Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILI.H IIKKAI.I* AN IN'l'li'i N . : N NEWS? U't- ll IV Bl U ii I. IUki K.litor and Propiietor., Rah biition: Om "'pv. mm | six montii- .' three mouths i .d Ht Um |h>- t ? FRIDAY, Ji M W bat s the objection to Utilising the ii of Niagara tor Commercial plir Imses after t bey have made theil dar? ing doab ? the Democrats of Virginia viii make significant ami sHlisla. answer to "letter writer" on meat elec tion iliy Vim do well to keep youl ? Gov. Glenn, of North Carolina. Ile is one of UM coming nen of ti a big brawny mau he is loo. ia Republicans say they are going to elect a Governor tins' foll. j bis must mean that they are going to vote Um Democratic ticket Atlanta Journal. ? itu to bi Bom sixty to MVentj thousand limier fed Bcbooj child ron in the great city of New lurk. There are nut a score in Farm ville. Si the rich city hasn't all UM bleMlnga after all. lin- N Jf, American -ays then M no need to take the lifeblood from the trust- but only thc water. That'!true again if it did come from Um yellow Journal. ll is -aa) that Um Jewish population of NOW York city has IncTOQBBd from ? pot cont of the population to ga pee cent. Wonderful people tin- tJod'l peculiar people. With us yet not nf Us but as distinct as the Gulf stream la Irma the other waters of the a I b. Tidewater railroad of which we bear OO much, ami Which seems DOW lo OB MB BOBBIBdJ met, ta, W< are told, to be built without the issuing of a ImhuI, the work to be paid roi in cash just ms u Iq proeoeded with. Rocke? feller must I* cashier. if Mr. J. ii. Bggksiton, Jr., auoooeda io reducing the prue ufa btMik which mint t>e lined in all the schools of Hie State from 7". cents to ;:."> rents, or maybe ls tents a OOpy, he will have nvedtOtha people of the wealth his entire four years' salary in oneyear. lhere isn't any poetry in Hu- but a grool deal lu lie pMtloaJ Mr. J. Phwpolnt Morgan fixed hil ?-..?? on a little Japanese um which wan ollered for sale recently in the Loiiilun market ami authorized los agent to buy it. People of well nigh royal worth were Hie contesting |,i,|. ? lei- but the American won at the COM ie just wauled it and had Hie money tn pay for it. lt i- rumored that Crewe will be taken up bodily ami removed to Nor? folk. This ought not b. be. Norfolk is big already ami is going lo be im? mensely bigger in the in ir future. Norfolk can do without Crewe, bal ClWWO tran-ferrell to Norfolk 1 ?M Kl identity and is blotted from tl.a,.. Let ( rcwe alone. \ devoted Englishman write-. I would give up India for old OJ nlon?, Australia ami Canada for a free breakfast table, anti all our recent an? nexations in Africa for a lubstantteJ reduction in our piesent heavy taxa? tion.'' Ami in the BOOM spirit as a citizen of this great nation we add we would give up the Philippines, Porto Mea ami all other foreign j. for good roads at home. bc 41 co hi ii M alt to egi em Bpi COI lill gr. ll M Wo liol di! i loll till' pic ale Bpi ol i roil tom peo jil-t old win BOT evei mei Koot one. N dosi the I pul.I -al .1 An enormous sum has been raised to defeat the Bjawja) food bill in Con? gress next time. How long will the patient people of tins nation submit ha hnliery and bulldozing? bal that man a fiend who would poison bis fellow niau under the guise of toed? BB suth is hB entitled to protecti.r even life itself.1 Murder by poenou is of most heinous sort, amt m. malter whether by <|iiuk or slow tb . Just as we expected, a Newport News lawyer has opened tire on the present Court of Appeals ..f Virginia w bose successors are to be elected by Hie next legislature. He boldly charges that the Judges are nothing more nor less than corporation law? yers no far as their derisions ?r,. ,.,?,. reriied. We had heard the same ron, plaint coining from MM of UM lawyers ofS.uthwest Virginia, who went M far ax to say that if the derisions of the present court where rorporations were |.arties ever made the subjert of puh llr disrussion i.ian could go to thc next legislature wbodi.I nut ni adv ance |dedgehisvoteagam-t Um imiimU'iits. Ile went still further than that and said that if the DeniiM-ratie parly should stand for the present Judges, the Uepublicaiis oamaariatfj them Would -weep the State jim as the Kea.ljus ti is did to arconi],lish their pm, l'lie new issue will give new interest I" Hie ranvass, ami we will watch its unfolding with genuine interc-t. STAKTLING STATKMKNT H ''"-b more money to feed the bugs of this country than it doe- lo rapport the (iovemment, writes another. Cost of (lovemnieiit annually 1700,000,000, While insert- destroy g78&,UUU,000. And this doesn't mel tide c. .-ts ..f-pra v ing trees and takes no aOCOUOl of rat I A remarkable religion, revival is under way rn and the inter? est i- so g,ea( that people haven't time t" attend political m.. Senator Martin failed to draw a crowd whereas at Martin-^,',. the lar I ireh..use was taxed lo hold those who beard him v young man who has a hotM ?s>mmitsacrime if he does aol , , |, day bring one hour of joy ll hooawb Someone has well sai.t, Ht. ,.u|,.. VaM vegetables ??,, wh, ??, frt^uUi \egetat.le, are K..ul |,?i.,l, ?re letter no tl who in th of th has t !ll"-t by tl meai early bold' rail ll reg ul ni,, .ul of Ap clotht tlo wi Stale them utidet iy. about that li freon boult Kr..i long i winch over, ol the teaclie don't i will gt exi-l ii it does folly t. Wi.H that wi come a claim. Thin 'paupt malerii protect tration. ft. Hie I when a \, will ha to play Thc v ic that" h Judge be can'! Slates S The Jut be can't Clark. Carnegi. use of . ants. And > railroad down in Up ll v> Norh.rik city in tl A mai nate a gi hun tim \ KCChNTKltiTIKS Ul litMUS I'he WOTKl bas otten been amn-?il OBd then astolit-hed by the ,r UM men of genius, but it re? mained for one Mr. Thomas, principal of Kictimond'i high Mbool, who musi nus too, to amuse w Rh Ifca "., this line. Who but a boin genni- would ever Lave Conceived ol simplifying his m.liv nlual accounts by Introducing Into them Hie name "I Ifl Inuooral ami unsuspecting neighbor? Sliaki'spraic, we believe, wa- the author of bis .nun.ulai worka, bit >iiuke-perc wa- never enough iiiii- t.i invoke the name of John Smith to bo placed on In- lull heads before he could draw Ins royalties. air. Julian p. Thomas n no doubt Um author of Um Virginia Mbool register, but his genius is ol suth aesthetic and ethereal nature that t<> control the "filthy lucre'' due him for Ins rf love" bis bill heads hod 1" bear mi Iheir forefronts the linn name ol McGHvruy A Thomas. If this lan'I inkM in iiiinioi'ou- history, wh< you going to hunt for the nunnie with he hope ol Roding it'.' We knew a gilled but eccentric i once wiio-e genius rebelled igainst the trouble of taking oil ;i veil-worn -birt ju-t to put mi a frosh I WOehod and smooHily Irom >n a oertaln occasion when lie wu- to eave home to attend some church oort and to bo gone for a week, his 001I wife, who had parked bis trunk, ailed attention to Hie fart that she ail put up a -lint for carl, day of bil xpected abmnee ami urged lum to e sure to make the change catii day. ii Ins return linnie the MIDI ife lound Hie Hunk emptied of int- soiled and unrolled. She ol .ursee asked for the missing gar lents and wa-shocked lo learn thal t-r gifted husband bad obeyed her implicitly ami pul on a aah shirt each morning but bad for .t to remove thc obi ones, so (hat she lind bim burdened with six starched urts in addition to in- usual under car. To describe ber onMUtemonl would waste of word-, ami yet this Isn't ute so amazing a- i- Hie eccentric mluct of the principal of Richmond*! gb siinsil, who in order lo spell minas begin- by using the letters cOilv ray. TIM unexpected ll tppeliing. I'he newspapers are sometime- kimi candidates fol public favor and (hen lin almost cruel. They were giMxl uigii to give full reports of the .?edies of i ie candidates early in thc ' mil arc now forced to serve y ? same obi dishes. Headers are the 'Wing restless for a change, sonic lm\ v flavor or fresh spire and are |{ll; adoring that the-c great men can- bee make the ami palatable -ho inges. ,iK. he change of audieiire ought to the ie to thc rescue of Hie ipeaker, ami thei ? WOUld be true but for thc fact thal |( pie who make up the audience- i>nll reading people. The Governor's jap ittsylvania-peech will not 'down tllll ii- bidding" and Senator Martin the ? R oe a "sweet moree!" under hi- SSI\\ <ue. But lt may be that with rome will pie (he old -peech i- best -peech -?m Hs old muelc is best music and nc.xl wine is be-t wine. Anyhow the prix, ? of the orator a-of thc "tl is hard." This, however, will The ? remain true, that then- i- iiii- hold ise satisfaction in listening to a Bill I speech and even mme in making nH.j, ol ol -tl lol l-l fol .1.1 1.11 Ml I nu nfl Ml I te? nt! NINE MONTHS TERM ow that the 'May Campaign" h.i -il there is w nie spread interest state over on the subject of our lc schools, and wall nigh unlvor lemand for longer bom lons foi om try MbooJa. That thia ls di loughtful man w ill deny, bul those knOW UM corni it ions OB they r\i-t e country places are not hopeful e extended terms. Hired labor led Um country, ami thc Work on of our farms will have lo bc dont ie fathers and the Imivs. This is that late in thc fall season and in the spring boys over 14 must the plow or handle the boc. it ot be hoped that these can go arly lo school exrepi between the loth of Nov ember to thc loth ni. Thc family must be fed ami BJ and the father says I Ju-tran't UlOUt the boys. And can thc "Compel" bim to tlo without '.' Not unless it at thc-ame time take- toiintlic and feed tliefami iherc is nothing sentimental this but a practical BuggoaUon isn't received the consideration our til mat lonni eonvaOUBfl il I receive. ii our v MW point it i- a barrier t.. lerms in thc country districts cannot be removed or gotten Work on mir farms must go on schisil houses will all close nml rs g.. w it Inuit pay. If the boya ?ontribiitc largely to it then it . undone. No such dlfftoulUm i our citie- ot low ii-, bot thal exi-t in the country would be ? deny. t's tin' remedy? We i t- know ?( nona, but would wei practical one with Joyous oc is, ii -uni Hon, .-nd, >ind Mvei ?I.Itel iii va Disc. riire brmi. pneiii bottle A | some it i- | lt i< croup ami I bowel Hone' Congi bowed -y-ten cough Kenn. tOOte H or adu ' H.W (rates ru bi foe, Bum-, Wm in for bin trudi nf illr Wi c. DeV. k ol a nana] being built w ith r labor" ami "pauper-made" Us, bva ingh-piotectioii home Ion boine-inarket Admlnla ll-t- Mr. Room val I returned icc irade ideas be champion ed t Harvard' lix. ? ml ba- the courage, or ve to -av -". He i-n t Hie man hot ami cold, fast and looM. ions tariff MIMI go. Thc "in i now au adult. i Goff, of Weal Virginia, sayi : attortl to run for the lintel enate as it coate too much." rich man, and if alford the luxury, who ran.' of Montana, may bc. Mr. i might devote a fund for the k' but indigent a-pir .'orfolk is to have yet another running two hundred miles to Hie Carolinas and opening isl and wonderful territory. has the llnest future of any ie ss.uth. A w Moth terrible have |i Straw I.. specific sol t i of fifty thinks be can fooot rl of twenty, and she makes ik it. ( Ar? b. t prod laud Fara Sow F So i li il tri theb matt cond vv.. had i. sahib KIMI Sola M T.W FKOM THK POIITII Al KAI I 00U88I, ? I theil friend! ba- all ' from H" M ind none vvill bc allowed lo gio" . senator Martin has been "runulug" not from "department" to "deparl infill"' bul Hom appointment lo ap? pointment and no lead ol w i it mg 'iti? lt i- t" tin "dmr poop - bilking to Hiern lace to monly, practical, -fusible way. At Martinsville than cordial ami in- audience unpre? cedented!] Iorgo, il- a thc bii-iiic-s men of Danville iii a purdy business way wa- .i | I \ alue i" all concerned, a bile at .?uti*11 Held, Mr ol W Igbl < oiirthou-' it other point- bc ba- been mnk ng neild-, and, Hie new-paper ? IOy, V titi Governor Montague bad a mons ? i iiccting in Richmond on lost Mal ir? ing, a -pl. lion at lynchburg, Hedi..rd ami other points, nd in- Excellency ami bi- friends rc cheered a 11*t the outlook. ll Mr. Hwansou i- a- vt armit, a omed d-evv licit a- be vi Hie on losl KrMoj ? ? do i ol rouder that vcr Ins tatt', lt ng lu now how ably bc ran pre-cut bis WO claims and at Hu' -ame Hine di al lurteoualy with hi- an tag. o mallei w hat happen- the in ni h.. masters himself is v Ictor. Judge Mann bad hil reception in anv Hie, ami I wc imagine, i- ii ic lu- sining hold-. The Jud st- that bc i- Dem.>ciat lii-t and Pro ibltionixl afterward*. Ile o. that Hie women of thc Slate arc i In- -ide, and if so it W ill be l ai thc contention is a itrong mic. Mr. Willard ;.??- on thc rv ni tenor his way. Winning the good opinion those he rollie- in COU tad w llb. and ll iii-i.-t- thal he i- ind in the tig it - a pastime but fm Hie prize. Mi Kllyrou -I- been talkin neat ional line-, but In- |.nilli, il . iii m. w i-c neglected. Major Anderson is without ronni ldc opposition ami will -uric, .| itself a- Attorney < lenerul ? ile. .live candidates arc i ? lg to "bob-up" the stair ovei and airs iii thal d I reel ion will rou lever heat. lay the heal men w in ii i. for \ I i bless liei ed to the beal of oil Hun 1HK PTGHT ON THE HIGH SEAS. -.? ami ezpectanl waltli g world ha- i.t en od ? 1-1 i ol a al bailie between the Jap- OUll Minna, I he little folks who had n w inulug such signal v lc) re have now won new laurels . n sea. They waited patiently until My had entered their parlor ai il i lie w..rk of destruction. is -aid thal the Runion licet was ?tit-ally annihilated and thai the - nu Mered nu loss of ships. Dom mean thal Hie curtain w ill fall isa bloody tragidy. '.' May be Japan be so lilied vv ith pride that she want the ??l.-uiii." We hove clime- thought thal she would : fasten ber eye on the Philippine .'. Ht Mer far thal I Ul dd -ell mit rather than shell mit. far-oil propel tv i- Dot worth the lng much leas fighting for. B it do may imt yet be done with my." fe Pl \\ Li F; H Hying of Pontiac i u- torments, like dying of ion pt ion. The progress ol ooiiNumn from the biggiiiiiiiig t ' thc v.iv i- a long torture, both lo victim friends. "When I ind consumfl? in it- iii-t stage," w i Ur- Wi i n rose, M.I., "after tryli g rent mein .11 ?- uni a good doctor, in, I at ia i took Dr. King's New .very, winch quicklyond perfect y I me." Prompt relief mid rare ..-li-, .?..!.)-, -or- throat, ?inti-, eta Positively prevents I ol White A drug store, pi Trial h.tile fit", irl i- never too young liol to bl i.oy she is Interacted lu Imagine mother fellow. FO aY 'len Times Easier. . lei innr- eas lei lo i in e coughs, , w booping-COUgh and all lui g iromhial affections when ll I n. Kennedy'i Loxath i f aini Tor li Um original Loiotive i Myrup. Gently oiovm ii >? ', and expel- all .old from tl e i, nit- the phlegm .hm- oil -and itrengtboni weak lung-, ?dv - Loiotive li -i" I and Ti i ns no opiate-, i- pleasant to ti i ml i- the bml and -,-tfe-t forcblld lt. (fold by W. lt. Agnew. Ma for Wo I'he Salve Thal Penetrates. itt- Witch Hasel Salve pene the pore- of the -kin, anti-ipii . it ul and bealing Influence ; ?s iiillaiimialioii and GUIM Holli, Cuts, i:. /.ina, Tetter. Rh % and all -km ni, bleeding, Itching and pu : Pile-. The original and genii tch lla/.-l Halve ll made by i: .itt i Go.,and boM by W. I, oman run converse ami she dot? er- I..-,- their dread for "thal I Rummer" when they <r. Fowin'- Kxtrnt of Will ?ny in the hourn N . for bowel ot uplaint- of every Wood's Seeds. "ow Peas > Worth Million* of Dollars bis country, Increasing the uctiveiiess and value of thc wherever they [tr. lld -ow ail tin ir avail lund- iii Cow, .,r Kit li l'ea-. or a Forage Crop; w ifier Grain Crops; Sow ai ihe Last Working ot Corn; Sow en Tour Vacant and Uncultivated Landa. aiding, ? ip, and leave ind rich in bum na or vegetable er, and in ex..ll-nt workable looa for thc i rope to follow, sro liPS'b; ' ' Cow Pass: ll ?i St. Louis, OB "li! Swarded the Grand Prise. it Cow Peas. i sod Velvet Benns. Sorghum*. Mlet sad ? .seeds. .Wood &Sons, Seedsmen, HCNBOND VIRSINIA. G Hie; tim G Iv' liv not bk si Bi Par FAR F i ASPJ M -;- Sa Bui A THOROUGHLY reliable, well made Freezer, ,-it ;i mcNlcrntc price. T'i'i- are waterproof, w it li galvanized Itnnjis. us .ni' iib'ulc t,r the beal dc of tin, willi bear* metal li..limn. All metal parts thal come in contact with thc cream are (.ivetttl with pare bink lin, .iinl .-ill outside metal 11 re GALVANIZED, and will nol rust. smooth and vd- I" ii low cream very i|iiiikly. Paolell <& Bogg, Hi SOLK AGENTS. b ill un PALL, SON & CO. ?r Stoves, Hardware, aints, Oils, Buggies, ? radons, Implements, ts Lme, Ice Cream (fl! reezers, creen Doors, Elwood Field Fencing. FOLEY'S ONEYmiTAR The original AXATIVE cough remedy. The genuine LEY'S HONEY and TAR li In ellow package. Refuse lubitltutea. Praparod only by Foley A Company, Ohloego. IRICKS! BRICKS! am manufacturing online grade llar.l linik-Jfor Foundatioiisjand Building, iliine ami Hand Make, Hinioii chimney*, re-preoaod lor outside rk, Can lill nrden promptly - you. 7 HOS. i BOLLING, Karin vi I le. Va A. LEVY, rHE TAILOR. icntlcmen'a Suits made to i sn rt- .'uni entile oatigfac i aa to style and tit UARANTEED. epairing, Cleaning and going done on ohortest in- and ut nu>>t reasoaa prices. lop in residence opposite tptist church, Main street, m ville. A LEVY. Y. MYILLE MTG. CO. ROHCSON -?- CC. ROBSSON ENCING '.nts .i panel and up. ? (ALT ROOFING, $BKSTOS ROOFING. ir, yon In Ye yon I .i uh ii li tn mer store a S|H Thnrad sh Doors Blinds \ Iding Materials. Let Common Sense Decide Do you honestly believe, that sodas KaU loose (in boDt), espse-l to dust, germs and ira. .-ts, pBSBiBg through many Iimnls (some Ol tin in BOl "TOT ftlBSn). ' lilcinlcil, ' you don't know how or l.y whoso, ia fit for ymir uno t Of course you dont. But LION COFFEE la another story- The green berries, aelected by keen (udgea at tho plantation, are skillfully roasted at our fac? tories, where precautions you would not dream ol arc taken to secure perfect cleanliness, flavor,strength and uniformity. From the tittie the coffee teoott the factory BB Ad * it till it it opentd tn your kitcloti. T?U has Slade LION COFFEE thc LE.tDM or AU PACKAGE COFFEES. Millions of American Homes welcome LION COFFEE .linly. There is no stronger judo/ of merit than continued ami iiuicas lng popularity. "Quality survival all opposition." (Sold only in 1 lb. paekagM. loop hMd "ti fv.-ry package.) iffaM rooi I.i"ii-lieadi for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE W00I40K BPIOI CO., Toledo, niuo. Rock Island and Frisco Systems. I Jjiiciiidy low ral. - all ??iinuiiei h. thc Northwest, West and SoiithB/est. Mt lino to tbs Lowio 4 (lark Exposition, Portland, ore and Denver, Ubi* ada Springo, HI Paul and Minneapolis. Little Rock ond Hoi Springo, Ark. Through atoudard and tourtol Bleepers, dinlug ears and tree reclining chair III lu ire a Bay from (ftlcOgO and St. Loni-, v m li POM or < OlOTOdo and Sall akc. Through oloapar and dining ear Atlanta to Colorado Springo, via Blr iii?|ihiii, .Memphis and KanoaoCity. Low rows from Ht, Louis and Mom its, llr-t and third Tue-. I av l of ta. ii i non iii la < 'kial.ia. I nd ia ii Territory, ?xas ami thc Souths ....... DNI.V ONE CHANGE OP CARS FROM VIRGINIA (MU.- PO AW ? THE ABOVE POINTS. I ll Hst rated I Herat ii rc ond mop of our systems, ibowingovei 14,000 milM ol r ow ii rail--cut on appliratioii. \ u\\ will make no mistake ami .senile DST FOB Yoi R MONEY by sobing youl ticket ogeul tho routs via lc. K ! i.iviiiM. PaiocoSvoTi mo. < ali mi or address \. Hil.ros, Oini:.;l ll. Lil., iii' A. iii-.,-v-I, ms, i. p. \.. Kock Island System, St Louis. Little Rock, Aik. V. M. i'm i-, (leuerol Agent, Hos I Mt Maui St.. lin hinoiid, Va. WHAT DOES IT MEAN l lot dividends ACCI Ml LATE on 0 Lifo lii-uraiirc Policy? Iii many anponlea R mssni nothing onore than sh igreementon tba pori of the illry-hohlcr la do without div i.lend- lor liltecii or Iwent v yean and then kc whatever dividend! the company nay be wllllug t.. glva; ihould von a or lapse tho polley during tho accumulated period, all dividends ie ifeited. Divktandl are dr. lair. I KVEIO lear in the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ul the pollcy-boiden um them b> help pay their premiums, or lo bu) BfOBSSd iiisiiraiire or lo convert their policy Into an endowment. ir \soi Li) HE to your ad vantage before Insuring to E. SCOTT MARTIN. I. e OAVIDSOK. L C. CLAPHAM, JOHN W. LONG. J. L, BOGS, President. rice-President, Cashier. Uss! Cashier, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY, The First National Bank of Farmville, SAVE YOUR MONEY! One way yon can do this is by opening an ac? count with thc FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Receives Deposits in any .inn unit. Allows interest on time .lc|)..sits. ^llow Trading Stamps Can lie 1 rbtained of the Follow ing Men hants: lil R. W. GARNETT & CO., S. W. PAULETTA son, Tin; \Vl\STo\ DRUG CO. J. ASHBY ARMISTEAD, W. T. DOYNB, W. T. BLANTON, J.J. CI I.LIAM & SON. vim will patronise these merchant!) find pay rash for wli.-it iv, ;unl as!< for How Trading Stamps, n furnish ymir homes with useful and ornamental articles these merchants are giving away absolutely free in order ease their cash business. Call at R. W. GARNETT & CO.'S nd examine the presenti we are giving away. ri.'il souvenir spoons will bc given nway commencing .iv, April 6th. * DONT FORGET * That we handle country MEAL. Stokes & Davidson The Merchants National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, will handle your banking business intelligently and satisfactorily WRITE THEM J ;**3?*?~b NOW IS THE TIME to Kuanl ogalnsl di boom bj DISINFECTING, our < blonde >ol thc best d ,-intertant. Fall quart bottle ? ? ? 35 Cents. Agnew's Drug Store. Tulumi Inn Library Htatnm. For Comfort, Style ANI> (HOE : WOMEN. Durability IT IS A Leader. SOI.I) only kv W. T. CLARK, FARMVILLB, VA. OUR CONSTANTLY ncreoalng BuoinoM la itilv inn pro>>t ot -at rd patron-. We aim keep olwoj ? thc baal I Kl -ll' Ml \ I-. I N I KV PRODI IK I UKEEE <iK<" I - tc lill orders pn.mpt id solicit ymir pat ogo. Il a ve, rein 0 v cd to Rlpbotgor*! oldjstand Hurd Street. Keineinber we pay IN CASH the hilliest inarkelj price for turn, skins, (Vc. Kes|.ertfullv. GILLIAM <$ SON. ti ESTABLISHED 1867. j? ti Planters Bank of Farmville m farmville, va. CAPITAL, $43,426.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $70,000.00. .ii H. a. Mobbs, rYsWafsBt IT. O. Vknaw.k, UsaMsf W. P. Vknah/.e, Assistant Cashier. Conducts a General Banking Bushier. Account Solicited. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits ti DIRECTORS: j i. Walk bb J. M. Ogata Ul. Vbbbbb ti B. W. PAIII.kTT A. K. CftUUB W. T. Ci.akk ;jfi )o Not Buy sold by Blore, Coollnr or Heatlor Stove mrC? S. VV. PAULETT jul You Examine & SON, ire (be Mont Dumble, Unveaieat ?nd Economical. -DBALBR9 IN Stoves, Steel Ranges, Crockery, Tinware, Glassware and Woodenware. y One Guranteed Perfect Subscribe for the Herald.