OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, August 25, 1905, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1905-08-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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k.\i;m\ ll-I.K HM.Al.I
I .ssl
.1 Ililli'
? ii ill la
ni by
? 1 |'tf
? I nnp'lfli
ll Ml ,'lt
? isim.
-?'|' IM ls
? I that's:
ll ll ll i
? minimi
t nuldn'l
lltiUg tn
Hi M.
ecu pied
'- M tt.-be
- triple
' ulgate's
I alf I'll.
Lil H - '.ip Hill]
all th,
? t linne
. Druir
te shtie
? I | unit
nv 11 If, Va.
. i ..ni
, iii ville,
. tunny,
1 ulit fm
. ul
?i !
Light ind Lase.
ll il.,I luvr sillily UM wat
I I. .1 -te ti tutu . Hat liv ital
i.n. n righi,
xml rata] sges
----- ii ? -a
Mrs. s. \\ I'milell, Jr., amt .bil.I
len are hoarding in liny,ll.in
Mrs NV. K. Lnglaud relun,r,i hume
fruin Camplin Mun.lay
Mis Julia Boitaeu ami daughtei left
tnt Philadelphia last Satur.luy
Mi \i.bei V Wade ha* returned to
il aftei :i delightnil ouUng.
I'uil ii H Sears Hill conduct ser
ii Creen Hay. next Sunday
riial crack lu Hie Musory wail i?
? ibniU :|s lullg :ui,| Wide as before
alf" I .... Kflllif.lv . uf Nnltnlk. ls
lees Mr- K H rowen,
ic .inscpii \ l'(nilips is preparing
1.il- . Middle slrrel
dr. v\ li tguen li recu|*craliits ?i
I'.titlil.. -pi.iiL'- Mc. klc-.il.ur-.'.ty .
Mi- -..iiii- lim,i iud graud dsugbt
. relatives m Poa i.aiau.
Mrs I ll l.ipsfitiiil. amt children
ll it- friends in Powhatan noun
Rei ll ru, Ufi llrelmm tatiemletl
' rlaiiovci I'rfsi.ylf.y at New
Mt ll ll HiMiper, ol Pelerslniry,
vi ns iii lui* ii un n brief v i-.it ta friemis
lins vi, ,
Mi?s \Liiy White t'os is enjoying
Hu- tatter-end vacation in tbs moan*
til Ills.
Missis Heit,tit Slnkes nm! Munroe
MnittiH have returned frmn theil se*
? yal.lt tup to Portland, Maine.
M is- Annie C.sal.nan, of Bucking*
.inn. hasbeeu With Mrs l \ Cray
rai .i:ty -
Ml Joseph I'iMilf ItHs Heft phil tl
..i-iti'Hi in (liailnitf .\. (., fur which
? itv hr left last Saturday
Mi ami Mis A K. t ralle ami .Mrs.
I I. Kiohsrdsou hsve returned hem
Kau ley springs.
Miss Pearl Porter, Wbu ha- been
rlsiting Miss Lillian Kslstei returnsd
'??Ik yesterday.
Mrs James Dav idsiin ami little
laughtei have returned frmn visiting
diss Kata Johnson near Pms psst.
Ki Alfred Mnrrnam., wini for-ev eral
eilis has been in Brooklyn, V Y., sr
d it Hniiipdeii-Sidney on Hie 17.
Mi Hiui Mrs. l. \. Hoofer, will.
inn -weet little daughter spent a few
lays nf last week iii Farmville, return
ng Sunday tn their Hluelield hume
Mr. ami Mrs. Munnin! Hurt, nf
lunUngtOB, W. Vs.. are visiting Mr.
Dirts ninthe! and relative-, in this
Fur Distrnt Chairman, vnted fur
ii Tuesday'i primary, Mayor Bleatea
eceived I-"" vntes -uni Mr. H. il Hunt
Dr. J. F MsBSSBger, wife ami ehll.l.
ave arrived, end are 1111111* ta the
peiiffi hours, near Mr. Chas. Itugg's
- Lena Harvey, nf Crewe, sud
Iva T. Wright, nf .Memphis, Tenn.,
re .pending a few days at the hume
f .Mr L. T. Williams.
Mr. 8 T. Wanton has brought to
mn the largest melon, so far as we
BOW, Hus season, lt weighed 117
(?ray McAllister, of raina
emlnary, is apsodiag a part of bis
acatiou with frienda In Priam HsV
ard amt Buchlugham
Mis. Haiinab Warren, a ve ry e barin
ig youug lady, "f Paaapiin, apsal a
11 days Hus week with bel friend,
i-s \ieine Verssi
Virgin innes are -dill timmi li
rlnce Edward. Mr. W. D. M.
tokes hm I'JU acres uf them Inter*
ersed willi Isrgesnd beautifei whits
Mi W. I P.lant.m went t>? Virginia
each Moudey morning lo i?e willi
s w ile ami daughter, the latter being
I with level La-t reports ihe was
Mr :iinl Mr- \\ \ Htoe rftlinietl
Ksrmville Issi ruesday evening
un I'nw hiitiui Where they i.ad been
thl bnine Of Mrs. ltlee'a
Mi l.al'i.'.u.uf, Land ami Industrial
L-eiit of the Norfolk anti Western
1I11 uv -pent BdB) m twnJlH Farm
I It- and '. lei ll tty iii UM interest of his
Mr. L Harry Williams, ,,r the
md paaaeugei depertmsul of
a i'idewatei A Western Kallmed
'millville A- PtiwhiilHii paul 11- a
cammi 1 isit yesterday.
We liavt- received Hie tlelnesvills
ugle ,,f wi.ni. Mr. D. lt. Btak*
.inv Mle boy, is city BdltOT.
e Kagle is an enterprising ami pm
\ii \p Korbes, the Blttcieal ami
?hiv valued sttsche "f ths First
itimial Hank, luis resigned Ins poai
U to accept one with Mr. Clapham
lin new borne nt Ml Wt. (lark
.tic ??f the prettiest amt must emi?
li icily arranged in town Mi 1
.Inluistiii'-. now nearing COBB pie
11, i? ol tin saint design,
di wp (.ilhani, whees illiuss has
-11 ineiitimietl in Hit Herald fruin
IC t" tillie, lia- returned frmn bis
uitry residence to lowe. He is -till
1 fl ned to the hourn.
K \ 1. 1 l.'ipitaiu lite former |st
tar cashier nt tba Fanni ille lust
lionel Hank, spoilt several days
? week in Kanavills amt v nun ty.
. friends wert- glad I" -Lake bis
li c. \\ HtautoU, va Im hs- l*etn
1 tined tn h.- ii.r willi a asttsaa
fv. fm 1. lum. lune, was removed
ti I'liiv tu it hospital in Lid!.11,uni
'?\ .1 eilis a.sa pentad him.
iifiieve Venable, whn bas
ii iii Hawaii fur Die psst year ur
landis! OU Hiis side nf the
-ilie. amt after a leal nf the west
1 In return ta lin Beam
itis town
- 11 ,-uper Bad party rrturnetl
-?lity Morning frmn Flannagan
ni, win it I be) -pent lu days They
I, plti.Iitul there, having
i-iii more than i^t\ ooald mrmuuM
I trip there ll.
ax 1
1 ul,
Prr-Hdriit klntrd
lt a meeting of Hie P.. ia rd of lul?
im of Hampden Milln t ? nllege heit!
in Blah mead Wednesday alien.tau..
Hie Kev J Cray McAllister was ga*
snlsBoesly sisctsd Prmldsul sf Hie
College ami signified lils acceptance.
Mr. Me Allister ex petts tu enter u pun
the work at the opening nf Mn- ap?
proaching assstoa
Tbs niilltsik is briglil Inr a much
Urger attendance Bl*Students than for
aeveralyears past, and with a va i-e
I sasrgstlc ead progmmlva young lead*
sr, a- we baileva Mr, MeAlItatei to i?e,
tba prospect is very en ron raging
Kev. James I iray Mc Ml Mer is a na
tive of Covmgtoii. Va, where be was
born, Novembsi -"? 1872, the son of Mr.
A. A. ami Mi- I I. Mc Uistei Hs la
tbe nephew of Mr W m McAllister.
of the Warm Hprings, and s cousin le
f.Hinei li.iver..ut .lanie- \ ReSVSr, of
Peiin-y I v BUiB.
He leee.v ed lu- III .1 lull al
Hampden -itlnev i ollegl alli
graduated with bunni luJuue, IStM
In August ivi. in i,.nu,led tba Bath
Sews, a pepsi uf Warm rtpriu
winch he edited until Celt.ber, ls;,.,.
He ihfii became presiding manager uf
the central Presbyterian, lu which
position he continued until Dcbdiei
ivis, u tbe sud "i that time bs sa*
toted the ' uiou Pheological Heminarjr,
w bf rf be graduated with high distinc?
tion in May, Ismi receiving Hie Hiiim
Memorial KeUowship fbi ItHH-lt
ter w lt nh he spent a year III post-grad U
ate studies
Ile wa- then tailed bi Uie pestorate
if thc nee Presbyterian church at
Kentville, wini li lie held fruin Map
temher ISM to ttaptetnberlttM In Hie
iiiidst i>r a ministry uf growing pun er
ie was sallsd to H.e adjunct professor*
ihip of Hebrew in rubin Theological
?seminary, which relationship he will
?tintiniie until September HMM lt
asa only on condition that Mr. Me
Muster w,uilil lake the Beting presi.
taney ? if that i ..st i tu tn hi that Dr Moon
iresitlelit, VOUld etiiiseiit tn take a
rear's absence hi trav el through Ku
?npe, such wa- Hie latter's confidence
md trust in ths young man'i ability
In this peSlttaU bs BboWSd rare
ability, ami bis wnrk has met With the
droagsst approval of the faculty and
if the -indents
He married May. HMM, Miss Meta
Russell, "f Winchester, Va.
In referring tn the de. ti.ind lil?
llie appieciatinii of the honor and dig- '
uty bestowed un him by the liuaril,
dr. McAllistei said to Hie Tune*
dspaleh reporter:
"The presidency uf Hampden Sid- '
iey (nllege was ottered me by the
iimiiittee, tn whoa I.ail i.eeu deliver
? I Hie -tower nf selectiuu, inure than
me umiitli agu After earnest and '
ImriHigh fiiusiiif ratittii, I haveenlist
.1, by ftiiifereiice ami fnrrespiiudence,
be ant nf friend- in w hose advice I
ave H.e fullest enutiileiice, I have an ?
epted the otter, subject ta my release '
y the Ilium I'heolngiesl rteminary.
?'Inasmuch as the seminary, while
Ot otlleially. is vitally interested ia ''
lie welfare sf the college the institu
lon thst feeda it more students than ?
ny other?I anticipate thst the tioard n
f truitem of the seminary, acting
1 rough ita Executive Committee, will
Uadlly grant me this release.
"I did not seek the position: indeed,
ie suggestion of it hy a member of
ie Committee nf Helettion fame as a
iirpriae ls me and his nverture. in
trinallv made, was al first dei 'lined
utright. shrinking as I did fruin un- y
ertaking such responsibility
? N11r wa- tin- position Bought fur ..
if by Bayous sim rbis ta raj
tin knowledge.
??The histnry ami the prestige of lbs
?liege, the wisdom ami couBecrstsd
?al with winch fur years its artair, ?
IVS U-eii gnuie,! amt carried forward
f hoard ead by executive, ths tho- ()j
High wnrk of the men whn lill its i
lairs, the entbusiastic mil of the
ilium amt of many tither valued
iemls lead mt tn the belief thal this
ork to which l now devote myself
innot itiit bs aaeesaefUl <-,
Farmville Team at Emporia
lin Farmville P.ase Hall tfi.m WSUl
Km ports Mondsy ami played ball.
ia reported that the game vi h- plsy*
them without regard to rsgulattona
tn boa distunes, tbs pltchei being
lowed to stend ooly forty-flvs feet
un the hume platf. and tu walk up
sae dtatence before throwing nita '
our boya wm nsturally .ifuslng,
tl tbf game resiiltetl un the lirst tlay
a leora of i ? tu i ta famr of Km*
na the second game on rusadaji ia
lletl in ainillier v ictnrv fur tbs Km- '
naitfs in a seora nf 4 tn I
Wednesday snd yesterday tli*- Farm
It- tt-am played at Sullnlk the same
un which visited this place last
i ....
fk. Ths lirst game resulted in a
?rf of '- to I in favm of Karmi illf
The Guard Return* Cl
lin- Farmville Cuan! returned Mon* Fl
y frmn Ihe week- camp nf Hie '?'
venttath of which il is one of H.e M:
uk eompeataa rhe loldtem are
id iii their praise nf the treatment ??
iwn them while at Itasiit ity I'he A
athel wa- perfi-fl -luriiig the week,
d no saeaapaasat of the tlueid has o
?r been enjuyfil asmiifh a- this MM. M
I'he Farmville boys declare with un- Iii
unity "give ii- iinHiiitain rather Cl
in the -ea shorn Ital (MU riiturf t-n- Tl
upmeiils Ai
he (.nani i- saul tn have been the
gfst i.ipanv in the encampment, Ai
I we are informed that much praise Itu
s bsstowsd upon the assn fur their m
liv itlual ami general giMst em.diift. W
emeu had but little wnrk tu tin and Kn
nyed all the liberty possible,deport- Ca
? themselves al ways a- gentlemen, ha
W eorrsspeadaot of the innes Dis- itu
eh witting to thal paper healths nh
up hid this tn say nfl aplam Hunt: Ar
Hu Friday evening tltere was a ha;
ice and banquet at tbe liraiidmi. All
?tani Hunt had Hie altair in fharge, }
I Ms sillt-mli.l success is a tribute ta ter
ability as a sm-ial nrgain/er." eri
BS boys dM haves gisal Hm.
v escli tlet'lare. -*"'
falkiner W. I' (lark's JUrgain <??
niel next week, lt will save ymi |>j|
???J'- _ liri
,u sfteamlsa, eaeeastieg taTelsvse ,?'
ches, Hilts! with Lynchburg I, j
? red people came tn Ibis place Ho
uday. A lusjuiity nu arru si went '
hs lilhis springs and spent tbe .,/
A Ctuteoiniu Tell* Uti -.tiny
? lue day last week a Herald icp.ut
ei ni ftiiupaiiy w Uh Mi J.J 111111am
visited Ihe lng hu! nf Anni Laura
UauldlUg. a feiileiianan. win. lives a
mile mirth nf Leigh's Mmmlain. and
is BOW a ward nf Ihe county. Ibis
.?bl, winnall, partly Indian and partly
uegm. retsina her mei.tal faculties,
hut she is blind amt decrepit, and
her -kui is as scaly as a tish The re
pnrlei Iniil her that he was going In
write tbs story of bm ami put it min
a papei ?i. that everylsMly would
kUOW about her She talked very
freely, ami we will let ber tell lui .wu
-tn ry
"Im been s wonderful women l*e
'bowl a hundred years nhl I war
born al nie Prince F.lward < 'ouithouse.
My fii-t msrstst wa- .-le Mm-, Bpald
mg. Msms Usuldiui Berried Mane
-paul, line's daugbtei and Iben I
blunged In linn I lived in I.linen
burji foi s ?luie Then Maraettauhl*
i lcd me bl I ami', llb MaiM
< ia.ili lim.' wu- Maree Billy Venable'a
i i n-t time i come Ui i arm
\ lilt-, w ben I wm a little gyerl I"
carty Ute childrsii bi mhool, lhere
waree'I only three bouse* dab Mult
Wbibi dah war several houses dalt.
? tiliiiifl Madison kt-p a achoo! ' "I
Bice that bad r mn named Burrell,
sold nifat, beena. Mar-,- Merrill
.-It-gel bough! toboeeo, ami bail a fac?
ility mi distance frmn the mah ls.ut
half a mile 'hove (te nie bridge Ills
Mame Buck Psutak kep a taveru, ami
aftei he want away MameMoam ried
way kep il Marse Hill kep a lanyard
mi w har tlistai.ee from de spring in dc
eras- mandoe All tts houw
frame Mar-e Hilly ami M i-li- lan?
ny Venable kep gnats Key used lu
keep milk iii tie apriug Ita rivah
IIBsd I" gil up sometimes soma tunes
so dat fiat iMials would I.ie right up
now hai distance from Mares Billy's
boom We chlllun used tu play un?
der de ols bridge Mistis Kenny Van*
aide had an ute called man named
Ned dat u-ed ta alsep In da barn
-niiiflitsly snt ile barn allre, ami .Ned
iHirnt up Aftei Marse Billy died
Mlatia Kenny weat ta Kalmuck amt
Harried a mun Barned I'm. tm
"My granddaddy wai Indian John.
Ile war tall ami -Haigh! and hail long
iyar thal hung UOWU DYOh bte shout
lers. Indian John u-ed In work fer
Wars Taylor Wootton, tlraaddaddy
ised In visit Marse Inin Kowiett,
tither side nf Creen Hay
'Ise lien blind for three year- Im
? eared w.aslen slmes twell ise
Hint my foots. 1 kin cut Bread yd,
mt eyant tote it. leyaatwuka lick
lt anything else I use<l to wuk Ilks
i dug, but ivaiit mi nm
'I didn't git smne lignni twell fi. ur
Ive years ago. I played all H.e tune
rhea I war a peaag gyerl. Kvsry*
i Ital. dal. war a dance, dal. I war. I
ff myself needy, t needed maw*
liing to liar me from hyeal. to (ital.
ask (ital to turn my fate from hell
i Hil heaven, to lix my whole (eiition
ii heaven I didn't want ta go way
own to hell's kitchen
I kin hyeah inside er me BBB athis
nankin (Ital, ami 1 hain t upen my
louth Ise standin on de solid rock
f Jesus.
"Ise sloue cep my dsugl.ter. Flinty
.night. My grsndclilllun ls patty
ell dead out."
A Princs Edward Fimlly Reunion
An interesting ami beautiful family
maine Was celebrated la-t Wellies
ay in the hmiie nf mir coiintyiiian,
lr, Samuel New (un < 'ni.iili.gl.ain, the
nealon hoing ths lath anniversary of
if late William Newtmi Cunning
I'he cnj.iyahle reuiiinn via- hf bl be
i-atb the spreading oaks Shoat the
tl boBM plane w hf IS Mr. William
t-u tiui Cunningham lived and dlsd,
id which is iinw in kaaplag of oas
'his defendants, Mr Sam funning
Harriett Winston, ths idd family
nant. Bsrvsd a well prepared Bruna
lek stew trout a lng put In ths yard
ie emited on Mn William Newton
iiiiiiiiigbam in her liff lune ami i
ill (Stained In UM family There
ere present in all M defendant- ol
ilii.iin New tun Cunningham Includ*
g their families, and NI living ones
lasing. I luise win. enjoyed the no?
il hi were as fotlowi
Mr. Samiifl Newton Cuuuiiinghsm,
rs Lillian Hunt < 'ii mi ingham, Hugh
uiiiingl.am, Vera ? uiiiiinghaiu.
Mr. William ThornbHi Cunningham,
i- ci ut i 'arduen (dunningham,
av ? Miuiuigbain. flinn.tun i 'anning
nu, Adeline Cunningham, Julia
innlngham, Kdward Cunningham,
im Cunningham, Kvaf'unnlngham.
Mr Willis Ligmi. Mrs Nannie
nu.ingham Ligmi Leslie Ligmi,
nile (luthrie Ligon. Flvin Ligon,
minas Ligon, Kata Hean Llgou,
intiel Lagon, ' ffii Lagon
rttomaa IL tllenn, Ide! unniugham
flin, Iva (ilenii Itrightwell. M.iv
lisbeth lingi.twell. L.hiisc Newtmi
iglitwfll, Thelma GUIs, Kiele (fills,
Sty eleni: Al-aip, Kr. J. K. Vlsop,
Mr. Uso. il nut. P.fs-it Vensbls
un!, I'Lirina- Newtan Hunt, Meris
Ima If uni.
Mr. Kuwlaml Luster. Mr-. Isabella
inninghsm Koater, Mr IsaarUtann,
r- Mattie Ln-ter Clenn, Mathe
?ile (Jinan, Bessie (Mean iaaae
tim. Fra m-ea Fthel (JlSBB, Mr
imnas Andersmi, Mrs. Ltssta KoStCI
ideisuu. Cherise Rsdead Anderaou
dis Mattie J Cunningham, Miss
tine ii. Canuinghem, Mr. Wm V
ide, Mrs. PesrleCuniiiiigliaiu Boyle,
srtl.s Flleiieen Boyle, Mr. J,thu
alker. Mrs. Mattie Leigh Walker
Itt CiiiiHiiigl.au. Walkin- Irvine
bell Watkins. Mr Bookar Cann Ing?
ra, Mrs Bemta Cdls Cunningham,
oker Cunningham. Fli/aheth Ciin
igham, Wallace ( linningham. Mr.
thur Allen, Mrs. Flleii I'luii.iug
m Allen. Katherine Cunningham
Isa, Isabel Leigh Allele
il r Newton Foster, Mrs. Louis
Martha Foster, John Fester, Katb
iie Foster, Kobt. Nawtoa Foster.
.Ir- -arah Ki.-e, Mi-- Lee Klee, Mr.
ni Rles.
dsmro. J,dm ( 'um.ingham, Samuel
ii n ingham, chas. I-;. C len ii, Newtmi
bm Therms Dillon, Mrs. Kites F.
ighiweii. Mi-s Mmif Vereoe Pol*
tl. Mr am! Mrs. Ikstker Hunt, Mis
imie M nu I. Mr I meat Hunt. M r
iac ll nut, ('octa ran Hunt, Robert
nker Hunt.
.lr Irby Slmrter, Mis- Helli Shorter,
. Charlie Plunkett, Miss Marguerite
uikett, Mr Walter Smith, Mis
miiie Cochran.
I a
I lt
i- t
a f
s) -
Vute in Hiui.r Edward
\ am .us teas,,ii- may be given fur
il. bul the vnle nf Hu- ...linly last
i. wa- Hie smallest klmwn
fur year-. Indeed this was ihe sur
prialng feature of theda) Kortiov*
erimr, iii wlu.se eleclnn. most inter
esl SSBtaradi univ Ma mles la all were
casi: for Senator MB, while fur all the
nlher nfticea fewer v nted. Here la Hie
vote by precincts
1 lliVtv il | t ii:i . im i
Martin lu",
Moategus '
Bweasoa 'il
Willard ll
Maim lu',
Kllyaon WI
('abell I!
Lgglt- isl
ll III tey JO
W illf.it,- ||S
in:.'-. i . l \. I
Martin 19
Montague '.I
Swanson Kl
Willan! i.
I abell
?ton ll
II ii li ey
Anderson :v
w lilburn lu
cn i ni I-"i i-Hii iki i
Martin lu
Montague -s
swaiisnii Iii
Willard l
Mann l-l
Kllysui, uh
Cggkstou TJ
Anderson VI ^
t\ ililiuns .1
Martin i
dontague I ?
Iwenson 4
Adlard 1 t
'laiin 1
alyson ll
abell t
'.ggifsltlll lg
lulvey I
iinlfr-itii 17
Villianis 7
i. Ill I \ I; l V I'Kl.i I m I .
lattin Ju
loutnguc ll
treason lu
tillar.! :
taint Jit
alyson . M
abell 11
lulvsy J
nderaon ll
lillian.s ll
luiitagiif io
nanson it
[aaa M
llysiiii il
gglestou "i-f |)
alvay I pi
mlfrsiiii H -(1
'illiaills . a,|
arlin 14
oiitague In ),,
murnea fl w
Eclipir ul the Sun
People rising si live o'clock mi the
urning of August .inti, will willies
partial eclipse ol ihe sun, w bleb caa
seen bettsi with Ilia- aid of smoked
colored ida-- Half of ths sun w ill
obscured w hen il uses ami Hie dark
in I" vt will grow until mily a bright
iscent ls seen, then tbsshedoe will
?fdf, ami by als o'clock tbs disk
ll beclesi again
?.dentist- this yam expect bi learn
nettling of the material of Um ran
mt ihe ruse colored Hems nnd thc
illiaitt ennui:, u Inch alway- -mi
nut an eclipse Photograph* "I ths
t eclipse shoe eruptions from thc
n of masses calculated bi lie larger
in nur earth, and lie ry comets whirl*
: aitniit the central mass
Accurately pinning thc uri.its upon
nell the spin ie- nm . and (heir
ifdiilf tune of passing scientlata
i imii predict iii l'.fJ-i a tutal ft-lipst
ll be visible In ths Cnited state-,
? HM since ths wm of is"s in IMS
ri-w iii -ee ons foi the first time
c- 1734.
The Great Van Amburjr. Show.
? ur ciUsSha will soon have sn op*
rtunity of visiting one uf Um gtaal
iws of the country. Thc (Irani Van
i.burg Slmw will pitch it- tents in
tinville un Sept ll I lie show
sn tees ta coane thia year larger ami
ter than ever before Hm many
-tn-dalf ffiitnifs presented b) this
iw art' im, i-l .iml startling Ihf
tl traiiieil DOO Ms art' lb
iphanta, camels, innis amt a large
Ifilimi nf trained animals are ta be
?ii in the grand free strt-et parade, in
? forenoon on the dey of exhlMtton.
SHH) Henani, A lim.
be nadara of tins paper mil la
ascii tn learn that there i- al least
?dreaded dlssses Unit mtenoe has
H. aide tn euri- in all its stage- ami
il I- Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cum
hf only positive fun- imw knows to
iiiftlifal fraternity. Catarrh being
iiustitutiiiiial disease, raqoireeaeon*
uiiniial treatment Hall's Catarrh
re ii taken Internelly, acting upon
blood and ransom f the
tem. thereby destroying the founda
? of tee diasam, and giving ths pa?
il strength by building Op the cnll
tititali and assisting nature In doing
Wnrk. I'he pmprietiir- ha
ch faith in its curative powers, thal
y nfTer 00 ? Hundred I lullars fur any
8 that it fail- Send fur list
eati mon isle.
(lg lot of men's, women'ssnd child?
's ahom at onc-balf wlmlesale price
x on sale al W T. < i i
Special Examination tor Teichert
i -pe.nil e xamiiiatnui fur Im it I. while
I colored leather- wlm failed fur
ie ?md ramam ta lake the general
iniMi.'ttimi in July, will be hehl al
white Public School building In
raeville, Tassdsy, Saut 5th from ii
M. tod P M.
hi- will Ik- the last opportunity
en lo | tn. un I ? crlilicate thil
j. it Dani -upt.
? n
Earley lain ic-.
Farley. Vs., Aug. ?*?_'. 'uv
Mrs .Mary chapman, sf Norfolk, is
visiting at Mr I. W Vaughan's.
Mr*. Ceorge Kennedy amKUughter.
Mrs. Rahm, of Norfolk, are -pending
-nine lime will, her brother, Mr.'C F.
Kennedy l
MlSSSa Annie and Mabel Cleim
?peal Tuesday amt Wednesday night
with MissKditli Davis
Mr Nnnnaii Carter nf Richmond,
i.? v isiimg in tbe borne "(Mi s w
Messrs. Kislnphil CarneH ami Ir?
ving Kelli.edy v i-iled in the hume ol
m i i P. Dei i- ia-i ruesdaj nigiu
Mi- Charlie llippin and lillie
il a ugh I er nf Hu Min..nd Bra tbs guests of
n. i bruthen Messr* ? D. sud - \N
W llllHIII
M i-->- .UUle tn.I ll tnel i nc.Ht Iel!
i i-i ttatuidsy fm a week- vi-u tn
iiieini- ami ui.,ii.c- tn Richmond
Mi-- ntie Barden, ot Rodophil,
-pen! -everal day- last week with
Mt? Mallie (arter.
Mr KvsrettCerterend sun, Lloyd,
eera visitors in the home of Mt \ I
Dav i- Sunday
Trails Talk.
I-:u hiv lite V'S . \
Mis Margatel Hnach and daughter,
Miss 11 en n ie. of Barton Heights, sra
isiimg Mr- Agnes Postal
\|l-s Pn-ssie Chappell nile nt Char*
otta's fair daughters, lias been with
iel aunt Mr- I ll Kim c the past
Mi-?t-s Ida Walinu and Mabel
,'aiigluiu. of Rles, an-guests ,,f Miss
tut I. (iilliam
Mrs Jenine Wade, and dSUgllter,
-ll-- MsriS have been visiting Mis
lettie Wade
Miss Rettie Wade and Mrs Jennie
Vade -pent Sunday with relatives
eat Msherrin.
Mi Aubrey P.a-s, ,,f Man,
as the guest uf his cousin, Mr. ? M.
la-- Saturday amt Sunday
Mrs. IL lt Wilson, Mis- Maigarel
in!tlisi,ii, Mr amt Mrs. J J Cilliaui.
lr. IL W. Bram ami family, ami
lisses KtoriBS Sad Pattie Clark were
nest- at Mil Ague" I',,-ter ? Sunday!
Mr and Mr- J I Hriiee, Mis-Mary"
run Ll i ii , and Mi Winston clark
ere guest- m the hospitable linnie of
lr. C. M. Pass Sunday
Mi-- Hanna (rawley and Mi
brnaba Blanton, nf Camberlend, are
nests at Mr L H. Unices
Mr. ami Mrs. J. J. (iilliam are spend
ig halsy al Mr. T. <>. Sandy -
Despite Um inclement weather of
liiirsday, the Sunbeam Hand, of
limn, realized -tuite a nice little
nu al their lawn party
Briery Uriels.
Briery. Va , Aug .'.: " i
I'he I>eiiioeratie primary was held
ttils place yesterday. Most of the
emocrats were mit to cast their votes,
ie vutes cast were almost uiianiinuus
r Swanson bul divided Itetweeli
artln and Montague
Miases Kuchel Dupuy, nf Knaiinke,
id Mary Dupuy, af Worshain, whn
ive been the guests of Miss Kinily
. Kedd for Hie past week or so, will
ive for their homes the latter part
the w. ?
Mr amt Mrs Wm DiggS, nf Kclden,
?re Hie guests nf Mr. ami Mr- ' M
idd Bundey
Mrs. Lucy A Prnldy had with her
?tsidsy ber children, Mr. j.e. Prid
ami Mrs .1. II. Ingram sod chi Id
It, of Smithville, ami Messrs K <>
d w. ll. Priddyend iamiltas, from
ar Farmville 1'hey gathered at
e nhl linnie tn ind gisal bye tn Mr
< Priddy, vi hu leaves today tn entei
-inca- in Bristol, leen
Mis- Mary l.i//ie Anders.tn, ..( Put
ys wilt arrive today to spend mme
in- with Miss Lizzie ? 'heppell
I'fld.ii lint*..
Leiden. Vs., Aug ii, I'-1
Ihf KpWOrth League nf Mt. Pleas
t church mel la?l Saturday night al
r Nathan Scott's .A very enjoyable
'gramme had barn prepared by Miss
iby Rensou, Chairamn of Literary
il Ss-iai Kfpattinfni fin* meeting
IS weil SttSUdsd and :i very plea
t evening spent by Um Leaguers
nu people heve been sttsuding Um
?fling at Wsslsyen conducted by
v Reevm ot ? larksv lin?
di-- \iiiy-l. Alien has returued
in a must delightful ' lsd of several
t-k- tn friend- in Darlington Heights
di-s |mos doutt, "f Ksrmville, is
if Miss Kstelle Hanson,
diss Kortuns Mci raw, of Jstersi Ills,
the guest nf Mis- Ruby Henson
s week
drs. Ann Lee, of Norfolk, i- ? Isiting
?s Kate Jones Ibis month.
vli-s Maymta MeCran im- returned
ni a delightful visit tn relatives ni
w reneex nie
iii-- Louise ewen is the guest of
ss Ida Booti Hus week
diss Annie (bradman, Wini has been
itilig Mrs Diggs fur the past two
ek- returned Friday tn her home
dis- Me.Vf Allen SpSttl la-t week
ly plea-HUlly with relatives near
I nev -
dr. clyde RensoU, nf Lynchburg.
?\pe-ted boam Bundey t" -pfmi
- (lay with Ins bouM people
Vf arr glad tn if|siit Mr William
?('raw well e nungil to tm nit again
er such a severe ill BOM
drs. Frank CslbOQB, -if Hnaimke.
I Mi-s Maymie Callmiiii. nf feunes
were guests at Mr. Sam Mien's
s week
dr. Viii** Junes visited mi Rice's
? -day
li-- Kuliy Kiiiisnii will enterlain
? JOBag people thursday evening
hniiiir nf her guests, Misses Kort BBS
< 'rsw and Loahn ?'wen
,|i,? p,e?-ie P.ark-dale will lesve
day fur a mimili - visit tn relatives
di-- [deBooti will give a picnic in
nm nf Mis-t (wen Lnday
lr. .1 Fennell Itedd. nf Knei v
tamed Hie young men of Felden
1 Saturday night I here w ere eight
len present ami a most delightful
?liing re'sirted Mr. Kedd ha- wmi
himself the reiiutatiuii nf beluga
trilling bast, He bas learned
Ml arl ,.f niakiiig
igblv st hniue las
High Hmlge llearlug*..
Higli RridgS, Va. Aug St, INS
.lille' In dil tollSC
00 Then are -mne very line . mps m
thia mdgbborbood Messrs i \
Armisleail V W tn.I D p. I.igm,
hui! several miters have splendid
Mis- Lucy il uglies left mn nelgh
iMtrhtssl Wednesday I-, v isil relatives
in Norfolk sad Baltiraora sftrn whtab
she w ill IttUfU In ber luuin in littllaiia.
' very attractive yum,!.'
Mis- Marv Hughes ami bs
Martha Hughes. ..f Ashland are
spending mme tune with v
Hughes, ot Prime Rdward
Mi-- Hanna < raw Uv ind Mi I.
Rlantou sra spending a tau
Mt I ll Bruce - tin- v>,
Mi- I ?-ti- I c.? let and lillie Jane
liaveni-t rclnriicil ri.
M i Hlsntou . tstiiili
lats tl in vi a
s.uii ii MfUega.
"'ii..'' Va . \ag fit HMS.
Mi Willie Atkinson and daughter,
Mira Nellie, I'bltsd bis stetera In Ap*
SNBSttoX la-t I- nd I , pur! a
lelightful lilli,
Mi- Rosa M. l aiIhikI. ul Richmond,
ind Mrs Lelia Mosby, of Norfolk,
pent last Friday night with their
irother, Mi J V Foster, ..f this
ie ighhmliiMiil
Misses Annie till liam, Bessie Verest
od Belle Gilliam visited Miss Nellie
Ukiiisnii las! -saturday.
Mr lliweel Anderson r-.t.-. I Mr.
ter last Sunday
Mi uni Mt- Whitlock sud -ii,
liss,-. Marilin Bessie sud -allie
iverbui amt binti,?
lr J, w Overton's last Bundsj
Mrs Lelia Koster, Missm Ka ami
-fha .'uni \lastcrs Vein.ni amt Moo*
a- Kostal ,i?iteil at Oakland Sunday
Mr. Aubrey Atkinson returned
tune Munday after a week- -tay in
Issie City
Mrs p, VT Atkinson and little Yir
nna visited at Mi John (Iilliam'a
ist Monday.
Ml-- Lily Jiiiknis and Mi . lyde
t-nkiiis. nf Ml Leigh, amt Mi-si
aarisead Mattie Jsukini and broth*
r, of Kaye, were am**ng Um guests at
ir it li i- rem b - recently.
Mr Clauds Frfiicb and fallon -pent
st Sunday at Mi L l. Kronen's
i-ai Rice
Vii J I P.ariiWfll I-spfiiding snnif
me willi relative- In North Camlnia.
'e hope iiis health will l* i.e.
,? the trip
Mr. ? K. Kreuctl attended
Bagby's Chapel ia-t Munday
Marara. L, R. ami K. L. French paid
brief v isit tn then mother la-t Satur
iv fv filing
Sfveral nf Hu- neighborhood attend
thf lawn party at Sharon la-l
tiirsilay night VII re|?.rt a pha
lt lillie
Miii.ne tsaett
Vbilene. Va.. Aug fl, HMM
The iiifeting began at Keiilah VI L
urch la-t Sumlay evening Bl
loeb Kev. Wesley Dunn, of
?tsikneal, will assist Mr Pnwell.
?t us bops that their effort may be
iwned with aa
Mrs M..Mic Snead amt daughter,
iss Lthel. sf Roeta. Boston, are IlnW
tiling her Motet and brother, of
? liena
Miss Mattie Franklin, ot tin- plata,
iinw visiting friends ami rotations
ar Madlsom Ills
VI rs N V Ball and ilsughbu Mba
attie, ara guests at Mr- Kian kl lu's
Vlr. Willis I bm-kstmi alni w ile v is
? I vii ami Mrs Lynwood Csrwitaa
cw dav? agu.
Mr. Lynwood laiwile sud wife,
.ile,! at her father- last ?iturday,
d Sunday rii-ni Vnileiif
? sorry bl learn nt Vii l.ui
ssl Puckett's illiies
IHiring a -fVfre tbuudsi -tmii
. the lightinlig striifk about
f bundled sod fifty plum- of Mi
u Franklin 's tobeceu
Miss Maggie Davis returned boara
sr Abilfiie. last Saturday, aflei a
ig ami plssssnl visit tu Roanoke
M Im Mina ' arter, ol I bm. k, via.
il bel Bister, Vlr- Heii Lranl-IiU
? terdi.y
lites -adie linns nf Lanni lilt- 1
w visiting her sunl Mrs. Womaek,
dr. Willie I'biifksni, and it li
innIUuii Visited Vii ind VK- Hen
niiklin last Munday
Mle Nuggets.
Nile, Vs., Aug. fit, I *
{Ulta a large duwil nf ymiii.'
? enjoyed a hay ride la-t lb.
v ?ene-"i meetings will begiu ai
mestown church the racoad Sun
y in September I'he people of this
?Indy hops bi bs sbts to attend
Vllclt iud Ld.lie lilli
in Herbert litauu, Kddle tJsruetl
d Irving Noble visited in Hie ima
able hmm of VD J L Karte]
f last
dr Rodophll Carnell visilcd friends
Rnrfcevllls Saturday and Sunday.
dr. I. W. Harnett was the guest nf
ss Mary Pru. -
dr and Mr- Alla-rt Hillstnaii v isit
tii the boom of Mr Joe Vaughan
day and Saturday
tis- Lelia Parlay eas the channing
'st of Mrs. M. Il Carnell
linday and Friday
tr. Ilerlterl denn and Miss Lelia
. K-v .ailed by ta -ec Mba til ??
Hey last Sunday evening.
(aita s largs crowd sttaadad pray
meeting st Providence church Hun
fteaae Annie and Maids (Hann are
itu.g relative- m Petersburg Ibis
lr Mell Farley was the guest af
parents. Mr and Mr- P ' Kar
, Friday amt Saturday
,tr. Hub Holt amt -i-tei V| r- Mary
atman of Norfolk, are visiting rei?
ves and friends n, this neighbor
ifr. and Mr- ll. S Carnell
Vinelia Sunday.
L hailey Bad daughter
ie, were the guest- of Mira
kuis last I lui' -
,lr I In." Vaughan visited his
.titer, VI, i i tghaii last
I taara Keb sad laoataa Vaughan
led SB Mi-is Mary Murdin mie day
t week.
Wurta thl Wilting.
, li alu l nu uar itiuiiilaiiilu ,
Aa liaa b??u r.luurkf*} bafi."-,
a asea *,n a Bseah
nab aluna; Ilia alum
j V nu aliiiulil alway*, keep four tcrupai
I Tltoiiitli the itlaappnlntiufuU com*,
Hm mb nf- . a al,ol. |,,i awi-ric
H bm tm sm
au la c.
v mi ?'' alta a inn.
I bout li the luck (lout come your tray,
Hui ttm tl like tullr inti, al pU
lt. inna, fur lailflilll gajr.
i iii>u,i inc aeatam
- "Ulitiok a keepit.' gluui,
Hut lt a ??((lorj' liallelu si '
MlllH .
The Trimp'i Lecture
A nan.' sshadforedriafcla s ss
l.-oii The re.|ue't was granted sud
w ben in Hie act nf drinking Hie prof
feted beverage, <>ue nf the young men
| I. -I tit fl, ll, ill, t-1
! make as a Bpsesh. iiupw*or
liquor that aessa't ealsseea s mm'i
The tramp beatUj iwellowed down
Um drink, ami as the rich Injinuemin
i*d Hiruiigh lila blood, straightened lum
?flt and shani ttefore tiieni w dh a grace
md dignity that all Ina raga ami dirt
?nulli Hut tihscuie.
... linn bS saul, "J lisik to?
nghi St you mid hiv self, ami it tasuil
lu me that I look upon the picture of
ny blighted iiiaiilnssl I ins Itloated
a ??lice aa haadssaas si youri,
lu- ibambilOg figure once wal kel a*
iroudiy as yours, fur 1 was a mau m
he wnrhl of men I. tao, once bad
t hume, ami friends, ami positlnii. 1
tad a wife as iieautiful as au artist's
lieaiu, but I dropped the pruella*
'iel bomH and lespei t Hilo S
up of wine, end Ilks cte,,palra, m
I dissolve, then quailed it ttnwu lu
be brimming draught. I batt cudd?
ell nrSSt amt pure la the tloWura of
pring, and saw lt.eui fsde and di*
mtier the blighting curie of s druuk
u fslhsi I bsd s Mobs wbsr* tm*
lt its flinn* uism the altar and iiilnla
t-red beSNS it 1'iit I put mit the holy
lt- :uitl uni kin ss and tles.'lalli'H reign
d in its -tend I had aspiratmus aud
mhilmii (nat marett as high aa Hil
nun.mg star, bul I broke amt bruised
linse beautiful forms ami strangled
hem that I might heal their cries uu
'"lay I hu. a husband w lib
ill a wife, a falhel without a child, a
'itiui it itli.mt a I.nt and a man lu
bom every guts! impulse isdead All
ave been swallowed up in Hie uiaal
: rt un of drink."
The traiii| .cased speaking, tbeglass
?ll frmn lu- nervous lingers sud waa
mitered in a thousand fragments uu
te tl,,,m I be swinging doors were
Baned open and shut again, aud
hen (he group looked up the tramp
ss gone. Li
I'he postofftaS department has msds
new ruling nu nisi! maller sddress
I t<> pat min- un runt mutes which
ill lie of grest benefit rn this couu
y when the reorgitii/stlon of tbs
,stem gnes into effect Ibis fsll Ch?
ar the new ruliug postinsstsrs are
lowed tn forward papers aa well aa
ail msttsr from ons postotBoe to sa?
ber where the person addressed te
l s rursl route. lu tbs many changes
om one poatofflce to soother that
ill result when the new routes are
tabliahed it wilt require several
midis fur the patrons to have thsll
ail properly addressed, and while
ere will necessarily be delays, mall
every charade! will finally reach
f party I" vi li,un it was addressed.
Riibmund ind Norfolk Iicurslon
? in Sept i iii, the Norfolk and West
it Kail way will operate a btw rats
fiirsimi to Kichmorid sud Norfolk
our opportunity to visit Um Capitol,
ths city by the Sea. Virginia Beach,
ne He neb iict-aii View ur any of the
?arbv resurts The special tram will
i-- Karmi Ills M I' M., ami ths
um! trip rate ta Rtehaoad is *1 M
,.i Norfolk IK _..
Iteturiiuig. the special tram will
ifnlk son p. M. and Kleh
"iid ll M P M., Friday, Sept atti
Ml half the ,'ption of fwn days lil
thai city, i ail on your nearest Nor
!k a Western Agent, or
R. ItHU.I,. U I P.KX'.i.
(I P.A., ll
Roanoke, v?
nug ls ||
? Hu policies are guarantees against
-- "i damage by lite
"Paulet! ,\ Carland.
In Niiv ember there will tie held al
rnchbiirg atinther meeting of Hie ( o
dative educational Commission
ile -peakeis will address tbe assam
t?d educators and Hie mighty linn.
flit already on font bsiking inward
a lettering of mir paella asheals will
?ene addilionsl Impetus Lvery
M. atm who eau do sn sbiillli! miks
rengseasBta I
tendenl J ll Davis harm
Ile, Va.
rrustsm Buffelu Dtotrict v\ ii
alden, Chair-man, Prospect: Ueorgs
nut i Isrh, Pamplln, B. F. D '?
?it ii Warrlnei Prospect, K F. D.
i l.
Hampden District J R. Marisa,
?airman, Millbank l <? MeOahsa,
erk. Abileitf VV A MgClBW.
i r> it k
liirmiMe liistric! ll M. Col,
iBlrman, Ksrmville; s. W. Psuiett,
erk, Ksrmville; H. K. Harrow, Farui
Leigh District. L D Junes, ( liair
ib, (liesa Bey: T i Psttus, Ctsrk.
sherrin ll D Kaufman Creen Hsy.
Loekett District vv B, i.tit*
?airman, It :? a- J T. (lark, Clerk,
h i ba- I Ker,netty, Hies,
ci Broadway New York .Ci ty.
I Allis I?VS. KKM. Co.:
Dear Sirs:?Will you semi at
nu .ts possible to uliove ad
tM a butti, of your dyspepsia
mci ly-anyway so we can get
Why <lon't you fiut.it on New
irk market /
Ifoan &c.
w. A|C.
cAlpio Dyspepsia Remedy Co.
iiraillli, Ti.

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