- w
rn, ll. B
- K. H.C. Kio.
- Mari.
V. li. Wal
i. ;
V^T# I \N( \>i lil.
\l rORM N vi l \\>
. Court
H given prompt at
Lee & Thompson,
Attorneys at Law,
Farmville \m> Crewe, Va.
AUurncy at La*.
- . vu;
i < S WING.
i ?.
Green Biy, Prince Edward Couoij, Vi.
tte and Federal.
S CITY, ii.
? ourt of
^ HITL 4. CO.,
Medicines and
Druggists' Sundries,
At P lo Suit
Every Pui
The Handsomest line ever
vu in Farmville. Onr
" New and Commodious Ware
iwded fr uni 1st
u with thc newest
designs in everything in the
Furniture Lino.
Call to See What
We Have.
W. T.
lu announcing to tin.' pub
Ik* 1 store is
ipleted aiul equipped w ith
drugs, chemi?
st's sundries,
?i extensive
51 anti gen?
tler! ??
Hair Brushes and Combs.
- nnd tulla articles,
k nt Fountain
nery, smokers' sup
i a better ]u>
r ttl rem*
all a cordial
1! and inspect
Anderson Drug Co.,
1 Streets
< <>f the (Molae
Uxativc Hromo-Quinine Tablet.
?*" tmm*A* ?"?' ???"*? a e?M 1st em* Oa7
- L:
IlUt, Ilk'
^j Teaching Him [??
y{ a Lesson. E
Sj 111 JOIIV HliliVI. ??
liTHUN 1
i Lu
titled that wi had I
you mn-- :. roe."
"If you
all by himself. What li
mai ni
other man!"
Ls said. Bur]
ind and forgive your tl
I ?
YJo away and
Bart; I don't like j
"It k I Ol
- finding it v.
bl "Lni
tig you're wroL
burn all of my letters,
t like them to bi
arni get Into the M
If you want to pii
tniok form, walt until you hear of my
tleath. I don't suppose it will
' Bhe replied faintly.
was a pause.
"Well," he said, "i
"Goodby," she sa. I
"We can still be friend
and all that?"
"Of co
"All right; and lil come I
whenever I'm In trouble or anything."
He had got one glove on and whs
blowing Into the other and making lt
stand out straight.
"Bf the way," he said, "I I
we keep this a secret?"
'I must tell mother."
"Of course; but we needn't lot the
world know until we've got more used
lo lt"
"No." ih( said.
He was at the door, but stopped
igaln. "See you at the Farboroughs'
night?" he asked.
"I may be there," she said.
"Right!" hi replied, ai. I
if the room and her life.
She doubted whether
to to Farboroughs'.
be there, and did not like to
llsappolnt the duchess. She would go
or a short time.
She went He was a'
ie waa taking one of tl
;lrla towards the ballroom, and he
Kiwed and smiled cheerfully to her as
ie passed.
She particularly disliked thi
ism girls. It felt strang* not I
ilm at her side at ring all
he dances he could
ure whether she li
lon or not
About half an hour after her arrival
ie happened to be standing ii'-ar her,
ittering plea Lady
Bald, the daughter of tba
eemed to be enjoying himself. A man
talked off with Lady Enid, and
evoked around the room.
poa Eva, and be came up, smiling.
"Ah, my dear Miss Rowen, 1
ou do? Great crowd. J
she said; "i
"No?really? Curious that I I
lea you; but there are s
le, aren't there? May I have a di
They danced the waltr that Ol
CKiiuiing. He soon found out I
ii to the academy ai
groot admirer of
' 'liought him
?v tie fellow ?
??hat the violins were doing
Lille he was Jotting down airs for tho
rum; though aome of the thin; ?
ld in "The i irly as
1 i .
nind the fellow!
thy not simply tear lt all off? E
it the rest? O
??I a Quiet corner of thi
There he laboron*' same
Ind of a
l> till t ly in mono
Don't be foolish, Mr.
"Km sorry, ' tie said;
but the fact ls, I'm not Quita sure at
"Wi ll." sali
.ou arranged thia picnic; you should
r- atiout lt than I
"I don't think wa need be quite so
stant; lt soundi rather Idiotic."
well," aald Bertie, had
as quite up to the level of my
mversatlon on first Introductions
I didn't mean that!" she said,
"I mean, a OH each
nan] v-.trs?"
Well, lin glad you pal lt in
it uk i complete
'What ll lt!"' she said, in a low
? ni quite knowing whet I
? f' in-ill li.
t ll, 1 should rn'
'he rim: I on
may perhaps remember-"
certainly!" she said. She had
still on
-he handed it to him. "I
? ? I nt to return
,- 'noon How foolish
? liked at li
b her I f duty,
would have yielded, of
Bertie, "it was rather
? of rne to ask for lt. Rut th'
1 want lt just now for a
He held it between his thumb and
er and looked at lt tenderly.
v that the attack was coming,
and nj'
"What reason?" she said, almost in
;i whl
"Well," he said, "as ?i
ma, I don't mind confiding
if tall girl in
Hider that
Fact ls, Kv. -.
-ith h.-r. and lt strm k I
..ii a ripping girl that I've do
r to I anti on
DI like this It is alway!
I find, to have the ring nady, yon
I i Bbl >uld think of
roo are a sort of a
he went on dreamily,
mind telling you how j -
r. It ls so nice to have some
confldc in, In a ea
ympathetic You know
' said Eva, in a eboklnj
? she a dear girl? :
.1 you ever lae smh hair, roch
Dcb an outlook? And i
uk you've?} a v ry making a heroic effort to
?i ihe commm
all this ibo
nothing more.
i'm glad you are pleoaod " he said,
i value your opinlo: ly than
.ther friend I
log me to do lt?"
she said, with hollow
'Thank you, thank you so much!" he
oking bar hand earnestly and
? yoa. "Isn't that the
nice beginning."
lari a headache. She deter?
mined to go home, and looked around
for her mother, but was claimed for
the next dance by an elderly gentle?
man who would take no refusal. And
she was fortunate to have got rid of
a man who could see anything In that
\oreham creature.
Her next partner, a cheerful young
man, said, "Have you heard the newe
about Maude Norebam?"
Her heart sank, In spite of all her
d? termination. "About?about?her en?
if?" she asked, faintly.
"Yes," said her partner. "Lucky
-n't he?"
She didn't know what reply ste
made, nor what they talked about for
the rest of that dance. She only knew
that, In order to do this so suddenly,
and that?that perso:;
have had an understanding for months
.. .must have simply been wait
in g for the opportunity_must have?
oh, the villainous treachery of lt all!
"Mother, I really think wp had bet
she began, when her ey>
f.-ll on a familiar figure. Bertie was
standing at the table. Though munch?
ing a sandwich, he looked the picture
li ss misery.
"Nonsense, nonsense!" said the
luke; "I couldn't allow such a thing;
ihe next ls my dance with Mrs. Row
n." And they went away and left ber
and alone.
I came slowly toward bar,
iiournfully rubbing crumbs off his
His step was heavy; i'
is if the light bad gone out of his
"I think the next ls our dan
" he said, offering his arm.
What waa she to do? She took lt
ind they walked toward the ballroom
n sib :
tv ant to dance this?" he
in hollow tones.
? as you like," she replied.
? said Bertie, "as if
should ever want to dance again."
He looa her to the conservatory and
t down In the same corner as
He groaned and put his head
lands. She waited, with some
orprii -
for a little sympathy!" he
Di ali. d.
"1 should have thought you >\
ilatlons." She spoke with a
OUCh of hitit r:
? ??' ' ' bi lalmed,
.au to you In my trouble, can
1 nothing.
' Did I tell you how I loved Maude!"'
she said.
he went on, "I thought I bad
?d it to somebody. Well--"
? d. She waitetl.
Well," he said, raising his head
"I asknd her if she would
narry me." He poused again,
lure anything unreasonable In that?"
ie exclaimed. f:>
"What?what did she say?" faltered
' he replied; and then went on,
n a monotonous wall of anguish: "She
Ta, dear boy, but I'm suited.
: tell you before?' Just aa if
m errand boy applying for a
"I believe you're pleased," he said,
I rn not," she said. "I'm very
irry for you."
"Thats the way with sisters?they
lways object to people their brothers
an choose anybody you like,"
hi .-aid.
He took his programme from his
ocket, and said, reflectively, "I don't
bink I'll maka another shot to-nlahL
I>et s iee who I've got il
ran his eye down the Hst an .
off two or three names. "What do you
, Boning. Rut I don't think
. ll enough to sug
There's Enid Stafford, of
course. I think I love h>-r v. ry much
he a charming girl?"
you happen to know?" he said.
wai still fan
Why can't one hire
Mid yet
"Why in roch a hurry?" aikod Bra
ld take a day or two to look
"Rut it's so uncomfor
a| about loose and liable
? d up at any fl
Oilier t:
. terrible disaster, fly to drink.
ll so vulgar; I fly to matri?
"And have you had a disaster?" she
ill fan
nine ht
I. dol<-fully. "Lis?
ten! For three months I had bi
Dg In the whol?, world -
? mind my confiding to
?nal affairs like th
path v. ' l'lease don't brush n.
drew ! with a ll
eye. looking mai;.- >n an
unhappy won't
ll into
hlnnk. dismal, drear,
why? B i ia a murderer? Not
a blt of it. Becauae l waa unkind to
I I was
won't believe lt, bul it was simply and
In my outl?"
Eva, rising.
Ry the v
- it if I
? on.
nd ll.-rtle.
"I think so," she rep!.
"If you li:
"Including (
[ghi me a lesson'" he
?aid, puzzled. And thr>n. repentantly,
never do it ai
Ixmdon S
I Iran ll. .1 I lum Ur..iii; lil Bfclvvr*
of In 1 ns|.|.r.-. In 111 r
Pub!: years
lasted to
daily comfort, -
ibout I Which was founded
n the lime of Qui ii. and
DtO celebrity lintier th"
r Edward Thring, savs
bat the dormitories thcre had eoa
rete floors and were delightfully cool '
r. In winter, however, they
vere of an arctic temperature, for there
vere no Ares.
??nt cf the week was sure to '
tba boys a wave of indignant '
iorror. This was the appearai.
lean sheets, which, being of linen, al- '
rays felt like ice.
No one who was at Kppingham at
in ever have forgotten '
tb whii-h the first
;et into . announce, "Clean '
"Oh, l ba was
nore likely to call, "look at this!"
Why. what's up?"
(iran straw, by all that's horrible! '
) my! How cold It ls!"
:, straw! Toa don't mean it"
"It ls, though."
was nothing to do but for
arh boy to sit on his pillow, wrap his
tai carefully In the tall of his nii:ht
birt. and fo. curled up like an am- '
lonite. to slip down gradually under d
he clothes. Then, drawing then.
tie would soon be heard puff
? Mowing long, warm breaths J,
\flrr Ihe IJnnrrrl. t
:< just one little blt of t
lilllm i I.
? buy lt for you.
bl afraid. You'll never get j,
ie bill for it. lt's a widow's bonnet" n
-Londi _ j
Diing .,r i a,i,m. t
Dla, like dying "f i mi- fi
liiiption. Tho prngn -umi>
on, from ide beggiooiog t i Hm
td, la a long torture, ifith lo rhrtln
ni friend -. "When I bod enaoamp
on in it- Iii- R fi tea Wm trying p
King's New
ivirv. vviii.-ii iiuickly and perfectly
ire for eoagh
roocbitu nv.iv provooti
leuilii.i i
n's., di ami |1.00 a
ttle. Trial bottle fie-'.
Ten Times Easier. U
oap, whooplng-ooogh and all long
><l brooch lal affectlooa winn ibo
.wei- are open. Ki native
1 Tar i- tba original Laxative
nigh Hy IO p. Hendy moves the d
I expohi all in!il from tba y\
? - si
ugh- ami atroagibeoa weak lung-,
enin-il.v - I 'i-.v sin! 1 sr
?i tile
-te ami la th* ifeal forchiltl
atlult. S.ltl by W. IL Agnew.
Ijinliti I- Ouantil).
if (lu
?t .li |.i .1 on the qoaoUty of food yon
,t, bal aa ii- poafocl digoatlon ami
-ululation. When you take
ihI.i] DyopepsiaCureyooraysten
1 the ooartabmeot oat of all tho
tu eat. It tlige-l-what you Ml
? the conditionofthe*t'tn
? ya tba nutrient properties to :
Hu- baikal
nl -ireiinthen- the uitire -v-tiiu
-Niling. Soar Stomach. Weak Heart,
I W. B. Agnew.
Herald and N. Y. World, fl.60 B
Message of the
Risen Christ
Sandiy School Le non lor Jane 11, IMS
Specii'ir Prepared \jc This Paper.
Verses, 17, 1?
? ni Wa'
ut book
places lt in lt.
W si.J BJ
ilu A L> M-iSi,
.ar fr "tc
Comment and Suggestive Thought,
iii." in a state ot
spiritual ecstasy, ornefl the outer world
seemed for a tune abut out. "The Lord's
day.' Thia ma;, refer io the first day
lt is proper
, end this day
in uar ? will enable us tu
iee Jesus inure. laaxly."Voici aa of a trum?
pet." A trumpet always signifies Codi
speaking wah power and majesty.
V. ll. "Alpha .
are the first .. letters of thc
Greek alphabet i he risen Christ ts
to His diacl| and the lost,
ind all . l.n was
BW and beard, that
other* Otlghl I - ad by the won?
derful ri On a
nt roll, w huh waa the form ot
book used ul
Churches of Asia. (.'hun his of the
I of Asia Minor (ailed Asia, of
whlth Ephesus was the capital
may hire be
Church of Corlat in all lauds and all
. e." To
see whose voice s;
lampsiand would better den rlbe what
John saw. it reminded him of the
golden candleatick of the temple.
V. ll
Indicate tha' I
pie. "One like aol
Man." lt was a human figure whlca
John saw. "I.
forth Jesus a
. lion of the .
the de?
scription repn as a King.
V. 14. "White sk now." This Indi?
cates polity and splendor (Dal
lt may
lived from u.l It ls, how?
ever, ii ;n rath?
er than . a flame ol
fire." Noth:i . Iden from the
search!11 lt ls love that
iorth from them and i
has such pow.. wbatlaevU.
V. la. "J ... furna
if thfy had been brought by lurnace
fires to a white boat This may sug?
gest that Jamal i
to our aid. and that He will at last tread
down ai - ind of many
watere." Waters come as ai
Jew, as the gentle rain, and again with
[he roar of the oct an Ji
>peaks to us In va:
V. ll M. "A
sharp two-edged sword." This lndl
ates here, as elsewhere In Scripture.
Jae word of (^ id. Ii-iw.i edges may indi
;ate that it converts some oad
lemns some. "Countenance as the sun."
A's know no beauty upon earth equal
f a love-lit human face. What,
hen, must be the brightness of Jesus'
'ace, when we shall Biog in
ila atrength"?that is, with no clouds
:o blur our vision of lt? Surely that '
light will consume the lait blt of evil,
ind bring us to lori as He loves.
V. IT. our ayea ? ooool I
mn without being blinded, and John's
lesh was too weak to endure the glory '
)f that vision. "He fell at His feet os l
me dead." "1-ald His right hand upoD
oe." That hand, which is so ,
ul. la yet tender and helpful. John
veil remembered Its touch. How lt
elnvigorated him now! "gayla!
lot" In all the coming ?
rill be r. i those who love
Christ need fear.
V. 18. "He that li i liv
ng One") That is. the One who la '
ilmself tl 'ii.- And wai h
ead." It ls the same Jesus who waa '
mt to death by t rm iflxlon. "Alive for "N
vermore." Nothing can Interrupt His r
lfe nor thwart His purposes of love.
Have the keys of hell and death." None
iow need fir to die, for Jesus holds
he key to the door of death, and at Just
herlghttlm. wlllopenittoeach one whe
oves Him and welcome Him to be "tor?
ver with thc :
V. 18. "Write the things which thoo p
John wrote these In this k
rst chapter. "Things which are." f
le wrot- apters two and i
bree. "Things whuh shall be here- ]t
(tl r The remainder of the book li
lied with details of those future
vents. ,]
V. 20. "The mystery." The explana- h
lon of the mystery. "Angels of the ti
(lurches." Perhaps these signify tri* fi
aators who had charge of the various ti
rjurchei. "Seven candlesticks ... are t
even churches " Kat h church of Christ
i a beacon light set in this dark world
> thine for lana, to guide and direct
Inners to the Saviour. Karh Christian
i precious to Jesus.
Practical Polnta.
V. 10. The Lord's day should be a
me for special communion with our
avlour.?John I
V. ll. Let the Divine Master be the
iltlator of all your plans, and leave re?
lit! to Him?Isa. M
V. 13. In every company of HU re
aemed ones Jesus ls in the midst? !
latt_ ll
V 16. In Jesus ls found all that li
eeded to give us victory over all our
lemles?1 <
V. 18. Death may tear other friends
om ui. but Jesus ls In undying, ever
restnt Friend.?John lei lg,
lin- vdu Hint Tenetrali?.
DoWIUVl Witch Ha/el Salve
? pore- of the -kin, an: -
II and healing intliiet,
il.iliie- inflammation and cures I
urn-, i na, Tetter, ?
I all -km .ii-ea-es. A il ?
r 1.lui.l, blooding, itelling ami
odiog Pllea. The original and g
ic Witch Hazel Ba ri kl made I
, DoWItt A C.... and -old by W. H, jj
snow, a
Rail Mood and iodination are dead- ?
enemies to good Itealtli. Burdock *
l.ssl Ritters destroys them. ?!
Horrible Story of the Sacrifice of Twin
Sisters?Enraged Father Splits
Head of Witch Doctor.
\ horrible story .,,:.
' Kasimirovka. Sib.-ria "In
raul ir three
sat the
i'he ru?
ber and her twin -
inly tried and
> were
and I...
innocent child In I
-ht the torture fire, and a
1 of three was given thi
: to thrust it among the fagots.
up. The w:
. but In vain.
.?lr frenzied mother tried to ru?h
am. The eil
re at a
tug hymns and prat
I back In the Hames father, who ha \t from
the vii;.,.
.??d among the ci
hatchet and clove the witch 6V
skull to the chin."
Second Attempt of Charles F. Hiatt
to Get $5,000 Proves His
Norfolk, Va.?Word has been n
it Charles F. Hiatt. alla.
sentenced to the
na territorial prison for ll
for the murder of his wife, Ida. ii
1 la., five years ago.
Hiatt in 19"3 lived hen
He was a carpenter. Ills wife
tl one night with a bullet
hole in her left temple. He ?ald that he
was lying beside her when he wasawak
a shot. His cries that someone
had murdered his wife brought neigh
it was discovered that Mr*. Os?
borne had been insured f<
:hat her husband was a striking carpen
lOOt means, the man was I
.1. Public opinion forced bis acquittal
lecause bis story waa so well told.
Bat Osborne was at once rearrested
iv officers from Stillwater, Okla. The
? ion of the news of his arrest here
ed to his identification as an Oklahoma
. r, and when he waa taken
hither lt was ascertained that Mrs.
flatt had been killed In exactly the same
as the Norfolk wife, and had
0 insurance on her life, her hus
land being the beneficiary. The hus
and collected the money and dlsap
leared and was not heard of again until
.ft *r the murder of his Norfolk wife.
after his arrest as Hiatt he sued
n Insurance company as Osborne for
ihe life of Mrs. Os
orne. The courts held that either th*
nsurance company mast prove that
s' or hadcom
nltted suicide or pay the loss. The com?
an}- paid lt
Monkey Rivals O'Leary Cow.
?.?Ure which de
the Springfield city ball
1 the police station and a le
art men t store and threatened several
uslneos blocks waa checked In time to
eep a pet monkey from a pedestal of
?me alongside of Mrs o'leary's cow.
nkey tipped over a kerosene
imp on the stage in the assembly hall,
.here a food fair waa being held, and
instantly the curtains and
raperies were In a blaze and the ex
ibtts were all on fire before the at
?ndants escaped. The loss was con?
ned mainly to the city hall and
ms In
ling had to run for their
nd Mayor Hickson and several
. aped.
Revolving Stage Claims Victim.
hall In London, where a
?atlve of the Derby ls pro?
s' a revolving stage, Jockey
ling the outside horse.
1 ad attempted to
His horse stumbled on the
?on work surrounding t:
latform and rolled over the proe
?"niura Into the orchestra beneath.
s>nt waa thrown on his head and
ikea to a hospital unconscious, and
tlved. Another fatal ai
iseum during the
>hearsa! prior to the opening of the
lino raak.
It was a huge task, to undertake the
ase of kidney di
- dist of C. F. Collier, of Chen
lid it.
lacys were so far
? on a chair w
' ?i from i:
i.-ksi-l- and ilepr.
however. I folllni
cure, ami by them wa?
ifed health. I roooBinund tlii
?eat ton to all with weak
oaaeb. Guaranteed
? White A C., druggist.-, price
The Most I'aticnt f-armville Citizen
Must Show Aiuovawae at li.
Like any Itchii ?
All dav ;l
All night il wake.
Itch! Itch!
.Iii-i i
ung it.
bul you j
imtki -
People arc leal
eu rod.
- oint?
Plenty of proof
itchiness of die -kin.
I the tesimioiiy of a l-'armville
W. K. Wright the well-known re?
tired farmer, liv lug
tow ii, u Ile fm
mont la
without a doubt a wonderful
mt is clairol
?iV t.I willi.
w lu.-h although in ' .is nii
recommended for such .-1111111-111- I .-.u
a boa nt ll. 1 . ( mic ?
ami it only rouul
pilcal. .t I am too
pleased io n 1 ...nus oint?
ment to my friends aud ..
lj up.Ml."
V ^ tin- I luted
Remember du- 1
lill ( IliltlllU's I ,|t.lilli .
Pol Cougl
Cough ? 1, (uri
I- the 1 bildn
eauai ii coal un- ? erfectlj
barm li -
by W. K Al
m.Ii..11,> -tiller the
torturing pangs of dyspepsia. No nord
to. Bui
suv drug
I i-i. ut Dr.
lie m.- ml "in t tit?
til tell w hut momeM an oed.
Ictit 1- going lo happen.
If in a kind of bilious mond,
-I an ai.l 1.. i-.
No.,tl,ct pill is half -o good
\s DaWitt'i Little I .
*i-ti*. 1;
: . i.ut Impart carly rialoi
; for chilitri'ii or
V ( iii c Lin- I'ilcs.
Itching, Rim.1, 1 li..
truding ? money
r FARO OIN ,ie any
mitti r of h..w long standing.
Kirst app
I R?t
1 it will
: post-paid by Kan- Modi
I ll. lc is a Dill, li ncc.
The difference between Kennedy's
? Hooey and lal and all Ot bet
Mi ll III'VI- lill
thus expelling a cold from the
ry at em. li. rvo-tla
die throat ami lu:
lough ls relieved cured entirely. Ken
dike f"i young ami
fr*, lt. Agnew .
Only 11 die w..i
Viii al 1 : ilie-s of Ihe-kllllll
ny part of l- -1 liutmellt
Vi any ?!
Mop I hal OOOgt
rill eur.
Hrs Mary Dimmick of Washington talla
How Lydia E Ptnkheni a Vegetable
Compound Mad* Ear Wall.
??at pleasure we j
letters, as they cunvinc
sse io many
. r-.t that Mri.
'inkhsm. of 1 I full] quali
(esil Mn "ere.
Her tint ie"er.
lear Mrs I'inkhsm : ?
" I lisvs Imwii a sufferer for th* | ?
ears with st: ubi* -
rant tn. . n tiossl
1 lt. KI*a*? ; ' . Mary
tVaahlngi ;? ''
Her second 1- ter ;
lasrMrs Pinkhom :?
-. -?h*n I
mt wrot* you. and that th* d - tor laid I
mst hs 1
raoairsd your lind l*tt?r end f*Uo?
rory iar*fuUv and ? ??
rsl! Ai mr ? ??? wsj 1 1 ??sm* a
sra cured. I kn * toat I owe
,t H v 1 1 -.. ta I .: inj fi ?- Lydia K
: 'o your
Otto I -so - Wt an ache or
?vary suffering woman
_ u._
pain, and I wish ovary 1
rould read thia letter oatt r
-Mrs liar
Dd East Capitol Streets, Washing*
How easy lt wai ? - .ck to
rrite to Mrs. Kinahan) a'. I.; un. Mass .
at har?a two-cent
tamp. Vet how valuable waatlo
,s Mrs. Dimmick says?it saved her life.
Mrs Plnkham ha* on rile thouiondl
f j mt tush lettera aa the abova, and
ffars ailing women helpful advice.
reliable, well made Prto
at a moderate price.
Tubsarc waterproof, with
galvanised hoops.
- arc made of tlu- beni
grade of tin. with hear*
metal bottom.
All metal parts that CORM
in contact with the ennui
are covered with pure Mink
titi, and all outside metal
parts are
and will not n:
-mooth and niel
low cream very (|tiieklv.
Paulet! & Bugg,
Packed With
i ICE. ?
? | . r trallon.
1 Lui ??
LIL", "
I.ju ??
I ?' IJi "
? OOO li -iii.-k
: Savoring. Baal made.
Ripberger Bros,
Call on
tor Stoves, Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Buggies,
Wagons, Implements,
Lime, Ice Cream
Screen Doors,
Elwood Field
G. M ROBESON -f- 0 C. aOBflON
< t-iit- a panel and up- -
-;- Sash- Doors Blinds -f
Building Materials.
1 am manufacturing affine grade
aJfJanl liri
Foundatioas*aj?i gtaildifigs,
. ai.d Maud Make, Bmion
f,,r, I , reased fur outside
Citu till order* ironiptly
and plaaai \
Karmvllle. Va.