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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR POB lin: PAW, il Kl.I' Hil: mi PRRHKN1 HOPI v<>K TllK PUTUBK. KA UM VI U.K. VA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, LS LfO.4*. CITY DIRECTORY. ? ? V ' COUNTY OIRfCTORY. ? i' VV iii - w \l roKNI > \l LAH Lee & Thompson, Attorneys at Law, V \ J- M. CRUTE, Attorney at Law. I ATKINS, WATKINS i BROU, ll ORKETSaTUf ? j ? .-> WING, ; LAW, Unnl Coiioty, Va. \Y. C TRANKLIN ? ^'HITL 4 CO.. DRUGS. Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, WestmiiiskT School. Richmond, Va. \ I lillis. ' ' Miss CAMPBELL, Principal. STMK KKMALK NORMAL SCHOOL, VA l.lh Iii Normal emelita, era Etlacstional Kqulpatpat, are tn hf J ! VIRGINA POLVTECNIC INSTITUTE. ? A Saul ate of TecbnoloRy. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE olmeMCIne^:?^,';0 il. tUICfSt" OBSTfTBICS ) i Ctr V?T. PHIIBaCT . - ' _ . Tim UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. ? victories of PEACl Rev. Dr. Talmn.Ro Proachos n Momorlal Day Sermon. lines- sa Mea Hnmii ike Orate, The? Look 1'i.marl to the Time War Bssall lin Abiilt.hrlt b> thc Nh! Lui. ? ? ?? > I .parri J LOS AM'.KI.KS. Cul, May SH Titi Memorial tiny aeraBoa eeacea tte lune . Ii rhuiigiitt'ui mun ami wantali throngtioot Km world for thu sari) realisation of thc promise of universal i "s th" a|cailea thai are now ?t work fur thal paiaeet Uta t-xt is IsalaJ thai snail they war tiny more." 1'tery itrettt catastrophe is sn inspl rfitlon for svefCOSsaBsj or nt loa-tt foi lessening 'limner No ?oonor flirt Un' awful ronfliiurutton af tho Iroqnoil ' ki place In December, l^sj-l, Wt*ele Oity Ol vUlOAgO IUDS* in protet Bxcortattngi deAasKMttona appeared in nil the dally newspaper* Fdltnrs n? well aa people declared "No Ure trap Uko that hud a right to eilst" At oneo there win a scurrying atmut nt tho city officials Hie fire regulations Were overhauled. The munna for light trig fire were increased The tire la spec tara wert) elvarly nod <>rupbutlcallp told that hereafter there was to be na evading of Um dre in wa and of the rmlldlng restrictions. The will of th* people plainly said, "The horror of the past through criminal negligent**, of tho city officials shall not become the bur ror of trw future " What ls true Ut reforeine tn Hi" ca? tastrophe* ls nUo true about railroad accidents. The tragedy of the Tay bridge In old Pentland strenstlienod ths abutments >t ninny bridges in many '.aufl<? Th" terrific annual slaughter of human Ufo upt-m the rnllrond-t nf our country wus tlie enuee of nesting the steen, tag YVottinpkousc brake and the autemutic oonpllim whereby uar can be Joined tn ear without en? dangering ths body af brnkninan ot other railroad employ.* So the awful tragedy of the civil war. with Uh mil? lion dead, ought to be an Inspiration to teai h us not only how we shoultl tumor thv soldiers who fought and Med Bad flied, but also Low we ahould those who are tiring, to prereat and a horrible butibwry of lunn nu life in ths future. A.S man has to be taught the art of war, se bo mast learn the art of ponce Misii be sot bsnor his peoteptort who nre teaching biro bow to toter the val loyt with houses and factories and ?ihools and churches instead of with campfires and fat tl I asia mid huming towns? Shall Wt- not honor tho men who are teaching ns how to change our plnins of FNrtraelon Into "cities of refuge" which were once battlefields in ninny wars? Shall wo not honor to? day such teachers ns Profaasot fl (). Holden ef Iowa Agricultural colloce, who In 11-04 gave lo BBS farmers of thc weet a certain kind of rom -.-cd which would produce a better kind of corn tn that region than tho farmsrs had been able to grow and thereby la one year put Into the western farmery' po, kofi more thnn had ever been ibero before? flhnll we not honor ?=uch a one as well at we honor the soldier who teaches the Iowa buy how to march and how to shoot and how to slay hts brother1 Shall wo not honor Theodore ftoe-sa volt's pen as well as Theodore Roose? velt s sword? Ths pt* which sum? mons the representatives of ail the cir Hired nations to the peace conference at Thc Hague ls Jost as truly brave and patriotic ss was ths sword which our president drew at Han Juan hill and rna sword which today ls ready to hs drawn If fort-Inn nations dare tram? ple npon the rights ot Auierlcnu citi? zens. V"s, the pen of pose* ls to be honored t-ulte st much an the sword of war. Therefore, on this Memorial Sunday, when friends and Bread ones Sra Viewing the graves of our dead soldiers with flowers, I would place garland* upon thc brows of tho living hero?n, upon the brows of the men and the wfimwi who are living and work ins: to prevent future civil wars and fu ture international strife raia BWBrJeet which we are about ta discuss ls one which ls uppermost te? ssy la the minflrt and hearts of many. 'it has occurred to Bet latently/* wrote I dear friend from the east, "that s inject for n sermun nt sinus ear? ly day would be 'Peace' and the move K*. lng made for the presort stlon nf the world's pence Now that the statue of Frederica the Great hns boen ?et up In Washington kt ia seriously 1 to supplement lt With the atntuos ot, Napoleon and Han Sibel This amy be a War college Idea. I do not know who made the .nguwa tlon, but lt ls not In Una with trw true ?pUH of the age, which ls one of peace ind aibltratlen Instead of glorifying those great ds-.tro.vcrs of nntlons we ralsht do well to arnulnte the Smith I ?aslIBU republics of Chile and Ar? gentina, whi.'h have uttered Into mu? tual arbitration oorupnet*. melted their cannon and set up a huge statin- of PhrUt on S penk of the Andes as the of peuce to the world." That letter hts In lt tba true ring of tho gos? pel and of iho best Curlstlnn States ' May Ool http BB, ono and ill BO b.'in->r tL" dead soldier tnduy IB & ? of all wats hy ten.liing min kind to btuoi ths aaapsj sud the tem poral agr-nctea thnt nre at work to pre vent future wars' The dead soldier of ttio civil wnr In the llr-t I'lavf. BBOBjM tench us that tho ,it who oiiRht to be o apected ba ft minti bb politics is not sec 'l- I ip who la el", tod to of ? tbs man who would seoaee i-s I fer adeeeariai a just prhBei i eted for advocating t wrung mi- Oe -.tiuiild ten h u? thnt s nu in exile utay be inure of a true friend to ha's country than a Ile ? .-ir apparent to a throne. A publicly denounced and d . Oueen Yaahtl lt infinitely to be un* tnrretl Ba a J anabal hnitliiig iii her righi hand r^it- Binnet ring of a reigning king Ile should tenth us thst al l.'Onvertuic Hgt,Mug fur the liberation Bf hlii beloved Haiti mid dying In the dark dungeon af a Pl mitt prison or a William tvminco foully assented in London for righting for thc freedom ot Neut lund or an Oliver Cromtt ell laglan goring his life by dt-noiun Inn tito tyr aiinlea of King Charles U t<t be hon oreti lullnltcly BbOTS the apostates who for wealth or fume or position sold their honor and their prim Iples and be? trayed tin ir eatjattr-l lights And yet, StWItSSJ to say, often does a . .mitti y BSttiiisle a Btataamea'i aacceesee not hy tin- fealty with whit h tn- guards hei rights, but tty his ability to force him self Into office, no matter what means bc may use to nttnm lt Is not th;- fad atetolutoly true In reference to Napoleon Bonaparte 1 He was not only honored when he waa alive, but tie was and I- bonared h) nu Ir.'tvh people and hy the world when ho ls dead Never tens there a tamera! prsceselea Uko that which hionght hts du-t hack Hom St Helena to sievp its u-t Bleep upon the beaks Of the river Seine Thc BOB of the king whom Napoleon had dethroned want forth In ship tu hillie thia tli.i-nied barden from Brttiah eotl "Ensued took the esglo and Austila the eaglet," wore the words Victor Hun,, wrote to poetically des, nb,- th- Cngllsh Imprls oniuont of Napoleon 1 and th. An trlan approprlntlon ut the little klug of Reata Vet in what wuy did Napoleon barnett Praacel Lia hu live fee her peace er net strength or her honoi ? No Itu wns simply great as a mur? derer great as a robber, great as a merdleaa tyrant He made wars, he lerted tnses, he led his ptBpla to the slaughter merely fat til*, otvrt aggi un dizeinent Ho crnaned the members "i his own home and et Blt iron fa his own convenience when it gaited him He banqueted ygar after year up? on the sufferings and agonies of France and eared not boa ninny h.,ur '. as long as Napoleon'a stand ards were tn the fore and Napoleon's throne wa* lifted higher, even though it wna ramara! i upon a pile of corpses Hhnii Napoleon Bonaparte be benet ed aboee ^tipton Uuuytoa who wrest ed from King John of Bngland the Mnguu Chnrts nnd Blade tin I people n nntloli of king-', Shu!, he he honored nbnie Martin Luther, who, single handed lind alone delict tho temi-.;.ti authority nt th.- church "f ind drove Iii the opt liing wedge Wblch will ultilnately everywhere separate chun ti from state/ Shall be be honored above that wonderful as M-mhhige of men who, under the lead ership of Thom** Jefferson, Beamed lae Declaration of Independence, and of Jain'-. Madison who penned the con? stitution of the Tutted states whereby man In a republican form of govern mont ls compellttl to rc-pts t the rights of Basal abell his aame bc honor-d above that nf Ahruhnm Mn. "In, who wns horn in a hut, Heed for the mest pert of his Ufa upAn a weetara prnlrle nnd yet tty tho proclamation of emen ctpatlmi taught the wnrld timi all men upon this North Amerlcsn continent ure bee and et-unlV Civil war Inevitably, to a glentor or loss extent, ls tho result of one mnn or oue clnss 0/ men tyrannizing over the rights of others. What 1 esma of the overthmw of thc Mai grave of Antpnch? lt was the merci? less tyranny of tho List (Treat duke One doy thlt ruler was seated tty mi open window of lita palSce with the Infsruous Lsdy Crnven by his side. Off In the distance a chimney sweeper wns working upon the roof of a tall building. "Would lt not he amusing to see Uut man fall to the ground) ssld this Infsinous womsn With that the margrave cu lied one of his soldiers to bring a gun He lifted the musket and atab deadly alni He flied and the body rolled to the ground a bleed lng corpse A short time after this the duke and hts Infamous fomsle cum panlon were out riding and the widow of the murdered man approached his carriage and begged for help. The duke gave to har 8 florins, or fi. Whee, tn- gave lt to her, however, he said: "Woman, I do not give to you thii- nniiey as a compensation for the death of your husband, tmt ga I papal charity, for I, as ruler, have n right to do aa I will with my saasfJCbk I can reward them or kill them and there ls no redress." Ho you wonder that such a tyrannical government ns that was overthrown? All wars, both civil and liit?rnntlon al, are caused by Injustice. Tin anon who works to mnke right might. who labors to have no law press more heavily upon one class than upon an? other class, who struggles to give "a souare deal' to the poor man as weil ss ts the rich thnt maa ia a public benefactor. That man ls a preventer of future enriincr Thst man ls toach lng thc weeli thal each nation must retBJStct tho rights of other nations, that BBN snelnl clnss must respect tb* rights of other social classes and that all peo pies are Independent only as they rP split the Independence of others May tlnd hies* today the (lirlstlnn states? men who arc not serving one people, but all peoples, Ul tbelr own and other lands! The Just ruler or statesman ls a pre? venter ot future wsr Ye-, but la ttil? eulogy of the "boro.-, sf pens" th* m hoolnouse must bo Inuit Bl of thc legislative halls No people il. any laud are safe against the erbsM ul niaktng unjust wura unless ut th? schoolhouse desk their oyo* have be conn- liitelllgnnt eyes, unless their ear* have become deaf to aba oalls of Hit demagogue and their minds hnve beor developed to do their own titi n's lng A safe nation ls not built upon Hu autumn v af I throne lt ls not nu < heigsg upon tba rock of 11 alkara] cn stltutton. It ls dependent BBOS tho In tclllgeiice and tjie wisdom Sf 'he peo BBB, the common people, who ssst.clat? themselves tngether with a parrara rnent. t>e lt a monarchy, sn ollgsrchy or s republic. I..I me lllustrste this Ides fronj thl history of some ol our soutbera repub I 1 saw! to think that th* fern ot th.- t'nlted States govsrnmtnt was the vause of moat of our national prosper Sty That ls riot true. As 1 turn ts thees) republics of Routh Amerloa I (Ind that most of them were patterned aft cr BBB own constitution What ls the nssnltV A Knglish writer de t litres that, though there hut within late yeara 850 different In - ot i nii-ititutionni government Btartea\ most tr bbam han- baan d**d fniiiiits la tba Bettrlaa republic alone out of fourteen consol utivo presidents thirteen have either been BSBBeBBsmted or tiuve died In exile. Iba history it most of the South American imitations of tho t' States constitution has tx-en merely a long series of wan ba tween tho military and civil authori? ties, governmental convulsion after cnitvuision, revolution after revelation and upheaval after upheaval What in the cause of all this? It ls not due tn the form of the Knuth Aim-rl, BS repnh Iles, but to the Ignorance of the Routh American people. Ttie rent-on the American ballot box for the last hun dred years hns stood ns solid us Plym outh rock ls due largely tu the fact that lt ls handed to the American bar] the schoolhouse, desk We have a strong republic today because we have strong, Intelligent, Individual voters Has any government offered greater educational facilities than BUfSl No sooner did the I'urltan SBttta in old Now Fnglund than he Immediately be gsa to erect blt institutions of leumlng The pilgrim fathors landed lu Pit mouth ls UtJO, yet only sixteen year- letSt M In lewd, wi Mild that Harvard college was founded In Cambridge BB tba ont skirtu of Huston We rind th md the KnglUh settlers drifting dowa Into Connecticut, and what happened' There Vale college ls started Ul 17"1 at ?aybeeob We go south, and what la ara Indi Pesuksylranta ami ail tba i;,:.idle states boneycoaabed wttb col IBBBS and academics Wt go v. there Institutions of learning nrc s-at feroti aim j abms i ba a beolroem desk ls seen nt almost every crossroad, and tho college is In ne ii Iv I every town Ah, yes. rho Beeden Nu : pol,'on would hilve hird v ork here i to start an International cmillli t Just ! for fun or to gratify his ambition! ! He would have hard work to Bpset us tlnaiicrally, soclully or politically 1 Why? Bet misc the peej le al I in our behrred land hare ttsi orach la teliigence te follow su-'h a leader as the "Little Coral Hut what good does mero knowledge do unless lt ls balanced by moral thar J acter? What gissl dis- lt la te plant l?r Puffs mann Beary acbeoia in india or Hoiterts' college in Constantinople j or our own schools in America uulosg mornl mid splrltunl development keeps pac- with mental growth 1 None abes lately Bene Rn todny as the greatest ger of liitornatlounl peace I plant the church of thc I...iii leena christ beta eau tba legislative han sf the just itatesmsa and the aeboolhoaae of the Just teacher, for 1 find that the church Sf Hiri-t ls the main leaven which laurena the purity ot govern mental law as well as thc chief hwiild which ls scattering true kimvr Hie farthermost purls of the earth Why dues tho churcti of the f.ord Jeans Chrl-t de a" this? Btes ass the very essence of Ita belief bids lt to carry this gospel work everywhere As lt looks forth into the croat arida world it secs deep Info the t. man, lhere it rind- that, though mon may be divided into different yet, after all they all belong to one Brest (lass Thnt class save We ure nil weary. Wo aro all troubled We are all sick at heart nt best There fore lt ls our duty as far ms In us Iles to try to bear Bath other's burdens through the help of Jesus Christ" llms a leif st bass the gospel mission niles nro going Kverywhore the] are planting their schools Reel Hu.', are frying to make the stronger nations help the weaker nnd to make eneh nation caro fer the weak among Its own subjects Never iluce the coming of Jesus Christ to earth was there a hotter time for thc consummation of (he world's peace than the present Cannot the laws of International nrMtrutlon, through the power of the floly Splr it. accomplish thia most beneficent schlevemctit? Is order to lead all na? tions to Join this International com? pact and to disarm our anales and to dismantle our foi tresses we need riot walt usUI all nations are converted to Jesas Carlet Ws must have tho BBB flmont of the clvlllr.ed world longing for peace. Aro not the better elements Ot Europe and Asia and Africa and America longing for tbs stopping of sm h carnage ts was lately wlUieascd st Port Arthur sad Mukden? Are we set longing thst the sword may be tne-ried Isle the plowshare and the apeee Into the pruning boob and that mea anny not war any more? May Ood bless those who are tench lng men to love tholr fellow men and to help them nnd to forgive them aol to lead them to the cross of that Christ whose nativity song was "I'eace ea saith, good will te aos&r Apprenticed. Johnny- Pepa, what dot? lt mean tr be appfcoUca-d? Paps It means th. Mading son to another by agreement 1 son so bound baa to teauh the other ah be can of hie trade or ptWsssBBOa, whilst the other has to watch and Psarn boa things are done and to make himselt useful In every way possible. Johnny Then i suppose you're sp pi'nt b .-ii to nu ain't jun, dmr Til Dita Whore Wealth Is Despised Kashionable Tailor Qo frnnt Bl I t Two young clerks there aftei Now Man ( 1 rn waltlns on a millionaire "Leave him and attend tn tba clerks Thees ?IHbmslias soul hut sea ci ethel LS Ms" years A I for a fresh suit i ? months" N | Weekly Fashion's Thorny Path. Mrs. .Sasal'-ty?My dear. 1 wKh you'd take time during the dav tn look ag Mr. Hightone'i standing In Hrnd street's Now, don't foti Mr S What's thc ma'Kr' Mi- | We have been invited tr Mrs Hlghtone's reception, sad I want to know whothgy ta accept or auL?N Y. JVueblgV Baaujofwasand I ncerialn. Ki -linburn, totter and all -kin and scalp diseases, DeWitt s Witch Ha/el Salve has no txpsaL It is a lertaiti cure fur''lind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, lt Will draw tbs lire out ufa Siiirn and heal without leaving a BBB! Bolla, Oed -ure-, oarl'iini les. . !e , are i|Uloklv cured bf the BBS Bi the genuine DS Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Accept BO substitute tts they are oftSU dangerous ami uncertain Snltl bj Auder-..n Drug Cn Jehoiakim Burns the Word of God Bandar School Lesson tor Au*, 20,IMS ela I'aper I.?8f* erj Vi rs .VU.I t of UM L.T'1 row ... Jet inn ll, ).,n . retgn, rj BCRIITL'RU UKI ol J. i. n.l.u. . il, i: i E. 1- i U, ll . , ,,f Bee raak j , i . ( , r . ,, ,,,. nl ,.f j,,,.. ? .'? renci - bi Jen Bilah Mau I 1'. ? ire sa lt lt . Comment and Suggestive Thought. ? ll "S.. ' ll. i ,,,i . Kim; Jchnla kim was I. bal -r hit emin .'.ad yeal told him They had foaad him h, tM inn. i eourt of the ported bos Barueb hui )aat read la pantie the words 0f the prophet Jeremiah Sent tn fetch tba n.ii " ti.- ii.n of pareh uit-iit on which the prophecy was writ ton hud ive. ri hit In tte '.amber of Rllshnma the s-rtls-, when tl documents were in pt i h. princes evidently tamugbt that a rerbal report ol Us aoatent rjafy thc king. Mit he derided that BS would hear lt i..i bbnaalf V ti. "WintorhoiiM-." The lower apartment ot the palace This waa roofed ii. i lbs lt. red ind ara Barral) thai while the ansi i apartmi at . belns axore open ta tte hearth:" Better in Bi i Vet la tl ' ?.tint tte roon Modi rn ti ^ ll ? .' !;tt was . into cniun. ken of Hi cut it with th, pen knit. " Tba king iL-k tbs roil from .Mindi, and als., usah th.- knife which BBrpantng his reed pena He cat the roil into hits, thrnwing thc pieces deliberately into tte tire mitti the a i mmed V l\ "V. ' nut ali aid " Jeremiah, who writes thee, winds, cannot refrain fros bia aa tnnlshment at the Inn lu - - of their 'Nur r"iit theil Ah King Joalah bad dune (Bee I "> "Nur any ot bb servants ' Tba " him? self, WS 1 h> what tto-y in Ul d "arma th aa, Dr lamb and (Jo mariah'" Prbtees who bad 'mn bo tba kim; "Tn tak. Bamcb and Jeremiah " Tn arrest sad Imprison (hem This is what tie prim foreseen would happen if the king's rae aol touched h> the warning. Thej had counseled Beruch and Jere mian to hld. ' i h. I ord bid them " Perhapi Hi I human friend this j. remit foe sev? eral years aft. r thia tate lt la emu munlv rappoei r\ thal li al Oils '. tn tte- Bill more than PM mil te hide the linen girdle I I V. 21. "The word of the I "id cann' tn .Ti i.-lulah." Though the prophet wa.. In a -? ii ? tiled from hume and friends, thc Lord waa till with him v. ns. "Write tba formal weeda " Tim bonk, of which no copj and which nu haman memory could reprodi i by (lod't In spiring thc prophet to rewrite lt lo .i.h.'iiiklm " The prnphet was nut directed tn come Into the pssaamM of tba wing who snught his life. BUI ncr. U) his pronbeey tb. eoocornhig him. "Cnmc ami destroj Babylon'! kimi bad om b i ? sa Ka eoaajasees sud ba wUl cum' ? Itt destroyer V an "Nnne to -it upon tba throne of David " "n the death of Jenola klm, his son Jenola, hm was nominal king of Judah foi three BWOl was sappa lid bj Nebuehadneixar and car ried I life in liahyioii "Body caat out i tz ll ) We have do record af tba rallllment of this prophecy, but it seems that Jeholaktm wai slain either by bl huilun* V .11 "Will punish him Tba reading, "I will risit upon him," gives lea "f Cod's f dealing with Ills sinful chll dren V 3'J "dav. it to Bm I b who wrote " Th. - .nnd toll was propst-i I ya ta the 1 glad tu know dednltely Jost , of tba Hilde was given aa a hint af bow athol prophetical wilting- were pre ; rJeal Points. V Word for bbl 17:11 gigantic a work for haman I ? U V. 2i It ls worth much in Cods sight, If tte lament IBS woe we cannot ? i Christ Hts hiding ? i Bil Hi- loving OSS V 81 OM inav inlenod In sin thut then U BO i ?.--Utility of I 1 .(..tin V 31 The sinner timid ht- ebUdres i len ?'? I ? -Hame Horn. Mt.r Katine. After a hearty meal a doss of Kislnl re will prevent an at? tack of Indigestion K "lol kt a thur nugi, ilige-iaiit ami a guaranteed cure fur Indigestion, Dyspepsls, Cs- on the Weah Heart, Sun Hisings, Had Breath and all stomach trimbles. Has Stood the Test ot 2*. Years i. inn t\i - taste? less i lull Tonie You kimw what70a ng lt is irnii ami quinine iii h Uktteleea form N-- 1 ass, Ho pay. "><h\ Some Men in Norway That Are Guiding the People FeU ot All Comes That Great Norwegian, Bjoexnson ? Nansen Takes Deep interest rn Allurs ol Hu Country. ORWAi i not laektag fm abb men In these days of . hangi In SJ ai,.ll;.av la, but two name* stand forth t. tba ayes of the world with ; ? i lal pi mlnoiioo-- that Of l*iet and philosopher niui dramatist, HJnn.son, that of tba explorer, Nansen Their fame I lo ere they took to tho field of politics; r this fame where they stand gives authority to th cspiiused They uphold Norwegian lndepend tlon taken hy the etotthtsg "Tba nil? li it Norwegian BBti '.Issolu tiun ol th.- antoa li- '?s-ing to all Borthsra psonsa " Nansen, who ?h- k bal ooaetUai aarvtes k >? Norwegian in ton-stp to those of Sweden, li using his Influence qb ths side of separation, al i K WALDEMAR Ut I'l:: though, lt ls repoi ted, be thinks tba unit tt i u,av tni\. tn bs settled b] war. in contemplation nf this solution of '?lem, lt may he lu pim | tn refei ?h of the two ta?. ?! phrases lt: "TheBwedsaoutaum bm the Norwegians two to one, a; i litbler, and are full of the historic military in Ide walch belpa sn to make gm ul sol In tiffs, i Iwedeu'a marked advan ihltants ot Hie smaller otmntry ts brought for? ward, we are called upon to koop tn ?ind tba fact that the Norwegians are ?neb a -tuidy, intelligent, lade) people An authority, Mulhall, speaks ?I thi m as the most indvr-1 in the world The above ipioted article in the 9 1'ietatlng th? en Norway bleak, BB] Igfc Wa admire the Norwegians as a people who ai - among 'h. few eBBUM I <i i.m. nt vvi think them I mindy wrong ?m. tatara sad tba 'f the world, upon the struggle fm a dlsnlty which will bring tl little inward." Winn newtj came I hat Nm way had an I Its withdrawal from the union. and the news waa accompanied hy word Of tba Inclination of state to make overtures towails placing as ruc . ? rthei a Uernado!' son of the royal B0USS of Denmark. doubtless the first thought of the can madge was, Why another king; why Bot a i'public at oncef To this may tc nswer that Norway ft ul- tl of tho support of the Furopean BSltOBS. sud appreciates the probability that monarchy and emptro would look a-k ame 0O a Norwegian republic, would I" mme Inclined to th" consolv:.' a hy- monarchy and BSaaffS sot Isslriai any spread of republicanism. I., t us glance for a moment at tho va? rious princes suggest.?1 as eligible. Tin ec myal princes received prior ul ten Pill Ni E CAM. OK SWEDEN llOU Osrur, snf nnd son of tbo Swedish monarch, Carl, third son. Waldemar sixth child and s-mnd sun of th* king of Denmark The first, who has been ihe royal evangelist," ls ? ?ind with his wife, le greatly In forested In evangelistic work It was the SaaaSBOa Interest tn religious matfers that directed oscar tn Bkanlaga with a lady beneath him In rank, plain Bbba htaaeb and which marriage was accom? panied hy the renouncing of all claims bl the Rwedtsh throne Many rforwe glans look upon Oscar becsuse of bis tarran tar of right ofsaeeeaasoa to Swed? en i throne, particularly eligible to take tho place as Norway's ruler Oscar is Ifi years old. He has no children. His brother Carl, his Junior by a little over a year, has two children, both girls. His wife was I*r1ncis8 Ingeborg, daugh? ter of Crown Prince Frederick of Den? mark Carl ls noted for his fondness for hunting, and has traveled far and wide I'nlilio i- Aroused. ? of lbs curative merit-.if that great med? icinal toni., Kies trie Hitter-, fl stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of Md St. < lair Ave , fjotum writes: "K'-r -everal Ill"litlis, I ii up to die. I had fever and ague, mg nerve were wrecked, I could uni sleep, and my stornaeh wa--<> weak. from useless doctors' drugs, that I could ttfter Is-gllllllllg to take Hitlers, I nbtaiiietl relief, and ri time I wa.- entirely Guaranteed at White A Cn- drug - * Just a trifle older than Priam Oscar Ho has f. laughter, his ralfe was Princess Marls ? ns, daughter of Due de Chartres, ? ?? Ktng (s<csr, K eoad snr. nt Clown Prince at, U was tb oing of | ? - would tie I reason for the fr. Bdabl] neighbors To return to the c." i " ii. Norway.that tare been lBfluenctng puhito optiiioi las been l?swl upon ss tho typo of tl?e progressive I of affairs ll- bas prac flood la i largs ahlp-bnlldlBg intereata ai.j bas taken tim. noin buslnee* i tites f-rr i hie country lt was large? ly through Mr. MlcheNon's latneact tem ?'.n? and aa ?*red tor ?.lob Of lie lUBTS ? m bsa oalveraal maui. fi nar [Hy tbs sra' cult of tba woflseu ii ' ? ?? the Hay i holm, l On th iatry, r, hy nu : IHurn son waa bon. . of BJornaoa pronoanem bim a figure ed words of Dr Brandea ko I] Usg BJomsos h ia alf ? a fighter as well sit an artist and lt bas his fsllow eoaatrymea from thsh slugkiULnoss. But whatever tho o*po have BJORNSOH. Issi to feel that he waa th* - .lan before bim had b'-en. %nd that he bas votead whale luring In ti Th* later period of blt life I marked by keen Interest lnpollt i social subjects; hu bas labored I um Um dual Bumarcby. Nansen and Sven Hedlc, the ,; explnr.-r and politician, have b gagis] lu battle royal- a pen tii?v?In tho London Times. Sven H-,dtn remarks with asperity: "Let nobody bellurethat Norway has restricted her ai solely and alone to the procuring of ber own consuls." Nansen talks back oalls ha his Btuuynsajt'd "That Sweden sonic y. ai i ag. ' ? | in 'o adopt t sv-'t ru nf high tariff v* hilo Norway re? mained practically a fret b iltant dlvere-ance to fiscal pol? icy causing the exlsltlng eOBaubu- sye tom totsSeoBMSS 11.-'rumen! forthssub nrdlniftlon of Nw OBgUU ALFI Strictly Vegetarian Eggs. I expert? ing whits at break? fast. His family was out of town, and he went to a restaurant and took a asst \ stranger. The vegetarian ? ol / the st ran grer that all m-at was Injurious and that tlc ian. replied tl I dom - (eat ordered eggs." sahl the in. "An egg ly meat. 7 becomes & .ind of egg" birds." answers.! the stn ian. "what kind of eggs - "Pilic lld the stranger. New Haven R*g Quite Enough. Young Lew ? a man married six times?had BU Ir.g?without tecurlag a divorc would be the extreme penalty.' Judi:* BBB. ''x rnotbsis in-law N Y. Tlmet. girl ofG lie Writ! nts gave In must ii trv Dr -iinipi. Isittlc . I . Cu's dr .. t.s-ti I rial Of Household Interest - ...t tnt plea?aiitsst ni lite li - u*ks, but nous '.inti account. In I 'elineatnt I-abel (?or ?'.?r- in her selie.-, "The -.uiu-sugges it wi lend to lighten the Is the iti-Hgreealileueas of lehold .Inly i Hiter items of interest In the sasas number ?traUrd cookery and a variety of . lei the tuples "Delicious lifcniative Color and "lhe Potato in adtli i\t hogg aiplains 'How ? nug Hardware'' sud ? 'i "Crowing If vim an- tnuii'leij with tli//.y -|flls, liesdache, indigestion, conrilpaglOB. R ky Mnuntaiti Tea will BM i-.'c| ynii well. If it ll nc uley back 'Mist's fair. - \\ iiistnn Drug Cn. rim only Way. way Ul maintain the .nd strength ot mimi and Usly j nourishment lhere is no tay tn nourish except through ths stomach. TheBteBsacb must is- kept healtliy. pureandBwestorthe strength will let d'.wu and disease will set up. -Meiigrh. nervous . . t. i e. imi-tipation, bad .-. lifting, indigos . . I all -lanai li troll ilckiy cured ' iv ...lui Djrwpepaea Cure. Ilgmrta what you eat sud strengtbens th.- whole digeatlye ap ( antills I ight Dat- On UN Hack i witta two inpllostlaas of nine : I,.. 1.1 li will cure you. V Ml i.or Pius to., ma. . . ' . ling tour Nerve ii k mill And lt i. !g-bl iinji- 1 hag ..- univ., aul OS oul Slid IO ?rc Iv yours, ^. Nottli View, Va. s ..lon Hru? fe. D will wa?li ami not nih nit D all envy Hie. tel -" I'll tell U. .ky Mountain Tia I i, adlai Haasarbsg t-rs and BBBV il ottawa] y .in-km. Wm Be* ; iai H...k" Mich .says: "1 have i.-i d Bucklen't ArnicaHalvs,for ricers, . . I*r- the Is-st Iieal ;..nnd." Stotlies . - cuts, burn- and scalds. iSs ni Wini, a r..- drug -ton- guarsu I hive-, Itclllliest ni >.f any sort instantly relier ? ..inn'ly cured Denara <>mt Han; ? :,evett Dr. Thomas' Oil. Perfectly -afe Never | I; lg -lore . h tlnug as "suiinii.T ease plaint" where Dr. howler's Kxtrsct of Wild -strawls-rr.v is kept handy. adj fi eveiy listeeiieas. of I l.u.iiaiilied Cure lor Tile-. D. lc ? g. ci Pp*. I Iruggltta refund lunney il PA Ko ol NI MENT falls to cure any I i|', i it how lung standing, lu 6 to 14 dayi First application gi yes if youl druggist ? I " in -tamp- ard it will ix- forwarded post-paid hy Pans Medi >t I,nins |fo <?W& Th.a slirnsliire i? .very Soi ot the ??nniae Laxative Bromo-Quinine T*bieu gsa remedy tbs* rene a colo la osm Sajr Peculiar Disappearance. J D. Bunyan, nf Hutlerviil.t, o., lani the pt< ultai ill-appearance of lilt painful aymptome, of Indigestion sud In King'- New Lifo Pill- ld "i'ticy art-a |ierfectre. o atosneeb, I calla, i itlon. < marali teed at While A: Co's drug store, h io od Hitdr- gives a man IU active brain, s strong, vigorous body makes him tit for tba ; life. Rain'oltMi-Macon College AU^. liiiM.n. Acland, UrgUla To All Whom lt May Concern: ? Kenn - ? > I ?.. ll I Ita i - 1 all I lie .. ll. K. Il I lUasnw, .-?.ha*. ? ll I HtHROW. NOTICE I si -nine, v ? When Wanting A New Carriage, Buggy, Wagon or Harness, Call on DL'VALL, SON & CO.