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FARMVILLE HERALD, v\ INDEP1 N n M W8PAPER li tu .\v.| i: I. Ii vi; i T.litor anti PteprtetOI lit - . ai pi iori One i'"i pl.OO six mouth*. '*> three months i ,.' posioWUs al i An rottiiniiiiicaii,m. ami moue) - -??I tu lim Karin'. FRIDAY, Jl NI IMMIGRATION "If it tat' true that undesirable 1111 migvanta ore orrlvlnff In thia country ?it tho rate of two a minute," that they .'ire ''barbarians mostly," BOOl out trout the criminal classes of foreign countries, then indeed tho immigra? tion problem is thc 'inost which confronts the (iovernini-nt and the BejOfsS Of this country. There lo iiicuacf enough In having tho Phil ippmes abroad but thc danger l>e cuius intensified when thc "bar? barians" actually infest our society. If WC COllId Illlike gtaitl cit]/. them as fast as they arrive, the word welcome would slime over our every port of entry, but assimilation has al? ready boon put to its limit anti wc bad as well confess that further ex? periments mi this linc would i.c un? pardonable recklessness. V\ e, of thc Sault li. have vi 'Oatt tobe tilled ami cultivated but better far that they remain wastes untilltsl thoa that they ihoold be oeeupied Ly the law ROO. Wi cannot stop thc besting of old .sean's throb against uni shores, but we can control Hie tide of immigration which isso fraught with evil. For ,ugn powers are said to bc actively at work tn Baan aging thia Influx noon our shores am! with two objects in view as we believe, to BBM rid of the objectionable- clement anti with thc hope that in the event the United States should become involved in war with any of, the RM at hORM WORM bs mort- formidable than that at the front. President R0OOSV0M and lils OSSO ehstaa IR power have many urine prob? lems for solution but none s,, grove as | Uki immigration pot,lcm. The Righi follow-in"; the .lay on w Inch "Nan" Putteooa was turned d out of jail, she v i-itiil a OUanbOl o' and drank freely. After that tl she went on the stage ami now she li lois been furced tu abandon it because tl the audience would ind respond to her n bidding. The world is a little bit bit- l-l ta*!* titian U'ti fiowl sTSasaoa?Isi ter than we bad thought \\ I respectfully lUggeol to the < Otu mitlee tho advisability of naming au carly date for the primary. The roten are fully inf..ruted anil ready tn act Alf,.ns., went from France to Bog* Ihii.1 ami was royally received hy King Fd ward and hil glittering tin,it . ir. ?les Ile is the first Spanish King who ever set fiait in Fngland. bi th soi wi? ri FROM THK ASPIRANTS Among the brilliant successes of the past week that of Mr. Willard, at Lynchburg deserves special mention, ki Hi* unalest, manly hearing, his cour? tesy in dealing with hi., antagonists, lils busiiicss-like talk Judge Mann has been mi the war path during the week and wherever lie has gone has met with warm rc ceptiuiis and !>ecii addressing larine audiences. Work at bis head-iuarters has grown with furcc and fervor, and | j his friends are mort than encouraged upi With thetillthaik. L(U tu.v. Montague captivated the girl* ??, at the Normal and then moved on to L-h Staunton where he has strong follow- ,,ft iiik ami from there to Itcthel to web L ,., .' the North Carolinian* who bad j | come again to Virginia to honor their 'lead who fell in battle. Senator Martin luis been meeting Ins friends in the Valley anti ??Hal" Fhaal, in an interview s?y- "OOMwin? os*. Mr. Swanson has boen twinging around the circle with his wonted dash and gisal cheer. IlisfrientlH amt ad inireis will not tolerate the suggest um that be is in any danger of defeat Since the canvass opened his law li? brary has been destroyed by lire, and he can say that tb., the bridges have nut been burned behind me my bunks have and I must g.. forward t.. other business for at least four years if mi bu six thereafter. ihe Herald is still watching the race with growing interest holding in ? t- support for the victors ami is sympathy fur the vanquished. -May the U-st men wm and it is. forting to know that no bail mau can win, for there are no bad men nor un? worthy citi/en* in the race. We regret that Mr. RooseveltahouM ?tau-felt that il wa* his tluty to have made thc Memorial Hay speech. The ?f "getting together'' I,ai boen going ou so sm,Md!,ly and pleasantly that IheNhock came with unusual sud? denness and severity. The li. is Lai well grown ever t,, l,t. small. Leave that to the little politicians. ?Nan" Patterton ought to realise in something of its full degree that the "way of the transgress..: is lum! ami why mit stop transgressing.' ,\tnl why ilmit the toper atop drinking.' and the thjlees ?,,,,, inajjtngt ?,?.! Um mean man ??otoo i,,s aaeanneas?" Um abo by, Th, furn tllt'l tine the natl yon v lev dirt som over moo to tl zen at tl Lure hy F lilith The Mi In sn Apple Orchard. ' Ibrold: For the past lotty fOOtl I have been an active traveller Jr,.m county to county ii, Virgin,a but until recently I had never put foot OB Ihe soil of Patrick. | i,?d it snugly --tied aiming the tulls, ami made ap "f mountain and meadow. The ala is tilmy, tl,- sunlight (.splendent, the water pure, the people generous ami warm hearted and 1 .1,, ,K,t wunder at their ii,tense loyalty tn their emmty. iiumlicr of excellent ruling iteactuallvrefrcs!,. Of Heietbcy,I. while With '?-. BOyeO ki.uw, they are rarelv md I'.uggies galore but the sa Mle "'?r?e ia a thing ,.f by-gmie. ?os i segno tins latter t.. tell of at' 5E?" Hl'',U' wl'?"' ht Patrick. ""' eliuiate and .be am! are adm.ra Ni. No Lil lt. All All Itel Jlls Cai Vol make Hue Peo cured Lea tilt'lil lici melli I tell ill Ken citixei vv tired i tow ll, w lihu and .|< sonic I which tu re, v ouyan recoiu a box store. al one. plicati ploaao liient t as a rc For cents. N v Slates. Kcni take ii. Iv Il suited lo the apple and thc county is being dotted ovct With them I have just returned from I mic of thc most noted in all Hus sec? tion and don't know when I baie been more Interested In ? v i-it nut' ten thousand trees, varying in age from one IO SH the latter being a- v IgTOUS and healthy looking M the younger t'onipaiiioiis amt this year bonding beneath the weight of an unusually line crop. They ore planted H feet apart though Um owner told ano thal M foal would be thc better distance Thc wine sup ts UM lender but a number of diller ent kimi are als,, grown, mostly ol the winter variety though the fall apple is by no means neglected. And always ni..ney in them as they are gathered en masse and hur? ried .'IT to market without loss Thc proprietor expected 50,000 bushels from this season - yield and h..p.di., sell them mi the trees and have noth? ing t" .1" with the gathering, i'he trees are trimmed each spring and the land of tba orchard is kept in highest state Of cultivation. Ou the day ol my visit all hands were busy towing .1 I noticed that in other por? tions of the orchard a line cn ip.'t ,i un? win or Herman clover had Leen har? vested ii ie peas are to bc followed next -tssioii by corn, and I am told that th. t nhl of that crop waa aome60 bushels to thc acre. As I walked over this extensive orchard l could Tut draw thc contrast betwe ii such ti farm and a tobacco farm the tobacco grows nothing dst will grow, but here willi the profito i.le appli crop I tollu.I thc pea, cl.uti ind apple crops ami all profitable ?mps tu... Ami, then, how different the manner of cultivating, i'he trees mee planted need no mme planting. ohilc tobacco planting, the hardest ararat on the form, comes with evert ?miling ycai. No poorly plant bcd, io cut worm, no hilling, no cutting, io hanging in burns, in. iinoking, nu tripping and no hauling to hum. I'he buyers come to you, and when hey have come you have Something odo with the naaning of the prices. wish there were more orchards in 'mice Edward andlurroonding coup les, more peas, more hay, more corn, HOIO chickens for these would lucan nore money and less work. 1 tlo not forget that the care of an relianl means something, bul I have et lo lind any farm work that com ares in strenuousness lo that expend il on the tobacco crop At one lime istilleries were thick in this county nd the proprietors bought largely of IC fruit grown bete, bul most of them ave been driven out of business and ie apples must go to the outside larkcts or be made into vinegar. vaporated fruit was at one tmo? nte an Item here but that seems t i ive lost its hold. 'The world must have appin, bow? er, and the inarki la ire QOt erstoekeil The winesap, iii my linton, is the very bool apple kn..vvn any market and I du not forget the Ibtiiiarle pippin. 'That may bring ore money in Fngland but il not -o ttinthsuinc in America. Peaches are not much grown litre OUgfa upon the mountain sides they tOShl tobe very tine, lt is Ideal uiitry for grapes but they arc not neb looked after either. Thc more I mw of Virginia thc more am I im L'ssed w ith the fact that it is '?( ;,?!' uiitry." No wonder that tim the world are ii) on us. Die "Fairy Stone" is .jtnte a fad lb the people of this county and oe of the good people I have met tb express surprise .tl my ignorance :he general subject. I confess that ladn't so much as heard ol the ni rv Stone" until now. 'They nie ml in great abundance mi the uiitaii side, iit.'it Stuart, from lOh place I am writing, and sonic he citizens of the tow n have quite illectimi of them. have just been examining slime nf iii willi great interest, lin. ut an iiich in length mt au OVI perhaps, half an inch in Width. y vary in shape hut many of them ii a distinct cross and upon each of u an outline of a croat can bs dla tly traced. They are iud cut Into cross thope bul cuiuc fruin their iral betts in that shape, and all bavo to do to expose Um croea to r is to vmrk out the clay or othei in which they are found. In I instances they are thickly dotted na'ky Leds ami are cut from their rings. In reply to an Inquiry as m history of the atone an old etta. told me that tradition taught that ie time of the crucifixion of our I rooontoini were occupied ailles ami that these stones arc hag hut their tears win Le) F( IBTS PATIENCE. tn Most Patient Farmville Citizen istShow Aooovacne at Times. thing spuds a good disposition, thing taxes a man's patience, ' the skin. liing liles almost drive ymi crazy. ? lay it makes you miserable, night il keeps you awake. i 1 Itch 1 Itch1 with nu relief t Hie same vs it li Fczcma. i hardly koop Irosn ?eratohlog it. i would <lo so but you know il s 11 w on li miseries arc daily decreasing. plc are learning "they can be ruing the merit nf Dona's (bul? li ti,. Mt Fa itv nf prtKif that Dean's Dint? on] cure liles, Fczema ur any i lie skin. d the testimony of a Farmville i. P. Wright, the well-known re anner, living near Um edge of who has lu ed in Farmville for is. suv - i loan's (liniment is ut a doubt a wonderful reined} >es all that is claimed for it Fut ume I was annoyed w iib eczema, although not a VOTJ Serious na? cl it was a Bourne of great an ? mg Doon s (liniment mended for such ailment! I gol at IL C. ( rule A- ( os drug Tiie g.*..! ciiect was noticeable i ami n only required ? lea ap ons to bring it ahoot I am bs. I to recommend's (unt? il my friends and acquaint Boody they can upon." shIc by all dealers i ? Milburn Co., Buffalo. wile agents for the linted ember the name I kMJ ' substitute anti l':t ubi So t nut the mai con ti tl sd tx bi Writ BR Sa T.i il. ,1 itt lilt' il. cent Nov lt. ll is tin sent, thal foi < ut-, Boms, otc., nothing i- sneflectii i Viiilci >nlve "lt didn't take long t" ld lore I lii.l. and lt l? all (?. K. for sore eyee," write* H I. ll i.f Hop. ; drug si Pixie N.-i ie and Liniment sprains < Willie A . Certificate Lost ? nuilee that tt a duplicate ol a los! ? ;l ll i-slied by the li.iiilci- Pink of Farmville, Virginia foi ! January 1111?. lim... in the nan Voung Woin . timi. lo I Ute .1 luIII ill Hill- ll I] 'Take Lax vi ivi ? I lin ninney if it fails tn cure. I x> ' signature i- na each box. 1.1 Hrlppr lough ? I summit net i ? Iliad at a great ? nitiful raahgnotltial -pc. ni prices i..u Tine printed Hum nd ol ic sold ul Ni \t (ii\..n vm Hundreds ..I ni " aty les in Iii netty ginghams will Ix sold at l's yd New line of Kreiieit (Tiambrnys, Ihe 2 l-U cent gradi. Will -til at l< Nen cition Voiles ill all shaili cry thing for summer dresses Mk' yd Wc have a few more ladii lilldlen's hals that Will go nst. ( 'un, iiini sec i,,i ymirsi lt .i KARM VILLE, VA Next I.. PAULETTA Bl*< j Whenpu were engaged THE YOUNG LADY RCCffVtO A BOX OF ALMOST DAILY . HOW OFTEN ooes YOUR WIFE NOW RECEIVE A BOX Of THESE OEUCIOUS CONFfCTIORS* REPENT- AKO MAIL YOUR ORDERS. AT SHORT INTERVALS. TO Sold l.v C. E. Chappell. ave Your Order at BARROW'S MARKET HOUSE - ir ymir ICE. Car ln.ii! jinn si rminii factored just Price no more than foi tin- poor i|ii,ilii v, and de? livered .'lt V '.Itt ll' I'll A. LEVY. THE TAILOR. Gentlemen'a Suits made t" easnrc and entire Rntisfnc ni as to style and lit iUARANTEED. Repairing, Cleaning nnd casing done on ahortcst tice and ai mos! rcasonn 1 jiriirs. >hop in residence opposit. Baptist ilitmli, Main ntl villi'. A. LEVY. Wood's Seeds. Cow Peas re Worth Million* of Dollars this country. I ni Jillictivcness and \ line of thc id ohererei thi . ? e land f For a Forage Crop ; Sow lifter Grain Crops: Sow at the Last Working ot Corn; Sow en Tour Vacant ind (Inculti'ttid Lands. ? liing. rili-mi- ' land rich in oumul ? ? ? dition rr e ire hea'I', Cow Peas: ibtt st St. Louis. ' Awarded the Grand Pr.xe. Cow Peas, I* a."! Velvet Beans. Sorghums, Millet ititi sii Se* V.Wood &Sons, Seedsmen. RICHMOMD VIRGINIA. i:.. Inti .lim had torr B. 1 pail li< t.pp, it BALDWIN'S 4tf? Annual June Sal Starts SATURDAY, JUNE 17th, 9 O'CLOCK. A GREAT EVENT COME EARLY. Success Crowns Our Efforts. Wo give to the public each June something t cause SENSATION. We want you to Hail This June CELEBRATION. vVo shall expect you to Demonstrate your ap predation by Attending Early. Sach item represents the season's newest and nost desirable goods, which makes tlie extra minjary low prices all the more astonishing Everything as represented. Ample quantities to meet extraordinary DEMANDS. aldwin's jig Slum. FINE STALLION. rank, No. 2929, German Coach Stallion. Will make the season al Parmville. Bright bay, fine style und action, omul disposition, 17 bandi high, 1400 poundi Uni iii is -li,.nilI uni t;iil tu gee tliis Magnificent Horse. Service Fees $10, $15 and $20. GERMAN COACH HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, J. L HART, Secretary. onomical for The Painter. Economical for The Property Owner. Tin i.ict thal B. P. S. Paints is endorsed liv all practical paint vv lu. li.iv. ia vest tua tot I its merits is proof thal it is "Tnt-: Most >\ vi " A lend, zinc and linseed oil paint. Made by perfect nula. GUARANTEED PURE. With it a painter eui inver 25 jht cent more surface and du it Kt i, and secure a mott Uvititiltil and dnralile finish than if he used thc same materials mixed hy hand. Painters find H. I'. S. Taint economical because it satisfies etas his, which means increased hnsincss. Property owners find '. S. Paints economical because it saves material; saves the it.i's tiine, iiml means "ears of satisfactory vve.u Pail Ult & B u g g, AGENTS FOR FA RM VI LU-. MASON'S FRUIT JARS. Half gallons, quarts and pints. ... rn Stokes & Davidson. Eight Hms im nu it,ni .-nus of nixie . I ! Ililli ll i da/i I had "te Milli - I lill llnw mil "iir?, --. North Vie*, Va. * I ... ?'i.| Win.Kiii lir.u' o irtunity baa on exuperaUng calling -ni i mini ii hen bes UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Kl.wis A. At tn i:vi vs, rrc-iletit. Letters, Science, Ut, Itilcloe, geering, Ililli.Ill ll. Alli,t.'ll, |r r Kr K lu V Ilil.lM l\ liitraiirc ??XMiiilniitliiM. list. bSM I ri -11 (ii t ?si. prcaanl ii.riilliiieiii larg, Iii* institution Nit lilli. M*int for i si . Howard Wln.ton, Secretary, etiarlottcstllle. Va. rally shaking, the nature of au oath is mostly tinman nature. ai 111 St FOR 15 DAYS ONLY IEI1II If ht. FOR 15 DAYS ONLY UNPRECEDENTED CLEARING SALE Of everything that tends to Spring and Summer. My ENTIRE STOCK WHITE GOODS, Lawns, Dimities, Linens, Eolines, Batiste, Percales, Calicos, etc., at 25 per cent, to 50 per cent. OFF or about one-half their original price. LADIES' GOODS. Lawns. i hihI iii'. I.uvi ns, univ A'. s, in mill T.'1.!-. Looma, .h iiiiil lsc Lum ii-, DOR .l-"i 20and26c Lawns, now .i,;2i Ladies' Underwear. (lou ns u- I ,o. h.,\t ,'. 7 , I on (iiciiii-. . 60, Ti, 1.00 Drawers " 0,75,1 00, non ( nisei c.'.i- iimt a . .. I.iii, now 19,38,60,76 Ladies' Walking Skirts in nine, lill, k <?i.t Brown and Tun toa 1.60 2M> 2.60, 3.00, 4.00, and 5.00 noa ..1.00,1.60,1.76,2.60 8.76. Percales, Calico and Ginghams. Merrimac Standard Calico. |t| .?simpson and American Rtandard Calico. I.'1..!' quality Percale!. ?s' Hpecial in < lingham! i ?. Linen Specials. lL"2f km.I . ?K IBS kimi . IV 601 km,I . j i a kind, Sjj > arias . Ladies' Hose. In White Black, Tan tad Kailey, Plain ami Dropetitched for ladies, imstcs ami children at I?ii_r reduction. Embroideries. Bo tl re linea of I '? B, 10 said \t%t kind ?t Ladies Collars and Belts At ami below cool to clean np. ladies and Gentlemen's Oxfords Standard Goods at Interesting Prices. Ladies' Oxfords in Tan, Black and Canvass. 2.50 Di.'ii s,.|i,v A Co, 2.00 . I.ait . L.89 1.62 1.13 1.25 < lanvaofi . 94 1 job int small si/i-s, ju ladies Oxfordfl toeloae.39? Men's Oxfords in Tan, Patent, Vici and Canvass. Tbio offer strictly limited to 15 dayaonly. 6.00 Sanaa Oxfords. 4.50 5.00 '? " . ''.<?'> 4*00 Bostonian. ;{?<',, 8.50 " . *.?* .'.in) Common wealth. 2.25 2.50 Staughton. 1 "v 2.50 Civillian. 1.88 CLOTHING In Men's Youth's and Boys, onsisting of the Choicest Suits in Thibets, Serges and Novelty Patterns Tweeds and Cheviots. Soys Snits at Special Prices For 15 Days. GO anita reduced to . I.iii ..> ..i 60 00 Hist 2.32 ten rouths Suits at Special Prices For 15 Days. ?i snit- reduced lo lmit ??. Il " III... nil ?? s.i.; Men's Suits at Special Prices For 16 Days. Superior Clothing ai Leal Than Theil Ac? tual Cloth Vallie. 6.00 SiliN reduced to 7.:.i) " 9.00 " " 10.00 " 12.50 " ,, u 17.50. 20.00 " 4.00 5.00 6.00 i;.?;r 8.56 10.29 11,67 13.84 fl Net Saving to You of 25, 33 1-3 to 50 Per Cent. This offering presents to good housekeepers and people generally, i excellent opportunity of buying strictly reliable and serviceable erchandize at prices that mean a large saving. There is good, sub antial values represented in tho 16 days sale. TERMS CASH N. B. DAVIDSON, TERMS CASH Successor to J. B. WALL, FARMVILLE, - - VI GINIA.