Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD I Kill VV M V I PREPARE FOR WAR IN TIME OF PEACE . . I NSURANCE, li|,.l-s|blc -.- by ., I tm booklet the R L PAULETT. vis i s - iol Life a URTI. HATCHING. ?m. nts in id villi be ci , . ? -s tho iiumiter of in r.,1 ;,t the einent it will be until no : ? lilllie l? lee VV v\ vi tnii.-tii I \v Vi lo do \|| Iv bs lt. S. Hits.Il lt i: w in riee i buy Southern ink stuck. VV e tbni't I a ml eo-opei vi- nncn, even ? it state vt Im of inter .! proltt, ne walk emelita a ir their ? LOO per share tl the ttllice ol ll. I.. I'aa itative nt the ifen an-. w sri Vt a the -tar W ii|i,-iay, held on Ma*, Ililli, r. .| in open the ; fol the sale ol - vt lulling to apply ba ihe |.itsitiiiii s.f inspector w ill send ap? iti ihe undenigned, t ( meeting called foi nth. W. I'. Viv; W v \ - . ,.| collector | for t'uiuberland County. (I.I cou? ll i ut employment to ' I vino Mai him: Co.. univ, Intinvilit a st-it jug machine-, some All leading in i iji. ( all al our store timi t | ichiue - 'o. . nv ille. Va. t and nine; A. I?. W ITKIN8. ' mv I Karmi ille, touch v\ ith the outside , v ark nml i apara antes mid a the benefit of their experience Sepia portraita . ara imt protlut ll. H. Hi vi, Photographer. n your linnie gi veg ? ri given by a tr - i - tnrike 11.11. Il: \l, Photographer. iur unfurnished ? ry low. \|| Iv om, I Hillville. ? I'llllllinlii. ocupled by L. Iv.then. Apply tnO. M. Kobe Farmville Graded and High School. Itull of Honor for the week ending il: i laulic Noel <leorge ti RAI I 7. Iii ??sin, Prank Won . Ullllam, Womaek Cray, Kin ui< I Vrcber Ullllam, (fates Richard It, Howard Llgon, niau. Mattie Herman. ? intih. Everett Wilker ' inter, Lurline Rich I foe Martin, ? h.tat Zimmermen. Not Ashamed ot Christ. i attended the mid , -aster church ? ai v. and was I iii a the leading well as - of the Lng an active ed with ami the cb he offered ' il the -basil,, .s men," the i," aud in 'our iave been ?v of the i.i the hiiini.|.-t. but hil prea -?? rarely lt - ? ' ' must tin Vnd what would tlii.-t : ? .vt ts? Le! :- unite their I moth hums-** lil nar com Pl '.V ' i- bound to burn '? '- ? into public life url his family lucky that vt hen ta never ? . ? II.Hill I.. 'I rill tbt ii.ll. le at limne if In an upper ta winnini tn a U car. eli BRITTS AND PERSONALS. Bill ll M \,,l. ? Ib.lli Hanks will l? I'uewlay, Decoration li Nii ll. M, Ib' mri,le n hurried - trip to Pi cird s,,|,i,. talk ol May - bul haven , tine.' Miss I'.,-,ie Martin went :? monti Mond,, . i s|?,n v Ult. Mr. William Hinda, of Iticlimoiiil, week. Oils, Ihe ' -llii'l girl elrnllirilc- w Wink yuin cnlii Will liol siilU-i What it luxury I Hall ul thc N'ttniril v\ C'lininciiecinciit 11 This hus been li: ? but the i rup ia no mir hun < 'hildreii s Day w ill a. . Sun.lay iimt iiiiil: at a at ii o'clock. la Vf, l?'. Mei throat specialist, w ill be it Hr. Ander? son'a office Saturday, J um Interesting and exciting hoi i.cen eiijoyetl un the KarmvIlle track the post few daya. Now fur montha ol reel for mir Wirehouie men. But they du have to hustle when the Beloon is ssh. There miy be room In I'm ward bit tine more bow mill but we don't just know on what it would feed. If you have nay tat lambsjbe sure and nilei tiiein in Karmv ille dealers before Belling. We need Iheui and need them bad. The flintier who tisi-s before four i ivs and Works until thc Min i;ncs down kiinvis very little of the eight hour ty stone After dayaofextreme heat for the leooon the weothei got to lie delight? fully cool, just the weather for thc growing wheal. M!-- Roaalie 1'ettiis, who hai vIbIting ber slater, Mw. [lober! Louli returned to her home In Rich? mond mi Monday ln-t. A letter from Mr. Joseph Mannum, lated May 1 'dh. al Geneva, linly, luis teen received. He waa well, havlug aijiiyt-tl a pleosanl voya t a glimpse of Lice from a Hising train at in early hour ofthe norning recently md t1 i ?e-ttal ninl comfortable tn look it. Thc Herald Job office la the in-st ?i|iii|ipeil nf any tither iii a town no arger than Karmville. We are readj it tin your work and to comport Mi. B. \. Bondurout, who recently nnlei weal a ? operation al Bl. .uke'? Hospital iii Richmond, u wilk around a little anti i- doing tay well. \\ e ara "I the opinion llial ni i ile ena bc Boated tn the l burch than in tiny other of toa ii, ,ml thrft the Boee houlli be preached \v ide in n ? slanting tpblcco. We ki,..., i-a?t tait- Held Hint was too wei tn slant ami thal wa- a greal mistake, nc that you I during the est ni ll ? v\ e met with a rural I nan the other doy wins has hod his itu in as his substitute, mnl rho often makes i around ;. for hun. I sefui apouae md ri trust ornamental. President .lanna' making mal addresses in ' 'umberland ml Buckingham during the week ami neat fm thc 'May ompaigu" tiiul thal in Southampton ounty. Major Yen-ihle had hi-. Sunday cliool class to pick ia the* straw bony atch last Saturday afternoon for a imo, ninl then enjoy cream ami straw erries. lt is hardly necessary hat thc carls had I good time. ?-Tho Oxford' Adair," m amusing, ntertaining play for the benefit <>f the iiiiiual, will not be given hythe young niles of the Nnrmal Behool imlay vining on account of the Illness of one t thc young tidies. If nat congenial people w al i 0 with us we w iii eet up the must nt netivc three-day excursion to the iee tlc ever run on the road. You are ititletl to the outing aod we are read) > intitule the plan. Lei ii- hear from oil. mi the firms la saul to be saree md ye! we aaw foul hon ie plow at work iii the garden of Mr. . Henry Glenn il Proopecl on hist outlay. And there were men behind rind plows ami not dldran. Ofcouraehe has a garden -ort. Whit's wrong with thi ruses nf this ?sou? We novel knew them to ither md shriv el so soon ofter bloom g. In the brief life-day, hoi it-y do lill the Wistld w iib fl l| Ihey simply du their 1 thea die. Will the saint- be uthltilly said of Ul vv bea t1 I Knitua is kept busy ai v; inquiries ibout Virginia, and from ?npic who ire looking fm new of the outside world in ned on us. lt beboovea us ttl e best appearance possible. With ipictl by an in istriotis, thoughtful and law a opie the problem vv ith as baa Ivcl. There was nolie of thc lo ian-' in thc air of tesl Bunday but 1 of its wonted brightness in thc oveo above and thc earth beneath. ir the physical niau it vi j and our chu rel th happy won acre held -*t the Mel uren at the hour ofthe even 11 ?c w lien the usual childi* I autiful and the whole programme I- imoothly, pleasantly md briefly idered, Mr. ami Mra. Jirm i hted thi aa Ith a captivat r duet. tu - h< in Ul .it s I'll of dm fill I Itu -ar ibu Mr. Lnbt. k Brock, who wm oper? ated on foi appendicitis two weeks agu last Saturday il Memorial HoapltaJ in Richmond, la Improving rapidly ind ls il work again. Lev. .1. I'.. Winn w ill be aw | day morning ol Bedford City, whore he is tn preach the baeealannaU -er Randolph-Maeon Academy. tis pulpit will be lilied by i 'r I ay lor, of Boston, M i should ii joint stock company bc . I in favor nf Hu- Paran illo I l-l , -Iri-s lintel ? n ait a hustling up-to date ii ni ni behind it. money would be mode and our toa n bc mon I lennis. M I-- Helen Leeson, a bo ha ul the .Nnrmal for tin- past i.. turned to her home in Kitten !'i un., mi last Monday, Mi gentler -pun or iweetei character ever ??'I ami gladdened thc ichool aid hinno life nf Karin valle. I 'r. Paxton, ni Lynehbu deliver tin- baccaiauratiaarmon before iluoting claoo of the Nt inn al in ? inbly Hall mi the lirst S imlay ni .lune. He is a L'lltt'il and eloquent preacher ami it will be a bear him. \ modern ami eapaeloua refrigera toi bas been installed iii tin- meat In uise nf ll. A. Barrow, lt Ul sa isl that fresh incuts arc Unproved ami rea di nd tender by being Kept tin. lo one week, natl Mr. Barrow lats thoroughly equipped ins bouse foi ihai purpose. Our congratulations tn Lev. J. IL i tit. won nut before the Educa? tional Limul Tm- county luperinten lent nf s(|i,nils for Prince Edward ?I,auiy. Mt. Lavis will make ri cap ilde and COIlSclentioUl superintendent, ucl we bink lor good result- bis a bo i's. Chicken and Egg Famine. A int-ml of ours lode .'.I miles re ?cntly through mic of the bes! farm ug sections of Prince Edward in. - uir ng limn hotuo to noun ind -tore tn torc fnr iltu's ami chickens anti found | tis! mic egg, ami thal at I iVhat'a wrong with the hens.' \i ? bey mi a strike bin.' It is about time lint we were growing less tobOCOO ami toying more attention tn thc piultry ard. lhere iiiu-t in- good money i ml chickens. Eloped to Pelham. I Mr.Joe. E. Leach ami Miss Mattie 'oung, of Farmville, were married nt 'el ham, N. C., Mondiy morning. The in riogc was a great aurpriaeto frienda nd relatives of both Mr. Leach and hil'. They boarded thc tram ist Bundey for Danville, from which lace they went tn their L-rettia caeca lie following morah Thc bride la the daughter nf Mr. and lr-. H. L. Voung, who reside ot Btau ?y Pork, a beautiful auburban inane, ml tho groom is nut- nf the popular eateiiiiiit- nf the l-'iiriiiville Guard ml holds position with Vf. T. Blan ai, thc jeweler Mr. ami Mn. Beach returned tn iinnv lill iftemoon, ami are sr the present m thc home nf tbe I .'If - I ? The Competitive Drill. I ? iitwtl is ol Way I alt rae- I' ?tl when the soldier boys hold their ' itiipctitiv e drill, ind it is I per- " ninaine vv hah excites ami ml. Who witness it. here is no bettor drilled company ol '' Virginia than the Farmville am.I, due lo thc capable ami eiier -tic work of Captain Hunt ami his ithful stall. The competitive drills c helli Iwate a year, Hie pri/c-win- ,: ,-ts being awarded gold medals, A im inst Friday nighl thc company "' as ricjidly inipcetsd ami drilled ia v niaiiiier, Hie judges award- ? g the non-commiealoned ofltcers' edalitoBergeants l'. \v. Hubbard ld J.O.L. II mit: the I'nv ute's modell i W. A. Farmer, Edgar Chernaull ul Willie Ullllam. The praoontatton leech wis delivered by Lev. R. I,'. lalboroe. Memorial Day Exercise! lhe Farmville chapter, Daughter! _, Hu- Ciinfederaey, will celebrate ,-, eui,anil Day, May '.nih, hy ileoorat g thi monument and kthvcs nf de- ,,, need veterana, ami pmantlng thc g| tu thorn (russ (,f Honor bi thou who ,| av have BCUl in their certificates. ^ Thi public li t-nrilially Invited to it- ai ml the ilecnratioti services, ami ibo <\ witness the prcsenlatiiiti nf ct. e latter to take place In the opera -| ouse iinmediately after thc return un thc snMiers' burying ground. i> rho prnccssioii nf veterana ami othen \ ill flinn at the armory at B n cluck y nt march to the cemetery three (? linters nf a mile distant, and after j ipropriatecxereioes will return i -era Hmise. lt ts expected that I bod and Judi-e Walter itaon will bs tbsofatota nf the <><? -i.ui. Btudsnta of the Normal Igh Seboola arc especially asked lo " Ictul the ilccmatinn and pre-enta- Pl m azarslm, "e sn Alleged Muiderer Captured. . BheritT Dicklnaon received a mn Monday morning from tba Cap- ai not i'l-iiceat White Plains, N. V., ilintr that Richard Voung hail been _ ? turt'.l tit that place. Thc sherill im- |lt ?diately vvireil rsqUMtlng that the j.-, isuncr be held until an officer with hll i- proper papers bc sent for him. Richard Voung, odored licbirged th killing Andrew I'airc, a quiet ^ d una;, a church aival lasi Christmas ni la iy. At the same time another rr. is shut nml dingerouoly wounded, ii, Bde !n- escape ami wits imt lin heard from until Monday nt-orn .-. He had liv ttl up ninth, audit waa ^ pCCtt-d thal he wnuld si,me tune pa? na of the places hs had ? M-iy worki i foi him. .'teni!'Dickinson, locomponied hy ^\ ii \ A. Haskins, of Meherrin, left ch ? Vntk. 'apt. I ia waa taken along fol the pur; Identifying Voung. Than ii.t of the negro being Richard ind sherill" Dickinson i ned to brum him to Vim iimit hitch or trtuililc. Pa i thais Paulett a- i Paulet! rn (.arlaiiil thats In ance. that's why it's Insurance I liistirea. Distinguished Scientist Coming. I in- peaton of thia Iowa I ave united in Inviting Kev. I-,. O. lay lor, D. D. ?ri. Mas... bi civ e a emn-c ni live lectnics mi Uood I i11/t-n-liip itnil Bcientlflc Temperince, beginning Bun ? btv May js |t, fe} I "i ls a di-tiu guished adenttat, textbook authur and lecturer on alcohol aad la regard i lOtbority 'sn the latest seltlesl taits of acionce mi that subject. Ile ?b ti- vt :th the subject purely timii t ie aden tl fie md educational poinl .-.. wholly nutsiiL- nf i politics ami not in Hu interest of any organization. Ile luis an intel al rcputatinii and ?duea tnr and is known as "The Scholarly Orator.'' He hal been making a tour of Virginia and North < 'aroUna apeak 111tr in the principal cities nf those Btatee, sma, as Richmond, Petereburg, Ports.uta, Roanoke, Raleigh, Aabo ville, Durham md others, and has ju-t Closed -mile remarkable meetings at Winchester and Mirtinsburg. a - item, of Wlueheati of the lectures: "lt is perhaps nol possible foi any one to icenli the tune when the Intel? ligent people of this community have had an opportunity to hear sm-h lec? tures." lu. .1. B. Hawthorn, of Richmond, thc inns- distinguished Baptist minis? ter In the iou! bim In con? nection with the lectures |n that city: "lhe cattai nf temperance hits nu abler or mure luoceoaful idvoeste in tins country, for originality, eloquence ami efleetiveneaa ia- is unsur, I du iml believe there is a niau in America belier titled fur eduoatimial w .rk in the cause of temperance." In inviting Lr. Taylor the piston have lani in view limply md exclu? sively the od nea! mu ni the pct ip lc ami the development of an intelligent .-uni rip-bi drib- sentiment tOUCbllUJ thc ?heinieai nature and physiological ac- t lion of alcoholic liq uora, aud in doing ' .his they inc in exm I with the ninisteriil bodies of thc principal ci tlCe ni the Slate Which have i tad tbe lectures. The peaton there 'ora feel tully warranted in liking thi ? ? ?opi-riitioii of the Intelligent ?iti/eiis ol l-'iiriuv ille in support of this ?Hort right from thl -tait. The pro .'ratn will bc as follow s: Bunday -'?? ?'?" p. m.: Subject "I iti lenehip In thc Light of Christ ind ?mil.' Sunday B.00 p. m.: Subject "That loy nf V mir-." Munday 8.00 | . m.: Bubjecl "Mi robes ami Men." Tuesday B.00 p. m.: Bubjecl "A .lass ol Leer Anal-. Wednesday 8.00 p. m.: Subject? 'Alcohol v s. Lrniiis." No admisaion lee charged, The inr tia- lecturea a ill be sn iou need fruin the churches Bundey Dedication of Church. Tar Walk-it Baptist Church of Cum erland, was dedicated on Sunday. >r. \\ iliiiin l . Hatcher of Richmond, reached the dcdlcitory sermon to a irgl ind attentive audience. The crinuii w as el'i'jileiit ami impi mt w a- worthy ot the inna ami the OCaaion. Dr. Hatcher is mic of Hie mst widdy known ministers of thc loptist denomination In Virginia. Thc astor of tho efaureb, Ibe Lev. Vf. ll ?awaon, Dr. Jno. I,'. Bagby, nf Pow atitn and thc Lev. Lloyd Vf, Putney mk part in tl I The music waa excellent, many ol ie best lingen from other ehurcbea mi di nominations hav lng kindly con rated loisslai In Ibe Binging, which -as lead by Mr. V. Velden. A very iel wa* rendered by Mn ? i. Higgs and Mi-- Lei,ceca Vaughan, moog tithers who aided the nguiu mir si| thc church were: Mr. and li-. C. |i. |) p. Pllppen, lr-. I'.tal ha L. late. Misi Kate I laiut iti. Mr.C. C. Perkins ami Mr. Jinna lanagan. The crowd was 0O large that iu the lt was decided to bold oar both the Methodist ami Ban? al ehurcbea, Dr. Hatcher preaching one rind Dr. Bagby In tbe other. A tl It-t-t it ttl was taken up by thc pastor ul Dr. Hatcher ami the people re iiiniled nu i-i liberally, ov er tiv a hun red ilu|lar? being tri The church i- DOC of Ihe pretties) tuntry ehun icctlon of tbe aile, ami the people and theirpaator, ie Lev. Vf. IL l.awsuii, huth ib eat credit for tbe erection of sticli a indsome building. The plans for ic church wera drawn by Mr. Alan cline, and it was bulli ny Mr. .1. M. lllisllll. Thora wsw many prsesnl fruin rime Edwird, Buckingham and melia curiiities. Among (huso trsiin rtrinv ille were: Mr. ami Mi-. < I liappcll. Dr. and Mr-. Hainlelt, Mr erny Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Vf, Dov ne. Base Ball Team to be Organized. i ifllcen ill team were te Bled Wednesday night. They were . C. Itohesuti, captain, ami IL L. Mmiger. capt. Robooon will lee! In- regular players and their ibatltutea In a daj 01 two, ofter which c Farmville Ban itali club will lie ll'ly tu -Hoi i - i with iy tither team. Already the boya have an engage ant with tba IIB to play ?re on thc ?ith of June. The triliville team is L'tatcflll fur the-ilb uitnil I en it by the puh ? ia raising a sullieielit aiiiount of oticy for its uinforiiis ami gi iiipinent for the iliainmul. \\s i that's I'aulett ,v Oar* ni. Paulett .V I .arland that's In v it's Iusiinuice at Insures. "Neglected enids make fat i ni- ' Dr. Wood's Noe*way Pa e rup nalpa bmo ind woman tuahap , vigimus ubi l lt .ind for Vet lon. IV ben the budy is cleared fur action, Dr. King's New Life I'iIN, yutt can I it by the lil,huh nf health ea the :,e briglltlli-ss of (J min-?nf the ile-h and muscles: the . ol the mind. Try Hiern. At '-. drug alon, 28 "cuts. Notice. ? (trowan' Aaaoctattoa Prince Edward County will meet in rmvilli -ni unlay. May _'T, at U luck P. M. Jxu. I'. II wu ii Herald aud N. V. World, ?!.? ad Lr Aimed at McGiIvray. Richmond, Va.. May j| || was brought out lodaj befon tl scIkmi! board thal Juba A. Mctiilvray. iitllielit Of education and ? candlillie for thc ofllco of superintendent nf public in stractiuii, is ta,, person at whom - brought by .1 I) -pir at for tlie office aim? ed, have been limed. The allegations ul M have been Hutt -min one cuiinecled with the tlepartmeiit ufedUCatiOU wa* also i.criictl in the publication of Virginia "Tent-lit ? - thal the book in question has I ,. im; for many yinni at 76 erata a copy, when it cnn be printed al a prof!! (sir fro))) ls tu SSS cents. Borne time alter Egleston'a charges were lirst madC public .lillian P. I I.a-, prin? cipal of the Richmond High Behool, published a loller, in which he slated thil lu- himself had prepared t tot .-uni thal it wasstiii ins property] About the same tune I rank P. Brent, -ecrclary to thl department of educa? tion, made public thc statement thal no one connected with tbe department had any interest in the rsgiltcr. I inlay Mr. I Igglcstou appeared bc fore tho State school board. Repreoen of the .1. L. Hill I .'inpnay aud ni L. H. Jenkins, printers and binden of the n nt. Mr. Eggleston briefly stated ins . that the State buanl had been tricked into adopting tue register, fur winch three prices were being chirged. He submitted a bid from thc ."-tune Print? ing Company of Roanoke, tu produce i good article tit Is cent- each. Testimony given by the printing inns proem I brought OUl the fact thal iii their bisoks the names of the ownen if the register appeared ai Tl.m- a McGill ray. I'he J. I.. Hill Compan-* I lunisls s..nie y ern- agu, ami loni owners testified tba! tbe milks cnine to tilt-in in thuse linnie-. VII tbiir dealings, howivsr, have been vith .Mr. Thomas, lo Whom they have riven sepnrnte chocks for his p n di ts on bc register nml mi teochen' blinks, mother publication owned by him. [ney wera not able to ititi thal Mr. dcOilviny received any of the profits rum Hie register. On the ni her ha m I. Mr. Thomas and dr. Mci iib. my testified thal Hie hiller uni never bad any pecuniar] Intereel ii thc register. Mr. McUilvmydeclar t| he never knew his mu ne wis on the ooka of the publishers. He bid, be -ti I Mr. Thomas in preparing he bunk, and was proud ol thl result. Mr. Thmnas also -aid lie did nut tiuwMoOilv ray's naino WIS mi Hie miks. To this statement, however. ic publishers tunk issue. Further testimony brough) mit the iel that frmn " b, j. |iai coplca nf I Bold n! ri ,-t ni j, cents each ami a | rofll tu the iv uer nf ..u couta each. In this connection Mr. Kggleston Dinted mil that the law OOO temple tea mt the nilly oust in connection with ie register should bc its printing. lung this line it was brought nut that ic register had been selling since 186 for about 75 cent- a copy, nml thal ? Ulploj e ut thede" irtmeiil had been Interested in it. The bunni endeavored bi ascertain i' varimis witnesses why the Hill rioting < iiinpiuiy had kept the school gister account In the namea nf Thom . nml Mci iiiv raj . No .'in w ns able expliin, however. lt waa brought mit incidentally thal ? >i registei In North < landina i-ts Li cents each nml in -.iiil!r ai tia- -late furniahsa thain il in ;pease nf ?'? l-l tn I cents. Thi most Interesting testimonj was veil by Waller Hill, .a the Hill Tinting < uinpaiiy, w hu said: I received Instruction! from Mr. lianas tu enter the accounts ely; that is. the ni the Behool blanks. Ho never told e why. Mr. Thoona bibi me Ilia! r. Mel ii! v ray was Interested in tin Mr. Thmnas admitted having told ill that Mel.liv ray wa- interested in liar, hal -aid he had never told m thal Mst iii; my w a- pecuniarily tcraoted. After the lawyer- le had inineil up the evidence, the boord etti into cxecutiv e session. Dines Her Old Negro Nurse. Columbus, Ohio, May !'i "Aunt itty" Allen, luau one hundred ;n lodi) ii- I -in-.o in \inelia. Vu.. ns given a da.r today by Mi-. ibu (i. De-hler, watt- of a wading .iikei I ? "Aunt Patty" wm ri auroa in thc rome family of which Mm. Deshler the eldest daughter. New Ynrk uriial. Ami we venture tu retnatk that thi? nner given in her li.i waa Doth L' t.inpale Willi t r ..-. I,. ., itemed to eat al the nhl home in inelia. lion's I his.' We offer Oim Hundred DuMar- Re? in! fur any BM "f Catarrh that lim? it be rared by Haifa < atarrh Cure. F. J. (Ti KN KV -ft CO., I'mp-, ri.leiln.O. Wo the undersigned, have known t Cheney foi tin- loo! I& yewin, and 1* ve han perfectly hunurnble ill all transact! ai- and financially irry out any obllgatloaa BUMM their linn. lia vv, Wholesale Dr... ledn, 0. Wai,nt.No, Kins AKVIN, Whule-ale Draggi-t-, Toledo, Hall's Catarrh Cure ll liken iiiternal ai-tiugdirectly ii|hiii tbe blond and mrlheea of tba lyateaa. Price !. per bottle. Bold by ail Draggtata Hall's Familv Pills are tin N < ? I I? l: .Nunile has bought that : of Modern I price - been ir tilt) from t,, - Hie editor will poy tbe looa if this d don't pay. S. Vf, Paulett. Jr. Perriblc piaguea, those itching, i he -kui. Pul au end lo l>. an - i uiitineiit ciire-t. At y drag alon, i-inesalve acts like a |*>ultice. ng in the wurltl fur Innis, burn-, nked hand-, tetter, eb- S.ld by An rsun Drug I'". backache is nevi r kimwn rn rama Who take an iH-ca-iuiiBl dose Pineuli ie ofthe re-in ob> neti irrara Ibe Pine Ina bus lung -mind in the treatment ol eases of the bladder and kai will give relief, ri um- bottle will cure Bold by An rson Drug Co. Votnen find quick relief in I tr.T?I mWra vet aud Blood Sj-t-u*-. of ll.Hi- Tilla. Mtv. Me-sis. Frank md Willie Gillian, ni Farmville, vitae with their boaai people Sunday. Mr. ind Mrs. C. M. Ibis- Mis. Ral ami Mi- .1. 1 . BrUCe were guesta ut Mr-. .\i.iie- Footei I b Mlsa Sarah Llgon, of cumberland, is ipendlngsome time with Mica Pt irk Bruce. Mt. md Mrs. J. T. Bruce, Mrs. Vf. I s-lalilreii. nml Minni Blanche and inna Bim wira gunta at Mr. T. ll. Li in e s Bun-lay. Mr. md Mi- I I i lurk, of Mt. Leigh, I buidny night I benni oueofoUI best fanni recently that the etover crop of tin sect mn w.-i? a cumplete failure. Ibis means more ballad bay lo bay next wa,ter. making the fhrmnpoo-rar,snd swelling the parse nf the commission merchin t. leiden ls. Felden, Va., May tt, 1906. Tbe Mlsalon Band of Lanes Chapel gav a quite an entertaiiilng program ol tableaux and eliaiiules Saturday even? ing after which cream, candies ind cakes were Bold. Quin I was present ami n nice stun ii Among the features of entertainment WM Mr. Alex Dicklnsun and his phonograph with many now md pret? ty reeordi. Mr. Cram ilk- Chappell amt Samuel < 'happell, of Charlotte < m., visited Mr. John Alien Baturday md Sundi] Mi-s ll eli ii ie Overton, of Dorliugton Heights, was the gite-t of Miss Mind Allen Bunday. Mis- Marietta Peile, ut P spent hist week with Mis, AOtyeh Allen. Misses Lettie Bice, ol Throca, and Sadie Allen, nt Pruspect, are the gUOstl if the Mis-t-s Allen this week. Mr. ami Mn. Willie Rodd, of ymir town, ind Min Tinsley, nf the Nor? mal .-elioul, were at Felden Baturday. Thl general sentiment is mic nf sin ?t-re regret al the departure of Miss Mary McCheoney, the efficient tnchei if the Millbank Sol.I fur the past light iiiuiiihs. Miss Mci hesney donday md will visit Norfolk md Roanoke before returning to her tome In Bristol, Va. Mi-s Louies, thiouracil ve ind prat y daughter of Mr. J. j. Dwan, la ipend ing this week with Mis- Ida ?cdt. Mr. fletcher Dame, of Meherrin, Isited ai thc hume nf Mr. I', s. Roo? ter Saturday ind Bundiy, Min l.'uby Ramon la nt bonn neran eight months term of teaching d Th rock, Va. Mr. Werner Redd -pent Saturday light md Bundiy arith Mr. Prank (anion. -ainlay Lev. Mr. Powell <>r ani/ed at Mt. Pleasant church au Cpwoith League walli 28 members tn oiled. We tru?t thal it may be a irosperoua md unfit! league. Mr. Willie Un] , ut Firm*. Ule undiy wah Mn. T. W. IMgga. - Mary Lou < 'hernault ami 'tiiuker Wilkerson apenl Baturdiy ight and Sunday il the borne ol Mr. bm Larkstlalc. Mi- Irene Moore is thc guest ul her i-ter, Mrs. Walter Larksdnle. tin eek. Mr. Nallian Bell via- a guest at the .eui Mr. Jno. P. Allen Saturday Ight. Ibu liligttin Heights Dills. Darlington Heights, \ Maj -'?-. 1906. ) Borne of the firman of thia vicinity ave finished planting tobacco md I hois are waiting for a Muon. Lev. Mr. Williams, our pallor, I quite an able ami luipi. mimi ai .-pring Creek Sunday morn ig. Thin will be preaching there .'inn next Sunday at I u'eloek p. m. Mr-. Locket! Womaek, of five orka, ii visiting her diughter, Mrs. aila- Andenon. Mn. Willie Henderson, near Keya ille. spent Saturday ami Sunday ith her sister, Mrs. .-allie Au lersim. Mr-. H. Vf. Cobb, of Lynchburg, ?flit -i".et.-il daya In the niighbor noil la-t week. Mr-. Robert Terry i- ittandlng the immeucemenl at Pork I'ntou this Mr. H.T. ferry. <sf Pamplin < itv. as out di iv mg with a young lady istweek when by sum,, means his une frightened ami ran qnltl diltmOS, bul fiirtaiiDtely the couple idn't get hurt. The Ladies' Aid Bociety Of Spring reek church will give a very novel ul unit'tie entertainment at Darling itt Heiglits the hitler part nf June, ne of thc most lille*.nflllg features 'the evening will be the Old Maui's onveiitioti. All are hiv ited to cuiue. Il kinds ul refreshment-;. ( lucken ul ham aanda tehee. Mr. Reginald crute, of Roanoke, spending smne time with roll the neighborhood. Elam Epistle. Kinin Va. u-i-s were held at live liraiich the Jll-t nf May. ami Hy large omwd attended. The ex v the ss-hssul were very good id lunch enjoyed ay nil Mr. ami Mrs. Oeurge Webb the hume nf Mr. A. D. Liam last imlay. - Viinie, Clara. Janie and Klla illiain \ isited at the home of Mr. A. . Elan Monday iflsrnoon. Miss Ron Davis and Mr. Shirley I Mr. Kred Wilkerson -- i lian Ulllbun on list Sunday ght. Mba Mullie llinfisrsl was tin ber si- h.bell Moon eek. P. M. Hell and daughter, and r. Morten and Kearney Gillan, sad r. ami Mrs. J. H. VV ilkersuii ami n were the guests at Mr. I 0 ibis mt Sunday mt Mr. < aaboil Moots, "f Qoodn, Va., sited his family last Saturday and Tutu and 1 0 VatiU their hmther Mr. BtOOkl Kiaiu lant inday. I Adelaide Ley Bokal were the guest, of Hil Clam mi Tandi] Mian.n I isl Mr. L. VI. Mr. Willi-. BrightweU, of this >nighborboo Mr. Ira Tunics, of Lynchburg, visited at Mr .Inn (elliuu - ln-t Sundny night. MisoAdelaida EteynoMa ind Mrs Mary Moora i lotted Mi-- Am I week fruin AppomOttOX where she baa been attending Behool. Tuggle'- Link I n mks. Aeteon, v The Inline uisy getting their t.ibaecu laud ready bofotl the fumes. They aay tb w urins are cutting that which they : inted. Miss Lottie Witton visited bei Mn. Wallu Rln, of Prospect Sunday. Mrs. C. A. P Idly at Hampilea-Siiliiey lad Vi Mr-s om Harris, of Prospect, who ? i teaching In West Virginia. acted home thia week. Hoi ninny Monda will be glad IO nc her Mr. ami Mr-. John Jobnaon ipenl Bundiy with their diughter, i '.hall, ssf Iliis-kiiighaui. Vi I nre glad tu leant that ll,. DI preaching at Pmipsel church I'l ?very Wednooday night. ?^ tn tt* a iiumher fruin Pros| I tondod Child olive Branch church loot Bunday. ii wn quita i Briery Mela. The Crops through this seetiuti are looking well, wheat bernies! mit. cmii coming ap wall, must oftobaeeo plant? ed, ste. Uardms are aounwhal lalo, but in a lluurisluiig cmidilinii. anil give pruiin-e nt abundance of ligate bin to ouinc. Mr. W. D. Rodd ami wile, of Farm? ville, and MtasTinsliy, nf the Normal -ci it M,l. were guests of Mr. O. VV J Kc bl. and hunHy Issi Biturdiy night ind Sunday, Sons of our young people attended Ibo entertainment at Felden la ui-lriy evening and report a ne - loy ible lime. Mr. !?'. c. Wilna ami family v isited relatives iii Key .?v ilk- and near Abilene Saturday ami Bunday. Mr. l-'rank BuUstts, nf Harrino siirg. Va., was the guest nf Mr. WI 'happOll mi Wednesday last. Mr. tun. \v Rodd te registrar, was it Briery all day ruoodiy, bat iddod in new Haines tu the lisi of VOtl Mr. Henry Ingram, of Chi riot te ou rt home, is visiting bis grand nother, Mis. Lucy a. Priddy. Mr. .nmluii Priddy nml tinnily, lier ?arinv ille, w ero I of Ins notbir hist week. Mr. J. Horan Booker, whohai ii Richmond fur ihe pas! month ur io, tetl linnie Imlay . Red House Review. Lcd Houn, Va., May vii-- r whu bet pending sume tune vv it 'lillipilli ' Uv Mr. Wesley Williams, of i karlotte '. IL. wns the gun! s.f Miss . HI lotte Bund Don't forget thil Lev. Mr. Fielding nil bulli Quarterly ? o vinie's chapel M. E. Church, fourth laturday ind Buudij Misses Billie Hunter and - pad tu ic.-ive -nun for lilu.? eld. Vf, Va., to ipend the lummei ,ith friends ami relative-. Mi-s Li-s-ie Hancock and I outer Hancock md Flood Andrewa tatted Hu- home of Mr. Bkurjlet Vingtiebl Bunday I Mr. Sam Uouldlng, of Ksyaville, as thc guest of Miss Marion P.erkley -inn Baturday until Monday. tbnil Andrews called I Irs. Dick Himenly o Mr t./kiel Adams, of Rough Crack, hu luis been na the sick li-t fm s,.lin? nie, we rue-m ly lu .iv I- tm better. Kev. J. a. Paisley,ofPamplln City, lotted al NI r. S. II. That-k-hui's Muti Mis- p.ts-ie Berkley, "t Koysvllle 'ngillin llsinie Behool, visit, Mr. ami Mr>. Pally P.erkley. atarday ami Sunday. I X-l I! \\. I u..I. Paulltl a i.arlaiitl lhat iirann. Thit's why lt'* Iniurann mt lii Letter to H. A Stokes Fan Dear Sir: Mr. Frank Robinson, itusulle. Pa., bought Devise walli a -.1 ut feeling Igllnil the whole ?ilse of mixed paints. < lui ion, Minn. Kernochrai I I nu to do a. IL- aayi: 'l om inure tiuiii pleased with the sh. I hail mie-third ut die i alni ll lt \er: I know of several uther ! ol mure, painted with i int are wearing well What B pity we ha', c tO all go trough the same whool te find oul dnt to pul on a boura i-nem-e teaches. l-n't there any isier way to I V mir- trulv F W. Di i Vork. . S. J. P. Walton la uar mal. Exposition Opening Program. Portland, ? Vice-President < Karie*. VV. mks. per-uiially representing the reside!)' of the United States, will oliver the principal addie-- ll tba telling ? f Uta, Lea lark Centennial Kxposition nt Port aid next Thursday, June lal wang the Vlce-Preaident, United lenator Clarenn D. clark, of .'yiimaig. will speak. ? A. Tawney, of Minnesota, faiiimi i the friend of IXpOOittom, Wll speech on behalf of the 1' President H. VV. Ooodo, of I isitiuii Company, wall furmally an aiiice the opining Maya I . Williams, of Portland, known as Pnrtlaml s (.rand Old lan. - of age and a funner I ..nitiet ut'icer ami - ve the freedom of the dty to ' nrs in an appropriate ld ?mir < liainberlam, of o-eg.ui ami - nt ii wall -|.eak. At nm aland tutu imt Ltaisevelt at VV'ashiiigtnii wall inch the gnlilen telegraph key ami art the machinery of the Exposition, ?aiing forth the -truno- of "An ? um the ehlma La one of the I tbs Ooveriinient buildiiig. Innea' tm) will furnish music during the %y. Herald md K. Y. World, H.* Split-Bottom-Chair-Town. Herald: I havsbssa great e-ltd of late in visiting towna ir. ililletent portions nf Virginia, but ni mme of them have I been more en tertnn.e-l than I was during a two ? I.ty- Hay ..-, what | am going lo de? ll ii!-P..iltom-< hair-Town, lt I- lot ? of the Southwest? ern counties of the State, ami mi a branch of the N. i VV. Its asjg street .! the ilc|mt ami runs one mile a, a Westerly direction with liousea I at intervals nf jiu yard.. - are built of wood painted in white oolera, having capa ciiiiis ami must attractive pnrchea and surrounded bj - ' lawns ami I rees almuud and lb.Hers tills Hie air. I tieri PW! Sf brick ind Ono of wssal. a lawyer's oil!ce sud ? doctor's. Three modest cliurch - crown the lull tops and the mails emu-ami ii" Iwue a Ajaj, The people of the | - irly, eat early ?nd then .pend the rest of the day '?"inti.n I la nhl fashioned -phi butt,un chalis of appruveil make ?nd Iii. lyla iu waul ami nobody wm:.- '. muries amt yet everybody na- | hmue. When dinner is over the merchant- repair fte ipectlva -tmes, and with sss_ ter-tnt Leds ami uveralls fur pilluwa II M ? I i" uitlulge in after tinnier mips. During this pemal nf weil earned . n-st Um teWa psspsi kin iw that laisiiiess is al a stand est 111 and thal interruption waaM i>e mee aiderad lotrnaten. i ventured late niie nf the st,,res about an hmir after limier, a sbue lu which the postoftlce i- kept ami fonnd the prurpnetor amt postmnter aleepini aonndly, ami itraoga tu ray, toflly. He made nu -1lt11 ni my coming -.iud I all into a 'iu ami weat tu reading. lu i abort tune a . ??iiiiliyauan stnitied in uni da! a-k ba his mail, but lucie -am's Custodian Of mails drawled out, , n! nothing for ymi." The airly retired walmul tilieringa word efprotoet. In about aa half hour two inly shoppers entered, ami slowly and tly the men hnnl gol nu his Vet ind bogan te show goodH. i h.night ol I,-ll.--, burnell, nervous New V ork ami of busy Tarim ille and a'"iib ntl w hy il trtt ' ? ' --.try to gu lithe breakneck apiSd, when these JoW niuvt-i- s,.,.|u t,, Majgi there. ,r.|t a- WStl well worked hut I aw im uiic working them, the lawns von- well kept nml thc Mowers well rimmed, but I nw m nae keeping ut rimming. The houses were clean but in suit- pinning ind we had eonrathlng ont though i oonld m m> smoke oining (rom the i lianiicy s of the atchcti. The Richmond Dooen nach the nw n at v IO p. iii. ami then everybody ? it-s tn tin- poatefltoa ind waits pa* is.iitly for lin- handful <>f mail to lie pencil. N..c -juke evil of Ina eiL-libur though I 'Iel bear one man lanark that tba churches were notus arinoiiinii- ii- niigbt be. Old held at! lliMsled the mi kel Hu iliy - ul my sojourn there, nd you may boast of the oiillivaled ll ymi will but aa fur me give ie lin-kimi that grow mi the gully \ little sisui this season nw igteibaennol lunohine bul spat lottomburg hap|,eiiei| 03 he well -ap lied with BUgai lad liniiey tts). i innis j,, all rules ami i Ila- lou ii I tlnl timi one man ai? nley ?'happeU, of .mr low ii, nml mi inquiry I learned mt he nw ned well nigh everything in lights" Put tlie iiuii-ow ni r- were ju oatly and |USl a- happy. If any of i- rh-iii to v i?it Hu- placej I mild be glad t" dine! them. Vi-i issn. w dlgnlfisd men are hil? lie wlm bun ta <>f his giHsluess is -binni much . Milking fnoe- ni hoi bnby is an un ardonibla oflbun In the eyes of s Perbapa Mohammed went to the muntum bantue he WSJ tireilofthe ?nshure - no patent 00 Iruuhle. ye! ? ts ,,l men ? 'I for inking il. A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pu pe HAS HQ SUBSTITUTE FOR DYSPEPTICS. LG Broadway Hem York City. IcAi.riN In-. Kim. Co.: Dear Sirs:-Will you sera! .as KM as possible to above a<l bottle of your dyspepsia .?mcily?any wa;. B ftt quick. Why don't you putjit mi New ork market. fOWl &c w. s. c. IcAlpiD Dyspepsia Remedy Co. Famine,", Ta.