Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONO HELP FOB lill. PRESENT, HOPE holt nih VOL. XV FARMVILLE, VA., FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1905. *fO,4S. CITY' DIRECTORY. . ,1, VV I nus. O' ?'? v '? v ?' COUNTY DIRECTORY. '. . i' Wal . ' tdJT 1.AM \- I I \i rots I ^ vi LAH . ('niirt . ti i'mnipt al tenthill I IW l.nll i ll Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, Farmville and Crew b, Va , to bu J- M CRUTE. Attorney at La*. vin. .IMA ' ?* " I.IMS*, f UKIN* I BROCK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, r vl'.v; t ll .ii lunik jj S WING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bay, Prince Edward Cornily, Va. ?ari. ? ? tte and Federal. ^y C FRANKLIN VTTORNEY-AT-LAW, TAM l-l.IN i ourt of Filled a Long-F*lt Want. .Id Uko tn cal) rour attention," said. th> -.aiearnan at the bookstore 'tn thlis lii-autlfully boitnfl set of Hunkln. eoaprlsJag hi.t rggapleta *,<>rfc? Book lurer* .'nive boen r-alTtng g long time for this elegant?" ' a mornoni." interrupted Mr Haswell, a* he fnok a rape iiich of hts p<irkr? and pro. oed od ro n*c?r tuln tho lateral anil perpendicular dl iiin ol tho ?? i-virao r-ruinB roan." kv MB> awhiraed 'tlc- the thing I OOO! It tOMl filia a couple nf feet of ?hoivinfi in my hbr'r'?Chi? cago Tribune ONE POINT GAINED. if th" lower ra > hot>i i thnt lt was here i erl Av R tStPOTt -li rtuy t.o, but from All .w-oiinf* there |g anm- ol that In f""ial humnlit) rlnwa th-re S/SflaV ' Wh?n a Man** Down. tin i itv, a m..m. i.i >o?j\l That th. mon wr,? ,. . pr^?.riI n rsow. It Never Fulla, f of the cooinoo* illlklii* and IMIklns fani < nm* ingucerl to Urtg." th famllT - ?prltin ,. ()f (L . - "tn KORI KIN | KKAHONABLK PRK t> Al HKKALD ? | I 1 1 c ll 0 t t fl r ;i r f r f ? ? ? t * * ri ii v ri. ft a * l. 'i n O' g H I* ? I! I r: d i h J Ol I T TRIES! ELOQUENCE. Rev. Dr. TalmaRo Spoaks o! the Gift of Oratory. Oil Mej |l?. ll,?,?,.?, ,? h.i.rU ,,, Chrlat anti III, (.,,??,l-\ (.real Tien Mui.1 lint., i.r-al lb. . L?>S A.Ndl : tenOOO tin plea, ti, i, vvlilli IO] lu? nt their true raina Hie btgbei SJsjjbtg ol uiiitoiy iiinl t' ? ssaska ,.r great iipeakere, si. even the hum!.lent limy the taoqoaace of Chrtel dOO nlitl exnmpli. I ',. r, \t . vii, os, ".n'.i.t man ?.?nk,. ll vrhoi is ti ii v'ltchi-rj'. cn, lui.v clim, iiitssineiNm or ai.:: Ism. a lillie transitory nun." with which n great pub! Mblg tn MirpaoOat m. audience for nu ereotng or for a night lionel (Ow poetk garland! nuide np "i pretfj jvhx Bowen whick serer grew in g SOXOOO, wh!. h in ?.?!,. in len breittl. . , which COOOOt itOOd the light of the dtj tod whit h. Uki: tht- moon (lowen away ti -'in (ms touched their piilnf' Is :t a lc li a human corpee ti .1 little while and eren lift a ntl head Mid jct a corrant ablcs cnn nar? ai bring thc dend bod]! boi k to Hie? ll lt ii mein StSgS which will uioineiitiirlly more an linn heart. as tunny mHsriu-tlc net dill can make nails and scram Ktnnd apoo their beads for u t' tod then full back cold, mottonlfsi- -.1 nulls n* soon as tiielr lifting toach lg takes away? Oh, no, true oratory w mon ttina that. True oratory ls ons of tent guts, if oot ttv with which. UoJ hus endowed moo. lt ls mighty (or goori or mighty for evil. It is a social factor which creates and mold* und uptiulltJn or lt lt I factor which undermines and wreck*,, if lt trow me to believe in th* doctrto* trausinlgriiU"" Ol fouls, ti.eii I wooM belk-ve In this doctrine In rt I to oratory. With DH a skill? ful uniter can hovtt his apiiit Incar? nated in thu minute and the beatie of Hg boorara With men wea :>nry cun tho true orator compel his fellow ooiintiy rrj eli lt think a* ht* thinks, bu} to do as lie WOORI have them do and aa tie himself v lu 'Ri* gift of true oratory ls In [toWur bi no other human gift An tommi 1= this' I think not. Andrew anett****, the g Iramutlfit und poet 1 DO llav* if a mini wen permitted '?? ill Hie t,nilli'ls g| il c.nititiy he iii'...l jot tiaro wini should make Its laws" k trw or.'itur bog all tl Jie street Finner of tlie Bolds. He has norb thsn that In lils own realm he ins the power of potSOOSi touch. Ho .as thf turin- (lashing rye, hf the Quivering Up, of the power which ?onie* from I ? which rpuch >? forth nnd at a whirlwind di lOHltloii before him or OODtOmei tln-m la In u mighty i-onllagratloii. If the HO be mightier thu 1, then be orator's teeptei ls grattai thas hal vt th? trarrlor'l or Un, writer*. I'he IK inosth. tc iii tOOfOe OOtOpeHed MIS tn tieiir what h<* pe lot coiuiiei his auditor*! ' irt-at ls thu osOQOeal toogot of silver pssesj f ii"t the greatest ol Ul gift* rltii which v>od ha* end "wed man ls tatory. Who but SM like Ileiuy r/nnl BoteTtts could bart cooquered hvgtaod dtvfauj dst dark dayi ol 'hen tbe Blitlib factories had tl.ctr fj hy aortbers ships iloekadn.n fb? iontbern puts British upHttiistt iron calttal oat, Tba ujj.tiit an war mint itop nr British mplnvtf* must Starrs tod tba Ili'ltlali isii'luiuta Oil! ha int only that, hut the pierage or the uidormcn almost fn a men l.n*? ^publican form of goraromeoi ellevod the American oocgrosa waa a erpetual menace lo Brttisb lob leofhor tccompllsbed with his tongue rhat on Invading army ^t 1 not inn i -I with Aloa* he faced tudle r audience, bitter In their huh rard tjlro and his poops it. faced fieiulft*. Ile left friends. Il? ls country's censors. Ile left behind lm hw coiintrj's appaloosas Henry I'ard Ileecher wnn this victory for his tiintry tiy the tongue, and tbe loll'-. fgYsM ll the power of stators ind rstoral Hst U il If ?re*t lu Bk at age bow much greater must lt nv. i...go in th* times of th* BOCtiatS! h>-n title modem pi lot lt j ? it yet hie-n San*, ai?d the buman mind mid only appeal to rh* h tunart mind lrnugU tbe Influence of tbe hnmen mirna, Hut, thmiKh the gan.rations itte.?lliig ChllSl sat at the feet of ' aTtitoJ-. w ho over rod\ thouatli l'erlt lc* and I.yalal ind feOTSjOg sin! iTarhlnoi hud won their arreinivs triumphs In old Atheni, inijifb the mitfht) Booian orator* bad ved sud, like eSOTfMS Tullin* Cicero, ul hurleil tliel? verbal thunderbolts, ot when Jesus bogan to speak ^ nurtltms intulttvHij- felt thal now power of >ratory had been born, he words of my text pr ie ats-etrd Ctsfttt'l haarors auld. N'ovor maa spake like this mHti " Wk) 1* geepel oratory tu luUltmeat orm of oratory? Why lost posptl poach oiTar to limn thc greatesl oppoo uultl. , fog Iii* development rue and aoblt oratora Kifts> [Tag true ' ; nsget it fi r with the mightiest of ni! tl.ettie* n I Ilka I ii tko water* of a river Mle. ? ? . ? raitt***. A- * d to Its vertml ck U I ?arias, *>cofi ta swift tba! ? i swift us thought, lt deuU with lo b Hillls univ ns ' ' uml on tnd mi and lt* triiin beaven, Immortalll beaven, b< I Iratlon, etti ; ' Like tl" . i-vs n the whick an tnss.ii from hillside to hill side up among tht ? on mill Jed in all the realm ??' I ? ?peaker In got ? all themes, then coold imt be written Von mus great theme I '. Il the stu,! ognlse this law wi m Lin ed gmo lands tipi.ii the grave* ot tl .'tlntial plea I ninl tove 'Uti) ?he great Virginia orator, with ' a single ra uiitil be swept tin*ni from , ' Oft theil ii- dangling his' bends, yet they were 1 ready t" - -'lead ' inc for s'v.'.'t i.itierty's gbrlnet Why ' did Jnhi. : luenec net i l.-ind mire? Why did Martin I ll all Lump,, erith I I Why did B Italy until Its Inhabitants wen tim.ul ' tumis In agony ind irrtlgnmenl ol Cs! the philippics thal 1 '? 'fie king nf Macedon annie* SDd make D hatti"? Wen ? . liming fur Hellish |"i|ltlcal pur, trying t 4 their path! So 1 lu-y wen attn, Klug Ins* mid lleeiil tyranny and crime their mighty tbemi eloipien great theme to huv i greal intention 1* true. Whei cnn foo lind great, rt! eloquence than in goapel - "iindlng Iii.. gu to : a nj power on earth . (un Matrons srra . for th" wi c. . (liiny tal." bel li "li I prostrate Helj ti ynii tinil nil im . minta! panacea for oka grave's horror I aiel fi (hr cure of sin I crucifixion and the resurrection and th" BtOOOOaOOt of Jems ( Mt : ? i '"I oratory are n ? wide OOOOgk and great enough t a limn In right touch with Uod ami BOOTOO, bot they are sn great that If we once Accept them and p' thom they will give i feet natl. t world. They ai Unit If we only prac!lie them ? ,' faith, a ance," shull Si I tbe human heart Could we have a surer cure for all the trill of (ho world [ J 10 come than Ls offered In the I . "I oratory 7 ?ubumest of ill tliciii'-s. It does more than that. It ? rtl>i* th? greatest of til uurhoritie* by which th ?!" dis, us?,'il lt man and places In his hand _ he Hillie ami says; "Man, ben ' ivord of (J -1 ii.' s" arc not mi stnto 'i-e promiti mr divine Kath r If you will I Sod'l word and do as this I.k directs, ,our life trill in easy matter to discos* i wrong It * often n-ry .-asj for ?? physician to ^ Huging a cancer. I'-ut the con aro, hat ls the rob! Bat] to attack a nora! wrong Tea, Hut lt ll another oalter to rind a right solution for that nong. This the Bible offers lt tomes not a? a ttitsii|s| lt et be gospel or ll ns did Jesus Tni*t lt co ip**iktog "ifb i divine authority, Mo men in rhe vorld have greater Influent learers than those who rtth the positive authority When a man speaks sith tal le I.nine* Imperative 111 his Vhv ls Helen Hunt Jackson'* D I, of the matt in-lit book* ever peooedl Rhe plead d for justice to the American Indian rim the Idea that the law of the land rould uphold her tn her plea She was Ung fnr the risl man r a ais-la! il: ihe was pleading fnr thc red i fie bar of American law. When *he : rom farm to farm she g i a scoundrel, bal a man de ra of American rights he finally de?crlhe* tlil? poor, inno i'nt Indian ns shot down hy n dnitiltcn ifer iud then pictures that runken loafer a* being ill i mis imt sopoonag to human rejudlce* for favoritism toward the ?d man She was saying' What I* lt ItwT What ts the American law? 'be law of America opholdi me lr. my latms " As Betti Hunt Jackson pleaded f.>r he rights of the Indian un 'merle un law th* CtwtrtiSB leads flrr ttl" imaoctpatieo of man rom sin under the law of tbe Miltie. v, "i Mope this p . suv. "I kre be and hull bc through the blood of Jesus Ile- divine atstiitis di-, lure lt." rhos a gospel gtotof stands npOO the ?al In the lilllie be feaks with certainty; he spca li biolute conviction; BOOTS all, he peaks li no other advocate OOSOp ortetl OBS speak. No otln-r niau In . for simple Just:, i luphatli divine authority behind him I I* found In the word of Ood when leading for it, : Ifs gbty when he leads for one wh -mal death. He sa! 11 the tire, nil the enthusiasm, all the snt np pSSBloa Of a lau ? I the har of Justice trying to sate tbs nek of * rll.ut who 1* Lwlng tried for mrder In the first degree. Ay*, he u more than that, lin bu all tbe In P ' Des* mai nt I 1 ri isiii when h* Ute of William I - , . V. lt was during the gfdtatJoa til Wi. - at till ? ?1 kepi lt lait hi* dh neck until he v lt wai found om Mint william Freeman wan In ti nth an ' :. s . I cannot think if a lawyer defending fl client who ls led for his . In ?u agony of * - ?p'lkoij by ti.. . the jury "Do roo maki ? ? lawyer friend "Ve*" lie anawered So much do I mik that If tb g tried 1 am dlstUI' lent of up in the midd I ' '"?I, I Mid to life In 'or you i ?ry woi ? ' ' ?terna! ling for ?lull '. ? - 11 i ymir ninth . er a little rn" rylng to save him One night lu ouio limn a drunken *| ? rag" ' er down and kick d ber ' hit kick ,i .'iinct-r i. olng lo die Von ar* beartatrk lorlier. motherP' you h,,v h , nly make you wall sod h .? ymi . i pin? er fina- mir Just a* I'llOII I Vt:. id get ? on ah . ind off our f' that ranken broti ?'i WOUOd 1 Never. 1 will s. ? Min in Jail ye, or first.'' >i mother begin* to plead. Sh* iyg "If 'Terell on nc jOOi of Joe, but hai> not I suffered? [gre not 1 | '* fer him? nd. Oh, Hairy, I ajnnot die happy nu n-re was a t'me wlu-n yon wan! ti sake .s a greater Inspiration . st gi sar -,',nr mother bo l* diing " ? be Christian orator I* Inspire,! 1th a di - ll man fruin '??rilli for himself. Hut ian that ave, far umro than tint? ? Ia Inspired with the transcendent .-.ian to turn from n and I t to satisfy Ot the rtnrn of h's prodigals Ho does lt )W for Christ's sake fdr Christ's jut tooed tko vt,,rid tt he sac* hi* onlj >.e*f*?ot, goo, rhtr lld not irlib, bot bare tr er tait Ing life e nalgi)ty inspiration which makeo i v plead to isvi - bot to *sve men of the divine Father's rgn lng tove] AN UNWiI.COM. ,i,a, ho. as du as - Confession. ? it I lt was be i had a tjra A Definition, ll son, is a sl< ? Nth joser through tb* medium ot - J bis sage Nor ' Sulll ioflrfao-?No; bu* els ? ?sell's. -ni it I MANASSEH'S SIN and REPENTANCE Sunday School Lessonlur July M,IMS Sf aper ! ? - TIMK I ? ad Suggestive Thought \ i began lied is minor i power of hit "intiii'. \\. ian re Joice 'li . ? meaning th., ?hip. II btedly true tl m "Abomln ? ' ami llcoottoui hs ooo ..-? out: " loaaaltee, ol drives His own Disjplu ? V. 3 places lt wa* . itbei e g'""l oort Impala: ira th*> ..? mooly In an elevated position IdolhV there. "Baalim: The plural for Baal, ?a of vartoui duitio* of the Canaanites. ;<eii?e.i Var slun, ".'. ? st* nr All the :i, moon and stars Thl.s was a new form of Idola? trous wm.-hip. It :, drat by King Aha?. Hi probably ll lt from N'.. i.ylon. Vi 4, I, Built altars In tfcs nf tbe Lord:" Set up altars for the . of varlour | - temple i salem ! ' ship or great Image of the pod. whl . r.?d hot. T! ? worship seems to I .alley of Him V. T obnoxious of all \ ???" wss : j Manasseh set up lg j "God hail *ai j R:29; P> V ? ? ian* Dtlyi In the land ol with th I be ob* r- commandment* Iq ni ii 1 ii' n I ti tb assigned tin rn ? 1 against light V 10 ' The i spok* ta ? 2 Kings 21 I ghi fha: . th. propkt :h werri They woold not hearksn " lh-y vt..ul 1 di the rc -i?w them V 11 Thu I/ird brought upon milter this result ot their sin "Kimi, tia Pn : '.addon. ' V 18. "In aintitlnn he t,e sought the I Him" The ' -, of penitence, and ap 'ng character ? al Points V 2 I/" is set for the BM men' of our deed! no lower standard than h ? V fi Where ths light of true re? ligion fall* to penetrate, we may ex ped rroseest exhibition' Pl Tl Who I* love, cania ipon sin which i ln>n Boot V 7 W- must take hood that no idols of the heart usurp I Il dui tn God llOfll > a, he, Conitipation, Bill N. I) . ch ron ii child reii nr . i by W I! .' \l I UK HERALD JOH Oh PICT, FARMVILLK Kite brec\l, ligh( br?c\A. \weei Dread. Well-bred little one* (5 offec c?\l(e, lexyertyJfe ?^? ,Jelly e?\{(e J?nd stem^ssk-fvch^ Wtan Te^Jy fj i*roundj tgliS? Puzzle of 1 BSCSSBBiy he ? can perform this trick Ott two plecei of twlrn rig. ami ld each piece of twine double as shown In Klg 1. !'as* about half an Inch of 'te ? A through the loop In B, and fold In back o A, which will I In B. pass tbe open ends of B through a spool and draw tbe spool over tbe ln tiie r 1' as In Fig 2. This spool must n litton at any time during the performance of tbe trick, ai lt conceals and bolds the 'wine Next, take Kin! pass one on th* twlna, B at - t A, as in Klg 3. Tb' Oin ll of the tw1r.' her desiring Now explain that the spools are tining onto tl wing tho two ne) to ir explanation Then In 3T. LOUIS BOY'S RECORD. IHspatchea from Boston Tell of Success of the Former Westerner. Arthur Hecker. ? af Harvai' . his li Hocker wa* award ? year he wt year and won In tdd! Mon two Powder ? g A Hr.-Uer , ls English, ind the other of $50 or a Greek translation; and thi? lls last ia college, he hold* the Bleb rd Augustine Gamhrtll tel 450 and tb* Palfrey exhibition Although so strikingly successful In hinge li* ls not I our hours a day at the most ls all the Ime he spends at his dv*k tl ed to athletic*, duh life std recreation* of college He ba* always taken an active part r. athletic exercise*. Besides an hour r two In tbe gymnasium every day. e ls fond of long distance eros ry running and walking In the social life of Harvard he ls leo t prominent fig ? being of tho Phi Fit-ta Kappa so lety. bs te a member of several of larrards most famous and exclusive lubl, and ba* been seleoted to repre ent Harvard at a dinner to be given t Yalo oort month to the repr. I vee of Wis different chapters of the hi Kappa lt- etotero unl ?r?ltle* tnd ls slated for an tTter lnner ip?o*j._ Three <?.I isd I isl i!< ates* od. lt I anti Wi, | VV I. \ Hmo I old by W the Strings form tbe audleur-e that you j>, | more tbe epools from the twtot without < them over tb< i nH." ksM Bf your assistants. Next ssk each of your assn- . ,ou ono of the two ends held by him, ettht r one of them. *> ll ts gatts Immaterial which You only ?*?h ta make tbe matter doubly sure, at the same time tie the eada that roo re? ceived with a double knot tSsc Pla I). F.0.-B thus drawing the thi" -i and securing them ssrisstJf This done, grasp the spool with ymir right hand and Instruct the bm to be ready at the word "three" to pull the string with a midden Jerk Tos ooo, two, three " and the Jerk lb given, the gpoohl remaining In your hands the two strings r.-riialn ing in tbe assistants' hands and jolie d In tht midd!" nf the knot yon ti. d DOO** are ron tape without passing tv andi held by tbe assistants, sod audience ls gn-atly mystifle.! bj explain the secret of th* twin's h| \ Mall this Hocker ls parti) pay lng his way through edi.. first year al mdl-go St haa totortd . '.ii wore behind In rk I Miring his varat: lg One lUOaSMf ho was a clerk In a lintel at a stimnier resort, al tBother Hine ho was a poadOCtat on a street car line lOlrsrstty and lb I Hocker ls only IO years of age He graduated frost 'ho St. Loot! In 1901 and entered Harvard lu '.inl"r of thal year with Wal? li i BoodaB, the other St Loots boy who has made io minn nf a stir la Itald old Cambridge Although Becker abet soi 1 me, he bas finish" work at college and ls SOO a lu the Boston high school !)? ? ? for the degree* of M A ami I'h li . and with these behind I,' apply for a professorship In one of th* univt-i - Heck ??? family. His father, Alexand-r Heck?r, ?n- a liolar He ls als" h cl POI i"ia Bdwsrd Pratorfss, editor of the i Bad Kag!", whl'h Kui -'llllaui wai.'- i ssofl ': ? Otch I HX) I SYMl'Al'IiV M> Fido I* I r.lf? V.rl Jog. -ri* In ll mp?ll-.y t rall iowa and bark rr. > thin*, Why Silo sark* at rr.* ' V Ina. M Indigestion ( uri ti Then iee of Ind i, Dyv ? at Will 1 to the dig) ? ' length? ening influence of Kodol Dy* bt strain of] ? -ung what ymi eat fj (ure t| iud |ierinaiieiil relief f'nin teassoanoot ittiaek ami gam . then in a weakeni dltiou. Bold by W. li. Agnew. DIRT ROAD-MAKING LESSON Missouri Kan Tell* of Making Earth Thoroughfares at Farmers' Institute. At th. state Farmers' Iuaiitut*. held ? ! in, O, In January, 11*34, Mr. I> W King, of Missouri, told of bbl method of making earth roads. Th* talks he gave thore were printed lo UV tOOOOl report for that year and the substance of them, together with hts llluatiatlom, wa* given in tbs ?, issue of April t, 190*. 'uipllclty of bte method made many hesitate to give lt serious con i He succeeded, however, la getting about 90 farmers lo pcomlie lt give lt a trial In Ohio. How walt 'his proesfot bas been kept no one caa say. Mr. H,rat lo Markley, of Morrow county, O, while not one of the "SO," made a drag after the King plan, al? though differing from lt in being mad* nf timbers instead of a log. and uaed lt mi tho road In front of his place with "SS. The entire length of the treated road was smooth and free from ruts. v. MAD! HuAb bOUAl'Sfl. while the tatreated portions of the sam. mad, as vt eil as macy other ssifli mais 0f iii" county were so .mi rutty aa to make lt Impos t wter than o walk The in that part ot the county ls a clay loam or in some places Dearly pure day Our Illustration shows the drag Mr. Markley uW on thia road. Th* tim? bers gre six inches square and about t long. The lower rear edge >f each timber ls beveled. Tbs bacs. timber ls shod with a strip of Iron ind where tho road lg bard tbe front Umber should be ihod also. Mr. Mark ley done not claim that this drag li in Improvement over the King drag. I he think lt could not be Im? proved upon. He realize* that lt la SSt so important that tlv. drag bo ?ada Just so as lt ls that aom* similar Maal be made and used. Tl... Worth of the road which Mr. Markley treated lae*, sealion wa* a lit? tle less than a half mlle. Ai il oas pilte mugh to begin with lt required Oft last year than lt will this af first two round* wera made each Ime. but as the road became eniooth ?r ono roos*! **as usually all that was leceeeary. During HMM the road was nat 12 times, and thus isasou lt has received four treatments jp to April drat. It takes about an lour and a half to go over Oe road twine; thus the cost of keeping this jalfmlle of road In good ooodltlon, ; round can easily be figured )Ut. There baa not been a year yrevlouo to the last In the ten years since Mr. Vfarkley ha* lived on thia farm, when. he grass at the eldee ot tho road bas IO( tstcn cti> up ba^ly by vehicle* ba? ng driven on il during the muddy Loot year, owing to tho good nf the road, no teams Otra Irlven on tim sod al any tim* during I.- roar, although it oat unusually ve' dmiiiM the spring tod early part if the sits The supervisor bas igreed to give credit fnr Um* Spent In hanging th" road, and Mr. Markley'* mnipted several of hie hetghbon to follow hts example to toad making. kosst atOSOS of this drag ri tSS IH'O road scraper are. Ant, be cheapness of oonsUaiotion. every 'armor can own onei second, the fut ? ona msn and on* team an ii, therefore tba oads oan t>? gene over more frequent; y and gaari nearly at thu proper lime; ind third, tba roads may be worked ry wet snd thus at a tims ?!il 'nt.-; for*, the least OKS he rtSJOSSI farm work. Il must ba lorne In mini, however, that tklt of mad making ll not adapted ri all kind- of *?*!? From present mow ledge lt **t?ui* to be best tdapt -d to clayey and least to lindy aolla. ? way to determine wherr tt ?an be used successfully ls to gITe lt a rial There oan bu bot little to** la my cato and then may ti* oooalder W. Wald, Otto Experi? ment Htatloo, Wayn*. County, 0. IB Trimming a Tree urning U'*?* lt ihould be re ?nttnUied 'hat tbe wound mid* by rutting off t limb close to tbe trunk. if a tra* will toon heal ov*r, while. ? md mad* by nutt log off tk* Imb two or mose Inok** (rem tb* :runb leads to d?cay and sometimes ?ti* ultimate tots Of th* tr** It MMS Deformed Eggs Nevur set a deformed or Ul shaped |g a waste of tiru!. Beleot tk* issi eggs and he sir* that they - t'ook -Com 'ry. Keep Careful Eecord. Keeping a oar?ful record o* the per ormanees of *acb colony ii Us f building op in at s to bring In tbs best ret lin linly aTsj 1" I BIS 0SOJO to 'ure a cough wi ave Isitli-take kennedy'- Laxative louey and Tu: lest for cougl i whooping . i.edv - Laxative linnet I llllgll vrup lt contain! DO opiate* and .'i rigs, - from :y moving the I ml an ideal remedy fnr young or old. ? ni.-mitred ana-iue , ly W B. Al Herald and N. Y. World, %\.w. i