*,*r,",n"t '.mM*' a",l "Ml"- Wlil ??*? ***?# sn.i ettri-fn C. C. COWAN. Jil \r LARGE CIGAR. HY BARRY IA ? iastlng Mr Bywotai I ? as cai Iv a> that. "Of . pul bia allfe ha; mi tin. 1 Id tie bit "I bri boora i "l coola, bal i I "Vim kunu 61-Vl-L. \\ liv Wt Ul. ' "Well," aa!d Soi mes, . aa inv compaoj <r Hun i with a white, flt hand. "I'll HU Jon wi,at u : "You'll bffu in tin ? two mlsutea before l eouW iee ti.ti. There ora lo? oa, BJ boy, 1 ni a niau that ob "What art- tba ll The um it- walked to thi and took from it cigar. Ha lifted ll plcloual* ann pul ll ls one ot theta, rn* "U you prc: began? hand. "1 uevcr amoks lol I meant to say waa thai iheo I aaw that cigar I) ll kaia a good ?? notu "For iustan "l know aomethli thoae cigars, ii would di if jou paid |M u : them. U the sue." iib,'' said Soam "Tell mt; now liaukl-- what 'oil do pay a li iltur r "i reallj doo't kuo-v." The ll Bald, "Wi.i it thi tltllllclitl) obi ? pldity." iv. i ihouldo't ba bttipid.'' ' 1 .1 prove lt. 1)..: ol ibn-t- illara right through to the very end? Say, to ihe la.-: "No," .aid *f*sfia>-**-. "lu. ever 1 did." a nat I thought Moo stro.ltles uf this Kind cannot h. un economical iinii' get foul lung before tl ing that the cost of thal eeata you an- compelled tu thro a quarter's worth ol lt." "Alter aa. a, thal out, isn't Itt lu al] you've been deacrlMog l doa anybody except DJ ? i know about that. What busi BlVa von to leave about ll llj on joui D niece? Why eaa'l you ki ep thi i apt 1 keep (-vi rv thu.g lo ty you tu (fine to ii.> |,i.ii.-, any uaj aud lind cigars not locked up. I ? ia way ol your v.;.. r vv I bi . ? ir. then you'll bi- ungi v." "1 don't think so," Mid ? I. un-, and Tm not at all angry. 1 Biped moderation aud bi In this particular case I Bl point out tha the temptation, For ail 1 know it maj have ic out ol which he will emerge-" "Rafi tiing | know how ma- | ou tht DlOtll i .ht." "Pardoo me," sar member perfectly; there wa.- onlj thli ? ? Utan tin > cigar bt tue. r with bil back tn tip I aurveyed Han - Igor with "Just look I get it ililli ai.v ?? You'd I . for lt, and hail of ll goodin ? it OU! of my sight. Not . you are." '?Thanks," Raid S- ll I always use a knife. 1 I jwn way of tutting a cigar and i . going to Blanks this ott ' o. 1 see, said tl. a bit toa mich for you. You l ru out of bravado and awa ? nilrt-ly that, either,' said Snail.i ? lie ll ind took out ot lt a ; and a nail file, and laid them on tht table. toy. Isn't UT "he said. "I it at a bazar yesterday tn oblige 11 if a girl abu Bas bel.lng the thing ' What, guing alua and White Problem Over Triplets. A singularly rare eui Bider the law if universal militarv aging tbe attention nf the rreaeh wai > lillee and of tbe public, lt la that ol < rn the b nali.stay of a very pour family cf . atna children ami their mother, who ' ire swept at ene -Aroha fruin thc I imp to tin- barrie?, Ona is a i me ls a painter, and one an agrlcul ural laborer. Another polia ar. hich I ute la extended ton.-? -nut iiotlar ls Ignoraut which of tm aw daylight tr: le to i-ay whlcb ls the eldee! ami i he your. ft Surprised! \\ j lasing my daughter once? The Youth- Only onie?- Yonkers tatesman. CE CREAM Packed With >*M Xv J _? W 6 gallons, 11.00 per trallon. l ?? m. i ii ? '. " l.i.".. ?? - 1 " l.-jn ?? 1 ls ni '? ? t at boxes in <i. ki wi use tha celt-l.ruted Crown Hi -mis i,,r flavoring. Beat made <?' Ripberger Bros, 1 A KM VILLE. VA. l.i ? il LIVtSTtTCI HANDY STOCK CART. How One Can Be Made Which Will Prove Itself Indispensable to the Owner. Then i rn whets any i araiel a , . lilusira Uoa would not pr v er at a black snillh i ?;? axle for this inner In tha tioald be width, plecea oaa foot in . ; ted near the HE KA HM. i end whirl) forms the drop in axle i., lowi r the bed :-. shown in iilu ' vv ullh to tit ? feet In length, ami bolled io ihe axle li middle of th. ul handle is bolted upon the fn ? rear ls fitted Willi I .:..: a gm.'I. when moonted D| to any dropped to the ground, doora clooed behiod, tin- tan Mi.-r ve tid the animal tiaiisjiorted as - ? making Hie front aad gate and can handle . . ng" can . .- i for a chute in loading Ung* rta im- v.-ry |s>pu appropriately hy their own era. TO CUT UP A PIG. How to Divide Up the Carcass So ss to Secure the Hains. Shoul? ders and Side Mest ihowa 'he carcass of a hog -v removed lt hex b(en spilt (town the .:..! Ihe i hine or backbone, re? moved 'lhe lines .how where to cut to secure hams. ?bouldara and side ? differ? ent cati, says the i a ange Judd Karin i, the trilli? ans,n-e mill, when ll td to the I ? AMONG THE STOCK. A i poor lambs, lamb :s better than twins. For f I meal ls de (idedly inferior tn corn meal. Ijick of grub In the stomach causes han grub in the head. Wheat bran, cracked corn and oats . t.n to finish off the for fa'l market. Of all the poor property a man can ? DOT sheep are the poon I ? ' ri profitable. Salt for s! ? Keep a r shed where I'l it re alone may I. ibool one and .in ninl : rmi through rtsiiltH, but ?vt ll of Itel i ailina farm hlsh-prlcod lam! on i ays af . li tho ?alf dn the milking. f and a healthy boy are rory much alli ti Moth . i.full nf mis. blsf and always ? rican i>?ir> i Teaching- a Horse to Stand. Aa BB 'lt ls fairly gentle ? niil'ii a fen times, throw -ii and with a strong, but .ift rope bobble hla front letts Fasten rung to otu- front 'eg and r stnlp Of ? tun If he ? nines tn grief A few lessons of Ibis sirt will never be forgottt n. awhile it will nnlv be no-ea ary tn wrap the reins around Ihe uni later simply th.- nan- to the ground will nt If any tim-- the tio*-8e geta n moving around and forgets his early the nins through the ind then up and OVOf 'he hom head round to one sid., and the horse still em-rally rn I Farm and lom* Culling the Flock. wah gout! sheep refill!v over their ? .ir. am! raja ? and a nd i the taitcher all the aged ewes, year ng ewes, ewe lambs and rams that re not nf Un iielred guilty, or have ot provm valuable as breeders This tiling process should be carefully iriit-d I IgM Kio. Ills Ita. k ul inn il wan two appll allom of Mils tl will cur roo. lola, na v our Nerve ll sud Hurt tl tl.Krui for t-n-lit anv. I Imtl en on n ol move aol .. ..ll! ami III li ll tv vim r?. BB. v..rill View, Va. I A Co. sud Win-Ion Unit-to la (.iippr Cough Dog! simp or sett I I Wi Lil 'li. i ? -Il III p aiiti aime iron? ies emu at Wlnle I i ... I a-i Ripberaer i'.ro?. aili \A\% iwa* h 'X of -Kl Manejt. a.inlay ght _ Om niis'lit le all tim tune iieceenary prove that PlBeuka la tin- beet raaae in Hie world for backache and all dnej .-uni iiladiier trouNaa If you ai rheuinmi-m or any other lilood iriisjrledoae will e\te relief. bl by Anderson Drug Co. lt ia a plea-ure to take Dr. Daile's Hie Liver Hill- ami enjoy their tonie ed ii|M)ii Hie liver. Kulti by Ataler n Drug I MOTHERHOOD Actual Sterility in Women ls Very Rare?Healthy Mothers and Children Make Happy Homes. Many women loon fur a child to bless their homes, but because of Miine de? limit of tin- female org-ans they are barre*. Preparotloa for healthy maternity is Booompliahed by Lydia B. Plokbam's blaGompoood more laeaaasfully than by any other medicine, be ' me and strength to thc entire ' organism, ourlnir all d m. tte, ulceration anil Laflimma A vvomun who is in good physical condition trauma' to her children tbe blessings of a g.i constitution Ia ai. 11 that an ince nt ive tn pic pa I If expectant mothers would fortify tr* with Lydia K Plakhams Vegetable Compound, which for thirty years has sustained thou sands nf women in thia ema,tion. there would bc a ifrent deereaea In aUacaniagea, in snffrring, and in diaoppointmi hirth. The following' letters to Mrs. Pink-; liri ni .Ifni.rn ti rid- the power of Lydia E. I'inUhain'k Vegetable Compound in such cases. i, C (Hover. Vice Prealdent of Milwaukee Bttsiaass Woman's \ lion, of HU liri-ve Stn-ct, Milwaukee, Hear Mn I'mltliain. - "I waa married for several years an.! DO children bless.-,! mir I, said I had a of female tr.'il.le-i and I .-mild nut hate miv . I. ] 11,.11 nnli-ss I oould I-- .-nr-s| Km months I t...|t his ma tl) Ilia; in vain lor a cur.. Imt Kt ln-t niv hus bind be. m. | that I Hauy Wanei Hire Been Benefited by Hrs.'s Advice and Medicine. ila E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Pom -?? .-univ in ira a u-auiiful . ira hsvt? ?ometbing a- lire ftor, snd all the due tn Lydie E. Plnkl Mrs Mm- P. Wherry Secretary nf The Norman, Milwaukee - ? I nus married for five v.,ir> and gav., hirth to tu., premature children. I I'liikli.-iin's Vegetable i mui took it, for v. Mk. ii.rviiiis w.lilian BS within aaren ni'intlis (vith! i torah barn, which is tbs pride aad aehiild Every dm- I blaaa I'ltiUhiiin'- \ ? . ?nani for btsaltb anil happiu<*aa ll brought to mir ba If any woman thinks she is sterile. or hus, lon i as a l mut her ability to carry a child to a mature birth let her write to Mis Pinkham, Lynn, Blaaa., whoaa advice is free to ull expectant or would-be mothers. Hhe has helped thousands of women through tins Bal? lona period Women MifTcriii-r with Irregular or painful menstruation leucorrna placement ulceration or Inflammation ???ililli, that bearing' down feel ickacbe, Wont? ing or nervous prostration, should re? member that Lydia E. Pinkhom's Vegc toble Compound holds tho reeord for the greatest number of actual cures nf won. pt no substi Your Health: is tile" in nst Jv a I na Mc possession \ oil lia vi, ami we .are rc a Iv to assist you in maintaining it. When you nre sick tlon'l list- the short Bighted policy nf buying so-called "cheap rem e lies" .ami substitutes for "?iRICINAl/'gOods. There is Init one? way to have good procluets nnd that is to combine thc highest grade of drugs with thc greatest degree of skill. WK CLAIM Ti I DO THIS ami WC want you to try us .ami Ix; eiaiv inced. Leading Magazines received monthly. Ai pul, lishcil iiiilcTeilJwitliDiit extra expense. II. C. CRUTE & CO., Druggists. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. gactoae^arlth every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Crove's Block Root, tiver PiDa. The Largest equipped plant in the State 25? O riginal |_ oud U nrivalcd fVf uslcal B rllliant | aspirin** \ itract Ive Gold Moulded Cylinder Records R ich L. nterfatntng C apiivaiing O (iiwearing R e?onant D cligbiful $ uperior ? Disc Records 7-INCsi 80 cents each $S per do/en in-1 Ml! Il each $io per do/cn 0R\sn nnrp*. BKORD*. ' (10-inch discs only) VJ each COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY cent I 231 N. Howard Street, BALTIMORE, MD. ?* ?si*, mn mirri C_arl:s Miller Walsh er and Manufaeturer, XersburR, Va. MOM MK MIS, TOM HM, ORAVE - I' i N EB of every tlest-rlption. Freight pn -paul on all alilpmeiits. Ha fe de llv.ry Kiiiiriiiil...-1 Wrll.. fur d-stlan. and i apt. m. vv. 1'Ai-Lnr, Aaent, Karrovllfe. Va. .iletiiv.ui.. iii lliims.iinl-i t ?ul ii' SK* Early Risers Thu famous little pilli. BO YEARS' IENCE l?T. LOlli. i"?0t Trade Masks DCBIGNI C0f*VMIGMTS AC. ? . ,o. Hi rf K .Sf... t, RM.i *-.arr1i-(|..ii may free an isaitabla. i ..n.mui.ii-a. . HANDBOOK un l-atm-j I r a m, rt na palari la. ?'i Munn a (<i. recl.e I}."-bil m-tc-, anili.iui. clurvs. In the Scientific fluierican. A h? Illnstr?t-s1 weet!,. I a rs issi eli*. rnlatlim ..I any s.-ieiitin<- ]..nrni). Teriui. li a '.s.ll. Hold -.rail n.tradaal-n-i. MUNN & Co.38'8"*"' New York Braot-h na-s. t-Jf, r Ht_ Waahlngtun. D. C. Si To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ? (VlA Seven MflBon boies sold In past 12 months. T_S Signature, ^* S^&yr Cures Crfa fa Two Darya, on every box. 250a BEES DY5Flr_iA UM. DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Tb. ll 00 bott.i cortilm 2-4 tim.! th. trill du. which ie I li far IO cate. HUHaaa oslt at im uhoiatoiy oe E. C. DeWITT ia COMPANY. CHICAGO, tr * SOLD BY VV. B. AGNEW. Honey*--'" Tar A Laxative Cough Syrup that cures Coughi ind Colds and Strengthens tbe Lungs. Prepared bj" PINEULE MEDICINE CO.. Chicago, U. S.A. Sold by ANDERSON DRUG CO. in Pa c. H. ? ii w The Farmville Commercial Co., lt SI iiHPOKATStl.) Commission Merchants -AND DIAI.BKS IN ? General Merchandize. WY tarry a LA Uti K HTOl'K of Heavy Groceries, Dry Goods and Hardware. Special Prices Made on Goods Bought ia Large Quantities. THE FARMVILLE COMMERCIAL CO.. KAKMVII.l.K. VA. WE TAKE PLEASURE lu announcing to thc pub? lic that our new store is i-ompU'ti'il;mid equipped with a lull linc of druga, chemi? cals .-ind druggist's sundries, comprising an extensive as BOI ?uncut of Indict' and gen tictncn'i Hair Brushes and Combs. |K-rltitiu-s and tniltt articles, inperior stock of Fountain Pena, npeciaHj neat stix-k ul 'stationery, sniokt-rs' sup? plies, &C. Wc are imw in a lxj'tter po? sition than ever to render ef? ficient service to our patrons and extend to all a cordial invitation to call and insjx'ct Anderson Drug Co., MckiriMi's DI. Simd, Cor, Mill io. loir. Strutt Farmville Herald AND THK Thrice-a-week New York World, IN MOTHtk. OOdSt'S TIME ^_ . Oj -, it Hean nun psMipte camed theil lofa rm Jrselry Tsrilii-r tltau lli,-> du nuw. The tin-, rnr fatttory 'sna itiaii theoga* Ita Jual Ba strum* aa ever. In what illrislloii tits, your Jewelry .11 ? Cutup In* ami tell tia, and It-urn how. Mille iniin.i ll tuart tu l.njr it- ros saut. E. C. WILTSE. NOTICE rueii you ?o;to Richmond, ooB'traii ta-a, R. FRANCIONE'S Itlioneofttlie FIMB***. ,TUaC9M In Un .(nilli. Baslaorant ob ti.. i-iuroi?r r,t Wines ami Liquors, Imp,,ned and loon,-.!. Tyalers all tlie yenr round, a specialty. Half-shell, \wr dozen, ai cents. Fry, .'Kl cents. Il alf-fry, JH-enlf. Hlew, li pents and li1) Pents, Han) and Kj-gs,"^ tvnte. l'>rterliouae Hteak, li1) pents. Kvsrytlili,-- In season. ?05, 907 E. Broad St., Half l.liick fruin Hie City Hall, Kiilrmoud. Vi, Nr^WNoffolksaaWesiem I, Schedule in Effect Ja n ii a ry fl LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY. mm am- ian's No. ia. No 4. A.I'l a. m. in.l'.i a. m. S.M p. rt **|>l TH AMI WEHT. No. H. No. \ So. I r.'. Vt a. m tX! p. m. lim p. bj. No. 16.-fur Koanoke. I'rtaiol, llluenild i nh ml ni Bini | rlnclpal .uno-.*.' Sleepers to I-sat dad fr rd and Koa*. oke to Columbo*, i af. car. concern hi I rnehboig suth throu|h ileepeei eel i'r.i-?ni and Mempliia. tin. Ina ear. No. S.- tor Koanoke, Kaat Kidford, Frlalol I'ar'ur car to Koanoke, sleeper Uri K nusvllle. rullman sleeper Koenoki to Columbus, lanefield to Cincinnati raf* par. No. fc?For Lynchburg, Koanoke and Inter mediate atatlona No. II.-? Kor I'eterattirg. Richmond. Norfolk, rnilinaii a e.-per to Ktcbmond aad Norfolk No. I.-Kor I'cterslurg. Norfolk, Klchrror.l aud Intermediate atatlona. I'ullrnaa liarlorcar to Norfolk. No. I .-Local for I'eleral.ure and Richmond. Connerta at Petereburg fur Norfolk, SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS sEaDOVta THE Norfolk and Western Railroad CMIAPCST. BIBT ANO OUICRIST LINC. Write for Ralea, Map., Tluie-Tablea, Us> icrlpllve rampbleta, BB H. Baxteb Da via. Ticket Aft., Parinvilie, Vi, >r to e. H. BCVII.L, M. r. BRAM,, (jen. Hana. Aft. 1 rav. I'aai. Aft Koanoke. Va. Kcai.oke, Vi SEABOARD Air Line 1\ailw>w Shun line lo frlncipal Cities of Hi. South BdaoathWSSl, Monda, Cuba and Mexico. 'kai.n'.s I.bavb>?Mais htbui srATios?Dai ?-I iiKiai i in irrae*] sphil Kim. 1:10 A. M.-Local lui N'rlloa, Kal?l(h. Hamil I rn ii i burl.atc. . I P vt --. al ? Bid V .'. n|oaed tat pullman ai.. pim nit. ts ai li. ti tts. Sinai -?Hi oard i hi.- ean ai* ? un mullltSII i il kt Hie : il. i-rce ol ? SS lari! . omforUltli da) . ..e. I . - Ding sa lt lu tit t limy, a. I-1. Mila. IrOO P. 51 s.i.luanl K?| i >- -( on r da) Kim l ? .rt I uti. man si.. i ei- ii V Ha uta, Satin nab. Ja. kaui v -' re and Tampa, lim,iiIiik tu I I.,M.n, sltLtul ilinnari.. Tkains AkkiVK at an H MOB tv Daiit. l_ A. M.?No. H?From I-lorlda, Atianu anti Ibe Sunn weat. liM P. M.?Mo.BS?From I-lorlda Atimli amt tbe Homlm -at. i:3QP. M.-.Vn.i. tn,rn n eal pointe. I or ali mb.rn ia im. os ti ratea >. bedulei nd co. neel lom a- ply tu ati) n. ut^.nl r taj W. MTavios (i T. A. H. M. I .am.. D r, A. ano Main street. Kid ni i.t ll. neel T. M. K. TALCOTI Kc-cner. -lAKMVJI.LKst POWHATAN KAII.ROAD Time Table In effect vfot.dey, Maya, ld. Hetti ten I- ur rt i \ t tetanal III. I. mond ? Vl..s. le) hilI loatlM rn H. ll. :?V" ninia,* Dall) el. Dally ex. only Hun. A Mun. Station*. Hun. I. M. A. M. li. Ar. P.K. I ai USS Karmvllle l?J ISO vii Kalnee 4 Itt) SOI VM Hawk i nf 5 14 Vu .Kiilslle -I."' 6 ls | is MpKae. 1171} SSI lune Cumberland* ill sm nat Hm, fam 604 10.10 Tobacpoillle 2 470 SOD in ,7 Hallsville li KO HIS ll ls Melon* 2? t rx ir.ri Masai iii.' ititi ll l? Powhatan %0t - -TV, ll.'as Negro Arm IM rot) ll ik) p.m. Kial Kock I"' Ul liri', Ar Moaelev Lie. I JOT) 140 Hi', ar. Klcbm il I.e. Il? Hetween VVtntcrpock and Richmond (Via Moseley and Houtbern Kallway.) illy except Dally fieepi Siimliiv. Stations Sunday. A. M l.v. Arr. P M. 1141 Wlnterpoek 2 47 USS Ha? li ID Sk Inn Hurter 'IO 12 4V Arr. Moaeiey I 40 (ViaHoutbern Kv KIA ar. Kldnnoiid Ive. 12 SO -let-seen Wlnterpoek and Klcbmond and Peteraburg via Cheater and Aitantle Coast Llue Kallroad. illy except Dally exoepl Sunday. Station* Sunday. P. M. Lee Arr A.M. goo aristarooi. ioi* In . i.oro I"-*" 122 ISummit I I 111 Perdue tm .14S Keach ?2? HAS h. ridley ?*? 4io Mask ?? < I Ar. ('heeler Lv. ??**? 4 50 ar. Petersburg; Ii' "4* 7 45 ar. Klehmu(i<T Ive ?*?* Will walt at (heater until 1.46 a m. fm c. 1_, train from Hichmond. Helm-en lb rmuda and I helter, .eavct heater abope) 1X0, arrive Bermuda I a. m. Hemming leave Her muda t<* ii., arrive i h. roi ? bop. 7.00 p.m. Dab) ?cpl sunday. All Iralna atop al K.4P -trie Ky M. H. TAU lin, H. T. Wll-HO*", Hecelver Uen. la*.. Agent. 0UTHERN RAILWAY CO. Kneel NuKTHKnl ND. raina leave Lynchburg a. ti. .. dally, express) fur VV H-tilugtoe I potBl* ininti. Solid Po Imau train, lit a. m. daily eipreaa fur WaabinglOB I iiurtb. Ba iii dally, eipreaa fur VA-talilngtOB ..rib . ITo m a >. local fur Vt a-1, nglon ano t.p. it, ilaiiy, local fur V>?-i t.gtoii ana BlMlluils -.,, vs ?.:,itt|l<t, nor iii .o p. rn ai, i>. sspreaa fur va satiingleii pul ll la norib . B |. in gaMlj fur ' l,Hllo!t*-avllle BUS -u I rom. KM el a iii dal!-., fur Atlanta B't* I a. m. dally, Washington n tern Limned, au,ul Pullman train, lor uala, Atlanta, Chaltanwga, Men-poll Nen frrleana ? . IB ni. .lali). Iih-sI fur Danville BB Ustlooe. . 1 p. m. dally, local for Danville and way ap. ri)./lally, express fur Culunibla,8B uah and laekion. ll e. a p. in. dally, espr.-a. (ur AllBiitB.*"* gbam and New Orleana. neraand ile.-H-r? ui, all through traine. r further.' -ale. Ls -rai Agent. H. Ai'KKHT. turer,. Manager. H. HAKHWDK. Paaaenier Traffic MBB aer, Waablngton, li < H. TAYLOE. (ieaeral Panecger Aieoi -ixl aAluNtYCaRE lakes KIlMya aol Bisddor RlQ?il