Newspaper Page Text
What The Har Depends prim: seed you sow. J dicsussinj; TURNI Have received host Northern gi ll. C CRUTE Do Not Bit A Range, Cooking or Heating Stou ?j**,,***, ?' Any kind j, Until You Examin They sre the loos! Durable, Cnnvenie and Economical. Every One Gurantecd Perice SOLVING LABOR PROBLEM. Th* Difficulty Which Tuc I in a ? work ; I 111 ?? ?i and with a fi harm ami riven a rom -<!>ot and iltry and 1 ? I'll him In regard tu thc u uk and er thr-m ? than to ?how il ' Ml any will arid make hil | in the nd ita crop*. And all, .' ... h? j3 n 'ntl feelli otlu r nu ti If h . not a ? ' TILING HILLS. the Suhsnil In 1 Prove of Value. It ls a ml--* i thal hills 1 to be tiled. Where the ? ?? to ko to thc expense of tiling ?n. that is. provided th a"d 'l ire Korti of a porous thal ri.led tiling hut they nn* not io. Thc writer hnt In mind a ?Old when, the limn In the sit.ll seems ? as hm nut lo moe! will tal ,;?! only ? whore ilow in dry! spriiiu and at th' .ill liv I und and that ls ' ATTACHING WIRE TO TREES Not a Q De Done in Safest and Way. e, still ? lh ?i. I N \ ,s a vest Shall Be uily on the kind ol rUST NOW, we fire PSEED. fresh stock from ?owers. & CO,, Druggists. y SOLD BY S W. PAULET! CV SON. IN Sf lives, Crockery. Tinware, Glassware and Woodenware. Int tha ? . Farm :: tn tht I insert FOR UNREELING FENCE WIRE i- Which Will Facilitate ; i?k of BtretchlO) Wire rm the Pn I ? .. pi< 11 ? ? long, n ? ,il two nprlirht pn ? ' I im h i ? | ?'i huh! ?f wlrc hitoh a horse al x. ? ag Lei 'I roll nr. '' Tall will k CATCHINC A TURTLE ASLEEP ?kipper ol Ileealmed Ship Lan H nd Flipper Before It Awakes. Ii wK.t ? imt, calm flay in thi Thc noonday mm dent on the ?f thc altpper Rajah, hound for kOha wen so hut thnt Th? skipper pact'1 the pnnp i In a bad tomper because of tho calm. which iai of cessation He struck a notch and lighted hlB pipe. Then h 'he horizon eagerly iga of wind. He found not th, t symptom of s puff but something had caught hlsattentinn was i villon! He the focond mate to see the Kia clear for lowering Mr BorOM ordered th' watch eft, and In a few rod and wn? made up of ' '" pull ? li the ? ' ? IS had Rajah had i bal t sarto th etd moa" ? ? y of the iiih. le hui ? ? t I*.Int where ipper was h.und. hut lt was i part of tin 'Un, ami if ? ? .I ski|t urtlo. which Maf "1 with . anti ? grab . a Jok When thi UM lu I loaded him handlt Mm .->o a? to let him fall huck dowi la tin- boat. A turtle ls ni once c hi* back ho ls at thi Matre) of his caj lora IM tied hil bink ti with a rope yarn, and thus di takensloosoldeUm Rojal i uod ap "u '?? orel lo the cook, an Africa tl ? rooking of all hine mts-, fishes | Tin ftOd th 1, who was a cockney, and ha the animal MS be appen In hil native element, his only fa I lugs with hiin hoing after he was Milk*. ?md canned. The ssh: derod thc steward to kill thc t rt him fur dil ly Th! ward tcrnhl) had not the edlghto t un g hoi .Inuit the job. And worst of Mil ? ? .in good t< rm gad bl I li a favor fri un Ml Bul hil fi tr of tht iMpi ? forward to thc gals i oed away aa der hi. ' ned pot* aetotlM tiona ott! "Will you 'ave a chew ?turd in hi nd yon kindly, I don't mind il I i bl i- bot weather, sah, and tin ? piled the cook. " 'Kip yourself, doctor, dear ; . I to tin ""ok. who tonk a ' a beam if imilluj bapplneeg played orei bli ? ? thal '? rc turtle, d '.?ni know all about 'en ?et to I bot, I -tr." "llebbe he ain't pretty to look at tah hut he's dimply got geom I oohed f"r Un- Phtla lelphla Turtle club, and if any hi lp of yah man, sah I can kill em, cook em. and when < citn eat 'em fah When do von calcu? late to serve nirtfup.' ' "ld maa wants it for dinner to? morrow ivciilric. and he's shh a epicure, he'll break my ba-k if lt NOTES ABOUT NOTABLES. Capt J I; arvlvuuj cotton ' ?vim ii Brool i, of Wyon ll' i a th wi.ult! like ' Um t Bono, mulatto. . in San Manchuria, rican military it brought with i.'.c Held ll' nu . who lu l.i ? convict, tm inlier ni t'." in ago ted of ll of the lu st known ni i'tn d' liv. feet nine :l lt lit- univ ? of movement* wit J, . before bli mornli ?? hath. He is of fm: kind of man who growl n ? lier than the! of his vialM, and has no luperfluo il his retirl ? i' mainlng in Nea fort tor g ?ii Florid! i tor. 4 i net bin at th< ?i hy h. did not ita) in Ni o foi ? Mr Jefferson -.? d 1'i'th .'i:,,: i oonld rather Bm ::, June in Florldi than ankle deep in Jaiiiimv la Net York." THE WORLD OF SCIENCE. ? ol the Igatkrn, that tn be ? ? h t!.?- north pole in an ? reducer nf rt iirtnit mi neem Pro! Venn ul! I ? ? irtilu hi u.g tho es-i ntjiii i ,nd Wt died liv gatun Kr. Lo Mg I it tr that hi mbstl 1 vt at. r at ; ? .Man " bt '? ti w niiiau tn a blt ? ? itii-iilsh fl ? ' Ki nt W ll ? Marrar ?ni Pro! Ki rdloaod I ten, ol A sim; ' tl a' ? llthographl alum? ni! m LITERARY LITTER. i writer, hms publi I their ur br bl* v? I poi tn ' i.ts rt panel and np. ASPHALT ROOFING, ASBESTOS ROOPIN -;- Sash Doors Blinds Building Materials. FARMVILLE i'F'G. CO. G. M Houison Q C. RODf&OH Notice. I.. Whom Ii Mai * "nm mrs lins is I,, L.|\,. notice timi tho muli . luis this day SOI (ted his e. iii vi Ml, Karun Ille linn Aireiu hihI will liol lie responsible hu tnj nu Incurred ? Jillie .'7. lilli J. I, ll AIM BRICKS! IMUS! ! -im rnanuftcturioi ? line porte u <HarriiKrich*|mr Inundations and|Buildings, Mm lum nil .Make, Simon fm chinniev- re preened (hr naltkle wuk. ('an lill ratler* hroiiiplly and I'loii-eyou. TIKIS. A. BOLLING, Pannonia, \'h. Pilli Your House WITH MASURY'S Pure Linseed Oil House Paints SOLD BY DUVALL, SON & CO. THO! J, For the latest and mool tiji-t'itl.iti workmanship PLUMBING i d every description, Steam Pipe Fitting and General Repairs, Apply to N. M. GILL M.-iiti St , Farmvillp. Va. tl tl lil the pi fl om Wi i K In -.n-.'k In thi Rudyard Kipling*! luagi art too weak in English winter He has not ni attack of pOOO> nonla caius d tpprel lt Randall, tht poet anti Jour rho wmic My Maryland" and ? ? ; ' ttnt have : ll] living at Aagosta, tia. rn In Hiiltiriionii i Mme. tar) von Khticr-lv -sease* nf watches. U ? over Dany Of them ar, M t rbi collodion lu said to ? worth IR Tht best friend <,f m Pierre Lott, the pll-known Preach Moralist, Ir not a ian or a Woman hut a dog M. l/>tl ; never bettor pleSSOd than whet, he Hg lorn: jimmi) s, hut no matter here he maj wander bl tain I aitb him U farorll JolM Pl : :.? arlj three ls .still pouring ?rt h faa tts tlc vtiiinlcr tales fm I )ja, hi* fiftieth published book having ? i Hu title of ' IA' oyage Bxtraordlaaln Thti *e?ag Itt a* wild and hopi OOM Ol ilea went before, hut M. ti *o many of his ggggf ? ry lmairtnltiRs hear fruit icalitv that lt will not do to ? [ifhal nr contemptuous Natural Question. "Oh, goody!" shrieked Dottie, ss shs w pretsarraa ta retire for the night. coln' to ned. too, sln't you, iiinma?' "Why, no dear!" said mamma, 'ar.'t you nee that I'm all ready to irt to thr> opera?" ? timf to put your n Hil ymi pet there?"--Cleve : ter A Plea by th* Goat. nuke ni" sore," complained I billy con' s|y ha* to about my butting "Wall, don't you?" inquired th* ' er. lr I always po In head first" ?Canaan City Drovers' Journal. Satan's Turn. rhe New Arrival ta prominent sur ui i What punishment do | get? Ill Hi ill have your ap tl with red hot nipper* ?ry ir, mli Kor how loogf oh until med kal . oo m rk for nothing I.if fl. The Acknowledged HEADQUARTERS Po? Matting*, Carpets.Rngi andjall Roor'Coveringi IS AT RICHARDSON & CRALLES, The Leading Clothiers nnd I>rv Cn,ods Dealers. >? Rock Island and Frisco Systems. Kxtreinelv low inti- ill summer lu the Northwest, Wo-t mid Siutliwt-si K.est imo tu tho Kew i-,v i lark K\|iosiiiiiii, I'liitlinii. Ore., tnd Denver, Co orada Hprlngt, Ht. Pool and Mlnneopulii Little Koch and Uni Hprings, Art Through standard and tourist sleepers, dining curs gnd free reclining efaol obis twist a day fnnn Chicago and si. Koui-, via RI Paso or Colorado snd Hal Knke. Tbioogfa eleoper and dining cor Atlanta to (Colorado Hprings, vis Bli lolnghsai, .Moiii|iins uml KsnoaeCitjr. Loo rates from Ht. Louie and Mon phis, Brat ami third rueodoysof each mouth in Oklahoma, Indian Territory toxai and the Southwest ....... ONLY ONE CH ANO K OK CARS FROM VIRGINIA (UM- WJ AN1 OP THE ABOVE POINTS - .... Illustrated 11 It-rat ure nnd map of mir lytterns, ibowingOVOI 14,000 miles o oar ow ii raits ssnt on sppllcation. You will make no miatoke and neus HOST POR Vol K MONEY bj sskiogyour Ueket tgont ina route vii Rm i Ki imi wu Para iiHvstrms. Call on or addrott A. lill .InS, I ll'iil.lll ll Kl I , ii. P. A., I n-i" Svstonis, o P, a . Kink Island Hystem, Ht. Lum-. Little KoVk, Ark \'. M. ci i rs, (lenerol Agent, lins Rmi Msin Ht., Kui.nd, Vs. !.?. President. rte Italfcil t LONG. J. L BUGG, Cashier Issi Cashier. UNITED STATES DKI'nsiTOKY. The First National Bank of Farmville, SAVE YOUR MONEY! (inc way you cnn il" this is Ky opening RH conni with tin FIRST NATIONAL RANK Receives Deposits in ruiy amount. Allows interco! on time deposits m m i rn ti 0......... ?. m WE REPRESENT Companies: thal i-sm FIDELITY, CONTRACT, OFFICIAL AND JUDICIAL BONDS, -AND= FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICIES. . W. P. Venable & Co. ?j & 'ali lii^C j Or *'. ^sOril'ir i?I Tu "' \' '. ?'-. a.'. - The Farmville Commercial Co. UNI IIKI'iiKAT*!'., Commission Merchants ?Am> IiKAI.KHM IN? General Merchandize. Wo oarry a LAJtOl STOCK of Heavy Groceries, Dry Goods and Hardwar< Special Prices Made ob Ooo Rourht io Large Qiaiitities. THE PARKVILLE COMMERCIAL CO. KAKMVIKKK. VA. WHAT SHALL I 'GIVE? So^estions Prom Blanton's Store. A Kine Silk ('Mirella $.r?.(il tofft (iohl Cul! I II tn IfJI (j dd -Kick Knit . . . VI- ti Illili (hil.l K.r.HM'lies - - - 1 SJ tn Mal (inhl Kim'.I (llti|>. (iohl Kinir-for Children Mt up Morling Silver NovoHtta. Haw! JwrjCol itOtS sud China, Clm-ka, Wali'lie- Ac Ac Ai'. it i- i pltasaia for seiottsosi you mir stuck. W. J. BLANTON, Jeweler and Optician. Farmville Herald AM) THK Thrice-a-week New York World. HAMPDEN SIDNEY COLLEGE. lin- College nf s..ii|lis|i||. ,t,,l | nh vinni i ln-li nell, in IhlaTWgtr .s|iil|iiiiiiit limul; .lin,..I, i tri Iii nt; IzpSOBI miiiiII blTKRAKl uml si IKM lin Tin HOSM l.nih usa Sit no. ns n,|,i, huh r .\.t.ii.? Poor w. h. wim 11 ju. '.Mums. HasspOSnOiSOsy, ire IN MOTHtK dOOSh'S TIMI: ll -.?.?|||. Ililli |KO|,|, I III ll,,| ||? ,, I,,,,. t?| I, vt, iry f.uilicr lli.'in tiny i|<> now |Og love fur Jewelry Isn'i ,|, u,l UkSUgk, lt's ? niiiu- la I'Vrr. In w lull itln, I Inn iIih-s yum ji winy love run T Oats* la uml till ns, ami li.'iiii linn-hlllc money lt U*M*S lt liny Hie .-ttl ul.- v un walli. E. C. WILTSE. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Mmion bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Core, No Pay. 50c. _ Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent package of Crove'i Black Root. Liver PttU. The Largest iijni|i|M-i| plant in tin St.-ito 25? C lear O rlqloal |_ oiid (J nrivalcd M usical B rilliant I aspiring \ ttractive Gold Moulded Cylinder Records R fch t ntertatnloa C aptivating O utwearinq R c?onant D cllgbtful $ uperlor' 25c Charles Milier Waist) Qos -er hiuI Manufacturer, !>Msraha)rgl Va. Md.M'MKVI'S, TOMBS, ORAVB ff! IN RH of every ile-<ori|illnii. Freight |irc|,;n,i on hu siui.ii,. i,i ? .1 nu., .i va rile fm design* uml ii.|U. H. W. l'Airi.rrr, A Karin viii.-. Va ? i. li. m. Ill tin, tis iuds ..I ? t '?:'. \. ar* Dr. Ih... her . l.i vt TO.*'* Early Risers The famoua little pill*. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Disc Records T-INCM SO cents each $5 per do/en 10-INCH $1 each $10 per do/en GRAND OMSK ercoeos x (10-Inch dlacs only) $2 each COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY awi I 231 N. Howard Street* BAL 11 MORI, MO. ? ltr. LOUIS, ISS4 Tradc Mars* Designs Copyrights Ac la, (? mn,ni,Ira ?tUI Ml KO 9001 "li I'afonU ? .urina iwiania. r .- von,ti a di. muli* nt rlmrira. In the Scientific American. A han<lit.,irii>lr llln.traiwl wwklr. I.araaat rtr nt anr arietitiac f.urnaJ. Tarma. I ? Branch nfllm. -06 K .-"I-. WaahlLao.i.. li ' . Kodol DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Ta. ll 00 bott., conti' ? 3H timeitba trial Su. which aetialor SO eaata aai'aiin o*LT AT Ta* utar iatobt oe R, C. DaWITT A* COMPANY. CHICAGO. ggUL _<*OI D BY W B.AGNFW_ To Cure a Cold in One Day ?^k Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ? n/ L i*J?& s*vwMiahifiiy?eiioMfaM?isti2mofrtb?. This signature,m S^jCfrvvx^ box.JSSa, NOTICE! Wlien you Ko;to Klcliiiioiid, don i fan toa*. R. FRANCIONE'S Uh*****OO** MNKHT .I'l.AiKH id Um south. KealHiiranl on the Karoaaah*aSaa. Wine* ami Unman. Iintxirlwl ami dniuwu,, lyatt-ra all Hie year round, a i-|Mwlally. Half-nlifll, i*-r do/til, ji (fin*, Kry, -Hi ionia. Half-fry, SJO eenie. Stow, Li cont/, uni i', eenie liam and Kkkh,'.Wi SSMMO. 1'orlerlnnih* Steak, il cent* KverylliiiiK in Meawui. V05, 907 E. Broad St, Half Ussft from the City Hall, Kiihiiioiid, Va. Schedule in Effect ju a a 11 LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY Nott'JH AMI KANT. No lt, No I USla m. Ulina, m. ftJJ p n Hill'TH AM' WI Nu. I .. Ni, 1 Vi. lia. lil S.A7 |i. m. ll s p. m. s,, i , Knr Koatinkc. KrSrtoi, iiiii.neld, ( i.liiiiilns ni,il I I i,i,?.' i, i tn I-Hst lin,ir,.i,i and Kuan i.kc ti, Cn>. i :i ti- lin, roaa*f*j al I.)nelli, lui; vt Ul. I li roon ll -i.ii.ri Mar Oe* i it ii mi" and Mentphl*. fin. Un.'.nt. JT Nn f-?>i Roanoke, Kaal Radford, I'ti-ini. 1'itrli.r ear lo Roanoke, ?leepai n, K aol v nie. Pullman a let per Koannii* lo Columbo*, uni.ll. el lui iiiciiiiiiiti . af* mr. No. . I-ur I.v nclil.uri;, IIiMtnukt. ami Intrr UH itlMtl- sllill.,1,. No I" - ?o* I', Kn liiiiond. Norfolk. I'ulliiiiin ileeper to Klrhatood and Norfolk. Mo.*, Yat l-i?ler?.liiirir, Norfolk. Kl uml mi. -rmedrate (tallon*. I'..ninan parlor ear t<i Norfolk. i MSl for* and Itu Kanoa*, t .ninnis iii I'.l.rsl.niK MaT vii 1HAT TOUR TICKEfS NElOOVf N IHE Norfolk and Western Railroad CHriPtlT, tCST ANO QUICKEST LINC. wm. rm Hines, goo**, TfmrTttl**, ia ?en pl I re rOMShlot*, io H. Haxtkk Uti in. Ant., f.w tn vi in-, ra, or to ?'. ll. KEMI.I.. M. r. RKAi.O, (..(I. I'llss. Ssjl I'rav. rosa, Art. Killmoke. Va. lioaiink.', ll SEABOARD Ant Line Hailway Hliorl nm- io i-i tnri|.i,i rmi-* of nu. Souid uni HMIhOMt, I- karloo,Catt Mini Malle* roana Latin aieaaeas v?*i> Hmm SlA HON?Iiai *t IIMil LO INKIlrrUIHII R\BMBi ?-io A. M - Loral rm Ni lunn, i i mi a ( iiml,,u.-. .' ? I' M ?i-iiIm.jiii| Mull h*NOg****l til I'iiiiiiihii sin ping I.,,, ts ai im,1.1. shiv mi uni, un,i Jae**** v ni.; Keoboard i , d operated oo thi* leal*, tin-) in mi.iioi.'ii,,. ,i al ti? highest SeajTM of c vc. ll. ,',,,, also I;.,.? roll,fl,I lill,I,- i|,iy nu., lu s no,. Slag hiiIiiiiiI i lianne li.Hi.iiila. USO f N KsaaottO KiMfss* i va*| asl i >,f da) n.lulus, , uti int.. in,,| 1'iiii. mun aleen i. u Atlanta, Haras nilli, In. ks,,ii v i, ,n,i i Hiii|Ht. Hum,ii,K I , rleililu willi, ut 100000 roana akkivk at Ki'iinond I?ai?.t. SOI A M Na i (?mm i,, Aiiiinu uml th* ii v., ? i VI ,Nn. ? I-lum .Im Atlanta Milli lllf SlllllllVt st, ? il' M. .Vu, ;i, Krmii li i ul |-Hi,l>. lol Mil ml,.rn il ti ml** -. I, nilli.* , I,,i rn. m., iktua ii i pi j loan) ts. 1.1..,i,i A., ni I,, I,, W. M. Tai lok. O.T. A. ll. H. I,KAMI, il I'. A. ICM Malu hlr?t. Killin,i,ml. | I,nut- *? T. M. ll. TAlA UTI, K.-ciu-r. l^AKMVIU.K.t ItlWIiATAN KAII.KuAl) Time 'ladle In 1*0*0 Monday, Ma) v, IHtM.;i!elMii u riirtnv till- ;,inl Kt, I,mi,ml v , Musi I.-j *j*| SoiitiMrii K. K. MinnI'll - lunn it. (kail) ag, only Mun. .1 Mon. .stall. hun. A.M. A.M. I.v. Ar. I'. M. 4 Ul ~ <i| l-i., invilli I III I S I I. lOnni-s 4 I , Mil I SI lill ,11 'tl. l-.iilnlle ita ta m.i I IO ( (lilli.. IIMt, d' .'....' In .1 Munni si,I,- j. m mil ut ti I,.ti.,..nut.- I a hi .; . i ni, il !?< Mal**** li r: Mn,on I i , i. l'< ll l'i rimliitliilt IM ii h* Narra Ana I fd 7(11 14 Wp in Kim k I I-. l-l '., Ar Mus. I. , I,..,. | ?| HW I li ar. Kn lim tl Ira, Ita llil.niii Wini,,|H..k Mini (VIM Ma****J Mini Moulin ni Kuilu . mil el ce (il Hall] I vi, |,i Minimi.s Sui,.l.i A. M. i.v. Arr. I vi ll tt M/laOaraoeM i *? ii ih iTmaOiin iii in Hkinouartee IS) I.' n Arr. Mon I. v l.t.- I Mi (VIM Monti,, rn ll, 1% ar. Kuluin.i.ii Ira lt. l.t.. n vi inl.-i i-m k uml Ki, nm,,ml ami I'iIi r-lmri; v li I ln--l. i hu.I Atlantic lill et, . |l I'M,i Huodai Millions -umltl. I*. M. Arr A.M. Willie,|MH'k Ml. .117 i ....liM.r,. l"i" IMiiniiuil III IVrdue I . Kt-Mcll l-elillle) I III |.Vls|, I tl Ar Cheater I.v I .1 ,r Vi I" l-l,mr Iv* I i ar. Kl, lilli,.h.I Iv Will wail iii i haatt i milli 'Ll, h iii MM '. Ililli, (rom Hi. I,lin,ml. I'm lue. li ll. rniiiilM .ii,,I l i eaveI'lit ? hVi mud* : m. m. K. tun,mi: lear* lu i mu,In '? i* ii , nrrivi' i I,, -!? i alu I I'miij , |.| -siinilnv. All tr;.ms Hog al I! .1 I' . Inc K> M. K TA Ul HT, H.T. Wll^"' itvceiin Bea r**? v duthern Railway Co. ii. nnii, iuh MOOTH IMS Mi. ?nins ii nv i i.j aebburg H? fi. ? tallr, eiprea* fm Wa?lilu?lon poi ai* north, Holm I'ullioaii ? , I,, gall) ai art -- f.n vs . fe agios point* i,mill. i,Kl"Hi ??Sail inn in Inn, , liM'Ml lol MfSOMlBglOa Mini ?tallon*. ..( .lally. I.K ni ti.r W it'li i uKlnii m,,,I wallara*. i p, in f.n w tating lot pol nU north. li j,, m. gall) >v|.i. - ti.r W a-l.u.Kli.ii polnu north I |. m. itally for I'harlotlaarIII* and slMllOIIN. -, u i ii iii u nh. - foi AllanlH and uti. nus. i a m tallr, Wit>iiluiri<tn ami m. ml, .rn I.ted, aol ld I'ulliiiiin train, lor titania, i liaiUutMiKM, Min,|.l,i< , . ni ilniiy, liM-nl for luiiivlllc hu,. Mt.'tiu.ns. I. m. il.iif,. I.,..' Rm linn nie and way ons n tn Jd - for Colombia, Ha mn i.ii.i laekaoainie. |. m.dally, eipr*M for aiimi im Bli I,Mm and New i un. ia*. mst* and ah nper* ow all Ihroagl furllier 11,1... m. I on . mu or v. ill. . I. H IllltlW N. ti.-innil A,rn'. I \( krill. I.. . Minn I. ll t Kl > tl ll K. I'..kt lininr Man ree, vt n-.rtnn li ? n l v 1 i.' "? (?' ,' 1"! U I'K.M'INU hi^ R AT'I'HK HKKAI.U Kill OKKM'K KAK1LLB.