Newspaper Page Text
I IRMVILLE HKRALD. i 1 i. ?( V I ? -. lilli KUI DAV J RICI MEN IN Iflk CABUfBl Mr I - milieu I ? Mi Itu I |..rt-.I i iviyt r- I public I Why, .Mri. u Ibis - limden I Si tin nf tilt' 1 I.pilli," tint! of all lils . able !? continue tn peciall] : eitbei lhal longer I intli of the country mell ol ? lalned In tin lo ile the fighting iii Such men ? i ited I" make eau sui nf Slate W ii lint wort ami let il linnie .-mil aiiiu-i Iii. iii I'anama" and i memorable .'Ilslull till winch till I tn Hie (}| Why ia ii liiat oui foi (ermined Hist t ivernor shouldn't -uci eel hiuisi ll following Hu- four yean ol I nell well filled pocket bool, bul s Ibrough with driving tin-fever scourge from tile I' will not liuv t ? much .slreligtli fm canal diggl nan ought to "limul business," stay at home and not go running around In m ? Richmond itch is righi in toying tbs! v 'pure wliiski uni! Hie mini who ' tn buy pure whiskey ought iud I in buy any lt i- folly to contend that Hie live-cent nu*? is vi id! Bl Um ten-cent man, but neithei tin 'it mau n< ? ' it man > right lo take poison nr Intro? duce th* germs ol fever into the com? munity, Personal liberty should liol ? DEFENDS HIS RECORD N tal li Bl< I We tics and mu tim :u \ ll tittil 'apt Willard Make* lt Plain H sTsi Not Against "Jim Cruw " Cid. ! mit the following staten stones of C'aptaii J ? the tight n\er tin law before Hie Legists! ii re when lie lhal body - of the (u I pe per I Ixihh eui M iiiuile toward ? Hourn Bill N \ss|||,|,|v nj lve.i on pu . been tl lumen I ami criticism, "In tl ?? ? the ( tuiimiit' ? port ti ailmltted lbs! millee. "1 am ant:. lani tn furnish tin fol incut for publicatlti pll'j'.'lll'.l Illili s, J,| in,. 111 -1 itatement editor of the Exponent, thal I ni the < niiimiittt- o |Mirt the Kpp.- lilli mail" N"t .lui I iiuikc such iiint "I'liimiltcc I dM piati-tlly laid, that I vol millet mit th, committee. fl A IV,, ' ' - tiller my un ami I ilnl no! I |0 thc bill ll ? of the ('ill lint III!. nut my efon the i ly in tbe interest ol my m.. tv ' I Ifullj submit thal ? ul um refill ,- published . examination. ; i IH N'' I md :i~ ? idi "i" , tbfi I I'| Ul.'I iii Hie future I, therefore ottered thc inpllli; ?'lllplt'llllll III Iii itu is mu tl tia,I iiml ali i - lining upon ? ii H'holi it may iud all inn pa ig.'ini/.eil iiii uay lie . ' Cltlll'l ii part rtatioii - uiiartiui irtitiou - ueaniiig -ililli' cnll . i Inch it is se! apait. lection i tin- people of Virginia knowing ? connection ' them to ki - state BEACHING THE SPOT. lt can he [hine, so Scores ni laniDille Citizens Sav. Vmi ii . i S Hn.v linan, the well-know ii -t . Lynch Kiil i un subjeel i" rlieuuiatisiu ul a 1 i'mt il I lind lien sith a stick across thc ms, the condition could not have dany a time I a ? ? I without sharp in Hie back. I iturally longed li*. - when red in even ?f. In -nine way Doan's Kidney ? t, brought in my attention, il I went In a drug store tnt a box Kidney Pills brought nu ubted benefit, ami can in- de| ? ">ii fur cases nf kidney complaint lp, ami such titi11 i- l re un Ilium's Kidney Tills, is mon an welcome to om I " I'lenti ruiviile people, (all nt ll i I rug store tnd ask wh il ?tonier* n ?"nr sHle by all dealers Prl it- I'listtr-Milliurn Cn , I: ?^ loll agt ? ts for the lulled lifs. temeiiiber the name Donn's and - ibstitute. lad blond and Indigestion tn dead. memles t., l-.I health Burdock fl Hittei- dettroyi them ublican State Convention, Roanoke, Va., August 8, 1905. ni tim. occasion, the Norfolk A -tern L'ailvvay will -ell lound trip ? els to Inn.kl ' i'l VUgUSl 'dh, Till I tn return until August I'm further Information ly tn tic .- all spiiimis 'irgiiiia. VV. B. Hevill, Roanoke, Va ? terrible torment to tbe - fnlks, Hm! to -niue nidei ones, ly cured. Doan's Ointment never lii-taiii relief, permanent cure, ny dru ? nts Westminster School, Rkhmond, Va. tel Ci \ bet the Bil I les. Kel boarding school for girls. ?r College Faculty arclvc. Send for catalogue. Miss CAMPBELL, Principal. \ gi Vi ililli l hi* i I La: h. H. li rind IC E <XX3 P ii j. ii RI A WOMAN'S ORDEAL OREADS DOCTOR'S QUESTIONS Thoura Mrs.rinl-.hii' nnd g tool et Valuable Advice Absolutely Confldontlni and Ftee I her terrible ordeal ? iin.d vtniuan iitnin ' (amil] physician, nnd many .<OSBa*fBSaSiV3?tie>' * MnTCWiltauten f. r thai tn exan treat tl full to I tl Mts Pink] from btained fmnt ? female ills Mts I'lnlihnrii can advise women moro wisely I l("nd hos Mrs Pinkham helped Mr>. X C Willadsen of Manning, Is she I'inkham ? iv that you have at Ufe, ai.i I ? min "t "?|r,^. my grntittid,. In Hg Veil ' bi I" i ??Iv y-vUA* v finally c***?i ! sm ' 'tir ad "??r full of ir*W: t t.. tnka I.yJtii I I'lnlthaint \ 'niomid, an 1 I h.- ' liwilth Bad lt not t-een for y,iu I w,nil bavt l^nln mt nott ?fountain-, of proof establish the fact thal nu medicine In the wort. Lull* V. Pinkham's Vegetable (oro pound for restoring won,. I Unit Her Kimble. "I knew no one, fol k w nit tv'i'ii lid tiui kid Annie Ililli ? i , "and w hen I gol tetter, although I bad one "f Uk i wt* I,, iii double, ind bad to res! my band* un my kneea then I walked. Prom Hil* terrible by Electric titter*, which restored my beoltb sod trengtll, ami BOW I can walk ?> .? r Tin-.. vondei I teed to pure atom icli, liver sud kidney ditord Vluic ,v ( n'-. drug sim' I mi i d tu Starve. HI ncord, Kj will, - ire mi nu lii'i'fi lip, s,, painful, "iiieiime-, thal I could imt eal Altai alnly trying everj Hung i i Hal vi lt' .iiid wound* Al ? j Vacation. nun i outing ali' ' lllinll lie world ovei foi then cuni tnd le-miiiiii" climate, magiiillceul moun a Rummel ?snrts. w Ind. A Li" Grande, i ne nf the World \ en un titi.' ifeduring tin ? linen t" all Ihe il p.nuts ,,i interest I I n I .ramie ami tin Km < . t'esteni, willi theil numerous aitches pcm ; ( olorado and I tali lui i nomi ' ilill'eieiii is through ie Kmkv mouutains, one of which In ' nii'iii- l,i*i(i mile Ul fol -Js (gj w llicll '"lu: ited iceni n than any timilai trip the wurla, passing the following mils ot Interest: Lu vela I'.iss, 1 'i.ti ?i Past I ?? , -erv ii 'iis Durango. Mtuicns ('anon card Head Pass, LasAniniasCaiion. Iverton, Ouray. Cimarron ('anon, mk < tuon ol thc (iuiiiiisnii, Mai - ami Hu- Royal (forge. I his mfortablj made in live ? i-i ten days should be voted in it, no iiuii mi. leisun | il Right* Ticket* "ii tale tn ll Lake ('uv, Itali If you con te tu? ite tun through ? olorsd. I 'tah, ? I you -niue beautifully 111 u ted booklet* P. .v ia I'. vitat ? ihe secret ol happy, vigorous inply keeping the bowels, stomach, the liven and kidney* mg and Baldock Miwal ilptberiarelieved in twenty minn Almnsl miraculous, Dr.1 hotnas' ectric Oil. At any drug itore i Marprtse Psrtf, msy be ?n tn ymir itomocfa ami liver, by Heine which will reHevi r pain and iii-'limbri, vi/ Dr g'l New Lld' Pilli Tin | i wonderful remedy, affording huh ?fund cure, foi headache, dlzzinet* const!(wtlon i? ><? ni Whib NOTICEl i.. n Or j Th <BW& ilgnaturr lathe Hromo'Qiiinine io**** mull that rn re* a col.I In ono da* IREAD, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzzzxzz > .. les, PBERGER'S u peoplt wli.i feed von, <g CakesS, \ &c, fi W. T. DOYNE, UNDERTAKER AND L'.CENSED EMBALMER. netallie and all Styles Wood Collins OIN HAM). PHONI aoasoaaaatssooat iilB*?*oo*W?a??oT"~" Baby Carriages and Go Carts Mi 'own DOYNE'S. I. ? To Members of Tabard Inn Library _ uh i i.Vl il chan ut Un : J |*J HU| | lt lill,lim , Agnew's Drug Store. Planters Bank of Farmville farmville, va CAPITAL, $43,425.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, ll. A V. W I' Vi. Nilli Illili' Account S*?licitcd. Interest illowrs] sj lime OcpoMts IIRECT.0IS: J .1 \V M.I J M ' I. J v 8. W. Paoli ai. Furniture! Furniture! i ?i Iv FUKXITI - Lt mn in .ii ii GOODS .md in PRK C. C. COWAN, ! /. 0HIJE. fl. t. HALL. J P. MAPIIN. President Vice-President Sec 6 if e Farmville Building & Trust Co., FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA. Baostj l.iiiiiku M li il Estate and 9tfcer GihmJ Collateral. c noa ' lier minn v |i turitj lo depositor* for full i mfort, Stvle Wit Durabilitv ? \* Leader. SOLD ONLY BY W. T. CLARK, $3.?^? FOR WOMEN. VA KU Wc Have . . . . on hand now the PRETTIEST selection of Cut Glass ever displayed in town. We can please, es pocially in PRICE. S. W Paulett & Son i - ami In i ' li ts ,,rihe ll tills nus nu iii- Bark of I'I XII) s I Illili Anderson Drug Co., Farmville, Va. nap;c <>! people ol . try nnd hctni \ irnishcs, mu t liini: First-Class Drug Store ? : re prompt nntl pul ? usn righi Wc will be pli [itions ol ? (ic town, unrounding Ai li I: Anderson Drug Co., . .1.1. VA, When^ou were engaged THE Y0UH6 LADY RECEIVE!) A BOX W] I( A BOX Or THESE DELICIOUS CONFECTIONS? REPENT- AMO MAIL YOUR ORtirRS. AT SHORT INTERVALS. TO C. E. Chappell. .eave Your Order il BARROW'S MARKET HOUSE 'UK i/O! . ICE. iii.iiiii nd dc A. LEVY, THE TAILOR. ' GUARANTEED. .'md ni ,u nu. ?II* pru Slioji ii Main street, A. LEVY. I lol lill till Im I ti ii ed in kn ( ., i | uml ( 1111 s We y iiiul Fra w II ill . tn I NU DOM ilK IIKI'.AI.Ii JOH <)l> K, KAKMVILLB. Med: Dr I'l.-MC THE BLACKSTONE SCHOOL TOR CilRu^" Ul iBlt, an>r a -nnful stnily i .^ ;,.mil Ht Ulm SOtOn, anil iiImiIii i ? . |n,rViiaj*!of| t-ami'iis nf larenty : ^ with all thc modem *,>p lrPaotJ thc fmintlirs v> "THOROUGH IN.'TRUCTION UNDI R POUT T. CHRISTIAN INFLUENCES AT THE LOWE! r W ( OfT." In-lrtit lion: .*?? bea pivi-ii amt tlu> Bbs - '.ve received Kornial iru : traqabsj both Theoretical iiml I'rsrl Mtalaj s, In nil. Tin- Blackstone ? - , mratiiaj whnt it *nys, ati'l alHiut li vi- liundrisl u... ri of toe Behool. (harailrr: Hut at Blackstone, t I "it pre, Ibotrdinf ichiMil 1 ? "nnatiiai nf eksrstaOr. The greslMl tim of the ft Of the cliarai-t.r nf thc Httiilftifs cunitnitli ,| to tl I v with tin- ti.n Inr is ,uii' i, i un ttl* laces* at Blackstone all Uti in thc building with U ? ? tonlj in the roon, imt in irery rtlstion nf the ichool lit- .'.mil a .? itml aplifting, tnd the ind Coos*?The coat li I>-s-s< than Ht toy otbsr achoo! in tin i irrada On* bandied ami iifty dollin tl , etfcaa, alni T'litiun in till ili-|iartii.' imt Rlociitioli ar* OkBBSl ni tierrsuMMrrliiafif too rsti i ulm from lin ilntsia i itodtot bodjr Htiftit iintly hugo tn girt to paionteth* tx rsucaaa laianielloa, bot oot too larg* for tbe Principal and I ? i imlaut ami tnpive her individual care. Thia molt hts been attained ](>,,, want yntird ter ttl BOVt thorough instruction un fl I, ami, write f"r catal,. JAMES CANNON. Jr.. A. M., Blaclulone. Va. EfFor the next session, twenty ttBOatrSBSJS, w.irth ITU '?"> each, will lw (riven to : nlies who are linallie lo meet the full exi.etis.-s ,,f them I., Iml ? - BB education to be oilling to assist the houstkeejier in thi im iiimii room. IVE CAN ?*3 ny Furnish you with turnip seed. Stokes & Davidson. %s TURNIPSEED * Mason's Fruit Jars, Pints, Q,uarts, Hali gallon?. TIN CANS. M^^ CHAS. BUGGA, SON, I' Al: \l\ ll Ll VA. Mid-Season SALE, o Ten per cent, discount on 3e Cream Freezers, Screen Doors ?and? BICYCLES, si Paulett & Bugff, WHAT DOES IT MEAN lot dividends AC! i mi LATE ons Us* irstnroneo PoUejr? tn suva* rupaule* it meant nothing more than an agreement on the pori of iii licy-holder tu do without div Idondi '"i ll flees "r tirentj jreon sod Hun lu wii.'itcvci dividends tbs eomponj uuj be nilling to give; should yon > or Ispss tin- polity daring tho socumulsted period, st! dlvld.'ad* ia felted. Dividend* sredecltred EVER i fi MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, I the policy-holden ute them ta help pey theil premiums, .u il insurance oi lo convsrt tltcir poilej Into sn tndoa so I wm l.l> Iii: tu ymi: ? insuring to see E. SCOTT MARTIN. OUR CONSTANTLY ?\Jr)r~Z? " ' i ti io y ? el ' r.iisini's- is | .( III s..|| |i.ltrnlls Wi,'lilli ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :,IU!'yS ^Tff SSA ( tat I:' ni' ttiMrrlsSSJSSJSSSSJ (JHOUfr 'fla?oooooooooooooo*W .|l !fTlsasaa*SaSB*t* ^Sass? solicit your pitt- _^_^^_^__^^_^^_^__^^^^_^^__ ^^^ - GILLUM * SON. FINE STALLION. nfc, No. 2929, German Coach Stallion. Ml make the seaton nt Pavmrflk. Bright baj, fin ul fiction, good dnrooaition, ir harads Wodi, i Km ponndi reed ra should not toil to *t this Magnificent Horse. ferrite P< - |ifj and - GERMAN COACH HORSE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, I I HART. Secretary. ITL A CO., DRUGS, icines and ?uggists' Sundries, rlptlonai arefully Compoai KAHMVH.LK. VA. HOLLISTER. 9 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bcitj BaOBSSI ht Birj P- pl? Bria** QMn Heal ta aad R*M?ed I HI, ! rCllll-r T 00L0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE